Minova, N.P., Kasimirova, I.S., Mamukina, G.I., Phedorova, A.V., Suprunov, S.E. (2020). Calquing of the English-language collocations as one of the productive ways of borrowing in the modern French language. Philology: scientific researches, 2, 1–14.
The relevance of this topic is substantiated by the fact colloquial languages are in a state of constant change and development, generating new words and expressions for designating new concepts and phenomena. The understanding of neologism even in the native language often can be fraught with certain difficulties, as such words and phrases are registered by dictionaries behind time. It also can create problems in translating neologisms into another language, as well as their borrowing by other languages. The goal of this work consists in examination of the process of calquing of the newly formed English-language collocations by the French language. The subject of the article is the full calques and half-calques of collocations of English origin in the process of their integration into the modern French language. Methodology is based on the lexicographic, descriptive and comparative methods, cognitive and lexical-semantic analysis, and continuous sampling. The conducted research displays that in borrowing collocations from the English language by the modern French language, the generalized-descriptive reconsideration of the entire phrase is observed in formation of a new phraseological with regards to both, full calques of English phraseologisms and phraseological half-calques. Special interest present the calques of the English collocation of phraseological and non-phraseological nature, which in the French language get an expanded meaning, or become the basis for formation of new phraseologisms due to broadening of their meaning.
French Language, Franglais, Anglicisms, English Borrowings, Phraseological Units, Fixed Word-Combinations, Calques, Neologisms, Loan-Translation, English Language
Kornienko, K.B. (2020). Letter in a system of hypergenre “personal file”. Philology: scientific researches, 2, 15–25.
The subject of this research is the structural components of hypergenre “personal file”. The object of this research is business letters. Analysis is conducted on the basis of archived personal filed of the students of Arkhangelsk State Medical Institute for the period from 1930’s – 1940s. The goal consist in introducing new texts of business correspondence into the scientific discourse. In the course of this study, the author solves the following tasks: extraction of documents from the personal files that genre-wise belong to correspondence; determination of genre distinctness of the extracted documents; description of stylistic and functional characteristic of letters and notes. The discursive-communicative analysis of the texts of business correspondence proves that the addresser and the addressee are based on the general social presuppositions. The genre analysis allowed studying the specificity of the genre of business letter and note. For examination of linguistic units of business texts, the author uses the methods of semantic, stylistic and discursive analysis. It is claimed that the hypergenre “personal file” includes a special genre group – business letter or note that manifests as the structural elements of personal file. The author highlights the documents comprising the group of letters/notes based on the formal criterion, i.e. presence of addressee; from the perspective of functional criterion, namely the purpose of document and intention of the addresser; according to discursive-compositional markers, such as form of address or etiquette formula. The article demonstrates the specificity of indicated genres in the particular historical period within the framework of a hypergenre, which is an important addition to the overall picture of the development of business writing, as well as a source for determining normative and stylistic peculiarities of the document on the various language levels.
functional style, genre analysis, note, business letter, speech genre, hyper-genre, personal file, business correspondence, stylistic contamination, genre-discursive specificity
Controversy and debate
Guzova, A.V., Savitskaya, N.V., Dedova, O.V., Ivolina, T.V. (2020). Linguistic status of paremias in the Russian and American political discourse. Philology: scientific researches, 2, 26–36.
The subject of this research is the peculiarities of utilization of paremiological linguistic means in the Russian and American political discourse. The goal consists in establishing linguistic status of paremiological means in the Russian and American political discourse. Based on the speeches of Russian and American politicians, the author demonstrates the use of paremias in political discourse and underlines their influential role. The article explores the peculiarities of utilization of different paremias in the political discourse, provides statistical data regarding the frequency of mainstreaming of different types of paremias in the Russian and American political discourse. Research methodology leans on regulations pertaining to categorization of the political world in the genres of political aphorism, as well as the methods of systematization and generalization, continuous sampling, discursive analysis, content analysis and statistical method. The results may be valuable of the courses of rhetoric and stylistics of the Russian and English languages. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that this research is first to demonstrate the linguistic statuses of paremias in the Russian and American political discourse from the perspective of their convincing and manipulative function.
paremiological foundation of the language, paremiological agents, means of implementing a belief, the political press, political speech, political discourse, the aphorism, proverbs, sayings, author 's aphoristic units
Literary criticism
Poliakov, I.A. (2020). Some peculiarities of opera libretto as a potential literary genre. Philology: scientific researches, 2, 37–49.
