Kuchina, N. (2024). The theatricality and cinematography of Alessandro Baricco's literary works. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 1–8.
The subject of the study is stylistic and genre techniques that go beyond literary traditions. The object of the research is the early works of Alessandro Baricco, the novels "Silk" and "Sea-Ocean", the scenario-monologue "1900: the legend of the pianist", the novel – scenario "Smith & Wesson" ("Smith & Wesson"), the novel "City". The research is going to show individual features and artistic techniques that allow achieving the greatest imagery, to identify innovative features of Alessandro Baricco's poetics. Baricco's literary narrative is completed by elements imitating acoustic and visual effects, which allows the reader to build suggestive images in mind, intense with visual and sound effects. This article research two types of works by Alessandro Baricco: those that were originally written not only for reading, but also for staging in the theater; and those where elements of theatricality and cinematography are implicitly inscribed in the text. The scientific novelty of the work is due to show various aspects related to the individuality of the author's thinking. The works of Alessandro Baricco are characterized by syncretism. The writer weaves elements from the theater and cinema into the narrative canvas, which makes his prose highly suggestive. It is also possible to talk about two author's strategies: a detailed description of the visual and sound accompaniment of the action, or half-hints aimed at the gradual recognition of interwoven theatrical and cinematic techniques, hints that help the reader understand what is happening. The results of the study can serve to expand interest to the work of Alessandro Baricco and further research his literature works as a whole with the diverse activities of Baricco in the world of culture.
scenario, cinematography, flashback, suggestive prose, Italian literature, postmodernism, Alessandro Baricco, syncretism, theatricality, hidden theatricality
Fang, H. (2024). Perception verbs in the Russian dialects of the Amur region and in the northeastern dialect of the Chinese language of Heilongjiang province. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 9–16.
The subject of this work is the verbs of perception in the Russian dialects of the Amur region and in the northeastern dialect of the Chinese language of Heilongjiang province. The research material is two dialect dictionaries: "Dictionary of Russian dialects of the Amur region" and "Dictionary of dialects of Heilongjiang province". The study revealed 26 verbal units from the "Dictionary of Russian Dialects of the Amur region" (including 18 verbs and 8 phraseological units with the meaning of visual and auditory perception, as well as perception of smell and touch); 18 verbs with the meaning of visual perception from the "Dictionary of Dialects of Heilongjiang province". The purpose of the study of this article is the comparative classification of perception verbs in the border regions of the Russian Federation and China, separated by the Amur River (in Chinese, Heilongjiang). In developing the classification of the studied language units, continuous sampling, contextual, descriptive-analytical and comparative methods were used. The relevance and novelty of the work lies in the fact that the perceptual verbal vocabulary in the dialects of both ethnic groups is poorly studied; for the first time an attempt was made to study the comparative classification of the verbs of perception of the Russian dialects of the Amur region and the northeastern dialect of the Chinese language of Heilongjiang province; the effectiveness of the study of perception verbs can contribute to the reconstruction of the dialect linguistic picture of the world and the linguistic personality of speakers of the dialect of two different ethnic groups. The main conclusions of this study summarize that perceptual vocabulary connects the world of objective reality with the expression of this world in the language of human communication and that in the dialects of both ethnic groups (in the Russian dialects of the Amur region and in the northeastern dialect of the Chinese language of Heilongjiang province) verbal units with the meaning of visual perception prevail over other groups.
Heilongjiang province, Chinese dialects, Russian dialects, dialect, verbs of smell, auditory perception, visual perception, verbs of perception, verbs of mental activity, perceptual verbs
Author's view
Krygin, R.V. (2024). Crimean realities in F.'s travelogue Remy "Crimea in ethnographic, geographical and historical terms" (1872). Philology: scientific researches, 1, 17–26.
