Methodology of philosophical learning
Demin, I.V. (2015). The principle of “ontological differentia” in M. Heidegger’s phenomenology and R. Genon’s metaphysics of integral traditionalism. Philosophical Thought, 7, 1–19.
The article outlines some ways of mapping the fundamental ontology of M. Heidegger and the metaphysics of integral traditionalism of R. Genon. As a starting point to identify similarities and differences in philosophical constructions of the two thinkers the principle of "ontological differentia" (ontologische Differenz) is elected, that suggests a consistent distinction between existence and being. In the context of Heidegger's phenomenology ontological differentia has the status of a fundamental principle and foundation of philosophical reflection as such. The distinction between being and existence is the basis of the distinction of philosophy and private positive sciences. This principle also determines the specificity of Heidegger’s interpretation of the history of West European metaphysics. Heidegger sees the history of metaphysics through the prism of ontological differences. In Genon’s metaphysics the ontological differentia lies in the distinction of the totality of the manifested opportunities (determined conditions) on the one hand, and the Being as the unmanifest principle and the metaphysical foundation of any expression on the other hand.Consideration of the principle of ontological differentia in the context of fundamental ontology and in the context of the metaphysics of integral traditionalism revealed the following similarities in Heidegger’s philosophy and Genon’s philosophy: 1) the recognition of transdefinition of being and apophatic nature of the ontology; 2) the approval of the fundamental incomparability and incommensurability of philosophy and positive sciences; 3) the statement of the plurality of states/modes/dimensions of being and the problem of a unified concept of being. However the identified similarities in philosophical constructions of the two thinkers should not obscure the more fundamental differences. The main difference between Heidegger and Genoon is the difference in the methods of constructing the ontology. The way to the fundamental ontology of Heidegger lies in the existential analytics of Dasein, while Genon’s way of constructing the ontology remains a purely metaphysical (speculative).
hermeneutic phenomenology, metaphysics, traditionalism, fundamental ontology, the ontological differentia, Genon, Heidegger, existential analytics, traditionalist metaphysics, ontology
Selishcheva, D.V. (2015). The Phenomenon of Das Man in Terms of Ethics. Philosophical Thought, 7, 20–46.
The object of research are specifics of Heidegger's 'Dasein' in its most frequent form – das Man. The subject of research is a possible correlation of das Man to an ethical perspective, ontologically inherent das Man (to the witness as element in structure of Heidegger's philosophy) ability to interact with ethical instructions, to define them – in other words, that Martin Heidegger in the works concerning ethics when speaks about "original" and "not original" ways of life of Dasein means. In this research the author has used hermeneutical, comparative-historical (in the first part of article where we investigate dynamics of Heidegger's thoughts concerning the concept of das Man) and system analysis (for designation of contours of a phenomenon of das Man and for an explication implitsitno of the Heidegger's thought of correlation of the studied phenomenon and ethical measurement of life containing in system). Scientific novelty of this work is caused by the fact that the author makes an attempt of reconsideration of idea of Heidegger's non-truth (das Man), the first on Russian-speaking space, as correlated to ethical measurement of life and containing ethical instructions. A conclusion of research is the lack of that correlation and those instructions: on the one hand, it is incorrect to interpret the concept of das Man as an appeal to nonconformism, on the other hand, nonconformism doesn't guarantee detachment from a collectively faceless das Man.
Heidegger, ethics, being, Dasein, everydayness, ontology, phenomenology, habit, Other, publicity
Philosophical anthropology
Shazhinbatyn, A. (2015). Ethnos and Human Nature. Philosophical Thought, 7, 47–75.
The article is devoted to critical analysis of the anthropological concept of sociobiology. Sociobiological intepretation of human is directly connected with interpretation of a phenomenon of ethnos. A well-known sociobiologist Pierre Vandenberg came to a conclusion that weakness of theoretical equipment in studying of ethnos is caused by insufficient attention to a sotsiobiologiya. In his opinion, genes work selectively and as a result of their combination culture phenomena are born. In article it is shown that participate in historical destiny of ethnos not only genes, but also cultural factors which aren't a direct reflex of the gene nature. The ethnos considerably appears cultural construct. In article the methodology of philosophical anthropology is used. Critical analysis of a sotsiobiologiya which rejects basic distinction of animals and people is given. The philosophical anthropology opens huge value of social life in formation of ethnos. The author of article pays attention to new meanings which were found as a result of globalization. Former representation of many modern philosophers consists that ethnoses are hostages of traditions, so-called the primordial stereotypes that doesn't allow them to join in the general process of deleting of antiquity. However the problem was more difficult. In many cases ethnoses aren't hostages of the traditions at all. They look for new parameters of the identity which would allow them to combine own identification kernel with a new vital context. In article identification is considered as sharp, difficult saturable need of the person.
ethnos, identity, sociobiology, philosophical anthropology, traditions, culture, human nature, new naturalism, primordialism, constructivism
Philosophy and culture
Tyugashev, E. (2015). The Theme of the North in Nietzsche's Philosophy. Philosophical Thought, 7, 76–86.
Object of research is the complex of views of F. Nietzsche on the North and specifics of his culture in comparison to culture of the South. Proceeding from the concept of climatic zones of culture and positioning itself as person of the European North, F. Nietzsche highly appreciates heritage of the Mediterranean culture referred to the South and looks for ways of development of the forgotten its achievements. In comparison with the South it characterizes such elements of northern culture as the nature, a cultural landscape, the relation to work and the world, Protestantism, music and philosophy. Tematization of nitsshevsky philosophy of the North is based on global approach which considers a complementarity of axes "the West - the East" and "the North - the South" in world development. Novelty of the conducted research in the analysis of "the northern text" in F. Nietzsche's philosophy from the point of view of global opposition "the North - the South". It is shown that F. Nietzsche carries out frontal comparison of northern and southern cultures on separate elements. Estimating northern culture as degeneration of the southern culture, North potential it sees in validity of social activity and ability of a reflection in the hidden layers of culture of the South.
Southern Europe, Northern Europe, North, Eastern philosophy, Western philosophy, comparative philosophy, Nietzsche, Nordic culture, Nordic civilization, Nordic philosophy
Controversy and debate
Ilinskaya, S. (2015). Concept of “migration” during the Era of epistemological colonialism. Philosophical Thought, 7, 87–114.
S.G. Ilinskaya's article represents a reflexive response to the monograph "Cultural Distinctions and Political Borders during the Era of Global Migrations" written by famous Russian fighter against racism and xenophobia – V. S. Malakhov, whose attempt to look at the phenomenon of transnational migration over the state frontiers has, in the reviewer’s opinion, along with the advantages also some essential omissions.The category of migration is studied by author through techniques of political Conceptology. As the methods of investigation were used comparative, critical method, and methods of analytic philosophy. The main conclusion of the study is the exhaustion of modern liberal concept of migration.
national state, cultural capital, social policy, cultural identity, civil identity, consumer society, authentic social models, migrations, exploitation, sovereignty