Question at hand
Bocharnikov I.V. (2015). America's chaos strategy in Syria and its role in the escalation of extremism and terrorism in the Middle East. International relations, 4, 368–376.
The article analyzes the causes and factors behind the escalation of the crisis in Syria and its transformation into one of the most important issues of global security at present. They include particularly the "controlled chaos" strategy implemented by the United States in the Middle East over the past two decades. The aim of this strategy is to reform and defragment the political space of the Arab world, to establish new state frontiers, to overthrow legitimate regimes in the Arab world and to implant puppet governments.The methodological basis of the research includes the systems approach, the structural and functional and comparative political approaches, the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction and observation.In Syria, the implementation of this strategy had faced the resistance of public authorities; it required from the USA the formation of the international coalition with countries (Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and others) whose leaderships are interested in the destabilization of the political situation in Syria. The main goal of this coalition is to overthrow the legitimate political regime of Syrian President B. al-Assad.The support, arming and financing by the US and their allies of various anti-Assad opposition groups eventually led to the escalation of extremism and terrorism, both in Syria and in the Middle East.
opposition, the Free Syrian Army, Syrian crisis, Syria, US Middle-East strategy, USA, the Arab Spring, terrorism, terrorist group
World politics
Karpovich O.G. (2015). Analysis of the precedents of Kosovo and Crimea in the context of implementation of the right of peoples to self-determination. International relations, 4, 377–384.
This article is devoted to the study of the current practice of implementation of the principle of self-determination and the right of peoples to self-determination in the precedents of Kosovo and Crimea. The object of the study includes the Crimean and the Kosovo precedents. The subject of the research is the form and the methods of implementation of the principle of self-determination in the independence of Kosovo and in joining of Crimea into the territory of the Russian Federation. The methodological base of the research includes the systems approach, the structural-functional and comparative approaches, the methods of induction, deduction, observation, analysis, synthesis, simulation.The author draws attention to the fact that the considered political and legal problem of application of the right of nations to self-determination and the principle of self-determination is now especially important due to the events of 2014 in Ukraine, which led to the separation of Crimea and its subsequent accession into the Russian Federation. The author concludes that, in terms of the actual circumstances, the Crimean population certainly possessed the right to self-determination, and the implementation of this principle followed the international standards, precedents and procedures.The existing analogy with the separation of Kosovo can also be considered reasonable.
diplomacy, socio-political processes, U.S. foreign policy, world politics, Russia, geopolitics, interests, state, security, USA
World politics
Rumi F. (2015). Possibilities of cooperation between Iran and the countries of Central Asia after the nuclear deal. International relations, 4, 385–388.
This article examines the relations between Iran and Central Asian states and the existing possibilities to extend their cooperation. Strong and close relations between Iran and Central Asian countries have improved national security and economic development of the parties. Nevertheless, Iran's relations with these countries have not reached an acceptable level. Certainly, in the past two decades, the United States have been the most important factor determining the relations between the parties. The article considers the high potential for bilateral and multilateral cooperation between the parties in such important areas as development of transport system and exchange of goods, oil and gas transportation and the struggle against terrorism and separatism. The methodological basis of research contains the comparative and political approaches offering a new perspective of «Regional Integration» in Central Asia. The author concludes that the nuclear deal between Iran and the great powers, the lifting of sanctions and the reduction of America's political and economic pressures on Iran will lead to the favorable and mutually benefitial cooperation between Iran and Central Asian countries. The results of this collaboration can be the creation of an economic and trade alliance in the region.
Terrorism, the Middle East, Sanction, Nuclear deal, Russia, USA, Central Asia, Iran, Economic cooperation, Transit of goods
World politics
Deych T.L. (2015). Russian-Chinese relations at the present stage. International relations, 4, 389–399.
Russian-Chinese relations are going through a new stage. Both countries managed to solve the border problems, which had been a source of disagreement for many years. The high level political dialogue is very intensive. China is the largest trading partner of Russia. The contract on Russia's natural gas supplies to China, signed in 2014, is being implemented. China has pledged to finance the construction of Russia's first high speed main line Moscow - Kazan. Annual joint naval anti-terrorist exercises take place. Humanitarian ties are developing rapidly. Both countries stand for the preservation of the principles of international law and the status of the UN. Russia and China are not satisfied with the world dominated by one power without taking into account their interests. The proximity of their positions is confirmed by the events in Libya and Syria. There are some difficulties in bilateral relations. However, in general, as it is claimed in the Joint Statement of May 20, 2014, these relations have come to the stage of "comprehensive strategic partnership and strategic cooperation." China and Russia have vast common interests, they have no contradictions on major international issues, and the prospect of their cooperation is favorable. The methodological basis of the research includes the systems approach, the structural and functional and comparative-political approaches, the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction and observation.
diplomacy, international relations, global instability, world politics, Russia, geopolitics, interests, China, security, color revolutions
World politics
Khabenskaya E.O. (2015). Senegal and Guinea-Bissau in the 2000s: from confrontation to alliance. International relations, 4, 400–407.
