Social philosophy
Kochetkova, N.P. (2024). Cybersecurity and the Evolution of the information space: a phenomenological analysis of the relationship with the metaverse and the digital world. Philosophical Thought, 7, 1–15.
The subject of the study is cybersecurity, within the framework of the modern changing conditions of the information space, which is filled with such phenomena as the metaverse and the digital world. These systems create new threats and problems in the processing, transmission, preservation and confidentiality of data. Assuming that the intersection of cybersecurity, digital transformation (including the metaverse and the digital world) and phenomenological analysis is an important area of research, the paper examines aspects of building cybersecurity in the country. The merger itself is seen as a centrifugal current that cannot be stopped, but must be regulated, which suggests that the transformation of approaches to cybersecurity plays a crucial role in developing effective strategies to overcome the problems that arise in a rapidly changing digital landscape. The research methods are based on data collection, analysis and synthesis, which revealed key problems. The key method is a phenomenological analysis of the ongoing changes in the information sphere associated with the spread of the phenomena of the metaverse and the digital world, which made it possible to reflect the problems of information processing and insecurity from malicious attacks and propose a new approach to the formation of a cybersecurity system. The scientific novelty of the article lies in an integrated approach to studying the relationship of cybersecurity, the evolution of the information space and such new concepts, like the metaverse and the digital world. The transition to the latter is the next stage in the development of the information space, which can be traced in the gradual expansion of ecosystems and personal information platforms. All this suggests the need to expand the system of providing personal information, as well as data that gets into unsecured information networks. At the same time, domestic cybersecurity systems are being criticized, which indicates the need to find new solutions. One of these options may be a phenomenological approach to the study of data. The study shows how the use of phenomenological research methods allows us to take a fresh look at the capabilities of domestic developers to strengthen cybersecurity measures and adapt them to rapidly changing digital landscapes.
evolution of the information space, data privacy, phenomenology, sociometry, digital world, technology, information landscape, metaverse, vulnerability of child safety, cybersecurity
Ontology: being and nihility
Maltsev, Y.V. (2024). The phenomenon of artificial intelligence in the context of the evolution of existence. Philosophical Thought, 7, 16–32.
The article is devoted to the consideration of the phenomenon of artificial intelligence (AI) in the context of ontology. Structurally, the text is divided into two parts. The first part concerns the characterization of the role of artificial intelligence in modern society, a review of concepts and ideas related to the prospects for the development of general artificial intelligence, and the existential threat it poses to humanity. The second part, which examines the ontological perspective of the problem, turns to the phenomenology of being, as Heidegger noted, phenomenology itself is already a methodological concept, since it explores the things themselves and their being-in-the-world. We need phenomenology insofar as we will deal with the status that AI occupies in the structure of pure and present existence. As a result of the study, the author tries to show the legitimacy of the dominant view on the development of general artificial intelligence: it will lead to its dominance over humanity due to the inertia of processes and Murphy’s law: “If something can go wrong, then it will definitely go wrong.” Such a point of view, according to the author, is associated not only with numerous risks that are considered by “apocalypticists” (for example, E. Yudkovsky or R. Yampolsky), but also with the very structure of being as such - a permanently unfolding and increasingly complex system in which artificial intelligence is probably just the next element in the general evolution and interaction of objects and reflection. The second part of the article is based on the works of G. Hegel, E. Husserl, M. Heidegger, J.-P. Sartre, Q. Meillassoux and G. Harman. In conclusion, it is concluded that we live in an era of change in the dominant form of reason in the structure of being.
posthumanity, futurology, threats to humanity, existential threat, risks of artificial intelligence, future of humanity, artificial intelligence, being, ontology, AI
Spectrum of consciousness
Volkova, V.O., Kotomina, E.I. (2024). Cognitive practice of creative imagination. Philosophical Thought, 7, 33–43.
This article examines the concept of cognitive practice of creative imagination. The authors define creativity as a source of conceptual attitude to the study of the world. Cognitive practice involves conceptualization – the embryo (lat. conceptum) of philosophical ideas about the imagination as the “border” between sensory knowledge and rationality. The instrument for connecting feeling and mind is the transcendental scheme, the function of which is the conceptual transformation of images. Transformation of images is one of the creative possibilities of the imagination. Cognitive practice connects the exploration of creative imagination with the creative power inherent in nature. Creativity is the result of the internal state of the system. Cognitive practice includes creativity in the aspect of self-assembly at various levels of self-organization of a nonlinear system. Cognitive practice is revealed in the universal construction of conceptual mechanisms with the help of creative imagination. Imagination transforms meanings, without which an individual’s participation in science is impossible. The cognitive practice of a scientist is the use of not only empirical knowledge, but also the use of intuition data, the construction of imaginary situations of thought experiments. Cognitive practice is revealed in the universal construction of conceptual mechanisms with the help of creative imagination. The main conclusions of this study are: Human consciousness is a nonlinear, self-reproducing, self-organizing system; self-organization includes the movement of images of consciousness. The thought-image goes beyond the limits of human imagination. The most important cognitive tool for imaginative practice is language; language transforms information in a special way of creative capture. The transformation of meanings through the imagination of a person of science occurs in the process of a thought experiment based on the subjective dimension of both science and its individual figure.
transformation of meanings, modeling, the subjective dimension, self-organization, cognitive ability, construction, intuition, image, uncertain knowledge, creative imagination
Tradition and innovation
Lobatyuk, V.V., Bylieva, D.S. (2024). Tradition in the information society. Philosophical Thought, 7, 44–56.
