LUO, D. (2024). The composition of the protocol in the official religious language style. Philology: scientific researches, 7, 1–9.
The subject of the study is the specificity of composition in a religious style. The object of the study is the protocols in the official religious language. The author examines in detail such aspects as the composition of various parts of the protocol genre in a religious style as stated and final, or certification (decided) parts. Special attention is paid to the part "listened to" and "resolved". In the ascertaining or substantive part (listened to), the participants of the meeting of the Holy Synod use various documents, including a report, a message, a petition and a proposal. Verb infinitives, derived nominative and adverbial prepositions, and conjunctions in phrases with nouns are often used in the final or certifying (resolved) part of the documents in order to show the accuracy and rigor of the content of decision-making. The article analyzes the uniqueness of the protocol genre using the categorical-textual method developed at the Ural scientific School of Linguoculturology and stylistics. The main conclusion of the study is that a protocol in a religious style usually has the following compositional blocks: a title fixing the genre and date of the meeting, the chairman, the full name of the meeting, the venue of the meeting, a detailed list of permanent members of the Holy Synod and a complete list of those invited to the meeting; the number of the journal (protocol); the "listened to" block, which contains the agenda of the meeting; the block "decided", which contains the decisions taken on a specific issue. The composition of the protocol in a religious style is generally similar to the traditional composition of the protocol in a secular environment, as it includes parts "listened to" and "decided upon". The difference is in absence of the "conclusion" block in the religious protocol, as well as the presence of a variable "stating" part of the judgment. For a deeper understanding of this genre, the perspective is to study the linguistic features of the protocol genre.
protocol, genre, composition category, text category, text, official-business substyle, religious functional style, journal, compositional block, linguistic features of the protocol
Literary criticism
Sun, Y. (2024). Vocabulary of the lexeme "memory" in the works of V.M. Garshin. Philology: scientific researches, 7, 10–19.
The author studies the fiction prose of V.M. Garshin, who was a vivid exponent of the painful issues of his epoch. The main attention is paid to the word "memory" - one of the key words in the writer's works. We find out whether the lexeme "memory" can be attributed to one of the fundamental bases in the prose of Vsevolod Mihailovich Garshin; and whether it is important to take into account the peculiarities of its use in translations of the Russian writer's texts into Chinese, taking into account that in China the interest to Russian literature is only increasing, and translations of Russian writers' works into Chinese have acquired a systematic character. Following the current processes of intercultural dialog, the question of the adequacy of text translation from one language into another arises in parallel. The article uses formal (statistical) analysis, as the work is just a precursor to a serious analysis of semantic variants and hermeneutic possibilities of a word. The analysis of scientific publications, as well as personal experience of reading Garshin's works convinces that such a phenomenon of the writer's artistic world as "word-accent" expressed by lexical forms of the noun "memory" remains outside the circle of study. It is concluded that Garshin's works are mostly built on memories with the key word "memory" and its derivatives. The using of this sign word is subject to the author's intention, it is intensional, characterizes the most important aspects of the writer's artistic world. As for the issue of translational interpretation of the writer's texts, special attention should be paid to the semantic shades of the word, its contextual sounding.
Chinese language, statistical analysis, hermeneutic index, frequency, semantics, repeat, memory, word, prose, Garshin
Shigurov, V.V., Shigurova, T.A. (2024). Transposition of prepositional forms of the instrumental case of nouns into spatial adverbs: steps, signs, limit. Philology: scientific researches, 7, 20–33.
The article presents the experience of describing the mechanism of transposition of instrumental case forms of nouns without prepositions into the subclass of adverbial adverbs. The relevance of the work is determined by the need to study transition zones in the grammatical structure of the Russian language. The purpose of the work is to describe the stages, features and limits of transposition of substantive word forms into adverbs used for different types of localization of objects in the form of a point, line and circle (sphere). The novelty of the approach is determined by the use of the oppositional analysis technique. The object of analysis are word forms that represent, on the one hand, typical nouns, and on the other, peripheral nouns or peripheral and nuclear substantive adverbs with spatial meaning. The subject of consideration is the stages (stages), their characteristics and the limit of categorical transformation of prepositional forms of nouns into local adverbs. In solving the assigned problems, general scientific and special methods were used (comparison, generalization; structural-semantic analysis, oppositional method, linguistic experiment, elements of distributive and component analysis). Groups of nouns have been identified and characterized, representing in instrumental case forms an unequal number of steps (stages) of transposition into local adverbs. The specific features of functional and functional-semantic adverbialization of substantive vocabulary are determined. Their participation in the localization of designated objects is shown. Adverbialized forms of the instrumental case of nouns have been established, representing four categories of spatial adverbs: 1) abstract or indefinite adverbs; 2) deictic adverbs; 3) relative adverbs; 4) evaluative adverbs.
