Social philosophy
Danchay-ool, A.A., Davaa, E.K. (2024). The problem of individuality in traditional Tuvan culture. Philosophical Thought, 12, 1–15.
The subject of the research is the authentic aspects of the development of individuality in the Tuvan culture, built on syncretism, uniting man and nature. In such a system, society is organically included in the structure of nature. It is important to take into account that the individual is not thought of as an indivisible object of social relations, since in mythology and the religious system there are examples of likening man to any other living beings and dividing the soul into components or types. Also, the subject of the research stands out in the traditional culture, focused on continuity between generations and the preservation of ancient forms of worldview. However, understanding the ideological and cultural reasons for the emergence of new forms of individuality in Tuvan culture allows us to solve the problems of social policy, cultural policy and pedagogy. The conclusions of the study are the definition of differences in the development of individuality in the European cultural tradition and Tuvan culture. It is determined that the very concept of individuality is formed in European culture on the basis of a religious worldview, in which the concepts of the Absolute, substance and soul are formed. These concepts in Tuvan culture do not have identical forms, which is proven in the authentic forms of understanding man and soul. Universals of thinking, which inevitably developed in European culture, were not created in Tuvan culture, which operates only with a locus. The article also revealed that Tuvan culture is characterized by contextuality, leading to a shift in the source of individuality towards nature and society. As a result, it was found that individuality in Tuvan culture is revealed in the inclusion of a person in a complex of natural objects that have absolute value and uniqueness.
contextuality of culture, soul, social structure, syncretism, individual, traditional culture, worldview, Tuvan culture, individuality, human
Philosophy of knowledge
Levin, G.D. (2024). What is information?. Philosophical Thought, 12, 16–34.
Information is being researched in the article from one of the debated points of view – paninformism: it is claimed that it is a universal characteristic of being, existing not only in the consciousness of people, but also in inanimate nature and being on the same level of generality as matter and energy (N. Wiener). The purpose of the article is to offer for discussion a definition of information that covers all its varieties. To achieve this goal, a genetic approach is used: first, information contained in inanimate objects is considered, then – genetic information and information functioning in organisms devoid of subjective reality, after that – subjective and, finally, computer information. This approach allows us to identify the generic feature of all these varieties of information on specific material. It is shown that, depending on the style of thinking, it is expressed by three philosophical categories: "form", "structure" and "relation". In the article, the third category is the main research tool. It is asserted that the system of relations forming an object from its components becomes information in the presence of two definitive features: 1) it is capable of transmission to other objects, 2) the emerging information is in a relationship of correspondence with the preceding one. The relationship between subjective information and objective information, which is located in the individual's brain and represents a system of relationships both between the components of the brain itself and between the electrochemical processes occurring in it, is analyzed. Two interpretations of the relationship between these two types of information are compared. The advantages and difficulties of these interpretations are considered.
paninformism, genetic information, subjective information, objective information, relation, structure, form, formal cause, communication, Information
Axiology: values and relics
Grachev, B. (2024). Axiological foundations of local civilizations: formation of the concept of freedom in philosophical and religious systems. Philosophical Thought, 12, 35–58.
The subject of the study is the formation and content of ideas about freedom in the most significant philosophical and religious traditions and the outline of its links with modernity. Such traditions determine the nature of local civilizations. Understanding the unarticulated but latently present senses, mutual consideration of the hierarchies of values of large human communities can contribute to improving the quality of intercultural and intercivilizational dialogue. In each of the considered teachings, "freedom" turns out to be unique, and often incomparable. Moreover in such traditions as Confucianism and Taoism the category is implicit. The understanding of "freedom" is traced in the ancient tradition, starting with Homer, the period of the European Middle Ages, the views of representatives of various branches of Arab-Muslim thought, Hinduism and Buddhism. A synthesis of the approaches of dialectical ascent (using antinomic categories) and socio-cultural comparison is used. In case the target categories of "freedom", "free will", "freedom for", "freedom from" are not directly manifested, its reconstruction is carried out by means of analytical explication. The core result is the identification of the fact of incomparability of concepts of freedom in different traditions, and hence the non-universal nature of the globalization is stated. Although liberal project is extremely successful nowadays, in the long term it is likely to be curtailed as other cultural and philosophical doctrines do not elaborate similar content and other values are in their focus. The special contribution of the author is in posing the question of multi-civilizational axiological comparison, the development of methodology of which is a significant and highly relevant research task, as well as the initial testing of the methodology.
