Ayusheeva, L.V., Makarova, O.G. (2018). Methods of Expression of the Principal Parts of the Sentence in the Buryat and Russian Languages. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 1–7.
The subject of the research is the methods of expression of the subject and the predicate in the Buryat and Russian sentences. The rationale of the research is caused by the fact that this is a rather understudied issue in Buryat studies. The purpose of the research was to provide a brief description of the methods that are used to express the principal parts of the sentence in the Buryat and Russian languages. Based on the provisions of associated researches, the authors also carried out a comprative analysis of the means of expressing the principal parts of the sentence and functions they perform in the Buryat and Russian languages. The main research method used by the authors was the synchronous descriptive method that implied a structural semantic analysis of speech constructs. The material for the research involved examples from the Buryat literature, and local newspaper 'Buryaad unan'. All examples are translated into Russian. The theoretical importance of the research is caused by the fact that the results of the research can be used to analyze the problems of comparing structural components of simple sentences in the Buryat and Russian languages. The results of the research can be used in the process of teaching the Buryat language at a school or university or writing school and university text books.
subject, main members, word order, two-part sentence, features, comparison, Russian language, Buryat language, predicate, methods of expression
Literary criticism
Belikova, N.S. (2018). The Chronotopos of 'Unhappy Childhood' in Pavel Sanaev's Novel 'Bury Me Behind the Floor Molding'. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 8–15.
Despite being popular with the readers and literary researchers, Pavel Sanaev's novel 'Bury Me Behind the Floor Molding' is still understudied as a literary work with a specifically organised imaginative world. In her research Belikova demonstrates how the concepts of space and time typical for a child are replaced by the 'adult's' worldview as a result of his parents' pressure, and describes the expressive means used by Sanaev to depict a child's worldview. The research methodology used by the author of the article is based on discovering chronotopic coordinates of 'unhappy childhood' (based on the concepts of R. Litvak and M. Duranov). The literary analysis of the novel allows to define specific features of the imaginative time and space where Sanaev's hero lives. Through creating a unique imaginative world in his novel, Sanaev demonstrates how the main hero's mind and perception change when he no longer believes in the existence of 'happy space' or feels the time in a cyclic manner (which is typical for a child). The main hero of the novel perceives the time in a linear manner and tries to 'catch up' with the time and dreams of the time to stop. Psychological and existential problems that dominate in the novel are reflected in the expressive means used by Sanaev and chronotopic coordinates that bring a stronger artistic force to Sanaev's ideas.
psychological novel, modern literature, artistic space, artistic time, chronotopos, growing, Sanaev, childhood, unhappy childhood, russian literature
Question at hand
Kefileva, A.R. (2018). The Semantic Field of 'Age' in Contemporary Crimean Tatar Language. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 16–20.
The linguistic implementation of an axiologically important semantic category of 'age' gives an insight into the current conceptual worldview of a language speaker. The subject of this research is the semantic field of 'age' as an element of the Crimean Tatar national worldview. The object of the research is the one-word and many-word nominations of man's or woman's age that can be found in modern Crimean Tatar - Russian dictionaries of different kinds. The aim of this research is to provide a system description of the semantic field of age in contemporar Crimean Tatar. The main research methods included the continuous sampling method of the linguistic material from lexicographical researches, the method of dictionary identification to describe the units under study, the method of the field description of the linguistic material, and the method of the component analysis. As a result of the research, Kefileva describes the structure of the semantic field of age that has three complex microfields. She also provides an integral description of the semantic field and focuses on the linguocultural interpretation of the concept of age as an element of the linguistic worldview of Crimean Tatar speakers.
core of semantic fied, structure of semantic field, linguistic worldview, lexico-semantic grup, lexico-semantic field, the Crimean Tatar language, semantic field, concept, worldview, age
Koltakova, S.V., Nerovnaya, N.A. (2018). On the Question about Parameters of the Structural-Semantic Description of the Group of Names of Devices Used in Aviation' in the English Language. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 21–28.
