Question at hand
Mekhdiev, E.T. (2017). The current state and the prospects of Iran’s relations with the countries of Central Asia and Transcaucasia. International relations, 4, 1–15.
The article analyzes the prospects of Iran’s relations with the countries of Central Asia and the South Caucasus after the lifting of the Western sanctions. The author studies Iran’s foreign policy towards Central Asia and the South Caucasus, and the current state of bilateral relations with the countries of these regions. In particular, the author analyzes political, economic and cultural relations. The author outlines the factors determining mutual interest of Iran and the countries of the regions in bilateral cooperation. Special attention is given to joint projects in the transport, communications, energy, trade and economic spheres. The research methodology includes both general scientific and specific methods of cognition, for example, analysis and synthesis, system approach and historical method. The author concludes that economics and security are the key elements of Iran’s foreign policy strategy in Central Asia and the South Caucasus. Iran’s cooperation with the countries of these regions can be the most productive in such sectors as trade, energy industry, transport and oil and gas industry. On a long term horizon, such cooperation will be one of Iran’s foreign policy priorities.
transport projects, bilateral relations, multilateral diplomacy , regional integration, regional projects, foreign policy, energy industry, South Caucasus, Iran, Central Asia
History of international relations
Dudin, P.N. (2017). Legal Grounds for Russia's Strategic Presence in East Asia (Late XIXth - the First Half of the XXth Centuries). International relations, 4, 16–22.
The subject of the research is the agreements and treaties between Russia and China as well as other states (France, Manchukuo, etc.) that have ensured the strategic presence of our country in East Asia. The object of the research is Russian interests in this region. The author of the article pays special attention to the contents of aforesaid treaties regarding Russian interests both in security and construction of The Russian World which was mostly expressed in parts devoted to Russia's jurisdiction. The methodology of the research implies contextual analysis of treaties and agreements on Russian concessions, Kwantung Province and Sino-East Railway in which one of the parties was Russia. For the first time in the academic literature the author of the article attempts to systematise international treaties and agreements that involven the Russian Empire/Soviet Union as well as to carry out their contextual analysis in order to define the mechanisms that ensured Russia's presence in one of the strategically important regions, Far East. The author of the article concludes that unlike other participants of such relations, Russia has been ensuring its presence only peacefully and taking into account interests of all other parties concerned.
international treaty, Far East, Sino-East Railway, Kwantung Province, concessions, East Asia, security, strategic presence, Russian world, foreign policy
World politics
Shlyundt, N.Y. (2017). Limitations of Traditional Financial Sanctions as an Instrument of International Political Power. International relations, 4, 23–28.
The subject of this study is effectiveness of traditional financial sanctions which, along with the arms embargo and travel ban, are considered the main type of targeted sanctions that, unlike the comprehensive sanctions, have a selective effect. One group of scientists views financial sanctions as a promising means of international influence which has already demonstrated its effectiveness, whereas the other one considers them a measure that has extremely scattered effect. In the context of this dispute, identification and systematization of the problems accompanying the application of financial sanctions should become an urgent task. To achieve this objective, the author refers to the content analysis of specialized scientific literature on the economic instruments of political influence, to comparing the consequences of comprehensive and targeted sanctions, as well as to a study of specific situations that confirm the basic assumptions. The author came to the conclusion that conventional financial sanctions (despite their widespread application in international practice) can not be regarded as an effective instrument of influence, especially given further multilateral globalization of the world. This conclusion is derived from the fact that they give rise to problems of implementation, evasion and side effect. That is why today the leading actors of world politics are trying to expand the list of financial sanctions including measures that require activity in cyberspace.
financial sanctions , comprehensive sanctions , targeted sanctions, smart sanctions, sanctions efficiency, foreign policy tools , humanitarian consequences of sanctions, asset freezing , world politics , international political influence
Regional configurations of international relations
Boyarkina, O.A. (2017). Afghanistan in the Policy of Central Asia on the Amu Darya River. International relations, 4, 29–35.
The article explores the inter-State relations between the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and the Central Asian countries on the matter of sharing waters of the Amu Darya transboundary river It considers the dynamics of the development of water sharing relations between Afghanistan and Central Asia starting from the end of the 19th century to the present. The article analyses scenarios of the situation development in case of inclusion of Afghanistan into the processes of water management of transboundary resources as well as a potential for the conflict of interests in shared use of the Amudarya waters between the downstream States and its impact on the internal political situation in the Central Asian region. Historical-political method is applied to consider the dynamics of water relations development; event-analysis is used to study the situation with regard to inter-State relations, and analogy method - to predict possible scenarios of the development of situation in the Central Asian region. The author comes to the conclusion that the involvement of Afghanistan in resolving water problems of the Central Asian region can lead to aggravation of political relations between Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, the downstream States on the matter of sharing waters of the Amu Darya transboundary river. In view of the USA efforts to dominate in addressing water sharing issues between Afghanistan and the Central Asian republics, it is predicted that the situation in the region will be destabilized. The article deems it appropriate to involve Russia into the negotiation processes on water issues of Afghanistan - Central Asia in order to prevent implementation of the American scenario of the so-called "Central Asian Spring".