Using the method of historical reconstruction, E. Khabenskaya analyzes the changes in the relations changes between two neighboring West African countries in connection with the new Senegalese President Abdoulaye Wade coming to power. Diplomatic talents allowed the new leader to change radically the vector of these relationships in favor of Senegal. The changes in Senegal and Guinea-Bissau internal and foreign policy in the 2000s., as well as the dynamics of the Casamance conflict in this period, compose the object of the study. This Senegal's southern region, geographically, culturally and historically linked to Guinea-Bissau, for decades has been the main factor in the relations between two countries. Factors of the formation and the subsequent collapse of the Senegal–Guinea-Bissau political alliance is the subject of the research. The author concludes that the strongest economic crisis and political isolation of Guinea-Bissau contributed to Wade's success in the establishment of Senegal's influence in Bissau in the first half of the 2000s. The methodolody of the research includes the systems approach, the structural-functional and comparative-political approaches, the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction and observation. By 2009, Senegal had lost its influence in Bissau after another government change in this country, which led to Guinea-Bissau's foreign relations diversification and its gradual reorientation to Angola. At present, the relations betwen these two countries are in crisis again. However, the unsolved problem of the Casamance will continue to force both leaders to seek the ways to overcome the contradictions.
rebels, MFDC, West Africa, diplomacy, alliance, , Casamance, Guinea-Bissau, Senegal, , separatism, military coup
World politics
Lasariya A.O. (2015). Formation of the Abkhazian statehood in the context of the Georgian-Abkhazian conflict . International relations, 4, 408–411.
The author focuses on the process of the Abkhazian statehood formation and the possibility of full international legal personality obtaining. The frequently used slogans, such as: “struggle for freedom” and “struggle for independence”, have been and still are of a great importance in the attempts to form their own statehood by various ethnic groups in many parts of the modern world. In some cases it is the restoration of the previously existed sovereignty; in other cases it is a qualitative transformation of an ethno-territorial unit due to the emerging socio-political and cultural causes. The paper studies the dynamics of political processes in the Republic of Abkhazia with their elements including historical, political and ethnic factors. Such a dynamics is considered in the context of the Georgian-Abkhazian ethno-political conflict and the impact of the abovementioned factors on the formation of the Abkhazian statehood in the current conditions. The subject of the research is the Abkhazia’s sovereignty. The methodological base includes the systems approach, the comparative-political approach, content-analysis, the historical method, etc. The article analyzes the practical aspects of the problems of Abkhazian sovereignization; among the main problems is the collision of the principles of international law in the context of the existing level of confrontation with Georgia. The novelty of the research lies in the study of a not sufficiently developed analysis and assessment of the possibility of realization of the right of self-determination by Abkhazia; this possibility consists in the qualitative transformation of the process of the Georgian-Abkhazian conflict management and the transformation of the geopolitical structure of the Transcaucasian region.
right of self-determination, principle of territorial integrity, legal personality, sovereignty, Georgian-Abkhazian conflict, recognition, Abkhazian statehood, Georgia, Abkhazia, international law
World politics
Kuznetsov I.I. (2015). The impact of demonstration effects on the development of political institutions. International relations, 4, 412–425.
The paper presents an approach to the analysis of the dynamics of political institutions in Russia through the prism of the impact of demonstration effects. The object of the research is political process in non-Western societies. The subject of the research is the development of political institutions in Russia. On the base of the approaches, prevailing in the domestic and foreign political science, the author examines the possibility of political change in the comparative perspective. The purpose is to reveal the characteristics of the impact of demonstration effects. The author outlines the basic problems of the improvement of the institutional design of political systems in the context of global communication and dissemination of ideas about the contemporary experience of the organization and functioning of public authority. The methodology of the study is based on the systems approach, the structural-functional and comparative-political approaches, the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction and observation.The author points at the need for a serious study of the possibilities and limitations of the universalist approach to "democracy promotion." Taking into account the experience of the contemporary "post-conflict regulation" in a number of countries in the world, the author concludes about the need for a balanced assessment of the native experience of political institutions, the provision of the sustainable statehood and political responsibility of the authority.
interests, geopolitics, global information space, world politics, U.S. foreign policy, international relations, diplomacy, state, security, USA
World politics
Gyuler K. (2015). Belgian federalism as a form of ethno-political conflicts management. International relations, 4, 426–430.
