Question at hand
V. V. Karyakin (2014). On the World Rating of Analytical Centers. International relations, 4, 508–512.
This article is devoted to the evaluation of the condition of and efficiency achieved by the Russian analytical centers.
It is no secret that the analytical activities, which are a most important strategic component of management decisionmaking
in the Russian state, are currently experiencing a systemic crisis due to certain clear objective reasons. The crisis
that the Russian analysts are going through is further confirmed by the international ratings which, event with their political
bias, still provide an objective view of the condition in which the Russian analytical industry is now and of its analytical
potential. The methodology of this research is based on the systematic, structural and functional, and comparative political
approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, modeling, expert review. It has been established that the
Russian experts and analysts often lack a clear position on the matters they examine. Use of obsolete methodology may be
observed with respect to analysis and forecasting political processes from their current state without taking into consideration
the various forces acting each in its own direction in the situation of social and political chaos initiated by the information
technologies intended for influencing the consciousness of larges masses of people and political elite of the countries
with state and social institutions which are not fully formed yet. This results in a superficial analysis of the events which are
taking place and unreliable forecasting of the political situation development in problematic countries and regions.
rating, Russia, analytical activities, analytics, international relations, society, politics, evaluation, interests, values.
Theory and methodology of international relations
S. V. Tkachenko. (2014). Definition and Contents of Information and Psychological War. International relations, 4, 513–519.
For today’s Russia, studying the technology for demolishing national identity is now more important than ever
because it identifies the causes for the defeat suffered by the USSR in the Cold War and, as a result, it explains the essence
of the model of the modern Russian state built by now. Becoming aware of the nature of such war against Russia makes it
possible to build the strategy for effective counteraction, promptly identify the reasons why certain modernization processes
in our country are non-existent or very slow. Information and psychological war is viewed by the author as a combination
of technologies aimed at corrupting the public perception in the countries of the potential (geopolitical) opponent in order
to reduce the resistance in case of external expansion and to implement successful colonial policy. The methodological
basis is formed by the general scientific cognitive methods (dialectics, analysis, synthesis, analogy, functional, systematic,
and structural approaches, abstraction and specification, linguistic analysis), specific scientific methods (as well as special
legal research methods: formal legal, comparative law research, technical legal, legal modeling) and special (sociological,
psychological, anthropological, historical) methods. Using various research methods and the latest achievements in social
sciences in their combination made it possible to describe the object and subject matter of the research in the common
regularities of their existence and development, contributed to achieving the chosen objective and solving the tasks set.
The author defines the information and psychological war as a combination of technologies aimed at corrupting the public
perception in the countries of the potential (geopolitical) opponent in order to reduce the resistance in case of external
expansion and to implement successful colonial policy. It is using it that makes it possible to manipulate the public opinion
reducing protest intentions. Certain political and legal myths are implanted in the society distracting it from the reality.
information war, manipulation, West, colony, ideology, collaborationism, intervention, management, managed chaos, expert.
World politics
I. V. Bocharnikov (2014). “Scorched Earth” Tactics in Donbass. International relations, 4, 520–522.
The article presents the analysis of the contents, specifics and causes for the punitive operation in Donbass, its
participants and the means and methods of performing it, the essence of the “scorched earth” tactics implemented during
this operation by the governmental authorities against the population of Donbass. The article makes an analogy with
the occupation of Donbass during the Great Patriotic War. The authors identify the reasons why the USA are supporting
the governmental authorities in the Ukraine which are carrying out the punitive operation, the role and position in this
conflict of mercenary soldiers and private military companies. In this research, the authors used the systematic, structural
and functional, comparative historical and comparative political approaches, the methods of analysis, synthesis,
induction, deduction, unity and struggle of opposites, participant observation, modeling, expert review. 70 years after
the victory over fascism, war returned to Donbass again. The war returned with virtually the same declared “civilizing
European values” and, obviously, with the new successors of the leaders of the Nazi Germany convicted by Nurnberg
tribunal – extreme right Ukrainian nationalists calling themselves the followers of Bendera and Shushkevich. Towards
anybody who disagrees, they act using the same methods as the Nazis and their henchmen did during World War II.
international relations, foreign policy, Ukraine, Donbass, punitive operation, violation of human rights, private military companies, humanitarian crisis, illegal armed groups, conflict.
