Comparative history research
Nikulin, V.V. (2013). Party and Government Nomenclature and Law in Soviet Russia: Dual Liability or Special Legal Conditions (the 1920's) . Genesis: Historical research, 3, 143.
The article is devoted to the theoretical and practical aspects of the process of formation of the party and government nomenclature during the civil war and New Economic Policy. The author of the article makes a very important conclusion that it was the war that created a special type of a Soviet leader. The author also underlines the constant aspiration of the Soviet nomenclature towards better life and comfort including by the means of simple corruption. That led to the growth of crime among officials and increased criminal prosecution of officials. Taking into account the deficiency of loyal staff, the government decided to create the system of special legal privileges for Soviet official. Those legal privileges allowed to avoid responsibility for the crime committed. The author of the article in detail analyzes archive sources and other documents and describes the process of creation of the system of special legal conditions for representatives of the Soviet nomenclature who committed crime. The author also analyzes the legal and social consequences of that double standard policy. The author makes an assumption that in the 1920's Russia followed the double legal standard policy. There were standards especially for the Soviet nomenclature and other standards applied to regular citizens. The double legal standards were based on the unoficial law and existed in the form of secret regulatory acts. Those acts were addressed to judicial authorities and regulated the legal policy towards party members.
justice, law, nomenclature, party member, level of crime, legal liability, punishment, judicial forgeries, non-judicial forgeries, legal consequences
Philosophy of history, historiography, chronology/source studies
Kodan, S.V., Vladimirova, G.E. (2013). Legalization of the Supreme State Power in the Fundamental Laws of the Russian Empire of 1832 - 1892 . Genesis: Historical research, 3, 4478.
The Fundamental Laws of the Russian Empire (version of 1832 - 1892) set forth the legal provisions regarding arrangement of the supreme state power. Those Laws quite clearly outlined the principal features of the absolute monarchy as the form of govenment in the Russian Empire. The features include absolute supremacy, sanctity, heredity and dependence of the emperor on the effective legislation. A number of provisions of the Fundamental Laws reflected the empire-like nature of the territorial organization of the state power in Russia and a difficult configuration of relations between the imperial center and individual ethnic communities. The title of the Russian emperor and the Russian coat of arms described in the Fundamental Laws symbolized the scope of authority ofthe governor and borders of teh Russian empire. The Fundamental Laws also determined specific features of the authoritarian state regime which created legal grounds for such institutions as the institution of allegiance. That institution established the legal relation between an individual and state government represented by a monarch as well as the division of the society into estates. The authors of the article analyze the aforesaid issues and problems.
history of Russia, Russian State, social structure, state structure, type of government, regime, form of structure, basic laws, fundamental laws, main laws
Historical time and space
Danilova, E.N. (2013). The Third Constitution of the Russian Federation. Genesis: Historical research, 3, 79125.
The author of the artile studies the history and adoption of the Constitution of the RSFSR in 1937. The author underlines some of peculiarities of these processes and compares them to the preparation of Stalin Constitution in 1936. The emphasis is made on the fact that development and adoption of new republican constitutions was a part of ongoing Constitional Reform in the USSR during the second half of the 1930's. The author of the article concludes that Politburo and the Central Committee of the Comunist Party of the Soviet Union played an important role and controlled the entire process of creation and adoption of new republican Constitutions. By studying materials of the brief peoples discussion of the Draft Constitution of the RSFSR in 1937 the author has defined the most important problems that worried the population of the Russian republic. Those problems included national relations, status of national republics, economic and social rights of rural and urban population, education and repressions.
history, Constitutional Reform, committee, Politburo, project, RSFSR, All-Russian Central Executive Committee, peoples discussion, special conference
West - Russia - East
Chepik, M.V. (2013). Measures Undertaken by Far Eastern KGB Servicement To Suppress Subversive Activities of Foreign Secret Services in 1920 - 1922 . Genesis: Historical research, 3, 126148.
The article is devoted to the issues of security of the buffer Far Eastern republic in the period of 1920 - 1922. The author of the article pays attention to a significant number of foreign intelligence agents acting in the territory of Far Eastern Republic and traces back the main areas of subversive activities performed by the foreign intelligence service in the Republic. The author describes the channels through which information was transfered abroad as well as the channels for supplying money to the Far Eastern part of Russia in order to finance illegal activities. The author describes goals, targets and methods of activities performed by foreign special services in the Far East. He also defines the spheres of activities of the White Guard intelligence service in the region and describes how the 'double agents' worked. The author also touches upon the issue of the internal and external banditry in the Far East during the Civil War and Intervention and reveals operations performed by the State Political Security Service of the Far Eastern Republic in order to suppress the banditry. The author describes the stages of formation of KGB service in the Far East and the main challenges it faced. At the end of the article the author concludes that the efforts undertaken by KGB servicemen actually led to posive results.
Far East, civil war, secret services, intervention, Far Eastern Republic, banditry, foreign intelligence, intelligence service, buffer, security
History of law and state
Kenya, I.A. (2013). Charity in Terms of Socio-Economic Development of Russia: Legal and Regional Aspects. Genesis: Historical research, 3, 149164.
The article is devoted to the history of Russian charity in terms of its legal regulation by means of the following sources of law: decrees, charters, transitory provisions, circular orders. The author of the article describes stages of development of charity activity in Russian history before the Revolution as well as different forms of charity activity including private, social, local, church charity and donations of the Tsar family. The author also views the process of state regulation of charity activity performed by charity associations in the XIX - early XX centuries. The author analyzes the reasons of such a wide spread of charity in Russia at the end of the XIX - beginning of the XX centuries as well. Regional aspects are presented by famous charity providers of the Bryansk district in Orlovsky province such as S. Maltsev, P. Gubonin, the Mogiltsevs and the Tenishevs. The author also describes their contribution not only to the socio-cultural development of the Bryansk region but Russian charity in general. The author also discusses how to revive charity traditions in modern Russia.
charity, patronship, legal regulation, nationhood, traditions, entrepreneurship, public assistance, charity associations, legislation, reward system