Panaev N.S..
Problems of national security in the modern Russian-language historiography of Kyrgyzstan
// Genesis: Historical research.
2024. № 7.
P. 28-38.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2024.7.71291 EDN: ZOOYAL URL:
The subject of the study is the historiography of national security problems that developed in Kyrgyzstan in the post–Soviet period, mainly in the 2000s and 2010s, when this topic began to be consistently mastered by the social science researchers of Kyrgyzstan. The author focuses on scientific works devoted to various aspects of the domestic and foreign policy of the Kyrgyz Republic, as well as problems of international relations and geopolitics in the Central Asian region related to ensuring the national security of Kyrgyzstan. The object of the research is monographs, scientific articles and dissertations on the subject of national security published by representatives of the scientific community of Kyrgyzstan in Russian in the period from the late 1990s to the present. The article analyzes the factors and directions of the Kyrgyz scientists' development of the problems of national and international security, the peculiarities of scientific discourse in this area. Methodologically, the research is based on the general scientific principles of objectivity and consistency, the work is based on a critical analysis of the texts of publications using comparative historical, typological, historical-systemic and other methods of historiographical research. The novelty of the research lies in carrying out and summarizing the results of the analysis of the structure and content of the Russian-language historiography of modern Kyrgyzstan on national security issues. The author identifies two main periods in the development of this scientific field: the late 1990s - 2000s are characterized by the predominant interests of the authors in the geopolitical and international aspects of the problem; in the 2010s, there has been an increase in the number of studies on the topics of state, economic and information security of Kyrgyzstan. At the same time, the history and current state of the Afghan issue, countering international terrorism, religious extremism and drug trafficking are always in the focus of attention of Kyrgyz researchers. The author notes the formation of scientific schools in the leading universities of Kyrgyzstan, participating in the international scientific discourse on the problems of national and regional security in Eurasia. The article concludes about the growing potential of the scientific community of Kyrgyzstan in the field of further formation of the theoretical foundations of the state security policy of the Kyrgyz Republic.
information security, regional security, international security, national security, geopolitical studies, humanities, historiography, modern history, international crime, government policy
Kostrikov S.P..
The socio-political situation in Greece according to the report of the Swedish diplomatic mission from Constantinople (August 1916)
// Genesis: Historical research.
2024. № 3.
P. 144-151.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2024.3.70075 EDN: OARVBN URL:
The subject of the study is a report from the Swedish diplomatic mission in Constantinople, transmitted to the envoy of the Swedish Kingdom in St. Petersburg, considered as an important source on the socio-political situation in Greece with an assessment of possible prospects for its development. The report contains information concerning the most serious disagreements and irreconcilable contradictions between supporters of the Germanophile position led by King Constantine and supporters of the prominent liberal politician E. Venizelos, who repeatedly headed the Greek government. The latter openly advocated cooperation with the Entente countries, primarily Great Britain, for the landing of a contingent of allied troops in Greece to help the Serbian army and prevent the troops of the central powers. The period of the beginning of a series of uprisings in continental Greece and on the Greek islands of the king's policy is described. Based on the methods of historicism and systematic research, the issues of the very complicated situation around Greece as one of the most important players in the Balkans, the problems of the Thessaloniki Front, the military and diplomatic actions of the Entente allies in the region, the assessment of the situation by Swedish diplomats and their forecasts are considered. The analysis of the considered source allows us to draw the following conclusions. The materials of the report under study, together with other information, created a three-dimensional picture of events in Greece for the Swedish government in order to take any measures and take the necessary position from the point of view of the country's interests. This report was also important for our military and diplomatic authorities to understand the Swedish side's reaction to the events in Greece, to see their objective assessment of the outcome of this situation, and of the entire world war as a whole. The information obtained from this source gave Russian diplomacy the opportunity to use them in its relations with partners and have an idea of the prospects for the development of the situation in the Balkans.
Headquarters of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, Russian diplomacy, The Balkans, The Thessaloniki Front, Venizelos, King Constantine, Greece, Swedish diplomacy, Entente, The Austro-German bloc
Malai V.V., Pazhvak S.B..
Problems of the initial stage of the Greek Civil War (1946-1949) on the pages of the British press
// Genesis: Historical research.
2023. № 10.
P. 107-119.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2023.10.43934 EDN: QPFOUR URL:
The subject of the study is the reflection of the problems of the initial stage (1945-1947) of the Greek Civil War of 1946-1949 in the publications of the British media on the example of the central British publications: the Daily Herald (a newspaper that supported the Labour Party), The Times and The Daily Mirror (a supporter of the British Labour Party) and the Yorkshire Observer (a British publication of liberal views). The questions raised are considered in a problem-chronological plan. The article analyzes the topics of articles and problems on Greece raised by these publications, their attitude to the events in this country and the conflicting parties, the depth of coverage of the topic. The main conclusions of the research conducted for the first time in Russian science are that in the British press, in the face of selected publications, when covering issues of the Greek internal political conflict, objectivity and impartiality were not present in all cases. Sometimes the ascertaining side prevailed over the analytical one. In some cases, publications ignored the most important issues for Greece at that time. The reflection of the international aspects of the Greek war in the context of the "cold war" ("promotion" of anti-communist, anti-Soviet motives) was traced. The research materials can be used for further study of the Greek Civil War of 1946-1946, the propaganda aspect of the Cold War and regional conflicts of the postwar period.
propaganda war, regional conflicts, cold war, information war, Yorkshire Observer, The Times, Daily Mirror, Daily Herald, Greek Civil War 1946-1949, information space
Nad'kin T.D., Martynenko A.V., Mal'chenkov D.P..
On the Historiography of the Stalinist Modernization of the Regional Peasant Society in the USSR (based on the materials of Mordovia)
// Genesis: Historical research.
2023. № 10.
