History of science and technology
Ganin, S.V., Ganin, M.A., Kolomeitsev, I.V., Morozov, I.D. (2024). The history of the formation and development of forms of interaction between science and industry in the field of the study and development of polymer compounds and composites. Genesis: Historical research, 10, 1–18. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2024.10.71755
The paper explores the transformation of forms of interaction between science and industry in the field of research and development of polymer and composite compounds. In the pre-revolutionary period, pioneering firms in this field began to open the first laboratories at their base. During the Soviet period, the active development of civil and military industries required the mass production of polymer products in the shortest possible time. To solve this problem, research institutes began to be created, which in Soviet realities demonstrated their high efficiency. At the present stage, one of the ways to provide the polymer industry with the necessary know-how has become the creation of R&D departments based on commercial firms, as well as advanced state universities. Using the example of the R&D department of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, the specifics of the functioning of such research centers are analyzed. The research methodology is based on the retrospective method. Comparative analysis is widely used. In addition, the microanalysis method is also involved, which allows, using the example of a single R&D department of the University, to assess the future prospects of the emerging model of science-industry interaction in the development of new polymer materials and composites. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that this article for the first time examines in detail the work in the field of development of new polymer and composite compounds of the R&D department of one of the leading universities in the country – the Competence Center of the National Technological Initiative "New Production Technologies", created on the basis of the Institute of Advanced Production Technologies of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. It is concluded that the R&D departments of universities, when they are provided with highly competent scientific personnel and modern equipment, can demonstrate high performance indicators. At the same time, their activities ensure the formation of a pool of technologies in the domestic market that are available to all its participants, and not only to individual firms. This, in turn, creates the necessary prerequisites for the further development of the polymer industry in our country.
know-how, science, industry, national technology initiative, technologies, SPbPU, polymers, composite materials, R&D department, production
Evolution, reform, revolution
Demina, I.A. (2024). The main aspects of the introduction of conscription in Russia at the beginning of the XVIII century. Genesis: Historical research, 10, 19–27. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2024.10.71818
The article is devoted to the main aspects of the introduction of conscription in Russia at the beginning of the XVIII century during the reign of Peter the Great, the prerequisites for reform, its implementation, legislative framework and results are considered. The main attention is paid to the sources and dating of the introduction of conscription. The analysis of the formation of a regular army recruitment system, its regularity, numerical and class composition is carried out, the concepts of "recruits" and "date soldiers" are disclosed. The Decree of Peter the Great of February 20, 1705, its execution, extension and results are considered in detail. From 1705 to 1709, five large sets were conducted from all cities of the Moscow State with a period of one year. In the period from 1710 to 1711, recruitment was mainly carried out from the population of Moscow and adjacent counties. Changes in the organizational structure of recruitment were associated with the establishment of a new territorial division and government agencies. The local order was still in charge of recruiting. The main source is the "Complete Collection of Laws of the Russian Empire" (The first Collection), published in 1830 in St. Petersburg. The introduction of conscription should not be regarded as a one-time act, this system began to take shape in 1699, its base was formed by 1705, and finally, after all the changes and transformations, it entered the state system by 1711. With the introduction of conscription, desertion has become a mass phenomenon, while being the main form of social protest (passive). The government's measures aimed at toughening the punishment for fugitives, apparently, did not save them from escapes. The most effective solution to this problem was the introduction of bail for fellow soldiers and relatives of the recruit. Conscription became one of the cheapest methods of recruiting the army, as it did not require serious expenses for the material stimulation of soldiers and ensuring their livelihoods. The costs of recruiting and training recruits were reduced as much as possible by using the resources of government agencies involved in recruitment, in parallel with the main type of activity.