world order projects, axiology of globalization, traditional values nowadays, freedom in Hindo-Buddism, freedom in Europe, free will, freedom as value, freedom in China, freedom in Islam, axiology of local civilizations
Philosophy of religion
Ermolaev, T.M. (2024). Metaphysical attributes in natural theology Archpriest Fyodor Golubin. Philosophical Thought, 12, 59–74.
The article presents a historical-philosophical and historical-theological analysis of the main topics of natural theology in the philosophical heritage of Archpriest Fyodor Golubinsky, professor of the Moscow Theological Academy (1798–1854). This research examines the doctrine of Divine attributes, which is one of the key sections of natural theology. This teaching by Golubinsky serves as the basis for the next section of his system devoted to Divine Providence, therefore, the study of the doctrine of the properties of God is necessary for a full understanding of the apologetic heritage of the professor. The focus of the research is on metaphysical divine attributes, they are common to theistic religious traditions. The article refers to pre-revolutionary spiritual and academic education, the study of which is necessary for a better orientation in the domestic educational space. A study of the legacy of Archpriest Fyodor Golubinsky confirms that the topic of Divine attributes has traditionally been taught in both dogmatic and rational theology. This underlines the importance of integrating philosophical and theological aspects in the training of the clergy, which, in turn, can have an impact on modern theological discourse and its development. The work uses general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, comparison, systematic approach, etc.), as well as special (historical-theological and historical-philosophical). It should be noted that spiritual and academic natural theology remains almost unexplored when various topics of rational theology are actively being developed in the modern scientific space. Being an extraordinarily erudite teacher and scientist, Golubinsky integrated Orthodox religious experience into a wide theological and philosophical context, enriching domestic humanitarian and theological spaces with many fundamental Christian provisions, while preserving the methodology of natural theology. This article highlights the main sources that influenced the formation of his teaching on the metaphysical properties of God. The article highlights the strengths of the professor's constructions, in particular, in the context of substantiating the attribute of simplicity, about which active discussions are underway in the modern scientific space. The need for further research on this issue is emphasized.
theistic predicates, metaphysical attributes, Divine attributes, natural theology, rational theology, Moscow Theological Academy, Infinity, metaphysics, christianity, realism
Political philosophy
Konstantinov, M.S. (2024). Ideological models of modern Russian society: theoretical and methodological construct of the study. Philosophical Thought, 12, 75–89.
The article presents the main aspects of the author's theoretical and methodological construct for studying the worldview models of modern Russian society. The object of the study was the processes of worldview formation in the consciousness of generations of modern Russia, the subject was the theoretical and methodological basis for studying the worldview models of Russians in generational and regional dimensions. The history of the concept of worldview in philosophy and social sciences is considered in detail, the features of its conceptualization in modern dictionaries and reference books are revealed, and the heuristic potential of using the concept of worldview proposed by K. Jaspers as a complex process of internalization of the socio-cultural worldview base with subsequent objectification of subjective experience is shown. It is the insurmountable gap between the objective and the subjective in Jasper's concept of worldview that allows us to record generational differences based on the principle of "meta-contrast". The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was a critical conceptual analysis, the concept of worldview by K. Jaspers, as well as the theory of self-categorization by J. Turner with its key concept of "meta-contrast". All this theoretical and methodological work took place in the context of a model approach to worldview. As a result of the study, it was established that more than two hundred years of development of the concept of worldview led to its extreme vagueness and comprehensiveness, which could not but negatively affect its heuristic potential. To correct this situation, a model approach to worldview was proposed, which made it possible to operationalize this concept for subsequent quantitative research of mass consciousness in order to identify connections between the worldview base of Russians and its ideological derivatives.
generations of Russia, ideological concept, ideology, value constants, group consciousness, mass consciousness, worldview model, worldview, generational analysis, identity
Tradition and innovation
Ugrin, I.M. (2024). The category of "eternal" in the context of the problem field of value-oriented development. Philosophical Thought, 12, 90–107.