The article is devoted to the consideration of federalism as a form of ethno-political conflict management in modern Belgium. Recently separatist movements have intensified in many national states, including some EU member-states. It is known that Brussels is not only the capital of Belgium, but also the political centre of the European Union. At the same time, the increase of ethnic and separatist movements in Western Europe, as independence referendums in Scotland, Catalonia and Northern Ireland, can lead to the increase of ethno-political conflicts in some regions of Belgium. Therefore, the prevention of conflicts in Belgium is very important for the stability in the European Union. The methodology of the research is based on the systems approach, structural-functional and comparative-political approaches, the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction and observation. The author pays attention to the fact that at present it is very important to consider the Belgian experience of ethno-political conflicts management on the base of the federalist model which had been adopted in the country in the late 20th century. This experience is important for modern Western European countries, since they are potentially prone to ethno-political conflicts. The article analyzes Belgium’s federal system in the context of ethno-political conflicts management.
interests, geopolitics, Russia, world politics, U.S. foreign policy, international relations, diplomacy, state, security, color revolutions
Issues of war and peace
Bestolkov D.S. (2015). The role of the crisis in Iraq in the modern world politics. International relations, 4, 431–434.
This article is devoted to the study of the role of the 2003 crisis in Iraq for the world politics at the global and regional levels. The object of study is the Iraq crisis of 2003. The subject of the research includes the reasons, especially the evolution and the consequences, of the Iraq crisis for the system of international relations and global and regional security, and the motives and tactics of the main actors of the Iraq crisis, the role of international organizations, alliances and coalitions in this process. The aim of the research is to define the role of the 2003 crisis in Iraq in the reforming of the system of international relations, global and regional security.The methodological basis of the research includes the systems approach, the structural and functional and the comparative political approaches, the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, observation.The 1998 crisis between the Iraqi leadership and the UN Special Commission, which had led to the military operation of the USA and Britain (Operation Desert Fox), was a turning point in the America’s policy toward Iraq. The author pays attention to the fact that the emergence of Iraqi factor in the modern world politics, connected with a permanent statehood crisis, and the regional aspect of the Iraq problem should be studied thoroughly. The present paper attempts to study the dynamics of the Iraq problem development from 1998, the consequences of the invasion for the region and the reasons for the world community’s and political elites’ attention to this country.
international conflicts, geopolitics, Iraq, world politics, U.S. foreign policy, international relations, diplomacy, state, security, USA
Neymatov A.Ya. (2015). Color revolutions and political crisis in Ukraine. International relations, 4, 435–438.
This article is devoted to the study of modern forms, methods and technologies of color revolutions as the instruments of democratic transformation of traditional societies and the dismantling of political regimes. The author emphasizes that in the present conditions, unfortunately, we can not exclude the possibility of transfer of the experience of Ukrainian revolution organization to Russia. We could observe this situation during the events of the Arab Spring, when the scheme of color revolutions had been given "trial runs" in one country, and then, improved and modified, was transferred to another country.The methodological basis of the research contains the systems approach, the structural and functional and comparative-political approaches, the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, observation. Color revolutions as efficient political technologies are very effective. At the same time, the stereotyped character of color revolutions technologies can lead to a significant decrease of their effectiveness. However, the widespread communication and information technologies create favorable conditions for the emergence of new and the improvement of old methods of political processes management in different countries.
interests, diplomacy, coup d’état, , U.S. foreign policy, world politics, Russia, geopolitics, state, security, color revolutions
Aryamova A.D. (2015). Practical realization of technologies of color revolutions in Ukraine in 2004 and 2014: Comparative Analysis. International relations, 4, 439–442.