The subject of the research is the traditions and changes in this phenomenon in the information society. The definition of tradition, its semantic boundaries, as well as the heuristic potential of use within the framework of philosophical research have always been and remain points of discussion; this issue becomes especially acute in the era of general digitalization. The variety of approaches in the study of this phenomenon is due to its multifaceted nature, subject and methodological specificity of the sciences studying these phenomena. This paper provides an analysis of various approaches to the problem of tradition and reveals the evolution of views on its role in society. The authors used methods of philosophical analysis and interpretation of philosophical texts, a dialectical method, a historical method to study the evolution of ideas about the phenomenon of traditions, a comparative analysis of various approaches to this problem, as well as a study of the sociocultural context of the formation of traditions in a digital society. Analytical and synthetic methods were also used to identify relationships. The scientific novelty of the article lies in expanding the understanding of tradition in the digital era in the context of individual and general identity, in identifying the distinctive features that separate it from everyday practices, which is certainly a promising path for future research in this area. It has been determined that modern traditions are heterogeneous in terms of symbolic and value content, while they are of interest from the point of view of genesis, transformation and distribution, as well as the role played by technology in these processes. The presented research results may be useful for further research in the fields of philosophy, anthropology, sociology, and cultural studies.
innovation, continuity, national culture, communicative practices, identity, sociocultural phenomenon, digitization, information society, ritual, tradition
Philosophical anthropology
Mamarasulov, A.R. (2024). The attributive meaning of the categories "to be" and "to have" on the example of the practical philosophy of Diogenes of Sinop. Philosophical Thought, 7, 57–73.
The subject of the study is the practical philosophy of Diogenes of Sinope, considered as a material for the objectification of the philosophical categories "to be" and "to have". The object of the study is the attributive meaning of the categories "to be" and "to have", taken in the meaning of the basic modes of human existence. The author examines in detail the following aspects of the topic: the dichotomy of "to be" and "to have" in the context of the opposition between human values and self-existence, the difference between the categories of "to be" and "to have" in terms of determining their attributive meaning, the correlation between the man and the culture, the possibility of interpretation of practical the philosophy of Diogenes of Sinope as a visual embodiment of the human "being". Special attention is paid to the disclosure of the attributes of the category "to be" in relation to the specifics of the teachings of Diogenes of Sinope. The research uses the method of philosophical analysis, which made it possible to categorically interpret the practical philosophy of Diogenes. An axiological method was used to analyze issues related to the problem of values. The main conclusion of the conducted research is that the practical philosophy of Diogenes of Sinope, being an example of the embodiment of the human "being", provides support for identifying the attributes of "being". Such attributes, the conceptual expression of which is found in the categories of "self-affirmation", "self-overcoming", "integrity" and "universality", constitute the essential basis of human existence. This conclusion reveals the depth and consistency of Diogenes' position when correlated with the central question for philosophical anthropology, "what does it mean to be human?". The novelty of the research lies in an attempt to show a two-way connection between the theoretical and practical aspects of the problem under consideration, where, on the one hand, the use of the categories "to be" and "to have" allows categorically comprehending the teachings of Diogenes, and, on the other hand, the philosophy of Diogenes makes it possible to reveal these categories in their effective meaning.
anthropology, cynicism, essence of man, human existence, to have, to be, Diogenes of Sinope, attribute, self-affirmation, Fromm
Dasein of the human being
Babich, V.V. (2024). In Defense of Narrative Identity. Philosophical Thought, 7, 74–91.
Over the past few decades, a number of philosophers, psychologists, and other scholars have used the concept of narrative as a basis for thinking about personal identity and ethical responsibility. It has been argued that, ethically, we should strive to achieve the unity that we discover in creating narratives about our lives. More recently, critical reactions to narrative theories have taken the form of a specific anti-narrative discourse. This article presents arguments in defense of the theory of narrative identity, based on the philosophy of Alasdair MacIntyre and Charles Taylor, in whose thinking narrative is a central concept. The presented study defends the thesis that narrative identity is not an arbitrary contingent mental construct, but is necessarily present in human existence and is associated with the hermeneutic understanding of man as a temporary being capable of reflexive activity, constructing meanings, assessments, and goals. It is argued that narrative identity theory successfully addresses the problem of personal identity and the related question of the ethical responsibility of the subject by creating a narrative unity of the life project of an individual, in which the interrelationship between the concepts of personal identity, narration and evaluation is built. Section 1 analyses MacIntyre's concept of narrative and explains its significance for solving the problem of personal identity. Section 2 explicates the key characteristics of narrative identity: holisticity, intelligibility, teleology and the principle of self-care; it also provides responses to the criticisms of opponents who oppose the narrative concept of personal identity. Section 3 presents arguments in defence of Taylor's assertion that the ethical horizon of our existence presupposes the desire for narrative unity of the individual.
intelligence, teleological, holism, anti-narrativism, narrativism, ethical responsibility, subjectivity, personal identity, narrative identity, human existence