Personality in history
Druzhevskii, A.O. (2023). Ivan the Terrible through the eyes of Western diplomats. Genesis: Historical research, 5, 1–7.
In the article, the author analyzes the notes of diplomats who came to Muscovy at the end of the XV² century and had the opportunity to feel the features of the daily life of the royal court of Dopetrovskaya Rus, entering into direct contact with the highest authorities. Being cunning and observant people, they comprehended the character and motives of Ivan the Terrible's actions, with whom they had a number of private conversations. Conclusions are drawn that reflect the specifics of diplomatic works as a special type of historical source, emphasis is placed on the features of the "Western mentality" of their authors. The author comes to the conclusion that the negative image of Grozny in these works is present largely due to the failure of diplomatic missions. Since the foreign envoys failed to achieve their goals, with bitter resentment they reflect in their writings the customs of a country they do not understand and its sovereign. This serves as an additional reason for classifying these writings as highly subjective.
confidants, historical source, researcher, mentality, foreigners about Russia, Jils Fletcher, Jerome Gorsey, Jacob Ulfeldt, Ivan the Terrible, diplomacy
World history: Eras and seasons
Markhanova, T.F. (2023). Protection of Buddhist structures under Emperor Tao-wu of the Northern Wei dynasty as a way of asserting political power. Genesis: Historical research, 5, 8–17.
The subject of the study is the analysis of the formation of Buddhism under the Northern Wei Dynasty. The object of the study is Buddhist construction projects as a way of asserting political power. The author examines in detail such aspects of the topic as the construction of a Buddhist pagoda, a hall on Mount Sumeru, Vulture Peak and the "Great Monastery" (Dasa). When the state of Northern Wei was formed at the end of the fourth century, Buddhism became extremely widespread in their empire. Imperial patronage of Buddhist society continued throughout the dynasty until its decline in the sixth century. Powerful images of rulers, alternative ideas about the centers of power and special ways of sponsoring public monuments came from the understanding of the rulers of Northern Wei of ancient India, which, in turn, were obtained from Indian missionaries, reports of Chinese pilgrims and Buddhist scriptures translated into Chinese. Construction projects, in particular, gave the rulers the opportunity to present themselves to the people in various mythological and historical figures. The main conclusions of the study are that Emperor Tao-wu created an image legitimizing his rule, based on Indian Buddhist symbols of power, and not on Chinese Confucian traditions of government. The association of pagodas, Vulture Peak with King Ashoka was still strong in the popular imagination, which Tao-wu could not help but take advantage of. The new Buddhist construction complexes were actually intended to demonstrate political dominance in the capital. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that the author showed Emperor Tao-wu portraying himself as mytho-historical Indian authority figures such as Indra, King Bimbisara, Emperor Ashoka and Vimalakirti to assert his imperial authority.
Emperor Aśoka, Weishu, Emperor Dao-wu, Tobias, Buddhist architecture, Buddhist structures, Northern Wei, Buddhism, medieval China, Faxian
History and historical science
Kapsalykova, K.R. (2023). "The second edition of Pokrovshchina" (based on the material of M. Ja. Sjuzjumov's letters to V. G. Trukhanovsky and S. P. Pavlov). Genesis: Historical research, 5, 18–29.
