Kuleshova, V. (2021). Cognitive analysis of terminological system as a methodological basis for creating a special purpose dictionary. Philology: scientific researches, 7, 1–13.
Creating field-specific dictionaries, the scholars face multiple challenges, such as delimitation of terminology and inclusion of prepositional phrases into dictionary. This article demonstrates the possibility of using cognitive analysis of the semantics of a term to develop a toolset for creating terminological dictionary. The author provides an overview of the conceptual and thematic analyses of terminology of photonic crystals, which underlie the three methods of systematization of terminological lexis in the dictionary; carries out the analysis of original settings of special dictionaries with cognate field; as well as determines the problems that were taken into account in development of the methods of systematization of terminological lexis in the dictionary. The following systematization of terms was conducted: by donor sciences, by stages of research, and by thematic groups. Each of the described methods or all of them together denote the boundaries of terminological system, determine the place of the term in this terminological system, systematize knowledge on the subject, and contribute to learning new terms. Moreover, such approach towards creating special dictionaries adapts the dictionaries to the needs of researchers, discover the previously unexplored phenomena, and facilitate adding new terms into the dictionary. The relevance of this research lies in development of comprehensive approach towards creation of field-specific dictionaries.
term, term theory, terminological dictionary, terminography, terminological system, semantic analysis, cognitive analysis, terminological science, English, Russian
Literary criticism
Gushchina, A.I. (2021). Metaphorical representations of the “German economic miracle” in the prose of Bernhard Schlink . Philology: scientific researches, 7, 14–21.
This article discusses the difficult postwar years of Germany reflected in the works of B. Schlink, as well as assesses the impact of economic circumstances upon the formation of German collective consciousness. The object of this research is the novels “The Justice of Selb”, “The Deceit of Selb”, “The Farewell of Selb” by B. Schlink. The subject of this research is the artistic peculiarities of representation of the “German economic miracle” in the prose of B. Schlink. The writer had a critical attitude on idealizing the results of Germany's rapid economic development. He believes that mythologization of the positive results of economic development is only one side to a coin. A profound analysis of the listed novels by B. Schlink, dedicated to the theme of postwar restoration of Germany, gives a better perspective on the writer’s role in the German literary process during the late XX – early XXI centuries, which defines the relevance of this research. The goal of this article lies in studying the importance of mythological representations associated with the rapid recovery and economic development of Germany in the consciousness of the German nation, as well as their reflection in the works of Bernhard Schlink. In his novels, B. Schlink not only mentions the return of former Nazis to public and civil posts, but also draws the images of the prosperous postwar existence of German industrialists, whose factories used to supply the needs of the Reich. Depicting the conflict between the characters, the writer destroys one of their pleasant elements of the myth of “German economic miracle”. The hero – Detective Selb – reflects on the ethical questions pertinent to economic development. The life-changing event in national history, which allowed Germany to regain its rightful place among the European nations, is linked by the author with a range of negative consequences, such as development of the psychology of “consumerism” in the society, concealment of the German national past, detection of significant environmental problems, and escalation of radical moods among German youth.
German nation, German past, psychology, industry, economic miracle, myth, Bernhard Schlink, consciousness, radicalization, youth action
Guzova, A.V. (2021). The use of euphemisms in public speeches of the US politicians . Philology: scientific researches, 7, 22–28.
The subject of this research is the role of euphemisms in political communication. The goal of this article is to establish the functional role of euphemisms in public speeches of the US politicians based on the texts of speeches for the period 2020 – 2021. Research methodology relies on the provisions of linguorhetoric, namely the functional role of lexicon within the framework of a particular speech genre. The article employs the general scientific method, systematization and generalization, content analysis, discursive analysis, method of continuous sampling, and linguostylistic analysis. It is determined that the use of euphemisms in speeches of the IS politicians for the period 2020 – 2021 performs the following functions: manipulative, veiling the reality, self-positioning. In public speech, the important factors are politeness and delicacy for maintaining and promoting communication. It is noted that politics is the sphere that requires using a variety of euphemisms. The mechanisms of euphemization are based on the inaccuracy of speech, ambiguity, and generalized nomination of the object. Practical importance of this research consists in the fact that its results can be implemented in rhetoric courses, as well as in preparation of public speeches. The scientific novelty lies in establishment of the functional role of euphemistic nominations based on public speeches of the US politicians for 2021.
ambiguity, mechanisms of euphemization, euphemism, manipulative language tools, lexical composition of speech, political speech, public performance, political discourse, inaccuracy of speech, veiling reality
Keler, A.I. (2021). The genre of prayer: classification criteria. Philology: scientific researches, 7, 29–38.
