Koroleva E.S..
Historical and legal evolution of concepts of legal harm
// Genesis: Historical research.
2024. № 12.
P. 106-118.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2024.12.72727 EDN: TVCPMG URL:
The subject of this article is the consideration of changes in the understanding and definition of legal harm from antiquity to the present, as well as the historical and legal evolution of the concepts of legal harm and its consequences for the subject of law, the analysis of approaches in this area. The article analyzes the historical roots of the term, its development in various legal systems, the influence of philosophical, social, political and cultural aspects on the formation and development of the concept. In addition, a comparison of the legal regulation of legal harm in different countries and approaches to this concept is carried out, criteria for determining legal harm in different eras are noted, which will help to assess current trends in this area and their reflection in practice. The methodological basis of the study was the comparative historical method, which made it possible to systematize the information available in the literature on legal harm at different stages – from ancient civilizations to our time. The analysis of changing perceptions of the negative consequences of offenses allows us to better understand modern approaches to assessing and compensating for legal harm, as well as to view the relationship with other concepts of legal liability. In ancient times, the concept was based on the following: if one caused damage to another, then he should be responsible for it, thus the ideas of justice and compensation for the damage caused to the victim were the basis. The Medieval era is characterized by the close connection of the concept of good and evil with Christian ethics and morality. Then there is the need to affirm the value of the individual, to recognize the dignity of a person. And subsequently, the term "harm" becomes, first of all, a social concept, and responsibility for its infliction presupposes the operation of the law and compensation for damage to the victim.
Renaissance, Enlightenment, justice, compensation, biblical concept, medieval law, ancient times, concept of harm, evil, good
Kapsalykova K.R..
"Our Grand Inquisitor is a very good Man": to the Scientific Biography of Naum Abramovich Bortnik (1911-1977)
// Genesis: Historical research.
2023. № 4.
P. 30-40.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2023.4.40590 EDN: SKEWTQ URL:
The article is devoted to the scientific biography of the Soviet medievalist, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Nahum Abramovich Bortnik (1911-1977). The author pays special attention to the period of the Great Patriotic War. Letters addressed to N. A. Bortnik are introduced into scientific circulation. The letter of the writer Isaac Sadykov, who worked a lot in Sverdlovsk during the Great Patriotic War, sheds light on the literary life of the city. Special attention is paid to the discussions, sometimes acute, emotional, devoid of academic chic, which flared up between M. Ja. Sjuzjumov and N. A. Bortnik. The article publishes the minutes of the meeting of the Department of General History of the Ural State University. The author comes to the conclusion that it is necessary to reconstruct the scientific biographies of Soviet historians. This work is important for the preservation of the scientific heritage of our country. The publication of sources, in this case, is the only antidote against the tenets of "cathedral historiography" and empty references "separated by commas" in the notes for the next anniversary date. The article is a continuation of the study of the biographies of historians who were part of M. Ja. Sjuzjumov's "inner circle" and represents an independent scientific problem. The complete opposite of M. Ja. Sjuzjumov was undoubtedly N. A. Bortnik (1911-1977). They were separated by many things. Thus, M. Ja. Sjuzjumov belonged to the last generation of pre-revolutionary historians. Naum Abramovich Bortnik was a representative of the first generation of Soviet scientists. Professor Sjuzjumov has been developing the theory of dialectical continuity all his life; Professor Bortnik followed the "romantic school", highly appreciating the role of the masses of the people. M. Ja. Sjuzjumov saw echoes of political struggle in heretical movements; N. A. Bortnik insisted on the most important role of the leaders of the masses.
dialectical continuity, USSR, Ural State University, Bortnik, Sjusjumov, scientific biography, source studies, historiography, epistology, history of science
Kovalev A.A..
History of security as a new field of Western historical science
// Genesis: Historical research.
2021. № 12.
P. 225-241.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2021.12.34867 URL:
The goal of this research lies in consideration of the history of security as a relatively new field of Western historical science. It can be achieved by solving the three interrelated tasks: 1) review of the concept of “security” as the subject of research of Western historical science; 2) analysis of the recent changes in the concepts of security that exist in modern historical science of Western countries; 3) examination of boundaries set by a particular historical era for implementation of the concept of security. Currently, even within the framework of Western historical sciences, which has systematically examined the phenomenon of security, it is difficult to speak of the existence of special history of security, although the works of the leading Western historians covered in this article, significantly contribute to examination of the security issues. Such issues are viewed through the prism of the events of world history. Analysis is conducted on the achievements of Western historical science in studying the phenomenon of security, as well as conceptual changes that have taken place within this problematic over the recent years. Any historical era establishes certain boundaries for the study and implementation of security. Western historical science has achieved considerable results in determination of the concept of “security” as the subject of historical research. Multiple humanities and social sciences explore the sphere of security; and the complex of historical disciplines examines security as an interdisciplinary concept that remains relevant throughout history of mankind. Security is a general concept, which is commonly used in historical research on the one hand; however, does not exists as an independent historical discipline. If political science, criminology, sociology, and jurisprudence, namely international relations, imply a consistent and broad field of research on security, history is yet to develop a corresponding subject category.
historiography, western thought, war, peace, globalization, security, history, political science, historical science, the concept of security
Slobozhaninov O.K..
