Concepts of political structure of the world
Han, X., Liu, X. (2023). Innovations of "great power diplomacy with chinese characteristics" by Xi Jinping "in the new era". International relations, 4, 1–14.
The article is devoted to the peculiarities of Chinese diplomacy at the present stage of China's development. The purpose of the proposed study is to determine the features of "great power diplomacy with Chinese specifics in the new era." The purpose of this work - to examine the peculiarities of Xi Jinping-era diplomacy, to clarify the degree of their continuity with respect to previous diplomatic strategies of China, as well as to interpret the modern diplomatic strategy of "great power diplomacy with Chinese specifics" as a consequence of the growing power of China challenging the hegemony of the United States. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is based on the theory of structural realism and the theory of the transit of power, which allow us to study the influence of Chinese diplomacy as a derivative of China's increasing role in global governance on the process of structuring both the regional subsystem and the global system of international relations. The relevance of this study is associated with a change in the tactics of Chinese diplomacy towards a more focused and tougher rhetoric, emphasizing intransigence with baseless attacks by Western countries and manipulations with the vulnerability of indigenous Chinese interests. In the study, the authors note that throughout the period under review, pragmatism and an orientation towards modernization and strengthening of the country remained the invariable principle of Chinese diplomacy. Xi Jinping proclaimed a course for the "revival of the Chinese nation," which met with resistance from the countries of the "Collective West." The authors' scientifically significant contribution to the study of the peculiarities of the diplomatic practice of the People's Republic of China in the context of the implementation of the "diplomacy of a great power with Chinese specifics in a new era" is to assess the degree of compliance of this course with the need to defend China's fundamental national interests in a complicated international situation. The article emphasizes that "the diplomacy of a great power with Chinese specifics" allows China to demonstrate the behavior of a great power and at the same time change the balance of forces in the "international struggle for public opinion."
great power, core interests, security, community of common destiny, chinese characteristics, great power diplomacy, global leadership, Xi Jinping, diplomacy, China
Russian foreign policy
Trifonova, E.D., Babintseva, E.A. (2023). Russian-Belarusian relations of the late 1990s – early 2000s: the view of French researchers. International relations, 4, 15–22.
The article identifies and analyzes the views of modern French researchers on the relations between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus. The study of the works of French scientists makes it possible to analyze Russia's foreign policy not only in relation to its closest neighbor, the Republic of Belarus, but also in relation to the entire post-Soviet space. The subject of the study is the relations between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus in the late 1990s – early 2000s. The article is an attempt to fill the gap in French historiography and analyze the relations between the two former Soviet republics through the prism of French studies. The article also examines the assessments that French authors give to integration associations in the post-Soviet space, as well as to the interaction between the two states in the military and economic spheres. The study is relevant due to the fact that it is the first time the French works devoted to Russian-Belarusian relations in the post-Soviet period have been analysed. Historical, narrative, and comparative-historical methods of historical research were used as the main methods. The author comes to the conclusion that, according to the majority of French researchers, since the collapse of the USSR, relations between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus have been the strongest and most stable compared to other former Soviet republics, despite the obvious great dependence of Belarus on Russia. Moreover, the participation of both countries in the same integration associations and the creation of a common Union State not only speaks about the similar interests of both countries, but it further strengthens the relationship between them.
French researchers, Customs Union, EurAsEC, Union State, CIS, Belarus, Russia, post-Soviet space, foreign policy, integration processes
Political stability
Koevich, S. (2023). The specifics of the management of Bosnia and Herzegovina under international control. International relations, 4, 23–33.