The article is devoted to identifying and structuring realities in the travelogue of the German-speaking traveler Franz Remy, who visited the Crimean peninsula in the 19th century. The features of the realities mentioned in the work of a traveler who visited Crimea in the 19th century are considered. The purpose of the work is to identify, characterize, and establish the features of the realities of Crimea based on the travelogue F. Remy. The relevance of the work is due to both the increased interest in travelogue as a genre, and to the linguocultural aspect of the study of German-speaking travelogues. Of particular interest is how exactly the German-speaking traveler saw Crimea in the 19th century. The methodological basis was the works of S.I. Vlahov, S.P. Florin, L.N. Soboleva, E.R. Ponomareva, A.A. Kretova, N.A. Fenenko. The article clarifies the concepts of “reality” and “travelogue” based on a critical analysis of theoretical sources. A classification of realities is presented. The practical research was based on the material of Franz Remy’s travelogue “Die Krim in ethnographischer, landschaftlicher und hygienischer Beziehung”, published in the 19th century. Particular attention is paid to primary and secondary nominations of the realities of Crimea. The article provides examples of realities from the categories of astyonyms, comonyms, hydronyms, oronyms, urbanonyms, horonyms, highlights personalities, characters for the Crimea of the 19th century, as well as ethnographic realities. The article also discusses the traveler’s use of doublet names of Crimean cities. A conclusion is drawn about which categories of realities were characteristic of the Crimean Peninsula of the 19th century. This article may be of interest to specialists in the field of philology and history.
voyage, Russia, travel, Franz Remy, travelogue, travel notes, German language, reality, Crimea, culture
Literary criticism
Mekhtiev, V.G. (2024). A.S. Pushkin in the perception of “Russian Harbin”. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 27–36.
The purpose of the work is to give an idea of the criticism and journalism of “Russian Harbin”, dedicated to Pushkin, as well as to determine the place that the poet’s personality and work occupied in the spiritual culture of emigrants. Russian emigrants regularly spoke out on the topic of Pushkin and for decades held a Day of Russian Culture associated exclusively with the name of the classic. A significant result of the study is the discovery of not only professional, but also journalistic and reader criticism, previously unknown. The conclusion that the author comes to is that, as A.P. Grigoriev once said (“Pushkin is our everything”), for the Russian residents of Harbin the “idea of existence” in a foreign land really mattered. Based on methods of description, as well as philosophical phenomenology, the cultural, historical, aesthetic and literary parameters of the works are comprehended. The Russian emigration has a serious tradition of studying the artistic and aesthetic heritage of the first wave of Russian emigration, but the aesthetic thought of the “Russian Harbin” is not convincingly integrated into this tradition. Russian literary scholars and foreign Slavists paid attention mainly to Pushkin studies of Russian emigration to Europe. The eastern line of Pushkin studies is considered as part of the literary heritage of the entire Russian diaspora. Critics of “Russian Harbin” saw in Pushkin an indisputable symbol of cultural Russia; The emigration considered Pushkin's Russia to be a true historical reality. The existing stereotype of the “secondary nature” of literary criticism on the part of eastern immigrants is being overcome. The bibliographic list of works about Pushkin is expanding. The article analyzes articles, including Western emigrants, known only from Harbin periodicals.
literary criticism, Pushkin studies, context, national idea, periodicals, Russian emigration, journalism, Russian Harbin, Pushkin, mythologization
Dondik, L.Y. (2024). Strategies for translating English filmonyms into Russian. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 37–50.
The subject of the research in the article is the peculiarities of the translation of filmonyms from English into Russian. The methods of comparative, semantic and pragmatic analysis with elements of cultural and stylistic analysis are used in the work. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that it is based on the material of parallel English- and Russian-language filmonyms released over the past two decades. The obtained results contribute to the development of translation studies and the theory of onyms. Choosing a strategy is one of the most important decisions of the translator which is associated with the linguistic features of the filmonym and the cultural specifics of the translation audience. The closer the cultures of native speakers of the original language and the target language are, the more opportunities there are for using forenization, a translation strategy in which the translator strives to preserve the content and the form of the original title. Forenization strategy was used to transmit 25.34% of the English-language filmonyms of the sample, which is significantly inferior to the number of filmonyms translated according to the domestication strategy, which make up 69.34% of the sample. The high frequency of the domestication strategy is explained by the fact that using translation transformations allows overcoming such difficulties in translating filmonyms as discordance of interlanguage equivalents, mismatch of meanings of similar words, undesirable associations with precedent phenomena, dysphemisms, the emergence of meanings that disorient the viewer, untranslatable wordplay. In the examples that make up 5.32% of the sample, the binomial translation construction of the onym was used; the forenized title of the film is included in the first part before the colon, and the second part is a variant of the name adapted as part of the domestication strategy.
replacement, translation, translation transformation, media headings, adaptation, domestication, forenization, translation strategy, transliteration, Filmonym
Golovanivskaya, M.K., Efimenko, N.A. (2024). The idea of anger in Russian and Chinese cultures. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 51–62.
