Il'chenko, N.M., Sovina, N.K. (2024). Symbolic images in V.G. Korolenko's short story “In bad society” and their interpretation in the film of K.G. Muratova. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 1–11.
The actuality of the research is connected with the problem of “translation” of a classical literature piece by a director-interpreter. The subject of the study is the story by V. G. Korolenko “In a Bad Society” (1885) and its film adaptation by K. G. Muratova – “Among the Gray Stones” (1983). It is demonstrated that on the basis of the story and symbolic images of V.G. Korolenko – the garden, the apple, the flowers, the portarait, the birds and others, K.G. Muratova provides them with additional characteristics, concordant with the new cultural context. The portrait of the mother performs a plot-forming function in the film, and flowers are the main symbol associated with Marusya. K. G. Muratova uses symbols of animal masks - tiger, lion, wolf, with their help Vasya tries to build relationships with others. In the analysis a complex literature study approach is applied that combines historical and cultiral, biographical, comparative-typological methods that make it possible to determine the specific implementation of symbolic imagery in “texts” of various kinds. The substantive dominants of a classic work of Russian literature of the XIX th century are clarified and supplemented in the metalanguage of Russian cinema. The film uses Pushkin's tales ('The tale of the dead princess and seven knights, 'Winter evening'), fairy story of birds, symbolism of colors as specifying elements of cinematic speech. The language of a film is made more complicated with the introduction of musical accompaniment, sound symbols (sound of steps, dripping water and others). The analysis of the “new reading” of symbolic images of V.G. Korolenko's short story “In bad society” in the film “Among the grey rocks” by K.G. Muratova reveals the hidden meanings of a classical piece of Russian literature.
film, space, poetics, flower, short story, image, motif, plot, symbol, interpretation
Filippova, A.A., Basharina, Z.K. (2024). Translations of portrait characteristics of the heroes of V.G. Korolenko's Siberian short stories into the Yakut language. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 12–20.
The object of the study is the Siberian stories of V.G. Korolenko. The subject of the study is the portrait characteristics of the heroes of V.G. Korolenko's Siberian short stories. The material for the study was the portrait characteristics of the heroes of V.G. Korolenko's Siberian short stories translated by N.E. Mordinov-Amma Achchygyya. His stories are rich material for research, since in them the portrait characteristics of the characters are presented very figuratively, using various expressive means (metaphors, comparisons, personifications, metonymies, hyperboles). The short stories "Makar's Dream", "Marusina Zaimka", "At-Davan" from the Yakut cycle of Siberian short stories were chosen for the study. The theoretical basis for the research is the works of G.N. Pospelov, A.B. Esin, L.S. Kulik, O.I. Ivanova, K.I. Platonova, I.S. Yemelyanov and others. The purpose of this work is to identify the features of the translation of portrait characteristics in the translation of Korolenko's literary texts from Russian into Yakut. The purpose of the work identified the following tasks: 1) to analyze the concept of "portrait characteristics"; 2) to make a solid selection of portrait characteristics from Siberian stories; 3) to consider the features of the translation of portrait characteristics when translated into the Yakut language. Descriptive and comparative methods were used to solve the research tasks. The material was collected using a continuous sampling method. The relevance of this study is due to the lack of scientific works in Yakut literary studies on the comprehensive study of portrait characteristics when translated into the Yakut language. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that in modern literary criticism, the transfer of portrait characteristics in the translation of literary texts remains still unexplored. The theoretical significance of the study lies in the fact that it reveals for the first time the features of portrait characteristics when translated into the Yakut language. The practical significance of the research lies in the possibility of using its results in the analysis of other similar works and their translations. Also, the research materials can be used in universities of the humanities in the creation of textbooks, textbooks on translation practice for students of the philological department.
metaphor, russian language, yakut language, Siberian stories, portrait characteristic, yakut literature, russian literature, epithet, comparison, personification
Kripak, A.V. (2024). Quasi-synonyms of the ophthalmological terminological system: towards the formulation of the problem. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 21–29.
