World literature
Vlasova, Y.E., Vavichkina, T.A. (2024). "Dialectics of soul" and other psychological techniques in the novel "The Last Day" by Mikhail Naimy. Philology: scientific researches, 11, 1–12.
The object of the study is the novel "The Last Day" by the Lebanese writer Mikhail Naimy. The subject of the study was the "dialectic of the soul" and "stream of consciousness", that is, techniques for describing the human condition borrowed from Leo Tolstoy masterpieces. For one day, the soul of Musa al-Askari overcomes severe suffering, it dies and is reborn in a new form. A small person turns into a strong personality. Psychological techniques for describing borderline human states, taken from Fyodor Dostoevsky, also helped the Lebanese writer to reveal the depths of the hero's personality. The scientific novelty of the article is that the Russian writers' techniques are found in the little-studied Arabic novel "The Last Day" that is an illustration of the Russian literature influence on Arab culture. For the first time in Russian literary study, this novel is analyzed from the "dialectic of the soul" perspective. The research was conducted on the basis of historical, literary, comparative methods, using scientific methods of observation and description, analysis and synthesis. As a result, it is noted that the novel narrative is organized according to the psychological realism, in which there is a psychological analysis passed through the stream of consciousness, an internal monologue and the dialectic of the soul. The authors conclude that Naimy took a humanistic approach and a special psychological manner of narration from Russian literature, including Tolstoy and Dostoevsky's works, to convincingly prove that a person is a fine–tuned mechanism, that kindness will save the world, and the secret of happiness lies in serving people. The practical significance of the research is that its results develop the topic of cultural ties between Lebanon and Russia. The article contributes to the development of Arabic literature, which remains poorly studied by Russian literary study.
psychological analysis, Sufi philosophy, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Leo Tolstoy, little man, dialectics of the soul, Mikhail Naimy, Arabic literature, stream of consciousness, Russian literature
Yang, T. (2024). Subordinate conjunctions in illocutionary usage (abstract review). Philology: scientific researches, 11, 13–22.
The subject of the research in this article is subordinate conjunctions in the Russian language, such as "if", "once", "for now", "to" and others that are used in the illocutionary function. The peculiarity of these conjunctions is that they establish a relationship between the proposition of one predicative unit and the illocutionary component of the semantics of another predicative unit, transmitting additional meanings related to the target attitude of the utterance and the conditions of its success. In such constructions, one of the valences of the union can be implicitly expressed. This aspect of the use of subordinate unions was noted by T.A. Kolosova in the late 1970s and has since become an object of interest to a number of linguists, including E.V. Paducheva, L.N. Jordanskaya, V.Z. Sannikov and O.E. Pekelis. The present study is aimed at identifying the features of the illocutionary function of subordinate unions, as well as systematization and generalization of existing scientific data on this topic. The research uses methods of analysis and synthesis, descriptive and interpretative methods, as well as system analysis, which allows us to identify the communicative and functional features of the studied unions. The novelty of this article lies in the fact that the author contributes to the systematization of knowledge about subordinate unions in their illocutionary function. In contrast to the traditional approach, in which conjunctions are considered primarily as means of communication between propositions, this study emphasizes their ability to influence the perception and interpretation of a statement. The work reveals three main functions of conjunctions in complex constructions: the expression of the illocutionary purpose of the utterance, compliance with the conditions of its success and justification of the speech act performed in the main sentence. The theoretical significance of the research lies in the contribution to the theory of complex sentences, communicative and functional linguistics, the syntax of the Russian language as a whole, as well as in the possibility of using its results in subsequent scientific research on the stated problems and in university courses on the syntax and stylistics of the modern Russian language.
statement justification, the success of a speech act, illocutionary function, speech act, semantic valence, nonverbal valence, incomplete sentence, implicity, illocutionary usage, subordinating conjunctions
Alimov, T.E. (2024). Functional and semantic peculurities of personal euphemisms of the Uzbek language through the prism of Russian and English cultures. Philology: scientific researches, 11, 23–39.
