Volova, V.M., Vasil'eva, Y.S. (2020). Proper names as a part of telescopic nomination in English-language publicistic texts of the modern mass media. Philology: scientific researches, 7, 1–9.
This article examines the telescopic nominations as a peculiar type of tropeic utilization of proper names, in which anthroponyms are used as the foundation from the perspective of the method of introduction into a publicistic text, as well as specificities of their functionality within modern English-language mass media. It is demonstrated that telescopy as a special type of abbreviation is one of the most productive means of enrichment of the mass media language, as telescopic nominations in publicistic texts combine high expressiveness and informativeness of provided material. This article analyzes the form and function of onyms as a part of telescopic nominations in modern English-language publicistic culture. It is established that in the modern English, telescopic nominations represent a rapidly growing layer of the lexicon, confirmed by the active use of this word-forming model that includes proper names. The scientific novelty of the research consists in a comprehensive lexical stylistic analysis of the process of formation and proliferation of the linguistic novelties, peculiarities of their application in speech, as well as character and dynamics of the global linguistic processes. The practical importance of the acquired results lies in the fact that they can be used within the framework of teaching such disciplines lexicology, linguoculturology, stylistics, as well as creation of textbooks on these disciplines.
haplological telescopisms, telescopisms, mass media language, mass media text, mass media discourse, anthroponym, onomastics, partial telescopisms, proper names, onyms
Literary criticism
Akimova, T.I. (2020). Ways of constructing the past in V. Pikul’s novel “The Favorite”. Philology: scientific researches, 7, 10–24.
The subject of this article is the key methods of constructing the past applied by Valentin Pikul in chronological novel “The Favorite”: theatricality technique, actualization of male and female beginnings of the main characters, adventurous beginning that includes special chronotope, creation of mystical atmosphere, introduction of the motifs of meeting and partings, and “modernization” of history – the approach of parallel description of the plot of the XVIII century as a storyline of the time of a reader. The goal is to demonstrate the origin of techniques within the depths of Pukil’s writing methods that are in demand by modern cinematography and brought to life in multiple TV series; and how the enlightening content of historical compositions of the XVIII century, particularly the “Memoirs of Catherine the Great” are replaced by the entertaining presentation. The use of cultural-historical, comparative-historical, and structural methods allow determining the main semantic bonds of the novel and genesis of these phenomena, as well as draw parallels with the indicated realias in the modern mass literature. In the course of comprehensive analysis of the novel “The Favorite”, the conclusion is made on the intentional fictionalization of the historical material by V. Pikul: externally – through convergence of the novel with theatrical staging via using compositional techniques; and internally – through the techniques of mass literature writing, creation of adventurous chronotope, diminishment of the heroic beginning of historical characters to the behavioral level of typical characters of the romantic novel, introduction of the element of scandal, mystery and adventure. For the first time, the novel is examined through the prism of the time of its creation – the era of post-Perestroika, and the tradition the author leans upon: country-style and “youth” prose. The acquired conclusions directly relate to the modern situation, work of screenwriters on historical material, which was significantly simplified for the mass literature audience.
typification, chronotope of the adventure story, reception of a karnavalization, popular literature, Valentin Pikul's creativity, historical novel, author's receptions, Russian literature, theatricality reception, tradition of rural prose
Literary criticism
Gusev, E.I. (2020). V. S. Baevsky and M. L. Gasparov: to the history of scientific communication in prosody. Philology: scientific researches, 7, 25–35.