The science of encyclopedia of law in the works of German philosopher and jurist Heinrich Ahrens
// Genesis: Historical research.
2020. № 5.
P. 148-158.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2020.5.32919 URL:
The subject of this research is the identification of legal views of the German philosopher and jurist Heinrich Ahrens. The source base is comprised of the scientific works of G. Ahrens and other legal scholars. The historical-legal science does not pay sufficient attention to the ideas and persona of Heinrich Ahrens. He was famous during his lifetime, but almost forgotten afterwards. The Russian legal science lacks a monographic research of the political-legal concept of H. Ahrens. Methodological framework consists of the general scientific methods: systemic, logical, historical, comparative; as well as special methods: historical-legal, comparative-legal, formal-legal, and portrait-biographical. The scientific novelty is defined by the subject and methods of research. The central idea of Heinrich Ahrens’ encyclopedia of law is the interpretation of the science of law in its organic unity. The author examines the concept of law and system of law in the scholar’s perception; as well as underlines the prominent figure of H. Ahrens who contributed to development to the science of encyclopedia of law. The scientific works of Heinrich Ahrens have not been previously subjected to systemic and comprehensive examination, while the proposed ideas and concept remain relevant until the present.
division of law, public law, private law, law, legal encyclopedia, encyclopedia of law, organic principle of law, philosophy of law, morality, moral
Ivkina N.V..
History of establishment and development of the German and largest American analytical centers (comparative analysis)
// Genesis: Historical research.
2018. № 4.
P. 102-113.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2018.4.25658 URL:
Relevance of this topic is substantiated by the fact that in the process of decision-making in the area of foreign policy in Europe and the United States constantly increases the role of non-state actors of international relations. In addition, escalates the importance of scientific research components in adoption of the new normative legal acts, signing the bilateral and multilateral agreements, and development of the new foreign political course of the state, international organizations and military-political blocks. Thus, the major impact produce such non-state actors as the analytical centers (“think tanks”. Using the general scientific method of comparison, the author analyze the structure and activity of the leading German and American analytical centers. Theoretical substantiation is the agenda theory, which declares the special influence of the non-state actors (primarily analytical centers and transnational corporations) upon the international relations. Analysis of the research of such centers allows understanding the peculiarities of the impact of various factors of foreign and domestic policy upon the foreign policy course. In the conditions of continuously growing role of the scientific-analytical component in international relations, as well as expansion of “think tanks” in separately taken country (horizontally) and across the globe (vertically), emerges the need for assessment and comparison of their activity.
historical developpement, comparative analysis, the USA, Germany, think tanks, non-state actors, international relations, model's developpement, foreign policy decisions, foreign policy goals
Kleitman A.L..
The projects of economic zoning and administrative-territorial structure of Lower Volga Region in the works of Tsaritsyn (Stalingrad) scholars of the 1920’s
// Genesis: Historical research.
2018. № 3.
P. 69-76.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2018.3.25587 URL:
The subject of this research is the projects of zoning and administrative-territorial structure of Lower Volga Region, developed by the scholars of Tsaritsyn (Stalingrad) in the early 1920’s. Based on the results of the knowledge of history, geography and productive forces of the region, such compositions suggested the original view of the prospects of regional economic development, as well as administrative-territorial structure of the Krai. Studying of the zoning projects allows tracing the projects of the fundamental economic and administrative restructuring and their implementation during the first years of Soviet government. As demonstrated by the conducted research, the projects of administrative-territorial and administrative-economic reforms, carried out in the Lower Volga Region over the period of 1920’s – 1930’s, were developed on the early 1920’s. In 1928, was established the Lower Volga Oblast in accordance with the project, formulate by the Saratov researchers. However, as a result of the reforms of 1930, 1932 and 1934, in three stages was implemented the project of Tsaritsyn (Stalingrad) Scholars of the early 1920’s.
The regional studies of the Low Volga Region, History of science, Astrakhan, Saratov, Tsaritsyn, The Low Volga Region, Administrative-territorial reforms, Economical zoning, Study of the productive forces, Projects of the regional development
Pirozhok S.S..
Robert von Mohl about the social policy of constitutional state
// Genesis: Historical research.
2018. № 2.
P. 82-101.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2018.2.23730 URL:
The subject of this research is the actualized part of the theoretical legal heritage of the prominent German scholar, encyclopedist, lawyer, and politician of the XIX century – Robert von Mohl (1799-1875). The author analyzed the establishment and genesis of the idea of social state in legal theory of R. von Mohl; system of views of the police scientist upon the administrative activity of the state aimed at solution of the social issues; the proposed by him program of social reforms and measures of social policy. For the first time in history of the political legal thought, an attempt is made conduct a problem-theoretical reconstruction, interpretation, and establishment of link between the modern theory and practice of the constitutional social state of Russian and Germany and the ideas that gained traction within the theoretical legal heritage of the prominent German scholar, government and public leader of the XIX century Robert von Mohl. The article characterizes his views upon the social essence of the constitutional state; analyzes his works, in which he describes the concept of the constitutional state and its social function, claims that the important feature of functionality of the constitutional state is the social policy, as well as that the constitutional state not only has a right, but must carry responsibility for its citizens and balance their chances to free development and implementation of ideas. A conclusion is made that R. von Mohl, being way ahead of the contemporary to him practice of state activity, has uttered the thoughts on the concept and measures of social policy that comprised the foundation of the future theory of social state.
measures of social policy, state social policy, social function of the state, social state, constitutional state, police state, Robert Von Mohl, social welfare, principle of association, social mobility
Kozinnikova E..