P. 120-127.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2023.10.68774 EDN: QTBTOK URL:
The object of the study is the historiographical aspects of the modernization of the peasant society of Russia during Stalinism, which is usually identified with the continuous collectivization and dispossession of the late 1920s – early 1930s. The subject of the study is the corpus of scientific works on Stalinist agrarian modernization in the Mordovian region during the first five-year plans, the first of which appeared in the second half of the 1950s, analyzed taking into account the change of ideological paradigms in Russian historical science in the early 1990s. Within the framework of this study, the authors tried to trace the transformation of assessments of Stalin's agrarian modernization in the scientific community of regional historians on the historiographical material of Mordovia. The main conclusions of this study concern sufficiently high degree of elaboration of the issues under consideration in the regional historiography of the Republic of Mordovia. At the same time, despite the growing attention to the pre-war agrarian modernization in the post-Soviet period, a number of problematic issues have been identified that require more in-depth study. Among them: the economic efficiency of collective farms and state farms organized in the late 1920s – the first half of the 1930s, the degree of mechanization of agricultural production, solving the problem of providing the growing urban population with food, changes in the socio-cultural appearance and public attitudes of the multinational and multi-confessional peasantry of the Mordovian Region.
socio-cultural development, public education, interwar period, Mordovia, dispossession, historiography, collectivization, Stalinist agrarian modernization, anti-religious struggle, peasant society
Fedin A.N., Pechatkin A.S..
The idea of social progress in the work of historians of the "Russian School"
// Genesis: Historical research.
2023. № 6.
P. 1-12.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2023.6.40852 EDN: MPOIGU URL:
The object of the authors' research is the theory of social progress in the works of such prominent historians as N.I. Kareev, M.M. Kovalevsky and I.V. Luchitsky. To analyze the problem, the comparative method, a systematic approach and the principle of individuality of B. Russell are used in the work. The authors pay special attention to the methodological prerequisites for the rejection by Russian historians of the positions of G.V.F. Hegel for the development of theories of social dynamics and the transition to the foundations of positivism. The article highlights the main theoretical differences between historians of the "Russian School" and other domestic concepts of social progress at the end of the XIX century. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that the authors of the article clearly show the contradictions in the theories of social progress of representatives of the "Russian School". The article demonstrates that despite the denial of the scientific nature of empirical and metaphysical concepts of historians such as M.N. Petrov and V.I. Guerrier, prominent representatives of the "Russian School" could not refuse the criteria of social development proposed by them. In conclusion, the authors emphasize the importance of the dispute between N.I. Kareev, M.M. Kovalevsky and I.V. Luchitsky about the role of the statistical method, the Marxist approach to history, the relationship between history and sociology for understanding the general and special in their interpretations of social progress.
historicism, subjectivism, marxism, theoretical and methodological basis, positivism, progress, Russian school, historiology, eurocentrism, idealism
Kostrikov S.S., Kostrikov S.P..
Consular Reports as a Source of Information for Periodicals of the Ministry of Finance of Russia at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century
// Genesis: Historical research.
2023. № 4.
P. 84-90.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2023.4.40050 EDN: QDPCJP URL:
The author examines the reports of Russian consular services located in different countries, which served as important sources of various commercial and political information for periodicals issued by the Ministry of Finance of Imperial Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century. The subject of the study is the information policy of one of the leading government departments, which was one of the first to deploy a wide correspondent network around the world in order to obtain information about the most important events in the world economy and politics, analyze them and bring them to the main consumer – the domestic business class, who was extremely interested in promptly obtaining this information. The scientific novelty of the publication lies in the fact that the reports of the Russian consuls, revealed during the analysis of archival documents containing correspondence between the Trade Department of the Ministry of Finance and the Editorial Office of the time-based publications of this ministry, have not yet been reflected in the scientific literature. Meanwhile, market, industrial, stock exchange, banking, socio-political information, which regularly appeared in the "Bulletin of Finance, Industry and Trade" and the daily "Trade and Industrial Newspaper", played an important role for the orientation of business circles not only in the processes on world markets, but also for the political development of the domestic bourgeoisie, understanding its role in the socio-economic and political life of Russia during the period under review. And the correspondent network of these publications, the use of technological innovations became the basis for the creation of first a Trade and Telegraph Agency under the Ministry of Finance, and then a government agency.The St. Petersburg Telegraph Agency, which initiated the formation of the state information policy.
newspaper wars, the beginning of the XX century, consular offices of Russia, telegraph agencies, Witte, commercial and industrial press, periodicals of the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Finance of Russia, reports of Russian consuls, information policy of the state
Cherkasov A.V., Kozlov M.N..
Characteristics of the Stone Age of Crimea in the Creative Heritage of A.S. Moiseev.
// Genesis: Historical research.
2022. № 12.
P. 244-252.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2022.12.38172 EDN: IWDWIR URL:
The purpose of the article is to characterize the contribution of the Russian scientist Alexander Silovich Moiseev to the archaeological study of the Stone Age of the Mountainous Crimea. To achieve the goal, the following tasks were envisaged: the selection of articles on the primitive archeology of the Crimea from the entire array of scientific publications of the scientist, their subsequent historiographical analysis and generalization. The research methodology was based on the complex application of scientific principles: historicism, objectivity, comparative historical approach, retrospection. The problem field of the research included the following components: establishing continuity in the history of the study of the Stone Age of the Crimean peninsula, formulating priority problems of the primitive archeology of the region in the works of the scientist. The source base for the study was the published articles by A.S. Moiseev on the history of the Stone Age of the Mountainous Crimea. In the course of the conducted research, it was found that during the short-lived but important expeditions of A.S. Moiseev as director of the Natural History Museum in Yalta, the source base was gradually formed in the articles of the scientist and the program of future studies of the ancient history of the peninsula was concretized. A.S. Moiseev put the study of the Stone Age of the Crimea to a qualitatively new level. In particular, he actualized the need to search and excavate primitive monuments with careful fixation of all finds in plan and section, justified the expediency of joint stationary excavations of several well-known archaeological sites with systematic searches in new, not yet explored areas. In addition, the author's innovations are the transition from the simple collection of flints and tools to their systematization and typology, the formation of ordered collections; the creation of a complete archaeological map of primitive sites and locations of the peninsula with their detailed stratigraphy, as well as the strengthening of scientific ties between representatives of regional and academic science in the study of Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic monuments of the Crimea.
mesolithic, Paleolithic, historiographical source, scientist 's personality, primitive parking, historiography of archaeological research, Stone Age of Crimea, primitive history, Neolithic, history of science
Fedotova D.Y., Tomilov I.S..
The study of the autochthonous population of the North of the Tobolsk Province in the works of A.A. Dunin-Gorkavich (based on the periodical press of Western Siberia at the beginning of the XX century)
// Genesis: Historical research.
2022. № 11.
