Radandish, P. (2024). The History of the formation of Iranian poetic avant-garde in the 20th century. Philology: scientific researches, 8, 1–22. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0749.2024.8.70048
The article presents the origins of avant-gardism in modern Persian poetry and the stages of its development in the XX century. In order to identify the social and political prerequisites for the modernization of literature, the period of the Constitutional Revolution in 1905–1911 is considered. Attempts to renew the Persian verse and create its theory were first studied by such literary figures as T. Rafat, A. Lahuti, N. Yushij, H. Irani, Tondar-Kiya, A. Ahmadi and others. The classification of Iranian poetic movements (conservative poetry, nimaist poetry and radical poetry) is considered. An overview of the work of the main representatives of Iranian literary avant-gardism is presented on the basis of an analysis of the relationship of their poetry with avant-garde and modernist literary trends such as Dadaism and Surrealism. The periodization of avant-gardism is described, the prerequisites for its emergence are analyzed, as well as the historical conditions of its formation and features of its development within the socio-cultural context. There are broken meters and unequal stanzas in their poems, but the individual efforts of each of them could not rise to a normative level. These authors, unlike Nima, did not leave behind a single theoretical work on new poetics, where an exhaustive description and justification of the need for new literary forms would be given. As a result, the work of Nima Yushij became the culmination of their creative quest. The purpose of the article is to acquaint the Russian-speaking reader with the phenomenon of the Iranian poetic avant-garde on the examples of "new poetry", poetry of the "new wave" and "poetry of volume", as the most influential avant-garde currents of modern Persian poetry. Particular attention is paid to the creative activities of the founders of the avant-garde.
new Persian poetry, innovators, poetry of volume, renewal of Persian verse, nimaistic poetry, radical poetry, "new Poetry", poetry of the new Wave, Poetic avant-gardism, modern Persian poetry
Wang, P. (2024). Methods of explication of objective space in P. P. Bazhov's tales. Philology: scientific researches, 8, 23–30. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0749.2024.8.71551
The subject of the research in the article is the category of objective space in the tales of P. P. Bazhov and the ways of its explication in a literary text. The object of the research is the tales of P. P. Bazhov, combined in the collection "The Malachite Casket" (1939). The author examines such aspects as space in a literary text and its categories, the essence of objective space, and ways of explicating spatial categories in modern literature. Special attention is paid to vocabulary with spatial meaning – toponyms, hydronyms, adverbs of place, etc., without which the explication of the category of objective space is impossible. The objective space in P. P. Bazhov's tales is considered as the space of the Ural Mountains, as the space of a mine and a factory, as well as as the space of a peasant hut. The ways of explication of objective space in Bazhov's tales are determined using the categorical-textual method developed by the Ural scientific School of Linguoculturology and Stylistics. The novelty of the research lies in identifying, classifying and characterizing the main ways of explicating the category of objective space using the example of P. P. Bazhov's fairy tales from the collection "Malachite Box". There are no studies devoted to objective space in the tales of P. P. Bazhov, therefore, the study eliminates the existing gap. In the course of the study, we came to the conclusion that to explicate objective space, the Ural writer uses words with spatial meaning, which we divided into the following groups: toponyms, including hydronyms; prepositions with spatial meaning together with verbs of movement; adverbs of place. To a lesser extent, in Bazhov's tales, the explication of objective space occurs through words without spatial meaning – adjectives, personal names and uralisms, which are used in conjunction with prepositions and verbs.