Ophthalmic terminology is a part of the medical terminology system. The medical terminological system has been studied in sufficient detail, however, to date, questions remain open regarding the synonymy of linguistic units within the ophthalmological terminological system. The purpose of the study is to consider the problem of relations within the ophthalmological terminological system and to prove the existence of a triple series of terms – quasi-synonyms. The object of the study is ophthalmological terminology, the thematic group is "ophthalmological diseases". The relevance of this work is due to the fact that ophthalmological terms with semantic similarity that can both replace each other and function in parallel in speech have not yet been sufficiently studied, in addition, it is necessary to establish what type of synonymy exists between these terms. The method of linguistic experiment used in the work makes it possible to achieve the purpose of the study. The study included 2,535 ophthalmological terms, of which 51 were names of ophthalmological diseases. An experiment was conducted to obtain evidence of the existence of different types of ophthalmic terms. The experiment involved ophthalmologists, nursing staff, patients of the ophthalmological center of Irkutsk (324 people – medical staff, 324 patients). The main conclusion of the study is that there are synonymous relations between terms within the ophthalmological terminological system. The conducted experiment allows us to talk about the existence of a triple set of terms, which confirmed the hypothesis about the functioning, in addition to the generally accepted terminology and professional jargonisms, of "folk" terminology (70% of the total number of terms included in the study). All terms of the triple series, being quasi-synonyms, have semantic similarity, but are not identical, relations of inclusion and intersection arise between them, they exist in the language in parallel. In the future, it is necessary to consider quasi-synonyms of other thematic groups of the ophthalmological terminological system in order to better understand the specifics of their use and the source of their occurrence, as well as whether they can become absolute synonyms and under what conditions.
synonyms, folk terms, professionalism-jargonisms, generally excepted terms, ophthalmological terminology system, medical terminology system, quasi-synonyms, semantic similarity, linguistic experiment, language doublets
Literary criticism
Semenova, V.G., Efimova, L.S., Basharina, Z.K. (2024). Problems of alcohol consumption in the oral and written literary tradition of the Yakuts (late 19th – early 20th centuries). Philology: scientific researches, 4, 30–46.
The research subject of this article is the texts of folklore and literary works of the late 19th to the early 20th centuries, dedicated to the issue of alcohol consumption. The research was conducted using historical-cultural and comparative-historical methods. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the authors’ attempt to comprehensively study the problem of alcohol in folklore and written literary works of the pre-revolutionary period. The study examines the initial instances of critical understanding of alcohol consumption in Yakut society, as expressed in oral and written literary traditions of the people. In their analysis of the texts, the authors explored previously undiscovered archival documents. They conclude that, starting from the late 19th century, “songs about vodka” emerged in Yakut folklore, addressing the issues of alcohol consumption and explaining the harmful effects of alcoholic beverages to the population. The article acknowledges the contribution of folk singers who, alongside intelligentsia, initiated efforts the combat excessive drinking in Yakutia. In the 1910s, A.E. Kulakovsky, the founder of Yakut literature, authored two works addressing the problem of alcoholism. These were the first works in Yakut literature presented in the form of literary genres: a short poem and a narrative poem with a clearly expressed and developing plot, and a well-balanced composition. While folk singers raised awareness of the issue of drinking in their songs and portrayed its harmful effects on individuals, Kulakovsky, recognizing alcoholism as a potential national threat, vividely illustrated the potential consequences of alcohol addiction and its destructive impact on people's lives. A.E. Kulakovsky, as an educator, public figure, and spiritual leader of the nation, endeavored through his creative work to caution his people against excessive alcohol consumption.
appeal to the people, Orosin, folk singers, oral literature, written literature, Kulakovsky, alcoholism, the problem of excessive drinking, Yakut folklore, oral tradition
Dolgopolova, L.A., Mustafaeva, A.H. (2024). Infinitive as a verb form of the German language. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 47–56.
The object of the study is the infinitive of the German language, and the subject is its semantic, structural and functional characteristics, which make it possible to interpret it as a verb form. The authors consider in detail such aspects as the specificity of the infinitive expression of the verbal categorical meaning, which brings it closer to the noun; structural division and microsystem of infinitive forms of the modern German language. Morphological features of the infinitive are considered through the prism of historical changes in the structure of the word in the German language. The authors pay special attention to the syntactic behavior of the infinitive. At the same time, the authors pay special attention to the multifunctionality of the infinitive, which is maximally identical to the nominal parts of speech. At the same time, the authors note the manifestation of the verb character of the infinitive in the ability to form a verb group. The methodological basis of the work is based on a systematic approach to the interpretation of linguistic phenomena in synchrony and diachrony. The theoretical basis of the research is the fundamental principles of general, comparative historical and Germanic linguistics. The comparative method and the method of distributive analysis were used to identify the functional potential of the infinitive and innovative phenomena. The main conclusions of the study are to identify the complexity of interpreting syncretic units to which the infinitive belongs. It was found that during the development of the German language, the infinitive gradually entered its verbal system, losing nominal grammatical features, such as the case paradigm. At the same time, the infinitive acquired verbal signs, as a temporary and collateral meaning. A special contribution of the author is the conclusion that the dual nature of the infinitive, which determines its peripheral position, is the basis for expanding its functional potential, which contributes to the participation of the infinitive in the formation of new grammatical structures/forms. The novelty of the study lies in the identification of such a function of the infinitive as participation in the formation of verb groups, where maximum proximity with the final verb is manifested.