The subject of the study is the euphemistic codes of modern Russian, Uzbek and English languages, selected by continuous sampling from a variety of sources, including modern explanatory, specialized and linguistic dictionaries, as well as authentic texts of fiction and journalism. The total number of examples amounted to more than 1,234 units, of which 399 relate to Russian, 435 to Uzbek and 400 to English, which provided an opportunity to conduct a detailed analysis and formulate reliable conclusions. The purpose of the study is to identify and analyze the functional and semantic characteristics of personal euphemistic codes of the Uzbek language through the prism of comparison with Russian and English cultures. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that for the first time a comparative study is conducted focusing on the functional and semantic aspects of euphemistic units in the context of the linguistic and cultural paradigm. The main attention is paid to the analysis of ways to replace negative connotations associated with personal peculurities (age, death, and the nominative field "fat"), and to identify cultural factors influencing the formation and use of euphemistic units of the Uzbek language against the background of Russian and English cultures. For the first time, a quantitative analysis of functional and semantic groups of personal euphemisms is carried out in a comparative aspect, on the basis of which it is concluded that the national and cultural characteristics of the life of native speakers of Russian, English and Uzbek languages and the peculiarities of their mentality underlie the euphemistic nomination of a personal topic. The results of the research revealed unique cultural features in the formation and use of euphemistic units. Quantitative analysis has shown that in the Uzbek language the largest percentage of euphemistic codes refers to the sphere of death, which is significantly higher than in Russian and English. The euphemistic units associated with old age also differ: the Uzbek language shows a higher rate compared to Russian and English. On the contrary, euphemistic expressions regarding the negative connotation of "fat" are more common in English and Russian, compared to Uzbek.
Uzbek language, nominative field, semantic component, concept, functional-semantic classification, secondary nomination, national culture, linguistic-cultural paradigm, intercultural communication, euphemistic code
Demianova, P.I. (2024). The historical context and modern realities of the influence of the bilingual educational system of Ecuador on the process of forming the cultural identity of the local indigenous population. Philology: scientific researches, 11, 40–49.
The object of this study is the bilingual education system in the Republic of Ecuador. The subject of the study is the influence of this educational system on the formation of the cultural identity of representatives of the local indigenous population. The paper examines the role of bilingual education in the preservation and transmission of cultural values among representatives of the indigenous population of Ecuador, as well as its impact on their social integration. Special attention is paid to the analysis of data obtained from a survey of the indigenous population, which revealed the key current trends in the development of bilingual education in the country. The historical context of the implementation of this educational system and related challenges are also considered. Within the framework of the study, bilingual education is understood as an important tool for maintaining cultural and linguistic diversity in Ecuador, the main task of which is to improve the quality of education in indigenous languages. The research methods include: a sociological survey aimed at collecting data on the perception of bilingual education in the indigenous communities of Ecuador; quantitative and qualitative methods aimed at identifying statistical patterns and interpreting the opinions of respondents. A content analysis of educational materials and programs is also carried out in order to assess the degree of integration of autochthonous languages into the educational process. The results of the study show that bilingual education, taking into account the interests of all indigenous peoples, plays a crucial role in strengthening their socio-cultural identity and status in society. It is also emphasized that true inclusivity of education can be achieved only with proper funding from the government and adequate training of teaching staff. The novelty of the conducted research lies in an integrated approach to studying the impact of bilingual education on the cultural identity and social integration of the indigenous population of Ecuador with the analysis of relevant data obtained through a survey of representatives of autochthonous communities. This allowed not only to study the historical context of the formation of the local educational environment, but also helped to identify some current trends in the development of bilingual education in the country. The study highlights the need for further modernization and improvement of the Ecuadorian bilingual education system, since it acts not only as a means of preserving the cultural heritage of indigenous peoples, but also as an important tool for the formation of equal rights and opportunities for social development.