The article examines the idea of "anger" in two linguistic worldviews - Russian and Chinese. The study is a contrastive one, the obtained results are compared. The description of each concept follows a clear algorithm: the etymology of the word is explored, the mythological roots of the concept are examined, its collocations are analyzed, and the substantive connotation is extracted from the collocations following the approach of V. A. Uspensky. Dictionary definitions are also compared. The aim of the study is to identify the peculiarities of the representation of the idea of "anger" in these cultures based on the material of semantic fields in the Russian and Chinese languages. Furthermore, a comparison is made to identify similarities and differences in the worldview of different peoples. The research employs various scientific methods, such as the comparative-historical method, the method of generalization, and the method of semantic analysis. This topic is relatively underexplored and relevant since there have been no previous linguistic and cultural studies analyzing this concept in Russian and Chinese languages and cultures, which represents the scientific novelty of the work. The results obtained will contribute to establishing mutual understanding between cultures, serving as a kind of conceptual bridge for representatives of different cultures. These findings will be used in the teaching of regional studies, comparative cultural studies, and in the instruction of relevant languages in higher education institutions.
Russian language, Chinese language, ideas, semantic analysis, comparative research, cultural studies, linguistics, anger, natural language metaphysics, Synonymous series
Haji Mousaei, S.A., Madaeni Awwal, A. (2024). The yellow color in the phraseological picture of the world of the Russian and Persian languages: an axiological aspect. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 63–73.
This article is devoted to a comparative axiological analysis of phraseological units (PUs) with yellow color in Russian and Persian linguistic cultures. The perception of colors among different peoples may differ and directly depend on the historical, cultural, social, religious and natural conditions of development of a given people. The object of the study are phraseological units of the Russian and Persian languages containing the yellow color (38 units in total), selected regardless of the degree of semantic unity of the components of phraseological units and the method of phraseologization, temporal characteristics, speech or linguistic affiliation, included in proverbs, sayings of famous personalities, quotes from fiction and the method of phraseologization, temporal characteristics, speech or linguistic affiliation, selected by a continuous sampling method from explanatory, phraseological, etymological and encyclopedic dictionaries of the Russian and Persian languages, literary texts, as well as the media. The main research methods used in this work are the comparative method and axiological analysis of phraseological units containing the color term “yellow” in the Russian and Persian languages. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the study of phraseological units containing “yellow” in two languages from the point of view of axiology. Based on the results of the analysis of the estimated values of phraseological units with “yellow” component, a conclusion is drawn about the attitude towards this color in the axiological picture of the world of the speakers of the languages under study and we have clarified the meaning of the yellow color in the phraseological picture of the world of the Russian and Persian languages and confirm the absence of a binary axiological opposition.
phraseology, Russian language, value, yellow, colorative, meaning, assessment, picture of the world, axiological analysis, Persian language
Barebina, N.S., Breeva, A.P., Glyzina, V.E., Kosyakov, V.A. (2024). Revisiting the Cultural and Linguistic Causality of Technogenic Stereotypes. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 74–82.
The object of the study is fragments of lay discourse about artificial intelligence and new technologies that express antipathy. The subject of the study is evaluative and emotional judgments about technologies and forms of their linguistic objectification, rooted in the discourse as a product of linguaculture. The authors consider the issue of pessimistic perception of technological progress in Western society. A productive way to study this issue is the stereotype as a cognitive-linguistic phenomenon. It was accepted that stereotypes play a special role in representing general features of national, social and other human character traits. The authors conclude that one of the main functions of the stereotype is its orienting function, which has influence on the components of the human being’s personality. The authors used such scientific methods as: introspection, comparison, analysis of dictionary definitions, descriptive-interpretative method, interpretation of discourse. This methods, in combination with text markup techniques, made it possible to identify fragments of discourse that were significant for analysis. The research was based on the English language texts from The Guardian and The New York Times news aggregators, on materials from MIT Technology Review and Neuroscience News magazines. The authors conclude that technogenic stereotypes in English discourse have a mythological basis in the form of religious motives and specific linguacultural images. This contrasts with the rational-critical view of information technology innovation. Intermediate findings include the conclusion about the role of media, social networks, which are the key actor of the discourse of hype about technological expansion. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that a new area of public discussion has been allocated, which is considered in the light of data on the orienting function of the stereotype, which requires academic reflection by specialists from different fields.
linguoculture, religion, robots, artificial intelligence, mythological thinking, discourse, technophobia, technogenic stereotype, stereotype, critical thinking
Sivtseva, N. (2024). Existential constructions in the Yakut language: a model of causation of the beginning of existence. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 83–92.