zone of transition, spatial adverb, noun, adverbialization, transposition, grammar, Russian language, core, periphery, syncretism
Filatova, E.A. (2024). Documentaries: Voice-over Translation Algorithm. Philology: scientific researches, 7, 34–43.
The object of this research is the documentary audiovisual translation. The subject of the study is the means of optimizing the voice-over translation of documentaries. The author examines the audiovisual translation, its specific features and the increased popularity at the present time. The features of voice-over translation and the reasons for its demand in Russia are precisely analyzed. Distinctive attention is focused on the specific features of the documentary audiovisual text, which cannot be translated without taking into consideration linguistic, psycho-emotional and audiovisual components. The documentary text is polycode by nature, which makes the translation process multifaceted. The purpose of the article is to develop an algorithm of actions by which the translator will be able to optimize the process of voice-over translation of audiovisual content, in particular, documentaries. To achieve this goal, general research methods and methods of linguistic: observation, comparison and description were applied. The result of the study was the systematization and algorithmization of the translator's actions in the process of translating audiovisual content such as documentaries. The scope of the results is wide, since the algorithm proposed in the article can be implemented in audiovisual translation by both practitioners and novice translators. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that for the first time an integrated approach to voiceover translation of documentaries was presented, which includes four stages: pre-translation analysis of the audiovisual text, analysis of the linguistic component, work with the psychoemotional component of the film and the stage of audiovisual synchronization. The conclusion of the article reflects the necessity to use a step-by-step approach in the process of transcoding the documentary audiovisual text from the original language into the recipient's language in order to optimize the translator's work and achieve high quality translation of a cinematic piece of art.
terminology, analog texts, audiovisual synchronization, non-equivalent lexis, transformations in translation, psychoemotional component, pre-translation analysis, voice-over translation, documentary, audiovisual translation
Lazutkina, E.V., Zhbankova, N.V., Sidorova, N.A. (2024). Peculiarities of the translation of idionyms in English and German gastronomic discourse. Philology: scientific researches, 7, 44–51.
The object of the research is the ways of transferring culinary idionyms of English and German (source languages) into Russian (recipient language), taking into account the realities of cultures. The article discusses the definition of idionyms, their connection with the culture of peoples, shows the main ways of transmitting idionyms using examples of real restaurant menus and culinary sites. The difficulties faced by a translator in the course of his work when working with idionyms of different languages are also considered. The application of methods of translating traditional English and German dishes into Russian is demonstrated using specific examples. It is shown how the same idiomatic name of a dish can be conveyed in different ways in the menus of restaurants, cafes and on various culinary sites. General scientific methods were used in the work: analysis and comparison. The linguistic method of continuous sampling was also used, with the help of which different names of the same traditional dish were identified in the recipient language, depending on the chosen method: transliteration, tracing paper, descriptive, combined. Conclusions are drawn about the most successful strategy for translating dish names is a combination approach: calcification and descriptive translation due to the fact that it preserves the cultural realities of the source language and allows the recipient to understand the composition of the dish. The main task in intercultural interaction is to prevent intercultural conflicts that may arise, including due to erroneous, inadequate translation of gastronomic idionyms. The translator or the menu compiler is recommended to turn to additional sources to preserve the national and cultural coloring of the culinary idiom, at the same time conveying the composition of the dish and preventing distortion of its connotation.
descriptive translation, calque, transliteration, translation method, idionym, reality, communicative failure, combined method, source language, recipient language
Iurkovskaia, E.A. (2024). Linguistic regularities underlying translation correspondences between Russian and English official discourse noun phrases. Philology: scientific researches, 7, 52–65.
