Academic schools and paradigms
Rabkin, S.V. (2014). Russian Economic School: the Concept of Immaterial Wealth as an Institutional Factor for Formation of the National Model of Economic Security. Genesis: Historical research, 5, 116.
Formation of model of economic security of modern Russia is connected with reconsideration of its historical heritage. The domestic school of economy in many respects predetermined threats and calls of future development. Economic works, A. L. Ordin-Nashchokina, V. N. Tatishcheva, I. T. Pososhkova, M. V. Lomonosov and many other Russian economists it isn't acquitted forgotten in the conditions of market transformations of the Russian economy, force to estimate an essence of the happening institutional changes differently. The concept of "immaterial wealth" which is put forward by them defines a strategic vector of development of the Russian economy within own model of ensuring national security. Based on a method of historical analogies and the general methodology of the institutional analysis, the scientific hypothesis of historically caused influence of "immaterial" factors on formation of system of economic security of Russia is made. The concept "safety" is connected with accurate definition of priorities of economic development where the purposes of future development prevail over rational perception of economic reality. Actually it is search of "immaterial" factors in the "material" guarantees of economic development characterized by a modern scientific paradigm "rational vs irrational". Permission of this question within the created tradition of domestic school of economy allows to prove a role of strategic branches of economy as most important institute of providing economic security of the Russian Federation.
Historical facts, events, phenomena
Panenkov, A.A. (2014). Coordination of Mutual Actions of Prosecutor and Head of Administration A. Kadyrov on Anti-Terrorism Effort. Genesis: Historical research, 5, 1752.
In article the author addresses to the period of an active phase of a counter-terrorist operation in the Chechen Republic, focuses attention on features of public prosecutor's activity in extreme conditions. On the basis of personal observations tells about coordination and interaction of the management of prosecutor's office with the First President of the Chechen Republic A.A. Kadyrov in fight against terrorism. Gives the interesting facts which weren't published earlier and wide publicity wasn't given. In the conditions of an aggravation of a situation around Ukraine, terrorist manifestations on its territories, participation of leaders of the organized international terrorist organizations in intensity forcing, demands coherence of actions of all government institutions for repelling possible aggression. The author used the following scientific methods: the analysis of events of a counter-terrorist operation (WHO) studying and supervision of the occurring stages WHO in dynamics the events which are Earlier stated in article weren't published anywhere in the Chechen Republic which participant he was together with other prosecutors. The option of a statement of actions of participants offered by the author allows on new to look at events of an active phase of a counter-terrorist operation, to allocate not only office, but also human character of the relations between the management of prosecutor's office and the Head of administration of the Chechen Republic
Social history
Kenya, I.A. (2014). Female Charity as a Special Element of Russian Charity in the XIXth - Early XXth Centuries. Genesis: Historical research, 5, 5377.
Object of research are motives, features, the main directions of female charity in Russia in XIX - N of the XX centuries. Activity of women's charitable societies is studied on the example of charitable societies of the empress Maria Fiodorovna and activity of society "Ladies' contempt poor" S. S. Shcherbatova. Examples of charity of wives of governors, merchants, businessmen are given. Charity of the countess A.D.Bludova and S.V.Panina is considered. In article it is featured charitable, educational and philanthropic activity of the princess M.K.Tenisheva. Research methods are used: comparative-historical, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction. Motives of female and man's charity are defined by methods of psychology. Scientific novelty of research consists in identification of valuable installations and synthesis of motives of female charity in Russia in XIX - N of the XX centuries. The difference of motives and manifestations of female and man's charity is revealed. One of conclusions is representation of female charity as self-realization of an inner world of the woman. This conclusion is confirmed with concrete examples of activity of famous philanthropists of S.V.Panina, M. K. Tenisheva, etc.
Social history
Zagoruyko, M.V. (2014). State Symbols of the Republic of Azerbaijan: History and Meaning. Genesis: Historical research, 5, 7892.
The history of the young state of Azerbaijan goes to depth of centuries, closely intertwining with thousand-year history of such great powers as Persia, the Ottoman Empire, the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union, left an indelible trace in the Azerbaijani culture Today Azerbaijan harmoniously fits into the world community and, being the independent state, independently conducts foreign and domestic policy. In the early nineties the state symbolics was chosen as the people of Azerbaijan: flag, coat of arms, anthem. In this work an attempt to interpret a semantic component of the coat of arms and a flag of Azerbaijan in close connection with history of their creation, and also to estimate their relevance now is made. In research the historical approach showing the political phenomena and preferences of the republic Azerbaijan was used. Along with a historical and genetic method, and also a method of mathematical comparison of statistical data, the main reperny points of research allowed to define a historical and comparative method. It should be noted that after events of 1917, the heraldry was buried in oblivion for this reason, there are a lot of mistakes and inaccuracies meets in the coats of arms of various regions and even the sovereign countries now. Many states of the former Soviet Union approved the state symbols, roughly breaking not only strict dogmas of heraldry, but also historical experience of own earth and the people. It is possible to claim that the coat of arms of the republic Azerbaijan abounds with disputable symbols. It is possible to correct current situation, it is worth rethinking the main state symbols of the state. Haste of their acceptance at the beginning of the XX century led to a number of mistakes. It is necessary to take for a basis of the coat of arms and a flag of the republic or the irano-Persian symbolics – symbolics of the first homeland of the Azerbaijani people, or symbols which were used in this territory during its entry into structure of the Russian Empire. Today it is the only symbols of Azerbaijan having the historical, dogmatic and ethnographic bases fixed by earlier acts that can't be told about "remake" of the beginning of the XX century.
History of law and state
Abdulin, R.S. (2014). Discussion about Organizational Models of Russian Judicial Management. Genesis: Historical research, 5, 93110.
In article formation of domestic model of judicial management is investigated happens. The author considers institutional registration of this branch of public administration since Petrovsky judicial reform of 1717 - 1723 on which further development of institute of judicial management was based subsequently. Organizational models of judicial management were formed under the influence of ideas and are more whole than the state at various historical stages of development of the state. According to them functions, structure, competence of subjects of judicial management, a form and methods of organizational activity were formed. The author of article comes to a conclusion that in the development the administrative thought in judicial system underwent essential changes that allows to allocate certain stages of such management and models inherent in them. The author of article in research used the following general scientific methodological approaches: historical and situational, historical and retrospective approach, problem and chronological and others which allowed to open sense of the phenomena and value of the past from a certain historical distance. The complete reconstruction of historical process of formation and development of judicial management and achievement of understanding of the present was given help the principle of distinction between the past and the present and the principle of understanding of history as process. The author of article made an attempt on the basis of an integrated approach to comprehend process of formation of models of judicial management and system of its bodies and establishments to which the state delegated powers of authority. Thus special attention is paid on the historical and legal nature of organizational registration of models of judicial management. Historical development of models of domestic judicial management demonstrates that our country moved at the same time in all directions, including from an autocracy to democracy and from democracy to an autocracy. Elements of both of these modes really existed and in ideological and theoretical, regulatory base, in practice of functioning of models of judicial management.