desertion, recruits, forced conscription, regular army, Peter I, military reform, recruitment levies, recruiting duty, army reform, due soldiers
History and Politics
Vorobev, A.O. (2024). The Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation in the 1990s in the assessments of domestic social Democratic parties. Genesis: Historical research, 10, 28–38. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2024.10.71909
The article is devoted to the consideration of assessments of the foreign policy of the Russian Federation in the 1990s by domestic social democratic parties. The subject of the study is the publications of representatives of Russian Social Democrats, which reflect their views on the foreign policy of the Russian Federation during the period of Boris Yeltsin. The Social Democratic parties in the world and in Russia at that time influenced both the domestic and foreign policies of their states. The assessments of the social democratic parties in their programs and press reflect a wide range of views on the foreign policy of our state in the 1990s. Depending on the directions of the Social Democrats - left and right, their contradictions in views are displayed, which shows the breadth of social democratic thought at that time. The study uses a historical and comparative method, a civilizational approach in analyzing the assessments of the positions of the right-wing social Democrats and a world-system analysis in analyzing the assessments of the positions of the left-wing social Democrats. The scientific novelty of the study consists in identifying the positions of the social democratic parties of the 1990s on the foreign policy course of the Russian Federation, and the different assessments of the country's foreign policy by left and right social Democrats. The study reveals differences in the assessments of social democratic parties and their priorities in the foreign policy of the Russian Federation, depending on their directions - the left social Democrats and the right social Democrats. The article evaluates the attitude of the parties to the official course of the authorities of the Russian Federation at that time, who advocated the country's close integration into the Western world. The conclusion is made about the role of social Democrats of different directions in constructing a new understanding of Russia's foreign policy, based on the ideological positions of the parties.
Social Democratic Party of Russia, Right-wing social democrats, Left-wing social democrats, socialism, policy, evaluation of foreign policy, political parties of Russia, social democrats, foreign policy, Socialist Working People's Party
History of regions of Russia
Khaziev, R., Vagapov, R.R. (2024). The business and moral image of the party officials of the "second echelon" of the Bashkir ASSR in the era of "Khrushchev's reformism". Genesis: Historical research, 10, 39–48. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2024.10.71983
The article examines the business and moral qualities of the party managers of the "second echelon" of the period of the "Khrushchev reforms" in the context of one of the major national republics of the RSFSR – the Bashkir ASSR. The authors reconstruct the appearance of middle-level party officials who adhered to double standards in their party management activities. The phenomenon of the formation of a "new-moral" communist party subject with a pronounced focus on wealth is also concretized, which contradicted the official discourse of a highly moral socialist personality, who is not only a party worker, but, above all, a disinterested communist. The new trend observed among the party officials of the "Khrushchev set" – industrial and moral emancipation, which did not entail the irreversibility of severe punishment, was one of the manifestations of the complex institutional process of the era of "Khrushchev reformism". We are talking about a change in the value paradigm in the form of the refusal of party officials from rigid stoicism and orientation towards satisfying their personal interests. The research methodology is based on the principles of critical research understanding of the activities of the BASSR party apparatus in 1953-1964. The structural and functional method made it possible to reconstruct the managerial and business portrait of the BASSR party members of the Khrushchev era.
personnel policy, party nomenclature, moral-business image, party discipline, regional authorities, Bashkir regional committee of the CPSU, financial and economic activities, Khrushchev thaw, the Bashkir ASSR, party budget
Evolution, reform, revolution
Fokin, A.V. (2024). Formation and evolution of the Party Ideology of the Russian Social Democrats/Bolsheviks as the basis of the future state ideology of the Country of Soviets. Genesis: Historical research, 10, 49–58. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2024.10.48501
The subject of this study is the process of formation of the party ideology of the RSDLP from the moment of its institutionalization at the end of the XIX century until the seizure of power by the Bolsheviks in October 1917. The subject of the study is those aspects of the Bolshevik worldview that later formed the basis of the ideology of the Soviet state. Special attention is paid to Lenin's understanding of ideology as a class worldview of the proletariat, proposed by the "vanguard" of this class - the Russian Social Democratic Workers' Party. The author pays great attention to the class attitudes of the leader of the Russian Social Democrats, V. I. Lenin, because they had a key impact on the formation of the Bolshevik ideology. The novelty of the research lies in the author's approach, which combines the principles of historicism and scientific objectivity with a class understanding of the essence of ideology, on which the development of the party ideology of the RSDLP was based. This allows us to analyze the logic of V. I. Lenin's theoretical constructions, to understand his personal worldview,. which, due to the authority of the party leader, was transformed, first into a party ideology, and then into a state one. The author comes to the following conclusions: the class approach predetermined the basic principles of the formation of the ideology of the Russian Social Democrats/Bolsheviks. Perceiving the class worldview as a kind of monolith based on the relation of property to the means of production, the party leader developed a coherent picture of the world, which changed only when political conditions transformed: when the socialist revolution seemed to be a matter of an uncertain future, and when, in the conditions of the world war, its implementation became temporally tangible. It was the presence of a clearly defined ideology, which was shared by the majority of the Bolsheviks, that allowed them to take power into their own hands during the revolution.