P. 102-115.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2022.11.38083 EDN: QTYZSQ URL:
The purpose of the article is to study and systematize previously unpublished materials of the newspapers of Western Siberia by A.A. Dunin–Gorkavich concerning the ethnography of the North of the Tobolsk province. The object of the article is the scientific heritage of A.A. Dunin-Gorkavich, dedicated to the composition, settlement, cultural and everyday features, material and spiritual culture of the indigenous population of the Tobolsk North at the beginning of the XX century. The relevance of the work lies in the choice of the source base – materials of the famous scientist and local historian A.A. Dunin-Gorkavich, published in local periodicals of Western Siberia. The basis of the work is the principle of historicism, integrity, objectivity, comprehensiveness. Both general scientific and traditional methods are used: systemic, historical-comparative, problem-historical, structural-functional. The fundamental work "Tobolsk North" is still one of the valuable sources for studying the life of the peoples of Siberia. Residents of Berezovsky and Surgut counties were at a low stage of cultural and economic development. To solve this problem, drastic changes proposed by A.A. Dunin-Gorkavich were required. For more mass circulation and readership, the scientist published many of his innovative ideas on the pages of the Siberian Leaflet, the Siberian Trade Newspaper and the Tobolsk Provincial Gazette. Publication in newspapers with the help of feedback (criticism, reviews, responses) allowed to build a constructive dialogue with progressive public figures, intellectuals, representatives of the bureaucracy. Such a return contributed to the development of a single set of measures and a partial solution to some of the difficulties of foreigners.
aliens, researcher, ethnography, newspapers, periodical printing, Tobolsk North, material culture, autochthonous population, samoyeds, zyryane
Nikitin D..
The Indian National Movement in the Works of A. E. Snesarev
// Genesis: Historical research.
2022. № 7.
P. 93-99.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2022.7.36051 EDN: DHTJXH URL:
The subject of the study is the reflection of the activities of the Indian National Congress and the national movement in India in the works of A. E. Snesarev, a Russian and Soviet military commander and orientalist. The article examines the history of the study of the Indian national movement in Russia by A. E. Snesarev's predecessors in this field - I. P. Minaev and E. Lamansky (1870-1890s). The reasons for A. E. Snesarev's appeal to the development of socio-political and economic thought of British India are analyzed. Special attention is paid in the article to the work "India as the main factor in the Central Asian issue" and the analysis of the attitude of Indian society to British rule carried out in it. In the course of the study, the following conclusions were made: the national movement in India and the activities of the Indian National Congress were not the main subject of research by Russian orientalists in the pre-revolutionary period, however, interest in the development of socio-political thought in British India and the problems of the relationship of Indian society with the British colonial authorities intensified as the confrontation between the Russian and British empires in Central Asia intensified. Asia during the "Big Game", an example of which was the work of A. E. Snesarev, who, despite the limited range of available sources, was one of the first in Russian historiography to turn to the study of Indian nationalism.
Dadabhai Naoroji, Snesarev, national movement, India, The British Empire, colonialism, Indian National Congress, William Digby, british rule, historiography
Savchuk R.A..
Understanding Church History in monographs and thematic collections in the Ukrainian SSR in the second half of the 1980s.
// Genesis: Historical research.
2022. № 7.
P. 100-116.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2022.7.36195 EDN: DKFOXI URL:
The subject of the study is the main directions of intellectual search in the field of church history among Ukrainian scientists of the second half of the 1980s, which were reflected in monographs and thematic collections. The Ukrainian national intelligentsia of the era of "perestroika" forms images of the Church, which will be actively interpreted in different approaches of one or another part of society to the construction of church life in Ukraine as an independent state. With the help of historical-genetic and ideographic methods, the publications of Ukrainian scientists of this period concerning the issues of understanding the role and place of the Church in the past and present of the country are analyzed. The analysis undertaken allows us to identify the ideological foundations of various trends in modern Ukrainian historiography concerning church history. The conclusions about the formation of several directions for understanding the church past of the country are substantiated. The first direction should be characterized by the desire to remove church-historical issues from the periphery of scientific research into a full-fledged sphere of scientific research. A separate group includes works whose authors, when considering the issues of the history of the Orthodox Church, largely relied on Marxist methodology and used characteristic scientific tools. Finally, representatives of the third direction are characterized by a focus on the ideological side of historical search and personal experience, which often prevailed over an objective scientific approach.
atheism, ideology, The Baptism of Russia, secularization, nationalism, resentment, Ukrainian historiography, church history, perestroika, methodology
Khomenko D.P..
The Problem of the "Russian World": theory and historiography
// Genesis: Historical research.
2022. № 6.
P. 143-156.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2022.6.36008 EDN: HCWJQY URL:
The article presents the problem of the split of the "Russian World" as a consequence of the collapse of the USSR in 1991. Russian Russian historiography is analyzed by the author, comparing the opinions of experts on the civilizational criterion in the modern history of the Russian people and the "Russian world" in order to create a generalized definition of the concept of "Russian World". The so-called "Putin Doctrine" is considered separately, understood as a set of state measures to consolidate the post-Soviet space on the principles of common security and common interests. The problem of the ongoing split of the "Russian World" due to the Ukrainian crisis is also analyzed. In his work, using historical-systemic and historical-synergetic methods, the author, based on the opinions of specialists from different branches of science, comes to a theoretical result regarding the topic under study. In the modern historiography of the issue, there is still no consensus on the final definition, which indicates the interdisciplinary complexity of the concept. But this especially testifies to the high relevance of the definition of the concept of "Russian World" for the formation of the national security strategy of Russia. The article analyzes the sources of the Russkiy Mir Foundation, the Center for Military and Political Studies of the MGIMO Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Izborsky Club, and the Center for Global Interests (Washington, USA). The historiography of the works of doctors of Historical Sciences of Russia Nikonov V.A., Podberezkin A.I., Komarov G.A., Harvard University political scientist Huntington S.F., philosophers Shchedrovitsky P.G., Averyanov V.V. is also analyzed.Russian Russian World In the course of the study, the author presented a generalized definition of the concept of the "Russian World" and the problem of the split of the "Russian World" in the context of modern historical approaches.
Russian civilization, cultural and historical matrix, historical science, modern historiography, Putin's Doctrine, the civilizational criterion, recent history, Russian World, civilization, compatriots
Kosmovskaia A.A..
Source base of financial policy of the voivodeship chancelleries of Prikamye in the XVII–XVIII centuries
// Genesis: Historical research.
2021. № 8.
