Political stability
Khadyrov, R.Y. (2023). Correlation of Transformation and Modernization Processes in the Formation of the Political System of Tajikistan. International relations, 2, 1–10. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0641.2023.2.39970
The problems of socio-political, cultural transformation of traditional society and modernization of the political system of Tajikistan have been in the focus of attention of Tajik and Russian political scientists since the independence of the republic. This article reveals some theoretical aspects and practical results of the post-Soviet transformation of institutions and modernization of the political system. The essential links between the categories "transformation", "modernization", "political transit", revealing the nature of the political and systemic transformations that have taken place in Tajikistan, have been established. It is concluded that the general trend for traditional societies engaged in "catching up modernization" is authoritarian methods of managing the modernization process, which is typical for Tajikistan. The topic of accelerating the modernization of largely traditional Tajik society and its political system is becoming increasingly relevant in the era of global changes in the world order. The contradiction between "tradition" and "modernity" is not only a clash of ideological and political attitudes, it is a question of the survival of power elites and the source of the development of the political system. The analysis of the vectors and completeness of the post-Soviet political-systemic and regime transformation of Tajikistan is relevant and important for assessing the resilience of the state and society to the growing global challenges and regional threats. The purpose of the article is to determine the typology, stages of processes characterizing the institutional, political, and social changes that have occurred over 30 years of independence. The goal is related to the research question: Is the current state of Tajikistan's political system and society the completion of the post–Soviet political transformation, the stage of democratic transit, or the next stage of modernization, institutional modification? We will begin the search for answers by considering the theory and etymological foundations of these categories.
political transformation, political behavior, political science, transit, modernization, transformation, political system, Tadjikistan, institutional sphere, reformation
Global cooperation
Shaheti, A. (2023). China’s Interests in the Balkans. International relations, 2, 11–17. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0641.2023.2.40811
The study focuses on the interests of the People’s Republic of China in the Balkans. The study focuses on the political and economic relations of the People’s Republic of China with key players in the Balkans: Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria and the Republic of Turkey. The author examines in detail the national interests of the People’s Republic of China vis-à-vis the States of the region. Close attention is paid to the tension in the region and ways of its alleviation by the People’s Republic of China. This study is based on the theory of political realism characterizing relations between States as rivalry or enmity for the purpose of defending their national interests. The absence of confrontation between States is seen as a temporary phenomenon replaced by confrontation and/or military action. During the study the author applied institutional, analytical and problem-chronological methods. The main conclusions of the research are the establishment of the interests of the People’s Republic of China in the Balkan region in the context of the implementation by the People’s Republic of China of the project «One Belt and One Road», the land part of which is called «The Economic Belt of the New Silk Road», affects key players in the Balkan Peninsula: the Turkish Republic, Romania and Bulgaria. The author found an exception to the policy of economic expansion of the People’s Republic of China in the person of the Republic of Srpska. Moreover, the growth of trade between the People’s Republic of China and Serbia, Turkey, Romania and Bulgaria has been given close attention. The urgency of the study is due to the growing political and economic influence of the People’s Republic of China throughout the world, not excluding the Balkan region.
Interests, OBOR, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Kosovo, Serbia, Balkans, China, Silk Road
Theory and methodology of international relations
Gavrilenko, N.V. (2023). “Fear” as a disintegration factor: conceptual view on British-European relations in light of Brexit. International relations, 2, 18–35. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0641.2023.2.41052
The article aims at contributing to discussions on British national identity and its impact on the state’s foreign policy, with British-European relations used as an example. The author provides a concept of “fear” within the constructivist approach as a tool to explain withdrawing from the integration organisation. According to it, the logic of state’s behaviour can be explained with the help of four impulses that cause fear for one’s own identity. These are generalised categories that make it easier to analyse and describe actions taken by actors while interacting with their counteragents. Given the results of the research on British-European relations, one can conclude that deeper integration and gradually empowered supranational bodies provoke conflict between national and transnational identities. For fear of being deprived of its identity, which is of paramount importance, the United Kingdom was trying to securitise the threat by leaving the Union. Accordingly, the concept of “fear” facilitates defining reasons why politicians turn to politicising a problem and developing a security scenario, which is Brexit when it comes to British-European relations. Yet, it doesn’t guarantee identity restoration and can only aggravate internal issues, which is proved by the case of Great Britain.
Fear, Right-wing populism, Cognitive community-regions, Transnational identity, National identity, Constructivism, Brexit, the European Union, Great Britain, Euroscepticism
Peacekeeping operations
Jiang, Y. (2023). Peacekeeping in Chinese Leader Xi Jinping's Concept of Global Security Management. International relations, 2, 36–53. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0641.2023.2.39555
The theoretical basis of Xi Jinping's concept of global security governance and its practical application to UN peacekeeping is the subject of this study. The aim of the article is to form a broader picture of Xi Jinping's concept of global security governance, including through an analysis of its practical application in UN peacekeeping activities. The author examines in detail such aspects of the topic as the crisis of the world order after the collapse of the bipolar world, the ideas of global security governance in Xi Jinping's policy, as well as the concretization of China's Global Security Initiative in peacekeeping activities under the auspices of the UN. From the perspective of global security governance, including peacekeeping activities, is disclosed much less frequently (in the Russian-language sources this direction is practically not covered), which indicates the relevance of this article. The conceptualization of the Global Security Initiative (GSI) and its communication to the general public in April 2022 add to the novelty of the study. Using the systematic method, the author concludes that the Global Security Initiative (GSI), responding to a wide range of Chinese national interests, was a response to the imbalanced international security order dominated by the collective West. One foreign policy priority is to position the PRC as a new reliable provider of global security. The participation of the People's Liberation Army of China (PLA) in UN peacekeeping activities essentially solves this task.
The Belt and Road, national interests, Xi Jinping, United Nations, cold war, unipolar world order, multilateral cooperation, peacekeeping, GSI, PRC
Sociology of international relations
Awah, J. (2023). The African Diaspora in Russia: History, Contributions, and Potential for Africa-Russia Relations. International relations, 2, 54–60. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0641.2023.2.40826
The African diaspora in Russia has a long and complex history, dating back to the era of the Soviet Union. Despite facing significant challenges, the African diaspora in Russia has made important contributions to Russian society and has the potential to play a key role in strengthening Africa-Russia relations. This article provides an overview of the history of the African diaspora in Russia, its contributions to Russian society, and the ways in which it can contribute to Africa-Russia relations. Drawing on existing literature and case studies, the paper analyses the challenges and opportunities facing the African diaspora in Russia and provides recommendations for policymakers seeking to strengthen Africa-Russia relations. The main conclusions from this article are recommendations for policymakers. The growing economic ties between Africa and Russia provide opportunities for future development, but policymakers must address the challenges facing the African diaspora in Russia to fully realize this potential. Policymakers can strengthen Africa-Russia relations and create a more inclusive and equitable society for all by promoting anti-discrimination policies, supporting African students and entrepreneurs, increasing cultural exchange and dialogue, and considering the African diaspora as partners and not instrument to promote its own interest. This will go a long way to improve the image of Russia abroad since the diaspora always act as a bridge to other world regions.
post-Soviet era, adaptation problems, Pan-Africanism, Russia, Contributions of African diaspora, Soft Power, Foreign Policy, Russo-African relations, African diaspora, policymakers