Shubina, A.O. (2020). Linguoculturological peculiarities of evolution of the borrowed concepts. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 1–9.
The subject of this research is the determination of common and different aspects in evolutionary transformations of the borrowed concepts in various linguocultures. The object of this research is the borrowed concepts of “reserve” in the Russian linguoculture and such in the French and English. The author examines the frequency characteristics of lexemes – representative concepts, semantic saturation, and structure of the concepts depending on the time and historical events in the Russian, French and English linguocultures. The ways of infiltration from the original language to recipient language are reviewed. Analysis is conducted by means of etymological, definitive, comparative and contrastive methods based on the material of national corpuses of indicated languages by appealing to dictionaries data. It is demonstrated that in the XVIII-XIX centuries the concept of “reserve” was segmental in all three languages and had three segments: “military affair”, “financial-economic activity” and “personality traits”. However, the structure of the concept of “reserve” in the Russian language has undergone transformations: the “personality traits” segment was eliminated, while in the French and English languages the conceptual attributes of personality traits” segment of the concept of “reserve” relevant back in the XVIII century, have survived to this day. The author explores the possible reasons of elimination of the segment of “personality traits” in the Russian language.
comparative analysis, etymological analysis, definitional analysis, conceptual sig, seme, lexical unit, segmental concept, borrowed concept, contrastive analysis, national language corpus
Matantseva, M.B. (2020). Structural-semantic peculiarities of the concept of “fear” in text of V. P. Astafyev’s military novel “Cursed and Killed”. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 10–20.
This article is dedicated to structural-semantic analysis of the emotional concept of “fear”. Emotional concept is a complex structural cognitive-mental formation that reflects mental experiences of a person; usually verbalizes, cultural and ethnically substantiated. Fear is a negative basic emotion initiating unpleasant feelings that emerge assessing the situation dangerous or harmful, or in mobilization of all resources for confronting the threatening circumstances. The goal of this work consists in identification of structural-semantic peculiarities of the emotional concept of fear in the text of a military novel by the means of analysis of its semantic, imagery and value components. The military novel “Cursed and Killed” by the Siberian writer V. B. Astafyev served as the foundation for this study. Research results consist in determination of the individual-authorial attributes of semantic component of the concept of “fear; analysis of the original conceptual metaphors and metonymies comprising the content of imagery component of the concept of “fear”; description of most typical associative-imagery metaphors and active metonymic models; revelation of the content of value component. Special attention is given to linguocognitive interpretation of the emotional concept of “fear” as a mental multidimensional formation serving as the means for perception of war.
conceptual metonymy, conceptual metaphor, value component, figurative component, conceptual component, concept structure, emotional concept fear, individually-authored concept sphere, war novel, cognitive interpretation
Literary criticism
Berezkina, E.P., Zhornikova, M.N. (2020). Autobiographical motifs of Andrey Rumyantsev’s lyrics (based on the compilation of poems “The Empress Life”). Philology: scientific researches, 1, 21–30.
This article is dedicated to the autobiographical discourse in the compilation of poems “The Empress Life” by the national poet of Buryatia Andrey Rumyantsev. The subject of research is the key images and motifs of Rumyantsev’s autobiographicallyrics, while the object is the poet’s lyrical biography. The author analyzes Andrey Rumyantsev’s poetry for the purpose of determination of the means of expression of autobiographical images and motifs in the texts created in form of poetic reminiscences. Most careful attention is given to the compositions dedicated to parents, grandparents, and sister of the poet. Methodology leans on the basic principle of biographical method, according to which personality of the writer defines the specificity of his works. The scientific novelty consists in conducting a motif-imagery analysis of Rumyantsev’s poetry from the perspectives of biographical method. The conclusion is formulated that the main motifs of Andrey Rumyantsev’s autobiographical lyrics is “great guilt”, “repentance”, and “responsibility” that encompass all poetic reminiscences of his loved ones – the key images of autobiographical lyrics. The specific approaches in creation of autobiographical images and motifs are revealed. Thus, the common for all images is the stance on labor and possession of physical fortitude. All female images are united by the motif of the hardship of being a woman, as well as righteousness semanticized through the concepts of “patience” and “love”. The mail images resemble bogatyrs (heroes of the Russian epic poems); the author also emphasizes their unity with the native nature.
biography analysis, autobiographical poetry, Andrey Rumyantsev’s works, poets of Buryatia, twentieth century poetry, poetry, Russian literature, motif, motif analysis, autobiographical motifs in poetry
Literary criticism
Karnaukhova, A.A. (2020). Ways and mechanisms of symbolic development of work in the language (on the example of color terms in Spanish and Russian poetry of the XX century). Philology: scientific researches, 1, 31–38.
