Citations count: 5
Yanik A.A. —
Space Transformation of the Economy: Harbingers and Trends
// Space Research.
– 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 14.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8817.2019.1.31049 URL:
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The subject of the research is the problems of analysis and monitoring of a new economic phenomenon - the global space economy. Russian economics and official documents do not use the concept of "space economy." However, internationally, it has become firmly established in public discourse; the space economy is the object of systematic observations, cross-country comparisons, and evaluation. The paper shows that the evolution of the space economy and the growth of its influence on "earthly life" are ahead of scientific understanding. But attention to this object is necessary because, according to various signs, we can state the beginning of the "space transformation" of the world economy.The paper develops theoretical ideas about the phenomenon of the space economy and analyses the difficulties associated with monitoring this phenomenon. The author concludes that the vision of a space economy transformative role is increasingly spreading in the international context. However, as with digital transformation, the scientific understanding of this process is still lagging behind the rapidly changing realities.
Citations count: 2
Popova S.M. —
"Hague Model" of Space Resource Activities Regulation and Prospects for the Transformation of International space law
// Space Research.
– 2018. – ¹ 2.
– P. 144 - 174.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8817.2018.2.28631 URL:
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The article analyzes the key approaches to the model of space resource activities regulations proposed by the Hague Space Resources Governance Working Group in view to encouraging States to engage in negotiations for an international agreement or non-legally binding instrument. Particular attention is paid to the instrumental, political and legal nature of the document under analysis, which is designed to stimulate the pace of international law-making and to create legal certainty for potential participants in the space resource activities within a reasonable period.
Citations count: 2
Payson D.B. —
The phenomenon of the SpaceX as a challenge to the international space market
// Space Research.
– 2016. – ¹ 1.
– P. 36 - 50.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8817.2016.1.20451 URL:
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This article is devoted to the research of the latest changes taking place on the international space market, as well as the new challenges emerging before its major players, including U. S. and Russia. The main attention is given to the analysis of the peculiarities of the strategy and work of one of the most unusual “players” in the modern space economy – a private American corporation SpaceX, which not only sort of challenged the current tradition in this area, but also actively influences the process of its institutional renovation. This work assesses the influence of the “SpaceX phenomenon” upon the institutional environment of the space economy on the national (United States) and global scale, upon trends of development of the global space activity, and national space “agenda”. Although the examined phenomenon is an endemic product of American system and the experience of SpaceX is unlikely to be transferred in an unchanged form into other national jurisdictions, the work of the corporation is objectively becoming the drive of development of the space market as a whole. The new U. S. model of relations between the state and the private sector in the space sphere is currently significantly ahead of any analogues of the Old World, and thus, this experience requires meticulous studying for the purpose of transferring valuable results.
Citations count: 2
Volynskaya O.A. —
The Concept of Long-term Sustainability of Space Activities from the Standpoint of International and National Space Law
// Space Research.
– 2017. – ¹ 2.
– P. 137 - 155.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8817.2017.2.22082 URL:
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The research object is legal relations in the area of ensuring long-term sustainability of space activities. The research subject is the range of international and domestic political and legal instruments regulating the issues of long-term sustainability of space activities.Based on the analysis, the author concludes that the adoption of universal international principles of long-term sustainability of space activities is the key to safety, stability and progressive development of world space activities, which is the ultimate goal of the international space community. The author shows that in different jurisdictions (Russia, the USA, European Union) long-term sustainability of space activities is not understood uniformly, and that the respective domestic political and legal conditions for its provision vary significantly. The author further concludes that there is a necessity to harmonize the existing and the future national legal regimes to ensure safety and long-term sustainability of space activities on the basis of the uniform international principles, which are being developed by the United Nations Organization.To achieve the research tasks, the author applies the dialectical, logical, system and structural, functional, comparative-legal and other research methods. In the research process, the comprehensive approach is used to analyze and elaborate on the research problems.
Citations count: 2
Yanik A.A. —
Space programs and the problems of estimating societal impact of the Big Science projects
// Space Research.
– 2017. – ¹ 3.
