Zyryanova, E.V., Stepanova, I.Z., Bokhieva, M.V., Omel'chenko, L.N. (2020). Evaluative lexicon in the novel “Raskovnik” by I. K. Kalashnikov. Philology: scientific researches, 10, 1–12.
Special place in the language of literary text is appointed to the category of evaluation, as it is associated with the manifestation of subjective beginning in the language that addresses the cognition of objective reality and represents one of the complicated and controversial sections, which attracts attention of the linguists, philosophers, psychologists, etc. In the center of this research is the examination of evaluative lexicon in the novel “Raskovnik” by I. K. Kalashnikov”. Since the novel is dedicated to the life of Old Believers dwelling in Buryatia, the language of the text is unique and features multiple dialectisms, as well as emotionally evaluative words. The goal of this research lies in determination and analysis of the peculiarities of explication of evaluative lexicon in the novel. The methodological framework contains the studies of N. D. Arutyunova, E. M. Volf, T. V. Markelova and other scholars, which reflect the theoretical principles of the category of evaluation. The scientific novelty consists systematization of evaluative lexicon based on the material of the novel “Raskovnik” by I. K. Kalashnikov. As a result of this research, the author revealed the most significant areas of evaluation in this novel, among which are a person, his appearance, character traits, worldview, stance on life, and existence overall. The analysis of evaluative lexicon allows to better understand the meaning of the novel, gives a fuller perspective on its the characters, and reveals the peculiarities of the writer’s individual style.
emotional assessments, partial estimates, idiostyle, emotionality, evaluativeness, Razryv-trava, Kalashnikov, rating category, ethical evaluations, normative assessments
Question at hand
Severina, E.M., Larionova, M.C. (2020). New philological practices: semantic edition of A. P. Chekhov’s texts . Philology: scientific researches, 10, 13–21.
The authors present the concept of semantic digital publication of A. P. Chekhov's texts, giving special attention to the research project Chekhov Digital implemented in Southern Federal University and the Southern Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The goal of the project consists in creation of semantic marling of the compilation of writer’s works supported by the standards for digital publication Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) that allows presenting the text in format that can be processed by a computer, as well as the standards for electronic format of Russian-language literary texts displayed in the Semantic edition of the texts of L. N. Tolstoy. The crucial task of the project consists in provision of digital tools useful for the researchers, including convenient semantic search, statistical processing and visualization tools. The main source is the Academic Compilation of Complete Works and Letters of A. P. Chekhov in 30 volumes (1974-1983). Currently, a preliminary structure of markup is developed for some categories that exist in Chekhov's texts, notes, commentaries, and description of the volumes of Academic Compilation of Complete Works and Letters of A. P. Chekhov, which arranging semantic search of information, make editorial notes computer-readable, and more adjusted to studying not only the traditional approach, but also computer methods. It is underlined that text markup would expand due to inclusion of new categories; and the semantic edition itself would broaden its network due to inclusion of reference and editorial-peered texts that are beyond the scope of the Academic Compilation of Complete Works and Letters of A. P. Chekhov. Semantic edition Chekhov Digital gives grounds for a new type of commentary that incorporates meanings and facts, complicates and enriches the interpretation of text. Such edition is valuable for the researchers, pedagogues, students, and audience interested in the topic.
digital environment, Digital Humanities, semantic network, Chekhov Digital, Chekhov, semantic markup, TEI, digital edition, philological research, Natural language processing
Question at hand
Zhgun, D. (2020). When emotions cannot be expressed: pragmatic analysis of the cases of alexithymia in English-language prose. Philology: scientific researches, 10, 22–31.
