Cheng, J. (2020). Category of theme in the genre of essay (on the materials of V. M. Peskov’s essays) . Philology: scientific researches, 8, 1–9.
The subject of this research is the category of theme – one of the leading text categories that reflects the subject matter of speech and extra-textual reality. Analysis of the category of theme in the essay genre is a relevant trend in modern linguistics. The essays by V. M. Peskov, whose works are considered exemplary and representative for the scientific research in the field of humanities, serve as the materials for this article. Among the essays of the Soviet period, the essays of V. M. Peskov rightfully hold a special place and retain its relevance. The research methodology contains categorical-textual analysis based on the category of communicativeness. The novelty consists in application of the categorical-textual method towards analyzing the genre of essay, which implies a combination of uniform by means of explication textual categories, and with a high degree of objectivity, allows to determine the characterological features of the genre and functional style. The means of explication of the category of theme in the genre of essay have the following peculiarities: incorporation of several functions in a single nomination (primary, basic, principal); application of diverse additional nominations (referentially identical nominations, synonyms, taxonomic nominations, substitutions, grammatical transformations, zero nominations). The analysis of a wide range of additional nominations demonstrates that the essays by V. M. Peskov with a high degree of confidence can be attributed to the field of publicistic, fiction and colloquial styles; or in other words, the genre is at the intersection of several functional styles.
Peskov, theme category, text categories, essay, genre, conversational style, artistic style, journalistic style, functional style, nomination
Borisova, Y.M. (2020). Main methods of Russian-Yakut translation of legal terms (based on the material of Russian-Yakut legal dictionary by B. N. Alekseev, V. N. Nikonov) . Philology: scientific researches, 8, 10–18.
The subject of this article is the methods of terminographical translation of legal terminology of the Sakha language employed in the Russian-Yakut legal dictionary. The goal of this work consists in determination of peculiarities of legal terminological lexicon and ways of conveying it to Yakut language. Terminographical analysis of the dictionary demonstrated that there is no strict rule for selecting the framework legal terms and terminological phrases. For example, the legal status of some commonly used words is questionable; the so-called “non-terminological” parts of speech manifest as the head term, and the form of feminine gender is presented excessively, which the authors propose on the equal basis with the form of masculine gender. This article is first to conduct a detailed analysis of instances of application of Russian-Yakut translation techniques of legal terms, such as equivalent, alternative translation, calquing, transliteration, as well as descriptive, situational and other translation methods. The article is based on the inductive-deductive method and method of selective sampling for terminographical analysis of translations of translation of legal terms and terminological phrases. The results terminographical analysis of the Russian-Yakut translation of legal allow concluding on the need for comprising the more extensive Russian-Yakut dictionaries of legal and sociopolitical terms.
equivalent, terminographic analysis, vocabulary, ways of transfer, legal terminology, Russian-Yakut translation, inventory type dictionary, Yakut language, variant translation, terminological phrase
Urazmetova, A.V., Ryabtsova, N.I. (2020). Peculiarities of nomination and usage of color tones in the French language . Philology: scientific researches, 8, 19–26.
This article is dedicated to studying the methods of designation of color tones in the French language using adjectivized nouns. The research material consists of 90 nominations of color tones, acquired by means of continuous sampling from dictionaries and Internet sources. Nominations of such specific color tones are given on the basis of associations with the color of various objects, phenomena, and substances that have similar tone. Classification is conducted on the units under consideration, depending on the type of metaphorical transfer underlying the nomination. Special attention is turned to examination of grammatical peculiarities of application of the indicated units in the French language. The obtained results allowed determining the following types of associations in color designation: with the plant life (names of vegetables, fruit, nuts, flowers, plants, trees); with the animal world (names of fish, birds, mammals); with the natural resources, stones, and minerals; with the natural phenomena (force of sky and sea); with the gastronomy (food, sweets, seasonings, drinks); with various materials, substances and objects. The results of quantitative analysis of color tones in the French language, which was conducted for the first time, allowed revealing most productive associations in formation of color neologisms, among which are plant life, natural resources, stones and minerals. The authors’ special contribution consists in studying the grammatical peculiarities of usage the units in question in the French language. In these constructs consisting of two elements — two nouns without a preposition (main + adherent), the second element is an adjectivized noun that exercise function of an adjective. Due to adjectivization, such constructs significantly expand the capabilities of conveying color tones in the French language.
metaphor, adjectivated noun, adjectivation, construction without prepositions, conversion, shade of color, color, resemblance, flexia, collocation
Gasharova, A.R. (2020). The genre of folk riddles and forms of its application in ashug art of the Lezgins . Philology: scientific researches, 8, 27–35.
The subject of this article is ashug art, namely improv singers. The object of this research is one of the genre varieties of ashug poetry – the dialogue songs. Roll songs hold a special place in non-ritualistic lyrical songs. With the historical development of the people, the contest songs stand out of the folklore poetry and take the form of riddles and solutions. These songs become a favorite genre of the Lezgin ashugs. Special attention is given to the transformation of the genre of folk riddles in the songs of ashug improvisators. Analysis is conducted on ideological-thematic diversity, as well as artistic distinctness of ashugs’ compositions. It is concluded that the poetic contest and dialogue songs, common in non-ritualistic lyrical songs of the Lezgins, received further development in the works of ashugs and improv singers. In later period, these songs appear in works of the classics of Lezgin poetry. The author's main contribution to this research consists in the analysis of ideological-thematic content and structure of poetic contest, presence of the genre of riddles therein, and as well determination of discrepancies between ashug riddles and folk riddles.
improvising singers, traditional, poetic size, dialog, roll songs, ashug art, folk riddles, Lezgin folklore, poetic debate, Lezgin literature
Podchasov, A.S. (2020). The concept of glory in the Russian religious culture and secular discourse . Philology: scientific researches, 8, 36–44.
This article is dedicated to conceptualization of the notion of glory in the Russian religious culture and secular discourse. Texts of the Holy Scripture indicate etymological relation of glory to the Ancient Hebrew root kbd (to be heavy, important, liver), which imposes additional meanings to the concept, not recorded in the dictionaries. For example, ancient Jews interpreted glory as a true value of the objects of corporeal and incorporeal world, which could be measured, “weighed”. Usage of the word glory in folklore, particularly in Christmas carols, as an imperative incantation can testify to the belief in the magic qualities of this word, as well as to connection of paganism and a religious rituals in people’s mind. As a result of comparative and hermeneutic analysis, the author concludes that in the religious context, glory retains the idea of the interconnectivity and interconditionality of hearing and speech, typical to the Indo-European root kleu, from which is stems from. A centuries-old process of de-ontologization led the loss of the internal form and value elements of semantic structure of glory, which caused distortion of this Christian concept in consciousness of the Russian native speakers. In the secular, profane discourse, fame became the key meaning of glory. However, in consciousness of the Russian native speakers, the word glory remains a significant source of cultural-linguistic information, which cannot be understood without reference to the history, traditions and religion of the nation.
weight, doxa, liver, Old Covenant, public image, intangible asset, opinion, fame, folklore, incantation