– P. 216 - 227.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8817.2017.3.24860 URL:
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The research subject is the activities of innovatively developed countries in the development of theoretical models, metrics and mechanisms helping to estimate societal impact of large-scale research projects (Big Science) as, consequently, manage the current and long-term impact of the development of science and innovations on socio-economic progress. Special attention is given to the need to estimate societal impact of expensive space programs. The purpose of the research is to determine the experience that could be used in Russia and to elaborate recommendations for its using. To solve the research tasks, the author uses general theoretical and empirical methods and interdisciplinary approaches. Though the positive impact of the Big Science projects on social development seems obvious, the newest scientific works don’t provide any evidence based proofs of this thesis. In the context of increased public attention to the quality of national resources management, it becomes extremely important to develop scientific instruments helping analyze the presence of interdependence between the increase of expenditures for large scale scientific projects and the growth of innovativeness of changes. In the Russian Federation, this sphere is at the initial stage of formation. It seems reasonable to activate such projects within the Scientific and Technological Development Strategy of the Russian Federation for 2017 – 2019.
Citations count: 1
Popova S.M. —
// Space Research.
– 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 273 - 285.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8817.2017.4.25135 URL:
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Citations count: 1
Payson D. —
On a Comparative Analysis of the Space Market Structural Models
// Space Research.
– 2018. – ¹ 2.
– P. 34 - 52.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8817.2018.2.28476 URL:
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The international space market and associated value chain are considered. We consider the generally accepted approaches promoted by the Satellite Industry Association to analyzing the structure and quantitative parameters of the space products and services market based on the gross turnover approach as well as government funding specifics. The approach suggested by G.Graziola of Bergamo University is analyzed that is based on the space industry/space economy dichotomy. The market structure is interpreted based in the Russia national standardization and experience. The prerequisites for the formation of a substantially different market structure are considered, based on the idea of the added values calculation along the value chain.
Citations count: 1
Timokhin K.V. —
The Hague Space Resources Governance Working Group as an Example of the General Approach to the Development of the International Space Law
// Space Research.
– 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 45 - 55.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8817.2019.1.29227 URL:
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The article dwells on the establishment and development of the Hague Space Resources Governance Working Group. The Group's goal is to elaborate main elements of the potential framework for the exploration, exploitation and utilization of space resources. After analyzing the work of the Group, the author concludes that its establishment is the direct outcome of the contemporary stalemate situation in the area of international space law. Correspondingly, it can be supposed that the results, which are to be presented by the Group, will not be eagerly endorsed by the international community. But at the same time it is noted that the Legal Subcommittee of the UN Committee on Peaceful Uses of the Outer Space could benefit from the work already done by the Group.
Citations count: 1
Shubin P.S. —
On the history and problems of Russian participation in the market of launch services to geostationary orbit
// Space Research.
– 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 22 - 35.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8817.2019.1.31105 URL:
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The subject of the study is the history of the global market for placing satellites into geostationary orbit from the 1990s to the present. The author analyses various reasons (economic, technological, political, etc.), which helped the Russian Federation take a leading position in this market at the end of the XX centuries and lose them now. Special attention is paid to the American policy of sanctions and prohibitions used as a tool for regulating the global space market. Also, the actions of the rocket and space industry of China in the conditions of sanctions by the United States are considered. The paper provides the forecast of possible acts of Russia in a similar situation. For the first time, the paper presents the milestones in the economic history of the Russian launch vehicles in the global space market. The study of this topic allowed us to analyze the origins of Russia's successes and problems in the international market of launch services, as well as to assess the prospective availability of this market segment for Russian players.
Citations count: 1
Yanik A.A. —
Innovations in management of space technologies development in the United States: analysis of the NASA experience
// Space Research.
– 2016. – ¹ 1.
– P. 22 - 35.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8817.2016.1.20315 URL:
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The object of this research is the methods of state management over the development of science and innovations in the area of space exploration. The subject of this research is NASA’s experience in development and refinement of priorities of the scientific-technological development in the conditions of the rapidly changing world. In addition to assessment of the more significant changes in the institutional legal bases of NASA’s function as a whole and the space industry in particular, a special attention is given to the analysis of the technological roadmaps of NASA (implemented in 2010) and the results of the 2016 arrangement of technologies based on their level and priority. The author notes that the modern national innovative system of the United States has an advanced network structure, which allows it to potentially realize a full innovative cycle, ranging from scientific research to formation of the corresponding market. The elements of this system are in a state of constant development and improvement with consideration of the realities of the rapidly changing world. A conclusion is made on the progress of the scientific capacity of the state policy of the United States in the area of development of space technologies. The NASA experience demonstrates the efficiency of the flexible decentralized solutions for management of technological development in the context of new challenges.
