Question at hand
Tsygankov, P.A. (2013). Non-governmental participants of global politics: interaction with the states and inter-governmental
organizations. International relations, 3, 312–317.
The article is devoted to the topical issues regarding variety of non-state actors (NSA), their interactions with the
states and supra-national international subjects. The growing role of the NSA in the international relations and their influence
on the global political processes is an obvious reality, which is recognized by all of the observers and analysts. The
NSA take part in the decisions made by the ECOSOC and other UN institutions, as well as the European Union structures
and other international organizations. They influence the social relations, attract attention to the violations of human
rights, they are involved in humanitarian operations and liquidation of the consequences of the humanitarian catastrophes,
they also provide charity for the people in need. The non-governmental organizations facilitate the development of
the economically poor regions and states, they address the issues of environmental protection, they unite the groups of
scientists and other professionals in large international associations, which facilitate the scientific and technical progress,
as well as social and political changes. Finally, the NSA provide serious input into the development of international law,
they formulate a new moral climate in the international relations and global politics, they stimulate activities in the civil
society, as well as solidarity towards the global justice changes in the world.
international relations, global politics, non-governmental actors, diplomacy, state, political system, political process, international institutions, procedures, values
Question at hand
Semchenkov, A.S. (2013). The modern scenarios for the political destabilization of Russia. International relations, 3, 318–322.
The article includes analysis of the key options for the political destabilization of Russia at the current stage, that
is the ‘colored”, “Libyan” and “Syrian” scenarios. Based upon the scenario analysis the author provides for the possible key
actions of the united non-systemic opposition and extremist forces, as well as international states, which are aimed towards
the political destabilization of the Russian Federation, ranging from the formation of the network-subject threatening
political stability to the armed intervention to the territory of the unstable state. The author provides detailed analysis
of problems in the sphere of national security of the Russian Federation, regarding the leeway of the political state government
in the sphere of implementation of measures on prevention and neutralization of threats to the political stability of
the Russian Federation in the moral, information-related, economic, migration-related, military and other spheres, coming
from its opponents and enemies. Taking into account the modern tendencies in the sphere of international relations and
the domestic tendencies, the author offers a complex of interrelated measures and acts on prevention and neutralization
of threats to the political stability of the Russian Federation.
scenario, political destabilization, threat, conflict within the state, irregular formation, Islamism, power, elite, migrant, terrorism.
World politics
Karpovich, O.G. (2013). Presidential elections in the USA: the American Democracy. International relations, 3, 323–327.
The elections in the USA follow their own rules, which are quite different from our understanding of the election
process. This system allows preventing independent candidates to large elections, or the candidate having less voices than
his opponents may still get to the White House. According to the analysis of the European and Russian mass media, the results
of the elections would have no influence upon the foreign policy of the USA in the sphere of its positions in the Middle
East and the EU, which having the centrist position, is looking for allies among the Latin American states and in Russia.
political science, politics, elections, the USA, President, election technologies, Democrats, Republicans, Obama, Romney.
Concepts of political structure of the world
Manoylo, A.V. (2013). Managing psychological warfare. International relations, 3, 328–339.
The article includes the formulae of the two key concepts for the implementation of state policy in the conditions
of psychological warfare: resistance to the psychological warfare and managing psychological warfare The concept of psychological warfare management includes activities changing the systemic quality of the warfare in the needed direction
with the use of the instruments of foreign political influence, and it is based upon the principle, that what one cannot
overcome, one should organize and lead. The practical application of this concept allows the state politics to achieve the
goals, which cannot be achieved within the framework of the resistance concept, and it changes the existing understanding
of the criteria and level of danger in the modern information and psychological warfare. In the opinion of the author,
managing information and psychological warfare shall become an important activity for the government bodies in the
special conditions in the nearest future within the system of state information policy.
political science, international relations, foreign policy, national security, psychological warfare, information warfare, psychological operations, management, conflict, the USA.
Modern foreign policy concepts and doctrine
Nizovkina, I.A. (2013). Psychological operations in the foreign policy of France and Great Britain. International relations, 3, 340–344.