This article analyzes the changes pertaining to such level of literary works as a system of characters, category of space and time, phonetic system and composition; as well as changes in epic and dramatic oeuvres in the process of transformation of the text of literary work into an opera libretto. Analysis is conducted on peculiarities of the aforementioned levels of literary text and libretto. As an example of epic work, the author selected the A. S. Pushkin’s verse novel “Eugene Onegin” and the eponymous opera composed by P. I. Tchaikovsky; as an example of dramatic work, the author picked the two poetic dramas from Pushkin’s cycle “The Stone Guest” and “The Miserly Knight” and the eponymous operas by A. Dargomyzhsky and S. V. Rachmaninoff respectively. The following methods were applied in the course of this study: comparative based on juxtaposition of musical-scenic interpretation and precedent literary text; typological for determination of patterns, classification and generalization of the results. The author comes to the conclusion that the transformation of epic and dramatic literary texts into the opera libretto has similarities and differences on all levels of the text. The possible reasons of such phenomenon are discussed. The author answers a question whether or not libretto can be attributed to as a genre of fiction writing.
space, plot, transformation, drama, Intermediality, epic, Libretto, time, composition, the Opera
Literary criticism
Seferova, E.E. (2020). Genesis and functions of the motifs of initiation in the Crimean Tatar epic tale. Philology: scientific researches, 2, 50–57.
The subject of this research became the examination of genesis and functions of the motif of initiation within the Crimean Tatar magic tale. The ritual of initiation is an important social institute of pre-class society, which serves as the foundation of folk tradition for the peoples of the world. The archaic forms of this motif are associated with the mythological rituals-initiations. The motif of initiation in a magic tale often become the core of the plot and compositional structure. Special attention deserves the concept of the scholar Kerim Camanaqlı, who underlined the role of mythological images in development of the storyline of Crimean Tatar tales, as well as primeval roots of these images. The methodology and theoretical framework of the study is the compilations of Crimean Tatar tales of the early XX century “Tales and Legends of Crimean Tatars” (1936) and “Tales for Children” (1939), dictionaries, scientific writings of the prominent folklorists and literary historians. The novelty consists in revelation of the fact that Crimean Tatar magic tales, containing various compositional elements in their structure, include the pair “dying – rebirth”. The indicated elements of the composition of a magic tale emerged and formed under the influence of mythological rituals. By the specific attributes, the ritual of initiation in the tales can carry different functions and forms. Poetic transformation of the motif of initiation defines the peculiarities of magic tales. The main conclusion consists in the ethnographic ritualistic archaic, which vividly manifests in the Crimean Tatar magic tale, inherent with the formation of fundamentals of the tale, its initial structure, situations, images, system of poetic language and artistic means. Mythical character somewhat alienates from previous mythologicity and comes closer to a fairy image, being included into a fairy civilization.
initiation, composition, rite, images, ritual, myth, plot, poetics, structure, fairy tale
Tsydendambaeva, O., Dorzheeva, O. (2020). Human as a phenomenon of unity of corporeal and spiritual in various-system languages (based on the material of euphemisms in the English and Buryat languages). Philology: scientific researches, 2, 58–66.
This article is dedicated to the examination of euphemisms in the various-system languages – English and Buryat that contain view of the world by a human, and the ways of their conceptualization. Euphemisms remain insufficiently studied. Whereupon, examination of linguistic expression of the key concepts of culture is among the paramount programs of modern linguistics, need for the linguoculturological approach towards analysis of euphemisms in the languages, viewing it in light of the current sociocultural transformations, which are refer to euphemisms and values reflected by them. The subject of this research is the euphemisms in the English and Buryat languages, representing the semiosphere “corporeal and spiritual”. The scientific novelty consists in introduction of the previously unexamined euphemism in Buryat language that comprise semiosphere “corporeal and spiritual” into the scientific discourse. The analysis of language material testifies to the fact that in various cultures the topic of intimacy and sex is euphemized differently. The lexis indicating the intimate parts of the body is vividly presented in the West, while in Buryat language – rather reserved. The author also determines the common, universal, and nationally marked components elucidating the linguistic worldview of different ethnoses and cultures.
universals, semantics, concept, substitute, picture of the world, metonymy, personification, metaphor, euphemism, natinal-marked vocabulary
Tsydendambaeva, O., Dorzheeva, O. (2020). The concept of death in euphemistic view of the world on the material of English, German, Russian and Buryat languages. Philology: scientific researches, 2, 67–77.