dictatorship of the proletariat, peasantry, bourgeoisie, workers, political party, class approach, worldview, ideology, revolution, political power
History of law and state
Stashkov, R.S. (2024). Ensuring safety on the water according to the Maritime Charter of 1720 and in accordance with the norms of modern Russian legislation. Genesis: Historical research, 10, 59–67. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2024.10.68761
The article is devoted to the issues of water transport safety, established by the first codified document - the Maritime Charter (1720), in a historical and legal comparison with the norms of modern Russian legislation. The purpose of the study is to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the legal norms governing transport safety of water transport, based on an objective study of documentary, archival and scientific materials, using the principle of objectivity and historicism. An analysis of individual norms of the Maritime Charter and the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation was carried out regarding the establishment of rules and requirements for compliance with safety on water (sea and river) transport, as well as liability for violations of this legislation. As a result, a conclusion was formed and legislation changes were proposed in order to enhance the safety of water transport. When writing the article, historical, ideographic, comparative legal research methods were used. Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that, on the one hand, the need for the formation of a navy during the reign of Peter I served as the basis for the development and adoption of a separate codified normative act - the Naval Charter of 1720; on the other hand, the norms of this Peter the Great document are of interest in terms of regulating liability for various violations in the field of ship safety.
administrative offenses, liability, fire, safety, accident, captain, ship, Peter the Great, Marine charter, criminal offenses
History of law and state
Madatov, O.Y. (2024). The constitutional duty of men and women in the legislation of the Russian Federation. Genesis: Historical research, 10, 68–85. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2024.10.68768
The article examines the formation, development and modern definition of the concept of constitutional duty of Russian citizens, as well as the constitutional problems of its establishment depending on their gender identity. It is proved that the duty of a citizen in the Constitution of the Russian Federation creates conditions for violating the constitutional principle of gender equality established by part 2 of Article 6 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The object of the study is public relations regulating the relationship between the state and citizens on the issue of the latter's fulfillment of the constitutional duty established by part 1 of Article 59 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The subject of the study is the norms of constitutional, civil and criminal law, as well as law enforcement practice regulating the object of the study. The purpose of the study is to establish the correspondence of the constitutional duty of men and women to the constitutional principle of legal equality of the sexes. This goal determined the need to set and solve the following tasks: 1. To investigate the evolution of the concept of duty as a legal category. 2. To consider the formation and consolidation of the concept of duty in the constitutional law of Russia 3. Compliance of the constitutional duty of men and women with the constitutional principle of legal equality of the sexes. The study showed that there is no single approach to understanding duty in modern science, but an analysis of the evolution of its consolidation showed that the term duty is based on the duties of citizens. This term was first legislated in the USSR Constitution of 1936 and the Constitution of the RSFSR of 1937 in order to separate the constitutional duties of citizens of a bourgeois state from the duty of a citizen of a socialist republic. In the current understanding, the constitutional duty of citizens is attributed only to the protection of the Fatherland, however, this term is not a gender-neutral concept, since it is only a duty inherent exclusively to men.