The article deals with the problem of meaningful content of the concept of "traditional spiritual and moral values", the preservation and strengthening of which is considered as one of the priorities of the state policy of the Russian Federation. Each of the components of this concept is analyzed. The categories of "spiritual" and "moral", taken outside the context of a certain worldview system, are recognized during the analysis as insufficient for a clear articulation of meanings at the official state level. The analysis of the concept of "traditional" leads to the idea of the irreducibility of all-Russian values to one source, considered from a historical perspective, to one of the great traditions existing in the cultural field of Russian civilization. It is proposed to approach this term from a different point of view. Namely, to bring depth to the concept of "traditional" through the category of "eternal". Eternal values, which are rooted in the metaphysical nature of reality, imply meaningful unity with the coexistence of a plurality of forms in which these values are reflected. Such an idea of eternal values corresponds to the nature of the thought of Russian religious philosophy (among whose representatives V.S. Solovyov, E.N. Trubetskoy, N.A. Berdyaev, S.N. Bulgakov, P.A. Florensky, S.L. Frank, I.A. Ilyin, etc.), as well as in accordance with the idea of Eternal Tradition (which shared by such thinkers as Rene Guenon, Ananda Kumara Swami and Matjioi). In addition, it allows us to solve a number of fundamental problems facing the civilizational theory of development. As a result, it is concluded that a value-oriented policy, understood as a policy that has eternal spiritual and moral values as guidelines for development, is very promising and allows us to provide answers to the historical challenges facing our country.
Russian state, development paradigm, historical challenges, spiritual and material, unity of diversity, metacultural synthesis, global changes, eternal values, civilization theory, traditional values
Philosophy of science and education
Rozin, V.M. (2024). Science: Conceptualization and demarcation in relation to philosophy and Humanitarianism. Philosophical Thought, 12, 108–117.
The author discusses the problem of the demarcation of science in relation to philosophy and humanitarianism. Examples of claims to the scientific status of the authors of esoteric teachings are also given (Swedenborg, R. Steiner, M. Lightman) and the negative reaction of I. Kant to them. The general and different characteristics of science and philosophy are analyzed: ideal objects are built there and cognition is carried out, but with different goals and in different ways. The problem of positing objects of the humanities is discussed, in connection with which the following series is established: virtual object → becoming → real → possible object. Since Swedenborg and the followers of his teachings lived and thought in accordance with his teachings, they could not help but have a consciousness and a life world that corresponded to this teaching. Consequently, a corresponding possible object was formed, in relation to which Swedenborg's teaching acted as a kind of semiotic model. The author believes that the non‒differentiation of natural sciences and humanities and new hybrid types of research, for example, interdisciplinary or social, in which two methodologies are implemented simultaneously - natural science and humanities, have created a situation where it is difficult to establish the epistemological status of many disciplines applying for science.
discipline, experiment, mathematics, mind, ideal objects, nature, humanities, philosophy, science, object
History of ideas and teachings
Karelova, L.B. (2024). Problems of Time and History in the Philosophy of Tanabe Hajime. Philosophical Thought, 12, 118–138.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the theory of time and history of the Japanese philosopher, one of the pillars of the Kyoto school, Tanabe Hajime. The relevance of the work is determined by the fact that this kind of research allows for a more comprehensive presentation of the historical and philosophical picture of the twentieth century by including in the field of view the legacy of the most important personalities of Asian philosophies. The immediate tasks of the author were to consider the stages of the formation of the concept of Tanabe Hajime, to study the ways of understanding Western theories of time and their transformation in the Japanese intellectual space, to clarify the differences in approaches to the problems of time within the Kyoto school, to analyze the use of religious doctrines and mathematical symbols to build philosophical models. The study uses methods of problematic reconstruction of the system of ideas and descriptive analysis of textual material, comparative analysis, logical-semantic and contextual analysis of concepts and terms. Using the example of Tanabe‘s philosophy of time, the article reveals the spectrum of ideas of Western philosophy of the twentieth century that received a unique development in Japanese thought, reflects the most famous philosophical discussion that unfolded between the two founders of the Kyoto school, shows how the ideas associated with the understanding of time by Nishida Kitaro were criticized and received new interpretations. Important results of the study were the description of the process of transformation of Buddhist concepts into philosophical concepts and the definition of their functional status within the framework of Tanabe's discourse related to the problems of time, as well as the identification and examples of the use of mathematical constructions as an evidentiary and explanatory basis for philosophical theory.
