Kulicheva, E.V. (2024). The name of educational institutions in the pedagogical discourse of F. A. Vigdorova (based on the works of 1950-1960). Philology: scientific researches, 5, 1–10.
The object is the prose of 1950-1960 by F. A. Vigdorova. The subject is the words representing the concept of "EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS". The aim is to identify the role of the names of educational institutions in the pedagogical discourse of F. A. Vigdorova (based on the material of the prose of 1950-1960). Methods: linguistic observation, description, interpretation, statistical calculation, elements of component analysis. It is established that the lexical and semantic field of the concept "EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS" consists of lexical and semantic groups (LSG): LSG "Secondary educational institutions", LSG "Secondary specialized educational institutions", LSG "Higher educational institutions". The first LSG is the most frequent, which indicates its special importance in the mental and linguistic complex of the linguistic personality of F. A. Vigdorova, broadcasting the pedagogical views of the writer, in particular, about the key role of school in the formation of a child's personality. However, no less important are the second and third LSGs, expressing the pragmatic, moral, ideological, and social attitudes of F. A. Vigdorova. The relevance of the article is due to the interest of scientists in considering the concept of "EDUCATION"; referring to the role of the names of educational institutions in the pedagogical discourse of the writer in forming ideas about the peculiarities of a certain fragment of the linguistic picture of the world by F. A. Vigdorova; researching the language of works F. A. Vigdorova from the point of view of the anthropocentric approach, its lack of study, makes the novelty of the work. The results of allow us to expand our understanding of the specifics of F. A. Vigdorova's worldview, the features of her conceptual sphere, and identify the leading features of the writer's idiosyncrasy in prose of the 1950s and 1960s.
idiostyle, The linguistic of the world, Pedagogical discourse, University, College, School, Education, Polysemant, Lexeme, Concept
Todosienko , Z.V., Bryleva, R.F., Vorob'yova, O.V. (2024). Metaphorical image “star” and its varied conceptual interpretation (based on the material of the Russian and French languages). Philology: scientific researches, 5, 11–21.
The article is devoted to the study of the metaphorical image of a star in Russian and French language pictures of the world. The material for the study was Russian and French fiction, as well as religious texts, in order to identify its various conceptual interpretations. Using the analysis of sources from both cultures, the differences and similarities in the semantics of this metaphorical image are compared and analyzed. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that during the comparative analysis it was discovered that the metaphorical image of a star in different texts is transformed through various concepts (the sphere of physiological state, religious, existential, animate spheres). Such a comparison allows us to more deeply understand the specifics of the formation of metaphorical transference in general in different cultures. The purpose of this study is to study the manifestation and behavior of the metaphorical image of a star in texts of various origins within the framework of a cultural context in the Russian and French languages. The relevance of this work lies in the fact that the study of the rich metaphorical image of a star is significant for understanding cultural, literary and ethnic aspects. This study examines in detail the metaphorical image of "star" and its conceptual interpretation in various cultural contexts. During the analysis, comparative research, corpus analysis method, continuous sampling method, and cognitive analysis are used. Particular attention is paid to the method of comparative study of metaphorical transfers of the image “star” in the Russian and French languages. The research methodology is based on the theory of conceptual metaphor and on the analysis of texts of various origins: religious texts of Orthodox akathists, canons, texts of Russian and French fiction.
semantics, cognitive linguistics, national cultural specifics, linguistic picture of the world, metaphorical transfer, conceptual sphere, concept, metaphor, metaphorical image, cultural approach
Davtyants, I.I. (2024). Lexical pragmatic indicators of conflictogenicity in the light of the manifestation of national communication style (based on Mexican and US mass media). Philology: scientific researches, 5, 22–33.
The lexical pragmatic indicators of conflictogenicity peculiar to Mexican and US media discourse were selected by means of a continuous sampling method from the articles published in 2021-2024 in American (CNN, The Fox News, The New York Times, The New York Post, Los Angeles Times - 100 articles) and Mexican (La Jornada, La Opinion, Excélsior, El Universal, El Milenio - 100 articles) online newspapers. All the analyzed articles are devoted to the migration crisis, which is a common problem of these countries. For the first time, the correlation between the conflict potential index of the text, the density of linguoconflictogens used and the peculiarities of the linguoculture of the ethnic group was established. According to the results, Mexican mass media is characterized by a significantly lower conflict potential index of the text compared to US publications: the density of the lexical pragmatic indicators of the conflict potential is not only lower but in fact lexical units with strong negative semantics are rarely used. The authors of Mexican online publications avoid using such stylistic means of "situation pumping" as hyperbolisation which is so common for US mass media. Metaphors are practically not used in Mexican press either. It is important to note that while the American media discourse is dominated by the extremely negative image of migrants as criminals and terrorists, the Mexican media presents two different types of migrants: the rich arrogant white-skinned trouble-provoking alien and the Latino brother who needs help and protection. The study's perspectives include a comparison of the conflict potential index of user-generated content in these countries and the compilation of a typology of the lexical pragmatic indicators of the conflict potential used.