P. 69-78.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2021.8.36160 URL:
The subject of this research is source base of financial policy of the voivodeship chancelleries of Prikamye in the XVII–XVII centuries. Systematization of the material that contains records on the financial administration in the Russian State, including regional material, is relevant at the current stage of the development of historical science. Detailed analysis is conducted on the sources for studying the financial policy of the county establishments of Prikamye, preserved in the Russian State Archive of Ancient Documents and other archives of the Russian Federation; characteristic is given to the content of funds. It is noted that most informative material on the history of financial policy of the county establishments of Prikamye is stored in the Russian State Archive of Ancient Documents, which is substantiated by the peculiarities of acquisition of central archives. The scientific novelty lies in systematization of the source base for studying the financial policy of voivodeship chancelleries of Prikamye in the XVII–XVIII centuries. The author reviews the types of sources stored in the Russian State Archive of Ancient Documents. The financial reports stored in other archives are not as representative for the research of the topic at hand. The provided overview of the archival funds and materials introduces the source base into the scientific discourse that gives perspective on the local financial administration. The conclusion is made that the studied material is sufficient for characterizing the financial peculiarities of operation of voivodeship chancelleries of Prikamye during the XVII–XVIII centuries.
financial statements, county chancery, voivodeships, Prikamye, historical sources, archives, financial policy, counting lists, income and expense books, documentation of the provincial offices
Ayusheeva M.V..
“Mongүol čaүajin-u bičig” as a source on Mongolian Buddhism
// Genesis: Historical research.
2020. № 10.
P. 67-75.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2020.10.34142 URL:
The subject of this research is the chapter on Buddhist clergy from the ““Mongүol čaүajin-u bičig”, the Mongolian version of the “Code of the Chinese Chamber of External Relations”. The object of this research is the Manchurian policy with regards to Mongolian Buddhism. The article provides historiographical characteristics of the source in the old written Mongolian language, preserved in the Center of Oriental Manuscripts and Xylographs of the Institute for Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan Studies of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The author conducts a detailed overview of the five books of the compilation of laws; and based on the content of the articles, examines the position the Buddhist Church in accordance to the Qing legislation. It is underlined that the manuscript version of “Mongүol čaүajin-u bičig” reflects the traditional legal norms of the XIX century with regards to Buddhist religion. The author indicates the dynamic structure of the source and its evolution in terms of requirements of the time. Special attention is given to the restrictive policy of the Qing Empire in relation to Buddhist religion, as well as the interaction between religion and secular government, development of legal norms based on the “Truthful Record of the Mongols under the Qing Dynasty”. The main conclusion consists in the statement that the vertical of secular government subordinated the religious organization. The novelty is defined by involvement of the new source for analyzing the state of Mongolian Buddhism.
Qing Empire, Mongol Buddhism, Buddhist clergy, Chamber of Foreign Relations, Code, legislation, source, monasteries, mongols, lamas
Pavlenko A.R., Iusupov R.G..
Establishing the system of higher energetics education and science of Russian in domestic historiography
// Genesis: Historical research.
2020. № 6.
P. 16-27.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2020.6.33163 URL:
This article is devoted to the contemporary historiography of higher school for energetics in USSR and the Russian federation. The subject of this research is comprised of formation of modern scientific perceptions on emergence and development of Russian system of training energy personnel. The object of this research is the body of 1990s-2000s publications of historic and multidisciplinary profile on the contemporary history of higher energy education and university energetics in Russia. The goal of this research is to determine the main problematic vectors and theoretical approaches forming in the process of scientific research of this topic, as well as understanding of the results and further prospects of its development. The novelty of this research consists in determining, systematizing and analyzing the content of the body of historiographical sources on history of Russian energetics and education during XX and XXI centuries. The authors conclude that within the framework of this historiographical branch, there is a current scientific base that allows transitioning to a new level of discovery and theoretical generalization of materials. It seems relevant to transition from “milestone stories” of universities and departments to study of the role of higher education and academic science in the process of implementation of state energy policy in Russia, as well as development of international energy dialogue.
energy science, higher technical education, state energy policy, history of higher education, science and technology, historiography of regions, historiography of Russia, energy complex of the country, market reforms, academic science
Golubinov I..
Ego-documents as means of constructing personal and family history: the instance of Peter and Mikhail Gerasimovs
// Genesis: Historical research.
2019. № 12.
P. 1-9.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2019.12.31568 URL:
The author explores the problem of using ego-documents to construct personal and family history, referring to documented heritage of Gerasimov brothers, as well as their relatives. Ego-documents are viewed as an important means of constructing and public presentation of the past depending on the requirements of ideology and political conjuncture. Structuring of the past primarily consists in utilization of a complex system of omissions and censorship of reminiscences in creation of ego-documents, which can turn out to be dangerous or produce awkward questions. Ego-documents also enable creating special versions of the memory of the past, comprising realistic events and blatant myths. The research of ego-documents greatly benefits from modern methods, which examine such sources as key testimonies of special experience of the present and reflection of the past. At the same time, subjectivity of the source becomes a virtue, allowing to understand the specificity of the perception of personal life path. A conclusion is made that members of the Gerasimov family actively reassembled their past depending on circumstances (pressure of ideology and public representations on more proper lifestyle), in which they had to publically reveal it in the ego-documents. However, absences of clear ideological pressure, as it is demonstrated on the example of one of the ego-documents, certainly does not release from creation of phantom past.
sources of private origin, censorship of memory, Russian history, biography, memory, family history, ego-document, personal history, reframing of history, Russian emigration
Baranov E.Y..
Migration of population in Ural in the XX century: problems of modern historiography
// Genesis: Historical research.
2019. № 11.