syntactic roles, syncretism, case form of infinitive, structural division, theory of parts of speech, category of representation, infinitive construction, infinitive, verb group, infinitive group
Vlasova, V.V. (2024). The discursive formation of British national identity: the lexical aspect. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 57–72.
British national identity has been in the zone of constant study by scientists for a long period of time, but after Brexit, interest in this topic has increased significantly. The British nation, especially the part of it that was on the side of the Eurosceptics, after Brexit was aimed at strengthening the British identity and completely destroying any influence of globalization on the British nation. But despite the expectations of the British, many scientists agree that the national British identity is still in crisis. Thus, the object of this research is the culture-bound lexical elements of the English-language political discourse of online mass media, and the purpose is to identify the current state of British national identity through the analysis of the words-realities of the British political discourse. Current works (not older than five years) by Russian and foreign scientists in the fields of political discourse and national British identity form the methodological basis of the research. The analysis of the culture-bound lexical elements of English-language political discourse is carried out on the basis of online media texts for the period January–April 2024, which makes the study innovative and reflects the trends of modern linguistic science. As a result of the study, it was revealed that the national British identity is in a state of crisis. Brexit and subsequent events gave the British nation hope for the ascent of national identity and the return of its former imperial greatness, but analyzing the current articles of British online publications on political topics, it becomes evident that international processes still prevail over the British identity. The further perspective of the research lies in the field of studying the discursive formation of British identity from the point of view of syntactic, grammatical, and social aspects.
English language, vocabulary, political discourse, culture-bound elements, online-magazine, British national identity, Brexit, Great Britain, national identity, discourse
Automatic language processing
Severina, E.M., Fyodorov, N.A. (2024). The Chekhov Digital project: semantic markup of a parallel corpus of translations of Chekhov's fiction into German. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 73–82.
The article discusses the issues of developing the principles of a semantically marked parallel corpus of translations of Chekhov's fiction into German within the framework of the Chekhov Digital project, a digital academic publication of the writer's collected works in TEI (Text Encoding Initiative) format. The parallel corpus project is focused on creating a digital infrastructure for studying the writer's works, allowing researchers to analyze and compare original texts with their translations. Difficulties were identified related to the interpretation of significant elements of the writer's works, the specifics of their translation into German and the semantic markup of translations of fiction, for example, difficulties arose with defining the boundaries and relationships between the elements of semantic markup. Ways to overcome them are proposed, including the use of digital methods and natural language processing technologies. The project uses digital methods and technologies of natural language processing, the standard of digital publication Text Encoding Initiative (TEI). The text markup structure based on the TEI standard makes documents machine-readable, which allows to develop tools for complex semantic information retrieval. The inclusion in the Chekhov Digital project of parallel corpora of translations of A. P. Chekhov's works into different languages makes it possible to expand research tools in the field of translation studies, making it possible to compare texts of translations and originals, detect similarities and differences in vocabulary, grammar, style and cultural references, as well as automate routine research processes, which makes search and analysis much more effective information on large volumes of texts. The results of the project will contribute to the development of the digital humanitarian environment, contributing to the preservation and popularization of the literary heritage of A.P. Chekhov. The creation of a semantically marked parallel corpus of translations will be important for literary critics, linguists and translators, allowing them to study the specifics of translations of Chekhov's works and develop new forms of text analysis and interpretation. The experience gained during the project will be valuable for future research and practical applications, demonstrating the effectiveness of digital technologies in humanitarian research and education.
Natural Language Processing, Digital Technologies, Semantic Search, Machine-readable Markup, Text Encoding Initiative, Parallel Corpora, Chekhov, Digital Edition, Chekhov Digital project, Parsing
Literary criticism
Konovalov, A., Petrova, A. (2024). The image of a rebel writer (based on the novels "The Revolt of Denis Bushuev" by S. S. Maksimov and "The Revolt of the Sunflower" by L.D. Rzhevsky). Philology: scientific researches, 4, 83–93.
