Literary criticism
Moskvin, G.V. (2020). “Amusing and upsetting” (Narrative interlude in the novel “Princess Mary” – night before the duel. Philology: scientific researches, 9, 1–10.
This article explores the questions associated with the latter three days in the novels “Princess Mary” saturated with dramatic events: duel with Grushnitsky, breach in friendship with Dr. Werner, Vera’s departure, farewell to Princess Mary. Special attention is given the text, referred to as narrative interlude, which reflects the night and early morning events before the duel. The text is comprised of a lyrical part (from 2 am on June 17 to Pechorin's exclamation “amusing and upsetting”); the story continues in reminiscences of the hero a month and a half later in a different stylistic reflection. The author examines literary motifs underlying the decision of Lermontov to describe the events of the night before duel using different genre and styles – lyrical confession and novel narration, and believes that one of the key factors for understanding Lermontov’s plot lies in replacement of Walter Scott's novels for Pechorin’s night reading (“The Fortunes of Nigel” with “The Scottish Puritans”). According to the author, the novel “Scottish Puritans” is similar to the finale of “Princess Mary”. For substantiating this thesis,, the article focuses on the original title of the novel – “Old Morality”, translated into French as “The Scottish Puritans” and into Russian – “The Puritans”. It is assumed that the meaning of Scottish title was understandable to Lermontov; thus the author suggests a congenial collocation – "the frail dust". Events of the finale should be comprehended as a purifying catastrophe; its artistic idea meets requirement of the time – describe birth of a Christian person as a new stage of spiritual evolution.
Old mortality, Fortunes of Nigel, Walter Scott, night before the fight, recollections, diary, Knyazhna Mary, Lermontov, old mortality, dream of love
Mokhammed, M.K., Rybakov, M.A. (2020). Comparative characteristics of case systems of Arabic and Russian languages. Philology: scientific researches, 9, 11–17.
This article provides comparative characteristics of case systems of Arabic and Russian languages. The subject of this research is the case systems of Arabic and Russian languages. The goal consists in comparing case systems of the two languages. Definition is given to the grammatical category of case applicable to nouns. Analysis is conducted on the peculiarities of formation of various cases in Arabic and Russian languages due to the different case systems. The scientific novelty lies in determination of similarities and differences of the case systems of Arabic and Russian languages, ignorance of which can result in the improper usage of grammatical constructs. The presented materials are valuable in studying these languages, as well as translating the texts. The author concluded on the significant differences in the case systems of Arabic and Russian languages, substantiated by the conditions of formation and development of these languages, as well as by the fact that Russian and Arabic are non-cognate languages.
formal feature, ending, inflection, Arabic, Russian, case system, lexical unit, noun, grammatical category, gender
Question at hand
Romanova, N.G. (2020). Consumption of information provided by mass media and professional competence of a student. Philology: scientific researches, 9, 18–28.
The subject field of this article is the problem of formation and actualization of professional competences of future specialists in the area of advertising and public relations in the context of peculiarities and dynamics of information consumption of modern youth. Articulation of the problem on the one hand is substantiated by the relevant vectors of scientific works – transformation of the practices of media consumption by mass audience, crisis of confidence in broadcast media and the institution of journalism, quality and specificity of modern media texts, professional competence of the representatives of mass media; whole on the other hand – by the need to resolve practical tasks in educational process in terms of formation of philological fundamentals of professional activity. In the course of this research, the author applied sociological methods. The respondents became the firs-year students majoring “Advertising and Public Relations”, who proceeded with discipline “Theory and Practice of Mass Media”. The first part of the questionnaire allowed determining the general attitude to the phenomenon of mass information and the key behavioral patterns of the students as its consumers, as well as the levels of identification and personification of the modern mass media. The second part was focused on the criteria of selection and the desired set of characteristics established by mass media, as well as potential development prospects of mass media. As a result of the conducted survey, the author determined variations of the content-thematic structure of information requests, range of time input, “standard” requirements of young audience to modern media sources, overall picture of consumer preferences of the students by the type of mass media, which altogether defines the relevant model of media consumption. The article reveals the problematic areas within the system of perceptions of modern media, which are substantiated particularly by insufficient level of information culture among the first-year students: difficulties with identification of the representatives of mass media sphere, stereotypical assessments and “desirable” qualities of new mass media. The conclusions and recommendations are formulated on practical implementation of the acquired results with regards to solution of the task of formation professional communication qualities of a specialists of media sphere.
digital media, media consumption, communication culture, information consumption, philological activity, mass communication, mass media, information culture, journalism, media text
Evgrafova, Y.A. (2020). Implementation of hermeneutic circle in heterogeneous screen text . Philology: scientific researches, 9, 29–37.
