Colonial policies of world powers
Li, J. (2023). The dilemma of France's relations with Africa in the 21st century: the relationship between discourse and practice. International relations, 3, 1–11.
The object of the study is the foreign policy of the French Republic. The subject of the study is the African vector of France's foreign policy in the 21st century during the presidencies of N. Sarkozy, F. Hollande and the current head of state E. Macron. The purpose of the study is to identify the reasons why France faced difficulties in the African direction of its foreign policy in the 21st century. The author analyses in detail the declarative and practical components of French policy towards Africa in the period under study. Particular attention is paid to the evolution of French military intervention in Africa between 2007 and 2023. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that the study makes a comparative analysis of the discursive and practical dimensions of French policy towards Africa between 2007 and 2023 in order to identify possible reasons for the failure of France's policy course towards Africa in the 21st century. The study concludes that France, which has a long history of colonisation of Africa, still does not consider Africa as an equal partner, while the African dimension of French foreign policy is characterised by a contradiction between its declarative and practical components, as the declared principle of equality as the basis of Franco-African relations actually gives way to the traditional policy of spheres of influence and France's desire to maintain its position on the African continent.
Francois Hollande, Nicolas Sarkozy, special partner for Africa, colonialism, military presence, Franco-African relations, Africa, France, foreign policy, Emmanuel Macron
World politics
Liu, Y. (2023). The Role of China and Russia in Global Governance: The Case of the G20. International relations, 3, 12–22.
The object of the study is the policy of Russia and China on international platforms in the sphere of global governance. The subject of the study is the peculiarities of Russia's and China's policy within the framework of international associations with the example of Russian-Chinese interaction in the G20. The aim of the study is to identify common positions of Russia and China on global governance issues, as well as the role of the two countries in defining the global development agenda and solving pressing problems of the international community. The author analyses the dynamics of interaction between Russia and China within the framework of the G20 summits from 2008 to 2022 and the changing approaches of the two countries to global governance and the vision of a new international order, as well as identifies the place of the two countries in the formation of a new agenda for the development of cooperation within the G20. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that the paper attempts to conceptualise Russian-Chinese cooperation within the G20 from the perspective of shaping a non-Western discourse on the new international order. The study analyses the significance of such global challenges as the 2008 financial crisis, the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and the worsening of the Ukrainian crisis in 2022 for the G20 and Russian-Chinese cooperation within this association. The study concludes that during the 2008-2022 period, the G20 has witnessed a trend of strengthening the voice of developing states, primarily Russia and China, which has actualised the agenda of inclusiveness and multipolarity as the basis of a new international order. However, as a result of these global challenges, there is a threat of antagonism between Western and non-Western approaches to global governance, which calls into question the current potential of the G20 to achieve consensus on key international issues.
environmental agenda, global trade, global challenges, inclusiveness, global governance, G20, China, Russia, digital trade, global security
History of international relations
Li, M. (2023). Cooperation between China and the United States in the field of science and education in 1969-1993. International relations, 3, 23–34.
Cooperation in the field of science and education has always been one of the key directions in the development of relations between China and the United States. The object of study in this paper is the Sino-American relations. The subject of the study is the interaction and cooperation between China and the United States in the field of science and education in the period 1969-1993. The purpose of the study is to assess the Chinese-American cooperation in the field of science and education in 1969-1993. The author examines the evolution of interaction in the field of science and education between China and the United States, identifies the factors that influenced cooperation in this area. The novelty of this study lies in a comprehensive assessment of the development trend of Chinese-American cooperation in the field of science and education based on an analysis of the achievements and problems of such cooperation in the period 1969-1993. The system method made it possible to consider the trend of cooperation in the field of science and education between China and the United States based on the wide use of sources. The author concludes that political stability was a necessary condition for cooperation in the field of science and education, and despite the asymmetry of partnership in this area, Sino-American cooperation in this period has achieved significant results.