media discourse, lexical pragmatic indicators, migrant, international migration, we-they opposition, migration crisis, linguoconflictogenes density, conflict potential index, linguoconflictogenes, national communication style
Matveeva, G.G., Myasischeva, M.A., Belanova, F.M., Alyaeva, M.Y. (2024). The pragmalinguistic nature of the grammatical unification of lexico-semantic groups. Philology: scientific researches, 5, 34–43.
The article examines from the standpoint of pragmalinguistics the phenomenon of grammatical unification of final morphemes based on the material of lexico-semantic groups of various languages, which is the subject of this study. The authors conduct a comparative study of lexico-semantic groups by professional activity, lexico-semantic groups combining verbs from the field of computer vocabulary, etc. The main purpose of the study is to confirm the pragmatic nature of the grammatical unification of lexico-semantic groups given in the collective experience of native speakers of national languages. The purpose defines the objectives of the study: to explore the experience of studying the topic of this study, to explore the possibility of an intuitive choice of final morphemes by the speaker by analogy with the model existing in collective speech experience, as well as to prove this on the basis of comparative analysis. Comparative study of the finitive elements of lexico-semantic groups is complemented by pragmalinguistic methods. The methods suggest identifying the personal meaning of a statement obtained using groups by comparing different levels of meaning and identifying common to collective thinking, i.e. national models. The contextual meaning, in this case, is revealed as a semiotic model of the entire group. The study addresses the issue of internationalization of the mechanism of formation of lexical and semantic models from the perspective of collective experience of using units, which is new for linguistic pragmatics. The analysis of cultural and linguistic models of the formation of the names of the days of the week is carried out. The results of the study using the comparative method within the framework of the pragmalinguistic approach allow the authors to assume the universality of the tendency to use word-formation morphemes existing in the language when new lexemes appear in lexico-semantic groups. The examples of lexico-semantic groups considered on various national linguistic material, analyzed within the framework of a pragmatic-functional approach using a comparative method, allow us to determine the universal tendency of using word-formation models in the language when new lexemes appear in lexico-semantic groups, regardless of the specifics of the cultural code.
pragmatics of linguistic units, semiotics, cultural code, Romance languages, word morpheme, grammatical unification, lexico-semantic group, comparative method, pragmalinguistics, hidden pragmalinguistics
Rogaleva, O.S. (2024). Regional news media discourse: the experience of communicative and pragmatic analysis of text chains. Philology: scientific researches, 5, 44–55.
The subject of the study is the peculiarities of the structure of the regional news discourse – the discourse of Omsk and the Omsk region. The text–centric approach made it possible to identify in the regional news discourse a structural unit larger than the text – the text chain. The architecture of the regional news media discourse is considered as a set of continuous messages, or chains of texts. A number of chronologically ordered events fit into discursive plots, "discursive fragments" combined semantically and functionally. At the same time, "in the development of each information story, it is important to trace the degree of its unfoldment: this will manifest its discoursogenicity (the ability to generate discourse). These text associations – chains – reflect both the specifics of the regional agenda and the communicative and pragmatic features of the news discourse of a particular region. Monitoring of regional Internet news resources made it possible to identify information causes that gave rise to chains of news texts, represented in the regional media discourse in the winter of 2023-2024. The analysis of the regional media space involves relying on a number of methods of discursive and linguistic analysis. The analysis technique is based on a structural approach to the analysis of a "discrete text stream" and involves the allocation of fragments in discourse, "quanta" – larger than the text. Content analysis allows us to identify discourse-forming plots and episodes, characters of the regional media discourse. The discursive plots and episodes represented in the news discourse of the Omsk region in the winter of 2024 are highlighted. Using the example of the analysis of two discursive plots, it is revealed that the chains of regional news texts are built around information occasions that have gained wide public resonance. As a result of the analysis of empirical material, it was found that the actions and statements of the authorities – the governor and the mayor – can be attributed to the nuclear composite block of news text chains in the regional media discourse. They are inscribed into the journalistic narrative as heroes, actors, and characters. Text chains may vary in volume and intensity. Being open-ended structures, text chains can be extended through collections of readers' comments. Grouping texts by information source made it possible to see the degree of variability in the communicative and pragmatic presentation of the event by news agencies.
discursiveness of news, discursive plot, hypertext news, text chain, informational occasion, news, agenda, news discourse, regional media discourse, media regional studies
Seregina, M.A. (2024). Peculiarities of Functioning of Macaronisms in the Light of Language Integration (on the Example of German Publicistic Texts). Philology: scientific researches, 5, 56–67.