The religious functional style is currently being actively studied not only in theology, but also in philology. On the one hand, this fact is substantiated by the change in the sociopolitical situation in Russia, while on the other –by the need for scientific comprehension and description of the experience of religious communication implemented in particular genres. Prayer is one of the genres of religious functional style, which are referred to as basic or representative. Both in literary studies and linguistics, prayer is viewed from the perspective of different approaches; therefore, the researchers offer various classifications for the genre of prayer. The subject of this research is a prayer as the religious genre. Analysis is conducted on the existing classifications of prayer based on the material of Christian prayers, and generalizes them for the purpose of deriving general classification and its further application to the corpus of prayer texts created within the framework of the New Apostolic teaching. As a result of the conducted research, the author provides a summary table, which indicates seven criteria for the classification of prayers: position of the addressee (type and number of addressees); type of addressee; method or form of saying the prayer; formal-substantive rigidity of the text; leading intention / content / key function of the prayer and their number; place of creating the text; time of creating the text. The article also presents an example of application the summary theoretical data to particular material—a corpus of 220 prayers created by New Apostolic parishioners, and records of the prayerful life of the Christians from the catechesis of the New Apostolic Church.
theolinguistics, genre classification, subgenre, prayer, genre, religious style, functional stylistics, christian prayer, New Apostolic Church, Protestantism
Literary criticism
Sultanmuradov, A.M., Isaeva, K.B. (2021). Artistic comprehension of life and creative path of Abusufyan Akayev in the works of Kumyk writers (based on the analysis of the poem “Flame” by Badrutdin Magomedov) . Philology: scientific researches, 7, 39–49.
The subject of this research is the artistic comprehension of life and creative path of A. Akayev in the works of Kumyk writers. The object of this research is the poem “Flame” by the prominent Kumyk poet B. Magomedov. The author explores the place and role of A. Akayev in the history of spiritual culture of the Kumyk people and other peoples of Dagestan; evolution of the traditions of artistic comprehension of life and creative path of the outstanding Kumyk writers (including Abusufyan) in the history of Kumyk literature; and the deleterious influence of the consequences of Stalin's repressions on the spiritual life of the people later on. Particular attention is given to the analysis of the problematic and literary peculiarities of the poem. The main conclusions are as follows: 1) the history of Kumyk literature features such figures, whose life and creative path have become the object of not only literary studies, but also the object of their artistic comprehension; 2) over a dozen Kumyk authors dedicated their works to the artistic comprehension life and creative path of A. Akayev, among which B. Magomedov’s poem “Flame” holds a special place.. The author’s contribution to this research consists in introduction into the scientific discourse of one of the best in ideological and artistic aspect compositions of Kumyk literature of the post-Soviet period. The novelty is defined by the fact that this problem has not previously become the subject of special research.
artistic comprehension, poem, Abusufyan Akayev, Badrutdin Magomedov, Kumyk poetry, Dagestan literature, spiritual culture, poetics, problematics of the work, repression
Kulicheva, E.V. (2021). Syntagmatic relations as a means of representation of the semantic scope of agentives male teacher / female teacher in the prose of F. A. Vigdorova of the 1950s –1960s . Philology: scientific researches, 7, 50–60.
The subject of this research is the units of predicate lexis with regards to the terms male teacher / female teacher in the texts of F. A. Vigdorova of the 1950s – 1960s. The goal is to determine the role of syntagmatic relations of agentives male teacher / female teacher in the prose of F. A. Vigdorova of the indicated period. The article explores the lexicographic data, semantics of adjectives, participles and verbs for the terms male teacher / female teacher, adjectives, participles, verbs as a means of characterization in the prose of F. A. Vigdorova of the 1950s – 1960s. The article employs the methods of linguistic observation, description, statistical calculation, and the elements of component analysis. It is established that the important role in literary space, the writer assigns to adjectives (less often to participles) and verbs, which express the author's intention manifested in the pragmatic potential of the terms male teacher / female teacher. The adjectives and participles as a means of predication compile a generalized “portrait” of the teacher, implicitly translating the message of F. A. Vigdorova on professionalism, duty, and responsibility of the teacher before children, nation, and the country. The verbs represent the multifaceted activity of the teacher, engagement in all spheres of life, aspiration to create. Adjectives, participles, and verbs as a means of characterization of agentives male teacher / female teacher reveal the author’s perspective upon the problems of education and upbringing, indicating the special role of the teacher in life of an individual and personal growth. The relevance of the article lies in the analysis of syntagmatic relations of agentives male teacher / female teacher in the prose of F. A. Vigdorova of the 1950s – 1960ws. The acquired results can be used in preparation of lectures, practical classes on linguistic semantics, linguoculturology, as well as literary language in the higher education institutions.
predication tools, idiolect, language of fictio, gradosema, pragmatics, semantics, predicate vocabulary, lexeme, agent, Frida Vigdorova
Question at hand
Shal'nova, E.P. (2021). Pattern of the literary work (based on the “formula” of the literary work of S. I. Sukhikh) . Philology: scientific researches, 7, 61–72.