a fairy tale, Pavel Petrovich Bazhov, objective space, space category, text categories, categorical-text method, text, folklore, The Urals, Malachite casket
Starodubova , O.Y. (2024). Decoding reality and modeling an alternative factual field in media discourse. Philology: scientific researches, 8, 31–37. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0749.2024.8.71572
The object of the research is the mechanisms of decoding real reality, on the one hand, as well as the features of modeling alternative eventfulness of an interpretative nature, on the other hand, within the framework of media discourse. The subject of the study is the ways of constructing a new reality as a system of concepts, the means of their objectification at the pragmatic and linguistic levels within the political segment of media discourse, using the example of briefing materials by the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, M.V. Zakharova. At the same time, special attention is paid at the level of pragmatics to identifying tactics and strategies, nominations of subjects participating in communication, and at the linguistic level proper – precedent phenomena, discursive words, the nature of syntagmatics, features of stylistic labeling of individual nominations and other resources that contribute to modeling not so much a new factual field as its conceptual model. In the study of the political segment of media discourse based on the material of a polycode text, the author relies on the principles of anthropological linguodidactics, including a communicative-activity approach, cognitive-discursive methods are also used to identify the features of modeling the worldview. The main conclusions of the conducted research are the establishment of the fact of perlocution, actionality of media discourse, its undeniable influence on modeling the global picture of the world and broadcasting the Russian model of globalization, as well as its influence on the recipient's consciousness. In addition, it should be noted the linguistic and didactic potential of the political segment of media discourse, especially when studying the Russian language by foreigners. The novelty and special contribution of the author to the study of the specifics of the interpretation of the event field within the framework of the political segment of media discourse is the identification of an additional component in the conceptual opposition of one's own and someone else's – another, which is positioned as a segment of acceptance of otherness, which plays a key role in creating the Russian model of globalization based on the principles of universal parity. Against this background, political discourse becomes a source of valuable information not only of an eventful, but also of a conceptual nature for both speakers of linguistic consciousness and foreign speakers.
precedent, strategies of speech, tactics of speech, other, someone else's, own, picture of the world, political discourse, media discourse, discursive words
Dudanov, T.V. (2024). Comparative analysis of parataxis in conditionals and unconditionals as exemplified in Chinese and Russian. Philology: scientific researches, 8, 38–61. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0749.2024.8.71613
Conditional and unconditional constructions of the Chinese language have been studied by a relatively small number of Russian linguists. Usually, both types of structures are considered in the context of conjunctions, but asyndeton in conditional sentences may also be of great interest, which was the subject of the author’s research while writing an article. The goal was to find different variants of expressing conditional and unconditional meanings from the point of view of parataxis (without conjunctions or connective words), as well as to compare these variants with the ways of expressing meanings in Russian. The material in Russian is provided only for the opportunity to compare different ways of expressing the condition in their native language and a foreign language by people who are not engaged in the study and research of the Chinese language. The selection of the material was carried out on the basis of the works by prominent Chinese and Russian linguists, as well as dictionaries and articles by Russian and foreign researchers. All the meanings given below are confirmed by examples from Chinese and Russian literature. Chinese examples are provided with transcription, subscript and overall translation of the sentence. According to the results of the study, a variety of conditionals and unconditionals without conjunctions was revealed. Asyndenton in Chinese is the object of scientific novelty in the research process. There were only cases where it was possible to choose a similar version of expressing conditionals and unconditionals in both Chinese and Russian. The material can be useful not only for sinologists and specialists in general linguistics, but also for people studying Chinese or Russian languages to expand their vocabulary and study various ways of expressing conditionality and unconditionality.
assumption, hypothetical, unconditional, conditional constructions, conditional, the Russian language, the Chinese language, concession, parataxis, comparison
Platitsyn, A.V. (2024). Intermedial "trace" of antiquity in the modern streaming services interface (Aurora Aksnes case). Philology: scientific researches, 8, 62–70. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0749.2024.8.71471
The article is devoted to a Canvas-video by Norwegian singer Aurora Aksnes (AURORA) on Spotify. The object of this article is the representation of ancient aesthetics in the streaming services interface and an artist's work. The author considers in detail such aspects of the topic as the genesis of intermediality, its connection with ekphrasis in ancient rhetoric, as well as the unconscious nature of borrowing (reconstructing) visual images in new media. The author points out the correlative nature of some artistic means, marking both modern forms of ekphrasis and more conventional examples of its as well. The author analyses the kylix which attributed to the vase painter Apollodoros as a particular example of ancient Greek painting, subconsciously reproduced in the process of imitating ancient aesthetics in a music video. The main conclusions of the article are the presence of a reminiscence of red-figure vase painting in the design of AURORA’s Canvas-video, the metamodern nature of the intermediate message and its potential for generating social communities. A special author's contribution to the research of the topic is the original description of the four levels of message interaction with its intuitive source. The author's literary translations of some of the performer's texts, especially important in the framework of this work, are also given. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the consideration and analysis of hitherto unexplored aspects of public positioning on streaming platforms. A new element in the scientific paradigm is the idea of correlating the influencers' media strategy with the phenomenon of the formation of small social groups (subcultures) on the aesthetic associations basis. At the end of the article, the author lists a number of promising directions for further scientific research: theory and practice of ekphrasis, intermediality and the media strategy method.