The article studies regularities determining lexical and grammatical transformations involved in translating noun phrases in Russian and English. The regularities were revealed while translating official Russian and English texts and comparing Russian and English noun phrases demonstrating equivalent meaning alongside with different lexical and grammatical forms. Translating such language units means having to search for adequate translation correspondences to adapt the translated text to the target language norms. The recurrence of a certain correspondence allows assuming its systemic nature and regularity. The revealed regularities are based on three contrasting characteristics of Russian and English noun phrases and formulated in the form of interlanguage oppositions. The study was conducted on the basis of empirical data and constitutes an inductive analysis. The methodological basis of the study was the translation theory by V.N. Komissarov, which substantiates the need for establishing adequate translation methods for certain linguistic units. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the attempt to systematize the essential differences between Russian and English noun phrases, which require adapting the translated text to the norms of the target language according to certain translation correspondences through appropriate translation transformations. It was found out that Russian demonstrates syntactic explicitness, whereas English syntax is implicit, which entails the need to reduce the Russian phrase and extensify the English one through translation transformations of omission and compensation. It was also discovered that unlike Russian, English displays a freguent use of verbal forms as noun phrase components, so there is a need to carry out part-of-speech transformations. Finally, Russian shows a tendency towards postposition, English towards preposition of the attributive noun phrase component what demands the syntactic structure of a noun phrase to adapt.
nominative attributive meaning, implicitness compensation, interlanguage opposition, compound noun, syntactic explicitness, syntactic implicitness, translation transformation, translation correspondence, noun phrase, adequate translation
Literary criticism
Gainutdinova, D.A. (2024). Landscape in the novel by Honore de Balzac "Letters of two brides": motifs of heaven and hell. Philology: scientific researches, 7, 66–73.
This article research subject are features of landscape descriptions in the novel by Honore de Balzac «Letters of Two Brides». The novel was written in 1841 and is included in «Scenes of private life», which the writer dedicates it to Georges Sand. The author of the article bases the analysis of Balzac’s book on the landscape descriptions given by L. N. Dmitriyevskaya. She defines the landscape as an artistic image of nature, a «portrait» of the soul and person’s worldview and an image of the world. The landscapes in the novel are multifaceted and include a love motive related to the development of one of the main themes of «Scenes from private life» - topics of women’s happiness. It is manifested in two variations: amour spiritualis (spiritual love) and amour infernalis (love to oneself, love-passion). In the course of work we use historical-literary method, cultural-historical method and method of motive analysis. The relevance and novelty of research is related to the significance of the creativity of Honoré de Balzac in the history of world literature, the constant interest of foreign and domestic scientists to problems of writer’s style and attention to modern literacy study to the ethics of descriptions as an important element of the artistic world and low knowledge of the characteristics of the Balzac’s narrative technique. Landscape descriptions in the novel by Honore de Balzac «Letters of Two Brides» are considered as an important compositional element in the narrative structure. They serve as an exposure to each new stage of heroines’ life. Nature descriptions become «portraits of soul», reflecting the difference in the natures of girls. And yet the landscape becomes one of the main image system components, forming the symbolic space of heaven or hell.
Balzac, amor spiritualis, amor infernalis, woman’s happiness, love, Swedenborg, The Human Comedy, landscape, hell, heaven
Literary criticism
Gladilin, N.V. (2024). «The Englishman» by J. M. R. Lenz as an artistic reflection of the crisis in a «Sturm und Drang» movement. Philology: scientific researches, 7, 74–84.