The subject of this article is the current political situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The article presents the definition of the concept of constitutional power in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is considered how international organizations influence the constitutional power in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The author examines in detail such aspects of the topic as the current legal state of Bosnia and Herzegovina, domestic and foreign policy, the influence of international presence and many others. The focus is on the question of who and how currently governs Bosnia and Herzegovina. The article presents a detailed analysis of the functions and work of the High Representative and the Peace Implementation Council. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that the article is a detailed constructive analysis of international interference in the functioning of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The role of the High Representative is also described in detail as one of the main contradictions of the authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The author comes to the conclusion that there is an absolute discrepancy between reality, that is, facts with the idea of the way and functioning of this state. The specificity of Bosnia and Herzegovina lies in the fact that a number of international institutions directly affect both the domestic and foreign policy of the country. The factor of internal influence is integrated into its political system through the penetration of international law there. It is noted that unlike other European countries with a complex history, Bosnia and Herzegovina lacks an initiative approach to solving problems and developing the state. The author comes to the conclusion that the role of the High Representative is one of the main contradictions in Bosnia and Herzegovina and that the illegitimate appointment of High Representative Christian Schmit throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina deepens the ethno-political conflict and puts the Serbs in the Republika Srpska in an even more difficult situation.
Western Balkans, Republika Srpska, Christian Schmit, failed state, ethnopolitical conflict, a political phenomenon, The Dayton Agreement, High Representative, international control, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Political stability
Bogdanova, A.V. (2023). The evolution of Belgrade's position on the Kosovo issue after 2008. International relations, 4, 34–46.
This article examines the evolution of Belgrade's official position on the Kosovo issue. The author explores such aspects as the importance of Kosovo in the historical consciousness of the Serbian political elite, the stages of the current attitude towards Kosovo on the part of the Serbian leadership, as well as the significance of historical events on the Kosovo for modern Serbia. The object of the study is the Kosovo crisis, the subject is the vision of the presidents and senior officials of Serbia of the fate of Kosovo. Special attention is paid to the historical stage of the formation of national ideas among Serbs and Albanians, in which the battle on the Kosovo field played a key role. Studying the positions of the presidents and senior officials of Serbia on Kosovo allows to track the process of folding the current position, and also allows to see the trajectory of the formation of attitudes towards Kosovo. The main conclusion of the study is the idea that the struggle for Kosovo in Serbia is a central national idea that serves as a unifying principle and builds patriotism around itself. A special contribution of the author is the systematic tracking of the evolution of Belgrade's position on the Kosovo issue. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that the article consistently and constructively describes the approach of various Serbian presidents to the problem based on their speeches, statements and actions in the international arena.
Aleksandar Vučić, Slobodan Milošević, Greater Serbia, NATO, Kosovo field, Serbia, Belgrade, Kosovo, USA, Russia
International economy relations
Shaheti, A. (2023). China’s Investment and Infrastructure Cooperation with Balkan Countries. International relations, 4, 47–57.
The author examines the cooperation of the PRC with countries in the Balkan region in the areas of investment and infrastructure. The study focuses on China’s economic relations with key actors in the Balkan region: Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania and Serbia. The subject of the study is investment and infrastructure cooperation of China with the countries of the region in the context of the project «One Belt One Road». The author examines in detail the impact of foreign direct investment (FDI) on the economies of various countries, major FDI flows, the development of the financial sector of the PRC, the cooperation of China in the field of FDI and infrastructure with the main actors of the Balkan region. The author pays special attention to the aspect of implementation of the project «OBOR» in the context of cooperation of China with the countries of the Balkan region. This study is based on the theory of political realism. The main conclusions of the study are the definition of the initiative «One Belt One Road» as a key factor of cooperation of the People’s Republic of China with the countries of the Balkan region, the identification of the main directions of investment of the People’s Republic of China in the Balkan Peninsula: The Republic of Turkey, Bulgaria and Romania, analysis of the impact of political differences between the Governments of the States of the region and the People’s Republic of China on the flow of foreign direct investment and infrastructure projects.
Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, OBOR, Balkans, FDI, Investments, PRC, China
Interests and values
Wang, T. (2023). The role of the Confucius Institutes in the dissemination of the Chinese language in the Russian Federation. International relations, 4, 58–66.