State of exception as special legal regime (experience of analysis of the normative acts and works of police scientists of the Russian Empire of the end of XIX – beginning of the XX century)
// Genesis: Historical research.
2017. № 11.
P. 87-95.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2017.11.22543 URL:
The subject of this research is the special legal regime established in the Russian Empire in the end of XIX – beginning of the XX century that was entitled as the state of exception by the police scientists. The author analyzes the normative act, based on which was functioning the state of exception – “Ordinance on Measures for the Preservation of the State Order and Public Tranquility” of 14 August 1881. State of exception is characterized as the means of neutralization of the emergency sociopolitical situation and political preventative measures of revolutionary threat to the existing government structure. The article determines the contribution of the Russian police science into development of the theory of special regimes. The author provides characteristics to the legal norms that manifest as the foundation for imposing the state of exception in the Russian Empire of the indicated timeframe, as well as identifies the differences between the positions of increased security and special security. Attention is given to the analysis of the works of Russian police scientist V. M. Gessen, who provides characteristic to the essence and meaning of the state of exception, as well as assessment of the results of imposing the positions of increased security and special security in the Russian Empire. A conclusion is made that the long-term use of the special regime as the means of neutralization of the emergency sociopolitical situation and political preventative measures is not efficient.
Vladimir Matveevich Gessen, Police science, Rights and freedoms, Legal state, Special security, Increased security, State of exception, Special legal regime, Public administration, Russian Empire
Egorov N.Y..
Special legal regime as the means of protection of public security (in accordance with the works of I. T. Tarasov)
// Genesis: Historical research.
2017. № 11.
P. 112-121.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2017.11.23738 URL:
The subject of this study is the actualized part of theoretical and legal heritage of the prominent Russian lawyer of the end of XIX – beginning of the XX century – Ivan Trofimovich Tarasov (1849-1929); his representations on the essence of special legal regime as the means of protection of public safety; the provided by him characteristic of the state of emergency or martial law as the political preventative measures of prevention and methods for preserving the political system. The article discusses I. T. Tarasov’s idea regarding the possibility of ensuring public safety through the implementation of the special legal regime. The comprehensive problem-theoretical reconstruction and interpretation of theoretical legal heritage of I. T. Tarasov is realized in the modern legal science for the first time. The article discusses the views of I. T. Tarasov upon the capability of the special legal regime to ensure the public safety. The author characterizes the scholar’s ideas concerning the implementaiton, operation and termination of the state of exception and martial law, as well as analyzes his views on the questions of using the weapons by police agencies and administration in terms of the special legal regime. Conclusion is made that I. T. Tarasov insisted on the need for legislative regulation of the special legal status, within the framework which takes place the limitation of rights and freedoms , and expands the government interference in social life. Tarasov developed the theory of restriction of state intervention into the social processes and determined that the law must be the basic measure of restriction, including the implementation of the special legal regime. He argued the need to establish the boundaries of police activity and guarantees of the political and civil freedoms of an individual. The ideas of I. T. Tarasova pertinent to the special legal regime as the means for protection of public safety, found their reflection and development in the Russian theoretical-legal science and practice of legislative consolidation of the relations in the conditions of the state of emergency in modern Russia.
legal state, martial law, state of emergency, state of exception, special legal regime, public administration, Russian Empire, Tarasov, rights and freedoms, Russian police science
Gevorkian D.S..
Charity in the context of comprehension of state functions (in accordance with the works of V. F. Deryuzhinsky)
// Genesis: Historical research.
2017. № 11.
P. 122-132.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2017.11.23749 URL:
The subject of this research is the theoretical legal heritage of the prominent Russian police scientist, publicist, and public figure of the late XIX – early XX centuries, editor of the journal “Labor Assistance” Vladimir Fedorovich Deruizhinsky (1861-1920); his representations of the purpose of charity, methods of providing help by the state and private actors to the people in need; about the experience of operation of forced labor camps and commodity stations; on the effective principles of organization of public assistance; his assessment of the experience of organization of public assistance in Russian and foreign countries. The comprehensive problem-theoretical reconstruction and interpretation of theoretical legal heritage of V. F. Deryuzhinsky is realized in the modern legal science for the first time. The article explores the views of V. F. Deryuzhinsky upon the purpose of providing help to people in need, subject compositions of those who provide help, and methods of the public assistance. The author determines the motivational grounds of charity; as well as characterizes the basic stages of social work in monarchical Russia that became the object of research of V. F. Deryuzhinsky. It is underlined that Deryuzhinsky considered that the proper organization of public assistance to the poor, whose number indicates the wellbeing of the state, is the crucial task of the government. The article characterizes the results of comparative analysis of the systems of public assistance conducted by V. F. Deryuzhinsky: classification of the state that provide assistance using various methods; definition of efficiency of the Elberfeld system for aiding the poor; assessment of the experience of operation of forced labor camps and commodity stations; possibility of implementation of the foreign experience in Russia. The conclusion is made that the professional and public activity of V. F. Deryuzhinsky influenced the development of the Russian state policy in the area of social assistance in the late XIX – early XX centuries, as well as his contribution in development of the theory of social work.
