Issues of war and peace
Gatin, M.I. (2024). The history of anti-Castro terrorist organizations and their ties to the U.S. government. History magazine - researches, 3, 1–13.
The article is devoted to the history of terrorist organizations that arose as a response to the Cuban Revolution of 1959, the rise to power of Fidel Castro and the policies of his government over the following decades. An important role in the creation, financing and support of these organizations was played by people directly or indirectly connected with the American special services and the political leadership of the United States. The activities of Cuban counter-revolutionary terrorists have led to tragic consequences, including the deaths of innocent people, not only Cubans, but also representatives of other Latin American countries. The use of terrorist methods for political purposes is an extremely urgent problem in the 21st century, and therefore an appeal to the history of this phenomenon is objectively necessary to effectively combat this evil. The history of terrorist activity by opponents of the Castro regime is of interest both to historians and political scientists, whose interests include the study of the Caribbean region, the history of foreign policy and the activities of US intelligence agencies, and to specialists in international relations in general. The methodology of the research is based on the principles of historicism, scientific objectivity and consistency. This allows us to consider the problem under study as an integrated system, where the facts are analyzed in their entirety and interrelationships. General scientific (analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, descriptive) and general historical (historical-comparative, historical-systemic) research methods are necessary for conducting research. The present study has a scientific novelty, since it is based on sources not previously used in the Russian scientific literature. A significant part of the corpus of sources used by the author of the article are classified CIA documents until recently. To a certain extent, working with such arrays of information is not only a historical, but also a political science study that allows us to better understand the realities of modern geopolitics. As for the conclusions of this study, they may be summarised respectively: 1) the United States, at least in the recent past, was a direct sponsor of international terrorism; 2) the activities of anti-Castro terrorist groups in the 20th century still hinder the process of restoring diplomatic relations between the United States and Cuba; 3) a violent change of power in the state inevitably generates a cycle of violence that evades the risk of interference in the internal affairs of the country from the outside.
Escambray, Luis Posada, Orlando Bosch, USA, Cuba, John F. Kennedy, Jorge Mas, terrorism, Fidel Castro, CORU
Historical facts, events, phenomena
Baranovskii, A.V. (2024). Quantitative indicators of the training of cadets of the Irkutsk Fire Technical School in 1968-1993. History magazine - researches, 3, 14–23.
The subject of the research of the scientific article is the peculiarities of the process of training firefighters on the basis of the Irkutsk Fire Technical School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR during the period of activity of this educational institution from 1968 to 1993 on the territory of the Irkutsk region. In this publication, on the basis of previously unpublished and not introduced into scientific circulation archival materials, historical data on quantitative changes in the recruitment and training of cadets of the Irkutsk Fire Technical School during the period of their educational activities are investigated. The author considers the issues of organizing entry examinations for incoming applicants, notes significant events in the educational activities of cadets, and summarizes data on the number of specialists who have completed training. The article identifies the features of the educational process on the basis of the school, which allowed the formation of a professional staff of firefighters in the regions of Siberia and the Far East. The research methodology includes a concrete historical approach (M.V. Astakhov, I.D. Kovalchenko, V.F. Kolomiytsev, A.P. Pronstein, etc.), as well as generalization, comparison, synthesis, classification, concretization; analysis of archival documents, legislation and scientific literature; retrospective analysis; method of historical analogies. The novelty of this scientific article lies in the fact that during the scientific research, historical and pedagogical sources, archival data describing in detail the history of the formation and development of the cadet recruitment structure of the school, as well as a detailed report on the quantitative and qualitative indicators of graduates of the fire school by year of graduation were identified and summarized. The conducted research is of interest to a wide range of readers, since the study of the educational activities of the school, structural and organizational measures for the recruitment and graduation of firefighters is a very important component in the study of the formation and development of departmental education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR in the territory of the Baikal region in the XX century. The list of heads of these structural divisions at the stage of formation and development of the Irkutsk Fire Technical School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR is considered.
the training system, fire education, graduation of specialists, extinguishing fires, fire fighting school, fire fighting, cadets are firefighters, professional training, the history of the Baikal region, training of specialists
Issues of war and peace
Sintserov, L.L. (2024). The image of the Chechen War on the pages of the American daily newspaper The New York Times: headline review. History magazine - researches, 3, 24–35.