Bilingualism, Inclusivity, Language policy, Educational system, Social integration, Indigenous population, Cultural identity, Bilingual education, Ecuadorian Spanish, Indigenous languages
Automatic language processing
Zenkov, A.V. (2024). The numbers reveal the author: a stylometric comparison of German-language modernist texts. Philology: scientific researches, 11, 50–62.
The present study pertains to stylometry (and, more broadly, to quantitative linguistics). The novel quantitative method of studying the author's style of literary texts, based on the analysis of statistics of numerals found in them, is applied to literary texts in German. A computer program has been developed to search in the text for cardinal and ordinal numerals expressed both in numbers and verbally (in different word forms). The program automatically removes phraseological units and stable combinations from the text that accidentally (without the author's intention) contain numerals. Previously, the text is manually cleared of auxiliary numerals such as pagination, chapter numbers, etc. It is shown that the numerals used by the author in the (artistic) text are individual for each author; their totality is a characteristic feature (author's invariant, "fingerprint") that distinguishes the texts written by different authors. A comparative stylometric analysis of a number of literary works by Thomas Mann, Hermann Broch, Robert Musil, and Elias Canetti – the representatives of German-language literary modernism of the 20th century – is performed. Substantial authorial differences in the manner of using numerals were discovered. The results of the analysis were subjected to hierarchical clustering process (the Manhattan metric; Complete linkage and Between-groups methods). The cluster analysis correctly distributed the texts according to their authorship. The use of various clustering methods for text analysis enhances the significance of the results obtained and confirms their non-random nature. This demonstrates that the novel method of stylometry is able to accurately attribute literary texts to their correct authors.
E. Canetti, H. Broch, R. Musil, T. Mann, numerals in texts, authorship of texts, attribution of texts, quantitative linguistics, stylometric, stylometry
Literary criticism
Han, Y. (2024). Social Criticism and Biographical Literature: Nabokov's Early Exile Writings from the Perspective of Cultural Memory. Philology: scientific researches, 11, 63–76.
This article examines Nabokov's works, analyzing the novels Mary, The Luzhin Defense, Despair, and The Gift, which he wrote in Europe during the early period of his emigration. Based on the literary activities of Nabokov's characters, the author explores aspects of biographical literature style. The main character expresses his personal attitude toward the surrounding reality through various forms of writing, such as autobiographies, biographies of others, diaries, poetry, and works considered “final pieces.” Through these forms, he conveys criticism of society, history, and reality. This literary activity covers a wide spectrum of Russian life in the past and symbols of Russian culture, which, like cultural memories, intertwine with the reality of life in emigration. The study applies close reading and comparative analysis methods, incorporating the theory of cultural memory as part of the research methodology. The novelty of this work lies in using literary creativity as a construction method to explain the critical attitude of characters and the author himself. Literary creativity is one of the main activities of the protagonists in Nabokov's early novels written in emigration and serves as an important channel for preserving Russian cultural memory. Nabokov skillfully uses literary techniques to convey his social critique and historical views, while simultaneously creating Russian narrative texts within the emigration context. This article examines the characters' literary activities in Nabokov’s novels as an object of study, allowing literature to be viewed as a field of cultural memory, as well as highlighting the generational context of biographical literature in the novels and its cultural connotation of memory. Through the "motifs" and genres in Nabokov's works, the “memory of genre” is explored, reflecting the socially critical attitude of both the main character and the author.
genre memory, The gift, Despair, The defense, Mary, biographical writing, Social criticism, Nabokov, exile, cultural memory
Basalaeva, E.G., Spilman , M.V. (2024). Features of some counting nouns in modern Russian and their national and cultural specificity. Philology: scientific researches, 11, 77–88.