Commodity stations, Eudaemonism , Elberfeld system for aiding the poor, Social work, State system of assistance, Public assistance, Private charity, Charity, State function, Vladimir Fedorovich Deruizhinsky
Shamak S.A..
Nature, social meaning, and elements of state – the subject of theoretical legal research of E. N. Berendts
// Genesis: Historical research.
2017. № 11.
P. 96-111.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2017.11.24073 URL:
The subject of this research is the updated part of theoretical legal heritage of the prominent Russian lawyer of the late XIX – early XX century Eduard Nikolayevich Berendts (1860-1830). Main attention is dedicated to the views of E. N. Berendts upon the nature, meaning, and elements of state, its goals and possibilities of their implementation, as well as problems of transitioning from the police state to legal. The author also turns attention to the essence of the state’s legal nature considered by E. N. Berendts. In analyzing the historical sources and archival documents, the author applied the historical-legal method, which allowed acquiring the knowledge about the events and drawing the corresponding theoretical conclusions. The scientific reconstruction of the past helped comprising a maximally full representation about the problem at hand within the timeframe and space. The portrait-individualizing method combines the chronological and problem-theoretical approaches, which revealed the individual distinctness of the scholar’s views upon the state and law, as well as determine the issues that on one hand connected the life and creative paths of E. N. Berendts, dynamics of the ideological struggle and intellectual creativity with the results, while on the other – manifested as the specific historical milestone of cognition. The scientific novelty is defined by the lack of comprehensive research dedicated to the theoretical heritage of E. N. Berendts within the Russian and foreign juridical science. The author used the previously untranslated into the Russian language works of the scholar and introduces them into the scientific discourse for the first time.
Legal personality, Empire, State language, Nationality, Monarch, Supreme state power, Elements of state, State, Russian police science, Eduard Nikolayevich Berendts
Nizhnik N.S..
Omnipotence of the police state in assessment of the Russian police science
// Genesis: Historical research.
2017. № 11.
P. 67-86.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2017.11.24883 URL:
The subject of this research is the theoretical heritage of the Russian police scientists, who assumed that the police stat will be able to reach such level of socioeconomic development that an individual will not experience any material or spiritual needs. The essence of the police state was not reduced to compulsion or violence. At the same time, the implementation of the project of police state, the achievements of which became the lack of freedom and personal sacrifice to the state for the sake of the common good, practically led the society to stagnation. The article examines the ideas of the Russian police scientists, which encouraged the emergence of a new outlook upon the purpose of the state that consisted in providing triumph in the legal state, ensuring each one with the sphere of personal freedom, and restricting omnipotence of the state with legal norms. The author gives characteristics to the Russian police-legal thought in the context of analyzing the omnipotence (supreme power) of the police state. Theoretical construct of the police stat was built in accordance with the desire to make life on each individual decent, as well as achieve common good and national happiness. In practice, the means for achieving the goal of the police state consisted in development of the all-encompassing police activity, exhaustive regulation of people’s life, meticulous oversight by government agencies of the needs and interests of the citizens. Theory of the police state has an important historical meaning: within its framework has begun the process of comprehending the questions regarding the limitation of omnipotence of the police state and determination of the effective means of preservation and protection of personal rights and freedoms.
Regulation of personal life, Eudaemonism, Police, Legal state, Police science, Police law, Omnipotence of state, Common good, Purpose of state, Police state
Roshchevskaya L.P..
Geneticist P.F. Rokitsky in the history of the Komi branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1949-1957)
// Genesis: Historical research.
2017. № 7.
P. 105-121.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2017.7.23255 URL:
The subject of the research is scientific and scientific-organizational activity of the well-known geneticist P.F. Rokitsky in the years of forced stay in Syktyvkar in 1949-1957. The earlier unknown facts allow revealing the scale and nature of his project, pedagogical, educational and scientific-editorial activities. His influence on the formation and development of the Komi research team of the Komi branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences is demonstrated. The author examines these facts of the biography of the scientist as participation in the development of several large complex scientific problems, including the organization of work on radiobiology. Methodological basis of the research is the basic principles of modern historical science – historicism and scientific objectivity, as well as scientific methods: source analysis and synthesis, description, the construction of analogies. The main contribution of the author consists in finding out the objective results of P. F. Rokitsky activities with regards to development of the team of the Komi – branch of the USSR, from the perspective of sociology of science. Based on the archive documents the author first analyzed the energetic scientific and organizational and pedagogical activities of P. F. Rokitsky in the Komi branch of the USSR. Identified data prove that the P. F. Rokitsky very quickly got high authority in the team. He made a significant contribution to the study of animal husbandry in the Komi ASSR and the formation of radiobiological research. The study of the documents of the Scientific Archive of the Komi Science Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences allowed to find several large unpublished work by P. F. Rokitsky. Practically, P. F. Rokitsky encouraged Syktyvkar research team towards the "production of knowledge" that allows demonstrating the social position and role of the scientist.
radiobiological research, research of animal husbandry, Academician of the BSSR, school of evolutionary genetics, personality of scientist, Komi branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Rokitsky P.F., Syktyvkar, scientific community, productive forces
Gorban V.S..