P. 11-28.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2019.11.31467 URL:
The goal of this research lies in identification of the key problems of modern historiography with regards to the history of population migration in Ural in the XX century. The author analyzes the results of study of migration history in the region, determines the range of questions within the problematic field of the research, as well as the leading vectors of research. An attempt is made to shape future prospects of research work on the topic of migrations in Ural. The relevance of the article is substantiated by the possibilities of fundamental understanding of the historical and modern trends of population migration and scientific conceptualization of the history of migrations in the XX century. The migration of population in Ural in the centenary historical retrospective have not been previously been an independent subject of historiographical analysis. The conducted study demonstrates that the scholars determined the migration, its key factors and directions; suggested the variations of periodization of the history of migration in Ural; studied the role of migrations in demographic development of the Ural regions at different historical periods. The article highlights the main problems of historiography: exodus, evacuation and re-evacuation, migration policy, “migration transition”, migrations of urban and rural population, roles of migration in urbanization processes, formation of regional population, ethnic specificities of migration. It is established that significant attention of the historians is dedicated to the study of migrations in the 1920’s – 1930’s, as well as the years of the Great Patriotic War. The research carries fragmentary character. Its prospects are associated with the detailed examination of migrations in the Ural regions, and fundamental generalization aimed at identification of patterns and mechanism of the transformation of migrations, as well as the formation of their coherent picture in Ural in the XX century.
migration processes, migration behavior, population, migration, demographic history, historiography, historical demography, spatial and territorial population movement, eastern territories of the USSR, Urals
Bezverkhova S.V..
Kubcheka in law enforcement system of Kuban: the analysis of session protocols of executive committee and panel of Kuban-Chernomorskaya Cheka (May 9 – December 5, 1920)
// Genesis: Historical research.
2019. № 4.
P. 59-69.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2019.4.27385 URL:
The object of this research is the activity of Kubcheka, reflected in the session protocols of executive committee and panel, as well as archival documents of the regional committee of the Russian Communist Party of Bolsheviks of Kuban-Chernomorskaya Oblast in 1920. The subject of this research is the organizational and substantive aspects of the activity of Kubcheka in 1920. The organizational aspects imply the organizational decisions adopted by the Kubcheka panel. The substantive aspects implies the decisions related to execution of the key task – struggle against counterrevolution. The author applies the comparative-historical and historical-textual methods, synthesized within the framework of hermeneutics of history, structural-functional approach towards history, which principles allow structuring the historical models of social relations, describing their functions. The scientific novelty consists in the conclusion that besides departmentalization and secret-service network, the activity of Kubcheka in 1920 included the conduct of special operations, investigative and judicial work, repressive actions, organizational and political enlightenment activity on delineation of responsibilities of other subjects of law enforcement system, self-governance bodies and government institutions.
bor'ba s kontrrevolyutsiyey, Kubcheka's activity, Kubcheka board, Kuban-Chernomorskaya oblast, state security, law enforcement system, Kubcheka, Cheka, Kubcheka party leadership, Kubcheka organization
Baranov E.Y..
Research approaches towards assessing the Russian demographic damage in the XX century
// Genesis: Historical research.
2018. № 11.
P. 92-100.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2018.11.27958 URL:
The subject of this article is the research approaches towards assessing the Russian and Soviet demographic damage in the XX century within the modern historiography. Special attention is given to the analysis of conceptual generalizing scientific works on demographic history of Russia. The author analyzes the subject and factors of scholarly discussions regarding the topic of population losses of the country. The relevance of the study is substantiated by the possibility of implementation of the conceptual scientific-historical comprehension of the country’s demographic history in the XX century, more profound understanding of the crisis trend in modern demographic situation, and consideration of the historical experience in developing the demographic strategies. The scientific novelty lies in examination of the modern historiography of the Russian and Soviet demographic history in the context of determining the key research approaches towards assessing the demographic damage in the country over the past century. The study demonstrates that the historians and demographers explore demographic consequences of the socio-historical cataclysms, analyzing the index of population size, demographic processes and demographic structures; as well as attempts to assess the demographic damage of the country over the century. A number of scholars suggested the options of correcting the statistical data due to the undercount of demographic events of falsification of population records. A conclusion is made that the current historiographical trend is vectored towards clarification of the existing data on the demographic damage of the country in the XX century.
demographic damage, demographic catastrophe, demographic crisis, historiography, demographic history, historical demography, population losses, social disasters, Russia, USSR
Kuchumov I.V..
History of the study of Russian population of Bashkortostan in the XX century
// Genesis: Historical research.
2018. № 4.
P. 95-101.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2018.4.25762 URL:
The subject of this research is history of the study of Russian population of Bashkortostan in the XX century. The object is the set of major publications over the period of 1920’s until the present time. The author analyzes the publications of ethnodemography, literary studies, linguistics, and ethnography that are the key directions for studying the indicated problem over the recent years. The most profound research on the topic were created by the linguists-dialectologists; the rest of the scientific disciplines lag in studying of the topic. The article is based on the critical analysis of historiography of the problem, considering some common development trends with the historiographical situation in the country. The author is first to introduce a brief overview of the main research on the history and culture of the Russian population of Bashkortostan. Historiography of Russian of the Republic is subjected to critical analysis, with emphasis on the positive and weak aspects of the works at hand. It is established that the authentically scientific publications on the topic began to appear only over the recent years. The provided in the article material allow understanding which aspects of the topic require further research.
sociology, history, anthropology, linguistics, literary study, historiography, Bashkortostan, Russians, demography, history of science
Dyemina Y.V..
Modern national historiography of famine of 1891-1892
// Genesis: Historical research.
2018. № 4.
P. 85-94.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2018.4.25810 URL:
The subject of this research is the opinions and assessments, main vectors and achievements of the modern Russian scholars on separate aspects of examination of famine of 1891-1892: factors, scale, demographic consequences, role of nonprofit organizations and government in elimination of aftermath of the famine, questions of food supply of the population. The object of this research is the entirety of the published historiographical sources on the topic, including scientific articles, synopses, dissertations and monographs. The author notes that at the turn of 1990-2000’s were determined the new vectors of research on the debatable questions of famine of 1891-1892; the “archival fever” of the late 1990’s expanded the problematic of examination of famine and complemented the research frame with new sources. The scientific novelty consists in carrying out a comprehensive scientific analysis of the views of modern national historians regarding the debatable questions of famine of 1891-1892. In the course of this work, an attempt was made to systematize the recent scientific results of the national scholars on the problems of famine of 1891-1892. The analysis of scientific works allowed concluding on the low attention of the modern Russian agrarian historians towards the territorial peculiarities of famine; primarily are studied the agricultural regions of Russia. At the present time there is a lack of extensive and fundamental studies of the Russian scholars on the problem of famine.
public organizations, demographic consequences, Russian empire, russian village, , crop failure, historiography, , famine, drought, charitable organizations, agricultural crisis
Loshchenkov A.V..
Characteristics, composition elements and interpretation of the xylograph "Myur-lam" from the collection of the Department of Oriental Manuscripts and Xylographs, Institute of Mongolian, Tibetan and Budhist Studies of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
// Genesis: Historical research.