The article examines countable nouns (pyatak, dvushka, etc.), which refer to peripheral means of expressing quantity. In the semantics of such words, the meaning of plurality appears along with a specific subject meaning. There are different approaches to countable nouns (broad and narrow), which entails the problem of the composition of countable nouns, which can be solved by presenting them in the form of a lexical-semantic field. In addition, this vocabulary belongs to the category of nationally specific, which is manifested in its complete or partial non-equivalence in different languages. In the analysis of the material, traditional methods of semasiological study of the word were used: component, definitional, distributional, contextual, discourse analysis, as well as the modeling method. The lexical-semantic field of countable nouns is presented as follows. The core zone includes countable nouns proper, which are lexically and grammatically dependent, in them the idea of quantity is combined with objectivity (ten, dozen, pair). The perinuclear zone contains nouns that name numbers (two, three, ten, etc.). On the periphery are words in which the meaning of quantity is more likely to be guessed, since it is almost completely absorbed by the meaning of objectivity (two, three, etc.). On the deep periphery are nouns with the meaning of "names of persons" (a three-year student, etc.). The article examines the peculiarities of the use of countable nouns in modern Russian. Thus, the sphere of their functioning is mainly colloquial speech (including urban vernacular and partly urban slang). At the same time, a number of countable nouns are used extremely rarely (dozen), while others are used actively and develop new meanings (two). National-specific features of this vocabulary are revealed, due to their partial lack of equivalence.
Russian language, numerical derivative, non-equivalent vocabulary, dynamic processes, lexical semantic field, quantification, the national cultural component, counting nouns, lexical meaning, functional features of words
Soloveva, A.A., Saikina , O.S. (2024). The issue of aligning language self-assessment with the final Russian language exam results of foreign students in the preparatory department. Philology: scientific researches, 11, 89–98.
The article addresses the issue of developing linguistic self-esteem among students in the preparatory department at the Russian State Agrarian University—Moscow State Agricultural Academy named after K. A. Timiryazev. THe servey took place in 2022-2023 the studying Russian for 7-9 months and reached the approximate language level A2-B1. Through a survey conducted among students with varying levels of self-esteem (high, average, and low level), the study identifies distinct patterns in the formation of linguistic self-esteem before and after examinations. It defines the significance of language self-esteem within the context of various concepts and terminology related to an individual's self-image. The research reveals how self-esteem fluctuates based on students' awareness of their results on the Russian language exam. The methodology employed to obtain these results involved a questionnaire assessing how students gauge their language proficiency both prior to and following the examination. It was discovered that proficiency in the Russian language correlates with the level of self-esteem. Notably, in groups studying Russian as a foreign language, there are instances of students exhibiting low self-esteem yet achieving high results, as well as those with high self-esteem but low performance, alongside students demonstrating average results and an accurate self-assessment. Consequently, the study highlights a disconnect between the actual level of knowledge and the students' perceptions of their capabilities. In both cases, the disparity between the actual situation and self-assessment is regarded as an issue. However, when comparing underestimated and exaggerated self-assessments, it appears that the latter case has a more detrimental impact on the outcome.
examination for Russian, student's self-assessment, country of study, foreigner students, self-assessment stability, self-assessment level, non-speakers, self-assessment types, Russian as a foreign language, self-esteem
Bulygina , E.Y., Tripolskaia , T.A. (2024). Cultural Component in the Semantics of a pragmatically marked Word: Methods of Identification and Lexicography in an Active Type Dictionary. Philology: scientific researches, 11, 99–109.
