International conflicts
Mamontova, E.A. (2019). Yugoslav Wars of 1990’s in the Russian and foreign press. International relations, 2, 1–17.
This article examines the stance of the Russian and foreign (Serbian and British-American) journalistic reports on the armed conflict events and confrontations in the territory of Yugoslavia of the 1990’s. The author describes and compares different interpretations of the prerequisites of tragic events, as well and analyzes their content and international significance. The study analyzes the role of press in reflection of Balkan events and formation of public opinion of the aforementioned countries. Special attention is dedicated to the interpretations of patriotic moods characteristic to some of the Russian publicists covering the events of Balkan Wars of the late XX century, their comprehension of Yugoslav events as a result of hegemonic pursuits of the United States, and a potential scenario for preparing disintegration of Russia. An opportunity is provided to analyze the outlook on Yugoslav events of the representative of “three centers” of social thought – Russian, Serbian and British-American. The article differentiates the stances of Russian publicists, reveals the ideological and political grounds of views of the representatives of patriotic and liberal trends. Analysis is conducted on the factors affecting the perception of crisis by Serbian and English language authors. The novelty of studying the problematic of Breakup of Yugoslavia is justified by relevance of disintegration of multiethnic states in the modern world. At the same time, a significant amount of source related to Balkan Events of the 1990’s requires examination and introduction into the scientific discourse. The Russian, Serbian and British-American press devoted to wars in the countries of former Yugoslavia can be conditionally divided into three groups based on their attitude to the ongoing events: conservative, liberal and objectivistic.
North Atlantic Alliance, UN peacekeeping missions, humanitarian intervention, Srebrenica, Kosovo and Metohija, Republika Srpska, Republic of Serbian Krajina, publicism, Yugoslav wars, ethnic cleansing
Theory and methodology of international relations
Zhao, J., Dzhanaeva, A.E. (2019). Study and teaching of international relations in China. International relations, 2, 18–25.
Special attention is currently paid to the emergence and development of such phenomenon as “non-Western” approaches and schools in the analysis of international relations. This work is therefore devoted to the question of research of general genesis of China’s school of theory of international relations and study of its modern specificity. Additionally, this article also explores the establishment of the “International Relations” discipline within the framework of scientific research and academic community of China, as well as its teaching in the China’s universities. This article was written employing the most relevant Chinese sources, some of which are not yet accessible for Russian readers. The main conclusion of this reseach consists in the fact that Chinese school of theory of international relations emerged fairly recently and is yet to formalize into paradigms common to the West, which does not impede its rapid development and be on a rise. The scientific novelty of this research consists in the analysis of the newest works of Chinese political scientists for determination of key trends of development of China’s school of international relations.
asian schools TIR, non-western schools, theory of international relations, Lu Peng, ideological approach, mental approach, the Chinese school of IR, China, asian Studies of IR, history of TIR
Modern foreign policy concepts and doctrine
Skvortsova, E. (2019). Defense policy of modern Poland from the perspective of the “balance of threat” theory. International relations, 2, 26–46.
The goal of this research lies in the comprehensive analysis of defense policy of the Third Polish Republic from the perspective of “balance of threat” theory, which includes such behavioral strategies of the countries as buck-passing (delegating responsibility), balancing, and bandwagoning (alignment with the victor) aimed at ensuring defense capability of the country. The author meticulously examines Poland’s capacity to defend itself, expectations of Polish authorities on realization of national interests within the framework of cooperation with their partners, as well as the problems faced by the country. Analysis of defense policy of the Third Polish Republic in the context of “balance of threat” theory allowed assessing the costs that the Polish government has to deal with as a result of their choice. It is established that rejection of the strategy of “delegating responsibility” meets the country’s national interests to the full extent. The author also questions the advantage for Poland with regards to selecting the strategy of “alignment with the victor” over the strategy of “balancing”. It is proven that the asymmetry in Poland-United States relations is not a lesser problem for Poland than the geopolitical challenges.
national interests, bandwagoning, balancing, buckpassing, balance of threat theory, security, defense policy, Poland, asymmetry, geopolitical challenges
Question at hand
Eo, S. (2019). THAAD factor in Russia-South Korea relations. International relations, 2, 47–55.