The subject of this research is the structure of the literary work. The goal consists in the establishment of correlation between the parts of the literary work, expressed in the research of S. I. Sukhikh “The Theoretical Poetics of A. A. Potebnja”. The author meticulously examines such aspects of the theory of literary work of A. A. Potebnja as the interrelation between the external form, internal form, artistic image, and content of the literary work, as well as outlines the structure of the literary work. The article describes the parts of the literary work (external form, internal form, artistic image, content). The article offers the patter of the literary work, distinguishing the parts and interrelation between them. The author formulates the definitions of external form, internal form, artistic image, and content of the literary work; reveals the characteristics and distinctive features of each part of the literary work. This led to the formation of representation of the literary work as a structure, where each of the parts expresses its own meaning, and serves as a means of creating the meaning for the other part. The result this research consists in the creation of the pattern of literary work that gives an idea on the structure of the literary work. The acquired materials can be used in studying the general concepts of the theory of literature: the form, content, artistic image, definition of artistic merit of the literary work. The offered pattern of the literary work cab be also applied to the analysis of the literary work. The scientific novelty of this study lies in the formation of representation of the literary work as a structure, where each part expresses its own meaning and serves as a means of creating meaning for the other part, as well as in creation of the pattern that conveys this idea.
the content of the work, artistic image, internal form, external form, the dialectic of the art form, art form, the ratio of the parts of the work, artwork, the structure of the artwork, the scheme of the artwork
Literary criticism
Lyubimov, N.I. (2021). Mythopoetic image of silver in the philosophical lyrics of Zoya Dudina. Philology: scientific researches, 7, 73–83.
Within the framework of studying the poetics of modern Mari philosophical poetry, this article analyzes the mythopoetic image of silver in the lyrics of Zoya Dudina. Based on the compilation of poems “Kuanyshym, Kuem Ondal...” (joyful to hug a birch tree… (2012), the author determines the semantics and article functions of this image, which represents the philosophical view and perception of the world of the poetess that in a certain way characterizes the lyrical heroine. From such perspective, the lyrics of Zoya Dudina is examines for the first time. The research methodology employs structural-semantic analysis of the literary works, which allowed describing the structural-semantic aspects the image of silver, revealing the authorial concept of the world and man, as well as the character of the lyrical heroine. It is proven that the Mari poetess Zoya Dudina consistently refers to the image of silver in her lyrics. For the poetess, silver is not a precious metal, which attracts people as jewelry, it is a mythopoetic image, the semantics of which is interrelated with the traditional (pagan) culture of the Mari people. Most of the time, this image is depicted within the structure of the natural picture, and reflects the view and perception of the lyrical heroine; it impersonates natural purity, nobility, faithful love, strong friendship, good intentions, unity the of man, nature, and the traditions. It is also underlined that in the mythological context for the lyrical heroine, silver can even resemble the mood.
mythopoetics, philosophical problems, semantics of the image, the image-symbo, philosophical lyrics, Zoya Dudina, lyrics, modern mari poetry, mari literature, the lyrical heroi
Literary criticism
Kirimov, T.N. (2021). Historiography of life and creative path of the devotee of the Crimean Tatar literature and enlightenment Y. N. Baiburtlu. Philology: scientific researches, 7, 84–90.
This article gives a brief overview of the life and creative heritage of the figure of Crimean Tatar literature and enlightenment of the early XX century Yahya-Naji Bayburtlu (1876-1943). The author introduces into the scientific discourse the poorly studied biographical and bibliographic archival materials, which include the prewar literary and historiographical texts transliterated from the Arabic script to the Roman script. The article also employs the reminiscences of the relatives and contemporaries of Y. N. Baiburtlu that have been published in modern national press and give a better perspective of the creative path and environment of Y. N. Baiburtlu: the newspaper article of the writer's daughter Niyara Baiburtlu, autobiographical texts of the prominent Crimean Tatar publicistic writer Shamil Alyadinov. The methodological framework is comprised of the biographical, comparative-typological, and meta-critical analysis. The theoretical framework is based on the works of Arslan Krichinsky, Cemil Kermenchikli, Ismail Kerimov, Dmitry Ursu, Natalia Yablonovskaya, Mukhiddin Khairuddinov, Enisa Abibullayeva. Therefore, the overview of the life and literary-enlightenment activity of Y. N. Baiburtlu reveals his creative personality, outlines the prospects for the aspectual research of his biography as a writer and playwright, translator of literary works, public figure, and enlightener of his time. The author believes that the examination of the versatile literary-pedagogical heritage may significantly enrich the scientific representations of the traditions, factors of development and formation of the Crimean Tatar literary elite of the prewar period in Crimea.
review of creativity, national press, cultural awakening, educational activities, literary and artistic heritage, Baiburtly, Crimean Tatars, book publishing, literary translation, intercultural relations