This article presents the electronic lexicographic project «Pragmatically marked vocabulary: lexicographic description of the national-cultural component in the semantics of a word» and covers a number of key issues related to the definition of the concept of «national-cultural / cultural-specific» in words semantic and searching for possible ways of lexicography. As part of the heterogeneous lexical meaning, denotative and pragmatic macrocomponents are distinguished, between which there are complex and not always obvious semantic connections. The pragmatic macrocomponent includes many microcomponents (evaluative, ideological, gender, social, national-cultural, etc.). The national-cultural component represents special information in the semantics, which indicates the perception of the world inherent in a particular linguistic society through the prism of the national language. We are talking about universal and unique features of the semantics of pragmatically marked vocabulary. This is what makes lexicography particularly difficult. The lexicographic description is preceded by a special comparative study, including a comparative analysis of correlated lexical meanings in different European languages. In addition, component and corpus methods are used. The electronic lexicographic resource consists of two parts: 1) materials from classical explanatory dictionaries, 2) lexicography of pragmatically marked meaning, taking into account its variable potential. Turning to explanatory dictionaries from different periods allows us 1) to identify dynamic processes in this fragment of the lexical system and 2) explore possible ways of describing pragmatic information in a word. We propose to represent the national-cultural component in a special area of the dictionary entry in the Database of pragmatically marked vocabulary of the Russian language, comparing it with the semantic specificity of equivalent units of other languages. The result of this study is a lexicographic description of words from different thematic groups that contain national-cultural (national-specific) information in their meanings.
micro components of pragmatic meaning, pragmatically marked lexicon, database, metaphor, comparative lexicology, lexicography, semantics, national-cultural component, national language, linguistic picture of the world
Ruzha, O.A. (2024). The semantics of the adverb po-domashnemu (homely): evaluative and national-cultural components. Philology: scientific researches, 11, 110–120.
The object of the research of the article is the semantics of the comparative adverb po-domashnemu (homely), the subject is evaluative and national-cultural components in its meaning. Based on the comparison of the interpretation of the analyzed adverb with the adjective domashnij (homey) and the noun dom (home), the inherited semes are identified, and the conclusion is made about the interaction of lexical and grammatical semantics. The prerequisites for the realization of evaluative meaning are laid down in the structure of comparative adverbs. The semantics of the adverb "at home" are not reflected in dictionaries. On the material of texts from the National Corpus of the Russian Language the peripheral evaluative semes in the structure of the meanings of the analysed word, which are not reflected in dictionaries, are described. The study also identifies groups of words that frequently interact with the adverb "po-domashnemu" (homely) and influence its semantics and functioning in speech. The main methods of working with the semantics of comparative adverbs in the article are component, contextual and comparative analysis. It is concluded that the lexeme under study easily develops evaluative meanings, while the actualization of some or other of its meanings occurs due to the presence of stereotypes about home or contextual explanations. The assessment realized in a statement with an adverb "at home" has a positive connotation and varies significantly, actualizing the semes of 'simple', 'ordinary', 'groundless', 'warm', 'tasteless', etc. This comparative adverb has no analogues in other languages, where different linguistic units are used that correspond to a particular situation. Thus, the lexeme has national-specific components of meaning, reflecting the peculiarities of the Russian language picture of the world.
russian language, concept HOME, evaluation, the national cultural component, peripheral semes, grammatical semantics, lexical meaning, comparative adverbs, context, situation
Dai, X. (2024). The path to grammaticalization of the phrase "taking into account": the specifics of lexical and semantic compatibility. Philology: scientific researches, 11, 121–131.
As a result of the constant process of grammaticalization, a large number of words have appeared in the Russian language that perform the function of prepositions. Modern linguists are paying more and more attention to such service words. The object is the word "considering" (phrase "taking into account"), which performs a function similar to the function of a preposition. The subject of the study is the semantics and syntagmatic properties of this word form. The purpose of the study is to identify the syntagmatic specifics of the phrase "taking into account". The task is to establish thematic groups of vocabulary, which occupies the positions of the left and right components of the structure, which is built using the phrase "taking into account". The author examines in detail the specifics of the lexical and semantic compatibility of the phrase "taking into account" and its grammaticalization stage. The source of the material is the National Corpus of the Russian Language. The results obtained can be applied in lexicographic practice. The study uses a descriptive method and a method of contextual analysis. As a result of the analysis of the material, several lexico-semantic groups with the highest frequency of occurrence in the left and right components of the structure were identified. It has been established that the following lexical and semantic groups are the most frequent in the position of the right component: verbal nouns denoting human action and activity; nouns denoting parameters; nouns naming various kinds of qualitative characteristics; nouns naming phenomena from the sphere of "finance". In the position of the left component, verbs or verbal nouns with the meaning of creative activity are most frequent; vocabulary denoting a change in state or quantity; verbs and verbal nouns with the meaning of doing something. The interrelationships between lexical and semantic groups in the position of the left and right components are revealed. This allowed us to conclude about the limited compatibility of the phrase "taking into account", which indicates the initial stage of grammaticalization. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that the work presents for the first time the results of a study of the specifics of the syntagmatics of the word form "taking into account".