The subject of this article is the peculiarities of the contextual use of Anglo-American loanwords in German journalistic texts. The aim of this article is to identify and analyse their specificity of functioning in word-formation, grammatical-morphological and thematic-conceptual aspects on the material of publications in the German-language magazine and Internet portal "Der Spiegel" in the period of 2022-2023. The study uses contextual analysis, descriptive method and classification method in typologising foreign language borrowings. The method of structural semantic analysis served to investigate lexical units in the issues of the magazine. The method of component analysis was applied in the work to study individual morphemes of the card index units, and the method of quantitative analysis – to establish the ratio within the borrowed material. The novelty of the study lies in the confirmation of the fact that the peculiarities of the use of hybrid anglicisms in German described in the article from the point of view of their word-formation models, grammatical-morphological and thematic-conceptual aspects clarify the existing ideas about the current state of the vocabulary of native speakers of this language, the systematisation of which is of particular importance for the further study of German lexicology, the linguistic landscape of Germany and the theory of language interaction. On the basis of the obtained results it was possible to reveal that the introduction of Anglo-American words into German and the emergence of such a linguistic phenomenon as "Denglisch", their use in speech is ambiguous and is accompanied by different ways of assimilation, namely by likening them to word-formation models and grammatical rules of the new language system. The vocabulary borrowed from English has its wide distribution in different spheres of life: from sports to economic.
thematic and conceptual aspect, grammatical and morphological features, word-formation models, assimilation, German language, publicistic texts, Denglisch, hybrid anglicisms, macaronisms, functioning
Jia , J. (2024). Comparing words with the meaning of "taste" in an emotional image-scheme in Russian, Chinese and English. Philology: scientific researches, 5, 68–74.
In Russian, Chinese and English, there is a variety of vocabulary related to taste sensations, which often has a deep figurative meaning. The subject of this study is precisely such a taste vocabulary in the mentioned languages. The object of the research is cognitive metaphors of key taste words, which are used in creating emotional images-schemes. The aim of the study is to study and compare the similarities and differences in the use of cognitive metaphors for the most important taste words in emotional images—schemes typical of Russian, Chinese and English languages. The main task of the study is to analyze the ways of metaphorical representation of taste vocabulary in these emotional images-schemes and identify the unique features of each language in the context of this topic. The research methods are comparative analysis and the corpus method, which allows you to analyze the use of language in large text collections. The novelty of this study lies in the development of a methodology for the analysis of emotional images-schemes associated with taste words. The study shows that in Russian, Chinese and English there is a high degree of similarity in cognitive schemas for the taste words "sour" and "sweet", which most often have a similar emotional image-scheme and are located at opposite ends of the image-scheme "LINE". However, there are differences in the words "bitter" and "acute": in English, both words usually have a negative meaning, in Russian "bitter" is mostly negatively colored, and "acute" can be both negative and positive. In Chinese, both the words "bitter" and "spicy" can have both positive and negative meanings. The metaphorical representation of taste words in an emotional image-scheme helps to make the metaphorical transfer of abstract taste words more concrete and visual, which makes it possible to better understand the differences and similarities in the translation of taste sensations in different languages.
line, English, Chinese, Russian, taste, emotion, image-scheme, figurative meaning, metaphor, imagery
Poetry and the poet
Kashkareva, A.P., Safonova, N.N. (2024). Ethnosemiotics of color meanings in the work of the Khanty poet V. S. Voldin. Philology: scientific researches, 5, 75–86.