"Greater Central Asia", US strategy, Afghanistan, Central Asia, hydropower industry, international agreements, national interests, transboundary water resources, political stability, inter-State relations
Regional configurations of international relations
Dzhazzan, F.Z. (2017). The Position and Role of the Persian Gulf Countries in the Syrian crisis. International relations, 4, 36–41.
The article explores the main aspects of relationship between Syria and the key countries of the Persian Gulf. The author analyzes the role of the Persian Gulf countries in the Syrian crisis, as well as the reasons for participation of these countries in the civil war in the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic. Along with the description of current development of the military conflict in the area, the article presents the background and elicits interests of the Persian Gulf countries in the current situation evolving around Syria. The article presents an analysis of geopolitical interests of the Persian Gulf countries in the context of the Syrian crisis. In his work the author relied on the principles of historicism, scientific objectivity, reliability and comparative approach. The conducted research allowed us to identify and analyse the geopolitical factors affecting the nature of relations between Syria and the Persian Gulf countries. The author studied the history of Syria's cooperation with the Persian Gulf countries during the transformation of internal and foreign policies of the Middle East. The conclusions made by the author have not been previously published in Russian historiography.
Syria, Iraq, Persian Gulf countries, Kuwait crisis , Syrian crisis, Arab Spring, Iran, Saudi Arabia, War in Syria, Oman
Regional configurations of international relations
Bibnev, A. (2017). The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Regime in Latin America and the Caribbean Region. Yesterday and Today. International relations, 4, 42–54.
The article explores the process of formation and evolution of the nuclear non-proliferation regime in Latin America and the Caribbean region. The key subject is the Tlatelolco Treaty on the establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone and the evolution of positions of the countries of the region towards it. The author analyses the challenges faced by the regime during the formation period, studies the positions of countries unwilling to sign or ratify the treaty, and considers new challenges and threats to the nuclear non-proliferation regime that the region faces today. The methodology of the study is based on the historical approach and the theory of regimes. The Cambridge textbook on Theories of International Regimes which accumulates all most significant studies in this field is used as a methodological tool. The scientific novelty of the study lies in combination of history of the nuclear non-proliferation regime formation in Latin America and the Caribbean region and the contemporary challenges analysis. The following conclusions were made as a result of the study - Today the regime has no opposition at the regional level and the threats that were particularly important at the time of the regime formation no longer stand on the agenda. - The region is one of the leaders of the movement against the proliferation of military nuclear technologies. - Latin America and the Caribbean region face new challenges typical of the international non-proliferation regime, the most critical of which are cybercrime and natural disasters.
Nuclear-weapon-free zone , Nuclear non-proliferation regime , Latin America , Argentina , Brazil, ABACC, Chile, Cuba, NPT, Tlatelolco treaty
Challenges and threats to international security
Abramov, R.A., Strel'chenko, S.G., Derevyanko, S.V. (2017). Competitiveness of the Innovative Systems of the Union State for the Purpose of Economic Security in the World. International relations, 4, 55–73.
The subject of the study is institutional and economic relations influencing the development of competition among national innovation systems in the post-Soviet space aimed at ensuring economic security in the global world. The subject of the research is innovative systems of the Union State. The authors claim that intensity of competition at the turn of the 21st century was conditioned by unevenness of economic and social development expressed in disparity of the development not only of separate countries but also of regions and industries through different capital accumulation rates. In this context, the formation and implementation of effective competitive strategies by international companies and states in order to ensure their high competitive status is a priority task of international policies of almost all developed countries of the world. The authors consider such aspects of the topic as competitiveness determined by the criterion of effectiveness of any economic entity. The level of NIS competitiveness also determines the world economic positions of countries. The use of methods of theoretical analysis (induction and deduction, general-to-specific and specific-to-general analysis, theoretical comparison, comparison and generalization) along with targeted-programme method allowed to analyse the existing approaches and techniques for the study of various aspects of innovative systems integration of neighbouring countries with the aim of identifying, finalizing and developing new approaches to exploration of NIS competitiveness and development effects. Methods for empirical information procession and analysis (grouping, comparison, index, correlation and regressive analysis) allowed to obtain new reliable indicators on the development and functioning of the NIS of neighbouring countries. Scientific novelty of the research: it was shown that the forms and methods of state management in the field of scientific and technological activities are not properly regulated at the regional level. The evident trends clearly indicate that there is still no effective system of promotion of innovative activity of economic entities at the regional and state levels, and therefore there is a need in a special wide system of regulators of this process to revitalize the innovative activities. The authors offered a mechanism for promoting the innovative activity of economic entities which should operate at all levels - from government to local authorities. The article also proposes a system of innovative activity financing from all possible sources. The concepts of competitiveness of national economy are of great practical importance for the development of programs improving national competitive advantages, as well as developing its export base at the national and regional levels over the long term. The places occupied by the regions of the Union State in the ratings of authoritative international organizations clearly demonstrate their non-competitiveness. A prerequisite for overcoming the crisis, for integration and solution of the national security problems is the development and implementation of global strategic architecture for improvement of its international competitiveness.
integration , safety, innovative system , Union State, economic space, competitiveness, system, development, structure, innovation
Interests and values
Zabella, A. (2017). The Place of Africa in The PRC's Energy Security. International relations, 4, 74–79.