grammaticalisation, semantics, lexicon, left component, right component, lexico-semantic group, combinability, otymene relativ, derived preposition, service word
Yarzada, B. (2024). Syntactic position and functions of an adjective in the sentence structure in Persian compared to Russian. Philology: scientific researches, 11, 132–147.
This article is devoted to the study of the syntactic position of the adjective in the structure of the Persian sentence in comparison with the Russian language. The article pays special attention to the functional aspect, which is implemented by adjectives. The syntactic roles of semantic units are also considered. In this article, the features of adjectives in the Persian language are analyzed on the basis of structural and syntactic criteria adopted in comparative grammar. By comparing the functions and features of adjectives, we can talk about the similarities and differences in Persian and Russian, the importance of adjectives for the formulation of thought and the place of adjectives in literary and journalistic texts. Attention is also paid to the dependence of the adjective on the noun and the placement in the preposition and postposition and the change of meaning in the context of these sentences. This article is based on a comparative analysis, when the evaluation of Persian adjectives is realized in comparison with Russian adjectives both in the field of functions and in the field of unit typology. The novelty of the research is manifested in the comparative aspect of the Russian and Persian adjectives. Morphologically, the most important difference between adjectives in Persian and Russian is the presence of grammatical gender in the Russian language and its absence in the Persian language. During the analysis, it was concluded that, although there is a great difference in the syntactic functionality of the Persian and Russian adjectives, we can say that the main function is to expand the meaning of the noun and clarify it, nevertheless it is respected. At the same time, an adjective in Farsi plays the role of other elements, in particular, a numeral, an adverb, or even a predicate.
differences, implementations of adjective, specificity, the role of the adjective, Persian language, syntactic, Persian, language, the adjective, functions
Comparative-historical studies of literature
Rufova, E.S., Afanasyeva, A.A. (2024). Textological aspect of studying works on Yakut folklore in the context of studying materials of the Sibiryakov expedition (1894-1896). Philology: scientific researches, 11, 148–155.
This article is devoted to the study of works on Yakut folklore in the context of the materials of the Sibiryakov expedition (1894–1896). The relevance of the research lies in the study of the scientific works of I.A. Khudyakov "Verkhoyansky collection: Yakut tales, songs, riddles and proverbs, as well as Russian tales and songs recorded in the Verkhoyansky district by I.A. Khudyakov", E.K. Pekarsky "Samples of Yakut folk literature" in the textual aspect and directions of conceptual provisions regarding the folklore of the Sakha people. The purpose of the study is to reveal the textual parameters of the works of I.A. Khudyakov and E.K. Pekarsky as fundamental works on Yakut folklore, where the texts of the Yakut epic olonkho acquire particular significance. The methodological basis of the study is the theoretical directions of textual criticism as a branch of philology. The work uses cultural and hermeneutic methods in the comparative typological analysis of texts, sources, and documents. As a result of the study, the scientific context of the studies undertaken by I.A. Khudyakov and E.K. Pekarsky is emphasized, their personal contribution to Yakut folklore studies is highlighted, which confirms the importance of historical and literary contacts and contexts, but also convincingly reveals the role and significance of the Sibiryakov (Yakut region) expedition in the history of national culture as a whole.
folklore sources, olonkho, historical sources, folklore, textual criticism, text, sources, Sibiryakov expedition, folklore texts, Yakut folklore
Shuiskaya, Y.V., Kalashnikova, M.V. (2024). "And the green lamp will not go out...": traditional features of Russian battle studies in M.Y. Elizarov's novel "The Librarian". Philology: scientific researches, 11, 156–164.
