Abaeva, E.S. (2019). Statistical Assessment of Conveying Humourous Effect in Translation. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 1–8.
The object of the research is an original literary text and its translation, in particular, evaluation of the quality of conveying humorous effect in translation. The subject of the research is the opportunity of statistical assessment of humorous effect in original texts and their translations followed by analysis of obtianed data. Generally, the author suggests to approximate the descriptive evaluation procedure to statistical assessment. To illustrate her research, Abaeva analyzes an English text and two variants of its translations to Russian. The main research method used by the author is the method of comparative analysis of original texts and their translations completed with the continuous sampling method, statistical method and others. Statistical comparison of the presence of humorous effect in a literary work demonstrated in this article allows, firstly, to view one of the elements of the author individual style from a more objective point, secondly, to present the melody of a text and thirdly, to compare texts without focusing on minor losses that are inavoidable in literay translation.
script opposition, script, humour, comparative analysis, literary text, humorous effect, translation, idiostyle, text melody, statistical analysis
Grozyan, N.F., Prudnikova, T.I. (2019). Differentiation Between Subordinate Parts of a Sentence According to Traditional Classifications (the Case Study of the Ukranian Language). Philology: scientific researches, 4, 9–16.
The article is devoted to the analysis of complex cases when there is a need to differentiate between subordinate parts of the sentence according to traditional classifications (the case study of the Ukranian language). Despite a great number of practical guidelines and theoretical concepts, differentiation between parts of the sentence is still an unsolved issue, especially because there are new aspects of their description appearing at each new stage of scientific research. The rationale of the topic is emphasized by the great variety of concepts and approaches to describing the place of sentence components in relation to other syntactic units, their classification, differentiation criteria, formal, semantic and communicative differentiation. The authors of the article describe means of differentiation between subordinate parts of a sentence depending on their differential structural-semantic features. They also define a set of possible synonymous transformations to define parts of sentences. The researchers also offer their own mechanism for differentiation between object and unagreed attribute taking into account lexico-grammatical peculiarities of the principal and subordinate components of a sentence. They give grounds for differentiation between apposition and word being identified. The methodological and theoretical grounds of the research include researches of F. Buslaev, D. Ovsyanikov-Kulikovsky and others. The authors have applied the method of description to write this article. As a conclusion, they state that analyzed problems of differentiation between subordinate parts of a sentence demonstrate the main drawback of traditional education, i.e. combination of semantic and formal features in interpretation of parts of a sentence. According to the authors, it is possible to avoid difficulty differentiation between structural-semantic components if traditional classification will be improved, in particular, it is necessary to acknowledge syncretism of the classification of parts of a sentence or analysis of minimal syntactic units against formal-syntactical, semantic-syntactical and communicative structures of a sentence.
attribute, object, classification of parts of sentence, minimal syntactic unit, parts of a sentence, apposition, adverbial, noun, proper noun, common noun
An, D. (2019). Expressing Politeness in the Russian and Korean Languages. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 17–25.
The article is devoted to the definition of politeness and how it is expressed in the Russian and Korean languages. The subject of the research is lexical and grammatical means of expressing politeness. The author particulary focuses on social relations between interlocutors in the situation of communicatin. The aim of the research is to describe the definition of 'politeness' and how it is expressed in different linguistic cultures. As the material for comparative analysis, the author uses pronouns and various nominative words, both Russian and Korean, that are used when an interlocutor addresses to another interlocutor. Just like Brown and Gilman, the author focuses on the use of pronouns against social parameters of 'power' and 'solidarity'. Even though politeness is often mentioned as a special category in comparative research, semantics and structure of this term remain understudied. For this regard, the author analyzes expression of politeness in the Russian and Korean languages from the point of view of social phenomenon. As a result of the research, the author discovers that both languages use the parameters of 'distance' and 'social hierarchy' to express politeness, however, the Korean language has stricter principles of vertical social hierarchy.
pragmatics, social hierarchy, translation, comparative analysis, politeness, speech styles, Korean language, Russian language, address, personal pronoun
Question at hand
Barsukova, E.A. (2019). Arranging Translation Neo-Terminologies (the Case Study of the Management Domain Terms). Philology: scientific researches, 4, 26–31.