The subject of this research is the Russian and Spanish poetry of the XX century, while the object is the symbolization of color terms in Russian and Spanish poetry of the XX century, as well as ways and mechanisms of such symbolization. The author examines the symbolism of color terms associated with the images-symbols of plants, animals, precious stones, heavenly hosts, and natural phenomena in the Russian and Spanish poetry of the XX century. The poems of Federico Garcia Lorca, Joaquín Romero Murube, Antonio Machado. Vyacheslav Ivanov, Andrey Bely, and Irina Odoyevtseva served as the material for this research. Methodology also recalls to the conceptual linguistics (analysis of color terms as the significant elements of the sphere of concepts of Russian and Spanish languages), as well as mythopoetic school of literary studies (mythopoetic analysis). The main conclusions consist in the following statements: the poetry of the prominent Spanish poets of the early XX centuryAntonio Machado and Federico Garcia Lorca is characterized with the heightened symbolization of color terms, associated with the reference to the symbolic “correspondence theory of truth”. The search of correspondence between color terms, natural phenomena, precious gems, etc. is also common to the Russian poetry of the Silver Age. The scientific novelty consists in the profound analysis of multiple symbolically understood colors and color images characteristic to the Russian and Spanish poetry of that time. Both, Russian and Spanish poets of the XX century stayed off the simple colors, sacrificing them for the compound, symbolically understood color terms that require an additional interpretation from the reader.
concept sphere, mythopoetics, Spanish Russian poetry, figurative and symbolic series, symbolization of color terms, Word symbolism, symbolism, the motive, form, mythology
Literary criticism
Useinov, T.B. (2020). Ethnocultural stereotypes of the Steppe Crimean Tatars and Dobruja Tatars based on proverbs of the turn of XIX and XX centuries. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 39–47.
This article conduct an analysis of ethnocultural stereotypes of the Steppe Crimean Tatars and Dobruja (Romanian) Tatars based on proverbs of the turn of XIX and XX centuries. The subject of this research became the Kipchak Crimean Tatar paremiological fund of that period. The goal consists in an accurate, tolerant elucidation of the topic. Initially, the stereotypes are divided into auto-stereotypes, which is an outlook upon the own ethnic group; and hetero-stereotypes, which is the representations on a neighboring ethnos. The first ones, being an inseparable part of national identity, are prone to exaggeration of merits of their ethnos and carry a complementary character. This fact impedes a realistic assessment of the merits of neighboring ethnos, which is compared to the own in accordance with cultural values. The determined differences serve as a foundation for hetero-stereotypes, which usually belittle the positive sides of the other national portrait. The scientific novelty consists in examination of ethnocultural stereotypes based on proverbs of the turn of XIX and XX centuries. Which contributed to fuller understanding of the mentality of Crimean Tatars and Dobruja (Romanian) Tatars being a diaspora of Crimean Tatar ethnos. Paremiological material allowed dividing the stereotypes into auto-stereotypes and hetero-stereotypes. The research results offered an opportunity to determine and explore the ethnic composition of Crimean Peninsula of the turn of XIX and XX centuries.
ethnocultural stereotypes, Dobrogea, Romania, Crimea, ethnos, proverbs of Crimean Tatars, ethnoliterary studies, autostereotypes, heterostereotypes, mentality
Gurin, V., Obletsova, E. (2020). Semantic analysis of English proverbs and sayings with lexical components “truth” and “lie”. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 48–55.
The subject of this research is the proverbs and sayings with lexical components “truth” and “lie” in the English language. The relevance of their studying is substantiated by the need in theoretical conceptualization and practical implementation of these phraseological units in aspect of the problem of interrelation between cultural and language, which contributes to more profound understanding of national mentality reflected in the English linguistic worldview. The article explores and analyzes the phenomena of proverbs and sayings, determines their common and differentiating traits. Using the method of semantic analysis, the author develops the classification of proverbs and sayings with lexical components “truth” and “lie”, as well as describes theory structure. As a result of the conducted research, the author determined 31 proverbs and sayings. They reveal the multifaceted nature of human existence, elucidate the perception of truth and lie in the English-language world. Truth and lie are associated with the means of achieving something. At the same time, truth does not always has a positive connotation, but serve as a tool for causing harm to others. Lie is the reason of negative, undesired events.
semantic analysis, lexical component, the English language, lie, truth, saying, proverb, semantic group, meaning, phraseological unit
Belolyubskaya, V.G. (2020). The concept of “color” as an element of ethnic worldview on the materials of Even language. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 56–65.