The subject of the study is the depiction of battle scenes in Mikhail Elizarov's novel "The Librarian" in the context of the traditions of Russian battle studies. The object of the research is the key motifs of the description of battles used in literature from ancient Russian novels to descriptions of the Civil War and the Great Patriotic War, in their refraction in the artistic world of Mikhail Elizarov. The authors consider in detail such aspects of the topic as the use of significant reference points of Russian battle studies and their peculiar concentration in the texts of chapters devoted to battles. Special attention is paid to the condensation in Elizarov's text of an intertextual dialogue with the motives of the main authors of classical Russian literature who wrote about wars and battles, as well as implicit references to their own fate – death in a duel. The study uses the method of contextual and cultural-historical analysis. The battle scenes in the text of the novel "The Librarian" are isolated, their significant motives in connection with the traditions of Russian battle studies are described. The main conclusions of the study are the conclusions about the presence in the text of Mikhail Elizarov's novel "The Librarian" of a collage of key motifs of the national tradition of battle scenes, starting with ancient Russian texts and ending with texts about the Civil and Great Patriotic War. A special contribution of the authors to the study is the tracing of the retrospective history of battle studies and the identification of its key motives. Yelizarov's novel was filmed in 2023, which led to increased interest in it, and the battle scenes in the series of the same name were displayed as close to the text as possible using direct quotes. The novelty of the research lies in referring to Yelizarov's novel precisely in the context of battle studies: with considerable attention to the text, this aspect has not been previously considered in modern literary studies.
reception, L.N. Tolstoy, M.A. Sholokhov, allusions, ancient russian literature, semiotics, Elizarov, battle scenes, intertext dialogue, intertext
Zav'yalov, V.N., Sidorova, A.Y. (2024). Medical vocabulary in the dilogy of I. Ilf and E. Petrov "Twelve chairs" and "Golden Calf". Philology: scientific researches, 11, 165–178.
The relationship between medicine and literature has long attracted the attention of specialists, because medicine, as an integral part of human existence, is reflected in the field of culture. Based on this, the object of this article is the medical thesaurus of a literary text, and its subject is its lexical and thematic representation. The texts of the dilogy of I. Ilf and E. Petrov were chosen as the research material, because they have not yet been systematically described in this way. The aim of the work is to identify special groups of medical vocabulary in both novels and to determine its pictorial and expressive function. The relevance of the article lies in the fact that it describes the dilogy in the context of modern medical discourse research, which is very actively developing today. The article uses descriptive and field methods. In the first case, the necessary empirical research data are identified, and in the second, they relate to each other on lexico–thematic, poetic and discursive principles. The scientific novelty of the research is the approach to medical vocabulary in dilogy from the point of view of the "poetics of medicine". It is established that in both works the vocabulary naming the external anatomical components of the human body is widely represented. Along with this, there is a vocabulary denoting bone and cavities of the body, skin and hair, secretions and fluids secreted by the body. A special place in the dilogy is occupied by the names of diseases (mental and physical), their symptoms and consequences. All this is accompanied by vocabulary representing medicines, the medical care system, and medical accessories. Based on the conducted research, it was found out that the authors of the dilogy, I. Ilf and E. Petrov, understood medical topics well both at the household and clinical level. At the same time, the medical vocabulary used by them is an integral part of the visual and expressive fabric of both novels.
discourse, poetics, thematic group, semantic field, semantics, terminology, the medicine, medical vocabulary, novel, artistic literature