rights and freedoms, infringement of rights, gender discrimination, gender equality, constitutional duty, international law, national law, constitutional law, public relations, society and the state
History of regions of Russia
Novikov, M.S. (2024). About some components of the participation of regional TV companies in the political life of the Omsk Irtysh region (1993-2000). Genesis: Historical research, 10, 86–101. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2024.10.71779
The subject of the study is the process of television development in the Omsk region, strengthening their influence on the political preferences of the population during the election campaigns of 1993-2000. This period was characterized by an increase in the attention of regional authorities to the formation of their own television media. The object is the development of mass media during the formation of the post-Soviet management system. The author examines in detail such aspects of the topic as the formation of regional television companies. Special attention is paid to the transformation of television studios into platforms for the performance of opposing political and administrative groups. The work was based on a systematic approach that comprehensively considers the development of regional television companies and their participation in political processes in the Omsk region. The historical-comparative method was used to compare the actions of regional television companies during various election campaigns at the federal and municipal levels. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time in Russian historiography, an attempt was made to examine in detail the process of formation and development of the Omsk television and radio companies, the activities of the Omsk region during the elections of the head of the region and the mayor of the regional center. The analysis of this process allows us to conclude that the TV companies were unable to change the balance of power in the confrontation between the head of the subject of the Federation and the mayor of the «capital» of the subject, increased the level of mutual intolerance between supporters of various political forces, reduced the prestige of power in the eyes of viewers.
election campaigns, information wars, V.V. Radul, V.N. Dorokhin, Russian national unity, Russian public movement, Omsk Region administration, electronic media, L.K. Polezhaev, V.P. Roshchupkin
History of regions of Russia
Proskuryakova, M.A. (2024). Implementation of state policy in collective farms and political departments of the Angara village in the first half of 1930. Genesis: Historical research, 10, 102–109. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2024.10.69003
The specifics of the implementation of state policy in the Angara village in 1930-1935 are considered. The socio-political influence of collective farms and political departments of MTS on the peasantry is analyzed. The territorial scope of the study is limited to the Angara region (the modern borders of the Irkutsk region). The choice of chronological framework can be explained by the forced collectivization that took place during this period. It was in the first half of the 1930s that a cardinal transformation of the agrarian sphere of the Angara region took place. By 1935, most of the peasant households were collectivized. Collective farms have become the main conductor of socio-political changes, as well as the main organization of control over the economic side of village life. Special attention is paid to the role of MTS political departments in the agricultural sector in 1933-1934. Archival sources illustrating the negative public opinion regarding collectivization as a system of transformation in the Angara village are involved. The historical-comparative method made it possible to correlate socio-political changes at different time intervals, as well as to compare the expectations of the authorities and the social realities of the village. The historical and systematic method allowed to recreate a holistic picture of the reflection of political changes in the collective farms and political departments of MTS Priangarya. The novelty of the research lies in the involvement of unpublished archival materials that reveal the specifics of the implementation of state policy towards the peasantry. The study showed that the expectations of the authorities to complete collectivization by the beginning of 1932 in such grain areas as Siberia were not justified. The number of collective farms in Eastern Siberia grew in the early 1930s, but in 1934 the reverse process occurred – the number of collective farms became less than in 1931. In the Angara region, we can talk about the completion of collectivization no earlier than in 1935 (94% of the yards were collectivized). The collective farms implemented mainly economic policy: the management of collective farms strictly controlled discipline, the implementation of the plan of sowing, harvesting campaigns, and grain distribution. MTS political departments were responsible for controlling the ideological, political and economic aspects of collective farms' life. The opinions of the peasants presented in the article express dissatisfaction with the collective farm system, grain procurement campaigns, and working conditions on collective farms.