This article is dedicated to examination of color concept, which is one of unique phenomena of Even language. Color reflects the fundamental spiritual value, which is based on the cultural-ethnic worldview of one of the ancient nations the North – Lamuts. The Lamuts are nomadic people. The entire lifestyle of a northerner is inseparably connected with nature; thus, color represents one of the key fragments of the linguistic worldviews that create a certain visual image. The subject of this research is the semantics of linguistic unites that define color concepts in the Even linguistic worldview. The theoretical analysis of the works on linguoculturology, ethnolinguistics, ethnography and linguistics became the method for this study. The author applies the methodological principle of systemic analysis of the elements of Lamut culture. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that the concept of “color” as an elements of ethnic worldview demonstrated on the material of Even language has not been comprehensively studied before. The article is first to present new material on the topic in question the concept of color in Even folklore, meaning of color in deer farming culture of Lamuts, symbolism of color in Even traditional garments. Color, as a component of ethnic worldview, requires future examination.
belief, color of deer, symbol, worldview, white deer, color designation, Evens, associated, mentality, ornament
Kurchinskaya-Grasso, N. (2020). The problematic of translation of legal texts. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 66–71.
This article explores the translation of legal texts, as it is usually fraught with a variety of challenges of linguistic and extralinguistic nature. The translator must have a strong command of linguistics, translation skills and profound knowledge of national and international criminal-procedural of civil-procedural law. Focus is made on the one hand on determination of typology of general linguistic and translation problems pertaining to legal documents, and on the other – on identification of peculiarities of these problems depending on qualification of a specialist doing legal translation. The main characteristics of legal texts are viewed from the perspective of applied comparative legal science. Interdisciplinary approach towards research in the area of legal translation is a logical solution for the analysis of emerging problems. The article demonstrates some mistakes in translation of legal terms on the example of English, Polish, and Italian languages. The author comes to the conclusion that for a translator without the background of legal practice it is difficult to do the translation of legal texts; as well as submits a proposal on comprising methodological recommendations.
legal system, translator, Italian, Polish, English, legal text, legal terms, legal translation, legalese, equivalence
Mironov, A. (2020). “Insignificant” characters: on the one peculiarity of Russian epic concept of heroism. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 72–82.
The subject of this research is the concept of heroism (bogatyrs) as an element of Russian epic mentality. The focus of attention is the peculiarities of epic understanding of bogatyr power that excludes the interpretation by an epic bard of “his” character as a giant. Meanwhile, the popular in science representation of particular characters of the Russian Epos (Svyatogor, Mikula Selyaninovich, Ilya Muromets) as giants is caused by their idealization, convergence of an epic with a tale or myth, as well as readiness to proliferate upon epics such laws of poetics that are considered universal from the perspective of ethnographic theory and strive of the scholars of mythological school to distinguish in epic heroes the characters of the ancient religious systems. Based on the analysis of epic records, the author demonstrates that the bogatyrs are not giant, but rather look as regular people. Special attention is given to the adjustment of a receptive stereotype, associated with perception of the epic image of Svyatogor, caused by a distorted interpretation of this image by illustrators of the epics in the XIX century.
Ilya Murometz, Russian menthality, system of values, concept of heroism, axiology of culture, bylinas, heroic epics, foklore, Mikula Selyaninovich, Svyatogor
Vagizieva, N.A. (2020). Traditional folklore in the children's cycle of family rituals of the Kadar ethnic group. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 83–92.
Value orientations, national mindset, and ethnic self-awareness have formed throughout multiple centuries by the means of traditional folklore. The texts of older generation referred to children, children compositions and practices along with upbringing techniques in the bosom of family or community ensured the development of personality traits of a child, introduction to labor, behavioral and communication norms, rituals, and all aspects of the national culture. The traditional folklore of family ritualism of Kadar people creates an ideal environment for the development of a child. This article is first to study the traditional folklore of family ritualism of the Kadar ethnic group in the children's cycle, as well as semantics of the indicated ritual processes. The existence of traditions and rituals in modern society ensures the continuity and reproduction of the cultural foundations of the Kadar ethnos, spiritual and moral wellbeing of modern society. It is revealed that rational, traditional and theological methods and techniques were closely intertwined in the rites of the children's cycle of the family ritual of Kadar people, and were aimed towards upbringing a healthy new generation. One of the main leitmotifs in the lullaby genre of Kadar folklore consists in a problem of the moral and aesthetic ideal of personality.
play poetry, lullaby poetry, ritual poetry, children's cycle, rituals, traditional folklore, good wishes, kadars, naming, cradling
Gaganova, A.A. (2020). Artistic dominant of the image of character of occupational novel. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 93–103.