2017. № 11.
P. 57-66.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2017.11.21329 URL:
The article is devoted to the study of the Tibetan xylograph, the content of which belongs to the Lamrim category (gradual path), under the name «Myur-lam», authored by the Second Panchen Lama, Losang Yeshe. This article aims to give a source-study description of the text, its composition and analysis on the example of the identified structure. The work of Panchen Lama is one of the most important sources of Tibetan Buddhism, the tradition of which has spread in the past in the Trans-Himalayan region, Mongolia, Russia (Buryatia, Kalmykia, Tuva), and is now widely distributed around the world. Work is part of the so-called root texts of Tibetan Buddhism, which determine the philosophical and religious content of the Tibetan tradition of Buddhism. Especially significant, this text is for the Gelug school, traditional for Mongolia and Russia. When working with the source, a combination of the classical textological approach and contextual and hermeneutic analysis, taking into account the Buddhist commentary tradition, was used. Methods of comparative historical analysis, methods of specific description of texts, analytical comparison, and their structural and substantive classification were also used. A textual analysis of the introduction from the introductory quatrains, provides information about the teachers of the line of continuity of these instructions. This allows concluding that the author, through the guidance of teachers, significant for the tradition of Lamrim in general and in particular for this type of commentary on Lamrim, demonstrated the instructions contained in his text, the holders of which they were. The history of constituting the text is presented. Particular attention is paid to the description of the structural composition of the work. It is noted here that the author of the text compiled the themes for meditation on Lamrim into a special structure, allowing the fastest possible achievement of the goal of these meditations. This principle of constructing the material emphasizes the special, practical orientation of the text.
Buddhism, quick path, meditation, Lamrim, gradual path, Xylograph, Panchen lama, Kadam, Atisha, Mahayana
Demina I.A..
General A. N. Pepelyaev’s “Yakut revolt” (1922-1923) in the Russian and emigrant historiography
// Genesis: Historical research.
2017. № 7.
P. 1-9.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2017.7.23394 URL:
This article provides separate results of examination, which was carried out by the author over the period of 2014-2017, on the poorly studied aspects civil war on the territory of Yakutia. The subject of this research is the analysis of the events of General A. N. Pepelyaev’s “Yakut revolt” presented in the Russian and emigrant historiography. The “Yakut revolt” became the final episode of civil war in Russia. Military operations have lasted from September of 1921 until June of 1923 in Ayano-Maysky District of the Russian Far East. Methodology of this work is based on the principle of historicism, systematicity, and objectivity, as well as historiographical approach. The scientific novelty is defined by the fact that this work is first to conduct a comparative-generalizing study of the sources and literature that belong to the three directions of historiography of the “Yakut revolt”. The author substantiates the need for further development of historiography on this matter using the potential of the emigrant literary sources, modern Russian historiography, and research of the contemporary writers and journalists dedicated to the life and work of General A. N. Pepelyaev. The results acquired during the course of this research play an important role in examination and deeper understanding of the events of civil war in Yakutia, as well as can be applied in preparation of the special courses on the history of civil war in the Russian Far East in 1921-1923.
Sources, Historiography, Strod, General Pepelyaev, Yakut revolt, White movement , Ayano-Maysky District, Yakutia, Far East, Civil war
Khasyanov O.R..
The dynamic of size of the collective farm peasantry of the mid-Volga village during postwar quinquennium
// Genesis: Historical research.
2017. № 6.
P. 95-100.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2017.6.21777 URL:
The subject of this research is the transformation in size of the collective farm peasantry of Ulyanovsk Region during the first postwar quinquennium. It is a known fact that in the prewar period peasantry represented one of the largest social groups of Soviet society. Thus, the biggest losses during the time of Great Patriotic War fall onto this particular social group, which later will become one of the causes for demographic crisis of the rural areas and Russian society. During the course of this work, the author applied the methods of comparative analysis, which contributed in reconstruction of the process of population change among the collective farm peasantry. The scientific novelty is defined by the choice of the subject of the research and territorial frameworks. The collective farm peasantry of Ulyanovsk Region did not attract due attention among scholars, and the modern historical science does not have special works that examine the process of dynamic of size of the collective farm peasant population of Ulyanovsk Region during the postwar period. Heuristic potential lies in the conclusion that in the demographic processes of the postwar mid-Volga village, the demographic transition begins manifesting earlier than in the central region.
population decline, population recovery, demographic transition, consequences of the war, collective farm, size of population, collective farm peasantry, Ulyanovsk Region, demobilization, working population
Likhodey E.M..
The transition from the “protection of maternity and childhood” to the “protection of children's rights” in the recent scientific literature
// Genesis: Historical research.
2017. № 6.
P. 101-109.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2017.6.21847 URL:
The article analyzes the approaches of researchers in the recent scientific literature to the study of state policy in the field of women's and children's issues in order to reflect the transition from the "protection of maternity and childhood" to the "protection of children's rights".A study of the transition between the terms is the process of particular relevance as proof of transfer can help in understanding the features of the policy on women and children, to eliminate the ambiguity of understanding of these terms, and to find gaps in the current policy in the women's and children's issues.The article is divided into three idea headings in accordance with the directions in the recent scientific literature, coinciding with the three periods of Russian history. The article sets a different ratio of researchers to study of the poicy, discusses their approaches to its study and analyzes the perception of women and children on the policy within the approaches.The methodological base of this study is founded on the principles of historicism, consistency and objectivity. The author applies the historical, comparative-historical, logical and dialectical methods. The scientific novelty of the present article specifies that this work wearing the comparative nature of the research synthesis, belonging to the three stages of the country's history reveals not noticed earlier presence of a transition between the terms in the policy, carried out during these three stages.The result of this work is the confirmation of the presence of the transition from the term "protection of maternity and childhood" to the term "protection of children's rights". It is important for the study of the development of Russia's policy in the children's issues. The results of this paper can be used in preparing special courses on the history of the state and law, history of policy development in the sphere of maternity and childhood, in writing textbooks and educational tutorials.
historiography, internal policy, protection of childhood, children's rights, protection of children's rights, maternity and childhood, protection of maternity, Russian Federation policy, scientific literature, state policy
Khegai V..
The reform of foreign colonies of 1871 from the perspective of Russian historians: historiography and problems
// Genesis: Historical research.