Spotify, AURORA, ekphrasis, Canvas-video, media strategy, new media, intermediality, dark academia, aesthesis, subculture
Literary criticism
Melnikova, L.A. (2024). The Napoleonic theme in the story by A. Zegers "Slavery returned to Guadeloupe" in the context of the traditions of F.M. Dostoevsky. Philology: scientific researches, 8, 71–80. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0749.2024.8.71520
The subject of the study is the specifics of the disclosure of the Napoleonic theme in the story by A. Zegers "Slavery returned to Guadeloupe" in the context of the development of the traditions of F.M. Dostoevsky. This work belongs to the so-called "Negro" novels by Anna Zegers. The development of the events described in the work is based on antagonism and the problem of mutual rejection of blacks and whites. The problem of the oppressed position of Blacks in the story is closely related to the image of Napoleon. In her literary and critical articles, A. Zegers repeatedly denounced the Napoleonic concept of power. The writer reflected on it as part of the analysis of the creative heritage of F.M. Dostoevsky and L.N. Tolstoy. In this article, the disclosure of the Napoleonic theme in the story by A. Zegers is considered in the context of the traditions of F.M. Dostoevsky. The author uses the following methods of researching a work of art: the method of structural analysis, the method of holistic analysis, the method of comparative analysis. As a result of the conducted research, it was found that the image of Napoleon in this work is recreated through the use of inappropriate direct speech, expressive details, direct and indirect characteristics given to him by other characters. Following the traditions of F.M. Dostoevsky in this work was manifested in the fact that, firstly, A. Zegers recreates the images of the heroes-ideologists Beauvais and Beranger, for whom service to public duty, reflections on the fate of mankind (on the example of the population of Guadeloupe) dominate personal interests. Secondly, like the Russian classic, the writer condemns the cruel and unjustified pursuit of power and greatness based on the humiliation and destruction of the weak and defenseless. But unlike Dostoevsky's novel "Crime and Punishment", in which Raskolnikov admires Napoleon as a historical figure, the German writer focuses on describing the perception of Bonaparte by his contemporaries. As a result, the cult of Napoleon's personality is absent in the main part of the story, and in the finale of the work it is debunked by using the antithesis with the images of Beauvais and Beranger. This is the peculiarity of the artistic approach of the German writer in terms of the Napoleonic theme in the story "Slavery returned to Guadeloupe"
colonization, independence, slavery, novel, opposition, Dostoevsky, Napoleon, Zeghers, the Negro, Guadeloupe
Character in literature
Niu, Y. (2024). The prototype in A. Varlamov's novel "The Mental Wolf". Philology: scientific researches, 8, 81–90. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0749.2024.8.71455
This article is devoted to the study of prototypes in the novel "The Mental Wolf", the images of which are made up of both fictional and real characters. The author brought them out under other names, but the prototypes are easy to guess: Pavel Matveyevich Legkobytov is Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin, Alexander Stepanovich Savely Krud is Green, and Grigory Yefimovich Rasputin is a "peasant/elder/wanderer". The intertextual connections between the biographies of the prototypes and the novel demonstrate the author's intention to recreate the reality that he could not depict within the framework of a documentary biographical narrative. The reader and researcher are given a unique opportunity to observe how artistic reality is born on the basis of the life material of historical figures, refracted in the author's mind. The author himself has repeatedly given the key to understanding the novel's intent in his interviews, saying that he was able to express through fictional characters what he did not express in the biographies of the prototypes. The following research methods are used in the article: comparative, hermeneutical, comparative-typological, descriptive. With the help of a systematic approach, an analytical study of the prototypes in the novel is provided. Despite the coincidence of the factual material, Varlamov establishes a distance between the characters depicted in the novel and their prototypes, gives them new names, places them in slightly different event contexts. Thus, an artistic world is created on the interweaving of fiction and real events. Relevance is seen in addressing one of the key problems of literary criticism based on the material of the work of a modern author. It is the biographies of prototypes that become the core on which fictional events are strung and which determines the storylines of fictional characters. By virtue of the above, biography is neither a framework component nor an autonomous genre, but it becomes a kind of paradigm for the plot structure of the novel. And already in this paradigm, each of the characters is free to express their ideas, to argue about the present and future of Russia, to observe the era of historical social upheavals and wars.