This article is devoted to the problems of the "relapse of Pokrovshchina" – a phenomenon in the history of historical science, which was characterized by the dominance of sociologized schemes, the leveling of the role of source analysis, the lack of developments in problem areas of auxiliary historical disciplines, the primacy of modern studies to the detriment of the study of classical history. The famous Soviet Byzantine historian Mikhail Jakovlevich Sjuzjumov (1893-1982) resolutely opposed the crisis of this "growth disease". In his personal fund (GASO, F. P-802) contains letters to leading experts in various branches of historical science, where he analyzes in detail the essence of the "second edition of the Pokrovshchina" (the second half of the 1960s). Two letters of M. Ja. Sjuzjumov are introduced into scientific circulation. One of them, dated by the author on May 5, 1965, is a response to the appeal of the editor-in-chief of the magazine "Questions of History" to Vladimir Grigoryevich Trukhanovsky (1914-2000) and a letter dated July 2, 1965 to the Soviet statesman, First Secretary of the Komsomol Central Committee Sergei Pavlovich Pavlov (1929-1993). In fact, they are journalistic articles, a reflection on the results of the All-Union Meeting on measures to improve the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in historical sciences, convened by the decision of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the SNK of the USSR. M. Ja. Sjuzjumov considers the popularization of historical knowledge to be a recipe for the destructive action of the Pokrovshchina.
scientific biography, epistolography, personal fund, S. P. Pavlov, V. G. Trukhanovsky, M. Ja. Sjusjumov, source studies, historiography, USSR, pokrovshchina
History of law and state
Naryshkina, S.Y. (2023). History and development of the Institute of Conciliation procedures in Russia. Genesis: Historical research, 5, 30–43.
The article examines the history and development of the institute of conciliation procedures in Russia and some foreign countries. Starting with the first laws on conciliation procedures adopted in tsarist Russia, the authors describe how the institution was formed, what changes occurred in legislation in different historical epochs. The article also analyzes the current state of the institute of conciliation procedures in Russia and gives forecasts of its further development. In particular, the article discusses the impact of recent legislative changes on the institution of conciliation procedures, as well as the role of alternative dispute resolution in modern legal practice. The article points to the need to raise awareness and education among the population and representatives of the business community, as well as the creation of an appropriate infrastructure for mediation and arbitration procedures. The use of the institute of conciliation procedures has great potential for effective dispute resolution, strengthening international relations and improving the quality of life of the population.
partners, conflict, birch bark certificate, justice of the peace, arbitration courts, settlement agreement, civil proceedings, Conciliation procedure, international relations, legislation
History and Politics
Shirko, T.I. (2023). Interparliamentary Associations of the Subjects of the Russian Federation in the 1990s: the formation of the institutional foundations of "horizontal federalism". Genesis: Historical research, 5, 44–57.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the formation of the organizational foundations of interparliamentary associations established by the parliaments of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the 1990s. The object of the study is interparliamentary cooperation developing between the legislative authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and the subject is the interparliamentary associations formed by them. The purpose of the study is to identify the features of the organization of interregional associations of legislative authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation, which are the basis for the formation of horizontal federal relations in the 1990s. Historical-genetic, problem-analytical and historical-comparative methods, as well as the method of structural-functional analysis are used as the methodological basis of the work. Attention is drawn to the fact that at the first stage of the formation of inter–parliamentary associations in 1994, the association became the most popular form of organizational cooperation, and at the second stage, since 1997, the council. The associations were created as consultative and advisory bodies implementing the function of coordinating legislative activities within their own jurisdiction and authority in order to create a single legislative space of the subjects of the Federation of one macro-region. The formation of councils was carried out with the aim of developing legislative initiatives within the joint jurisdiction of the center and the regions concerning the implementation of economic reform. It was concluded that the organizational structure of associations, in general, correlates with the generally accepted standard of activity of the corresponding form of interparliamentary association, defining and streamlining the content and dynamics of the processes of its legislative activity and ensuring the implementation of the goals. Whereas the constituent entities of the Federation – members of the soviets, defining the status of associations as organizations, thereby formally positioned their significance and weight, but in fact focused on building individual relations with the federal center "vertically". Thus, only the association model in the 1990s ensured the formation of the institutional foundations of "horizontal federalism" in Russia.
horizontal federalism, federalism, subject of the federation, legislature, parliamentary associations, associations, interparliamentary cooperation, organizational structure, institutional environment, integration associations
Ethnography and ethnology
Popova, A., Serebryakova, A.I. (2023). Guardians of Hearth in the Russian and Chinese mythological traditions. Genesis: Historical research, 5, 58–73.