Richard Nixon, Deng Xiaoping, Cold War, PRC, United States, Soviet Union, scientific and educational cooperation, education, science, Sino-American relations
Global cooperation
Grishina, N., Kargovskaia, E., Kuznetsova, V. (2023). Challenges and Prospects for Dialogue between Europe and Latin America in Higher Education: Towards a System of Global Interuniversity Cooperation. International relations, 3, 35–46.
The article analyzes the challenges and prospects for cooperation between Europe and Latin America in the field of higher education. The aim of the paper is to identify the potential for interregional dialogue in the context of globalization. The methodology used is a comparative analysis of higher education systems in Europe and Latin America. As a result, it is shown that despite the Europeanization of Latin American education, there are still significant differences that need to be taken into account when transferring European experience. The priorities for further interaction – creation of a common educational space and scientific-innovative networks - are outlined. The results can be useful for developing a strategy of internationalization of education. The novelty lies in the systematic comparison of approaches to the modernization of higher education in the two regions. The conclusion is made about the need for effective coordination and search for optimal formats of dialogue between Europe and Latin America for the formation of a global educational space.
Academic Environment, Europe, Latin America, Global Interuniversity Collaboration, Challenges, Prospects, International Cooperation, Research and development, Scientific and innovation networks, Higher Education
World politics
Li, N. (2023). Chinese Factor in Changing Geopolitical Reality (1991–2022). International relations, 3, 47–61.
This work is devoted to the study of the factor of the People’s Republic of China in the changing geopolitical reality (1991–2022). The subject of the study is the factor of the People’s Republic of China in the changing geopolitical reality since the end of the Cold War. The aim of the study is to determine the role of the People’s Republic of China in changing the international world order. In order to achieve the previously stated goal, a number of main tasks are set: to identify the causes of the defeat of the USSR in the Cold War and its disintegration; to analyze the consequences of the disintegration of the USSR; to determine the reasons for the growth of the PRC in the international arena; to describe methods, the implementation of which led to the growth of the People’s Republic of China; to consider the Chinese factor in the changing geopolitical situation. The main conclusions of the study is the identification of the People’s Republic of China’s factor in the changing geopolitical situation is the position of the economic and technological pioneer of the reconstruction of the world arena, which is dominated by the US and its allies.
OBOR, BRICS, SCO, Economics, Geopolitics, Globalism, USA, CPR, China, Cold War
Regional configurations of international relations
Smirnova, E.B. (2023). China and the Republic of Zimbabwe: the main areas of cooperation. International relations, 3, 62–69.
After sanctions in the 2000s were imposed, the cooperation with China that helped Zimbabwe to cope with the crisis at home and on the international arena. The object of research in this paper is the Sino-Zimbabwean relations. The subject of the study is the interaction and cooperation between China and Zimbabwe in politics and economics in the period 2000-2019. The purpose of the study is to assess the main areas of Chinese–Zimbabwean cooperation in 2000-2019. The author examines the evolution of interaction in the political and economic sphere between China and Zimbabwe, identifies the factors that influenced cooperation in these areas. The novelty of this study lies in a comprehensive assessment of the development trend of Chinese-Zimbabwean cooperation in the field of politics and economics in the period 2000-2019. The systematic method allowed us to consider the trend of cooperation in the field of politics and economics between the PRC and the Republic of Zimbabwe on the basis of extensive use of sources. The author concludes that cooperation between China and Zimbabwe is important in the context of the foreign policy of both countries. This multifaceted alliance in the political and economic spheres contributes to the development and strengthening of diplomatic ties, which have an impact on the common prosperity of both countries.
Emmerson Mnangagwa, Foreign policy, Political cooperation, Sanctions, Trade, Investments, Economic cooperation, Robert Mugabe, Zimbabwe, China
International image of the state
Romanova, E.A. (2023). The tasks of cultural diplomacy as part of the strategic culture of the People's Republic of China. International relations, 3, 70–80.
