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«International relations» (18+)

¹ 1, 2014
Published since
2013 year

World politics
P. 4 - 10
P. 11 - 15
Political stability
P. 16 - 20
P. 21 - 24
P. 25 - 30
Regional configurations of international relations
P. 31 - 46
Challenges and threats to international security
P. 47 - 55
International conflicts
P. 56 - 61
Managing conflicts
P. 62 - 67
Information warfare
P. 68 - 74
P. 75 - 80
Global cooperation
P. 81 - 87
Non-government agents in international relations
P. 88 - 93
History of international relations
P. 94 - 99
P. 100 - 103
P. 104 - 114
Psychology of international relations
P. 115 - 125
Sociology of international relations
P. 126 - 141
Contents details