This article explores the question of placement of the American anti-ballistic missile defense system THAAD in the Republic of Korea, reasons for deployment, as well as response of the Pacific Rim countries to deployment of anti-ballistic missile defense system. Particular attention is dedicated to Russia’s position on this problem. The object of this research is the bilateral relations between Russia and South Korea. The subject is the factor of placement of the American anti-ballistic missile defense system THAAD in the Republic of Korea and its impact upon the development of Russia-South Korea relations. The conclusion is made that the placement of the American anti-ballistic missile defense system THAAD in the Republic of Korea produced certain negative effect on the Russia-South Korea relations; however, there is no apparent deterioration in relations, the cooperation between the countries continues to develop, as well as Russian and South Korean leaders meet on the highest level. Nevertheless, there is a probability of deterioration in relations if the American anti-ballistic missile defense system in South Korea would pose a real threat to Russia.
bilateral relations, THAAD, missile defence system, China, USA, Russia, Republic of Korea, international security, DPRK, escalation
Question at hand
Kozhin, E.G. (2019). Forum of the “One belt, one road” in formation of the agenda of APR regionalism. International relations, 2, 56–66.
The object of this research is the Asia-Pacific institutional regionalism. The subject of this research is the institutionalization of the order in the Asia-Pacific region (APR). This process is being examined through the prism of the initiative on creation of transnational network of transportation routes for the purposes of bridging the Chinese and European markets – the “One belt, one road” initiative (OBOR). The second forum of the “Belt and road”, held in Beijing on 25-27 of April 2019, marked number of achievements and problems forming the agenda and problematic of the APR regional policy, influencing the institutionalization of this regional subsystem. The conducted research is based on comparative analysis, aimed at determining the changes in the regional order and institutional dimension of the APR that emerged in the process of implementation of the “One belt, one road” initiative between 2017 and 2019 (hosting the I and II forums of the “Belt and road” respectively). This work assess the place and role of the Forum of international cooperation “Belt and road” within the structure of institutional cooperation of Asia-Pacific regionalism. The interim results are calculated regarding implementation of the initiative, formulating the key positions of its members, as well as its challenges and contradictions are examined in a broader context of the institutional development of APR. Conclusions are made that are operationally compatible with the prospects and interests within Russia’s foreign policy pertaining to this region.
infrastructure development, Belt and Road, regionalization, regional integration, institutional regionalism, Asia-Pacific, Asia-Pacific regionalism, regional studies, East Asia, Eurasia
World politics
Kirillov, S.M. (2019). Director of the Center for Interdisciplinary Humanitarian Studies of the Southern Federal University. International relations, 2, 67–76.
This article analyzes the role of the People’s Republic of China in BRICS, potential consequences of China’s leadership in the group, political and economic aspects of activity, prospects of joint development of the project “One Belt, One Road”, as well as the results of China’s presidency in BRICS in 2017. Attention is given to current role of China in the world and the present state of BRICS. The author also underlines China’s positive impact on BRICS, which led to the creation of BRICS-plus – an impactful platform for cooperation; although the prospects of joint development of BRICS and “One Belt, One Road” do not have precise operating principle, are still relatively strong. The relevance of BRICS in the context of world political processes is substantiated by a fairly new idea of integration, as well as the claim for representation of interests of the global South, new consensus model of cooperation between countries on the world stage. The conclusion is made on the ambiguous role of PRC, risk of erosion of BRICS, or turning of the association into a foreign policy instrument of the Peoples’ Republic of China.
Principles, External policy, BRICS Plus, Domination, Strategy, Leadership, BRICS, China, Institutionalization, Tendance
Question at hand
Zabella, A. (2019). Military and technological cooperation between China and African countries in the early XXI century. International relations, 2, 77–86.