The article is devoted to the study of models of existential constructions in the Yakut language. It examines the causation model of the beginning of existence in accordance with the principles of functional and semantic analysis. The relevance of this article is due to modern approaches in the study of the Yakut language as a system represented by multi-level means of its expression. The sentence as the main syntactic unit is displayed in a model that "combines the invariants of the minimal structural schemes that ensure the completeness of the sentence, and the generalized propositions associated with them." The structural scheme of the causation model of the beginning of existence in the Yakut language consists of a subject, an object and a predicate of an existential type expressed by verbs of the initial phase of being, existence. The typical meaning of the model is "to give the beginning to any event, phenomenon, contribute to the appearance, emergence of someone or something." The basis of this study is a functional-semantic approach to the study of language phenomena, which assumes a holistic organization of universal semantic categories. The study uses the continuous sampling method in the formation of material from lexicographic sources, the modeling method, and the glossing method to represent illustrative material. The presentation of the causation model of the beginning of existence as a component of the functional and semantic field of being in the Yakut language is new. It is revealed that the subject and object of the considered model can be stated by a noun, a pronoun, denoting an animate or inanimate person. In accordance with the forms of the subject and object included in the structural composition of the specified model, variants of its structural type are determined. It is established that in this model, such verbs of being as tөrүtte ‛to found, create something; to start something, olohtoo ‛ to inhabit, settle, infuse; can be used as a predicate, to establish; justify’, saҕalaa‛to start any action; to begin’, tөrөt‛to give birth.
construction, model, function, semantics, beingness, category, functional grammar, verb, means, Yakut language
Vlasova, V.V. (2024). English-language borrowings of the coronavirus era and their functioning in German online publications. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 93–103.
In post-crisis conditions, it becomes possible to assess the impact that the coronavirus pandemic has had on the vocabulary of the German language. A large number of English-language borrowings have penetrated into the German language, arousing the interest of linguists in the question of the influence of a new layer of vocabulary on the recipient language and becoming the subject of study by Russian and foreign linguists. For example, on the basis of research on neologisms of the Covid era, dictionaries and reference books of the vocabulary of the coronavirus era are being produced in various languages, including German. The subject of this study is English-language borrowings dedicated to Covid-19 in modern German online media (magazines, newspapers), and the aim is to identify the impact of the pandemic on enriching the vocabulary of the German language with English-language borrowings. Actual works (not older than five years) of Russian and foreign scientists in the fields of lexicology, lexicography, onomastics, and sociolinguistics became the methodological basis of the study. The analysis of the impact of the coronavirus on the process of assimilation of English-language borrowings in German is carried out on the basis of online media texts for the period February 2020 – October 2021, which makes the study innovative and reflects the trends of modern linguistic science. As a result of the study, it was revealed that the coronavirus pandemic had an impact on the German language; in most cases, the recipient language began to actively combine English-language components of words with native German words, thereby forming new hybrid lexical formations. The further perspective of the research lies in the field of comparing the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the lexical composition of the German and Russian languages and determining the role of English-language borrowings in the vocabulary of both German and Russian languages.
vocabulary, neologism, anglicism, online-magazine, coronavirus, English, German, borrowing, pandemic, media
Shigurov, V.V., Shigurova, T.A., Pulov, E.V. (2024). Types of use of peripheral forms of the creative case in the aspect of adverbialization (the substantive word form "in a whisper"). Philology: scientific researches, 1, 104–117.
