History of law and state
Tulbasieva, S.K. (2023). Disenfranchisement in Kazakhstan in the 1920s-30s of the twentieth century (on the example of the city of Alma-Ata). Genesis: Historical research, 3, 1–12. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2023.3.37630
The article analyzes the history of methods by which the government removed people from active participation in political and public life in Kazakhstan. One of them should be recognized as the deprivation of citizens' voting rights on the basis of class or social status. Meanwhile, disenfranchisement was an integral part of the Soviet electoral system. To understand the essential features of the Soviet electoral law, it is important to investigate the formation and evolution of legislation in this area; the problems of its interpretation and application by local authorities; to consider the factors that influenced the transformation of the circle of election participants. The purpose of the study is the evolution and implementation of the policy of the Soviet government in relation to disenfranchisement and the peculiarities of its implementation in the city of Alma-Ata and its environs. As well as recreating the social appearance and behavior of the categories of "deprived". The deprivation of the electoral rights to participate in elections automatically entailed a number of restrictions in the social and social situation. The deprived turned into outcasts, that is, second-class citizens. Often, disenfranchisement became the basis for further repressive methods of action against a citizen of Soviet Russia, including Soviet Kazakhstan.
Peasants, Dispossessed, voting rights, Alma-Ata,, social group, Kazakhstan, political rights, people, Soviet power,, politics.
History and Politics
Mikheeva, V.V. (2023). Pro-Government Political Youth Associations in Russia: Modern History. Genesis: Historical research, 3, 13–21. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2023.3.39916
The object of scientific research is political youth associations associated with pro-government political parties of the Russian Federation during the specified period. The subject of scientific research is the activity of domestic political youth associations in the political, public, cultural and spiritual life of the Russian Federation in the modern period. The purpose of the study is a comprehensive analysis of the activities of political youth associations and determining their place in the socio-political life of the Russian Federation in the 1990s - at the beginning of the XXI century. General scientific and special historical research methods were used. Among the general scientific research methods, the method of formal logic, the method of analysis, the method of synthesis, and the statistical method were used. Among the special historical methods were used: historical-comparative, historical-typological, problem-chronological, structural-functional method, historical-genetic, method of expert assessments. The article reveals the main pages of the history of political youth associations in the modern conditions of rapid rotation of youth movements. Youth associations associated with pro-government political parties of the Russian Federation are considered. Various forms of their activity are revealed. The characteristic of the political activity of organizations having a close connection with political parties is given. The ideological foundations of these associations are described. The study concluded that the key feature of pro-government youth associations in Russia is the presence of a developed idea about the possibility of broad representation of youth in power. In their activities, youth party associations, as a rule, focus on methods that may be of interest to young people – youth camps, public contests, forums, discussion platforms, pickets, rallies. At the moment, the main pro-government youth force in the country is the All-Russian public Organization "Young Guard of United Russia".
president, congress, event, party, politics, Russia, young people, political association, project, idea
History and Politics
Mikheeva, V.V. (2023). Opposition Political Youth Associations in Russia: Modern History. Genesis: Historical research, 3, 22–30. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2023.3.39919
The object of scientific research is the opposition political youth associations associated with the political parties of the Russian Federation. The subject of scientific research is the activity of domestic political youth associations in various spheres of public life of the Russian Federation in the modern period. The purpose of the study is to analyze the historical path and activities of political opposition youth associations and determine their place in the socio-political life of the Russian Federation in the 1990s - at the beginning of the XXI century. General scientific (analysis, synthesis and others) and special historical research methods (historical-comparative, historical-genetic and others) were used. The article analyzes the historical path of the opposition political youth associations of Russia at the turn of the second and third millennia. The complex process of the development of multiparty youth associations of modern Russia, the formation of the "right-left" opposition is considered. The features of specific political youth associations are analyzed. It was concluded that modern opposition political youth associations, from the beginning of their existence to the present, are characterized by fragmentation and disunity, lack of clear programs, effective forms of work. They have a variety of ideological foundations. At the moment, the main direction of their activity is political. Opposition political youth associations are experiencing limited tools of their own propaganda. A common feature of all opposition youth associations is the absence of openly Nazi views. The left opposition has the greatest influence among youth opposition actors.