The author analyzes the experience of military and technological cooperation between China and African countries, as well as the place of African countries in China’s foreign policy. The subject of this research is the military and technological cooperation between the two sides, determination of key partners and conditions of cooperation. The goal of this work is to determine the reasons for China’s increased attention towards cooperation with Africa and reasons for intensification of military and technological contacts between them, as well as definition of the character of their cooperation in this area and China’s investment policy. This research employs systemic approach, where the country’s foreign policy is being examined as a system of political presets, as well as historical comparative method, which allows conducting the analysis of parties’ cooperation based on the chronology of development of their relations. The results of this research can be useful for forecasting vectors of development of relations between China and Africa not only in the military and technological area, but also in other areas. The scientific novelty of this research is defined by a comprehensive analysis of the transnational cooperation using various sources and literature, with consideration of the evolution of China’s foreign policy.
arms export, China's overseas investment policy, Principles of China's Foreign Policy, One Belt,One Road, military-technical cooperation, Africa, China, importers of Chinese arms, Djibouti Base, Maritime Silk Road
Question at hand
Tagirov, T.K. (2019). Transnational criminal enterprises of China and Mexico in the XXI century: trends in development and changes over the last decade. International relations, 2, 87–97.
The goal of this research consists in the study of the transnational criminal enterprises. The object of this research is the transnational criminal enterprises in China and Mexico, while the subject is the structural changes and factors affecting their development. The author examines the structure of China’s and Mexico’s criminal enterprises and the changes within, as well as their activity and utilization of new technologies and capabilities. The article elucidates the question of power vacuum in Mexico and strengthening of government measures in the fight against criminal organizations in China. Separate attention is given to the question of corruption as a factor of development of transnational criminal enterprises. Due to rapid increase in the growth of transnational criminal enterprises, they no longer pose only national or regional threat, but also carry international character. The relevance of this research is substantiated by the fact that understanding of the changes and trends in development of transnational criminal enterprises in the future can aid in the fight against them. The transnational organized crime has undergone complex changes, partially due to new technologies and capabilities, and partially due to insufficient efforts on the part of law enforcement. The structural changes in criminal enterprises also warrant devising new terminology and theoretical models.
technology, drug traffic, drug cartels, corruption, developing states, security, transnational criminal organisations, power vacuum, China, Mexico
Question at hand
Dkhar, A., Ponka, T., Dkhar, P. (2019). The problem of the Durand Line in the context of relations between Pakistan and Afghanistan. International relations, 2, 98–108.
Since ethnic and State borders in the region do not always coincide, the problem of State borders continues to gain relevance. Even since the collapse of the colonial system of the world, some large nations became divided by the colonizers into different States, and now the divided nations are seeking reunion, affecting interests of various countries and other nations, which can lead to international conflicts. The subject of this research is the problem of the Durand Line, which divided the Pashtun peoples who now live across the territories of Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran. The object of this research is the Pakistan-Afghanistan relations. The authors carefully examine such aspects as positions of both countries concerning the border issue throughout the entire period of the Line’s existence, as well as its impact on the current Pakistan-Afghanistan relations. The scientific novelty of this research consists in the comprehensive analysis of the positions of State and academic elites of the Afghan and Pakistan sides. Conclusion is made that the problem carries protracting character due to a complex of national and ethnic, as well as military and political factors that affect the border issue. Therefore, solution to this issue should be examined not only within the framework of transnational policy, but also with consideration of the peculiarities of ethnic psychology of the people and its interests.
border legitimacy, Pashtuns, border conflict, divided nations, Pakistan, Afghanistan, crisis, current developments, Independent Pashtunistan, solutions
International image of the state
Sorocinova, M. (2019). Public diplomacy of Slovakia: concept, objectives and mechanism of foreign policy. International relations, 2, 109–118.
This article is dedicated to determination of certain definitions of the term public diplomacy, as well as examination of the question of its establishment and specific concept in the conditions of Slovak Republic. The author analyzes the advantages and factors of public diplomacy of Slovak Republic from geopolitical and historical perspectives in reference to the current foreign policy of the country. The article consists of three sections: the first analyzes the understanding of public diplomacy by Slovakian experts; the second provides the analysis of the concept of nation branding as a foundation of public diplomacy of Slovakia; the third explores the mechanism and peculiarities of Slovakia’s current public diplomacy. Research methodology is based on the methods of political science, namely; systemic analysis that allows viewing the phenomenon of Slovakia’s public diplomacy in the context of international relations and foreign policy; as well as documental analysis that determines the attributes and peculiarities of Slovakia’s public diplomacy according to the official sources. The conclusion is formulated on which state interests are met due to the public diplomacy and nation branding of the country. The author identifies the factors of public diplomacy of Slovak Republic that impact its advancement overseas. The scientific novelty consists in examination of the current political situation in Slovakia and different perspectives on the country’s foreign policy by the representatives of state authorities, as well as citizens.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union, Slovakia, foreign policy, national branding, public diplomacy, State, Propaganda, Identity, Culture
Question at hand
Kaouar, R. (2019). Role and efforts of the United Nations in conflict resolution around Western Sahara . International relations, 2, 119–125.