The article describes the ethnosemiotic features of the use of color meanings in the work of the Khanty poet Vladimir Semyonovich Voldin. Based on the material of works from the collection of V. S. Voldin "So Molupsi: poems in Khanty and Russian languages" (1998), the dependence of the color meanings chosen by the artist on the constants of national culture contained in the images of the Upper – Middle – Lower worlds and the associated color triad of white – red – black is proved. The paper attempts to comprehend the originality of the work of Voldin, the poet of Ugra, in whose poetic texts the symbolic ambiguity of coloratives is explained by the normative and value orientations of the Khanty people in general and the Khanty man in particular; purely author's color associations; socially and culturally determined factors. The work uses historical-cultural, linguistic-cultural, comparative, descriptive methods, techniques of continuous sampling, contextual analysis, comparison, generalization, classification, systematization of material, as well as the technique of component analysis of color values. V.S. Voldin refers to artists with an amazing fate and great talent. Life itself in all its manifestations has become a source of creative activity and poetic inspiration for the author. The lyrical space of Vladimir Semyonovich Voldin reflects the features of the culture and way of life of the Khanty people, the national flavor of his life is determined. To date, there are no special studies devoted to color values in the works of Vladimir Voldin. Only in some scientific materials mentions the color functioning on the pages of the author's poetry.The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time the ethnosemiotic analysis of color meanings in V. S. Voldin's poetry is comprehensively presented. The analysis allows us to conclude that V. S. Voldin's lyrical text is hierarchical, with a pronounced everyday, monological consciousness, color meanings more often have functional symbolism. Voldin's color designations are a significant part of the world, the image of northern nature, the image of the Khanty man, they form an integral part of the conceptual sphere of the ethnos.
color representation, cultural identity, Yugra, Vladimir Voldin, lyrical text, traditions of the Khanty people, colorative vocabulary, color designation, ethnosemiotics, colour perception
Shigurov, V.V., Shigurova, T.A. (2024). Transposition of substantive word forms into the category of adverbs of a collection: steps, signs, limits. Philology: scientific researches, 5, 87–102.
The relevance of the study is due to the need for a comprehensive analysis of the process and result of the functional and functional-semantic transposition of linguistic units from nouns to the class of adverbs. The purpose of the work is to describe the stages and limits of transposition of instrumental case forms of nouns into the category of adverbs of compatibility/collection. The novelty of the approach lies in the use of the technique of oppositional analysis, which made it possible to establish that the degree of departure of different word forms and their groups from nouns and approach to adverbs is different. In certain contextual conditions, the same word form demonstrates, respectively, a core or peripheral noun, a hybrid and a peripheral non-substantive adverb. The indicated stages of the actual grammatical transposition of a word form into the category of adverbs with the semantics of a collection are found within the semantic zone of the original substantive lexeme. The limit of this type of transposition is the stage of peripheral adverbs, representing grammatical homonyms of the original forms of the instrumental case of nouns. It has been revealed that cases of word forms going beyond the semantic zone of the original lexeme during adverbialization are rare. Most often, with functional-semantic adverbialization, metaphorization of the adverbialized noun is observed, creating a favorable basis for its semantic separation from the original lexeme. Groups of nouns have been identified that demonstrate, in typical contexts, different numbers of stages of transposition into adverbs of compatibility. Each stage of adverbialization is determined by the syntactic conditions of speech – the syntagmatic environment of the word form, its functional load. In the zones of the periphery and core of adverbs, proper morphological changes in the structure of linguistic units are recorded.
periphery, core, adverb, noun, adverbialization, transposition, grammar, Russian language, zone of hybridity, stage
Iurkovskaia, E.A. (2024). The discourse strategy of irrationalizing the perception of an English-language opinion article. Philology: scientific researches, 5, 103–113.
The subject of the study is the discourse strategy of irrationalizing the perception of an English-language opinion article. It was suggested that the leading intention of the author is an attempt to influence the readers' opinions and behaviour, which contradicts the conventionally recognized purpose of this media genre to express the author's opinion. The author’s strategic goal is to select the most effective linguistic means to convince the reader of the need to make a certain decision or perform an action that activates predominantly irrational forms of human thinking. The effectiveness of this strategy depends on the fact that the reader does not realize the author's manipulative intentions. The task of a linguist is to explain this to the readers, thereby developing their critical thinking skills. The study is based on the theory of Critical Discourse Analysis, aimed at identifying and “exposing” manipulative discourse strategies. A discourse strategy means generating discourse as an interconnected sequence of speech acts gradually implementing the discourse producer's intention. The analysis of speech acts forming the opinion article discourse was carried out using the method of calculating speech acts by J. Searle. An attempt has been made to demonstrate the pseudo-assertive and indirectly directive nature of the opinion article. The most effective way to achieve the desired effect is to strategically irrationalize the perception of the article by disguising its directive macro-proposition under an assertive statement and repeating it to create a “no-alternatives opinion” feeling, as well as selecting certain linguistic means actualizing irrational forms of human thinking such as figurative, stereotypical, associative.
increasing gradation, antithesis, critical thinking, stereotype, discourse strategy, indirect directive, irrationalization, opinion article, Critical Discourse Analysis, manipulating public opinion