Citations count: 1
Popova S.M. —
U. S. commercial space legislation of 2015 and the questions of modernization of the international space law
// Space Research.
– 2016. – ¹ 1.
– P. 51 - 65.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8817.2016.1.20590 URL:
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This article is dedicated to the analysis of the situation that emerged in the international space law due to the U. S. November 2015 legislation on commercial space launch competitiveness. This work analytically generalizes the key expert opinions and legal positions of the lawyers from various countries, formulated into an answer to the new law passed by American legislators, in order to assess the possible impact of this national bill upon the status and prospects of modernization of the current system of international space law and its basic principles. The author concludes that due to its historical nature the basic principles of international space law, established between 1960’s-1980’s, cannot always give an unambiguous answer to the new questions and challenges that emerge in regards to the drastic changes in the world as a whole, and the global space activity in particular. This is indirectly confirmed by the abundance of legal discussions pertaining to interpretation of various general principles for the purpose of implementing them in the new historical context. The increase of technological capabilities in space exploration and growth in the number of competitive players of the “space race” leads to the need to reform the international legal regulation in this sphere.
Citations count: 1
Popova S.M. —
Impact of needs of space economy development on the legal regulation (a case study of the Luxembourg initiative
// Space Research.
– 2019. – ¹ 2.
– P. 32 - 46.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8817.2019.2.32089 URL:
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This article presents the results obtained within the framework of the research program for novelties of modern space law that arise in connection with the needs of the space economy development. Based on the analysis of the effects of the Luxembourg initiative (February 2016 to December 2019), the author investigates possible consequences for the system of international space law. There is a growing global interest in replicating the experience of Luxembourg for creating "legal offshore" to stimulate new types of space activities. The facts demonstrate that implementation of the initiative, supported by the tools of "soft power," "soft law", investments, and other technologies, helps expand the "window of discourse" in matters of space resources private use. This process can cause a sudden change in the rules of the competitive game in the global space market. It is necessary to monitor this kind of "disruptive" political and legal innovations, since rapid changes in the global space economy and international law directly affect the interests of the Russian Federation.
Citations count: 1
Kolczynski P. —
The new European Union space policy in order to maintain Europe’s position among space leaders
// Space Research.
– 2019. – ¹ 2.
– P. 20 - 31.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8817.2019.2.32162 URL:
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This paper analyzes the current EU space strategy and confronts it with existing global challenges in the space sector. The ultimate aim of this research is to recommend a well-adjusted space policy for the European Commission to ensure effective and sustainable exploration and use of outer space for the benefit of all EU member-states. In order to draft the most efficient space policy, the uniqueness of Europe’s space sector is studied. This paper argues that the EU space policy has to focus on guaranteeing European autonomy in access and use of outer space. The author extensively analyzes the challenges and opportunities related to dynamic development of private space sector’s activities. Emphasis is made on the significance of symbiotic cooperation between the public institutions and private companies regarding mutual benefits. The paper concludes that it is the right time for the European Union to build a bold and prospective space policy.
Citations count: 1
Payson D.B., Popova S.M. —
Innovative development of the rocket and space industry in Russia: challenges and potentialities
// Space Research.
– 2017. – ¹ 1.
– P. 36 - 45.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8817.2017.1.21536 URL:
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The research subject is the peculiarities of innovative development of the rocket and space industry in the Russian Federation. Based on the complex analysis of external and internal challenges and the institutional and legal context of this sector reforming, the authors detect the obstacles to quantitative changes in the development of one of the key sectors of Russia’s economics. The study shows that in the context of the new challenges, the improvement of adaptive capacities of the rocket and space industry of Russia and its capacity for internal changes and transparency is of a prime importance. To accomplish the research tasks, the authors apply the system, structural-functional, comparative-historical, comparative-legal, formal-logical and other research methods. The authors conclude that in terms of the peculiarities of the goals and tasks of the “Roscosmos” company, it is becoming a unique institution, according to its scale and complexity, working in the sphere of development of a specific sector of Russia’s economics, though its institutional status and the related functions haven’t been formally legalized in the federal legislation. The authors note that the successful modernization of the rocket and space industry determines the possibility for Russia to remain the leader in the field of space exploration.