This article examines the role of the United Nations in conflict resolution around Western Sahara. The first part of research is dedicated to historical review of the conflict and the role of UN in signing the agreement on ceasefire between Morocco and Polisario. The second part analyzes the proposal of the Secretary-General of the United Nations Javier Perez de Cuellar on the conflict settlement, as well as initiatives of his personal delegates, namely James Baker, aimed at searching of political solution in this conflict. The scientific novelty of the conducted research consists in consideration of the role of the United Nations in conflict resolution of Western Sahara, in the course of which the author explored the various approaches towards the problem and substantiated the reasons for failures of the international organization in achieving a long-term and mutually acceptable political solution between the parties of the conflict.
POLISARIO, MINURSO, United Nations, conflict settlement, Algeria, Morocco, Western Sahara, conflict, Security council, Decolonization
Question at hand
Boiko, E.I. (2019). UNESCO intangible cultural heritage – comparison of the Russian and Austrian paths . International relations, 2, 126–134.
In the article, the author introduces original view on the problems of non-ratification of the UNESCO convention on preservation of intangible cultural heritage. The author expresses opinion on the consequences of the prolonged process of ratification, leaning on Russian and English-language scientific articles researching work of UNESCO in general, as well as preservation of intangible heritage within Russian culture in particular. The internet was another important source of information, including publications and official pages from such organizations as UNESCO and VOICE. For better visualization, the article presents, in addition to content and event analysis, direct comparison with Austria, which learned to extract tangible and reputational advantages from all elements of their culture. The conclusion of this work consists in the call to immediate close of the process of ratification of the document and transitioning towards a similar level of representation and preservation of intangible cultural heritage. The scientific novelty of this research is substantiated by the atypical means of researching this subject – comparative, as well as direct polemic of the earlier released articles of Russian researchers.
traditional crafts, Russia, non-ratification of document, culture monetization, WIPO, Intangible Cultural Heritage, UNESCO, Austria, UNESCO list of Heritage, copyright
Question at hand
Zabella, A., Kanunnikov, E.V., Katkova, E.Y. (2019). Economic Belt of the Silk Road: stages of development, main issues, prospects. International relations, 2, 135–146.
The authors analyze the stages of the “One belt, one road” (OBOR) initiative and focus their attention on the evolution, problems and prospects of the Economic Belt of the Silk Road, as well as explore the initiatives in China’s foreign policy strategy. The subject of this research is the directions of cooperation within the framework of the OBOR initiative. The goal of this work is to determine the reasons for China’s increased attention towards the initiative, as well as the reasons for interest of the sides in intensification of contacts within the initiative, as well as positions of multiple countries concerning this project. The scientific novelty of this research is defined by the comprehensive analysis of the transnational cooperation, using various literary sources and consideration of the evolution of the foreign policy doctrine of the People’s Republic of China. Taking into account the interest of China towards successful implementation of the OBOR initiative, the importance of a number of foreign countries to ensure uninterrupted turnover and delivery of Chinese goods to the European market becomes evident. Considering the results of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the hypothesis that the “new era” is going to put China as one of the global leaders becomes more likely, which is also impossible without continued high rate of economic growth.
Silk Road Economic Belt, Central Asia, China's overseas investment policy, Principles of China's Foreign Policy, One Belt,One Road, Asian infrastructure investment Bank, the silk road Fund, China, Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), Maritime Silk Road
Regional configurations of international relations
Nemtsev, I.A. (2019). Russia in the Eurasian world: problems and prospects. International relations, 2, 147–153.