The subject of the article is the little-studied in Russian literary science dramatic fantasy «The Englishman» by a representative of Sturm und Drang («stormy geniuses») movement J. M. R. Lenz. The task is to discover the extent to which the short volume play reflects the whole complex of Lenz’s personal problems to the end of the Strasbourg period of his life. At that time the writer is known to have realized the inability to live by writing and feared of returning to the homeland to his authoritarian father who predestined an entirely different way of life for him. Therefore, the situation similarity of the «Englishman» Robert Hot with the life circumstances of its creator is researched. Special attention is paid to typicality of the dramatic fantasy and its protagonist for the Sturm und Drang literature; its characteristic ideological and thematic constants are exposed. The research aims require reference to Lenz’s biography and history of the literary epoch which determine the use of the biographical and historic cultural methods. It is established that both the author and his main character rebel against their birth fathers as well as against the Heavenly Father. Both Lenz and Hot experience love failures due to class barriers and excessive idealization of their beloved. They both suffer from melancholy and suicidal inclinations. Alike other «stormy geniuses» (Sturm und Drang) writers, Lenz advocates the cult of passionate love, liberated from social regulations; a revolt against «fathers’» wisdom; the combination of promethean ambitions of a powerful personality and the enforced «protean» mimicry to the social environment. The emancipation of the autonomous «stormy» personality is limited by boundaries, socially and psychologically preconditioned. Scientific novelty of the study appears in qualifying «The Englishman» as a document reflecting simultaneously Lenz’s personality crisis and a crisis stage of the whole Sturm und Drang movement.
crisis stage, emancipation boundaries, suicide, melancholy, cult of passionate love, revolt against fathers, autobiographical nature, sturm und drang, the englishman, jakob lenz
Literary criticism
Sitnikova, I. (2024). The poetics of F. G. Lorca's play "Yerma" translated by N. L. Trauberg and A. M. Geleskula. Philology: scientific researches, 7, 85–98.
The subject of the study is the poetics of the translation of Federico Garcia Lorca's play "Yerma" (1934). The object of the study is the text of the original play in Spanish and its translation into Russian, made by N. L. Trauberg (prose) and A.M. Geleskul (poetry) and published in the edition "Federico Garcia Lorca. Selected works in 2 volumes" in 1975. The article examines the features of the poetics of Garcia Lorca's play "Yerma": lyricism, basic motifs, traditions of the Spanish folk song art of Cante hondo. The points of view of researchers regarding the genre originality and poetics of the play, the position of translators are given. Special attention is paid to the peculiarities of the perception of the poetics of the play and their reconstruction in translation into Russian. To conduct the research, the method of structural and motivic analysis was used to identify the features of the structure of the play and its main motives. The use of the comparative method made it possible to identify the similarities and differences between the poetics of the original text and the translation. The main conclusions of the study are to identify the proximity of the poetics of translation to the poetics of the original, the preservation by translators of the poetics characteristic of drama, such as lyricism, elements of the stylistics of the folk art of kante hondo, the transfer of the expressivity of the original, the creation of a common atmosphere of the "tragic poem" and the "lyrical" image of the main character. The authors of the translation strive not only to preserve the national flavor of the Spanish text, but also to "bring" the play closer to the Russian reader and viewer. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that for the first time an attempt was made to conduct a comparative analysis of the original text and translation of Garcia Lorca's play "Yerma" and to identify the features of its reconstruction in Russian in connection with the problem of reception of folklore traditions peculiar to Lorca's dramaturgy and the realization of the author's idea.
motif of death, cante jondo, lyricism, translation perception, translation, original, poetics, tragic poem, play, motif of fading
Literary criticism
Roshchina, O.S. (2024). "Imagining a character...": novel discourse in the memoirs of A. E. Labzina. Philology: scientific researches, 7, 99–106.
The aim of the work is to study the narrative discourse in the memoirs of Labzina. Speaking about Labzina's memoirs, the researchers note completely different features of their architectonics. A. Vacheva, focusing on the depicted character, believes that the memoirist focuses primarily on hagiographic discourse. Yu. M. Lotman, paying attention to the writing author and his methods of text generation, fixes the making of Labzina's memoirs according to the laws of artistic creativity. This, according to the author of the article, is already connected with the stylization of the novelistic discourse. It is concluded that the pretext of the memoirs is S. Richardson's novel Pamela or Rewarded Virtue. The novelty of the work lies in the identification and research of novel discourse in the autobiographical narrative of Labzina. The imitation of the poetics of Richardson's first novel is due to the fact that his discourse, with its repeated description of the plot situation of the virtue's temptation and the presentation of the heroine as innocent, meek and pious, whom everyone around invariably loves, is best able to combine with the hagiographic. However, the text of the memoirs reveals discrepancies in the character and actions of the real auto-heroine with the ideal novel's image. She is capable of self-will, seeks to control her husband with the help of his immediate superiors, her lack of education in matters of gender in dealing with other men is questionable. The analysis of the narrative discourse of Labzina's memoirs allows us to identify one of the vectors in the process of fictionalization of autobiographical narrative in the literary process of Russian literature in the second half of the XVIII – early XIX century – the self-identification of the author of memoirs with a literary hero and the stylization of novel discourse.
