Mezentsev I.V., Chekrygin O.V., Nadeina D.A..
Problematic aspects of the ethno-religious affiliation of Jesus of Nazareth to Jewish Judaism in the context of the "Third Search for the Historical Jesus"
// Genesis: Historical research.
2024. № 9.
P. 71-86.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2024.9.70089 EDN: FJYWFC URL:
This article analyzes the "third search for the historical Jesus", which is based on the archaeological research of Galilee. This approach opposes arbitrary experiments of historical reconstruction of the personality of Jesus, primarily based on the analysis of the texts of the Bible, some apocrypha and some related documents. The new approach developed with the involvement of the scientific tools of sociology, comparative anthropology and archaeology. The authors give a brief description of the essence of the "third search", consider references to Galilee in ancient written sources and provide an alternative interpretation of the results of archaeological research in this area. The article analyzes the opinion of the "third-party researchers" about the "substantial regional pluralism of Galilean Judaism." The authors pay special attention to the issue of the religious identity of the Galileans in connection with traditional Jewish beliefs and rituals. Based on the available evidence, the historical dynamics of the ethnoreligious composition of Galilee is traced, starting from the Iron Age, including the periods of Assyrian and Babylonian captivity and the period of Hellenization. The authors pay special attention to the position of Galilee at the end of the I millennium BC. The article calls into question the hypothesis that in the early Roman period Galilee was inhabited by descendants of the Jewish exodus to Galilee under the Hasmoneans. The article shows that Galilee, starting with mentions in 732 BC and before the Birth of Jesus, actually remained under the Jewish rule of the Maccabees only during the reign of Alexander Yannai from 106 to 79, that is, only about a quarter of a century. The authors analyze the opinion of representatives of the "third search" on the substantial regional pluralism of Galilean Judaism and identify problematic aspects in substantiating the generally accepted statement about the Jewish origin of Jesus and about the ethno-religious affiliation of Jesus to religious Jewry. The article shows that from the archaeological data of excavations in Galilee it does not necessarily follow that its population in the period under review was entirely Jewish.
history of Palestine, Hasmoneans, Herod, historical Jesus, Judea, Galilee, Judaism, biblical studies, Judeo-Christianity, early Christianity
Litvintseva G..
Russian State Educative Ideology at the Age of Post Modernism: Overcoming or Reinforcement?
// Genesis: Historical research.
2014. № 4.
P. 56-77.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-420X.2014.4.13478 URL:
In article the problem connected with prospects of development of the Russian culture rises. The emphasis is placed on the importance of a postmodernism which in the categories tries to comprehend the process of transformation of state and educational ideology of an era of a modernist style which began at the end the XX beginning of the XXI centuries. Events of the last years in Russia show that the begun process of reconsideration of cultural policy of an era of a modernist style which was based on the totalitarian principles of the management of culture, can be suspended. The author raises a question of possibility of further continuation of this process. The analysis of development of the Russian culture, starting with Petrovsky is carried out and, finishing with the Soviet era which allows to reveal its educational orientation which is closely connected with the state ideology directed on introduction in mass consciousness of a cult of the strong personality, creation of bureaucratic machinery, the monitoring system and a regulation of all spheres of activity. In the conditions of transformation of educational values of an era of a modernist style, the postmodernism becomes one of the most adequate directions reflecting a condition of modern culture. The author focuses attention that for modern Russia manifestation in cultural policy of lines of state and educational ideology of an era of a modernist style, establishment of rigid control of creative activity, becomes rather actual problem.
Shamparov A.I..
About Numbers, Literally
// Genesis: Historical research.
2014. № 1.
P. 78-103.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-420X.2014.1.8117 URL:
The article presents the results of the research of a problem of the invention of the Cyrillic alphabet – contains the short historical background, analyzes a graphic component of a phenomenon of formation of alphabetic and tsifirny writing in Russia and offers and illustrates the version differing from existing by completeness and visual unambiguity.The version gives the exact answer to a question: why our letters on the tracing the such. It reveals that circumstance that graphemes of letters and figures are related, and so, there is a right to believe one phenomenon generation and development of another. Making a start from the fact of minimization of a set of elements of any digital sign and the general completeness of a digital row as closed system, the version determines tsifirny graphemes by legislative base (style) in logic of construction new, alphabetic. Using a priority, most extended, duodecimal digital order as shows research, inventors of the alphabet designed a sign for a necessary sound and their necessary quantity by means of the minimum transformations of graphemes to the affiliated. I fell work of creation of three new, truly Russian signs to lot of authors of Cyrillics; value of the last in many respects key, and in article about it is told separately. Authors knew or opened for itself a code of the European alphabets, - a question insignificant and not large-scale in the light of globality of consequences carried out by them. It is important to us who in many respects have lost communication with meanwhile, to be sure that the creation of the minds which have created so perfect system, - and Cyrillics certainly such is, - isn't inexplicable spontaneous, but on the contrary: in each detail it is reasonable, logical, strong. The method, in a popular statement of research a little polemic, occurs from that circumstance that interest to so important problem didn't lead while to clear idea of it though to permission her experts of the different directions there is many approach attempts. The offered material by definition and also because touches on issues of history of creation of the Latin directly connected with the Russian Cyrillic alphabet, can't have any accurately outlined and, especially, limited address or quantitative audience. Reference of this subject to sections of Historical researches or Pedagogics and educations will be also pertinent, as well as to the section Culture and art.
alphabetic order, creators of the alphabet, alphabetic-numeric, dozen, digital alphabet , alphabet, duodecimal notation, Cyrillic alphabet , grapheme, 'alphabet' (commonplace) truth