Controversy and debate
Katunin, A.V. (2025). Rhetorical means of communicative success using question-answer procedures as an example. Philosophical Thought, 1, 1–14.
The article is devoted to the study of the role of question-answer procedures in modern communication conditions. The subject of the study is question-answer procedures. The article explains one of the main distinctions for the topic of the study - the concepts of "ignorance" and “lack of knowledge”. Particular attention is focused on identifying and clarifying the role of the question in modern communication: the characteristics / attributes of the question in modern communication are identified; logical and rhetorical aspects of questions are analyzed; the key concept of "interrogative" for the formal description of questions in logic is clarified; the specificity of the logical basis of the question is shown; the difference between logical and grammatical subjects and predicates is shown; cognitive and manipulative functions of questions are formulated. The article clarifies the meaning of the concept of "communicative goal", and also proposes a variant of dividing questions into correct and incorrect depending on the communicative goal. The article proposes a classification of incorrect questions and a method for answering questions of different types in both personal and professional communicative interaction; general recommendations for response procedures are provided, and types of correct and incorrect answers are demonstrated and analyzed. The article uses methods of comparative and contextual analysis, generalization, classification, and the logical method. The text is accompanied by visual, expressive examples, which allows the reader to better understand the main ideas of the study. The article will be useful for both students, postgraduates studying rhetoric, argumentation theory, communication techniques, and a wide range of readers.
communicative goal, wise ignorance, dialogue, manipulation, question-answer procedures, communication, rhetoric, argumentation, context, dispute
The new paradigm of science
Ufimtsev, A.E., Smirnova, M.M. (2025). Meta-Paradigms: Essential Characteristics. Philosophical Thought, 1, 15–27.
This work is devoted to a conceptual understanding of trends in the development of scientific knowledge. It continues the research presented in previous issues of the journal Philosophical Thought. The study focuses on the essential characteristics of the systemic-structural and bioessential-deterministic meta-paradigms. This article aims to summarize the results of previous studies and provide a brief overview of scientific works on similar topics. For this purpose, the origins of meta-paradigms are examined from various angles. The generalized results of previous studies are presented. The conclusions reached by various scientists are described: Yu. V. Latov; S. R. Bekulova; E. Baskell; G. S. Levit, U. Hossfeld and A. A. Lvov; M. Boon and S. Van Baalen; T. V. Chernigovskaya. The theory of sign and paradigm in linguistics are compared: systemic-structural and anthropocentric. This made it possible to identify meta-paradigms. New terms have been introduced: bioessential-deterministic meta-paradigm, system-structural meta-paradigm, bioessentialism, bioessential determinism. The conclusion is that the systemic-structural meta-paradigm is understood as a conceptually generalized set of formally oriented ideas. In contrast, the bioessential-deterministic meta-paradigm is understood as a conceptually generalized set of essence-oriented ideas. Systemic-structural and bioessential-deterministic meta-paradigms are binary oppositions, form, and content, asymptotically guiding the development of scientific knowledge. M. Polanyi's concept of personal knowledge manifests bioessential determinism. The representation of meta-paradigms in T. S. Kuhn's theory is shown. The works of other scientists on a similar topic are analyzed. The conclusion is drawn that various scientists express the ideas of the meta-paradigm in various scientific disciplines. This indicates that a critical point of reflection has been reached.
bioessential-deterministic meta-paradigm, system-structural meta-paradigm, bioessentialism, bioessential determinism, anthropocentrism, scientific knowledge, paradigm shift, paradigm, metaparadigm, meta-paradigm
Social philosophy
Sayapin, V.O. (2025). Gilbert Simondon and speech communication. Philosophical Thought, 1, 28–42.
The understanding of speech communication in the thinking of the outstanding French philosopher and thinker in the field of technology and technological innovations Gilbert Simondon (1924–1989) is aporetic, is a riddle, not a solution and, moreover, cannot give convincing definitions of the sought-after concepts, such as truth and virtue. Although, it seems, Simondon had all the conditions for developing an original and consistent theory of "speech communication", which in the space of linguistic communication is the dominant form of interaction. However, in his works there are only scattered reflections that do not provide a basis for a strict theory, but rather lead to an unsystematized criticism of language. Moreover, Simondon always criticized the topic of "speech communication", since in the middle of the twentieth century its theory was a paradigm of structuralist fashion. Therefore, with an emphasis on the dialectical method of research, we will try to determine those hypotheses that can explain such an absence of the theory of "speech communication" in his works. In conclusion, the author of the article came to the following conclusions. First, Simondon did not need to use the concept of "speech communication" to rethink the conditions of thinking in his theory of "individuation". Second, Simondon posed the question of speech communication differently, namely in the form of a theory of "technosocial communication" based on the relationship between technologies, information and meanings that go beyond and embrace the question of language. Third, based on these two hypotheses, an important assumption is made that Simondon sought to derive philosophy from logocentrism and the reductionist anthropocentrism that supports it, which implies a fundamental relativization of speech communication.
a priori, a posteriori, meaning, language, logics, individuation, speech communication, technosocial communications, aporia, being
Social philosophy
Rozin, V.M. (2025). Analysis of the conditions for the implementation of the ecosystem approach in the economy in Russia. Philosophical Thought, 1, 43–54.