East Siberian Region, agricultural industry, village, peasants, state policy, political departments, collective farms, collectivization, Angara region, machine and tractor stations
West - Russia - East
Xu, X. (2024). Formation of traditional value orientations of the youth of Russia and China in the XX-XXI centuries. Genesis: Historical research, 10, 110–131. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2024.10.71749
The subject of this article is the historical influence of mass culture, especially visual media and rock music, on the youth of Russia and China in the process of forming their value orientations. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of changes that have occurred since the late 1980s in the context of socio-political transformations: the collapse of the Soviet Union and the beginning of reforms in China. The study focuses on the replacement of traditional cultural archetypes with new symbols of consumption, which were actively promoted through cinema, television and music. The article provides a historical analysis of the transformations of cultural preferences of young people, including the dominance of violence and sexual aggression in films, as well as the negative impact of countercultural music genres such as heavy metal and punk rock. The research methodology includes a historical and cultural approach, analysis of mass cultural phenomena and a systematic study of the influence of visual and musical media on the formation of value orientations of young people. The scientific novelty of this research article lies in revealing the profound influence of mass culture, especially visual media and countercultural music genres, on the formation of value orientations of young people. The study also emphasizes the importance of cultural and environmental components of media influence, indicating a crisis of universal humanistic values among young people. The findings indicate the need to develop programs aimed at nurturing conscious consumption of cultural products and strengthening moral guidelines through closer interaction between educational institutions and cultural institutions, which is the key to the healthy development of society. In conclusion, the work emphasizes that young people's awareness of their cultural responsibility can be an important step towards positive changes in the socio-cultural environment.
Self-awareness, Ecology of culture, Education, Counterculture, Popular culture, Identity, Culture, Socialization, Values, Social guidelines
History and Politics
Solovev, K.A. (2024). The problems of management in the "Notes" of Ambassador A.A. Matveev about France. Genesis: Historical research, 10, 132–144. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2024.10.44104
The subject of the research is to study the experience of foreign experience in public administration in Russia at the beginning of the 18th century. An opportunity for this is provided by the information contained in the “Notes” of Ambassador Peter I A. A. Matveev. When conducting the research, methods of historical and textual analysis (semantic, terminological) were used in combination with the methodology of historical and situational analysis. The result of the study was conclusions about the degree of awareness of Ambassador Matveev about how governance was organized in France, as well as the objectivity of his assessments. It was revealed that Matveev paid maximum attention to the study of the system of higher government bodies in France, the personal and psychological characteristics of those who made decisions in this system. The author comes to the conclusion that Matveev’s information about how the administration of the French kingdom is structured could be useful in reforming public administration in Russia and, in particular, in creating the Senate and organizing its work.
history of diplomacy, history of politics, history of managerial thought, Louis fourteenth, Peter the Great, diplomat Matveev, Russia eighteen century, history of public administration, Russian history, France eighteen century
History and Politics
Nurislamov, R.R. (2024). The Rhine-Ruhr Service — an instrument of German propaganda during the Ruhr crisis of 1923. Genesis: Historical research, 10, 145–152. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2024.10.68884
The subject of the study is the activities of the Rhine-Ruhr Service, a non–governmental organization created by Georg Klingenberg and Karl Kremer during the Ruhr crisis of 1923 to conduct propaganda abroad. The article analyzes documents from the funds of the Federal Archive of the Federal Republic of Germany related to the foundation, functioning and liquidation of this propaganda structure. The purpose of the study is to determine why the Rhine-Ruhr service ceased to exist by the end of 1923. Special attention is paid to the relationship between the State and the specified organization, as well as internal and external political circumstances that preceded its liquidation. The study revealed that due to fears of using propaganda in the interests of private circles, the government of Chancellor Wilhelm Kuno limited financial support for the Rhine-Ruhr service to strictly defined areas. Despite this, the activity of the organization went beyond the areas indicated by the state. The article shows that as the Ruhr crisis was resolved and the internal political crisis in Germany deepened, internal propaganda began to acquire greater importance for the government of the new Chancellor Gustav Stresemann. In this regard, only the most effective structures could continue further activities in the field of external propaganda. The result of the study is the conclusion that due to the lack of a unique niche in propaganda activities and extensive, stable ties in foreign countries, the Rhine-Ruhr service could not withstand competition with other organizations and was liquidated by the end of 1923.
