New methods and techniques of processing historical sources
Prigodich, N.D., Korobko, S.S. (2023). Application of Software Methods for Automated Processing of Sources of Personal Origin. Historical informatics, 1, 1–9.
The subject of this research is software methods of automated preprocessing of historical sources and the development of effective solutions to problems when working with sources of personal origin. The article analyzes the current situation in the use of modern software methods. The authors demonstrate the main range of arguments for which such historical sources from a technical point of view should be considered separately. A methodological analysis of the features of the application of optical character recognition based on preprocessed data is carried out. Special attention is paid to the advantages and key parameters of the effectiveness of the final result of work when using automated text processing, including the further use of OCR methods. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the proposal and detailed description of a software solution to the current problem based on machine learning methods. The developed program has three phases of working with digital copies of sources of personal origin. It is based on the use of the OpenCV library and solving a number of problems using the Hough transform. Based on the general analysis of the study, we can highlight the main advantages of automated preprocessing of scanned documents: reducing time, improving accuracy, combating distortion and optimizing the process. The presented results of successful testing of the developed solution allow us to judge the possible areas of its effective application.
archiving, recognition, method OCR, preprocessing, Hough transform, artificial intelligence, OpenCV library, machine learning, Sources of personal origin, digitization
Databases and search systems
Dyachkov, V.L. (2023). Databases on the history of local population migrations in Russia at the end of the XIX – XX centuries: Information capabilities and processing methods (Part II, databases of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation). Historical informatics, 1, 10–36.
The article presents methodological experience of working with sources of military departments, which provide a lot of information about the migration movements of specific people. The Ministry of Defense has created great opportunities for historians by compiling and sharing electronic managed databases on tens of millions of dead and decorated Soviet citizens. On the basis of these materials of the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense (CAMO), arranged according to dozens of parameters of related personal information, as well as according to regional, district and city military enlistment offices, regional authorities prepared and published in printed and electronic form relevant Books in memory of fellow countrymen who died on the fronts of World War II and returned home alive. Comparing the place of birth and the year of birth of the person involved in the mentioned databases with the place and time of his conscription into the Red Army with a high representativeness of personalities gives a very accurate idea of the volume and direction of emigration from their native places. Electronic databases and other mass sources originating from the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation are the most important and mandatory basis for studying Russian migrations on long continuous lines of complex sociographic information. Their principal methodological advantage is the possibility of creating holistic pictures of formative social processes and phenomena at the levels from individual human destinies to aggregations of country scales.
heroes of the USSR, Memory Book, Tambov Region, The Great Patriotic War, social mobility, historical demographics, migration, database, military personnel, prisoners of war
Historical process modeling
Zhukov, D.S., Kanishchev, V.V., Lyamin, S.K. (2023). Modeling of demographic processes in the Tambov and Tver regions (1989 – 2020). Historical informatics, 1, 37–54.
The aim of the study is to reconstruct the demographic strategies of rural societies. The object of the study is individual settlements and village councils (groups of settlements) of the Tambov and Tver regions (a total of 2861 settlements and 371 village councils). The presented work is undertaken within the framework of a large project on fractal modeling of demographic strategies of the agrarian population of European Russia in a long historical retrospective – since the middle of the XIX century. The chronological framework of the article covers not only the agricultural crisis of the 1990s, but also a certain recovery of some rural settlements in the 2000s - 2010s. To conduct experiments with the proposed computer model, a database was created in which the main parameters of the studied settlements and village councils are presented in a formalized form. The authors conclude that, despite all the differences, the demographic strategies of Tver and Tambov settlements evolve within the same pattern: Tver and Tambov regions are simply in slightly different phases of the same process. Peasant society in the Tver region has less potential as a migration donor and a base for natural growth. The older and northern Tver Region has been following the path of de-settlement and urbanization for a longer time. Tambov peasant society is somewhat less depleted and, therefore, could demonstrate great demographic success in the case of a successful demographic policy.
death rate, birth rate, migration, Tver region, Tambov region, rural population, demographic strategies, historical demography, fractal modeling, demographic factors
Geographic information systems and 3D reconstruction
Korsakov, S.A. (2023). Virtual Reconstruction of Buildings of the Sennitsy Estate near Moscow: Sources and Research Methods. Historical informatics, 1, 55–78.