Formation of sociologically oriented legal teaching of Jhering (final chapter)
// Genesis: Historical research.
2017. № 4.
P. 1-19.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2017.4.22551 URL:
The subject of this research is the problem of formation and theoretical-methodological arrangement of Jhering’s sociological approach to law. The establishment of sociologically oriented legal theory of Jhering is being traced based on determination and examination of the specific theoretical and methodological constructs with consideration of the gradual immersion and improvement of his legal understanding towards the integral sociological oriented legal worldview. The article reviews the problem of formation and application of the original methods of legal knowledge and legal understanding (structural-descriptive functional analysis of law alongside empirical-analytical research, description of social legal reality and factors of social development, the crucial of which is law) in composition of the Viennese and Göttingenian periods. The scientific novelty consists in analysis, revelation, and characterization of the certain theoretical constructs and implemented by the thinker methods that in assemblage define the legal theory of Jhering as one of the first sociological theories of law. The conclusion is made that Jhering’s sociologism was being formed as anti-legalistic ideology aimed at transition from the study of law as a normative system towards the explanation of law using the category of social reality and various mechanisms of realization of sociality by the virtue of law (law as a factor of social stability, social identification, and social integration).
Social integration, Social identification, Anti-positivism, Empirical experience, Legal reality, Living standards of society, Struggle for law, Legal socialization, Sociological approach, Jhering
Pirozhok S.S..
Robert von Mohl: contribution into the better understanding and systematization of the knowledge on state, law, and society
// Genesis: Historical research.
2016. № 6.
P. 49-60.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2016.6.17534 URL:
The subject of this research is the relevant part of the theoretical-legal heritage of the prominent German scholar and politician of the XIX century – Robert von Mohl (1799-1875). The work examines the following aspects: the establishment and genesis of Robert von Mohl state-legal views; his concepts in the area of domestic administration of German Empire; his outlook upon the government’s activity on resolution of the social issues; as well as views upon the place and role of public associations in life of the state and society, character of their interaction and mutual impact. The scientific novelty is defined by the fact that this work is first to perform a special comprehensive research and interpretation of the theoretical-legal heritage of Robert von Mohl. The author presents the biographical facts of the scholar, gives characteristics to his contribution into the development of foreign and Russian science of the police law, as well as underlines the achievement of the German professor in development of the German culture. The article analyzes the Robert von Mohl views regarding the problems of the domestic administration, mechanism of ensuring and realization of the mutual rights and responsibilities of the state and its citizens. Attention is given to the fact that Robert von Mohl was not only one of the first who referred to the issue of social (labor) question, but also formulates the propositions on its resolution.
Public associations, State law, Welfare state, Social question, Police work, State administration, Legal state, Science of police law, Police law, Robert von Mohl
Chukaev T.O..
Russian police science represented by: Vasily Nikolaevich Leshkov
// Genesis: Historical research.
2016. № 6.
P. 84-95.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2016.6.17909 URL:
The subject of this research is the relevant part of the theoretical-legal heritages of the renowned Russian legal expert of the XIX century – Vasily Nikolaevich Leshkov (1810-1881); establishment and evolution of Leshkov’s state-legal views, as well as his theory of public law. The article gives characteristics to the scholar’s contribution into the development of the theory of police (administrative) law, views upon the peculiarities of the Russian national legal system, essence of the Russian foundations of law, and mechanism of regulation of public relations. The subject and method of research, as well as positioning of the research problem define the scientific novelty. The author makes an attempt of the problem-theoretical reconstruction and interpretation of the theoretical-legal heritage of the Russian police scientist V. N. Leshkov, focusing attention on his study of the questions regarding the role of society within the system of government administration. Until the present time Leshkov’s theoretical heritage did not undergo complex analysis, as the formulated by the scholar concepts did lose their relevance.
Slavophiles , National legal system, Police law, Government administration, Russian foundations of law, State law, Public law, State, Society, V. N. Leshkov
Kozinnikova E..
Russian police science in persons: Vladimir Matveevich Gessen
// Genesis: Historical research.
2016. № 6.
P. 96-107.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2016.6.17901 URL:
The subject of this research is the relevant part of the theoretical-legal heritage of the prominent Russian jurist of the late XIX – early XX century – Vladimir Matveevich Gessen (1868-1920). The article characterizes the scholar’s contribution into the development of the theory of legal state, as well as examines Gessen’s views upon the importance of transition from the police state to legal state and correlation between the notions of “legal state” and “constitutional state”. The author also reviews Gessen’s outlook upon parliamentarism as the key factor of establishment of the legal state; administrative position of justice as the assurance of adherence to the subjective public rights; and ideas about the security of a person as a component of national security. The subject and method of the research, as well as the positioning of the research problem define the scientific novelty. An attempt is made of the problem-theoretical reconstruction and interpretation of the theoretical-legal heritage of the Russian police scientist V. M. Gessen; this topic has not been subjected to comprehensive analysis until the present time.