The subject of the research in the article is the image of the First and Second Chechen Wars, created by journalists of The New York Times newspaper in the 1990s and reflecting the views of the American democratic public. The subject of the study is the headlines of articles related to this topic in the American daily newspaper The New York Times. At the end of the 20th century, the periodical press continued to play a significant role in public life, including shaping the news agenda and creating the image of certain events. Often, journalists sought to impose their vision of Russian politics on the reader. Reputable publications, avoiding the techniques of the "yellow press", used more subtle and unobvious manipulative forms. Such manipulations include the newspaper's choice of lexical units with a certain connotation and the frequency of their use. In this study, the author attempts to explicate the hidden information that is embedded in the headlines of The New York Times. To analyze the information identified by the author in the headlines of The New York Times newspaper, the article used methods such as historical, comparative and quantitative content analysis. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that the headlines of The New York Times newspaper of this period were first considered as a source of analysis of the transforming view of the American democratic press on the events of the First and Second Chechen Wars. According to the results of the study, the following conclusions were drawn: the image of the Chechen conflict of the 1990s in the American press has undergone significant changes. If the First Chechen War in The New York Times appears as a legitimate struggle of the Russian authorities against the separatist movement in Chechnya, albeit with a number of critical remarks, then the image of the Second Chechen War is radically different from the previous campaign. The newspaper presents the events of the Second Chechen Campaign as a new colonial war, while the emphasis was shifted towards criticizing the Russian leadership for violating human rights and freedoms in the Chechen Republic, as well as a direct impact on destabilization in the North Caucasus region.
periodical printing, The American press, press analysis, content analysis, newspaper headlines, manipulative techniques, Source studies, The New York Times, The Chechen War, image
Sizenov, P.I. (2024). The role of the armed forces in the April 2002 coup attempt in Venezuela. History magazine - researches, 3, 36–46.
The article deals with the problem of the influence of representatives of the National Armed Forces of Venezuela on the course and results of the coup in April 2002. The relevance of the topic is determined by the fact that the failed coup became a key point in the first stage of the government of Hugo Chavez and largely determined the president's policy towards further establishing personal control over all institutions of power, as well as definitively outlined the harsh anti-American vector of the Bolivarian policy. The emphasis on the actions of military officials in the coup makes it possible to determine their real significant role in the April events. In this regard, attention is paid to the influence of the institution of the army in general and individual officers in particular on political processes in Venezuela. The methodological basis in the article is provided by general scientific (descriptive, analysis and synthesis), as well as historical (chronological) and political science (institutional) research methods. In Russian historiography, the episode with the coup, as a rule, was considered within the framework of global studies on H. Chavez and Chavismo in general. Therefore, within the framework of the work, more emphasis is placed on foreign historiography. These facts determine the novelty of the work, which consists both in attracting previously unused materials to the study, and in specifying the topic of the coup and the role of the Venezuelan Armed Forces in it. Based on the analyzed data, the conclusions of the work indicate that the actual intervention of senior officers in the political crisis in the country initially brought the presidency to the putschists, and then deprived them of almost seized power, ensuring the return of Hugo Chavez to the Miroflores Palace. In addition, independence in the actions of the military is emphasized in the conditions of chaos and a vacuum of power that came on April 11, 2002. In this regard, it is also indicated that specifically the senior officers acted spontaneously and were not actively involved in the real-life conspiratorial circles that were preparing a coup d'etat. Therefore, when the military most important for the coup saw that the measures taken by the putschists did not meet their vision, they deprived the right of their support and did not actually oppose the fact that another group of military officers returned the legitimately elected president to office.
Venezuelan coup d'état attempt, General Raul Baduel, General Efrain Vasquez Velasco, Hugo Chavez, National Armed Forces of Venezuela, armed forces, coup d'etat, Venezuela, Avila plan, Pink tide
Issues of war and peace
Mamonova, I.O. (2024). Foreign military journalists in Manchuria in 1904-1905: features of daily activities. History magazine - researches, 3, 47–59.