Based on the biographies of the prominent philologists V. S. Baevsky and M. L. Gasparov, this article examines the relationships of the Soviet scholars of humanities in the late XX century, and verifies the facts from the history of prosody. The archive of V. S. Baevsky with collection of 146 letters of M. L. Gasparov is deposited in Smolensk State University. It preserved handwritten and printed documents that tell about their shared scientific interests and sincere relationship. Gasparov’s dedicatory inscriptions on the books resembling the token reverence and friendship also serve as important and informative sources in studying this topic. The library of V. S. Baevsky accounts to 35 such books. There is also extensive memoir literature dedicated to V. S. Baevsky and M. L. Gasparov. The article analyzes peer reviews of V. S. Baevsky on the monographs of M. L. Gasparov, responses to the jubilees of the scholar, and obituary in his memory. The conclusion was made that mutual respectful dialogue established between V. S. Baevsky and M. L. Gasparov contributed to the synergy of efforts on the development of prosody as a research method, integration of university and academic science for the advancement of humanities in Russia. The study of various scientific contacts and relationships between the Soviet philologists allows having a new perspective upon the history of philology in Russia, examine the problem of opposition of Soviet science as a social institution, which was controlled by the government and its founding scholars, as well as clarify important facts in the establishment of prosody.
epistrography, semiotics, Smolensk state university, prosody, philology, history of since, Bayevsky, Gasparov, semantic, statistics
Dolgenko, A.N., Kosyreva, M.S. (2020). Language globalization and language globalistics. Philology: scientific researches, 7, 36–40.
This article analyzes the results of quarter of a century long analysis of the phenomenon of language globalization within the framework of new branch of interlinguistics – language globalistics. Emphasis is made on the analysis of established linguistic and extralinguistic factors of language globalization, reasons and circumstances of acquisition the status of global by English language. Attention is also paid to the concept of the global language network and sub-global languages in the Internet communication and global linguocultural and lexical-semantic exchange. The author examines the prospects of language globalization in the context of achievements of language globalistics. It is concluded that if for acquisition of the status of global by English language, the crucial role was played extralinguistic factors, then for consolidation and retention of this status linguistic factors were more significant. It is noted that the "users" are more important than "native speakers" for the language globalization. Internet communication, for which English language has historically become the key tool, continues to expand the composition of “users” of the global language. This would arise new challenges for the linguistic globalistics.
theory of language, interlinguistics, global language net, global communication, subglobal languages, language globalistics, language globalization, English, world languages, language policy
Gololobova, N.I. (2020). Phraseological and non-phraseological methods of translating phraseological units in the works of D. H. Lawrence . Philology: scientific researches, 7, 41–50.
This article is dedicated to the methods of translating phraseological units in the works of D. H. Lawrence. Based on examination of the scientific works of leading scholars in the area of phraseology, the author reviews classification of the methods of translating phraseological units, and underlines the preference of using phraseological method. Having analyzed the literary works of D. H. Lawrence, the author highlights all instances of translation of phraseological units into Russian language. For achieving the set goal, the author found two versions of translation of each work conducted by different translators. Such instances were illustrated by examples of the selected literary works in the source language and target language. The patterns and difficulties of translation of same phraseological units faced by different translator were determined. The author carried out statistical analysis of using different methods of translation, and concluded on the frequency of usage of the most preferable technique of translating phraseological units. The main conclusion lies in the fact that the most preferred method of translation appears to be the rarest (total 17%), while the percentage of use of this method varies from translator to translator. However, the author notes that inability to use a phraseological method of translation does not always mean a poor quality translation, and in many instances is justified; but, at the same time, the author proves that translators should pay more attention to recognition of phraseological units and seek for phraseological equivalents and analogues of translated phraseological units in the target language.
source language, target language, non-phraseological method of translation, phraseological analogue, phraseological equivalent, phraseological method of translation, phraseological unit, dictionary translation, literal translation, contextual peculiarities
Ignateva, T. (2020). On the structural and semantic peculiarities of interrogative sentences with negation in English and Chuvash languages . Philology: scientific researches, 7, 51–60.