self power, metanoia, mediation, eternal now, Absolute nothingness, eternity, history, time, Tanabe Hajime, Other power
Ontology: being and nihility
Chekrygin, O., Nadeina, D., Mezentsev, I.V. (2024). The experience of the procedural interpretation of the absolute based on the teachings of Jesus. Philosophical Thought, 12, 139–160.
This article is devoted to the consideration of the problems of conceptualizations of the Absolute that have developed in the history of European philosophy and the development of a new approach to understanding the cosmological issue based on the Teachings of Jesus. The ancient origins of the classical developments of the question of the relation of the Absolute and the cosmos, the peculiarities of understanding the First Principle in medieval philosophy and Modern European thought are shown. Special attention is paid to the experience of dialectical conceptualization of the Absolute in connection with subsequent attempts to overcome it in deconstructivist and postmodern conceptualizations, as well as the experience of overcoming problematic aspects of the static interpretation of the Original in procedural theology. The article shows that the history of classical philosophy left unsolvable the "aporia of transcendence" designated in Neoplatonism, not being able to positively philosophically explain the transition of the One to many, answering the question: how is something possible besides the Absolute, which is everything. The vast majority of historical attempts to solve the stated problem represented a "swing" between personalistic and a-personalistic, theistic and pantheistic, static and procedural interpretations while maintaining the insolubility of the fundamental aporia by means of classical metaphysics. This logically led to the "fatigue" of European thought from the standard conceptualizations used for centuries. The latest attempts to "circumvent" this problem of classical metaphysics, simply "avoiding" it or ignoring it, are also recognized by the authors as unsatisfactory. The authors reveal the basic meaning of the concept of "absolute", formulate the fundamental cosmogonic and cosmological problems associated with it, anticipating the presentation with a historical and philosophical analysis. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the presentation of the author's version of the resolution of the "aporia of transcendence": The authors base it on epistemological grounds and an indication of the Teaching of Jesus as the main theological source of the proposed concept, in which the Super-Being acquires the mind, self-awareness and personality of God the Father, preached by Jesus through a double reflection of himself into himself from his own denial, non-existence. Generated in the "negation of the negation" of the Absolute, the Super-existent God, in turn, generates worlds as mirrors reflecting Him for Himself in the endless process of His self-knowledge in the Absolute. Ultimately, the article attempts to correlate the impersonal and personal discourses as applied to the Absolute, and to consistently derive much from the One without violating the fundamental principles inherent in the Original.
Absolute, self-consciousness, Origin, Superbeing, fear, creation, cosmogony, God, aporia of transcendence, Parmenides
Ontology: being and nihility
Chekrygin, O., Nadeina, D., Mezentsev, I.V. (2024). The problems of the neoplatonic disclosure of the hypotheses of "Parmenides" and the solution of the "aporia of transcendence". Philosophical Thought, 12, 161–174.