The stepwise nature of adverbial transposition of nouns without prepositions is investigated. The object of study is the forms of the creative case of nouns without prepositions, representing the first stage of transposition into adverbs, the subject of consideration is combinatorics and the proportion of substantive and adverbial features in the structure of word forms of the "whisper" type, functioning in the zone of the periphery of the noun class. The relevance of the research is due to the need to develop such a field of scientific research as the transpositional grammar of the Russian language, as well as to identify patterns of functioning of linguistic units in transitional zones between parts of speech and interparticle semantic and syntactic categories. The purpose of the article is a comprehensive analysis of substantive word forms that demonstrate different degrees of manifestation of signs interacting with the functional adverbialization of nouns and adverbs on two stages of the noun zone. Within the framework of the proposed approach to syncretic formations, methods of oppositional analysis (with an adverbial scale), elements of component, distributive analysis, and linguistic experiment are used. The novelty of the study consists in the description of a formalized methodology for establishing the stages of adverbialization of substantive word forms, demonstrating a different degree of departure from nouns and approximation to adverbs. It is established that the substantive word form "whisper", for example, is characterized by a multi-stage transposition into an adverbial class. In the zone of the periphery of nouns, she makes the first, actually syntactic step towards adverbs. It is associated with its use first in the syncretic function of complement and circumstance, and then only in the function of circumstance. The presence of dependent words in the form of adjectival and subsubstantial distributors, as well as the function of object complement, restrain the further advancement of the word form "in a whisper" towards the class of adverbs. The loss of object meaning in the word form under consideration is associated with a shift at the level of verbal subordination: weak control as a way of connecting the word form "in a whisper" with the main word is replaced by case adjunction. Object-circumstantial relations are transformed into circumstantial ones. But the main categorical features of nouns in the zone of the periphery of this class of words are preserved. The theoretical significance of the work lies in the fact that it contains an understanding of transitional phenomena in the field of parts of speech in a systemic linguistic aspect. The practical significance of the research is determined by the possibility of applying its results in teaching linguistic disciplines – Russian, general linguistics, theoretical grammar.
adverb, type of use, periphery, noun, part of speech, adverbialization, grammar, Russian language, transitivity scale, stage
Fomina, I. (2024). Evaluative representation of China's political image in modern Russian Media. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 118–126.
The object of the study is the evaluative characteristics of the image of China presented in modern Russian media. The subject of the study is the content and language features of the estimated representation of the political image of China as one of the leading geopolitical forces in the world. The material of the work was published by Russian Internet media (2020-2023). The author examines in detail the features of the evaluation of the image of the head of state, Xi Jinping, as well as the implementation of China's domestic and foreign policy. The positive and negative evaluative characteristics of China's political image are revealed. Particular attention is paid to the formation of private values. The linguistic means of expressing evaluation used in the texts of modern Russian mass media are characterized. The conducted research allows us to conclude that a generally positive political image of China is being formed in modern Russian Internet media (81% of positive ratings). On the positive side, the personal qualities of the head of state, which are manifested in the implementation of his political activities, are evaluated. The economic situation in the country, the nature of foreign policy towards the United States, and participation in resolving the conflict between Russia and Ukraine are also generally positively assessed. A negative assessment is present only when describing the aggressive strategies in Xi Jinping's policy. In most cases, a positive absolute assessment of China's policy is designed to form the image of a stable state and a strong "player" in the political arena. The novelty of the conducted research lies in the appeal to the study of the information field relevant to the Russian public in connection with the high dynamics of the development of international Russian-Chinese relations. The peculiarities of the evaluative representation of the image of the state and the policy implemented by it in the media allow us to draw conclusions about the mechanisms of formation of evaluative meanings and impact on the mass audience in the modern information space.
journalistic text, text, private assessment, general assessment, evaluative semantics, language assessment, axiology, evaluation, Internet media, vocabulary
Li, L. (2024). Properties of the conjunction "though... although ..." and the structure he organizes in the structure of syntactic units of the modern Russian language. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 127–137.