The article examines the image of the writer in the novels "The Sunflower Rebellion" by Leonid Rzhevsky and "The Rebellion of Denis Bushuev" by Sergei Maksimov. The subject of the study is the poetics of the image of the writer in the works of major writers of the second wave of Russian emigration. Russian literature is based on the general problems of the novels, the similarity of the destinies of the main characters and the authors belonging to one direction of Russian literature of the XX century – the second wave of Russian emigration. Using the example of the fate of an emigrant writer and a writer of the metropolis, the uprising against the ideological restrictions dictated by the political regime is considered. Special attention is paid to the literary tradition of depicting the hero-creator at the beginning of the 20th century, as well as autobiographical and historical facts that influenced the transformation of the image in question in the work of second-wave emigrants. The methodological basis of the study is an integrated approach that includes biographical, historical, typological and comparative methods. The author's attention is focused on the conflict "artist-power", which is at the center of the novels "The Revolt of Denis Bushuev" and "The Revolt of the Sunflower". The novelty of the study is due to the introduction of previously little-studied material, and for the first time a comparative analysis of novels authored by representatives of the second wave of emigration is presented. As a result of the analysis, the following typological similarities were revealed in the depiction of hero-artists by S.S. Maksimov and L.D. Rzhevsky: the personal experience of the authors lies at the heart of the images of rebellious hero-creators; the main conflict of both works is the aggravation of contradictions between the writer and the authorities; this conflict underlies the creativity of the majority of emigrants of the second wave. Russian literature also proved that the depiction of the literary hero in the works of the second wave of Russian emigration continues the tradition of classical Russian literature in depicting the conflict between the artist and power, but emigrant creativity interprets it in a tragic way.
artist and power, writer's image, autobiographical hero, creator hero, writer hero, S.S.Maksimov, L.D.Rzhevsky, second wave of emigration, literature of emigration, politics and art
Dolmatova, O.V., Akselrood, D.A., Brodskaya, M.S. (2024). Parameters of antecedent – possessive postcopular anaphor correlation: the case of definiteness effect. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 94–101.
The paper aims at finding correlation between possessive postcopular anaphor in English existential there-sentences and its antecedent. English there-sentences provide a site for the phenomenon known as definiteness effect, one of the most controversial and still not fully resolved issues in linguistics today. The current state of this problem determines the relevance of this article. The subject of the study is the relationship of possessive post-ñopular noun phrases and their antecedents. So, the features of the definiteness effect are studied in terms of anaphor - antecedent distance. The purpose of the work is to establish some possible patterns of mutual arrangement of these units. The corresponding tasks are the following: collecting data that satisfy the input conditions; identifying the antecedents of a possessive anaphor; establishing the distance between the anaphor and the antecedent. The British National Corpus is the source for the research material. The novelty of the study lies in the very formulation of the problem, which has not been previously raised in the scientific literature, as well as in the results obtained. The findings are the following: the authors have identified certain types of antecedents united in enlarged groups, namely, explicitly expressed antecedents and antecedents without verbal embodiment. The detected distance between antecedents and their possessive anaphors is fixed as minimal, within the framework of neighbouring sentences, in some cases tending to zero value. A correlation is found between the type of antecedent, its location and distance from the possessive anaphor. The authors assume that such distance may serve as an additional licensing stipulation ensuring the admission of possessive noun phrases to the postcopular position of English existential sentences.
postcopular noun phrases, possessive noun phrases, existential sentences, antecedent, anaphor, definiteness, noun phrase, definiteness effect, determiners, referential choice
Zyryanova, I.P., Il'ina, A.A. (2024). The usage of a song discourse as a source for precedent names during English lessons (based on «We Didn't Start the Fire»). Philology: scientific researches, 4, 102–114.