the enlightenment committee, Gustav Stresemann, Carl Cremer, Alfred Hugenberg, the Rhine-Ruhr service, Wilhelm Cuno, Georg Klingenberg, foreign propaganda, Ruhr Crisis, Weimar Germany
History of public institutions
Borisov, A.A. (2024). On the prerequisites for the state organization of epidemic control in Yakutia in the second half of the XVIII - early XIX century. Genesis: Historical research, 10, 153–162. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2024.10.71887
The subject of the study is the activities of the state authorities of the Russian state in Yakutia, which became prerequisites for the organization of the regional epidemic control system in the region in the second half of the XVIII – early XIX century. The object of the study is the state anti-epidemic policy in its initial stage since the second half of the XVIII century. The author considers such aspects of the topic as specific historical prerequisites for the organization of local government measures against the spread of epidemics (smallpox, leprosy) in Yakutia. We are talking about the formation of special medical bodies of the regional administration (medical board, officials – doctors, staff doctors, doctors), the direction of medical personnel for the prevention (smallpox vaccination) and treatment of diseases of an epidemic nature, the allocation of funds for these activities. Special attention is paid to those government measures that served as prerequisites for subsequent stages in the history of epidemic control in the Yakutsk region. The main research methods were historical, comparative and typological methods, as well as the method of retrospection, when facts already known from sources about the phenomenon under study (anti-epidemic measures in the region) are considered with a look back at previous periods. The main conclusions of the study are: Firstly, organizationally, the territory of the Yakutsk district (province) became subordinate to a special regional medical body, the Medical Board of the Irkutsk Provincial Administration. Secondly, since the 1760s, doctors began to be sent to Yakutia to combat the emerging foci of epidemic diseases: leprosy and smallpox.Thirdly, initially highly qualified medical personnel arrived in Yakutia, who were trained not only in Russia, but also abroad.Fourth, during the period under review, the local population began to form positive ideas about the benefits of these activities, which was important for the success of the fight against epidemics in the future. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that the author for the first time drew attention to the study of the historical prerequisites for the organization of epidemic control in Yakutia in the XVIII century, the effectiveness of which became visible during the subsequent XIX century.
Smallpox, Doctors, Vaccination, Staff doctors, History, Prerequisites, Event organization, Epidemics, Struggle, Leprosy
Auxiliary historical disciplines
Nilogov, A.S. (2024). Genetic and genealogical research of the Itygin family: from documentary reconstruction to DNA genealogical examination. Genesis: Historical research, 10, 163–184. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2024.10.68885
The article deals with the issue of complex genetic and genealogical study of the Khakass Itygin family, to which the famous Khakass statesman and public figure Georgy Ignatievich Itygin (1873 - 1928) belonged. In the XIX century, the family of the Itygins was called "choda khyrgys" and belonged to the Shuisky council of the Kyzyl Steppe Duma. Itygins as part of the Khakass subethnos of the Kyzyl people became Russified as a result of interethnic marriages and settled in neighboring regions. Since the ethnic roots of the Kyzyl people were not touched upon during the population-genetic research of scientists, we decided to fill this gap using the example of DNA testing of specific representatives of the Kyzyl genera. This scientific task required the development of a new interdisciplinary methodology at the junction of classical archival and documentary genealogy as an auxiliary historical discipline and genetic genealogy as a section of ethnogenomics within the framework of biological science. The methodology of complex genetic and genealogical verification of the pedigree involves cross-checking of kinship data, including oral-documentary and genetic reconstruction of the pedigree. Such a study makes it possible to establish the migration of patrilineal ancestors deep into thousands of years, which means to establish the genetic source of a particular genus/ethnos by determining the appropriate branch on the phylogenetic tree of the male population of mankind. From a genetic point of view, we are talking about the study of Y-chromosome markers as a tool for DNA identification and population attribution. Thanks to DNA testing of three male representatives of the Itygin family, it was possible: 1) to certify the autosomal relationship of two cousins – descendants of Itygin from his second marriage; 2) to determine the reference Y-haplogroup of the Itygins as I2a1b2a1a-S17250, which dates the phylogeny and migration of patrilineal ancestors of the genus to the turn of the new era; 3) additional genetic and genealogical verification of the male branch of the Itygins along a parallel line at the level of of the fifth degree, which confirmed the reference Y-haplogroup of the Itygins.
Kyzyl people, DNA, metric book, Genotek, pedigree, genetic genealogy, haplogroup, Y-chromosome, genealogy, Itygins