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«International relations» (18+)

№ 4, 2018
Published since
2013 year

Modern foreign policy concepts and doctrine
P. 1 - 7
History of international relations
P. 8 - 17
P. 18 - 28
Question at hand
P. 29 - 41
P. 42 - 48
History of international relations
P. 49 - 59
P. 60 - 65
Question at hand
P. 66 - 72
International conflicts
P. 73 - 81
P. 82 - 94
Question at hand
P. 95 - 103
International economy relations
P. 104 - 111
Question at hand
P. 112 - 123
World politics
P. 124 - 129
International institutions and the UN crisis
P. 130 - 137
International economy relations
P. 138 - 147
Contents details