This article reveals the principle of deducing a set from Unity based on the hypotheses of "Parmenides". The authors establish a correlation between the Platonic and Neoplatonic conceptual presentation of the various stages (levels) of descent from the absolutely One to the absolutely Different. At the end of the article, some of the main problems of Platonic ontology and cosmology are systematized, such as the "aporia of transcendence" and its solution proposed by the authors. The article analyzes, in traditional theological language, the correlation of the "apophatic" and "cataphatic" aspects of the Platonic One and raises the problem of explaining the transition of the One from one ontological level to another. It is shown that this difficulty is fundamental for the Platonic tradition as such, among others, and suggests ways to solve it in the form of a mutual reflection of the superposition of states of "being-non-being". The Hegelian dialectic of contradiction, and the correlation of platonic ontology with some aspects of modern natural science knowledge (in particular, ideas about the superposition of quantum objects) The scientific novelty proposed by the authors in this publication consists in deducing being and the very One-being from the One by "negating negation", similar to the eponymous law of Hegel's dialectic. The model of negation of negation proposed by the authors through the double reflection of Oneself as One, in our opinion, makes up for the lack of Plato's explanation of the transition from the One to the One-being and solves the general philosophical ontological problem known as the aporia of transcendence. Moreover, being applied to all ontological levels without exception, except for the unclaimed lower level of chora, low-quality matter, it is able to explain transitions from higher to lower levels without the need for emanation as a self-propagation of Good, the causality of which, in our opinion, has not been correctly substantiated.
aporia of transcendence, cosmos, creation, emanation, many, One, Parmenid, Neoplatonism, Platonism, Plato
Philosophy of science
Sayapin, V.O. (2024). Virtuality in the understanding of Gilles Deleuze and Henri Bergson and its role for modern philosophy of information science. Philosophical Thought, 12, 175–193.
The French philosopher Gilles Deleuze (1925–1995) wrote many original works, but one short article, “The Actual and the Virtual,” is, in our opinion, one of the most important. Deleuze’s virtual appears in almost every work, and its influence can be felt everywhere from the idea of singularity to the concepts of differentiation and individuation. That is why the virtual, for Deleuze, is the real, which forms the basis of his philosophical strategy, and where this virtual is opposed not to the real, but to the actual. In other words, Deleuze’s virtual objects are created in perception as memory objects that constitute the object of perception (the actual object). Moreover, according to Deleuze, the unconscious character of his virtual images is probably the greatest obstacle in adapting his theory to the problem of computer-generated virtual worlds. Using the comparative method, virtuality is studied in Deleuze's discussion with Henri Bergson (1859-1941), which is revealed precisely as a process of creative actualization. Unlike the actualization of the possible, which is equivalent to a sudden entry into reality, the actualization of the virtual in Deleuze's sense always occurs through difference, divergence or differentiation. Moreover, for Deleuze, the virtual has the reality of a task that must be accomplished or a problem that must be solved. Therefore, in this article, the author, for the first time, tries to answer the question of whether Deleuze's idea of virtuality can be applied in the philosophy of information science, including for the study of computer virtual worlds. In this case, the main result of the study is the substantiation of the fact that virtuality, both in Deleuze and in Bergson, is an epistemological and not an ontological concept.
vital impulse, individuation, differentiation, possible, current, real, virtual, Henri Bergson, Gilles Deleuze, computer science
Lyubokhonskaya, O.V. (2024). The ethical dimension of lagom in the concept of modern minimalism. Philosophical Thought, 12, 194–202.
The subject of the research is the socio-cultural phenomenon of lagom, which is considered through the prism of the ethical dimension and relates to the philosophy of everyday life. The author turns to the ancient Greek philosophical heritage, in which he finds the root basis of minimalism in ethics, built into the Socratic-sophistic paradigm. The study shows the relationship between the ancient Greek ethics of minimalism and eudaemonism, since they turn out to be the main aspects that can characterize the socio-cultural phenomenon of lagom from the standpoint of ethics. Lagom is most often described from the point of view of the aesthetic dimension, so the author, using its example, seeks to find out which aesthetic categories fall into the field of modern ethics of minimalism, designating such a phenomenon as an "aesthetic shift" in ethics. Such categories are: simplicity, space, moderation (measure, balance), functionality. It is they, according to the author, that form the basis for modern ethics and a new existential reality of human existence. The study uses the comparative method, which is used in the historical and philosophical context, and the hermeneutic approach to interpret the socio-cultural phenomenon of lagom. The novelty of the study is that the author for the first time introduces this socio-cultural phenomenon into the broad field of philosophical discourse in the field of ethical thought. The main conclusion of the study is that lagom is one of the phenomena of the ethics of minimalism, which can be defined as an externally existential model of human behavior and lifestyle. It includes a simplified approach to being with a characteristic desire to find balance and harmony (psycho-emotional pleasure) and achieve happiness as the ultimate goal of human existence.
sophists, Socrates, ease, space, measure, lagom, eudaemonism, minimalism, ethics, Epicurus
Philosophy and culture
Smirnov, M.Y., Fedorov, S.V. (2024). The Sacred as a necessary condition of a symbol in the context of A. F. Losev's dialectical and henological approach. Philosophical Thought, 12, 203–217.