The object of this research is the genre of occupational novel. The subject is the image of character of occupational novel. The goal consists in determination of artistic specificity of the image of character in the process of development of the genre. Russian literary works for the period of 1920’s – 1970’s united by the image of a man of labor became the material for this study. The evolution of the image of character is viewed on the sampling of representational works. The conclusions are made that at the stage of formation of the genre of occupational novel (1920’s – 1930’s) dominates the image of the reformer of the world. The next stage (1940’s – 1950’s) marks the character of the defender of reformed world. Then, in the 1960’s, it is followed by the character-rationalizer. The final chronological stage of history of the genre (1970’s) personifies the image of a young hero-seeker, defined by the professional calling in life. The scientific novelty consists in reference to the genre of occupational novel in its entire evolution from the perspective of philological instrumental analysis, while the earlier studies were characterized by political bias. The genre of occupational novel is separated from the literary trends of the XX century, and is divided into historical periods. The article suggests a systemic analysis of the image of character of occupational novel within the framework of evolution of the genre. The author is firs to highlight the key artistic attributes that represent an artistic dominant for the image of character at each stage of development of the genre.
history of Russian literature, periodization, Soviet literature, image of the hero, genre of the production novel, a literary portrait, Ïåðåâåñòè âGoogleBingman of laborman of labor, Production novel, the theme of labor, artistic dominant
Memetov, A., Memetov, I.A. (2020). Turkic lexicographic works of the XI-XIV centuries pertaining to the development of orientalism in Crimea. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 104–119.
This article examines the evolution of oriental studies thought of in Crimea during the XI-XIV centuries; analyzes specific philological works created in the region; as well as gives a generalized review to the overall development process of written artifacts of all Turkic ethnic groups and tribes dwelling on the vast territory from China’s boundaries to the countries of Eastern Europe, from the steppes of North Kazakhstan to Byzantium and Egypt. First and foremost, it is such written artifacts as “Diwan Lughat al-Turk”, “Kitab Al-Idrak Li-Lisan Al-Atrak”, “ad-Durrat al-muḍi'a fī-l-lugat at-turkiya”, The author comprehensively examines most well-known lexicographic artifacts that contain the lexis of Turkic tribes of Kashgaria and Semirechye, as well as of various Turkic tribes of Mamluk Egypt of the XIII-XV centuries from the perspective of comparison. It is determined that Kipchak-Mamluk dictionaries were published for studying Tatar language used in Crimea. The research allowed establishing a direct link between the languages of Turkic tribes of Egypt of the XIII-XV centuries and the modern Crimean Tatar language. This link is traces in the lexis and morphology. The research results may be used in lecturing the fundamental academic disciplines in philological faculties on lexicology and dialectology of Crimean Tatar language.
Oguzes, Türks, Egypt, Mamluks, Kipchaks, dictionaries, oriental studies, Crimean Tatar language, Abu Haiyan, Mahmud Kashgari
Shirokikh, A.Y. (2020). Zones of cognitive misbalance in acquiring foreign language terminology and methods of distance learning for students of nonlinguistic specialties. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 120–132.
National specifics of the language manifests even in such determinate speech genres as the professionally oriented discourse, which main feature consists in the use of terms and terminological phrases. Despite the tendency to unification of terminological units on the international level along with phenomenon of the change of language code, the speech of specialists of subject fields features sociocultural, comparatively contrast from the interlingual perspective components in the content of terms. The goal of this work consists in determination of zones of the potential cognitive misbalance in interpretation of the content of terms, as well as in development of education plan on acquiring professionally oriented lexicon for the students of economic specialties based on the principles of blended learning. The primary task was to analyze the economic texts and determine the national specific elements in semantics of the term. Interlingual discrepancies in the content and interpretation of terms pertain to semantics and “false” equivalents, connotations, etymology, paradigmatic relations, nature and source of the borrowed words, derivative novels, content of use, and existence of synonyms. The next task was to define the rout for explication of these potential discrepancies in the native and studied language of the students in the course of learning. The glossary development on the online platform Google Classroom, which article included the listed above zones of interlingual receptive misbalance, was successfully applied in the audience. The novelty of this research lies in the attempt to develop a universal lunguo-didactic scheme of work for acquiring foreign language terminology, considering cross-cultural differences. The conclusion is made that the proposed scheme of work based on the principles of blended learning increases the professional knowledge of students and research skills, as well as contributes to better memorization of words.