The author examines some aspects of the daily activities of foreign war correspondents who accompanied the Manchurian army in the Russian-Japanese War of 1904-1905. The article is based on texts published by journalists, materials from foreign periodicals, documentation from military and foreign ministries. Attention is paid both to the everyday peculiarities of the professional conditions of accredited journalists in Manchuria, and to the characteristics of the social environment, which had a significant impact on the process of collecting information in the theater of military operations. The issues of interaction of foreign correspondents with representatives of the Russian army, the local Chinese population and other reporters are touched upon, which is closely related to their possession of relevant foreign language competencies. The dynamics of the number of foreign military personnel in the theater of war and its connection with the course of hostilities are analyzed. The use of the historical and comparative method made it possible to identify common and special features in the situation of foreign reporters and other guests of Manchuria. The differences revealed in the characteristics of daily activities between foreign war correspondents and representatives of the Russian press, as a rule, were associated with a language barrier for foreigners and greater distrust of them on the part of censorship authorities. In comparison with military attaches, correspondents noted the complete independence of the journalistic corps in solving everyday issues in Manchuria. In the course of the study, several stages were identified in the dynamics of the number of foreign reporters in the theater of war. The correlation of the pace of correspondents' accreditations with events at the front has been revealed and demonstrated. It has been established that the 1904 campaign, especially its summer and autumn events, received the most attention from foreign journalists. For the first time, a range of issues is outlined for the study of which the legacy of foreign war correspondents may have the greatest scientific and cognitive value.
European press, periodical printing, Russian army, military censorship, Manchuria, foreign correspondents, war journalism, war correspondents, Russo-Japanese war, journalistic accreditation
Comparative history research
Zueva, L.E. (2024). Features of the economic development of ancient Russian and German cities in the XII – first third of the XIII century. History magazine - researches, 3, 60–69.
The subject of the study is the economic life of the city of Ancient Russia and the medieval city of Germany. The object of the study is an ancient Russian and Western European city in the XII – first third of the XIII centuries. For more than a century, the debate has been going on about whether Russia is following its own special path of development, different from the Western one, or whether our country is developing in the general direction of the world historical process, lagging behind Western European states for various reasons. The appeal to the economic problems of the city is due to the exceptional importance of the economic sphere of life, it determines the course of all processes taking place in society, affecting the other subsystems of society. For comparison, we have chosen one of the dominant political centers of Russia in the era of fragmentation – the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality and the cities of Germany, which are a classic example of a medieval city in Western Europe. The work used a comparative historical method that allows us to identify common and specific features of the development of the economic sphere of the urban centers of Ancient Russia and medieval Europe in order to reveal the versatility of the phenomenon of the ancient Russian city. The ancient Russian and medieval German city in the XII – first third of the XIII century had a deep connection with the nearby agricultural district and were agrarian in nature. Despite this, the most important direction of the economic development of the cities of Vladimir-Suzdal land and medieval Germany was their development as trade and craft centers. Merchant associations operate in both countries, and active trade and credit operations are carried out. Both cities were distinguished by the differentiation of the craft and its narrow specialization. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that a comparative analysis of the level of economic development of a significant number of ancient Russian and German medieval cities was carried out. As a result of the study, it was concluded that in German cities of the High Middle Ages, a special urban world was developing, characterized by strict regulation of almost all aspects of the life of citizens. The ancient Russian cities, on the contrary, did not develop a specific urban law that would operate only within the city walls.