The problem of historical and cultural heritage preservation is very relevant these days. Increasing number of monuments is being destroyed every day; however, our compatriots are continuously becoming more interested in landmarks Russia. There has been a marked increase in the number of tourist routes in Moscow region. Numerous noble estates represent an important part of the region’s cultural assets. In Moscow region, there are lots of former estates of prominent families of the Russian Empire: today many of these properties are in ruins. Manor Sennitsy situated in Ozyory district of Moscow region is one of such gradually decaying cultural monuments with a rich history. This study analyzes a set of sources, on the basis of which the author creates a virtual 3D-reconstruction of manor Sennitsy in the period of late 19th – early 20th century when it was owned by the family of Count F.E. Keller. The source base for the study is very diverse: plans, drawings, cartographic materials, photographs, inventories of property, construction cost estimates. The author describes gradual process of 3D-modelling, in the framework of which softwares SketchUp and Twinmotion were used. The article pays attention to the history of Sennitsy’s construction and its owners. Reconstruction of buildings of the Sennitsy manor complex allows to visualize an image of the destroyed monument of culture, as well as to demonstrate high potential of using 3D-modelling methods in history. This study is carried out within the framework of the Project of reconstruction of appearance of the noble estates of the Moscow region, supported by the Department of Historical Information Science of the Faculty of History of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University.
virtual reconstruction, 3D modelling, source study aspects, Moscow region, cultural heritage, F E Keller, noble estate Sennitsy, manor, visualisation, colourisation
Geographic information systems and 3D reconstruction
Babaitsev, M.N., Stepanova, I. (2023). 3D Modeling and 3D Printing Technologies in the Preservation and Popularization of Architectural Monuments of the Vasilevo Museum-Reserve (Tver region). Historical informatics, 1, 79–89.
The article presents the results of a project to create virtual models of architectural monuments of the Vasilevo Landscape Museum-Reserve in the Tver region with their subsequent 3D printing and creation of a large-scale layout. The Vasilevo Museum-Reserve is located on the territory of the Lviv estate of the XVIII-XIX centuries and includes manor buildings, as well as 16 monuments of wooden architecture of the XVIII-XIX centuries, brought and installed on the territory of the reserve of their various districts of the Tver region. Among them are objects of cultural heritage of federal significance: wooden temples, monuments of civil development. The museum is a branch of the Tver State United Museum and is included in the tourist route "Pushkin Ring of the Upper Volga region". As a result of the authors' project, virtual models and large-scale physical models of 19 architectural objects of the Vasilevo Museum-Reserve were made. Photogrammetry, polygonal 3D modeling, FFF 3D printing, and layout technologies were used in the work. The process of photographing to create a digital model using photogrammetry technology was carried out using a professional UAV and a SLR camera. The main software was Blender, Autodesk Meshmixer, Agisoft Metashape. The experience of digitizing objects has shown that photogrammetry makes it possible to capture fine details well in a computer model, which can be further reflected in large-scale models with 3D printing. In particular, these are wooden walls and ceilings of various designs, masonry, engraved images and inscriptions on stone. 3D printing was carried out on Creality Ender 3 and Creality Ender 5 3D printers. The printing material was polylactide plastic. The printed models were painted and reinforced in the form of a scale model. The finished model was transferred to the Vasilevo Museum and is used for museum display.
digitization, photogrammetry, wooden architecture, model, museum, 3D printing, 3D modeling, virtual model, architecture, Tver region
Computerized analysis of historical texts
Grebenchenko, I.V. (2023). The Soyuz-Apollo Project in Soviet (Russian) and American newspapers: content analysis. Historical informatics, 1, 90–101.