The matter under research is the degree of linguistic and logical-conceptual arrangement of translation neo-terminologies borrowed from the English language. Barsukova focuses on challenges and limitations that may arise in the process of translation of such terminologies. Based on the analysis of the 'management' domain terms as these are presented by the standards of the International Standartization Organisation (ISO) 9000 (management quality), ISO 31000 (risk management) and ISO 19600 (compliance management), the author of the article carries out a contrastive analysis of initial terminology systems in English and their Russian analogies. Besides comparison as the main research method, the author has also used qualitative, semantic and syntagmatic analysis. Comparative analysis of English neoterminologies and their translations has allowed the author to discover that the latter lacks briefness, systematicity, objectiveness and arrangement of original terms. The Russian terminologies viewed by the author may be referred to terminologies that are at the stage of deveopment and therefore need further regulation. Specifics of the matter under research alow to analyze traditional principles of terminography in terms of translation.
harmonizing, requirement, compliance management systems, quality management terms, risk management terms, terminology management, translation, terminography, international standards, lexicography
Mamutova, Z.E. (2019). The Crimean Tatar Somatic Idioms that Describe the Semantic Field of Interpersonal Relations. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 32–38.
The subject under research is the semantic analysis of Crimean Tatar somatic ideioms that describe the semantic field of interpersonal relations in terms of comparative linguistics. Phraseological nests, fields and groups unite somatic phraseological units that consist of interrelated elements of the phraseological subsystems of the language. The object of the research is somatic idioms, i.e. phraseological units that have somatisms in their structure, i.e. words that name parts of body of an animal or human. Human body is universal and allows humans to orient. Idioms used in the research were collected from dictionaries by the continuous sampling method. The methodological framework of the research includes works by A. Molotkova, N. Shansky, A. Emirov, R. Gaysin and other researchers. As a result of analysis of Crimean Tatar somatic phraseology related to the semantic field of interpersonal relations, the researcher discovered micro-fields of phraseological units that denote submission / dependence, severity, superiority, filiation, speech contact, etc. The research materials can be used for reading lectures, giving seminars and electives on lexicology and phraseology as well as creation ideographical and other types of dictionaries.
interpersonal relations, phraseological semantic field, phraseological nest, paradigm, somatic phraseology, the Crimean Tatar language, microfield, idiom, sememe, somatism
Question at hand
Kieva, Z.K. (2019). Aspects of Interpretation of Comparative Phraseological Units Used in the Ingush Language. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 39–43.
In her article Kieva analyzes comparative phraseological units used in the Ingush language from the point of view of formal, lexical and grammatical and syntagmatic aspects of their presentation. The author offers her own structural and grammatical classification of idioms with comparison semantics and states that estabished phraseological units perform a certain syntactic function. Comparative semantics of Ingush idioms is formally expressed as the object of comparison. In speech comparison may be expressed by different means incuding comparative phraseological expressions that take a special place in phraseology of different languages. Kieva presents and uses the following methods: 1) the method of structural organisation when a formal component of a phraseologica unit is anayzed; 2) lexical and semantic aspect of presentation of phraseological units; 3) valence of opportunities presented by idioms with comparison semantics. The material presented in the artice provides an insight into the linguistic picture of these estabished expressions in the Ingush language. These comparative phraseoogica units or established expressions in the Ingush language have different component contents from the point of view of lexical and grammatical reference of the main word in an idiom.
grammatical reference, valence relatedness, valence, structure of phraseological unit, lexical and grammatical reference, formal indicator, comparative turn, comparative unit, phraseological units, ingush language
Asanova, Z. (2019). Lexical-Grammatical Categories of Adjectives in the Modern Crimean Tatar Language. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 44–49.
The matter under research is lexical-grammatical categories of adjectives in the modern Crimean Tatar language. Asanova anayzes researches that offer different classification features that can be used to determine lexical-grammatical categories. She discovers that in modern Crimean Tatar qualitative and relative adjectives do not constitute independent grammatical categories. Morphological, syntactic and structural criteria are important for differentiation between relative and qualitative adjectives, however, these criteria only reflect the main semantic features of lexical-grammatical categories. The methodological framework of the research includes researches of V. Vinogradov, E. Wolf, A. Memetov and other scientists. In the course of writing her article the author has applied the method of description. She emphasizes that besides grammatical features, it is important to consider lexical-grammatical features in the course of differentiation between qualitative and relative adjectives. The author discovers that each adjective already has potential meaning of quality which is also a factor of transformation of relative adjectives into qualitative adjectives.
affix, simple adjectives, derivative adjectives, relative adjectives, qualitative adjectives, semantics, semantic features, adjective, Lexical-grammatical categories of adjectives, Crimean Tatar language
Question at hand
Gotovtseva, L.M. (2019). Antonymic Relations in Yakut Phraseology. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 50–56.