language paradigm, etymology, semantics, translation, blended learning, glossary, loan words, terminology, derivational models, context
Serebrennikov, S.V. (2020). Modus of necessity and modus of assumption in causal structures of the text. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 133–141.
This article explores causal relations complicated by modus saturation. As examples, the author selected the modus of necessity with modal predicate must, and modus of assumption with modal work perhaps. The goal of this work consists in examination of causal semantics in modus formations of various type and mark out a demarcation that is important in analyzing causal semantics and logics of similar relations in a sentence and text. The following methods are applies in the course of this research component analysis, propositional analysis, and contextual analysis. The work is conducted within the framework of semantic syntax and logics of language. The main conclusion consists in determination of the primary role of the modus of necessity in the texts with causal semantics, as well as potential of a modus to form the semantics of cause and effect in the texts. The relevance of this article us substantiated by reference to such modern linguistic directions as the logics of language, semantic syntax, and syntax of text.
predicate, proposition, modality, modus, depth syntax level, logics, semantics, effect, cause, communication
Kirichenko, N.R. (2020). To the question of studying the American mass media discourse on immigration. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 142–152.
This article is dedicated to the analysis of discourse of the modern American mass media communication space dedicated to the subject field of immigration. The work describes the existing attitudes of mass media and population to the problem of immigration and immigrants, characterized by contradiction and polarization, as well as demonstrates various processes of stereotypization of perceptions on the migration discourse. The subject of this research is the current American mass media discourse on the topic of immigration. The main goal lies in determination of attitudes developed by the American mass media and society on the immigrants, which concepts are used for their description, and how it affects the social perception of such complex phenomenon as immigration. The article is structures on the basis of text interpretation of factual material, with application of two methods of discursive analysis: analysis of lexical means for determining explicit representations; and analysis of grammar structures for determining implicit meanings. The research displays that mass media accommodate different points of view, and at the present moment, the public space of American mass media indicates different types of discourse revealing polar understanding of immigration, The President of the country is one of those, who vividly expresses negative attitude to the problem of immigration and immigrants. On the other hand, the neoliberal discourse seems more neutral and even compassionate. Therefore, the trend of describing immigrants in negative connotations is reducing. Despite the attempts of country’s leadership to create a negative image of an immigrant, the analysis of contradictory attitude to them proves that the role of mass media in formation of public opinion is not as significant.
illegal immigration, shaping public opinion, neoliberal discourse, the problem of immigration, the image of an immigrant, mental models, mass media discourse, immigration discourse, immigration, textual interpretation
Ovchinnikova, O., Rezunova, M. (2020). Complex analysis of professional discourse: peculiarities of functionality of argot of French police officers. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 153–163.
This article is dedicated to the peculiarities of functionality of argot of French police officers on derivational and semantic levels. The analysis of empirical material determined the key trends of derivation of the reference group, as well as the link between the leading functions of argotic lexicon with selection of ways and sources of harvesting lexical repertoire. It was revealed that in argot of French police officers prevails derivation based on the imagery reconsideration: metaphor allows realizing ludic function of argot, while metonymy is more often used for crypto-alalic purpose. The argot of French police officers also features an active process of borrowing lexemes from other languages; American and British versions of English language serve as the main donors. In the course of research, the author determines the semantic dominants of argot of French police officers: in lexical repertoire prevail the lexemes related to various type of legal violations, which similar to other argots, due to the thematic limitation of lexicon is nonfunctional. In majority of instances, synonymic rows include lexemes with different connotation; however, in some areas, the series is comprised of lexical units allowing to designate differentiation within the concept class. Using particular examples, the article explores other types of wordplay based on polysemy and homophony. It is noted that wordplay on the basis of homophony carries spontaneous character, while other types are more complicated and require certain background knowledge.
metonymy, metaphor, derivation, word formation, french policemen slang, professional slang, vocabulary, lexicon, semantic dominants, synonymy