The author discusses the ecosystem approach in economics. The interest in it from economists and social scientists is indicated. The features of this approach are characterized: the need to combine systems that can organically interact with each other, the emergent effect arising from such a combination, consideration of ecosystems not only in the logic of systemic but also environmental approaches, the processes of self-organization and "rational symbiosis" inherent in ecosystems, the need to establish new relationships with comprehensive management systems. The question is raised about the possibility of implementing an ecosystem approach in the context of Russian sociality and economy. To answer it, the author, firstly, examines the main features of the European economy: taxation of citizens of the state, economic institutions of production, economic law and market, computing technologies and economic models. In addition, he draws attention to the two-layered economy, which includes market and non-market relations. Secondly, the author discusses the hybrid nature of the Russian economy. According to the author, the requirements for ecosystems are in conflict with the existing organization of the Russian economy. The peculiarity of the first is the construction of organic connections: territorial, industrial, managerial, organizational, ensuring the necessary conditions, the realization of humanistic and environmental ideals, etc. And the established connections and relationships were established on other grounds: benefits, corporate interests, power relations, traditions. Theoretically, ecosystems can be summed up under the concept of open self-developing systems, for which the external environment is set by the state. Economics also contributes to the creation of an ecosystem economy, within the framework of which economic models of ecosystems should be built, allowing access to new computing technologies, without which a new economy will also never take place.
conditions, realization, project, practice, the science, discourse, Economy, approach, ecosystems, the system
Philosophy of technology
Larionov, V.V. (2025). From anthropocentrism to network-centricity: Drones as a tool for transforming modern warfare. Philosophical Thought, 1, 55–66.
Modern wars are characterized by the widespread use of unmanned aerial vehicles, the main combat missions of which are performed by unmanned aerial vehicles. The practice of using drones has been widely studied within the framework of modern military science, at the same time, the specifics of conducting network-centric warfare using remote weapons are currently not fully understood, which determines the relevance of the ongoing research. The novelty of the study is to identify and describe the process of transformation of the classical (anthropocentric) concept of war into a network-centric one due to the introduction of remote weapons. The object of the research is the humanitarian consequences of the introduction of modern types of remote weapons. The process of transformation of modern wars due to the transformation of civilian drones into unconventional weapons has been chosen as the subject of the study. The anthropocentric and humanistic understanding of war and weapons is outdated. Over the past few years, the war has ceased to be understood as a direct and open confrontation. Large-scale wars of attrition were replaced by armed conflicts in which time became the determining factor in the struggle. The basis for the success of military operations is determined by the availability of a high-speed adaptive information and communication network for managing units and weapons. Combining mining, information management and executive elements on the drone platform has made drones a universal striking tool capable of turning any unguided projectile into a precision weapon. This served as the basis for a humanistic reversal that launched the process of reassessing moral principles and making drones a necessary, "morally acceptable" and unconventional weapon. The asymmetry of modern wars has made "victory" and "humanitarian catastrophe," "humanism" and "murder" synonymous.
symbiosis, panopticism, network centrism, windows of J. Overtone, weapon, drone, humanism, anthropocentrism, collateral damage, OODA cycle
Philosophy of religion
Chekrygin, O., Nadeina, D., Mezentsev, I.V. (2025). The concept of God as a Contemplative: cosmological, anthropological, and ethical-soteriological aspects. Philosophical Thought, 1, 67–93.
In this publication, the authors offer an experience in the theoretical construction of a cosmological concept based on the idea of God as a Contemplative. The specifics of this model are revealed in comparison with similar schemes from the history of philosophy. The author's approach is consistent with the principles of the New Testament revelation, as well as modern scientific data. The article shows a way to overcome the typical problems of classical cosmogonic concepts for European philosophy, starting from Antiquity. The article presents the problems of typical solutions to the cosmological question in European philosophy and offers the experience of a consistent model of the coexistence of God as the Absolute and the worlds generated by him, including material ones similar to the observable universe, based on the category of "contemplation". This category is briefly considered by the authors in a historical and theological context, then a general description of the new theological and cosmological model is given. The authors reveal the paradigmatic limitations of the philosophical understanding of God, focusing on the need to take into account the influence of natural philosophical beliefs of a particular era, which are reflected in religious doctrines (along with the personal experience of a particular thinker). In the second half of the article, specific conclusions from the proposed theological and philosophical concept are indicated: 1) cosmological conclusions (divine ideas and the way they are implemented in the world; the question of theodicy; understanding divine Providence); 2) anthropological (human phenomenon; changing approach to human rationality; characterization of God's will in relation to individual freedom); 3) ethical-soteriological (communion with God, divine revelation and salvation; comprehension of certain ethical categories within the framework of a new concept; ontological meaning of heaven and hell). The presented philosophical and religious concept of the "Contemplative God" represents a fundamentally new direction within the framework of religious and philosophical thought. This model is distinguished by its uniqueness and internal logical consistency, being free from the limitations and disadvantages inherent in previous philosophical systems. Its theoretical significance and originality can arouse wide interest in the scientific and philosophical community, opening up new perspectives for research in this field.
Providence, Cosmology, Cosmogony, Nothing, creation, The Creator, The Absolute, Contemplation, the mind, theodicy