congress, party, politics, communists, activity, political process, politic system, opposition, project, youth
History and Economics
Shadrin, A.V., Tuguzhekova, V.N. (2023). The Main Directions of Industrial Development in Khakassia in the Mid-1920s – Early 1940s. Genesis: Historical research, 3, 31–39. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2023.3.39850
The search for ways of effective economic development of modern Russia calls for a deep understanding of the economic aspect of Russian history. A special place and importance in this regard is occupied by the history of Russia of the XX century, with the exception of the 1990s, since it was during this era that the modernization of the country's industry took place. The study of the industrial development of the country in general and Khakassia in particular in the mid-1920s – early 1940s contributes to the disclosure of controversial issues in domestic and regional history, namely industrialization, cooperation. This will allow us to summarize the historical experience of those years (positive and negative), which can help in overcoming difficulties in the Russian economy through appropriate conclusions that can be made by authorities at various levels. It will also make it possible to predict the further development of the region, and then the country according to the most optimal option. Based on archival documents and literature, the author analyzes the main directions of industrial development in Khakassia in the mid-1920s – early 1940s. In particular, attention is paid to the dynamics of development and structural changes in the industry of the region, which during this period were contradictory. To a greater extent, there were positive trends: the emergence of new types of production, the combination of high quantitative indicators of development with the progressive development of qualitative ones. The technical equipment of industrial enterprises in the region has significantly increased. Negative aspects in the industrial development of the region were manifested in the disproportion in the sectoral structure of the industry (the predominance of extractive industries), lagging growth rates of qualitative indicators compared with quantitative, technical backwardness of a number of industries.
quantitative indicators, economic policy, structural changes, dynamics of development, Khakassia, industry, quality indicators, stock ratio, electrification, Siberia
History of science and technology
Krasnozhenova, E.E., Kulik, S.V., Prischepa, A.S. (2023). Scientific and Production Activity of Leningrad Higher Education Institutions in the Years of the Blockade (on the Example of M.I. Kalinin Leningrad Polytechnical Institute). Genesis: Historical research, 3, 40–46. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2023.3.39907
The article is devoted to the analysis of scientific, practical and production activities of employees of the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute named after M.I. Kalinin during blockade. The purpose of the scientific publication is to study examples of real practical assistance of employees of the Polytechnic Institute during years of the blockade through research work. In the course of the research, author used the method of comparative analysis, and presented types, features of technological improvement of performance of production operations are shown using descriptive technique. The principles of historicism and scientific objectivity helped the authors to reveal the objective factors that influenced the assistance of the industrial and labor collective of the city in production. The paper presents cases of participation of the scientific staff of the university in the organization of a number of events related to the conversion of peaceful production for military needs, participation in the development and construction of the ice route "Road of Life". In conclusion, it should be noted that the scientific and pedagogical staff of the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute made a huge contribution to the organization of the work of industrial enterprises during the blockade. Most of the scientific works of the university scientists were of a practical nature. Being in extreme conditions, despite all the difficulties, teaching staff of the university continued to work, publish works, conduct experiments that made it possible to ensure the work of enterprises of the Leningrad industry, thereby making a huge contribution to the Victory over fascism.
technology, The Great Patriotic War, scientists, science, development, production, industry, Leningrad Polytechnic Institute, blockade, Leningrad
Culture and cultures in historical context
Lepeshkina, L. (2023). The Phenomenon of Dual Faith in the Volga Region as a Result of Russian Cultural Policy in the 18-19th Centuries. Genesis: Historical research, 3, 47–61. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2023.3.39808
The subject of the study is the phenomenon of dual faith in the Volga region, which arose as a result of the cultural policy of the Russian Empire in the 18-19th centuries. At present, this phenomenon does not lose its viability, manifesting itself in various ritual practices of the population of the region. The study is based on the principle of historicism, which makes it possible to show the consequences of the influence of Russian cultural policy on the traditions of the peoples of the Volga region. The use of a systematic approach in the article explains the stability of the phenomenon of dual faith in regional everyday culture. The following historiographic methods were also used: comparative historical, logical, retrospective. The source base of the study was made up of official documents and reports of ethnographers located in scientific archives, as well as author's fieldwork. An additional source of information that gives significance to this work was the published materials of foreign researchers of the Volga region in the 18th century. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the fact that the phenomenon of dual faith was one of the key factors in the formation of a unique everyday culture of the peoples of the region. For the first time, the approaches of the public authorities and local historians to the description of the traditional beliefs of the inhabitants of the Volga region are singled out: “condemning”, “justifying”, “ironic”. The conclusion is made about the fundamental nature of dual faith, thanks to which ethnic identity was maintained in the region. The results of the study can be claimed by lecturers, graduate students and students of the humanities for educational and research purposes.