self-presentation, sentimentalism, plot situation, stylization, Richardson, narrative discourse, pretext, auto heroine, Labzina, memoirs
Zotova, S. (2024). The pragmatic possibilities of the creolized texts in the Italian’s Army yearbooks. Philology: scientific researches, 7, 107–116.
The article considers the pragmatic possibilities of the creolized texts of the yearbooks of the Italian Army. The author analyzes eleven yearbooks and about two hundred creolized texts for the period from 2010 to 2021. The object of the research is the yearbooks of the Army with creolized content. The subject of the research is the verbal and iconic components of the yearbooks' texts. The main purpose of the study is to identify the pragmatic functions of verbal and iconic components of the text of military yearbooks, reflecting the main values of society. The author considers the text of military yearbooks from the position of the speech acts theory and analyzes the locutionary and illocutionary levels in order to draw a conclusion about the perlocutionary level, namely, whether the author achieves a perlocutionary effect and with the help of what verbal and iconic means there is a change in the consciousness and feelings of the addressee. The methodological basis of the study are the works on linguopragmatics, the theory of polycode, creolized text and multimodal text. The research methods include: the method of continuous sampling, lexical analysis, comparison and synthesis of the analysis results. The scientific novelty of the research is the first time study of the Italian creolized text in the military sublanguage. The material of the study, printed yearbooks of the Italian Army, haven't been subjected to analysis before. The linguopragmatic analysis of research material allowed us to study the content and semantic integrity of the creolized text and the synthesis provided us with conclusions about the pragmatic function of its semiotically heterogeneous components. Although iconic and verbal components don't perform the function of image creation themselves, the distribution of pragmatic functions between the message and the picture contributes to the positive image of the Italian Army.
iconic component, verbal component, pragmatic possibilities, yearbooks, the Italian Armed Forces, multimodal text, polycode text, creolized text, linguopragmatics, Italian language
Samsonova, E.M. (2024). Reduplication of figurative and onomatopoeic verbs as a means of expressing multiplicity in the Yakut language (based on the novel by N.E. Mordinov-Amma Achchygiya "Springtime"). Philology: scientific researches, 7, 117–129.
The object of research in this article is the reduplicated forms of Yakut figurative words and verbs, and the subject is the functional features of the manifestation in their semantics of various shades of multiplicity and repeatability. Based on the material of the famous novel by the Yakut classic writer N.E. Mordinov – Amma Achchygya "Springtime" (1944), cases of the use of such vocabulary in a literary text are considered. The structure of the article is made in such a way that the analysis of doubled figurative and onomatopoeic verbs is carried out separately; this is quite consistent with the differentiation of these two categories of words accepted in the Yakut linguistic tradition. Special attention is paid to examples of reduplication in analytical constructions formed by combining figurative (onomatopoeic) words with service verbs, and affixal action forms with the meaning of multiplicity. The application of a functional-semantic approach based mainly on the principle of "from to meaning", "from means to functions" allowed us to determine the list of multiplicity values expressed by doubled figurative and onomatopoeic verbs. The practical material was extracted by continuous sampling and presented in the text using the method of morphemic glossing. The novelty of this study lies in the consideration of doubled figurative and onomatopoeic words as one of the main representatives of the functional-semantic field of multiplicity. It has been established that these verbs, when used in a reduplicated form, have similar structural and semantic characteristics. If singleness is expressed by analytical formations of the type "onomatopoeic (figurative) root + gin- 'make' (also dee- 'speak' with onomatopoeic)", then the reduplication of the components of this construction conveys the meaning of multiplicity. In contrast to analytical tools, the semantics of repetition in affixal action forms of figurative and onomatopoeic verbs becomes more frequent and intense during reduplication. The analysis of the text showed that, depending on the object of description, these tools can perform either an artistic and descriptive function or convey an emotional assessment.