The article is devoted to the comparative analysis of two main cases in the study of modern color revolutions both on the Post-Soviet political space and in the world in general – the 2004 Orange Revolution and the so-called Euromaidan of 2013 – 2014 in Ukraine. The object of the research covers color revolutions in Ukraine. The subject of the research includes the forms, methods and peculiarities of practical use of the technologies of color revolutions in Ukraine in 2003 and 2013 – 2014. The aim of the research is to reveal the similarities and the differences in the scenarios of color revolutions in Ukraine in 2003 and 2013 – 2014. The methodology of the study is based on the systems approach, the structural-functional and comparative-political approaches, the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction and observation. The author emphasizes the fact that the Orange Revolution (2004) and “Euromaidan” (2013 – 2014) were directed according to the classical scenarios and realized in the forms of mass street protests. The models and mechanisms of coups d’état of 2004 – 2014 had many common features, but there were also differences which defined the specificity of each event and adapted them to the modern political situation in the country and in the world.
interests, geopolitics, Russia, world politics, U.S. foreign policy, international relations, diplomacy, state, security, color revolutions
Global cooperation
Kirsanova E.G. (2015). Global governance or economic cooperation: on the issue of innovative development at the present stage. International relations, 4, 443–447.
The study is devoted to the issues of innovative development of modern states in the context of recent trends of the world politics.The article examines the interrelation between global governance and economic cooperation through the prism of innovative development. The author comes to the conclusion that in the situation when many developed countries actively build their national innovation systems and increase innovative capacity, leadership of a particular country on the international arena can be based solely on economic cooperation with other actors of international relations. The methodology of the study is based on the systems approach, the structural-functional and comparative-political approaches, the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction and observation.The author notes the fact that innovations, as a rule, lead to the redistribution of power and are, thus, one of the causes of the change of the balance of political power, and, therefore, entail economic, political and social consequences.
interests, global governance, innovative development, national innovation system, economic cooperation, international relations, diplomacy, state, security, USA
Psychology of international relations
Selezneva A.V. (2015). Psychological peculiarities of the Russian elite in terms of foreign-policy activity. International relations, 4, 448–453.
The article is based on the results of the study of the political elite in modern Russia. The subject of the study covers psychological peculiarities of the political elite, important for the foreign policy. The key psychological components of the analysis are the political values as the central elements of politicians' consciousness and the style of interpersonal relations. Special attention is paid to the structure and the content of political values and degree of their representation in different groups of elites. The style of interpersonal relationships is considered in the context of the political leaders playing their political roles.Theoretical and methodological basis of the study includes the political-psychological approach which allows the author to explore the personal traits of the elite as a whole and of its individual members. The theoretical and methodological section of this article defines the nature and the specificity of selected psychological characteristics and outlines the methodological instruments of their study and interpretation. The results of the study show that the most important for foreign policy political values are the nationalist trend and intolerance. The most appropriate style of interpersonal relationships is extroversion with a high level of dominance. The case of S.V. Lavrov, presented in the article, illustrates the example of a balanced personality profile, appropriate for the role of the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Minister of Foreign Affairs, political elite, international relations, foreign policy, style of interpersonal relations, political values, political psychology, political role, nationalist trend, intolerance
Kuznetsov I.I. (2015). Political pragmatism of the empire: review of Herfried Münkler’s book “Empires: The Logic of World Supremacy – from Ancient Rome to the USA”. International relations, 4, 454–460.
Professor of Moscow State University, Doctor of Political Sciences I.I. Kuznetsov reviews the book of Herfried Münkler “Imperii: Logika gospodstva nad mirom – ot Drevnego Rima i do SShA”/Per. s nem L.V. Lannika pod red. T.A. Grablevskoi; komment. i vstup. st. L.V. Lannika – M.: Kuchkovo pole, 2015. – 400 s (“Empires: The Logic of World Supremacy – from Ancient Rome to the USA”). The methodology of the research comprises the systems approach, the structural-functional and comparative-political approaches, the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction and observation. The monograph of Prof. Münkler is a very interesting study of the complicated political issue of the fate of empires in the modern world. The author reasonably claims that the imperial form of government had maintained peaceful mutually-beneficial coexistence of various peoples and ethnic groups of different cultures, values and political traditions within a single state for a very long period of human history. Imperial government was based on the principle of “unity in diversity” which didn’t suppress the identity of small nations, but helped them preserve it. Nowadays, in the complicated conditions of the global instability intensification, the imperial form of organization of multinational states again becomes actual and competitive even in comparison with another, more widespread, form – federalism.
diplomacy, international relations, U.S. foreign policy, world politics, global information space, geopolitics, interests, state, security, USA