State of emergency, Administrative justice, National security, State-legal security concept, Government administration, Police state, Constitutional state, Legal state, Police law, V. M. Gessen
Shamak S.A..
E. N. Berendts on police status in the police and legal state
// Genesis: Historical research.
2016. № 6.
P. 149-161.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2016.6.21066 URL:
The subject of this research is the relevant part of the theoretical-legal heritage of the accomplished Russian legal expert of the late XIX – early XX century, professor of financial law – Eduard NIkolaevich Berendts (1860-1930). Special attention is given to the views of E. N. Berendts upon the police status, place of police within the mechanism of police state, role of the police agencies in the legal state; importance of the Constitution in ensuring and adherence to the legitimacy in the process of realization by the police of its main functions. The scientific novelty is defined by the absence within the Russian and foreign legal science of the comprehensive research dedicated to the theoretical heritage of E. N. Berendts. The author uses the works of the scholar that have not been previously translated into the Russian language, as well as the archive materials originally introduced into the scientific discourse. The work is the first to examine the views of E. N. Berendts upon the role and place of the police in the legal state, importance of the normative consolidation of the powers of police officers, role of the Constitution in regulation of the police activity in legal state.
Russian Empire, rights citizens, police powers, police law, Constitution, constitutional state, Estonian Republic, police state, Berendts, police
Nizhnik N.S..
Police state – welfare state
// Genesis: Historical research.
2016. № 6.
P. 183-194.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2016.6.21223 URL:
The subject of this research is the theoretical heritage of police scientists, within the framework of which welfare and security defined the purpose of the state. Police state as the idea of organization of people’s activity for the sake of public welfare has its past, present, and future. Examination of the history of police state as the political-legal technique of supporting the legal order is heuristically useful for understanding the practices of dominance in modern societies. The modern state that correlates with the discursive and institutional heritage of the police state era in the field of organization and activity of the police, continues to base itself upon the developed by police scientists idea of security, as well as attempts to find new ways for procurement of wealth for best distribution of benefits. The research is built on the principle of historicism, due to attempt towards determination of the dynamics and historical prospect of development of the ideas of police scientists regarding the creation of the welfare society by means of the police state. The foreign and Russian police scientists defined the purpose of the police state as the achievement of the general welfare. The idea of realization of the national welfare and happiness encouraged the development of the philosophy of eudaemonism, which became the ideological foundation of the system of government administration. The attempt to reach the set goal led to the actual neglect of the people’s interests. The inner controversy of the concept of police state substantiated the need for transition from the police state to the legal state.
Hedonism , eudaemonism, Police, Social state , Legal state, Police science, Police law, General welfare, Purpose of the state, Police state
Rudnev Y.V..
Emergence of the idea of the “modern history” in the texts of Lucien Febvre and Fernand Braudel
// Genesis: Historical research.
2016. № 5.
P. 9-17.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2016.5.20532 URL:
The subject of this article is the idea of the need for renovation of the French historical science, formulated during the post-World War II period in the texts of Lucien Febvre and Fernand Braudel. In the situation of epistemological instability, originated by the global disastrous events that took place in Europe, they appealed to creation of the “modern history” (nouvelle histoire). The project of the new historical science based on the synthetic approach of the Annales School had to unite the theoretical novelties, which occurred in the sciences about human and society, as well as the scholars who realized them in their works. The scientific novelty of this work consists in the fact that it allows overwieving the established within the historiography opinion, according to which the French “modern history” as a scientific program has emerged in the works of the members of the Annales School referring to the 1970’s. The article demonstrates that the intuitions characteristic for the new “regime of historicity” have emerged significantly earlier (by the end of the 1940’s); and back then represented the coherent and sequential system, which later was developed in the works of Pierre Nora, Jacques Le Goff, and other renowned representatives of the “third generation” of the Annales School.
phenomenology, structuralism, nouvelle histoire, historiography, regime of historicity, Annales School, Fernand Braudel, Lucien Febvre, historical experience, event
Gevorkian D.S..
Russian police science in persons: Vladimir Fedorovich Deryuzhinsky
// Genesis: Historical research.
2015. № 6.
P. 813-827.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2015.6.16395 URL:
The subject of this research is the relevant part of the theoretical-legal heritage of the renowned Russian jurist Vladimir Fedorovich Deryuzhinsky (1861-1920); establishment and evolution of his state legal views; realization of the developed by him concepts in the area of improving the regulation of public relations in the early XX century. This article characterizes the scholar’s contribution into the development of the theory of police (administrative) law, his outlook upon the problems of realization of the social function of the government, as well as on the questions of care about poor and prevention of the behavior deviation. The author attempts the problematic-theoretical reconstruction and interpretation of the theoretical-legal heritage of V. F. Deryuzhinsky, which did not have a place within the historical-legal science until today. The study of Deryuzhinsky’s experience and public activity can encourage the search for the effective solutions to the problems of social control over the deviations within the public life, as well as the development of optimal models of prevention of such problem of society in the modern world.
exceptional security measures, guarantees of individual rights, the social function of the state, public charity, Habeas Corpus Act, administrative law, police law, VF Deryuzhinsky, public administration, Russian anglovedenie
Egorov N.Y..