onomatopoeia, a figurative word, multiplicativity, reduplication, multiplicity, aspectuality, verb, the Yakut language, affixation, analytical form
Zenkov, A.V., Zenkov, M.A., Zenkov, N.A. (2024). Pelevin vs Sorokin: an Attempt of Stylometric Comparison. Philology: scientific researches, 7, 130–141.
Our study is related to quantitative linguistics and focuses on the application of a new method for analyzing the author's style in literary texts. The method uses computer analysis of numerical data found in texts, including both cardinal and ordinal numerals, expressed both in numbers and verbally. Author used the program which automatically removed phraseological units and fixed combinations accidentally containing numerals. Before analysis, the text must be manually cleaned of numbers that do not contribute to the author's artistic vision, such as page numbers or chapter numbers. The analysis revealed that the use of numerals by an author in his/her texts is unique and individual, forming a characteristic feature that distinguishes texts by different authors. For the first time, a formal quantitative stylometric analysis is performed of the literary works by Victor Pelevin and Vladimir Sorokin – authors whose literary styles share many similarities when viewed through the lens of a traditional descriptive philological approach. To validate this methodology, we have also included the texts of four "impostor" authors in our analysis. It has been found that Pelevin's and Sorokin's texts differ significantly in their use of numerals. The data on occurrences of numerals in the texts were subjected to hierarchical clustering, which accurately divided the texts into groups based on their authorship. Since the clusterization results can be influenced by the choice of both metrics and clustering method, we tried various reasonable combinations of them to ensure the reliability of our results. Each time, the dendrogram would change only slightly. Thus, the clustering outcomes were found to be reliable. The proposed new method of quantitative linguistics, which is based on the analysis of numerals in literary texts, has the potential to successfully solve the stylometric problems, particularly related to the attribution of texts.
hierarchical cluster analysis, Vladimir Sorokin, Victor Pelevin, numerals in texts, text authorship, text attribution, quantitative linguistics, stylometry, dendrogram, Manhattan metrics
Barebina, N.S., Zibrov, D.A. (2024). Logical and linguistic features of conductive arguments in environmental media discourse. Philology: scientific researches, 7, 142–151.
The subject of the study is the logical and grammatical structure of conclusions. The object of the study is conductive arguments. The authors of the article consider the implementation of such arguments in an environmental media discourse. Unlike formal logic, natural language argumentation is more often based on examples, analogies and reasoning that do not ensure the full truth of conclusions, since they can only be true with a certain degree of probability. Probabilistic arguments can have different interpretations and lead to different conclusions. A variety of such arguments is the class of conductive arguments. These are arguments that contradict other arguments presented in support of a particular conclusion. The study of conductive arguments is relevant because their role in argumentation has been little studied. In addition, environmental topics in the media give contextual characteristics to the argumentation, which makes it possible to trace the change in logical canons in reasoning. The method of reconstruction of argumentative discourse using the analytical tool "Argumentative Step" was used in the work. The elements of argumentation were analyzed in accordance with the model of argumentative functions. A theoretical analysis of the literature has shown that conductive elements in the process of argumentation do not receive sufficient coverage in Russian argumentology. The analysis of empirical material revealed a significant number of non-deductive conclusions in the argumentation. As a result of the study, the following conclusions were drawn. 1. Conductive arguments are an immanent part of the proof structure. 2. The textual constructions corresponding to the conductive arguments reflect the semantics of the counterthesis, the balance between arguments, reservations, as well as the extension of the thesis, that is, the expansion of the scope of the thesis. In the analyzed texts in English, markers of opposition and limitations were found, such as conjunctions, particles, prepositions "but", "even", "although", "even if", "in spite of", "despite of", "unless". These markers indicate the presence of conductive arguments in the text.
restriction, clause, counterthesis, inference, thesis, conclusion, conductive argument, extension, argumentation, balance