2017. № 3.
P. 1-7.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2017.3.22077 URL:
The subject of this research is the evaluation characteristics of the reform of foreign colonies of 1871 of the Russian Federation, which are provided in the Russian language research of pre-revolutionary, Soviet, and post-Soviet periods. The author thoroughly examines such aspects of the topic as reference of the lawmakers, researchers of the anti-German wave, and descendants of the colonist environment to the problem of the reform of 1871 and the reaction upon the introduced changes. Special attention is given to the discussion between the authors, as well as factors that predetermines the position of the scholars in controversial questions. Particular examination is dedicated to the episode of closing the Saratov bureau of foreign colonists in the scientific literature. The scientific novelty of this work lies in the facts that for the first time the points of view of the Russian historians of various historical periods and representatives of different social circles and scientific disciplines with regards to the reform of June 4, 1871 are subjected to comprehensive academic analysis. The main conclusion consists in the thesis that the study of the history of Russian Germans was usually a reflection of national policy of the Russian State pertaining to this group of population. Expressed by the researchers opinions also depended on the national affiliation of the author and his social origin. This topic is insignificantly studied, thus remains relevant for the further research.
history of national minorities , national politics, local authorities, Great Reforms, Russian Empire of late period, Russian historiography, German colonists, Russian Germans, colonists' political status, Saratov bureau of foreign colonists
Khegai V..
The reform of foreign colonies of 1871 in Russia in reflection of the foreign historiography
// Genesis: Historical research.
2017. № 3.
P. 8-14.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2017.3.22133 URL:
The subject of this research is the main achievements and deceptions of the foreign historiography with regards to the problem of reforming of the Russian Germans colonies during the period of 1860’s – 1870’s. The author carefully examines such aspects as popularity of the topic of Russian Germans associated with the World War I in the works of German authors; period of silence of the 1930’s – 1950’s; activity of the Russian German community in the Federal Republic of Germany; German fundamentalist research of the 1980’s – 2000’s. Special attention is given to the leading woks of the American and French historiography. The scientific novelty is defined by the fact that the author is first to carry out a scientific research of the coverage of the reform of 1871 in works of the foreign historians, in which the reform attained controversial evaluation, and who often patterned the opinion of Russian historians or intentionally polemicized with them. Some of the authors became hostages of the specific ideology or political conjuncture, which predetermined their non-scientific character of such publications. Not having access to the Russian archive sources, German, American, and French scholars often came to the contradictory conclusions. Thus, the questions about the reform of 1871 remains its relevance for the further research.
Great Reforms, Russian Empire of late period, French historiography, American historiography, German historiography, German colonists, Russian Germans, local authorities, national politics, colonists' political status
Romanova A..
Sources of the Russian hagiography: menology of the Pomor mentor Fyodor Babushkin
// Genesis: Historical research.
2016. № 5.
P. 174-180.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2016.5.19968 URL:
This article reviews the lists of the manuscript menology from the library of the Vygov Old Believer F. P. Babushkin (1764-1842), which is preserved in the department of manuscripts of the Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg). Currently, there are three determined list of menology, edited or comprised with participation of F. P. Babushkin. Peculiar attention is given to the unique facts contained in menology, namely in commemoration of the Russian Saints, including founders of St. Nicholas Monastery Anthony and German Krasnokholmsky, as well as venerable Leonid Ustnedumsly and Iulianiya Semigorodskaya. The article presents observation for correlation of the menology and their chronological order. The author makes supposition that one of the sources of menology became the data from the "History of Russian Hierarchy" by Ambrose (Ornatsky). Thus, the time of creation of one of the menologies (collection of Druzhinin No. 131) is verified. The conclusion is made on the secondariness off the facts of Babushkin’s menology for the Russian hagiography. The article deals with copies of menologies, compiled by Pomorian Old-Orthodox mentor Fyodor Babushkin (1764-1842). A large part of Babushkin's library is nowadays kept in the Manuscript Department of the Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St.Petersburg), in collection of a prominent Russian scholar V.G.Druzhinin. The author discusses sources for adding of memories of Russian saints and concludes, that Babushkin could derive some data from the "History of Russian Hierarchy" by Ambrosii (Ornatskii) (Moscow, 1812-1815).
Fyodor Babushkin, Druzhinin's collection, History of Russian hierarchy, devotion to saints, menology, manuscripts, Old Orthodox Church, history of Russia, stories about monasteries, history of bibliography
Popova S.M., Yanik A.A..
E-archive of the “Interfax” news as the source on the history of USSR and Russia of late XX – early XXI centuries
// Genesis: Historical research.
2016. № 4.
P. 149-175.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2016.4.20013 URL:
The article is dedicated to the analysis of the archival database of news agency "Interfax" as the source of the reliable facts which describe the key events of the political and economic history of the USSR and Russia of the late XX – early XXI centuries. The authors give and external and internal criticism of the source, as well as examine the circumstances of its emergence and existence, authorship, peculiarities of the structure and content, quality of the presented information, as well as the prospects of its implementation in researches of the history of modern Russia. Special attention is given to the information standards of “Interfax”, which influenced the formation of the source and its distinctive characteristics. This work is first to demonstrate and examine the digital archive of the “Interfax” news as the historical source. It is noted that just over the period of 1989-1999, the database contains more than 1.6 million messages on the key events of the sociopolitical and economic history of USSR and Russia. Thanks to the information standards of the agency, all news messages are notable for its trustworthiness, practical accuracy, and preserve the live reaction of the contemporaries upon the changes that take place in the country. The authors make a conclusion on the value of the “Interfax” archive as the source of the adequate and precise information on the history of USSR and modern Russia.
History of mass media, Economic history, Interfax, E-archive, Study of historical sources, History of modern Russia, Gorbachev, Collapse of the Soviet Union, Chronology, Yeltsin
Bredikhin V.E..
Problem of mobilization of finances of the Russian village during the World War I (1914-October of 1917) within the modern Russian historiography
// Genesis: Historical research.
2015. № 5.
