Balygina, E.A., Yarovikova, Y.V., Ermolova, T.V., Krukovskaya, O.A. (2020). Functional-semantic aspects of translation of psychological terminological phrases of English language. Philology: scientific researches, 5, 1–15.
Multiple scientific works are dedicated to studying the impact of linguistic factors upon the translation process. However, relevant remains the task of determining dependence of the translation strategy on the peculiarities of semantic development and functionality of terminological units. This article examines the functional-semantic aspects of translation of the adjective-substantive terminological phrases of English language that reflects the scientific notions of psychology. An attempt is made to develop the methods for translating terminological phrases that would consider syntagmatic aspects of interaction of the meanings of its components. Attention is focused on determination of the impact of peculiarities of terminological meaning of terminological phrase upon the choice of its conveying in translation. A conclusion is made that the translation process of terminological phrases from English to Russian are influenced by such factors, as the level of semantic closeness of terminological phrases and communicative significance of its adjective component. In conclusion, the author discusses strategies of selection of the way of translation of terminological phrases, taking into account the aforementioned factors.
semantic syntax, psychological terminology, the English terminology, terminological phrases, English-Russian translation, terminology translation, functional syntax, derivation, phraseologization, semantic change
Khavronich, A.A. (2020). On the techniques of varying as the components of auerate diction in the Early Modern English literature (based on the fragments of the D. Lyndsay’s play “A Satire of the Three Estates”). Philology: scientific researches, 5, 16–27.
The subject of this research is implementation of the technique of apposition of synonymic units and apposition of morphological variants identified in the fragments of the D. Lyndsay’s play “A Satire of the Three Estates” representing auerate diction. These techniques are viewed in the context of specificity of auerate diction forming in the beginning of the Early Modern English period, as well as from the perspective of general linguistic processes taking place at that time. Based on the examples from D. Lyndsay’s play, the author focuses on possibilities of utilization of the techniques of varying for the development of semantic and metasemiotic potential of the involved linguistic units. The scientific novelty is defined by the fact that the stylistic distinction of literary landmarks of the Early Modern English period, unlike the later works of Elizabethan era, were not subjected to detailed analysis in foreign or Russian research. The selected D. Lyndsey’s play “A Satire of the Three Estates” has also not been analyzed from the perspective of formal characteristics. The article specifies the significant peculiarities of the use of key techniques of varying, which in many instances define the aesthetic affect made by the play, leading to a more profound understanding of the resources of English language through realization of the impact function in historical perspective.
stylistically marked elements, stylistic connotation, linguostylistics, three-level stylistic analysis, Lindsay, aureate diction, early modern English drama, early modern English, figures of varying, metamorphic style
Ganieva, E.S., Osmanova, Z.S., Mazinov, A.S. (2020). Linguoculturological aspect of studying Turkic toponyms of Crimea. Philology: scientific researches, 5, 28–41.
The object of this research is the Turkic toponymic units of the Crimean Region. The subject of this research is the Crimean Tatar toponymic lexicon in the linguocultural aspect. The article examines the Turkic (Crimean Tatar) toponymic system as a fragment of the linguistic worldview of its native speakers. The need is underlined for comprehensive characteristics of geographical denominations of the Crimean Peninsula, with consideration of linguoculturological components as a full-fledged element. The goal consists in description of the Turkic toponymic units of Crimean Region as a phenomenon generated by the culture of Crimean Tatars. It is determined that the semantic of Turkic toponyms is motivated by different associations related to images of the animals and their habitat, plants, historical events and legends that defined names of the objects, etc. There also nomens with unmotivated semantics, permitting variable semantization. As a result of analysis, the examined in linguoculturological aspect toponyms of Crimea of Turkic origin are classified by most significant thematic groups. The Crimean Tatar toponymic lexicon is viewed from linguoculturological perspective for the first time, which defines the scientific novelty of the research. The following conclusions were made: geographical denominations of Crimea are the cultural artifact of Crimean Tatars, reflecting the historical stages of their settlement, ancient migrations and interethnic contacts, economic activity. Political and social transformations, geographical specificities, location, territorial traditions, including those that no longer exist. The geographical nominations, alongside the instances of creation of toponyms based on external resemblance of geographical object with the realities surrounded Crimean Tatars (color, form), also used cultural and mental associative principles of nomination. This is why the terms included religious, somatic, legend-based, and other components.
linguistic and cultural aspect, toponym, geographical nomenclature, geographical names, lexis, the Crimean Tatar language, toponymy, Turkic toponymic system, world language picture, linguoculturology
Semenova, E.M. (2020). Mental spaces of LIGHT/DARK archetypical binary opposition. Philology: scientific researches, 5, 42–50.