This article includes the results of the analysis of official documents, concepts and doctrines of the two leading
global actors in the international relations (France and Great Britain) in the sphere of organization and implementation
of psychological operations in the international relations and foreign policy. The results of this analysis allow one to gain
understanding of principles and schemes of organization and implementation of psychological operations, their role in the
foreign policy of the modern states and modern international conflicts. It should be noted that the Russian scholarly literature
views the issues of psychological influence in the international relations in correlation with the information technologies,
or at times equals these two categories. The practical aspects of psychological operations are not sufficiently studied,
and neither are the means of counteracting them. All of the above shows topicality of the studies of modern psychological
operation as new key means for the implementation of foreign policy of the modern nation-states.
international relations, politics, psychological operations, nation states, France, Great Britain, information warfare, psychological influence, values, doctrines.
Political stability
Nikiforov, A.R. (2013). Solidarity as a social-democratic value: political and psychological analysis of programs of the European
political parties. International relations, 3, 345–352.
The article includes analysis of solidarity as a key social-democratic value based on the new programs of the
social-democratic parties of various states. The Social-Democrats enter a new level of their development and gain support.
The review of their ideology led them back to the traditional social-democratic values, the ideas of solidarity gaining priority.
Analysis of the Russian and Western literature on Social Democrats shows that in late years (after 2008) the ideological
search undergone a considerable change. First of all, the change concerns the contents of program provisions of almost
all Social Democratic parties, many such parties accepted new programs in 2012/ While their contents vary, most of them
leave behind the idea of searching for the “third” way, which seemed to be the last stage of development of their ideology
to many scholars, and they return to the traditional social-democratic “left” paradigm.
international relations, politics, political psychology, social democracy, solidarity, ideology, interests, values, conflict, political movements.
Zamaraeva, N.A. (2013). Pakistan — Gwadar — China: the regional redistribution. International relations, 3, 353–355.
This article concerns the specific features of the new stage of reconstruction of the Pakistani port Gwadar, in
which China participates. In February 2013 Pakistan and China concluded a multi-million contract for the reconstruction
of the port and formation of the port infrastructure. It creates a new geo-political situation in the region, in the water
area of the Strait of Hormuz and the Indian Ocean as a whole, while opening new trade directions and new transit
opportunities for the Central Asian states, the Western provinces of China, Iran and the states of the Persian Gulf. On
February 18, 2013 Islamabad and Beijing signed the treaty on transfer the operative management of the port Gwadar
and development of its infrastructure to the Chinese Overseas Port Holding. Gwadar is the third commercial port of the
Islamic Republic of Pakistan, together with Quasim and Karachi. According to the treaty the port remains property of
Pakistan, but it shall be operated by the Chinese state company. For Pakistan Gwadar shall serve as a future alternative
to the Karachi port, which is “the Seagate of the State”. The new port is situated 537 kilometers away from the trade
capital of Pakistan.
international relations, politics, Pakistan, Gwadar, China, port, interests, values, hydrocarbons, energy policy
Challenges and threats to international security
Zholobova, O.A. (2013). Development of the theory of federalism within the framework of social-philosophical and institutional
approaches in the West. International relations, 3, 356–368.
The problems of territorial structure of a state and regional development are not novel to the Russian and foreign
traditions of political science. An important specific feature of theoretical developments in the sphere of federalism is their
correlation to the practical implementation of federal principles within certain territorial political systems, which allows for
the constant development of the theory of federalism, amending existing concepts and approaches. Currently the political
science provides for various points of view on the phenomenon of federalism. The discussions mostly concern its nature.
According to the definition by the British political scientist Preston King federalism is an ideological and philosophical matter.
The American political scientist Vincent Ostrom states that federalism is an ideology of the truly self-managing society,
an alternative to any centralized power hierarchy.
international relations, politics, federalism, concepts of federalism, West, interests, values, federal structure, federation, constituent subject of federation.
Interests and values
Khizrieva, S.S. (2013). Information guarantees for the foreign policy of Brazil in the European Union. International relations, 3, 369–376.
Information guarantees of foreign policy provide the state with the factual data on target audience (domestic
and foreign) in order to gain, protect and manage information via the communication channels. Informatization of Brazil
in early XXI century facilitated the use of foreign political communication management, social diplomacy, inter-cultural
communications for the development of foreign political relations with the EU states. Formation of the information-efficient
government and embassy websites of Brazil, which were aimed at the foreign audiences in the EU, facilitated the
bilateral contacts between two regions, including economic, political, scientific and cultural projects. By improving the
quality of government and embassy websites and information agencies for the foreign audiences, Brazil has managed to
improve the general level of social diplomacy by network communication with the European audience.
information guarantees, Brazil, the EU, strategic partnership, bilateral relations, image-making, information agencies, embassy websites, inter-cultural communications, blogs.