The category of “death” is based on the concept antipodal to the category of “life”. Death marks the end of life; its semantic dominant is the notion of the “absence of being” of a human. Meanwhile, “death” is a socially formed category, and the stance on this phenomenon is developed under the influence of a range of factors – literature, art, religious doctrines, cultural rituals, and burial traditions. There exists an opinion on the intuitive and explicable commonness of views of the cultures of different nations and religious representations with regards to “remembrance of the dead and veneration of their souls”. The concept of “death” as one of the basic meanings of human being, can be ranked among universal, holding a special place within the linguistic view of the world. Perhaps this explains the interest of the researchers to this concept. The subject of this article is the euphemisms of the English, German, Russian and Buryat languages that form semantic space of the concept of “death”. The scientific novelty lies in introduction into the scientific discourse of the previously unstudied euphemisms of Buryat language representing the concept of “death”; as well as determination of the universal in English, German and Russian languages nationally marked components reflecting the linguistic view of the world by various ethnoses and cultures.
substitute, universals, personification, metonymy, metaphor, picture of the world, euphemism, concept, national-marked vocabulary, mentality
Iarovikova, I.V. (2020). Focalization of key meanings in the portrait ekphrasis . Philology: scientific researches, 2, 78–86.
This article is dedicated to the explication of key meanings in the ekphrastic novel by Oscar Wilde “Picture of Dorian Gray” through the prism of emotional state and attitude of the protagonist in the situation of perception of his own portrait. Structured by antithetic principles novel is based on the semantic dominant of wonderful / disgraceful. The wonderful implies beauty and youth of Dorian and is opposed to his soul and morality, experiencing fatal transformations associated with the moral decay of personality. Thus, the object of research becomes the semantic dominant of wonderful / disgraceful alongside additional key meanings (semantic antinomies) it is based upon. The subject of research is the linguistic markers of focalization of key essences in the portrait ekphrasis, which resemble the character’s evaluation and comprehension of such categories as wonderful / disgraceful, beauty / ugliness, youth / old age, etc. Focalization is viewed as one of the cognitive mechanisms of ekphrasis, which emphasizes most significant from the character’s perspective information that translates his subjective, emotionally colored attitude to the object of perception. Determination of the key meanings is achieved through accumulation of linguistic means, namely lexical-semantic markers and markers of nonverbal communication code. Such means enhance the expressiveness and focus attention of the audience on the sharp comparison of the concepts and images, highlighting the main motif, semantic dominant that serves as the foundation for the entire novel.
conceptualization, evaluation, focusing, perception, emotionally-expressive function, the beautiful-the ugly, semantic antinomies, key meanings, semantic dominant, painting ekphrasis
Shukurov, D.L. (2020). Name of God and the doctrine of Jehovah’s Witnesses (critical review of the problematic). Philology: scientific researches, 2, 87–100.
The subject of this research is the question of the name of God in biblical texts. From the linguistic perspective, the author reviews the religious doctrine of the banned in the Russian Federation pseudo-Christian organization Jehovah’s Witnesses, which speculative teaching has a destructive impact upon the society. This community endows a biblical name with exclusive meaning that is implicitly presented in Tetragrammaton (YHWH), and explicitly – in the medieval Masoretic version of vowel marking Jehovah (in fact, erroneous). Beyond the sectarian doctrine hides the polemical rhetoric, aimed at the names of Jesus Christ in the New Testament, since the proclamation of Jesus as Good (ὁ Κύριος)in the Greek Language, according to sectarian logic, is merely a titular nomination, relegating Christ Himself to the level of most venerated righteous men and prophets. The scientific novelty consists in the thesis that the principles of nomination of God in biblical texts are studied from the linguoculturological perspective. The conclusion is made that speculative teaching of pseudo-Christian religious organization is structured on the wittingly distorted and inaccurate interpretations of translation of the name of God. Philological research of the principles of nomination of God in biblical texts not only exacerbates the understanding of the religious doctrines belonging to the traditional Christian confessions, but also allows to critically assess the speculative teachings of pseudo-Christian organizations.