The article represents the description of ideal cognitive model of LIGHT/DARK archetypical binary opposition, metaphorically represented in the modern American political media discourse. Classific cognitive features and frames, constituting the mental spaces of the dichotomy under consideration are identified and described. The modelling of LIGHT/DARK binary pposition cognitive structure is represented by 3 stages. They are as follows: 1. the cognitive features identifed in the process of archetypical concepts' macrostructures description are referred to archetypical senses forming their mental spaces;2. the categorical structures of arcgetypical concepts are identified as frames or specific cognitive features, makong concepts' cognitive structure more detaoled;3.the character of archetypicak concepts' field organisation is determined by means of identyfying the core, the nearest and the farthest periphery of archetypical binary opposition cognitive structure.The methodology of the research is based on the cognitive-discursive paradigm, cognitive analysis of image making ways of archetypical senses ontologization in the political discourse.The novelty of research consists in representation of the ideal cognitive model of archetypical binary opposition LOGHT/DARK in the political discourse, the main characterisitic of which is conceptual assymetry, predetermining the charachter of interconnections between the components of binary opposition on the cognitive, verbal and discourse levels.
verbal representation, sense ontologization, cognitiv-discursive paradigma, ideal cognitive model, archetypical binary opposition, political mediadiscourse, metaphor, cognitiva classifying feature, recurrency, category structure
Tomicheva, I.V., Khlybova, N.A., Girenko, I.V. (2020). Verbal expression of emotions in the course of teaching foreign language. Philology: scientific researches, 5, 51–60.
The subject of this research is identification of emotions based on verbal expressions. The studies dedicated to verbal expression of emotions mostly provide description and classification to the lexicon that reduce studying to semantic and mental capabilities of the phenomenon. The nature and influence of emotional states upon learning a language remain insufficiently studied. Emotional response is able to change the course of cognitive processes. Feelings and mood can greatly affect learning of a foreign language. In the process of emotive-empathic interaction, teacher and student exchange emotions. Success of the process directly depends on the proper emotional mutual perception. Another goal of this research is to determine verbal traces related to negative emotions. The author uses an empirical method of research, such as scientific observation over the behavior if students and teacher, recording the results of such observations. The scientific novelty consists in determination of the influence of emotion of students upon the reception of learning material. Positive emotions are the elements of motivation, while negative are the factors of demotivation. The presented research is a first step in using emotions, emerging in the course of study, aimed at formation of metacognitive skills of the students. The obtained conclusions may be valuable for educators to predict the expression of emotions in accordance with the learning goals and resources.
linguistic tasks, metacognitive abilities, cognitive development, emotional category, emotional valence, emotional mode, verbal track, identification, frequency of occurrence, connotation
Ignateva, T., Myasnikova Irina Alekseevna, I.A. (2020). Comparative analysis of the verbs of intensive movement on the example of English and Chuvash languages. Philology: scientific researches, 5, 61–72.
This article is dedicated to the comparative analysis of English and Chuvash verbs of intensive movements that comprise a separate lexical-semantic group in these languages. Relevance of this work is defined by the fact that there are relatively small amount of research on the comparative examination of verbs of movement in English and Chuvash languages, although they refer to one of the richest and diverse semantic groups within the verb as part of speech. An attempt is made to analyzes the words attributed to lexical-semantic group of intensive movement of a subject in space, establish semantic relations between the indicated units. The applied interlinguistic method allowed revealing a number of common and distinct features that are not evident in intralinguistic analysis. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that systemic examination of the group of verbs of intensive movement, which are united semantically, was conducted by comparison of linguistic means of multi-structural languages, namely English and Chuvash. The authors assume that the acquires results would contribute to better command of foreign languages, as well as more in-depth and comprehensive studying of the native language, as well as provide essential material for literary translation, formation and development of speech culture.
languages of different structure, speech styles, semantic features, language means, juxtaposition, comparison, lexico-semantic group, verbs of intensive movement, the English language, the Chuvash language