Russian police science in persons: Ivan Trofimovich Tarasov
// Genesis: Historical research.
2015. № 6.
P. 801-812.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2015.6.16396 URL:
The subject of this research is the relevant part of the theoretical-legal heritage of the renowned Russian jurist Ivan Trofimovich Tarasov (1849-1929); establishment and evolution of his state legal views; Tarasov’s concepts in the area of domestic administration of the Russian Empire. The article gives characteristics to the scholar’s contribution into the development of the theory of police and administrative law, as well as I. T. Tarasov’s outlook upon the problems of law enforcement activity, the essence of administrative enforcement, as well as the prospects of establishment of the institution of administrative justice in Russia. Scientific novelty consists first and foremost in the fact that complex problematic-theoretical reconstruction and interpretation of the theoretica-legal heritage of I. T. Tarasov has not been executed within the historical legal science until today. I. T. Tarasov not only determines the problems of the domestic government administration, which found reflection in his works, but also proposed ways and means for their solution. Scholar’s works significantly affected the development of the Russian jurisprudence of the late XIX-early XX centuries and remain relevant under the modern circumstances.
Ivan T. Tarasov, police law, administrative law, public administration, enforcement activities, the executive branch, administrative enforcement, private detention, administrative justice, Administrative Court
Shamak S.A..
Russian police science in persons: Eduard Nikolaevich Berendts
// Genesis: Historical research.
2015. № 6.
P. 828-843.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2015.6.16389 URL:
The subject of this research is the relevant part of the theoretical-legal heritage of the renowned Russian jurist Eduard Nikolaevich Berendts (1860-1830). This article gives characteristics to the contribution of the scholar into the development of theory of the police (administrative) law and reviews his outlook upon the regularities of transition from police law to administrative law, upon the problem of determination of methodological foundations of the science of administrative law and its systematization. The author examines E. D. Berendts’ ideas on the regularities of evolution of the system of government authorities, as well as efficiency of the work of the central and local administration and peculiarities of functioning of the government apparatus of Finland as a constituent of the Russian Empire. The author attempts a promplematic-theoretical reconstruction and interpretation of the theroretical-legal heritage of the Russian police scientist E. N. Berendts, which until the current times was not subjected to the comprehensive analysis.
EN Berendts, police law, administrative law, police state, constitutional state, public administration, legal system, administrative and legal system, the science of administrative law, Grand Duchy of Finland
Dergileva S.Y..
Russian police science in persons: Arkadiy Ivanovich Elistratov
// Genesis: Historical research.
2015. № 6.
P. 844-859.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2015.6.16394 URL:
The subject of this research is the relevant part of the theoretical-legal heritage of the renowned Russian jurist Arkadiy Ivanovich Elistratov (1872-1955); the establishment and evolution of his state legal outlooks; his vews upon the essence of the government administration; realization of the developed by A. I. Elistratov projects of government reformations in the Russian state in the early XX century; assessment of the A. I. Elistratov views by the contemporaries and the scholars of the XXI century. For the first time within the historical legal science, the problematic-theoretical reconstruction and interpretation of the theoretical-legal heritage of A. I. Elistratov is carried out. There is no possible way to form the new approaches towards the fundamental problems of the legal theory without taking into account the creative heritage of the prominent Russian jurists, among which is A. I. Elistratov. His works represent such scientific potential that can contribute into determination of the vectors of the state legal development of Russia, as well as the development of the modern juridical science towards the consolidation of the priority of human rights, and recognition of their leading role in modernization of the legal system of the nation.
AI Yelistratov, police state, constitutional state, police law, the concept of public- legal relations, executive, citizen, rule of law, administrative justice, Administrative Court
Strekalin A.V..
Russian police science in persons: Viktor Viktorovich Ivankovsky
// Genesis: Historical research.
2015. № 6.
P. 787-800.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2015.6.16412 URL:
The subject of this research is the relevant part of the theoretical-legal heritage of the renowned Russian jurist Vitkor Viktorovich Ivankovsky (1854-1926); the establishment and evolution of his state-legal views; the scholar’s contribution into the development of the questions on the role and place of the government in the public life of Russia, on the place of the system of administrative-police institutions within the government, on the place of self-governance in the organization of life of the Russian society. The author makes an attempt of the problematic-theoretical reconstruction and interpretation of the theoretical-legal heritage of V. V. Ivankovsky, focusing on the scholar’s examination of the problems of political science and the questions pertaining to the role of the administrative law in regulation of public relations. V. V. Ivankovsky appeared in the Russia’s historical-legal though as a prominent representative of Russian legal and sociological science of the late XIX and the early XX centuries; his theories and methodologies did not lose their relevance till the present times.