Over the recent few years, the Eurasian territory is undergoing many important (from the geopolitical perspective) and simultaneously worrying events, for Russia and for the world as a whole. The problems of Eurasian countries are compounding, and the most pressing issue becomes their comprehensive resolution by efforts from all states. Russia has great potential for solving some of the current issue, as well as prospects that should be noted. This article attempts to assess the prospects and possible directions for further development. The solution of the problems at hand is based on the positions and conclusions of works of some of the contemporary Russian and foreign authors, researchers and thinkers. Key issues in the Eurasian space and their causes are presented in this work. The author highlights and substantiates common and weighty causes for Eurasian integration in current geopolitical realities, as well as determines the prospects for joint solution of problems for the Eurasian states. It is noted that Russia, India and China (in their cooperation) can become the main “driver” of the Eurasian Union.
geopolitics, EEU, SCO, Eurasian Economic Union, Eurasian Union, The post-Soviet space, Eurasian space, Eurasian integration, Eurasism, sustainable development
Regional configurations of international relations
Drobysheva, T.V. (2019). Peculiarities of the legal status of the unrecognized states (on the example of unrecognized states of the post-Soviet space). International relations, 2, 154–160.
This article explores the issues of existence of unrecognized states from the perspective of international law. The subject of this research is the peculiarities of the legal interaction between the unrecognized states of the post-Soviet space with de jure states. The author structures a system of approaches towards definition of the concept of “unrecognized state”, examines the problem of legality on the international arena, which is subject to globalization and modern technologies, and proposes prospects for unrecognized states using the examples of currently unrecognized states existing in the post-Soviet space. Author’s contribution into the research of this topic consists in examination of the existing collision in the international law between the people’s right to self-determination and the principle of territorial integrity, which serve as the basis for geopolitical debates. The author concludes that despite the complexity of the practice of state recognition, they are actually de facto subjects of international law.
state sovereignity, collisions, international conflicts, post-soviet area, unrecognized states, international law, geopolitics, right of people, self-determination, legal status
International conflicts
Andreichenko, L., Babieva, J.R., Bush, N.K. (2019). Golan Heights as a strategic region of the Near East. International relations, 2, 161–168.
The subject of this research is the conflict between Syria and Israel over the sovereignty of Golan Heights, pertaining to US President’s Donald Trump’s decree on recognition of Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights, against the UN’s decision. The Golan Heights were Syrian territory until 1967, when during the Six-Day War they were captured by Israel and later annexed. The annexation, which took place in 1981, was not recognized by the international community – the corresponding UN Security Council resolution denied Israel’s sovereignty over the land. The authors examined the historical stages of the conflict between Syria and Israel over the Golan Heights territory, analyzed its progression, substantiated the reasons for the region’s strategic importance, as well as made conclusions on the potential consequences of Washington’s decision that violated all norms of international law. The scientific novelty of this research consists in the fact that authors employed not only commonly known historical fact, but also testimonies of eyewitnesses of the Judgment Day and citizens of Syrian Golan Heights. Due to these testimonies, analysis is conducted and conclusions are made on why the Golan Heights region carries such strategic importance for both Syria and Israel.
International law, Middle East, Israel, UN, Benjamin Netanyahu, Donald Trump, Golan Heights, Syria, The Yom Kippur War, Russia
International economy relations
Slobodyan, R.A. (2019). Interaction between the state and financial-industrial groups in implementation of foreign policy – theoretical aspects . International relations, 2, 169–182.
This article is devoted to the research on interaction of state and financial-industrial groups (FIG) in implementation of foreign policy. Analysis is conducted on the theoretical grounds for interaction between business and state from the position of advancement of national interests. In the recent decades, the influence of private capital upon foreign policy and economy has grown significantly. States use the transnational corporations as an instrument for influence on the international arena, while FIG carry substantial political and economic weight, able to influence domestic and foreign policy of specific states. Based on the conducted research, the author concludes that the mechanism of interaction between business and state is complex and multifaceted. The goals and interests of the state and private capital on the international arena do not always coincide, forcing the parties to constantly search for optimal balance of interests and forms of interaction. The forms and methods of interaction in turn define the character and efficiency of political and economic actions of the state on the international arena.
international political economy, interaction of actors, international Business, transnational corporations, financial industrial groups, foreign economic policy, foreign policy, economic diplomacy, national interests, political influence