trading, rural districts, comparative history, German city, medieval craft, Medieval Germany, political fragmentation, Vladimir-Suzdal Rus, the ancient Russian city, corporation
Regions of the world in the global historical process
Bogomolova, D.K. (2024). Serbian-Montenegrin relations and the prospect of the creation of the Balkan Union in 1904-1905. History magazine - researches, 3, 70–82.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the prospects for the creation of the Balkan Union in 1904-1905, the idea of which arose under the influence of the aggravation of the international political situation in connection with the Eastern question, as well as due to the beginning of the Ilinden uprising in Macedonia. This was the first attempt in the twentieth century by young Slavic states to unite and coordinate joint foreign policy goals in the fight against the Ottoman Empire. The main sources of research are the diplomatic documents of the Balkan countries, as well as reports from Russian diplomats, the analysis of which led to the conclusion that the agreements reached during the negotiations between Serbia, Bulgaria and Montenegro, although they did not lead to the final formation of the alliance, still played a major role in the future and formed the basis of the Balkan Union of 1912-1913. They also stressed the role of the Russian Empire as an arbitrator in inter-Balkan relations. The main focus of the article is on analyzing the Serbian-Montenegrin negotiations aimed at concluding a union treaty between the countries and strengthening bilateral relations, which became possible after the change of the ruling dynasty in Serbia. Despite the fact that at first Serbian and Montenegrin politicians highly appreciated the importance of possible agreements, later negotiations failed due to serious disagreements between the parties on the issue of future territorial delimitation in the event of victory over the Ottoman Empire and the inability to work out a compromise text of the treaty. The conducted research made it possible to significantly complement and expand the picture of the Serbian-Montenegrin and inter-Balkan negotiations of 1904-1905 and to conclude that during this period conditions had not yet developed for rapprochement and coordination of foreign policy goals between the Slavic countries of the Balkan peninsula, and the beginning of negotiations on the formation of the Balkan Union was dictated to a greater extent by the temporary aggravation of the situation in connection with the uprising in Macedonia.
The Balkan League, The Russian Empire, inter-Balkan relations, Serbian-Montenegrin relations, Foreign policy, diplomatic relations, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Serbia, Ilinden Uprising
Culture and cultures in historical context
Subbotin, V.I. (2024). Discussions on the social role of political lyrics and "tendentious" poetry in German literary criticism of the Pre-Mart era. History magazine - researches, 3, 83–93.
The article is devoted to the discussion by the German literary community of the 1830s – 1840s of the artistic and social role of political lyrics. The work seeks to present the diverse opinions of prominent publicists, literary theorists and writers of the era, such as Ludwig Berne, Heinrich Heine, Robert Eduard Prutz. The author shares the well-established idea in German historiography that the literary and critical discussion of the Pre-March era gives a more complete picture of the genesis of the political consciousness of the Germans and the socio-political processes that took place in Germany. The author's attention is focused on the discussion concerning the aesthetic and ideological-political ideas of the literary community about the place of poetry in the space of culture, its functions and the claims of writers to direct participation in political life. The methodological basis of this work is the theoretical achievements of the scientific research areas of the "history of concepts" and intellectual history. The central idea of the article is the assumption that the time of the sharp politicization of German artistic culture in the 1830s and 1840s coincided with the revision of the previous principles of artistic creativity, accelerated it and at the same time complicated it, giving both processes a more conflictual and nonlinear character, fixing and exposing the absence among German authors of liberal democratic views that stood at the forefront of literary theory, general, clearly formulated aesthetic guidelines. In these decades, new principles have been approved in the evaluation of literary works affecting socio-political issues. There is a legitimization of political poetry at the theoretical level, but the contradiction between the spheres of politics and aesthetics is not completely removed. And literary discussions are gradually moving out of the artistic and aesthetic sphere into the sphere of practical politics: moderate liberal views collide with democratic radicalism, national patriotic ideas enter into a polemic with cosmopolitan ones.
artistic period, partisanship, Georg Herwegh, Ludwig Börne, Heinrich Heine, Robert Eduard Prutz, German literary criticism, tendentious poetry, political lyric, Vormärz
Alekseev, T.V., Belenovich, O.V. (2024). Military shipbuilding in the Volga region (XVIII-early XX centuries) in Russian historiography. History magazine - researches, 3, 94–117.