The subject of this article deals with precedent names found in the English song discourse and the way they can be taught at English lessons. The methodology of the study is based on the discourse theory, the theory of precedent phenomena, cognitive theory and the theory of song discourse. As part of the study, a set of methods was used: continuous sampling, statistical and typological data processing, comparative and descriptive methods, and a discourse analysis method. The novelty of this research lies in the development of exercises for practicing the precedent names found during the research within the framework of English lessons. The article describes sample tasks for three stages of working with text: pre-text stage, text stage and post-text stage. The practical significance of this work lies in the possibility of its using while teaching the foreign language, intercultural communication, linguoculturology, stylistics, cognitive linguistics. The value of using this composition also lies in phonetic practice, since very often the pronunciation of proper names in a foreign language does not coincide with the pronunciation of the same realities in the native language. In addition, working with this composition also develops listening skills, since students need to understand the meaning of the composition by ear, and in this case it is quite difficult to do this, since to fully understand the meaning of the composition it will not be enough to add up the meaning of each word, it is necessary to have background knowledge in order to understand what the author had in mind when creating this composition. The implementation of the proposed methodology for using precedent units allows to broaden the horizons of students, introduce them to the linguocultural base of the English language, which helps them to understand authentic texts correctly.
discourse, song, cognitive linguistics, precedency, teaching methods, precedent name, precedent phenomenon, song discourse, lingvocognitive base, proper name
Bavula, Y.I. (2024). Modal specificity of Russian verbs of "thinking" and "to think" with the prefix y-. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 115–128.
The article examines the verbs included in the structure of the semantic field of thinking, namely the basic verbs to think and thinking, complicated by the prefix y-, based on the material of Russian texts of different genres. The subject of the study is the following values of situational modality (the so–called semantic X) - the invariant value of desirability, as well as the value of the opportunity realized by derivatives to conceive, to think in the process of communication. The purpose of the work is to reveal the specifics and conditions of the modal functioning of these verbs. Achieving this goal is facilitated by solving the following tasks: 1) to identify the modal meanings realized by the considered derivatives; 2) to determine the conditions of their modal functioning within the framework of the utterance; 3) to identify the role of the nominatively independent word-formation with formant y- in the process of creating the modal, modal-evaluative meanings of the corresponding derivatives. The goals and objectives of this work determined the choice of a comprehensive research methodology, including the following methods: functional-semantic, descriptive, contextual. The scientific novelty of the article is determined by the subject of the study. As a result of the conducted research, it is concluded that the verbs of thinking, to think with the formant y- are able to realize the modal meanings of possibility, desirability (which is a condition for the realization of opportunity), associated mainly with intentions that contradict the moral, ethical, social norms of society. The analysis of the texts made it possible to determine the lexical and grammatical basis of the modal functioning of the verbs of thinking, complicated by the prefix y-, in the semantics of which the modal component is implicitly contained, to establish syntactic conditions for the realization of the meanings of situational modality, i.e. the presence of a dependent subject semantically unlimited infinitive in the verb. The reinforcing role of the service formant is determined for the formation of the modal meaning of the derivatives to think, to conceive as an independent (autonomous) significant unit, in the meaning of which the seme "bringing to an undesirable state" is explicitly expressed, as well as the pejorative seme "to commit something bad, criminal, reprehensible (to the detriment of someone)". The materials of the article can be used at seminars and practical classes of the university on topical issues of the category of linguistic modality.
modal-estimated value, pejorative sema, the seed of undesirability, the value of the opportunity, the value of desirability, modal value, prefix y-, situational modality, verbs of thinking, negativization
Omelchenko, L.N., Bokhieva, M.V., Zyryanova, E.V. (2024). The lexeme "normal" in Russian speech: a case study. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 129–141.
The subject of the study is the lexeme "normal", a multidimensional analysis of which is carried out on the basis of data from the National Corpus of the Russian Language (NCRR), which includes more than 2 billion words, which makes it quite representative. The purpose of the work is to determine the composition of the homocomplex "normal" in modern Russian, to compare homonyms in semantic, syntagmatic, functional aspects. The relevance of the research undertaken is due to the fact that the lexicographic literature does not provide a complete description of all homonyms "normal". Thus, the predicative "normally" has remained outside the attention of lexicographers, although it is in this category that the pragmatic potential of the studied word is realized; in addition, cases of using the word in a discursive function have not been noted. This study was conducted on the basis of a concordance of 4055 texts with this lexeme, a large amount of material allowed us to draw conclusions about the quantitative and qualitative features of the functioning of this homocomplex. In accordance with this goal, descriptive, quantitative, statistical methods, as well as corpus analysis methods were used in the work. The methodological basis of the research was the works devoted to the problem of functional homonymy (V. V. Vinogradov, O. S. Akhmanova, V. V. Babaytseva, P. A. Lekant, etc.) and methods of corpus linguistics (O. N. Lyashevskaya, N. V. Pertsov, V. A. Plungyan, E. V. Rakhilina, D. V. Sichinava, etc.). The results The following provisions became the basis of the work: based on the data selected from the corpus, it is argued that the homocomplex "normally" unites a group of functional homonyms (adjective in short form; adverb; predicative (category of state); interjection), which differ in a set of morphological features, syntactic function, syntagmatic features, semantics expressed in speech. It is concluded that all these homonyms are active in modern Russian speech; they have pragmatic and stylistic features in different speech spheres. The first texts with the predicative "normally", as well as with the homonymous adverb, recorded in the NCRR, belong to the end of the XIX century; the use of "normally" as an interjection in a discursive function appears much later, in the 1980s. Statistical methods allowed us to determine the most frequent collocations with the lexeme "normally".