Vladimir Ivanovsky, gosudarstvovedenie, sociology, administrative law, legal technique, Security Police, Welfare police, local government, police law, political sociology
Nizhnik N.S..
Russian police science: main stages of its establishment and development
// Genesis: Historical research.
2015. № 6.
P. 764-786.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2015.6.16493 URL:
The subject of this research is the main stages of establishment and development of the Russian police science. Taking into account the fact that theoretical heritage of the Russian police scientists until present times preserves the ability to enrich the legal science and encourage the search for optimal solutions of the modern problems, the complex analysis of the Russian police science will allow using its scientific potential to a full extent. The author gives characteristics to the three stages of the establishment and development of the police-legal theory in Russia during the period of XVII-early XX centuries. Names of the prominent Russian police scientists and their major work are being analyzed. The author conducts a historiographical review of this topic. The desire to determine the dynamics and historical prospect of development of the ideas of the Russian police scientists on state and law, requires structuring this research based on the principle of historicism. The author characterizes the concept of the police state, legal state, social state, as well as the concept of public-legal relations in the area of government administration developed by the Russian police scientist in the late XIX and the early XX centuries.
Abdulin R.S..
Theoretical and Legal Grounds for Development of the Intrasystem Judicial Management (1989- 1998)
// Genesis: Historical research.
2014. № 6.
P. 1-30.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-420X.2014.6.13479 URL:
Article is devoted to teoretiko-legal grounds of formation and development of intrasystem management in modern judicial authority. The author shows a role in it the Law on the status of judges to the USSR (1989), the Concepts of judicial reform in RSFSR (1991) which laid the foundation to formation of modern judicial community and its public bodies. Thereby the author of article emphasizes that bodies of judicial self-government are not that other as a form of self-organization and activity of the third branch of the state activity, one of which tasks is protection of the rights and legitimate interests of judges, a link, the extremely necessary for development of joint decisions on functioning of judicial authority, improvement of the legislation and the statement of the actual equality of judicial authority with other branches of the government by them. The author of article considers formation and development of modern intrasystem management as the difficult many-sided process which was taking place under the influence of social and economic features and a concrete political situation. Thus it selected those methodological approaches which allow, by its assessment, most fully to open the considered subject: dialectic and dialectic and materialistic, system and structural, komparativistsky or comparative, objectivity and historicism in studying of the phenomena, processes, communications and the relations, etc.Scientific novelty is caused by the statement of a problem and that the purposes and tasks defined in article not fully are solved in domestic jurisprudence. Along with research of historical and legal aspects of a problem, the important place is given to theoretical provisions of formation and development of modern intrasystem management, specification of the conceptual framework relating to it. An attempt on the basis of an integrated approach to comprehend process the mechanism of modern intrasystem judicial management with allocation in it and a specification of a place and a role of its public bodies is made.
Romanovskaya L.R..
Russian Legal Studise at the Age of Enlightenment
// Genesis: Historical research.
2014. № 6.
P. 31-43.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-420X.2014.6.13702 URL:
It goes without doubts that fact that the legal community always actively influenced development of the state and statehood in Russia therefore problems of quality, systemacities, an ideological orientation of legal education and a level of development of jurisprudence have not only theoretical, but also especially practical value. In this regard the author addresses to sources of the Russian law – by the period of the "Russian" Education when traditions of domestic legal science arose, the western legal ideas were exposed to reconsideration, the foundation of the Russian legal education was laid. On the basis of application dialectic, logical, system, historical and other methods of scientific knowledge, the author comes to a conclusion about need of promoting of legal knowledge and achievements of jurisprudence, and also to increase of the importance of the general legal disciplines (legal philosophy, political and legal doctrines, the theory of the state and the right, etc.) in the course of training of law students.
Rabkin S.V..
Russian Economic School: the Concept of Immaterial Wealth as an Institutional Factor for Formation of the National Model of Economic Security
// Genesis: Historical research.
2014. № 5.
P. 1-16.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-420X.2014.5.13508 URL:
Formation of model of economic security of modern Russia is connected with reconsideration of its historical heritage. The domestic school of economy in many respects predetermined threats and calls of future development. Economic works, A. L. Ordin-Nashchokina, V. N. Tatishcheva, I. T. Pososhkova, M. V. Lomonosov and many other Russian economists it isn't acquitted forgotten in the conditions of market transformations of the Russian economy, force to estimate an essence of the happening institutional changes differently. The concept of "immaterial wealth" which is put forward by them defines a strategic vector of development of the Russian economy within own model of ensuring national security. Based on a method of historical analogies and the general methodology of the institutional analysis, the scientific hypothesis of historically caused influence of "immaterial" factors on formation of system of economic security of Russia is made. The concept "safety" is connected with accurate definition of priorities of economic development where the purposes of future development prevail over rational perception of economic reality. Actually it is search of "immaterial" factors in the "material" guarantees of economic development characterized by a modern scientific paradigm "rational vs irrational". Permission of this question within the created tradition of domestic school of economy allows to prove a role of strategic branches of economy as most important institute of providing economic security of the Russian Federation.