The subject of the study is the sacred and its role in the formation of a symbol in the context of A. F. Losev's dialectical-henological approach. The authors rely on dialectical henology (the doctrine of the One) Losev's theory, developed in the theory of "the very itself" as the non-predicate basis of any thing. Such a non-predicate basis of all things and the world as a whole ("the very itself"), according to the authors, appears in the archaic consciousness and culture as sacred. Based on the analysis of sources, the article compares the ideas of the sacred in culture and the dialectic of "the very itself". According to Losev, "the very itself" cannot be identified with an unknowable thing-in-itself, but is a source of meaningful and non-meaningful in a thing and is expressed in symbols of a specific individuality. Any sign is a symbol if it has two dimensions and has both transitive and non-transitive sides. As a symbol, on the one hand, it shows the indivisible existence of the One (meanings), and, on the other hand, it expresses an undifferentiated continuous One (sacred). There are two main approaches in the history of philosophy, going back to Plato and Aristotle. In the Neoplatonic approach, the symbol is understood as the unity of transitivity and non-transitivity. The latter is associated with the expression of the transcendent in the immanent. In the Aristotelian approach, developed in the rationalist tradition, transitivity is emphasized in the symbol. Comparative historical, dialectical methods and the method of typologization are used. Based on Losev's dialectical methodology, the conclusion is made about the greatest completeness of the dialectically specific theory of the symbol. On this basis, the specificity of the human essence, which is irreducible to robotic rationalism or to bestial irrationalism, is comprehended. The example of archaic cultural practices shows symbolism, the two-dimensional nature of human nature. The profane in culture is quite transitive, the sacred is non–transitive. The symbol connects these two spheres, forms transitions from one to the other. The novelty of the work lies in the application of A.F. Losev's dialectical-henological theory of the symbol to the study of the sacred and the two-dimensional nature of both the symbol and the human essence. The transitivity and non-transitivity of the symbol are shown in their dialectical unity, which makes it possible to connect, without mixing or dissolving one into the other, the sacred and profane sides of cultural life.
the human essence, non-transitivity, transitivity, the very itself, non-meaningful, meaningful, profane, dialectics, sacred, symbol
Philosophy and culture
Valdes Odriozola, M.S. (2024). Cognitive approaches in the development of new sightseeing activities. Philosophical Thought, 12, 218–225.
The object of the study is sightseeing activities as an aspect of local history work. The subject of the research is cognitive approaches as a method of developing new sightseeing destinations. The purpose of the study is to reveal the creative potential of cognitive approaches in the development of excursion projects. The author, based on the works of academician Dmitry Likhachev devoted to local history, concludes that it is cognitive approaches aimed at studying the phenomenon of everyday life through understanding the interaction of mind and culture that most meet the needs of modern society in matters of cultural immunity formation. The author suggests such a direction as creative regional studies, where creation means higher a form of creativity that aims to transform the surrounding reality for the better. The research methodology includes the combined use of various research methods, which, according to the author, are complementary. This is a Micro-urbanism, which is a set of methods for studying urban space precisely by its "details", methods of visual analysis and thesaurus analysis. The main conclusion from the conducted research is that at the present stage, taking into account the geopolitical situation, there is again a need to develop new areas of local lore that include sightseeing activities, in which cognitive methods can play one of the leading roles. The author's main contribution to the study is to substantiate the relevance of using cognitive methods in the development of new local history work’s directions, to develop a methodology, to reveal the essence and specifics of such a direction as creative regional study, as well as to reveal the creative potential of cognitive approaches. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that local history work has not been previously considered in these aspects.
excursion activities, thesaurus analysis, Micro-urbanism, visual methods, creative region study, local history work, cognitive approaches, youth audience, cultural immunity, creative potential