The object of this research is the hermeneutic circle of screen text. The subject of this research is the peculiarities of its implementation in screen text through the plot in terms of dramaturgical representation of the reality. Particular attention is given to the analysis of playing form of screen narrative – such heterogeneous screen texts as film-, tele- and video texts on the Internet. The course of the research is demonstrated on the example of the movie “Green book”, the news broadcast of 05.03.2020 “Weekly events in 60 minutes”, TikTok videotext by the user @darimbs of 03.08.2020. The author meticulously describes and analyzes the plotline of these texts, through which is implemented the hermeneutic circle. The novelty of this work consists in viewing the heterogeneous screen texts from the perspective of their implementation in linear explication of multi-component structure of hermeneutic circle on the screen. The author's special contribution to examination of heterogeneous screen texts lies in inclusion into the corpus of research materials of Interne text, besides the film texts and teletexts, which allows to comprehensively study the peculiarities of dramaturgical representation of the reality in all forms of screen narrative. It is discovered that the narrative is incorporated into the screen text – in terms of its creation, the author selects an event line of the objectively true reality, which places the constitutive elements of hermeneutic circle on the screen in the sequence of frames, and the meaning is conveyed indirectly through the plot. The conducted analysis of screen text from the standpoint of implementation of hermeneutic circle, allows identifying the latent meanings, as well as reconstructing the broad idea of the text.
screen, dramaturgic representation of reality, screen narrative, screen text, plot, hermeneutic circle, heteregeneous text, teletext, filmtext, videotext
Kozachina, A.V. (2020). Implementation of the discourse practice of legitimation of values in pedagogical discourse (on the example of strategy of reference to authority) . Philology: scientific researches, 9, 38–46.
This article is dedicated to the discourse practice of legitimation of values in pedagogical discourse, which is regarded as a translator of value attitudes relevant to the existing ideological formation, which implicitly forms the value worldview of each new member of linguocultural community. The goal consists in determination and description the specific characteristics of implementation of one of the four discourse strategies the practice of legitimation, highlighted by the representative of the British School of Critical Discourse Analysis T. Van Leeuwen – strategy of reference to authority. This strategy is implemented through six substrategies: reference to personal authority, reference to impersonal authority, reference to expert authority, reference to role model authority, reference to authority of tradition, and reference to authority of conformity. The research material includes the corpus of texts representing the Japanese pedagogical discourse: the textbook “Our Morality" and commentary on work program for the teachers of elementary and middle school. The novelty of this study consists in the description of discourse practice of legitimation of values implemented within the framework of pedagogical discourse. It was established that the strategy of reference to authority is implemented in the Japanese pedagogical discourse in full force; however, in interpretation of Japanese linguoculture, this strategy features the set of preferred and non-preferred substrategies.
critical discourse studies, discourse, Japanese language, discourse analysis, authorization, discursive strategies, legitimation, pedagogical discourse, educational settings, legitimation strategies
Talanina, A.A. (2020). Perception of term as a communicative microevent in the genre of educational lecture. Philology: scientific researches, 9, 47–57.
This article dedicates special attention to the description of means of introduction of a new concept in the educational lecture. Within the framework of analysis of scientific writings on the genre of educational lecture, the author reviewed the means to describe its compositions, as well as the concepts of understating of specificity of this genre of educational-scientific discourse. The object of this research is the forms of introduction of a new concept. The conclusion is made that comprehensive description of the lecture, which allows considering the maximum volume of its genre peculiarities, should be grounded on the concept of communicative event, which reflects the dialogical nature of the genre to the full extent. The lectures on physics, philosophy, and psycholinguistics served as the material for analyzing the composition of lecture as a communicative event, as well as determination of its most typical components (microevents): presentation of the problem; introduction of a new concept; designation of a specific name in science. The author describes the compositional and lexical-grammatical peculiarities of such microevent. The main result of the conducted research consists in a typical model of presentation of a term, which reflects the content of microevent and its composition. The content includes commentary on the inner form of the word that connects image of a term with its meaning, and data that forms a perception on the scope of introduced concept and its place within the terminology system. Composition suggests the following stages: activation of the existing empirical data essential for formation of the concept content; transformation (if necessary) of inappropriate perceptions of the audience; gradual introduction of components of a new concept along with designation of its place within a particular classification.
event character, scientific picture of the world, term system, lecture genre, anthropocentric linguistics, communicative event, educational and scientific discourse, etymology, synonym, isomorphism
Abdullabekova, U.B. (2020). Infinitive forms in polypredicative constructions in the Kumyk language . Philology: scientific researches, 9, 58–65.
The subject of this research is the function of infinitive forms (participle and adverbial participle) in polypredicative constructions in the Kumyk language. Special attention is given to concept of “polypredicative construction”. Predicative unit is an alternative to a simple sentence as part of the unit of higher level. Kumyk language indicates a strict sequence of parts: the dependent predicative unit is in preposition to the main predicative unit. It is noted that the center of polypredicative construction is the connectivity indicator – analytical (a functional word) or synthetic (a morpheme as part of a dependent verb form). Therefore, since the dependent verb form in the Kumyk language takes end position as part of dependent predicative unit, the synthetic connectivity indicator is placed between the main predicative unit and the dependent predicative unit. The novelty of this consists in compiling a list of infinitive forms (adverbial participial and participial) used in polypredicative constructions in dependent predicative unit in the Kumyk language. Polypredicative sentence marks eight adverbial participial forms and four participial forms. All types of participles, excluding present participle are used as an independent verb form – in simple sentence and in the main part of polypredicative construction.
dependent clause, clause, poly-predicative construction, kymyk participle, kymyk adverbial participle, infinite form, kymyk language, turkic languages, finite clause, infinite clause