The article is devoted to the problem of the emergence and development of the industrial base of military shipbuilding in pre-revolutionary Russia in the Volga region. Its purpose is to analyze the work of domestic researchers on this problem, to identify on this basis the features of the shipbuilding industry in the region, to create a complete picture of its formation and development. The study was conducted within the framework of the individual periods proposed by the author, the grounds for which were both fluctuations in Russia's foreign policy in the Caspian Sea region and changes in the technical and technological aspects of shipbuilding itself. Special attention is paid to the emergence and activities of two major centers of Volga shipbuilding – the admiralty in Kazan and Astrakhan, attention is paid to the development of their production infrastructure, as well as their personnel and logistical support. The research uses both general philosophical methods of analysis and ascent from the concrete to the abstract, as well as special historical methods: chronological, periodization and comparative historical. It is revealed that organized state military shipbuilding in the Volga region arose both to implement the goals of Russia's eastern policy and to meet the needs for shipbuilding materials of the fleet being built on the Baltic Sea. The limited foreign policy goals in the Caspian Sea region predetermined the specific appearance of the shipbuilding industry formed in the Volga region. The conclusion is made about the commensurate development of the shipbuilding base in the Volga region to the level of threats to Russia's national security that existed in the Caspian Sea region during the period under study. It is emphasized that a specific feature of the shipbuilding industry's production and logistics infrastructure in the Volga region was its focus on providing strategic materials to other shipbuilding centers in Russia, primarily those working in the interests of the Baltic Fleet. The problems and issues of the history of military shipbuilding in the Volga region that require further study are shown.
ship scaffolding, logging, navy, Caspian Flotilla, shipyard, admiralty, shipbuilding industry, shipbuilding, military industry, Caspian region
Zasedateleva, N.N. (2024). On the history of the creation of the Old Moscow Commission: what the archival documents told about. History magazine - researches, 3, 118–129.
The subject of this article is the Commission for the Study of Old Moscow, which was formed at the Imperial Moscow Archaeological Society and continued to operate after the liquidation of the IMAO. The author pays special attention to the Rules of the Commission, a program document of this community, which have been preserved both in handwritten and printed form, and in several copies. In addition, the author examines other archival documents – minutes of the Commission's meetings, which allow to highlight the issue of the activities and work of the Commission. The study of these documents also helps to understand how the Commission for the Study of Old Moscow was organized, who held the main positions and what responsibilities were imposed on them, who were the most active members of the Commission, etc. The main method of research is the method of historical analysis, which allows one to analyze the minutes of meetings and Rules of the Commission for the Study of Old Moscow and on their basis to understand how this community functioned. The main conclusions of the conducted research are, firstly, the conclusion that by 1917 the Commission for the Study of Old Moscow had become a serious scientific society, which included not only those interested in the history of Moscow, amateur Muscovites, but also professional historians, archivists, architects, etc.; secondly, the conclusion about the Commission's huge contribution to the study and preservation of ancient monuments in Moscow. In addition, the author concludes that the Commission for the Study of Old Moscow was institutionally and in many types of activities the successor of the Imperial Moscow Archaeological Society. Preserving the traditions of the IMAO and remaining faithful to its basic principles, the Commission was able to continue its activities after the liquidation of the IMAO. The novelty of the research lies in the introduction into scientific circulation of previously unpublished archival sources, a comprehensive analysis of which allows us to reconstruct the daily life of the Commission.
Praskovya Uvarova, exploring ancient Moscow, the history of Moscow, Commission Rules, Secretary of the Commission, Chairman of the Commission, minutes of meetings, The Old Moscow Commission, Ivan Belyaev, IMAO
Historical facts, events, phenomena
Albogachiev, M.M. (2024). The date of the foundation of the first permanent Ingush settlement in the area of modern Nazran. History magazine - researches, 3, 130–148.
This work is devoted to the migration processes that took place in the XVII-XVIII centuries among the Ingush tribes, which eventually led to the foundation of the first permanent Ingush settlement in the area of the modern city of Nazran. The analysis of information from historical sources on this issue, as well as the main versions that exist today, is carried out. At the republican scientific and practical conference "historical determination of the date of formation of Nazran", held on July 15, 2000, it was decided to consider the date of foundation of Nazran as 1781. However, some researchers still express the opinion that Ingush settlements in the Nazran valley began to arise only at the beginning of the XIX century. The purpose of the article is to confirm the validity of the officially established date of the founding of Nazran on the basis of data from historical sources. And also to show that the development of the territory of the Nazran valley by Ingush tribes began in the XVII century. To achieve the purpose of the article, the author drew on a significant amount of scientific literature and archival data, comparing them with information from Ingush folklore. The novelty of this work lies in the fact that the issue of the foundation of Nazran is considered in the context of migration processes that took place among the Ingush tribes in the XVII-XIX centuries. Historical works on the history of the development of the territory of the Nazran Valley are summarized, comparing them with information from Ingush folklore. In the course of the research, the author comes to the following key conclusions: information from various sources related to this issue are consistent and complement each other; Ingush tribes began to develop the territory of the Nazran Valley in the XVII century, and the first permanent settlement in this territory appeared in 1780-1781. This happened after they concluded an agreement with the Kabardian and Kumyk princes.
