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«International relations» (18+)

¹ 2, 2019
Published since
2013 year

International conflicts
P. 1 - 17
Theory and methodology of international relations
P. 18 - 25
Modern foreign policy concepts and doctrine
P. 26 - 46
Question at hand
P. 47 - 55
P. 56 - 66
World politics
P. 67 - 76
Question at hand
P. 77 - 86
P. 87 - 97
P. 98 - 108
International image of the state
P. 109 - 118
Question at hand
P. 119 - 125
P. 126 - 134
P. 135 - 146
Regional configurations of international relations
P. 147 - 153
P. 154 - 160
International conflicts
P. 161 - 168
International economy relations
P. 169 - 182
Contents details