This article is devoted to the study of the role of Confucius Institutes in the dissemination of the Chinese language in the Russian Federation. The relevance of the research topic is due to several factors: the rapid growth of the influence of the People’s Republic of China on the international arena, the growth of bilateral cooperation between the PRC and the Russian Federation under conditions of transformation of the international relations situation, phenomenon of «power transition». The object of this study is «soft power» of the PRC. The study focuses on the role of the Confucius Institutes in promoting the Chinese language in the Russian Federation. The author considers in detail the role of Confucius Institutes in the context of the implementation of the «soft power» of China, the activities of Confucius Institutes in the Russian Federation. The author pays special attention to the study of the policy of «soft power» of the PRC in the context of «power transition». This study is based on neo-liberalism. The main conclusions of the study are the characterization of «soft power» of China as a historically deep phenomenon, the evaluation of the Chinese language as one of the key elements of «soft power» of the People’s Republic of China at the present stage, analysis of the competitiveness of the «soft power» of the People’s Republic of China with the same form of political power of the USA, identification of differences in the activities of the Confucius Institutes in the countries of the collective West and the Russian Federation. The scientific novelty of the conducted study lies in the analysis of the activity of the Confucius Institutes in the dissemination of the Chinese language in the Russian Federation in the context of the process of «power transition».
Hanban, Confucius, power transitio, Confucius Institute, Chinese language, Soft power, USA, Russia, PRC, China
Global cooperation
Zhou, X. (2023). Strategic partnership of China and Russia in the context of realization of their national interests. International relations, 4, 67–77.
This article is devoted to the study of the strategic partnership of the People’s Republic of China and the Russian Federation in the context of the implementation of their national interests. The relevance of the research topic is due to the development of bilateral cooperation between the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China in the context of the global «power transition» and the «turn to the East» of the Russian Federation. The «turn to the East» connected with the reorientation of the Russian oil and gas supply routes, has evolved and concluded in itself political and economic cooperation with a key player of the Asian region in the person of China. In turn, the «power transition», a struggle for which occurs between the People’s Republic of China and the United States, is only gaining momentum. The study focuses on relations between the People’s Republic of China and the Russian Federation. The study focuses on the strategic partnership between China and Russia in the context of realizing their national interests. This research is based on the paradigm of defensive realism that views international relations as anarchist in view of the presence of great powers. Moreover, under this paradigm, the system of international relations can be multipolar. The author widely used the following methods: content analysis, historism, comparative, logical and analytical. The main conclusion of this study is that in the context of the «power transition» with the participation of the People’s Republic of China and the «turn to the East» of the Russian Federation, the strategic partnership between the two states can be considered mutually beneficial, meeting their national interests. The key national interest of the Russian Federation is to build a just world order. China’s national interest is to expand its influence on the global arena.
Cooperation, National interests, FDI, Soft power, Power transition, USA, China, RF, Russia, PRC
Theory and methodology of international relations
Demetradze, M.R., Shorokhova, S.P. (2023). Fundamental theories of Conflictology:
the need for practical application in the assessment
of international and domestic conflicts. International relations, 4, 78–94.
The globalization processes of the modern world are not at all characterized by certainty and security, because competition between states based on market principles and the struggle for world leadership in socio-economic indicators lead to international and domestic political problems. The situation is also aggravated by the fact that the previously used political techniques of imposing the image of an internal or external enemy or ethnocentrism, when some certain groups were given a negative image, and others exclusively positive, almost ceased to bring the desired results. Because, in the era of information technology that creates opportunities for multilateral information acquisition, it is almost impossible to achieve absolute manipulation of public consciousness. This was largely facilitated by the creation of classical theories by Western scientists that reveal the specifics of the behavior of the initiators (instigators) of a conflict situation and the motivations for consolidating people in accordance with a certain ideology. At the same time, practice shows that classical theories today do not bring the necessary results, and the development and proposals of new concepts that contribute to the prediction, prevention or elimination of conflicts are almost impossible today. The problem also lies in the fact that existing theories can only give a general picture of the conflict, but not control or accurately predict the outcome of the situation, which makes it difficult to ensure security and stability of modern globalization processes. In this regard, the disclosure of the specifics of classical theories and their reinterpretation in the XXI century are of fundamental importance for all societies and, above all, for the post-Soviet space, because the conflicts that have arisen here have bot
stereotypes, Sumner, Simmel, Bowling, Kouser, Darendorf, the social nature of conflict, Deutsch, conflict, psychology of conflict
Clash of civilizations
Chekhlyaeva, S.S., Pavlov, A.S. (2023). Russian language in Kyrgyzstan: realities and prospects. International relations, 4, 95–111.