pragmatics, semantics, discursive function, interjection, adverb, predicative, short adjective, homocomplex, functional homonyms, Russian National Corpus
FENG, Y. (2024). Argumentative geometry of the Chinese eight-part essay. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 142–151.
The subject of the study is the linguistic and cultural features of the Chinese argumentation tradition. The object of the study is the elements of the logical structure of reasoning. The author examines such aspects of the topic as the differences between Eastern and Western models of argumentation and the prerequisites for the formation of the Chinese style of argumentation. Definitions of argumentation and related terms included in the range of concepts of argumentative discourse are given. In the aspect of this problem, the question of the relationship between the functional and semantic type of reasoning and argumentation is also highlighted. The author believes that argumentation is a more detailed development of reasoning based on ways of presenting facts, quotations, appealing to authority, emotions, expert opinion, and laws. In the social contexts of polemics, public discussions, Essenes, and science, the ability to argue is understood as an art. The author also notes that argumentation is a mental and predominantly verbal activity. Special attention is paid to the structure of classical Chinese literary argumentation. For analysis, the author turns to the scientific metaphor "geometry of argumentation". This facet of argumentation is a methodology for reconstructing argumentative discourse. According to this, a reconstruction method based on the identification of argumentation schemes is used. Argumentation schemes are generalized models of how an argument relates to a conclusion or thesis. The main conclusion of the work is that the structure of argumentation in the Chinese text differs from that in the generally accepted model of argumentation of the Western type. To substantiate this conclusion, the author considers S. Tulmin's model, which consists of six elements, believing that the elements of the model can be distinguished in the representative texts of the argumentation. Therefore, the essay can be considered as an explication of argumentation schemes. After that, the author proceeds to analyze the structure of the argumentation in the text of the "Essay on Eight Legs" (八股文), which consists of eight elements. The intermediate conclusion of the work is information about the positive and negative prescriptive aspects of using the eight-part essay scheme in an educational and professional context and in the context of application in less institutional discourses.
argumentation schemes, Western culture, Chinese culture, Chinese language, models of argumentation, argumentation, thesis, logic, The eight-legged essay, Lunyu
Liashenko, T. (2024). The archetypal versatility of the image of Becky Hildebrandt in the J. Franzen's novel "Crossroads". Philology: scientific researches, 4, 152–159.
The object of the study is the novel "Crossroads" by American writer Jonathan Franzen, which became widely known outside the United States and was translated into Russian in 2022. The object of the study is one of the female images of this novel - the image of Becky Hildebrandt, which combines a number of archetypal functions: a daughter in relation to parents Marion and Russ, a sister for brothers Clem and Perry, a bride for the young musician Tanner Evans. In the last chapters of the novel, Becky becomes a mother, thus passing through all the female family archetypal roles. Franzen's creative method, which tends to psychological realism, is focused on the specifics of the inner world of the characters, and it can be argued that the deep psychologism of his works is based on a consistent and systematic understanding of archetypal roles. The study of the heroine's image is carried out from the standpoint of an archetypal approach dating back to the works of C.G. Jung. The archetypal approach opens up to the researcher the opportunity to penetrate deeper into the psychological essence of a literary text. Female images, viewed from the point of view of reflecting archetypal features in them, appear in connection with other characters, and the gender-role specificity of their functioning becomes more visible. In the modern world, where the crisis of traditional values is clearly felt, a better understanding of the importance and complementarity of gender roles makes it possible to form moral supports leading both man and society in the direction of mental well-being. Archetypal analysis reveals one of the basic attitudes of the writer: a modern woman is forced to play several roles at once; the mixing of these roles, their instability inevitably lead to problematic situations in the life of not only the woman herself, but also her entire family.
psychological realism, fairy tale, psychologism, creative method, a family novel, Jonatan Franzen, archetypal image, female image, literary image, archetypal analysis