Alexander Green, Savely Krud, Easy-going, Prishvin, real events, fiction, The prototype, biography, guy, Rasputin
Alimov, T.E., Van, G. (2024). The phenomenon of political correctness in English and Uzbek languages. Philology: scientific researches, 8, 91–102. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0749.2024.8.44136
The object of the research work is the phenomenon of political correctness in Uzbek linguistic culture through the prism of the English language. Considering the large number of linguistic means of explication, namely euphemistic substitutes, which are the result of the expression of political correctness and the subject of this study. The purpose of the research work is to reveal the phenomenon of political correctness in modern English and Uzbek languages, in particular the linguistic aspect of this phenomenon. The scientific novelty of the research work is determined by the fact that it is the first attempt to comprehensively consider the functioning of politically correct vocabulary not only in English, but also in the Uzbek language. Since many works are devoted specifically to political correctness in the English language, examples in Uzbek discourse are usually given in insufficient quantities so that one can judge the role of political correctness in Uzbek linguistic culture. The results of the research work revealed the sociocultural and linguistic aspects of political correctness, revealing new trends in the English language and social practices that meet the requirements of inclusive communication. It is shown that in Uzbekistan this concept is developing in its own ways, but its dynamics and linguistic embodiment are under strong Western influence. The difficulties of politically correct intercultural communication are revealed, which, to varying degrees of prevalence in the English and Uzbek languages, depends on different cultural values, religious beliefs, value orientations, and socio-economic situation.
Western world, Politically correct euphemisms, Theory of political correctness, Euphemism, Linguistic picture of the world, Language code, Political correctness, Eastern mentality, Intercultural communication, Political discourse
Shigurov, V.V., Shigurova , T.A. (2024). The instrumental case of nouns through the prism of adverbialization and pronominalization. Philology: scientific researches, 8, 103–116. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0749.2024.8.71472
The relevance of the research is due to the need to study the intersection zones of transposition processes in the system of parts of speech of the Russian language. The novelty of the study is due to the fact that it is the first attempt to identify the links between the stages and the limit of adverbial and pronominal transposition of nouns. The aim of the work is a comprehensive analysis of the mechanism of step-by-step transposition of instrumental case forms of nouns into the categories of attributive-quantitative and adverbial-spatial adverbs, as well as into the categories of indefinite pronouns correlative with numerals and adverbs. The object of analysis is substantive word forms involved in the processes of adverbial and pronominal transposition, the subject of consideration is the stages and features of functional and functional-semantic adverbialization and pronominalization. To achieve the objectives, the following research methods were used: structural-semantic and lexicographic analysis, oppositional method, elements of distributional, transformational and componential analysis, linguistic experiment. It has been established that some noun word forms in the Russian language are involved in the transposition processes of adverbialization and pronominalization. The degree of their adverbial and pronominal transposition is not the same. Word forms such as "navalom", "mestamami" are subject to functional adverbialization occurring in the semantic zone of the original lexemes, and word forms such as "poryakom" are subject to functional-semantic adverbialization that violates the semantic identity of the original lexemes. It has been revealed that the grammatical or lexical-grammatical type of adverbialization of nouns can be associated with the initial or final stages of their pronominal transposition. Contexts demonstrating different stages of adverbialization and pronominalization of instrumental case forms of nouns have been determined.
adverb, noun, pronominalization, adverbialization, transpositional grammar, Russian language, pronoun, transition zone, core, periphery
Shigurov, V.V., Shigurova , T.A. (2024). Instrumental case of nouns in contexts of adverbialization, modulation and particulation. Philology: scientific researches, 8, 117–127. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0749.2024.8.71428
The relevance of the research topic is due to the fact that linguistic units of different parts of speech and inter-part-of-speech semantic-syntactic categories closely interact with each other, forming numerous transition zones with peripheral and hybrid structures that allow for a brief but capacious transmission of complex information. The mechanism of linguistic transposition, the nature of which is not entirely clear, is a means of creating syncretic forms. The purpose of the work is to describe the features of the interaction of adverbialization, modalization and particulation processes in the structure of instrumental case forms of nouns. The object of analysis is word forms that are to some extent subject to transposition into adverbs, particles and introductory-modal words, the subject of consideration is the stages, features and limit of their adverbialization, modalization and particulation. The novelty of the work is determined by the methodology of oppositional analysis of grammatically contradictory material. The study is based on structural-semantic, lexicographic, comparative methods, linguistic experiment, elements of distributional and component analysis. The study showed that some forms of the instrumental case of nouns are involved in the processes of adverbialization, modalization and particulation in the Russian language. The main features, stages and limits of their categorical transformation are shown. A distinction is made between the grammatical type of transposition of linguistic units from the class of nouns into adverbs and introductory-modal words and the lexical-grammatical type associated with word formation. Criteria for distinguishing part-of-speech homonyms arising during adverbialization, modalization and particulation of forms of the instrumental case of nouns are outlined.