The relevance of the study lies in the fact that today Russian language is an important aspect for the development of cooperation between the Kyrgyz Republic and Russia. One of the most important factors is labour migration to Russia. For employment in Kyrgyzstan, knowledge of Russian language is also required. The demand for the Russian language in Kyrgyzstan began to increase due to the growth of migrant workers who go to Russia to earn money, and only with sufficient knowledge of the Russian language they can find a well-paid job. It is important to note an important problem in Kyrgyzstan's education system - most of the country's universities teach students in Russian, while most schools teach in Kyrgyz, a problem that is especially pronounced in the remote regions of the country. Hence, there is a contradiction in the education system. This situation is also influenced by the rather low quality of Russian language teaching in the country's regions. In light of the current geopolitical situation, strengthening the position of the Russian language in Kyrgyzstan contributes to the establishment and development of statehood and interethnic and international cooperation. The aim of the study is to identify the main processes and trends affecting the status and position of the Russian language in the Republic of Kyrgyzstan after the collapse of the USSR. In order to achieve the aim, the authors of the article used various materials, among which: The Constitution of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, normative legal documents regulating the language policy of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan.
CIS, cooperation, Kyrgyz language, migration, Russia, school, education, Kyrgyzstan, Russian language, law
International economy relations
Mukhammad, N.I. (2023). Russian-Iraqi relations in the field of energy. International relations, 4, 112–122.
With President Vladimir Putin coming to power, Russia has emerged as an influential force in international politics, especially in its desire to end unipolarism and reduce US hegemony over the Middle East most notably, Iraq sought to consolidate relations with it because of its importance in Russia's strategy, Iraq has the fifth largest crude oil reserves in the world, and is considered one of Russia's most important producers and exporters. It is one of Russia's competitors in the oil market. The openness of the Iraq government was not particularly open to the United States, seeking to diversify its relations with influential powers in the arena, including Russia, with which it has a long history and still has its own political position in Iraq.
Russia, politics, energy, economy, kurds, Company, relations, oil, Iraq, war
History of international relations
Abdalla, M.M. (2023). Soviet Historiography of Egypt 's relations with the USSR in 1967-1977. International relations, 4, 123–129.
The subject of the study is Soviet historiography about Egypt's relations with the USSR. Soviet-Egyptian relations have a long history and have passed an unprecedented stage in their life. During the Cold War, Egypt was the main ally of the Soviet Union in the Middle East. Therefore, the prepared studies on the history of relations between the two countries at that time occupy an important place in Russian science. In this article, the author seeks to present the historical background, goals, objectives, methods and features of the USSR's policy towards Egypt, as well as its development in the 60s and 70s of the twentieth century. The novelty of the research lies in the coverage of various criticisms, comments and points of view of researchers, writers, politicians and diplomats who devoted their works to the goals of Soviet foreign policy towards Egypt during the Arab-Israeli conflict. The author of the article also spoke about the course of relations between the two countries, explaining their strengths and weaknesses. The article highlights the mistakes and crises of political and military relations and their impact on both countries, which helps to avoid future mistakes between Egypt and the Russian Federation. The history of the USSR is the basis of the history of modern Russia.
Yom Kippur War, USA, Sadat, Brezhnev, Nasser, Six-Day War, Egypt, USSR, Middle East, Arab-Israeli conflict