World politics
V. Yu. Brovko (2014). Conceptual Models of Information Policy. International relations, 4, 523–529.
This article reviews the main existing theoretical models of communication and information policy, compares
different approaches to defining the elements of the communication chain. It analysis the transformation of the concept
of subject-object relationship in the communication processes. One of the distinctive characteristics of the modern society is its high information saturation. It does not matter whether you accept the concept of information society in
general or not, the technological leap in the information and communication sphere, which significantly transformed
the structure of social relations, must be admitted as fact. The information explosion affected virtually every sphere of
human activities and resulted in considerable changes to the form and principles of communication processes: we observe
intensification of interaction between subjects, constant growth of the information processing and communication
speed, increased number of channels for its dissemination. Methodologically, this research is based on the systematic,
structural and functional, comparative historical, comparative political, geopolitical and cultural civilization approaches,
methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, modeling, observation. The development and polarization of new
media, which offer to members of the society new methods of interaction, are posing to social institutions, governmental
agencies and commercial entities, again and again, the question of effective models for managing information and communication
processing and make the communications policy one of the priority directions in research. The important task
here is to understand which of the existing models of information and communications policy can successfully respond
to the structural changes in the social environment and identify in which direction to move when developing new algorithms
for interaction with the audience.
international relation, foreign policy, information war, information policy, information diplomacy, state, Russia, values, security.
Political stability
S. M. Ivanov (2014). Iraq Oil Provokes New Conflicts. International relations, 4, 530–539.
According to OPEC, daily production of oil in Iraq in February 2014 grew by 400 thousand barrels and reached
3.4 mmbpd – the highest level in the last few decades. Out of that amount, about 2.8 mmbpd were exported. If the country
manages to maintain its average annual export at the level of 2.9 mmbpd, in 2014 it will earn about USD 100 billion
(in 2013 Bagdad got about USD 89 billion while annual export was 2.4 mmbpd). Iraqi authorities are planning to achieve,
by the end of 2014, the production of 4.5 mmbpd and in 2020 they intend to produce 9 mmbpd of oil. According to the
annual review published by the International Energy Agency (IEA), by 2030, Iraq may confidently become one of the three
global leaders in the production and export of hydrocarbons.
international relations, foreign policy, Iraq, Iraqi Kurdistan, oil, USA, conflict, interests, values, security.
E. A. Sagaidak (2014). IPI and TAPI Pipeline Projects as an Attempt at Reducing Energy Dependency of India. International relations, 4, 540–543.
This article touches upon a number of problematic aspects related to India’s energy dependency and
the inter-state interaction between the countries of the South Asian region. Two pipeline projects are discussed:
Iran-Pakistan-India and Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India as well as the difficulties associated with their
implementation, both of economic and political nature. The author pays special attention to the impact on the
construction of the above pipelines made by the two largest players in the modern system of international relations
– China and the USA. The chronological method is used for identifying the specific features of changes to
Indian foreign and domestic policy aimed at procuring both its own energy security. Situation analysis makes it
possible to recreate certain events in the development of the regional security problem and the attempts at settling
the conflicts based on documentary sources and periodicals. Systematic method is the approach to considering
the problem as a complex dynamic, comprehensive and integral phenomenon on the basis of the analysis of
the interdependence of all the elements both individually and in their combination. Comparative method allows
tracing the specific features of relationships between the countries of this region and their partner countries
and the countries which are potential threats to their safety in general. The scientific novelty of this research
lies in the author’s attempt at evaluating the main directions of the developments in the relationships between
the countries in the South Asian region from the point of view of India’s energy security. In light of the latest
events in the system of international relations and the growing role of energy resources as a valid leverage for
influence, the importance of this research is growing. The conclusions made by the author are as follows: 1. The
necessity for the Indian political elite to implement a multidirectional approach to the problem of the country’s
energy security. 2. The growing role of the USA and China as non-regional players immediately affecting the participants
of the IPI and TAPI pipeline projects. 3. The possibility for the positions of Moscow and Beijing as well as
of Moscow and New Deli to move closer to each other in the matters related to the future “energy dialogue”. 4. The necessity to take into consideration the growing role of China in South Asia and its ability to block or hinder
the implementation of energy projects that India needs.
international relations, problems of inter-state interaction, energy security, energy resources, IPI, TAPI, pipeline diplomacy, China, Russia, USA.
Challenges and threats to international security
M. Movsesyan (2014). Elections to the Russian State Duma as a Factor of Creation and Development of the Political System in Today’s Russia. International relations, 4, 544–549.
As the principal factor of the creation and development of the democratic election tradition in today’s Russia,
this article chronologically considers the election campaigns for the lower house of the parliament during the period from
1993 to 2011 and expresses the opinion about possible trends of the forthcoming election cycle in the Russian Federation
in 2016-2018.