This article is focuses on the cases of alexithymia, which are analyzed for the purpose of revealing their pragmatic capacity in fiction literature. Alexithymia is viewed from the perspective of linguistics, and is defined as the difficulty or inability to verbally express emotions verbally. Emotions, in turn, are considered as social phenomenon that manifests in the communicative situation. The goal consists in examination of emotions in a new perspective. Research methodology is comprised of definitional, semantic, and pragmatic analysis of emotional and evaluative utterances that reflect and implicate alexithymia, selected by the method of continuous sampling from the English-language literary texts. For the first time, alexithymia is viewed not as mental deviation or disorder, but as a linguistic attempt of the author to exert and increase pragmatic effect on the audience by explication or implication of the additional, hidden information and emotional evaluative meanings. The conclusion is made that inability to convey emotional state linguistically is often used an implication technique in fiction literature. Emotions, however, can be detected despite their linguistic inexpressiveness. In the course of this research, the author determines that namely context helps to understand the emotion, its intensity, polarity, and pragmatic capacity.
pragmatic potential, pragmatics, appraisal, implication, alexithymia, emotional and evaluative utterance, emotion, pragmatic effect, context, English fiction
Literary criticism
Yukhnova, I.S. (2020). European musical context in the works of Sukhbat Aflatuni . Philology: scientific researches, 10, 32–40.
The object of this research is two works of Sukhbat Aflatuni: “Tashkent Novel” and “Balthazar”, as well as the last part of the trilogy “Adoration of the Magi”. The subject of the research is the authorial interpretation of music theme, revealing the uniqueness of musical images in the indicated novels. Special attention is given to the European musical context with emphasis on most significant musical pieces that not just create a background sound in the novels, but also affect their structure. The author examines the functions of musical references, and proves that mentioning of the composers’ names and composition in works of the writer fulfills the function of “other storyline”. The conclusion is made that musical context in works of the writer is diverse and multifunctional. The structure of “Tashkent Novel” directly correlates with the Opera “The Magic Flute” by Mozart. Another significant musical text in the novel is “For Elise” by Beethoven. In the trilogy “Adoration of the Magi”, of special interests from musical perspective is the last novel of the writer “Balthazar”. The protagonist is the avant-garde composer, who seeks for the new forms that allow presenting the entire history of music; from his perspective, music is the highest manifestation of spirit. By this, Sukhbat Aflatuni brings to life Plato's idea of the celestial meaning of musical harmony.
intertextuality, music in literature, Mozart's operas, Tashkent novel, Adoration of the Magi, musical references, palimpsest, Sukhbat Aflatuni, dialogue of cultures, synthesis of arts
Kartaleva, A.S. (2020). Comparative analysis of the methods of speech impact in advertising slogans of Chinese and Russian languages . Philology: scientific researches, 10, 41–53.
This article is dedicated to the analysis of slogans in Chinese and Russian languages, as well as the characteristic to each language communicative strategies, for determining similarities and differences of the peculiarities of their implementation. In the course of analysis, the author determined the target focus of advertising text, which in turn, defines the selection of language tools that implement one or another strategy. Having conducted a cross-cultural comparison based on materials of the slogans in Chinese and Russian languages, the author revealed the communication strategies and speech techniques implemented in each text, and calculated the number their occurrences. The scientific novelty consists in discovery of the elements of level structure of speech impact of advertising (communication strategies and speech techniques typical for a particular advertising discourse). The elements are carefully explored and described. This article is first to describe the comparison of communication strategies and speech techniques are also described within the framework of juxtaposition of Russian and Chinese languages. The acquired results demonstrate the impact of communication strategies upon the perception of advertised information, as well as dependence of communication strategies on the cultural aspect.
intercultural communication, cross-cultural analysis, linguistics, Chinese language, speech impact, communication strategies, advertising, cultural aspect, advertising communication, China
Ryadovykh, N.A. (2020). The category of chronotope in Akathist genre. Philology: scientific researches, 10, 54–64.
