Theory and methodology of international relations
Kosorukov, A.A. (2012). Specifi c features of the decision-making in the sphere of foreign policy in a modern
state. International relations, 1, 6–24.
The article presents a comprehensive analysis of foreign policy decision-making determinants, based on
the level approach. The proposed determinants are settled on three interrelated levels – global, state and
interstate, include the factors of force, force relations, international institutions, mutual perception of each
other’s countries and the international system, the state autonomy, mobilizing, grand strategy, political and
psychological features of leaders, ideology.
determinant, foreign policy decision, foreign policy strategy, global, state, interstate levels.
Concepts of political structure of the world
Gusher, A.I. (2012). Geopolitical processes in the Asian-Pacifi c region. National interests and the security
of the Russian Federation in the Far East. International relations, 1, 25–35.
Review and analysis of the key scenarios of development of military and political situation in the Asian-
Pacifi c region, as refl ected in this article, clearly shows that currently and in the near future it is not likely
that there shall be large armed confl icts in this region. In the author’s point of view, the processes here shall
rather relate to establishing the borderlines between the interests of key players and to the strategic regrouping
of those, who claim military, political and economic domination in the region. For Russia there shall be
more opportunities for the further development of economic relations with the APR states and for the inner
development of the Eastern regions. The key goals is to strengthen the defense potential of Russia in the East
to the suffi cient level, which would guarantee reliable protection of its national interests.
geopolitics, Asian-Pacifi c region, Russia, China, politics, foreign policy, armed confl ict, economics, domination, national interests.
Political stability
Bocharnikov, I.V. (2012). The Northern Caucasian region: problems and perspectives of implementation of
the state policy of Russia. International relations, 1, 36–45.
As the author of this article points out, the latest events show that the Russian policy in the Caucasus gains
a totally new quality. For a long time its priority was to guarantee domestic political stability and security
with considerable use of forceful methods. The article is devoted to the issue of implementation of the state
policy and to the search of the effi cient solution for the modernization of the Caucasus and for the improvement
of lifestyle of people in the region at the current stage.
politics, political science, the Russian Federation, the Caucasus, the Northern Caucasus, inner, military confl ict, address of the President
Petrova, T.P. (2012). Diplomatic relations between Russia and Peru: their modern condition and the dynamics
of their development. International relations, 1, 46–53.
This article is devoted to the analysis of the current situation in the sphere of foreign political relations
between Russia and the Republic of Peru, their key priorities in the conditions of current modernization of
the Russian society. The author analyzes the history of formation and development of the Russian-Peruvian
relations, it current situation, threats and challenges to security in the sphere of bilateral relations.
Russia, Peru, priorities, modernization, history, bilateral relations, agreements, diplomacy.
Challenges and threats to international security
Bazarkina, D.Y. (2012). The roots of the ethno-religious terrorism in the European Union and in the Latin
America: similarities and peculiarities. International relations, 1, 54–59.
The communication aspect of international security today is increasingly investigated by European researchers
rather than Russian. However, both domestic and foreign researchers increasingly admit that it is
necessary to develop different management solutions in the sphere of security, algorithms with predictable
results. The times of crisis and rising instability in different regions including Europe and Latin America
make the current theme especially important. In the present article we shall try to research the motivation
of the ethno-religious terrorists’ attacks in the European Union and Latin America and also obstacles in a
way of antiterrorist struggle.
The article was prepared within the bounds of Federal Target Programme “Scientifi c & Pedagogic Personnel
of Innovative Russia” in 2009 – 2013.
terrorism, ethno-religious, European Union, Latin America, communication management.
Frolov, D.B., Prokhvatilov, V.V., Belyakov, N.V. (2012). The New Media and the Arabian Spring. International relations, 1, 60–67.
Analysis of the use of social networks at the time of revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt shows that their infl uence
on the situation is greatly overrated. Nevertheless, these are the instruments, which are actively used
by the Department of State of the USA and other American foundations and centers in order to facilitate
their infl uence in certain states. In fact the “new media” became new instruments in the information warfare,
which the USA wages around the world in its own interests.
Facebook, Twitter, WikiLeaks, YouTube, Google, New Media, cyber-revolution, social network revolution, “Kefi ya”(Enough), “Otpor”, “Kmara”, “Pora”, Freedom House, NED, POMED, Department of State of the USA, USA, Tahrir
Interests and values
Nikolaev, S.A. (2012). The foreign policy of the USA in the Central Asia: correlation of interests and
values. International relations, 1, 68–71.
The problem of correlation of “values and interests” in the foreign policy is viewed in this article through
the prism of the US policy in the Central Asia in 1991 – 2008. It is shown why the American administration
failed to resolve it within the framework of the doctrine of “aggressive realism”. It is stressed out that the
support of fast democratization of the region without due consideration of its specifi c features did not allow
the Washington to fully implement its strategic goals in the Central Asia, including those in the sphere of
security and confi guration of the regional sub-system of international relations.
the USA, the Central Asian region, Russia, dilemma of “values and interests”, “aggressive realism”, democratization and security, Greater Central Asia.