particle, adverb, noun, particulation, modalation, adverbialization, transpositional grammar, Russian language, introductory-modal word, transition zone
Fomenko, E., Popova, A. (2024). On the issue of using the features of the Chinese-language media discourse in teaching Chinese. Philology: scientific researches, 8, 128–150. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0749.2024.8.71294
The subject of the research in this article is the peculiarities of the discourse of Chinese-language media in East and Southeast Asia. The authors pay close attention to identifying linguistic tools used in them as part of the editorial board's targeted strategy, as well as the possibilities of using texts of this kind in the development of communicative competence when teaching interpretation and translation in a pair of Chinese – Russian languages. The source of materials for the study was the Internet news portals of a number of leading newspapers in mainland China, Hong Kong SAR, Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia. The subject of the study is the discourse of texts on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. The possibility of comparing texts posted on various media platforms was provided by the unity of the subject and the synchronicity of publication (October–November 2023). The following methods were used in the study: typological analysis in the selection of specific media, the study of selected articles using contextual and comparative analysis, linguodidactic analysis to determine the potential of using the type of texts under study as educational material. The authors solved the following tasks: criteria for the selection of Chinese-language media and news articles were developed, an analysis of the structure, vocabulary, grammar, and means of artistic expression of texts of Chinese-language media in the Asian region was carried out, patterns determining the features of the discourse of articles of a particular media were identified; targeted strategies of selected media resources in the representation of news publications were described; a conclusion was given on the possibility of using materials from Chinese-language media of Asian countries in the process of teaching translation from Chinese to students of various specializations, including linguistics, regional studies, Oriental studies. The relevance of this study is due to the need to expand the linguistic and regional horizons of future Sinologists in the context of the intensification of relations between Russia and China, as well as the countries of Southeast Asia. The authors did not find any works comparing the linguistic techniques of the discourse of Chinese-speaking media resources in China and Southeast Asian countries, as well as considering the possibility of using texts of this kind in teaching Chinese. This study is intended to partially fill this gap in sinological linguodidactics.
translation studies, Southeast Asia, Chinese language, linguodidactic analysis, journalistic style, Chinese-language media, teaching methods, media discourse, pedagogical linguistics, regional studies
Zenevich, E.V. (2024). The poetics of paired texts in the lyrics of Yu. V. Zhadovskaya. Philology: scientific researches, 8, 151–160. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0749.2024.8.71247
One of the characteristic features of Julia Zhadovskaya's poetry (1824–1883) is the abundance of repetitions: each theme is repeated several times, while retaining all its main distinctive features. Such a feature of Zhadovskaya's creative method as double thematic repetition is revealed: some poems form semantic pairs. The published and unpublished poems of Yu.V. Zhadovskaya served as the material for the study. The following methods were used to conduct the research: the method of historical and philological analysis (in identifying the historical context in lyrical works), the comparative method (in determining the structural, formal and other features of poems included in the lyrical microcycle), as well as the method of complex text analysis. In the research we study about Zhadovskaya's work, the phenomenon of the existence of paired texts has not been considered previously. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the identification of "paired" texts and the creation of a typological classification of lyrical pairs. We decided to combine texts into pairs based on the following features: the identity of titles according to synonymic and antonymic principles, variations of a common theme, intertextual dialogue. In conclusion, the author made the point that Zhadovskaya's paired poetic texts express a single figurative system, complementing and strengthening it. Microcycles consisting of plot analogies, thematic repetitions and parallels are of particular interest not only as a way of expressing the author's view of the world, but also as a way of organizing the reader's perception. And the cyclization in Zhadovskaya's lyrics deserves attention as a natural phenomenon of the development of lyrical cyclization in the literary process of the second third of the XIX century.
microcycle, thematic repetitions, paired texts, The lyrical cycle, intertextuality, the author's context, poetics, the author's picture of the world, The lyrical plot, women's lyrics