shamkhal, princes, karabulaks, Ingush people, Atagai, Mudarov, Nazran Valley, Ortskha Kartskhal, Chechens, the royal administration
Personality in history
Karagodin, A.V., Petrova, M.M. (2024). S.V.Rachmaninov and his circle on the Southern Coast of Crimea: new pages of the history of Russian musical culture of the late XIX – early XX century. History magazine - researches, 3, 149–163.
The subject of the study is the personal history of the outstanding Russian composer S.V. Rachmaninov and other representatives of the national musical culture of the late XIX – early XX century in the historical space of the Southern coast of Crimea. The literature has repeatedly suggested that composers and musicians played a significant role in the formation of the "cultural landscape" of the Crimea of the late XIX – early XX century. However, as the authors of the article have seen studying the history of country resorts formed on the Southern Coast at the beginning of the XX century, there are still a lot of "white spots" on this "historical and cultural map". The elimination of these gaps makes it possible to fill in both the history of the Southern Coast of Crimea and biographical information about cultural actors. With the help of complex work with historical sources – documents from the State Archive of the Republic of Crimea, reference and bio-bibliographic literature, ego documents (memoirs, correspondence), including ones that have been poorly introduced into historiographical circulation, the history of S.V. Rachmaninov's stay on the Southern Coast of Crimea is reconstructed, his visits are placed in the context of the historical space in flux. The circumstances of S.V. Rachmaninov's stay on the Southern Coast of Crimea in the late XIX – early XX century have been clarified or re-established, and related historical monuments and places in Simeiz, Mishor and Yalta have been identified. The reconstructed pages of life and creative activity on the Southern Coast of Crimea by S.V. Rachmaninov, M.A. Stankevich (Golostenova), F.I. Chaliapin and their circle of colleagues, relatives, friends and acquaintances from among the creative intelligentsia, South Coast summerfolk, patrons and patrons of cultural life undoubtedly complement the picture of a rich cultural life in the historical space of the Southern Coast Crimea in the late XIX – early XX century, contributing to understanding Crimea as a important place of "historical memory" of Russia.
history of Russian culture, musical culture, comprehensive source studies, cultural landscape, Simeiz, Yalta, The southern coast of Crimea, Stankevich, Chaliapin, Rachmaninoff
Regions of the world in the global historical process
IDAHOSA, S., Egesi, B. (2024). Comparative Foreign Policy Analysis (CFP) of Nigeria and South Africa: An overview. History magazine - researches, 3, 164–180.
This article assesses the foreign policy roles of Nigeria and South Africa, given their status as regional powers, and the regional complexes within which they operate. Drawing references from a plethora of policies and speeches of the Presidents of the two States, this article argues that CFP, given its emphasis on foreign policy decision-making processes related to momentous events as well as its implication in day-to-day events, is useful as a theoretical framework in this assessment. Nigeria and South Africa are both active state actors in the international system. Unarguably, Nigeria and South Africa are two important nations in the continent of Africa whose foreign policy actions and inactions are crucial to the desire development of their areas of regional and global influence, particularly for the African continent. Methodologically, it employs the use of comparative analysis relying solely on secondary information for data generation and analysis of the direction of the foreign policy of Nigeria and South Africa. The article contributes to the literature by illustrating the potential impact and regional implications of foreign policy analysis as an approach to international relations (IR), within which the behavior of these two African States can be analyzed in the wake of new members into BRICS, African Union (AU) been made a permanent member of the G20, giving the continent an important voice on key global issues. Noting that the dynamic evolving role of South Africa and Nigeria in the global arena, should be expected to increase positioning Africa in decision making process of both regional and world politics; regional and global peace and security, such as in Ukraine crisis and reform within the United Nations security Council. Both countries need to unite their efforts and practical strategies to advance the common goal of Africa development, peace and security.