This study examines the materials of the Soviet, Russian and American press devoted to the program of the first Soviet-American space cooperation "Soyuz–Apollo", implemented in July 1975. The display of the preparation, implementation of the project and the results of the flight is the subject of this study. The source base of the research is the periodical press, namely articles of the Soviet (Russian) newspapers Izvestia and Pravda and the American The New York Times, which are located on the EastView resource and on the website of the New York Times archive. In this study, a set of analytical methods and computer technologies was used, including the method of content analysis. The novelty of the study is related to the task of comparing the press coverage of the participating states of information about the preparation, implementation of the project and the results of the flight. The relevance of the research lies in the approbation of new research methods and approaches when working with large full-text databases, including in a foreign language. The study revealed four aspects of the reflection of the Soyuz-Apollo program in the analyzed newspapers: cooperation in space, the impact of the project on international relations, the impact of the program on the further development of the world manned cosmonautics, as well as the role of Soviet and American participants of the program in its successful implementation.
flight, Leonov, Stafford, USA, USSR, Apollo–Soyuz, astronautics, ASTP, cooperation, space
New methods and techniques of processing historical sources
Galushko, I.N. (2023). Correcting OCR Recognition of the Historical Sources Texts Using Fuzzy Sets (on the Example of an Early 20th Century Newspaper). Historical informatics, 1, 102–113.
Our article is presenting an attempt to apply NLP methods to optimize the process of text recognition (in case of historical sources). Any researcher who decides to use scanned text recognition tools will face a number of limitations of the pipeline (sequence of recognition operations) accuracy. Even the most qualitatively trained models can give a significant error due to the unsatisfactory state of the source that has come down to us: cuts, bends, blots, erased letters - all these interfere with high-quality recognition. Our assumption is to use a predetermined set of words marking the presence of a study topic with Fuzzy sets module from the SpaCy to restore words that were recognized with mistakes. To check the quality of the text recovery procedure on a sample of 50 issues of the newspaper, we calculated estimates of the number of words that would not be included in the semantic analysis due to incorrect recognition. All metrics were also calculated using fuzzy set patterns. It turned out that approximately 119.6 words (mean for 50 issues) contain misprints associated with incorrect recognition. Using fuzzy set algorithms, we managed to restore these words and include them in semantic analysis.
topic modeling, content analysis, Levenshtein distance, Birzhevye vedomosti, text preprocessing, NLP (natural language processing), fuzzy sets, OCR correction, recognition of historical sources, historical newspapers
New methods and techniques of processing historical sources
Parfenov, V.A. (2023). 3D laser scanning in digitization, reconstruction and replication of sculptural monuments. Historical informatics, 1, 114–124.
This article is devoted to the application of 3D laser scanning technology to solve the urgent problems of modern museum work. The possibility of using this technology for digitizing cultural and historical heritage objects for the purpose of documenting them, monitoring the state of preservation, restoration, virtual reconstruction, as well as creating copies of them is shown. The results of practical work on the creation of high-precision copies of marble sculptures from the museums of St. Petersburg as a result of the combined use of 3D scanning and milling stone processing machines with numerical control are presented. In addition, the prospects of using laser additive technologies for the restoration and replication of historical monuments are shown.
digitising, monitoring, documentation, sculptural monuments, cultural and historical heritage, laser three-dimensional scanning, restoration, reconstruction, replication, laser additive technologies
Chronicles of scientific life
Vladimirov, V.N., Volodin, A.Y., Garskova, I.M., Frolov, A. (2023). International Scientific Conference "Historical Informatics as Historical Data Science": on the 30th anniversary of the Association "History and Computer". Historical informatics, 1, 125–146.
The article discusses the content and results of the international conference of the Association "History and Computer" (AIC) "Historical Informatics as Historical Data Science", held on November 11-13, 2022 at the Faculty of History of Lomonosov Moscow State University. All stages and forms of the conference are described in detail: 2 plenary sessions, breakout sessions, a round table. The conference was dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the AIC and the 10th anniversary of the journal "Historical Informatics". The conference program included over 100 reports, the authors of which represented scientific centers of Russia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Germany, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Norway and Uzbekistan. The main part of the conference consisted of 10 breakout sessions, where reports were presented on topical historical problems, the solution of which was proposed by the authors on the basis of methods and technologies of historical informatics. At the same time, in most reports, considerable attention was paid to the characteristics of the data used, methods of their processing and visualization. Much attention was paid to the creation of databases and information systems, statistical processing of historical data, methods of text analysis, historical geoinformatics, 3-D modeling. The results of archaeological research using digital technologies, methods of historical informatics in the research work of archives and museums, digital technologies in historical education were also considered.
data, technology, method, source, data science, conference, historical information science, history, statistics, archive