It is noted that at this historical stage, the Russian political system is still affected by the influence both of the internal
political factors and external geopolitical processes. At the same time, new objectively occasioned trends are being actively
created and they are not affected by the environment. The methodological base of this research is the systematic,
structural and functional, comparative historic approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, observation,
and modeling. Since 1993, elections to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation have
been taking place in the new history of our country. Together with the institute of electing the President of the country,
they also define the stages of the formation, establishment and development of the political system in today’s Russia.
Lawmaking in our country is directly dependent on the quality of the parliament membership and its relationship with
the executive federal authorities. It is the history of elections to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian
Federation which enables us to trace the key stages of Russia’s development as a democratic country on the modern
geopolitical map of the world.
international relations, foreign policy, Russia, elections, State Duma, deputy, state, interests, values, security
International conflicts
A. I. Sizonenko (2014). Russia – Argentina: from History to Today. International relations, 4, 550–554.
This article is devoted to the history and traditions of the development of the Russian-Argentinian relationship.
Special attention is paid to the development of the commercial, economic and technical connections, the
growing mutual understanding between the countries, their desire to expand and strengthen their cooperation.
The subject of the bilateral relations between Argentina and Russia is now frequently discussed, not suddenly and
not immediately after the notable visit paid by President of the Russian Federation V. V. Putin to Argentina in July
2014, which was taking place against the background of general activation of the Russian-Latin American relations
in recent years and of the escalation of the Ukrainian crisis in 2013-1014, as well as the introduction of sanctions.
The methodological base of this research is the systematic, structural and functional, comparative historic and
comparative political approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, and observation. Facts, especially those which
have taken place in recent years, most evidently demonstrate the dynamic nature of the development of the Russian-
Argentinian relations, their potential, the growing understanding between the parties on the key problems of
today. In 2015, it will be 130 years since the diplomatic relationship between Russia and Argentina was established,
this undoubtedly serves as a good reason for not only totaling all the pluses of this relationship, but also for outlining
the new prospects and opportunities, further strengthening the mutual understanding between the parties in
various areas.
conflict management, foreign policy, international relations, Russia, Argentina, visit of V. V. Putin, Latin America, interests, values, security.
D. N. Kalachev (2014). Modern System of International Security: Environmental Parameters. International relations, 4, 555–558.
This article analyses the current system of international security. The article focuses on finding the key
parameters of the international security system. On the basis of the synergy approach proposed by S. P. Kapitsa for
describing demographic transition phenomena, the author identifies four parameters of the international security system: natural environment and resources; demographic growth, mass migration and the non-uniformity in the
development of various areas of the world; information, science and technology; global economy and globalization.
These developmental factors change the nature of international stability. Methodologically, this research is based
on the systematic, structural and functional, comparative historical, comparative political, geopolitical and cultural
civilization approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, modeling, observation. International
security is understood as the internal condition (property) of the system of international relations which supports
the life and interaction between countries, their regional associations and the global community as a whole as well
as the protection of their vital interests from various threats that may arise. Organizationally, international security
includes the system of measures aimed at reducing the level of international conflicts and procuring military
strategic stability in the world, and at expanding the cooperation between different states and nations in order to
combat their common threats.
international relations, foreign policy, Russia, geopolitics, political instability, diplomacy, state, interests, values, security.
Non-government agents in international relations
A. M. Repieva (2014). Specifics of the Border Conflict between India and China. International relations, 4, 559–565.
This article aims to shed light on the historic pre-requisites of the current processes taking place in the regions
of South Asia and affecting the global order in the 21st century. Politological analysis of border conflict settlement in
South Asia shows that there are six specific regional features of such settlement of border conflicts which exist in the
area in question: economic; political; ideological; diplomatic; precedent; religious features. This work focuses on the
political and economic component whose influence is mostly evident in these countries. The main research method we
chose is the historical reconstruction of the key events in the near-border zones of India and China. As our conclusions,
we can point out the following: settlement of the conflict between China and India on the whole is in a latent state. The
rare negotiations at top level only ensure the stability of non-aggression. No real steps to settle the border conflict are
taken. Some rare provocations in the tension zone serve as proof that the parties are not interested in any forced final
resolution of this problem.
region, independence, sovereignty, conflict, diplomatic relations, uprising, India, China, hostilities, foreign policy.
History of international relations
V. V. Spiridonov (2014). Role of International Rating Agencies in Implementing International Sanctions against Russia in Light of Events in
Ukraine. International relations, 4, 566–575.
After the Crimean peninsula, according to the results of the people’s referendum, became a part of Russia,
some countries in the West openly started talking about political and economic sanctions against the Russian Federation.
In particular, one of the measures against Russia was the quick reduction of forecasts for the credit ratings of Russia.