classical languages, new Testament, old Testament, Jehovah's Witnesses, pseudo-Christianity, Christian onomatology, Tetragrammaton, name of God, languages of the Bible, linguistic hermeneutics
Lyubeznova, N. (2020). The phenomenon of syntagmatic motivation in prefix verb derivation in the Russian language. Philology: scientific researches, 2, 101–108.
The subject of this research is the syntagmatic motivational linkages in prefix verb derivation of the Russian language, observed in the aspect of synchronic dynamics. The author examines such aspects of the topic as syntagma (combination of two verbal-cogitative components connected by hierarchical relations of the principal and explanatory) and syntagmatic motivation (substantiated by syntactic models). Special attention is given to the fact that the motivated verb derivative structure can correlate with the motivating components in either syntagmatic sphere or paradigmatic sphere. The scientific novelty is associated with determination of peculiarities of syntagmatic motivation of derived verbs, role of the verbal prefixes in syntagmatic motivation, stages of “derivational history” and varieties of syntagmatic motivation of prefix verbs. The following conclusions were made: 1) full structural-semantic syntagmatic motivation – prefix verbs are motivated by syntactic microstructures, including non-prefix verb and prepositional-nominal constructs, in which preposition is materially and semantically analogous to prefix; 2) semi syntagmatic motivation – prefix verbs are motivated by syntactic microstructures, including non-prefix verb and adverb or combination of noun with preposition, consonant with prefix semantically, but not formally.
derived word, context, prefix, syntax, verb, syntagmatic motivation, motivation, word-formation, derivation, semantic
Nasibullaeva, E.R. (2020). The specificity of political lexicon in the English language. Philology: scientific researches, 2, 109–118.
The subject of this research is the political lexicon in the English language. The article examines the criteria fir determination of political lexicon, provides definitions of this term to various scholars, frames the definition of political lexicon, and highlights its peculiarities in the English language. The author also explores the question on the relationship between political lexicon and political (sociopolitical) terminology; defines the concept of “political term”; describes the main means and methods of enriching political lexicon in the English language. The following methods were applies in the course of study: general scientific method for collection of the existing literature on the topic; systematization and generalization for formulation of fundamental concepts of research; random sampling for selecting the examples; contextual analysis for determining the peculiarities of functionality of phrases within the system of English political lexicon and mass media; as well as translational analysis. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that this article allows establishing the status of political theme within the lexical system of English language, since for the current stage of development of linguistic a promising trend is the determination of morphogenetic linguistic phenomena. The author also describes the main means of enriching the lexicon on the example of research material, which allows reflecting the development trends of political lexicon in the modern English language.
borrowing, phrase, affixation, word formation, lexical unit, terminology, politics, term, lexis, semantic relations
WANG, Z., ZHAO, X. (2020). Functional grammar and teaching of Russian grammar in China. Philology: scientific researches, 2, 119–129.
The subject of this research is the implementation of the theory of functional grammar in teaching of Russian language grammar to Chinese audience. The object of this research is the functional grammar of A. V. Bondarenko and communicative function of G. A. Zolotova. Studying the theory of functional grammar of the Russian language and its application among the Chinese audience allows deepening the understanding of grammar rules and increase the efficiency of teaching Russian grammar to Chinese students. The article analyzes the current situation regarding the teaching of Russian grammar in China. Special attention is given to such question as the method of employment of the theory of functional grammar at the grammar lessons among Chinese audience. The novelty consist in the attempt to implement the theory of functional grammar in teaching of Russian language grammar to Chinese students. The article determines the flaws of the traditional structural grammar and merits of the functional grammar. It is revealed that the application of functional grammar would help the students to improve the command of grammar rules and speech communication.
Russian Teaching, sentence model, communicative grammar, categorical situation, semantic category, functional-semantic field, functional grammar, traditional grammar, speech communication, communication situation