Matter and motion
Zhul'kov, M.V. (2016). Phenomenon of energy in the history of human thought. Philosophical Thought, 6, 1–18.
The subject of this research is the history of energy study: in Hinduism, in Antiquity, understanding of energy in physics, ideas of P. Teilhard de Chardin, psychic energy of the Living ethics, the law of conservation of energy, energetics of W. Ostwald, formula of A. Einstein (full energy of substance), views of F. Engels and K. E. Tsiolkovsky, study of V. I. Vernadsky on biochemical energy, concept of energoevolution of M. Veller, and energy cosmism. The article examines entropic processes of the inanimate nature, anti-entropic processes of the living nature, and balanced processes in the systems endowed with reason. The author confirms the necessity to cognize the neobiosphere energy sources, the importance of a subjective factor in solving the environmental and energy issues for the development of the autotrophy of humanity. The conclusion is made that energy is what makes changes on all levels, beginning with the essence of an object and ending with the physical phenomena. Understanding of energy in the post-nonclassical scientific paradigm must be adjusted in such way that alongside the traditional physical components, it would also include the information, semantic, and psychic components. Thus is why it is necessary to shift towards such thinking, in the foundation of which would lay an integral planetary consciousness, the direct sense of the whole – noosphere consciousness. Based on the noosphere consciousness, a human can move towards the new way of relations with nature, create a biosphere compatible energetics, which will become an energy foundation for the social autotrophy and noosphere development.
noosphere consciousness, psychic energy, cultural biogeochemical energy, biogeochemical energy, Einstein formula, energetics, energy of essence, energy, entropy, non-biosphere energy sources
Philosophy of knowledge
Sobolev, V.E. (2016). Quantum of knowledge and information as gnoseological issue. Philosophical Thought, 6, 19–27.
The subject of this research is such hypothetical object as the quantum of knowledge, identified within the framework of this work with the quantum of information. Quantum of knowledge is being examined as a minimal volume of knowledge, which can be acquired by an object during the process of cognition of the surrounding world. The problem of existence of the quantum of knowledge is being analyzed in the context of modern perception of quantum physics, digital physics, cybernetics, and theory of information. The article discusses the properties of information as a theoretical object which defines the knowledge of a subject about the material and ideal essences. The main initial motive of the conducted research is the ideas of the modern quantum physics on the quantumness of the Universe and the existence of the minimal physical quantities (quanta). The author demonstrates that the need for existence of such object as the quantum of knowledge is a logical result of the quantumness of the Universe. The author conducts a quantitative assessment of the minimal possible volume of space which can be viewed as a material carrier of the quantum of knowledge. The conclusion is made that the quantum of knowledge represents an infinite semantic multiplicity, in other words, it can have an infinite amount of possible conceptual interpretations.
digital physics, information theory, quantum of information, information, quantum of knowledge, knowledge, epistemology, gnoseology, quantum physics, quantum
Political philosophy
Bazaluk, O.A. (2016). The theory of war and peace. Philosophical Thought, 6, 28–52.
The subject of this research is the theory of war and peace. In the author’s opinion, the problem of war and peace originates in the nature of a human – in his psyche. This is namely why the empirical and theoretical basis of this research consists of the facts and regularities: a) neurosciences, psychology, and social philosophy; b) geophilosophy; c) war history and military science. The author sequentially solves two issues during the course of this work: determines the axiomatics of the theory of war and peace, as well as formulates its main statements. As the regular manifestations of the complicated structure and functions of the neuronic ensembles of subconsciousness and consciousness, war and peace are ways of achieving the regulatory compromise between the manifestations of active beginning, which initially lays in human psyches, and the influence of the external environment – the natural selection; between the complicated demands of the psy-space – totality of psyches on the Earth scale and the ability of their satisfaction; between the proclaimed idea that unites the psy-space, and the possibility of its realization. The war and peace regulate the qualitative contents and manifestations of the psy-space: the quantity of psyches, the structure of which predisposes aggression, is decreasing; while the quantity of psyches, the manifestations of which are aimed at integration and cooperation, is increasing. The European history of the XX – early XX centuries is a vivid example of how the complicated structure and functions of the psyche have changed the qualitative content and manifestations of the psy-space of the Earth by the virtue of war and peace.
sociocultural environment, rhizome, locus of civilization, Geophilosophy, mental space, War and Peace, mentality, causes of war, war theory, logospere
Philosophy of history
Matveichev, O.A. (2016). Anacharsis. “Wise because Scythian” . Philosophical Thought, 6, 53–61.
This article gives special attention to Anacharsis – one of the most mysterious and contradictory persona of the Ancient Greek history. Despite many surviving testimonies on the life of a remarkable Scythian and fragments of his doctrine, many researchers still have doubts about the historicity of this character. The popular in Antiquity image of Anacharsis as a “Wiseman-savage” who avoided the decaying influence of civilization is being formed in the works of Ephorus and the Cynics, and later in the works of Diodorus, Plutarch, Aelian, and Lucian. Ephorus made Anacharsis one of the Seven Sages, which endows him with the status of one of the founders of philosophy. Perhaps the image of Anacharsis was used for the purpose of allegorical propaganda, namely to magnify the Athens. The author concludes that Anacharsis’ philosophy differs from the contemporary to him Greek philosophy and reveals him as an alien from a different civilization; it demonstrates the motives characteristic to Indo-European mentality and mythology. It is also important to understand that Anacharsis influence upon the Greek philosophy was highly significant; and reflected in the works of Cynics, Sophists, Plato, and Aristotle. Thus we can conclude that directly or indirectly, Anacharsis’ doctrine compiles the foundation of the Greek, as well as the Western philosophy, and due to this fact it requires a more detailed attention of the researchers.
Hellenes, the Indo-Europeans, Seven Sages of Greece, Anacharsis, Scythians, Ancient Greece, history of philosophy, philosophy, sage-savage, preacher
Meaning and silence
Mamarasulov, A.R. (2016). Absurd-ideal dichotomy of thinking. Philosophical Thought, 6, 62–72.
The subject of this research is the emerging in situation of traumatic uncertainty phenomenon of value duality of thinking. The object of the article is the caused by the ethnical dichotomy process of the reaction of thinking, examined from the axiological perspective. The author analyzes the state of the traumatic uncertainty, which leads to the atrophy of the conceptual algorithm of existence of a subject, as well as to the alienation from the absolute values that at the same time serves as a motive for the growth of self-consciousness and development of constructive foundations of thinking. Special attention is given to the question of unity of the absolute values and constructive activity of a subject in the context of the category of “ensoulment”. The main conclusion consists in the fact that a constructive moments in the thinking dominates over the moment of ethical dichotomy. Scientific consists in the fact that the state of ethnical dichotomy, which is expressed in consciousness as a leitmotiv of metaphysical ideas, is being counterpoised with metaphysics of gnoseological order – expressed in constructiveness of human I.
development of the essence, ensoulment, soul, idea, absurd, dichotomy, thinking, Platonic idea, Good, Nothing