One of the most frequently encountered characters in the mythology of various cultures are household spirits, deities-guardians of the hearth, who have lived side by side with humans since ancient times. In this article, on the basis of Russian and Chinese sources, the authors conduct a comparative analysis of the images of the patrons of the household in such aspects as the names given to them by the bearers of culture, versions of origin, appearance, marital status, functions that these deities performed, rituals of worship. The subject of the research is the images of the Domovoy and God of the hearth of Zao-wang in Russian and Chinese cultures. The aim of the work is to find similarities and differences about Domovoy and Zao-wang, to comprehend the interaction of a person with the domestic spirit in Russia and China, which is relevant in the light of the strengthening of relationship between the two countries and contributes to a better understanding of both Chinese and Russian culture. The novelty lies in the absence of such a comparative study in Russian science. As a result of the work, it was revealed that the characters of the keeper of the hearth in the Russian and Chinese traditions have both similarities and differences. Similar features of home spirits are due to global cultural processes, while their differences are determined by worldview and other features of the regions.
Zao Shen, Kitchen God, Tutelary deity, patron of the household, Chinese folk culture, Domovoy, house spirit, Zao Wang, Russian mythology, Chinese mythology
Historical facts, events, phenomena
Awah, J. (2023). The Cameroonian - Russian Relation: Main Directions and Priorities (1960-2022). Genesis: Historical research, 5, 74–82.
This article examines the main directions and priorities of Cameroonian-Russian relations from 1960 to 2022. In recent years, Russia has sought to expand its presence in Africa, and Cameroon has become a key partner in the region. The author analyzes the historical background of the relationship, including key events and milestones that have shaped this partnership over time. It also examines the political, economic and cultural aspects of the relationship, highlighting the main areas of cooperation and the challenges both countries face. The author concludes with a discussion of the future prospects of Russian-Cameroonian relations. The historical background of the relationship has played a key role in the success of this partnership, and both countries have demonstrated a desire to strengthen cooperation. However, the relationship faces a number of challenges, including a lack of direct air service and limited knowledge of the Russian language and culture in Cameroon. As a net importer, Cameroon must explore the Russian market to increase its exports to ensure a trade balance. Looking ahead, Cameroonian-Russian relations are likely to continue to develop, and both countries will seek to expand cooperation and deepen their partnership in the coming years, as they both share the same ideological and moral values.
educational development, agreements, military cooperation, Diplomacy, Post-Soviet era, Soviet Union, Cultural exchanges, Bilateral trade, Foreign policy, Cameroon-Russia relations
Stream of books: bibliography, reviews
Galyamina, A.G. (2023). Review of A. Forrest's "Beyond the Edge of the Battlefield. The life of the military during the Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars". Genesis: Historical research, 5, 83–89.
The article analyzes the work of the English historian A. Forrest, devoted to the study of the individual experience of the military during the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars. Forrest departs from the traditional view of the history of war as the history of battles and focuses his attention on various aspects of the daily life soldiers, such as enlistment, interaction with foreigners during foreign campaigns, captivity, demobilization and the life of veterans after the end of the war. The author pays special attention to the discrepancies between propaganda and the realities of soldier's life and casts doubt on the formation of a new type of revolutionary soldier, postulated by revolutionary propaganda. As shortcomings of the book, one can single out some ignorance by the author of data that contradicts his statement about the complete apoliticality of peasants, who formed the basis of the army of revolutionary France, and their alienation to revolutionary values. Besides the author does not always clearly distinguish the Jacobin army and the army of the Napoleonic time, attributing later features to the former, therefore important details regarding the war nature evolution may be lost. Separately, the author considers the construction of historical memory of the Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars in France.
Napoleon Bonaparte, New russian school, war history, historical memory, history of mentality, French revolution, history of everyday life, Napoleonic wars, Revolutionary wars, jacobins