Managing conflicts
Spiridonov, A.A. (2013). Political and legal bases for fighting raider takeovers. International relations, 3, 377–389.
Raider takeovers remain one of the key economic and political problems in the modern Russia. However, for more
than two decades by now there is no unified policy, and there is no clear and efficient legislative basis against raiders. That
is why it is necessary to define the vector against raider takeover at the legislative level. The situation also has a political
dimension, since there is a number of interest groups, who wish to preserve the situation as it is. The raider takeover
problem comes to the level of the threat to the national security. In the point of view of the author, the priority goal is to
provide for raider takeover as a crime in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
political science, raiders, security, anti-raider policy, entrepreneurship, greenmail, fraud, crime, law-making.
International economy relations
Poltorakov, A.Y. (2013). The geo-strategy of the modern state: political and economic dilemmas. International relations, 3, 390–395.
The modern state should achieve a necessary balance and optimum correlation between resource guarantees of
its foreign political and economic activities in the glocal aria based on the global “conjuncture”. The problem of choosing
the right correlation is especially topical for the “medium states” , such as Ukraine. For them declaring the idea of “economizing
foreign policy” is a principle domestic challenge, and in practice it comes to the level of “politization of foreign economic
connections”. In the conditions of “stable instability” of the global order the international context gains more and
more value for the geo-strategy of a state. The key challenge is the principle change in the general character of subjects of
international relations. The juxtaposition of these factors leads to the conflicts between long-term and short-term goals,
and the geo-strategic “exchange” becomes more topical.
political science, global policy, geo-strategy, geo-policy, geo-economics, state, inter-relation, glocality, regional, Ukraine.
Kosorukov, A.A. (2013). The new media as instruments for the political transformation in the modern world. International relations, 3, 396–400.
The new media transform the traditional model of communication, they erase the difference between inter-personal
and mass communications, they present themselves as results of a large amount of personal initiative, they provide for the phenomenon of network activism and form new political movements. Social networks and blogs serve as new types
of new media, and they become instruments for political protests and revolutions The social networks attract attention of
the society to the topical issues, they become channels for the digital diplomacy and the platforms for the recruiting new
members of extremist organizations, they are used in election campaign, they divide audience into “us” vs. “them”, they
undermine or support cultural and political unity of a state. Blogs allow to gain alternative information on political events,
they break the monopoly of traditional mass media, they bring together the people with similar views and positions, they
allow the working groups to have dialogue with the government, they concentrate intellectual and creative capital, they
polarize information and political area, and they can also be used in order to pressure political opponents. The shortcomings
of the new media as instruments for the political transformation include their formation around the weak social
connections and badly organized social groups, the possibility for manipulation by well-organized political actors, which
may aim at democratic changes or provoke revolutionary or protest actions in order to form manageable chaos in a state.
political science, media, transformation, networks, blogs, protest, elections, revolution, mobilization, vulnerability.
History of international relations
Repyeva, A.M. (2013). Organic communism in the philosophy of V.V. Bervi-Flerovskiy. International relations, 3, 401–407.
When starting research of any kind, one should first establish the basic cognition principles as a group of the most
general methods and settings, which are applicable in all cases of cognitive activities. We call methodology and principles
of “organic communism” of V.V.Bervi-Flerovskiy conditional, since they are based upon personal understanding of the
matters in question by an author. The academic and scientific literature have stricter requirements for methodology. The
conditional character of these principles is also dependent upon duality of statements of this thinker, which is sometimes
mistakenly referred to as “lack of understanding” or “lack of knowledge” of historical reality, social laws, etc.
political science, international relations, ideology, organic communism, politics, Bervi-Flerovskiy, philosophy, utopia, concept, Shirinyants.
Psychology of international relations
Gusher, A.I. (2013). Nuclear terrorism: a threat or a myth?. International relations, 3, 408–410.
Currently there are over 500 terrorist groups in the world. Many of these groups are united into the international
organizations, they are well-armed, their activities are based upon network principles, they have developed global connections
and inner financing sources. The scale, operative character and potential of international terrorism makes it
superior to other challenges and threats to international security. The danger of the modern terrorism lies in its strong
inner religious and ideological motivation (“true believers” against the “unfaithful”, “clean” against “dirty”, readiness for
self-sacrifice in “religious strife”, “Shaheeds”, etc.), unpredictable time, place and objects of terrorist acts, promiscuous
choice of methods and means for the actions.
political science, international relations, foreign policy, nuclear terrorism, conflict, security, political stability, threat, challenge, interests.