P. 365-382.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2015.5.16334 URL:
This essay presents the analysis of modern Russian historiography of the state fiscal policy and the local self-governance with regards to agricultural manufacturers during the period of the World War I. The object of this research became the conclusions of the scholars on various aspects of fiscal policy: tax structure; mechanism of collection of taxes; government projects on improving tax system; methods of carrying out tax campaigns; reaction of peasantry upon tax policy during the war period; fiscal role of peasant land community; socio-economic importance of tax reforms of 1916-1917; influence of the 1917 revolution upon tax discipline in the village. Scientific novelty is substantiated by the need for systematization of the latest scientific results in the conditions of the increased attention of the scholars to the issues of economic history of the WWI associated with its 100th anniversary. The author makes a conclusion on a low level of scientific attention of the modern Russian researches-agrarians towards the problems of taxation of peasants in Russia during the WWI; the fundamental scientific material is contained in the works on financial and tax history of Russia.
World War I, Historiography, Russian rear, finance, taxation, Russian empire, The Provisional Government, peasantry, loans, tax policy
Krakovskii K.P..
Judicial counterreform of the 2nd half of the XIXth century
// Genesis: Historical research.
2015. № 3.
P. 43-135.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2015.3.14402 URL:
This article is devoted to one is the most disputing questions, connected with the Judicial reform of 1864, its realization and the following fate. Historiographic discussion on question whether the judicial counterreform was implemented has been leading near century and half already. The author anylises its contence. Joining to opinion about essence of the judicial counterreform, the author characterizes its aims and the main directions, to which he takes the changing of mechanism of political justice , the limitation of the principles of fair trial, attacks to the court of the jury and liquidation of the institute of justices of the peace, and changing it by the institute of zemskie nachalniki.
investigation, zemskie nachalniki, principles of fair trial, justice of the peace, jury, political justice, judicial counterreform, judicial reform, Court Charters, independence of court
Krasnyakov N.I..
// Genesis: Historical research.
2015. № 3.
P. 27-42.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2015.3.14405 URL:
The author analyzes the logic of the state and ethnic groups' interaction process in the context of empire state administration during the period of the XVIIIth - the beginning of the XXth century, emphasizes his own approach to the understanding of the category empire and empire state special properties and singles out their following.
deconcentration, bureaucratization, centralization, Russian Empire, asymmetrical status, imperial statehood, structural-managerial aspect, legal science, skirts of the state, center-region
Shapkina E.A..
Modern Russian and Foreign Internet Resources of Official Archives as a Source for Studying History of the Russian State of the Late XXth - Early XXIst Centuries
// Genesis: Historical research.
2015. № 1.
P. 18-35.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2015.1.13750 URL:
Researches of Russian history of the 'epoch of changes' are rather difficult as a result of insufficient theory and methodology as well as paradoxical features of the database which is insufficient, having many gaps and at the same time excessive. Taking into account that the breakdown of the USSR and development of a new Russian state were the key processes of that period, one of the most important sources of information about those events are official documents of state authorities. The subject of the present research is the analysis and evaluation of Russian and foreign official Internet archive resources as a source for studying history of the Russian statehood of the late XXth - early XXIst centuries. To achieve the research objectives the author has applied the systems, comparative-historical, comparative-legal, structural-functional approaches and methods of induction, formalisation, systematisation and other analytical methods. The author has analyzed the largest Russian Internet archives as well as a number of foreign resources containing original digital documents on history of the USSR and Russia of the late XXth - early XXIst centuries and concludes that these digital resources have a great potential and high scientific value as a source of original historical information.
history of modern Russia, history of statehood, historical sources, digital humanities, legal acts, Internet resources, constitution, data bank, documents of government authorites, archives
Kodan S.V., Vladimirova G.E..
Legalization of the Supreme State Power in the Fundamental Laws of the Russian Empire of 1832 - 1892
// Genesis: Historical research.
2013. № 3.
P. 44-78.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-420X.2013.3.748 URL:
The Fundamental Laws of the Russian Empire (version of 1832 - 1892) set forth the legal provisions regarding arrangement of the supreme state power. Those Laws quite clearly outlined the principal features of the absolute monarchy as the form of govenment in the Russian Empire. The features include absolute supremacy, sanctity, heredity and dependence of the emperor on the effective legislation. A number of provisions of the Fundamental Laws reflected the empire-like nature of the territorial organization of the state power in Russia and a difficult configuration of relations between the imperial center and individual ethnic communities. The title of the Russian emperor and the Russian coat of arms described in the Fundamental Laws symbolized the scope of authority ofthe governor and borders of teh Russian empire. The Fundamental Laws also determined specific features of the authoritarian state regime which created legal grounds for such institutions as the institution of allegiance. That institution established the legal relation between an individual and state government represented by a monarch as well as the division of the society into estates. The authors of the article analyze the aforesaid issues and problems.
history of Russia, Russian State, social structure, state structure, type of government, regime, form of structure, basic laws, fundamental laws, main laws
Slezin A.A., Skoropad A.E..
Initial Stage of Development of the Soviet System of Political Control in Modern Researches
// Genesis: Historical research.
2013. № 1.
P. 1-29.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-420X.2013.1.492 URL:
The authors of the article describe the main targets, methods, achievements and unresolved issues in historical and legal researches at the initial stage of development of the Soviet system of political control. Being an essential function of the government, political control is being developed as the social life becomes more complex. According to the authors of the article, today we can talk about a new scientific field where historical, legal, political and social researches are combined. The authors agree with the point of view that the main purpose of political control is to provide the government with valid information about political attitudes of the population. The authors also describe the role of V. Izmozik, V. Krivoruchenko, N. Volodina, S. Dianova, A. Katkov, R. Nikulin T. Goryaev, N. Ofitserov, S. Maysheva, A. Demina and E. Lapatukhina in developmet of the Soviet system of political control.
history, historiography, political control, censorship , secret service, totalitarianism, Soviet period, New Economic Policy (NEP), youth, communist organizations
Slezin A.A..
Historical sources of the early years of the Komsomol
// Genesis: Historical research.
2012. № 2.
P. 108-148.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-420X.2012.2.271 URL:
Using the experiences of the "History of the Youth Movement in Russia" school of thought, formed in the twenty-first century at the Tambov State Technical University, the author uncovers the possibilities of using a variety of sources to study the Komsomol and organizations alternative to it in the early post-revolutionary years. Sources include published documents, statistical reference publications, memoirs, print media, and documents from Russian archives. The primary focus is to highlight the role of archival sources which, as a rule, were previously unused by researchers. The article is written primarily for novice researchers of the history of the youth movement in Russia.
sources, youth, Komsomol, archives, source studies, methodology, memoirs, statistics, print media, New Economic Policy