Citations count: 1
Storm M., Stevenson G., Hovis F., Gavert W., Dang X., Darab A., Chuang T., Burns P. —
Lidar and Laser technologies for NASA’s Cloud Aerosol Transport System (CATS) basing on the International Space Station (JEM-EF)
// Space Research.
– 2017. – ¹ 1.
– P. 10 - 16.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8817.2017.1.21601 URL:
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The paper studies the methodological approaches and evaluates the possibility to use the technology of acquiring and processing information about the location, composition and distribution of aerosol clouds, water suspensions and other particles in Earth’s atmosphere using active optical instruments (lasers and photon counters). The research purpose is the analysis of the prospects of creation of the new generation of high technology measurement instruments using the external company services, including the space and land-based components, analogous to NASA’s lidar Cloud Aerosol Transport System, basing in the Exposed Facility of the Japanese Experimental Module of the International Space Station. To solve the research task, the authors apply the system and structural-functional approaches. The authors use the general methods of physics and engineering methods, particularly, the methods of astrometry, spectrophotometry, optoelectronics, laser technology and engineering design. The technology components and the space measurement complex, including two 25W multiwave solid-state impulse lasers and 32 avalanche multichannel photodetectors, had successfully worked for more than 300 hours in outer space during February 2016 and helped collect practical information about the characteristics of aerosols and some gases in Earth’s atmosphere. The authors demonstrate practical possibility to involve a small group of engineers of the private Fibertek, Inc. company for the fast and cost-competitive creation of the new generation of space lidars, including such high-technology operations as construction and design, creation of an operational product, its testing and deployment in space.
Citations count: 1
Popova S.M. —
A new trend of space law: creation of “favourable jurisdictions” for space activities
// Space Research.
– 2017. – ¹ 1.
– P. 46 - 57.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8817.2017.1.21686 URL:
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The research object is national legislation, regulating space activities. The research subject is the changes, testifying the emergence of new trends in space law development. Based on the comparative analysis of statutory instruments of different countries, international organizations (particularly, the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, the UN Office for Outer Space Affairs, etc.) and the positions of the world expert community, the author studies the fundamental approaches to the regulation of the regime of foreign companies, involved in space activities within national jurisdiction of other states. To accomplish the research tasks, the author applies the formal-logical, comparative (comparative-historical, comparative-legal) and other research methods. The author notes that the growth of the “space sector” of the economy objectively leads to the increase of the general level of innovative development of the country; it encourages other countries to attract foreign companies, involved in space activities, to their national jurisdiction. The author defines three ways to solve this problem; concludes about the emergence of a new trend in space law, aimed at the creation of “favourable jurisdictions” for space activities; describes the factors, influencing the formation of this trend, and the related challenges to the global space law system.
Citations count: 1
Yilmaz S. —
Space and Turkey
// Space Research.
– 2018. – ¹ 1.
– P. 348 - 364.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8817.2018.1.26050 URL:
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Around the world, increasing numbers of developing countries are investing in space-related technologies, seeking partners for space projects, and even constructing launch facilities. Those countries must overcome many hurdles to benefit the space independently for their own security and to make significant contributions to peaceful activities, even if they use the advantage of turning up late in space studies. To see the concern between science and technology and space science and its technology within a country, it is sufficient to take a look at Research and Development investments supported by realistic policies. Incipient countries must consider the importance of international cooperation to share the risk and cost and to create synergy, rather than following and copying the initiators in discovery of space, they should be able to develop new technologies and creative solutions with increasing international actors and projects, and be prepared for future with flexible and sensational plans. Turkey took important steps within the last 20 years but these efforts could not attain desired results yet. Turkey gained a position as satellite and satellite sub-system developing country in the world classification of active countries with initiated space projects. Besides not having sufficient space industry within the country, most important obstacle towards Turkey is undeveloped social consciousness in this field.