Managing conflicts
Manoylo, A.V. (2012). The Arabian Spring revolutions: modern concepts, models, technologies in the sphere
of managing international confl icts. International relations, 1, 72–87.
The results of the analysis of the practice of the western states of modern management confl icts (“controlled chaos”)
in the color revolutions in the Middle East and North Africa. Numerous signs and traces of the application of these
technologies suggest that the recent revolutionary events in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Bahrain, other Arab
states were clearly not spontaneous and were a direct result of external political control.
Libya, Syria, date of the revolution, national security, foreign policy, international relations, international confl ict, confl ict management, political modernization, psychological operations, information policy.
Managing conflicts
Karpovich, O.G. (2012). The format of international confl ict management, as applied by the USA and the
EU in the modern peace-making operations. International relations, 1, 88–99.
This article includes the results of comparative analysis of the formats of application of technologies of
managing international confl icts by the outside sources, as well as of the formats of holding peace-making
operations (forcing to peace, support of peace, in the peacemaking goals, in the interests of post-confl ict
peacemaking). It is shown how the modern technologies of confl ict management are adapted to the format
of peace-making operations).
politics, political science, technologies, the USA, confl ict, post-confl ict, Europe, confl ict management, international, peace-making operation, format.
Information warfare
Vinogradova, E.A. (2012). Lybia and the Latin American states: information warfare with the West. International relations, 1, 100–105.
The events in Libya (the antigovernment revolt and the following intervention of the international forces)
had a major effect on the communication support of the foreign policy of the ALBA states.
This effect manifested itself in the escalation of the information warfare between the member-states of the
ALBA integration alliance, on the one side, and the USA and the EU, on the other. The support of the Gaddhafi
regime became part of the communication policy of Latin-American leaders (Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro,
Evo Moralez, Raphael Correa, Daniel Ortega) proclaiming as its goal the creation of a new world order.
EU, Latin America, ALBA, information wars, USA, Russia, cyber-technology, image, media
International image of the state
Neymatova, A.Y. (2012). Formation of the positive state image in the activities of the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs of the Russian Federation. International relations, 1, 106–117.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia has a special role in the formation of a positive international image
of the country. The whole system of the Russian MFA is involved in the design, broadcast and “laundering”
of Russia’s image abroad: the central offi ce headed by the Department of Press and Information, diplomatic
and consular missions of the Foreign Ministry and its subordinate organizations. In fact, a positive perception
of Russia abroad is the mission of every Russian diplomat.
Russia, image, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, information security, Department of Press and Information, embassies, diplomatic and consular missions, permanent missions, Rossotrudnichestvo, new communication technologies.
International image of the state
Galumov, A.E. (2012). The perspectives of public diplomacy and image of the EU in Russia. International relations, 1, 118–127.
The public diplomacy is a complex of measures, which are aimed to study and to inform the foreign audience,
as well as to form contacts. Public diplomacy is also the relations among the states, which do not
use the traditional ties among the governments. In other words, public diplomacy presupposes open dialog
between the private persons and the non-governmental structures of the states. Such an interpretation of
public diplomacy is not the same with the interpretation, which is given to this term by the offi cial American
administration, which started its development in the fi rst place. According to the interpretation of the US
Administration, public diplomacy is fi rst of all infl uence on the social opinion in the states, with which interaction
is taking place, in order to infl uence foreign policy of such states. At the same time such diplomacy
may be implemented at the government level.
diplomacy, public diplomacy, the USA, Russia, the EU, offi cial diplomacy, private persons, NGOs, politics, political science.
Resource competition
Kondakov, S.A. (2012). The “pipeline diplomacy” of Russia. International relations, 1, 128–138.
This article includes results of the analysis of the key strategic goals and directions of the “pipeline policy”
of the Russian Federation, its priorities, which in turn infl uence the process of formation of the foreign
policy of the state. Benefi cial geographical and geopolitical position of Russia allows it to implement export
of sources of energy in any necessary quantity, as well as to gain considerable dividends from the transit
functions. In order to achieve greater results, Russia attempts to implement the projects on transportation
on the sources of energy in bordering states of Europe and Asia, and to form a non-discriminatory regime
of transit of sources of energy.
oil, resources, energy sources, diplomacy, dividends, Europe, Asia, Russia, geopolitics, geopolitical situation, resources, policy.
Psychology of international relations
Petrenko, A.I. (2012). Sarkozy and Hollande: the comparatives analysis of psychological portraits of the
modern French politicians. International relations, 1, 139–144.
The French presidential elections for the fi rst time in 17 years brought victory to the socialist candidate
– François Gérard Georges Nicolas Hollande. Since France is traditionally one of the leaders of the European
and world policy, the issue of possible considerable changes in foreign and domestic policy of this state
became more topical. The author of this article gives brief psychological and political characteristics of the
former President Nicolas Sarkozy, and current President Francois Hollande.
France, President, politics, political science, personal history, Francois Hollande, Nicolas Sarkozy, party, Socialists, Europe.