The object of the article is the disjunctive conjunction “though... although...”, and the subject is the property “though... although...” in the system of syntactic units: phrases, simple and complex sentences. In addition, the textual features of this union are considered. Particular attention is paid to the qualification of the coordinating series with the conjunction “though... although...” in terms of its relevance/non-relatedness to the phrase. In a simple sentence, the place of a series with the conjunction “though... although...” in the system of minor parts of the sentence, as part of participial phrases, as well as when expressing additional predicate is explored. When turning to a complex sentence, the reasons for the limited functioning of “though... although...” in a given syntactic unit are clarified. In relation to the text, the textual possibilities of “though... although...” are considered as a secondary textual anchor. The research is based on the methodology of the Far Eastern syntactic school. It consists in a multidimensional description of a particular function word at the morphological-syntactic, actual syntactic and communicative-pragmatic levels. As a result, connections between the function word and both the near and far syntactic environment are established. The data obtained are used for its extended lexicographic portraiture. The main conclusions of the study are the following. A coordinating sequence with the conjunction “though... although” is not a phrase, and the word form with which it is connected by subordinating relations should be qualified as a general member of its syntactic structure. A row with the conjunction “though... although...” can occupy the positions of various members of a sentence, function as part of participial phrases, and also participate in the organization of additional predicativity. The connection of the coordinating series-subject with the common member-predicate can be coordinated or uncoordinated. The speaker's solution to the problem is to "agree on meaning." The facts of complex sentences with the conjunction “though... although” have not been recorded. In the case of parcellation, a series with the conjunction “though... although...” becomes the organizing center of a communicative-pragmatic situation, presented in the form of a complex syntactic whole. The author’s special contribution to the study of the topic is the establishment of a correlation between the syntactic properties of the construction with the conjunction “though... although...” and its categorical features. The novelty of the study lies in the inclusion of the conjunction “though... although...” into the system of a current modern trend - an integral description of linguistic units.
separation bond, composition, syntax row, syntactic relations, syntactic connection, constructive properties, construction, conjunction, syntax, semantics
Lobanova, T.N. (2024). Linguistic means of expressing communicative strategies in non-cooperative discourse (based on the material of English-language talk shows. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 138–149.
Every year there is a rapid development of the media sphere, including its visual and discursive component, which contributes to the development of the "digital language" and the "language of television", the parallel development of YouTube journalism as a media phenomenon, which are evolving along with all the ongoing processes. Any language is susceptible to this, especially English, which is the most widespread and popular in the world. The study of linguistic issues of the language of television shows, the language of talk shows in line with the anthropological paradigm of modern linguistics in its broadest sense (issues of the functioning of language in various types of discourse, journalism and PR, media linguistics and political linguistics) and its central concepts such as the manipulative influence of language, linguistic personality, pragmalinguistics of language and text as part of it are an integral part of both the theory of language and the linguodidactic component of foreign language teaching (English as a foreign language). Taking into account the current conflicting political situation in the world, aggravated political and armed conflicts, the study of non-cooperative discourse in the media of English-language talk shows is certainly of scientific novelty. The main content of the research is concentrated around the analysis of the concepts of "non-cooperative discourse", "PR-discourse" from a linguistic point of view. Media linguistic analysis, discourse analysis, the method of multimodal text analysis, etc. are used as research methods. Results suggest that the concept of non-cooperative discourse is revealed (based on the material of English-language talk shows). Even so, the present study concludes that the approach is worthwhile and promising for further research.
digital language, political linguistics, Internet communications, talk show, television discourse, discursive practices, the method of multimodal text analysis, journalism and PR, discourse analysis, non-cooperative discourse
Li, P.V. (2024). Russian translations of Stefan Mallarmé's poem "Apparition". Philology: scientific researches, 1, 150–159.
The subject of this article is the analysis of the translation reception S. Mallarmé's poem "Apparition" (1863). Based on Mallarmé's theory of poetry and symbol, the author examines the role of metaphorical transference in the creation of symbols. The research objectives include a comparative analysis of the translations of Bryusov and Talov. The main attention is paid to the analysis of translation strategies, the adequacy of the transmission of meaning and the emotional coloring of the original, which will allow to conclude about such an approach to the translation of Mallarmé's works, which helps to most fully recreate the author's intention. In the course of the study, a biographical method was used to establish a connection between the biography of the poet and the features of the literary work created by him. Linguistic analysis allowed to analyze the linguistic and artistic features of the original and translations of the work. Comparative method allowed us to draw a conclusion about the techniques necessary for the translator to recreate the poetics of the original. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the insufficient study of the problem. In addition, the poem "Apparition" had not previously become the object of close attention of Russian researchers, despite the high aesthetic qualities of the work and the existing translation multiplicity. As a result of the research, the peculiarities of perception and transmission of metaphorical images of light in the translations of V. Bryusov and M. Talov into Russian were revealed. The main conclusion of the study of the translation reception of Mallarmé's lyrics by Russian poets will be that when translating, it is necessary not only to recreate the poetic plot, but most of all to strive to convey the mood and impressions created in the original text.
poetry, translation, light, symbolism, symbol, metaphor, translation reception, Talov, Brusov, Mallarmé