The object of the research is the phraseological system of the Yakut language. The subject of the research is paradigmatic relations, in particular, antonymic relations of phraseological units. In her article Gotovtseva describes the history of research of phraseological antonyms in Russian studies and Turkish studies, clarifies and competes their classification taking into account lexical-grammatical and semantic-stylistic characteristics of units under study. The author of the artice pays special attention to the definition of phraseological antonyms. She also examines the nature of relations between phraseological antonyms and mutiple-meaning phraseological units. She discovers that full opposition of all meanings of multiple-meaning phraseological units is quite a rare case. Phraseoogical units usually become antonymic only in one meaning. In her research Gotovtseva has applied the continuous sampling method to select phraseological antonyms from lexicographical souces, the method of semantic identification to isolate phraseological units, the method of description accompanied with cassification, observation, comparison and generalisation, the method of oppositions and component analysis. The rationale of the research is caused by the fact that there are very few researches on phraseological units in the Yakut language. Having analyzed theoretical literature on the problem and practical material, the author states that phraseological antonymy has not become a frequent practice in the Yakut language. This circumstance may be explained by the complexity of the semantic structure of phraseological units as the signs of secondary nomination.
polysemy, typology of antonyms, classification, phraseological antonyms, semantic structure of a phraseological unit, antonymic paradigm, phraseology, Yakut language, semantics, stylistics
Literary criticism
Glazkova, M.M. (2019). Multidimensionality of Fazil Iskander in World Literary Studies. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 57–71.
The article is devoted to the analysis of multidimensionality of Fazil Iskander's creative legacy. The subject of the research is works written by Fazil Iskander as well as researches of literary critics on Iskander's creative writing. Glazkova has analyzed Fazil Iskander's world view in works devoted to the analysis of different aspects of the writer's creativity: author's discourse, national specifics of his works, their genre peculiarities, structure of artistic world and author's position. The majority of researchers who studied Fazil Iskander's creative writing focus on the writer's world view which is expressed in description of moral bases of Fazil Iskander's universe, the main principles of world order, peculiarities of Iskander's world, analysis of particular artistic images in his works. The research methods used by the author include problem-analytical and functional approaches combined with comparative historical methods of analysis of a literary work. The methodological and theoretical base of the research is dictionaries, encyclopedias, works of famous experts in literary studies and theory of literature. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that despite a great number of researches of Fazil Iskander's creative writing, this topic still needs further research while positions of experts in literature and critics do not have a systemic nature. Such important elements of Fazil Iskander's world view as author's concept of universe and concept of history, mythologism as an instrument of explanation of different social phenomena and peculiarities of writer's narration strategies need further research.
moral dominant, mythological logic, world pattern, the state of the world, people's world, representation of the author's position, the concept of peace, decentralization of discourse, the nature of philosophy, polarity of the artistic world
Kalinin, O.I., Selezneva, D.V. (2019). Metaphoricity and Classification: Experience of Comparative Analysis. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 72–80.
The subject of this research is intra-linguistic factors that effect the intensity of influence of a political discourse expressed by public speeches in different languages. The aim of the research is to find the relationship between the level of metaphoricity of texts in Chinese, Korean, English and Russian languages and their classification features. The research material includes speech messages of the same genre, time of creation and addressee such as public speeches made by the leaders of the Russian Federation, Peoiple's Republic of China, Great Britain and Republic of Korea over the last three years (2016-2019). The reserach methods include selection of the material, analysis of the main features of languages under research, discovery of metaphors in speeches made by the countries' leaders and calculation of metaphor power index. As a result of the research, the authors conclude that Chinese texts have the hightest level of metaphoricity, maximum isolation and least synthetism while Russian texts have the least level of isolation and highest level of synthetism and the lowest level of metaphoricity. Languages of isolated type are limited in their syntactic transformations, this is why effect made at the level of a lexical metaphor is the most accessible language means.
agglutination, synthetism, persuasion, isolating language, typology, metaphor, political discourse, analytism, Korean, Chinese
Khalkharova, L., Luvsantserengiin, T. (2019). The Image of Child in Mongolian Folklore. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 81–90.
This article is devoted to Mongolian folklore, first of all, heroic epic and fairy-tales. The authors give comparative typological analysis of variants of The Epic of King Gesar, Epic of Jangar, and several fairy-tales from Mongolian and Buryat folklore. Lately there have been a lot of in-depth researches of folklore and influence of folklore on the development of literature and culture. This is what causes the rationale of the research. The aim of the research is to define artistic-stylistic peculiarities of images of children, i.e. expressive means that are used to depict heroes in epics and fairy-tales. The object of the research is Mongolian folklore. The subject of the reseasrch is the images of children in heroic epics about Gesar and Jangar as well as Buryat and Mongolian fairy-tales. The research methods included description, comparison, structural-typological methods that allowed to analyze the genre of heroic epic and fairy-tale as integral works and to compare Mongolian and Buryat variants of epics and describe their differences and similarities. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that for the first time in Mongolian studies the author makes an attempt to reveal images of children in epics and fairy-tales from the lexical-grammatical and semantical points of view. The authors describe lexical-semantic peculiarities of epics and fairy-tales and expressive means used therein. They conclude that images of children are marked with conventional epithets that describe their talents.
lexemes, variability, traditionalism, stable formulas, image of a child, fairy tale genre, heroic epic, Mongolian folklore, figurative and expressive means, characterization of a hero
The gathering
Romanova, N.G. (2019). Pre-Action Correspondence as an Aspect of Relationships Between Subjects of Educational Process. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 91–98.