For instance, the largest international rating agencies lowered their forecasts for the credit rating of Russian banks and
large companies, they did it synchronously and concurrently, as if acting under orders. How painful this step taken by the
rating agencies will be for Russia, for consequences may await Russia and the global community in this regard – this is
what this paper is devoted to. As noted by A. V. Manoilo, “political sanctions are, first of all, a wave of moral reproach and
reprimand which must fall on Russia and make it feel ashamed”. It appears that shame should become a normal state for
Russia, not only because of what was done, but in general.
international relations, foreign policy, Ukraine, Crimea, rating, rating agency, state, conflict, sanctions, Russia.
History of international relations
N. Mikael (2014). From the History of Training in Russia of Local Labor for African Countries (to mark the 115th anniversary of diplomatic
relations between Russia and Ethiopia). International relations, 4, 576–584.
This article is devoted to the history of training in Russia of professionals for Ethiopia during the period from
the end of the 19th to the beginning of the 20th century. The author pays special attention to the role played by Russian
Red Cross in establishing the diplomatic relations between our two countries. When Bolsheviks came to power in Russia, the diplomatic relations between Russia and Ethiopia were suspended. The official Addis Ababa sympathized for
the upholders of the tsarist regime and when the news about the execution of emperor Nikolas II and his family reached
Ethiopia, a special memorial service was arranged in St. George’s church in Addis Ababa which was attended event by
the Patriarch of Ethiopian Christian church, public officials and diplomats from western countries, including the temporary
charge d’affaires of Russia P. K. Vinogradov. Methodologically, this research is based on the systematic, structural
and functional, and comparative historical approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction. The formal
relations between the two countries were frozen up until 1943. Ethiopia did not send any more students to Russia, this
practice was resumed only in 1960s. However, Russia remains one of the first European country in history which started
training professionals for Africa.
Conflictology, foreign policy, Ethiopia, Russian-Ethiopian relations, Menelik II, Embassy, Red Cross, Tekle Havariyat, Vitte, General Shvedov
F. L. Sinitsyn (2014). Plans of German Nazis with Respect to the Peoples of the USSR (1925–1941). International relations, 4, 585–588.
The main foreign-policy objective of Hitler’s Germany – to conquer “life space” – was connected, first of all, with
conquering the USSR which was supposed to become the “German India”. To substantiate its claims to the Soviet territory,
the Nazi ideologists developed their “race theory” and propagated the myths about the “demographic threat” posed by the
peoples of the Soviet Union and some military and political “Russian Bolshevik” and “Asian threat”. The development of the
plan for determining the fate of the USSR peoples resulted in the program of their “germanization”, deportation and destruction,
which was not implemented because of the victory of the Red Army in the Great Patriotic War. This article is built
on the research of numerous sources, including archive materials, and studying existing Russian and foreign historiography.
During the Soviet era, the ideology of the German national socialism was considered, primarily, from the point of view of
its “class bias”, i.e. economic objectives. It was considered that Hitler aimed at gaining world supremacy in the interest of
the German bourgeoisie. Any matters related to the national policy of the Nazi leadership were pushed aside. However, it
was the insufficient attention to the national aspect of the plans made by Hitler’s Germany which resulted in the remaining
vagueness in the assessment of the future awaiting the peoples of the USSR if the Third Reich had won.
Great Patriotic War, national policy of the USSR, Nazism, “race theory”, “life space”, geopolitics, A. Rozenberg, national policy of Germany, national relations, Third Reich.
Expert examination
S. N. Bogatyreva (2014). Patriotism of Russian Expatriate Community and Emigration. International relations, 4, 589–591.
In this article, the authors talk about the interpretation of the concept of “patriotism” as a special method for
conceptualizing the reality by the representatives of the Russian expatriate and emigrate community. The article considers
and analyzes the contents of the activities performed by emigrants abroad during the post-revolutionary period and
World War I. In 2012, it was the 90th anniversary of the event which played a huge negative role in the life of Russia,
which was the expulsion from the country after the Great October Socialist Revolution, resounding defeat of intervention
and internal counter-revolution, of outstanding people of their time: educators, philosophers, scientists, doctors, artists,
poets, writers, highly professional specialists and public figures, humanitarians, thinkers. They were sent to exile only
because they were fighting for the principle of spiritual freedom in their life and creative work and were deemed hopeless
by the Soviet authorities in terms of converting them to the communist faith. It was expulsion performed by the new
power for ideological, rather than political, reasons.
international relations, foreign policy, Russia, Russian emigration, cultural mission of emigration, patriotism, “Philosophers’ ships”, Russian patriot, true patriot.