SADC, Economic Diplomacy, African Union, ECOWAS, Nigeria, Foreign Policy, South Africa, Apartheid, Foreign Policy Analysis, Conflict
Kleitman, A.L., Savka, O.G. (2024). At the origins of the system of extracurricular activities in technical universities in Russia. Extracurricular work with students of the Navigation School in 1701-1705. History magazine - researches, 3, 181–188.
The subject of the study is the initial stage of the history of the School of Mathematical and Navigation Sciences as one of the first Russian secular technical educational institutions. Attention is focused on those aspects of the formation of the School that had not previously been the subject of special research by historians. Based on the complex of documents of the Armory Chamber identified and introduced into scientific circulation, it is analyzed which disciplinary and offenses the first students of the school committed and why. Analyzing the specific court proceedings conducted in the Armory Chamber on the fact of these violations, the authors show how extracurricular and educational work with students was organized. The role of Leonty Magnitsky, an outstanding Russian scientist, mathematician, author of the first fundamental work on arithmetic, in organizing educational work with navigation students, is being clarified. The research was carried out using traditional methods for historical research, special attention was paid to the identification and introduction into scientific circulation of clerical sources on the chosen topic. As the study showed, the students of the School of Mathematical and Navigation Sciences came from various estates and regions of the Russian state. Once in Moscow, many of them found themselves in a social environment that was not familiar to them, faced temptations that were difficult for them to resist. In this regard, the teachers of the School, and first of all Leonty Magnitsky, paid great attention to educational work among students. An active group of schoolchildren was formed, who, on the instructions of teachers, monitored the behavior of their comrades. For the revealed violations, the perpetrators were severely punished in public. Extracurricular work contributed to the formation of a unified system of values, instilling interest in learning, instilling discipline, and eliminating vices among students. It has become an important factor in achieving the main goal for which the School was established: to train navigation specialists necessary to create a navy in Russia in the shortest possible time.
Armory Chamber, Nikolay Durov, Peter's era, Moscow, history of education, history of science, Leonty Magnitsky, Navigation school, Peter I, Extracurricular activities
History of state and law
Volgin, E.I. (2024). The problem of countering political extremism in the Russian Federation in the early 1990s. History magazine - researches, 3, 189–203.
The collapse of the USSR marked the collapse of the former state order. The former Soviet republics faced such destructive phenomena that seemed simply unthinkable in the conditions of the former socialist way of life. Associations and groupings became sharply active in the political arena, the participants of which expressed aggressive hostility to the changes taking place in the country. The purpose of this article is to use various materials (normative legal acts and draft laws, periodicals, statistical data, Internet resources, as well as research literature) on the basis of a comprehensive use of various materials to identify the main problems and contradictions of the state policy aimed at countering political extremism in the first post-Soviet years. The subject of the study is a holistic political and legal process aimed at the development and adoption of adequate anti-extremist legislation. For the most complete disclosure of the problem posed, problem-chronological, formal-legal, institutional and systemic approaches were used. The scientific novelty of the research lies in an attempt to comprehend the state-legal policy aimed at combating various forms of political, national and religious radicalism as an integral and, at the same time, extremely contradictory strategy, which was implemented in the context of the crisis situation in the country. The acquired knowledge will allow us to better understand the changes that have occurred in the understanding of political extremism at the state and legal level in subsequent years. The formation of anti-extremist legislation in post-Soviet Russia was complicated by the confrontation in which all branches of government were involved. Even after overcoming the "crisis of dual power" and the adoption of a new Constitution, the Russian state was in a state of division, which made it difficult to develop and adopt a law on combating extremism. In the mid-1990s, the opinion prevailed in the socio-political discourse about the increased threat from radical nationalist (fascist) formations with the dangerous inaction of law enforcement agencies. These attitudes influenced the President and Parliament, who were the main subjects of the legislative initiative. Excessive politicization of the legislative process made it significantly difficult to develop adequate solutions. The situation was exploited by radicals who continued their illegal activities unhindered. Thus, the problem of countering political extremism did not lose its relevance in the second half of the 1990s and can serve as a subject for further study.
political party, Yeltsin, State Duma, president, criminal code, decree, law, extremism, nationalism, fascism