This article represents a comparative study of structural and semantic peculiarities of interrogative sentences with negation in modern languages. The solution of the problem of interrelation and mutual influence of the categories of interrogation and negation in non-cognate languages is of undeniable interest. The relevance of this work is defined by insufficient research on the topic of interrogation and negation in the sentences from comparative perspective, namely with Chuvash language. The goal consists in determining the meaning of negation in interrogative sentences and the impact of the means of negation in Chuvash language compared to English language. The language of English and Chuvash fiction literature served as the main factual material for this study. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that based on the example of sentences with negation, the authors demonstrate that the structural and semantic peculiarities of such sentences are not specific to the English language, but rather common to many languages, including Chuvash; there are nuances that depend on the history of development and structure of a particular language. The results acquired from comparative analysis of the structure and semantics of interrogative sentences with negation in non-cognate languages provide the necessary material for future elaboration of the problems of speech culture and literary translation.
the English language, features, juxtaposition, comparison, semantics, structure, interrogative sentence, means of negation, category of negation, the Chuvash language
Massal'skaya, Y.V. (2020). Manifestation of allophrony in German colloquial language (stylistic aspect). Philology: scientific researches, 7, 61–67.
The subject of this research is the functionality of allophronic elements German colloquial language. The object of this research is lexical units of German colloquial language. The goal consists in determination of allophronic elements in German colloquial language from the stylistic perspective. .The author outlines the theoretical framework of the category of “allophrony”, its key characteristics and manifestations in the stylistic aspect of German colloquial language. The relevance this work is substantiated by the fact that the concept of allophrony is of great interest to modern linguistics from both, practical and theoretical perspectives. It is important to study this phenomenon in the colloquial language, since this communication layer involves all aspects of speech and language. Namely in conversational style, allophrony is manifested not only on usual level, but also occasionally. This work is first to analyze the contradictory elemnents in German colloquial language within the framework of studying the theory of allophrony. Allophrony is a linguistic category, introduced by the Professor of Philology B. T. Ganeev, which encompasses language and speech manifestations of contradictions. Analysis is conducted on the linguistic units of German colloquial speech in existence of allophronic elements. It is established that allophrony is present in the colloquial language and manifests in form of such stylistic means as enantiosemy, oxymoron, and irony. The contradictions of colloquial language, on the one hand, can be associated with certain contradictions of today’s world, and on the other hand – with the peculiarities of speech that are in constant “motion”.d
spoken language, enantiosemy, irony, oxymoron, contradiction, ortophrony, allophrony, semantics, occasional, language
Palanchuk, N.V. (2020). Introduction of the concept of “Putin’s Games” in the foreign media discourse: aspect of relevance. Philology: scientific researches, 7, 68–77.
The subject of this research is the representation of the linguocultural concept of “Putin’s Games” in the English-language media dedicated to 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi. Within the framework of linguoculturological approach, analysis is conducted on the aspect of relevance of the concept of “Putin’s Games”, reflected in the number of linguistic means of appeal to this concept. Consideration of over 160 English-language articles from the leading British and U.S. publishers allowed determining such peculiarities in representation of the concept of “Putin’s Games” as the diversity of linguistic means appealing to the concept in a relatively low frequency of utilization of individual linguistic units; accentuation of close affinity between the name of the Russian President and the 2014 Winter Olympics. Foreign media discourse verbalizes the concept of "Putin's Games” on different linguistic levels. A wide variety of lexical expressions appealing to the concept, reflect connection between the President and the Olympics not only in an explicit way (through the President's first and last name), but also implicitly (metaphoricity, irony). Neologisms and phraseologisms used by journalists for describing "Putin's Games" bring in additional emotional coloring to the content of this concept. The stylistic techniques applied for verbalization of the concept involve different linguistic levels: the discourse presents phonetic, lexical, and syntactic visual means. Precedent phenomena contribute to enhancement of negative connotation, and also describe the geopolitical interests of Sochi Olympics. The acquired results underline the relevance of the concept of “Putin’s Games” for the English-language media discourse.
phraseological unit, neologism, lexical unit, media discourse, concept Putin’s games, the aspect of relevance, linguacultural concept, stylistic device, precedent phenomenon, Olympics-2014