The author analyses the PRC's experience in developing the energy strategy and the place of African states in China's energy security. The subject of the study is evolution of approaches of the PRC to energy security, development of a holistic energy security strategy and actions to ensure it. The purpose of the work is to identify the causes of the increasing attention of China towards Africa, to conduct an analysis of methods for energy security implementation, to disclose the PRC's energy functions, to determine the nature of China's interaction with leading African countries on energy security matters, and the investment policy of the PRC. The article uses a system approach, i.e. the foreign policy of the State is seen as a system of political intentions, as well as a historical comparative method that allowed the author to conduct an analyse of changes in private and general factors of the PRC's foreign policy on the African continent based on the chronology of the development of inter-State relations. The conclusions of the study can be used to predict the direction for the development of relations between the PRC and African countries. The scientific novelty of the study is determined by a comprehensive analysis of the PRC's energy strategy with the aid of various sources and literature with due consideration of the evolution of the PRC's foreign policy doctrine. Given a low level of self-sufficiency in fuel resources, the leaders of the PRC as well as state energy companies are interested in reducing the risks of supply disruptions, stability in energy products exporting regions. In view of the results of the XIX Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, there is no doubt that the content of the "new era" should bring the PRC to the world leaders, which is impossible without the establishment of energy security. For a long time Africa has been one of the important regions for the PRC in terms of the strategy of supply diversification. All of that requires close attention and deeper examination.
"Chinese dream", national interests, cooperation, diversification, PRC's investment policy, PRC's foreign policy principles, methods of energy security implementation , oil and gas companies, China, energy security
International image of the state
Akarashov, I.S. (2017). Is India a Great Power?. International relations, 4, 80–86.
The article analyses the modern status of India in the international arena. Over the past few years India and its economic potential are attracting close attention of world politicians and researchers. The changes that have occurred in recent years are perceived by analysts as transition of India from the status of the Regional Power to the status of the Great Power. The purpose of the study is to explore India's potential for becoming the Great Power in the future. The following tasks were set in accordance with the purpose: to highlight the key achievements of India in various fields, to consider the challenges lying ahead for India, compare the views of historians and political scientists on India's current status in the international arena, and analyze the initiatives of the Indian government to improve the indicators of the country. The author uses the so-called "Theory of factors" as a methodological basis to explain social development by the influence of political, economic, social and other factors [1. - P. 80.]. This approach has enabled us to give the most substantiated answer to the main question of the article, i.e., related to the factors evidencing that India can become a Great Power. In addition, a comparison method was used to analyze the scientific approaches for determination of the status of India in the international system. The scientific novelty of the study lies in a comprehensive analysis of the criteria for greatpowerness of India. On the basis of the results of the analysis, the author concludes that India has a number of factors that allow some scientists today to suggest that India is a Great Power. However, for general recognition of this status, it must address a number of economic, political and social problems the country faces today.
great power, economic growth , potential , Asia , global hierarchy, problems, criterion, rise of Asia, regional power, India
International economy relations
Naderi, A. (2017). Dynamics of Russian-Afghan Investment Cooperation at the Current Stage. International relations, 4, 87–94.
The article considers the cooperation of Russia and Afghanistan in the area of investment. The urgency of the topic is conditioned by the fact that Afghanistan is going through a difficult economic situation and it needs external assistance to sustain its economy, develop infrastructure and social sphere. This assistance is provided by few actors of world politics, mostly by strong regional and extraregional actors. Russia demonstrates its willingness to cooperate with Afghanistan in the economic sphere and actively invests in the Afghan economy. The methodology of study of investment cooperation between the two countries is quite diverse. The main methods used for analysis are general scientific ones. The method of comparison is used to identify a greater or lesser potential of states in the investment sphere. The method of document analysis allowed us to assess the current regulatory and legal framework upon which the relations between the States are built. The method of analysis is used to separate the investment component from the sphere of economic cooperation. In view of the dynamics of investment cooperation as an object of study, the method of analysis contributes to determination of the structure and features of the main elements. The article examines the legal and regulatory framework of Russian-Afghan investment cooperation, presents the main economic areas most secure for Russian investments, and also analyzes the dynamics of investment cooperation between Russia and Afghanistan. The author makes a conclusion about the reasons for the rise and fall of Russian investment flows to Afghanistan.
legal and regulatory framework , economy, external assistance , infrastructure, Russian companies, investment potential, business community, long-term relations, investment cooperation , Russian-Afghan relations