As China major actor of the world politics, the development of Chinese culture is not only an internal need to improve its own comprehensive strength, but also an external need for the world to understand Chinese culture. The subject of the study is the study of the strategic culture of the PRC. The subject of the research is to identify the main tasks of China's cultural diplomacy. Here we should pay attention to the study of the strategic importance of cultural diplomacy. Culture has become not only an instrument of international competition, but also an important means of maintaining and expanding national interests and acquiring an international image. The main conclusion of the study is the understanding that the development of cultural strategy is an integral part of China's modern diplomacy. It is as important as economic globalization and political multipolarity. The use of culture as a means of diplomacy is the result of hundreds of years of world practice. A good understanding of cultural diplomacy is equivalent to mastering a skill that is a link between countries. The purpose of the work is to search and analyze the tasks of China's cultural diplomacy as one of the important parts of the strategic culture of the country as a whole. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the use of materials in Chinese, as well as conducting research based on Chinese experts.
national interest, international relations, cultural strategies, cultural exchanges, cultural diplomacy, China, country's image, China's diplomacy, Soft power, strategic culture
International economy relations
Sizov, A.A. (2023). Development of hydropower generation as a factor of the international agenda. International relations, 3, 81–97.
The subject of the article is the development of global hydropower generation as an integral part of the international energy agenda. The introduction of hydropower generation technologies meets the main challenges of the global energy market, contributes to increasing energy efficiency and saving resources, represents a great potential for solving global problems: creating an energy base for economic development in developing countries, increasing domestic production, stabilizing the social situation, reducing dependence on hydrocarbons, reducing carbon dioxide emissions, increasing energy security. The development of hydropower contributes to increasing the stability of the global energy infrastructure, allows us to achieve the clearest correspondence between the needs of the energy system and the volume of electricity generation. The scientific novelty of the work lies, first of all, in its macroeconomic nature. The main conclusion of the study is that hydrogenation plays a significant role on the international agenda, contributing to the achievement of sustainable development goals, combating climate change and ensuring energy stability and economic development. Hydroelectric power plants allow states to increase their independence and mitigate the consequences of rising energy prices. In the conditions of modern energy transition, hydrogenation can be considered as the optimal solution to two seemingly contradictory problems: ensuring the possibility of economic development, improving living standards, and reducing anthropogenic impact on the environment. The most important development of hydropower is seen for the countries of the Global South, which are in conditions of permanent energy shortage. The development of this direction of electric generation will create a long-term stable basis for economic and social development, real economic decolonization, smoothing out the global imbalances of inequality of opportunities. The multiplicative economic effect of hydroelectric projects both at the stage of construction and operation of facilities is interesting, as well as the investment attractiveness of hydroelectric power as at the same time the cheapest, relatively predictable and environmentally friendly energy source corresponding to ESG certificates. The results obtained can be used to develop solutions in the field of hydropower in Russia, including in the field of the country's foreign policy.
BRICS countries, Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG), Investments in hydropower energy, Energy sovereignty, Energy security, Global Hydropower Alliance, Greenhouse gas emissions, Hydropower potential, renewable energy sources, Hydropower
History of international relations
Melkonyan, L. (2023). Humanitarian Assistance in Japan's Foreign Policy: Basic Principles and Mechanisms for Providing Humanitarian Aid. International relations, 3, 98–106.
Humanitarian assistance is one of the most important criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of foreign policy of a state. The provision of humanitarian aid is currently a key area of Japan's international activities and foreign policy. As one of the world's largest humanitarian aid donors and the oldest member of the OECD's Development Assistance Committee, Japan provides assistance in practically all areas of the world's conflicts and natural and anthropogenic hazards. Official Development Assistance (ODA) and humanitarian aid as its subspecies are considered as a practical tool for Japan's international humanitarian activities. Japan's experience in the field of humanitarian assistance is the object of research by both Japanese and foreign authors who evaluate Japanese humanitarian assistance in different ways. A distinctive feature of modern Japan's humanitarian assistance is an integrated approach to providing aid, with an emphasis on cooperation with international organizations and the attraction of available funds from various government departments and organizations. Japan plays a leading role in the field of humanitarian assistance in the international arena and takes an active part in shaping the international agenda in this area.
foreign policy principles, state policy, international organizations, JICA, OECD, foreign policy, humanitarian aid, humanitarian assistance, ODA, Japan