The object of this research is the category of chronotope – a significant complex text category that reflects the semantic coordinates of the text and extra-textual reality. The category of chronotope intertwines the isomorphic components of textual time and textual space. The Akathist genre belongs to an insufficiently studied functional religious style. Examination of the category of chronotope in the context of Akathist genre is relevant trend in the modern functional stylistics. The research material contains the texts of Orthodox Akathists dedicated to the canonized saints. The objectivity of scientific research is justified by the choice of texts from various time periods. The author applies the method of categorical-textual analysis, which reveals the linguo-stylistic technique of formation of the components of general communicative-pragmatic meaning of the text. The novelty is defined by the fact that the use of categorical-textual method in the analysis of the Akathist type of text, interpreted as a generalized textual structure with typical genre-forming components, allows determining with a high degree of objectivity the genre specificity of Akathist and religious functional style. As a result of the conducted research, the author highlights the categorical-textual typology of chronotope, which characterizes the systematic uniformity of Akathist texts. The article describes the methods of explication of the sacred, objective (objectively-sacred and objectively-profane), and subjective (subjectively-sacred and subjectively-profane) types of time and space. Temporal indicators and locative units of the determined types of chronotope reconstruct the dichotomy of the divine and the earthly in the Akathist, which is inherent to the Christian worldview and constructively substantiates the uniqueness of the religious functional style. The conducted analysis reveals the communicative-pragmatic focus of the complex textual category of chronotope. The research materials can be used as an illustrative textbook in the practical course of the stylistics of modern Russian language.
text space, text time, text category, text, akathist, genre, style, functional, religious, category chronotope
Bezrukov, A.N. (2020). Metacriticism of an artistic writing style: Venedikt Yerofeyev on Vladimir Mayakovsky . Philology: scientific researches, 10, 65–74.
Venedikt Yerofeyev is a remarkable and complex figure in Russian literature of the second half of the XX century. He is one of the first to expresses a different perspective on the realities of life and propose a new type of assessment of being. The object of this research is the introductory composition of Venedikt Yerofeyev written in 1961, at the time of joining Vladimir State Pedagogical Institute. The main subject of the analysis is the objectification of V. Yerofeyev’s metacritical assessment of “All Right!” Research methodology is at the edge of conceptual evaluation of the text, hermeneutical interpretation of the composition, structural and comparative approaches. The basis of receptive criticism, which in the author’s opinion was taken by Venedikt Yerofeyev as the principle of interpretation of Mayakovsky’s poetic construct, unites the outlines circle of methods. The novelty and relevance of this work consists in the fact that Yerofeyev’s introductory composition has not been previously examined and commented upon in of a number of scientific sources. Yerofeyev’s writing has a clearly humanistic and philological connotation. The author creates the text by a unique research pattern: from the emotionally sensible focus of experiences of Vladimir Mayakovsky to verification of the positions of synthesis of personal and social order in the poem “All Right!” Metacricisim of Mayakovsky's style and artistic manner in the composition of Venedikt Yerofeyev is given not only from the perspective of point estimation of text of the futurist poet, but also from the standpoint of intensive reduction of the potentially inherent meaning.
reader, interpretation, receptive criticism, author's discourse, small prose, metatext, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Venedikt Erofeev, individual position, philological analysis
Alieva, Z.M. (2020). On certain structural models of Chamalal toponyms . Philology: scientific researches, 10, 75–84.
This article is dedicated to the analysis of structural models of toponyms in Chamalal language. Current realities are such that examination of toponymic system of any region deserves special attention. Research of the system must be based on studying the characteristic toponymic structures, which prompts the onomatologists to systematize them in accordance with structural peculiarities. Structural analysis of toponyms with determination of toponymic models and affixes is framework and a so-called approach towards further research. The subject of this research is the toponymy of non-written Chamalal language of the Republic of Dagestan. The goal consists in the analysis of structural patterns of isolated Chanalal toponyms of the rural localities of Upper and Lower Gavkari, Gigatli, Gadiri of Tsumadinsky District of Dagestan. The article involves field material of the author Z. M. Alieva acquired during the expeditions of 2018-2020). The novelty lies in the fact that this article is first to carry out a structural analysis of toponymic units of Chamalal language. Toponymic material is subjected to quantitative characterization the author analyzes its different in structure geographical names, and determines separate word-forming elements. The study of toponyms remains one of the paramount tasks of the national (including Dagestani) and foreign linguistics, which defines relevance of the selected topic. This branch of linguistics is important in multiple areas of science: solution of linguistic tasks, questions of interaction of ethnic groups and their cultures, problems of ethnogenesis and ethnic history of the peoples.
Tsumadinsky district, derivational affixes, quantitative characteristics, geographical names, classification, unwritten language, structural models, ñhamalin toponyms, toponymic system, static analysis