The subject of the research is pre-action correspondence as an important aspect of relationships between subjects of educational process. Analysis of documented evidence of pre-action claims from students and their legal representatives allows, firstly, to to discover typical features of modern letters of complaint on one of the most nettlesome social issues (personal interests and needs of authors), and secondly, to clarify aspects of the culture of communication, creation and implementation of educational strategies and practices meant to improve business communication. The achieve the research goals, the author has applied description, comparison and stylistic analysis as the main research methods. Compositional analysis carried out by the researcher is based on taking into account the interaction between structural and linguistic peculiarities of studied examples of business communication (pre-action correspondence). As a result of the research, Romanova summarizes the main features of the structure, contents and linguistic framework of letters of complaint, gives recommendations on how to keep to the optimal level of conventionality of pre-action correspondence by electronic means of communication and offers her own model of a balanced response to letter of complaint based on communicative goals and features of the author of such letter. The research results have a wide scope of application, from research of what is appropriate and what is not in business communication with senior school students and first-year university or college students and development of recommendations and principles of organisation of work with complaints and claims focusing on methods and algorithms of response in accordance with applicants' expectations.
business communication, culture of speech, subjects of educational process, speech interaction, electronic address, business language, communication, complaint, business letters, speech situation
Zenkevich, I.V. (2019). Factors that Form Interest in Studying the Russian Language in the USA. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 99–106.
The subject of the research is the prefaces to Russian language study books written by American authors for the US audience. The author of the article analyzes these prefaces for motivational information the authors of study books decided to include in order to encourage American students to study Russian. The object of the research is motivation or factors that may form interest in studying Russian. The author of the article divides these factors into categories depending on language peculiarities and countries where Russian is an official language. The research methods used by the author include the continuous sampling method, analysis of information from prefaces, synthesis and classification. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author analyzes prefaces to Russian study books written by American authors for American students and examines motivational factors for studying Russian in the USA. The author concludes that all these factors can be divided into culturological, linguistical, geopolitical, social and scientific. The author of the article also suggests that at this stage of relationship between our countries, these factors must play the key role in promotion of studies of Russian in the USA.
common language, beautiful language, Russian speaking communities, language of science, international language, related Russian, foreign Russian, military might, political importance, Russian culture
Tran, M. (2019). Lexical-Semantic Classification of Borrowings with Gradual Semantics in the Modern Russian Language System. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 107–113.
This article is devoted to the analysis of gradual semantics of borrowings in the modern Russian language system. The researcher focuses on gradual meaning of borrowings depending on lexical-semantic groups. The aim of this research is to describe lexical-semantic peculiarities of borrowings with gradual semantics in the modern Russian language system. To achieve the research targets, the author believes it is necessary to do the following: to analyze theoretical concepts about graduality and gradual semantics; to give a lexical-semantic classification of borrowed words with gradual semantics. In his research Chan has applied the following research methods: linguistic description, classification, directional sampling, and component analysis. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that for the first time in the academic literature Chan carries out special and in-depth research of borrowed words with gradual semantics from the lexical-semantic point of view. Besides other factors, the novelty of the research is also caused by the author's choice of examples for analysis, neologisms of foreign origin used at the turn of late XX - early XXI centuries.
russian language system, lexical-semantic groups, degree and measure, gradual semantics of borrowings, borrowings, graduator, gradual semantics, graduality, implicitness, explicitness
Skacheva, N. (2019). The Semantic Meaning of the Concept 'Work' in Russian and German Phraseological World View. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 114–119.
The subject of the research is the semantic meaning of the concept 'work' in Russian and German phraseological world view. The aim of the research is to definethe semantic meaning of the concept 'work' in ethnocultural language units of Russian and German. Analysis of cultural differences allows to see conceptual lines in other culture. Concepts give some kind of a program of meanings. The concept 'work' is is basic not only for Russian but also German world view. However, the semantic meaning of this concept is constantly changing. To analyze the aforesaid concept, the author has applied the method of paremia subjectivation as one of the established means of concept representation. In the course of her research Skacheva discovers that in German language world view, the semantic meaning of the concept 'work' relates to the source of profit, responsibility and quality. Russian language world view often represents a negative definition of the concept 'work' as 'difficult and pointless labor and idleness'. However, Russian world view also has the concept of 'responsible work' which is also a result of change in the historical attitude to work and a beginning of seeing labor as a value.
phraseological world view, cultural world view, linguistic world view, world view, semantic meaning, work, concept, culture, German language, Russian language