rites, the peoples of the Volga region, Islam, Christianity, traditional beliefs, paganism, dual faith, Russian Empire, cultural policy, holidays
Culture and cultures in historical context
Shulgina, O., Shul'gina, D.P. (2023). The Post-Soviet period in the history of tourism development in Russia: cardinal transformations and features of development. Genesis: Historical research, 3, 62–73. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2023.3.37572
The object of this study is the history of tourism development in Russia. The subject of the study is the factors and features of the development of Russian tourism in the post–Soviet period (from 1991 to the present). On the basis of documentary and literary sources, the factors and features of tourism development in Russia after the collapse of the unified tourist space of the USSR are characterized. Tourism is considered in the context of socio-economic transformations of post-Soviet society, in the context of changing the geopolitical position of Russia, strengthening the role of cultural and natural heritage as a resource for spatial economic development. The main conclusions of the study are: the main factors of the post-Soviet period of tourism development in Russia were the close attention of business, government, science and education to the field of tourism activity. The main contribution of the authors to the study of the topic: the periodization of the development of Russian tourism of the first thirty years of the post-Soviet era, the characteristics of each of the periods, the identification of the specifics of the use of pre-revolutionary and Soviet cultural heritage in tourism, new cultural objects and traditions of the post-Soviet period. The novelty of the study is to identify the main features and main stages of tourism development in post-Soviet Russia. The main aspects of scientific research in tourism are considered and the contribution of representatives of various sciences is revealed. The role of the import substitution trend in the development of domestic tourism and in the implementation of the Spatial Development Strategy of Russia is shown. The first results of understanding the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the development of Russian tourism are presented. The research is based on historical-genetic, historical-geographical, problem-analytical and retrospective methods, as well as the method of system-structural analysis. It is shown that tourism of the post-Soviet period has become an actively developing branch of the economy, involving various groups of the population in its sphere, contributing to the search for regional brands and new opportunities for using cultural heritage objects in tourism activities.
history of tourism, periodization of tourism development, post-Soviet period, heritage and tourism, tourism infrastructure, types of tourism, tourism geography, import substitution in tourism, tourism as a driver, research in tourism
Personality in history
Kurochkin, R.V. (2023). Bulent Ecevit and Turkey’s Security Policies after Cyprus Conflict (1974). Genesis: Historical research, 3, 74–83. https://doi.org/10.25136/2409-868X.2023.3.39641
The geopolitical strategy of Turkey and its foreign policy course today is of interest to many scientists. Events and measures that took place decades ago can help shed light on the origins of the current course. This article is devoted to the provisions on the national security of Turkey, developed by Bulent Ecevit as Prime Minister in 1978. The object of this study is the national security policy of Turkey after the Caribbean crisis of 1974. The subject of study is B. Ecevit's appeal to Western partners entitled "Turkey's Security Policies”, published in “Survival: Global Politics and Strategy” in 1978. The purpose of the work is to analyze the decisions made by B. Ecevit and their impact on the subsequent development of the foreign policy of the Republic of Turkey. The author uses the methods of scientific knowledge, observed the principles of logic, systematic and consistent presentation of the material. In this article, for the first time in domestic historical science, an attempt was made to consider B. Ecevit as a key figure who laid the foundations of Turkey's modern geopolitical strategy. As a result of this study, the author comes to the conclusion that the measures proposed by B. Ecevit became the basis for subsequent decisions taken by the leaders of Turkey over the coming decades, they will become the foundation for the doctrine of "zero problems with neighbors", prerequisites for economic development and growth the military-industrial complex in particular.
Turkish Cypriots, Greek Cypriots, London and Zürich Agreements, EOKA, Zero Problem Policy, Turkish national security, Turkish embargo, Cyprus crisis, Bülent Ecevit, Constitution of Cyprus