The subject of the research is the structural and semantic features of the group of names of deviced used in aviation. The aim of the research is to perform a structural-semantic description of the aforesaid group of English terms using a set of parameters. The rationale of the research is caused by the tasks of the analysis and systematization from the point of view of their semantic features, word making models and systemic relations inside a group of terms that can be solved using the field representation of the thesaurus in a particular sphere of human activity. The authors offer and test parameters of the linguistic analysis of a thematic group of terms: nominative density, structural complexity of the group, structural complexity of the terms, semantic closeness of the terms, and peculiarities of their translation. The practical importance and novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors define parameters for studying a professional thesaurus that can be used for structural-semantic description of any other thematic group of terms. The results of the research can be used to create an academic ideographical dictionary as well as to teach translation of professional terms.
the structural complexity of the group, nominative density, linguistic analysis parameters, the thematic group, professional vocabulary, thesaurus, semantic fields, the structural complexity of terms, semantic closeness of terms, peculiarities of translation
Literary criticism
Useinova, E.U. (2018). Detail Functionis in Nadezhda Teffi's Literary Works. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 29–34.
The article is devoted to detail as the means of creation of a female image used by Nadezhda Teffi in her literary works. It is a minimal element of a text that contributes to the formation of the entire image. Useinova focuses on details that describe the inner world of a character. Characterological detail has got benefits as it can be used to express a general impression of an item or phenomenon and conveys the overall psychological tone. Detailed description of portraits and psychological states of characters and what things surround them makes the impression as if the reader could actually see them. The research methodology includes the contensive-structured and comparative typological approaches accompanied with immanent and contextual analysis. The methodological basis includes researches on Nadezhda Teffi's creative writing by L. Chernets, L. Babenko and E. Trubilova. In Nadezhda Teffi's emigree tales details performed a number of important functions such as psychological, distinguishing and symbolic. However, the psychological function of details is more often found there. Detailed description of portraits and psychological states of characters and what things surround them makes the impression as if the reader could actually see them. The results of analyzing the role and functions of a literary detail demonstrate that detail does not only contribute to the development of a certain motif in Nadezhda Teffi's writing but also helps to understand the imaginative world better.
character, sign, characteristic, description, hero, detail, psychologism, the art world, detail function, female image
Cai, W. (2018). Iron as the Source Domain of a Cognitive Metaphor in the Russian and Chinese Language Pictures of the World. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 35–43.
The author of the article examines such aspects of the topic as the similarities and differences in using the 'iron' source domain as an element of a cognitive metaphor in the Russian and Chinese language pictures of the world. This research demonstrates the role of a metaphor for understanding the way used by a person to comprehend the reality. The analysis of a metaphor allows to find out what common features this or that language community shares in perceiving the universe and to discover experience that is reflected by the functions of a metaphoric mechanism. The researcher has applied the cognitive definition method to define and describe cognitive features of language materials as well as comparative method and linguistic observation method. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the researcher demonstrates and compares specific features of the Russian and Chinese language pictures of the world as these are reflected in the sphere of the reality that relates to iron. The main conclusion of the research is that different language pictures of the world have both similar and different perceptions of iron as the source domain of a cognitive metaphor. This reflects peculiarities of the mentality of each nation.
language picture of the world, comparison, cognitive metaphor, metaphorical projection, sign, source domain, iron, Russian language, Chinese language, metaphorization
Damdinova, B., Alekseeva, I. (2018). The Functions of a Verb-and-Object Complex in Modern Chinese. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 44–50.
The subject of the research is the lexical layer of modern Chinese. The object of the research is the verb-and-object complex 离合词 líhécí. The aim of the research is to cast light on the functions of the verbal and nominal elements of a Chinese verb-and-object complex that is marked with a fixed word order. The authors of the article analyze different interpretations of this controversial linguistic phenomenon of modern Chinese. The authors focus on the description of different variants of using verb-and-object complexes and provide examples in Chinese and their translation into the Russian language. The research is based on the method of continuous sampling of the linguistic materials from lexiographical sources and study books; and comparison. The authors describe the functions of 离合词 líhécí in a Chinese sentence. The verb-and-object complex of modern Chinese has a number of grammar peculiarities that differ it from commonly used verbs. The results of the research can be used to further study vocabulary of modern Chinese, to write study books and in teaching practice.
inversion, addition, predicate, subject, vocabulary, syntax, object, verb, grammar, chinese
Gordova, Y. (2018). The Sources of Regional Onomastic Research. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 51–57.
The subject of the article is the sources of the regional onomastics that study the creation, functioning and development of the proper names system in particular territories. Gordova describes the main kind of sources of the regional onomastics and the degree of their information capacity, names documents that contain better data on toponymy and anthroponymy of different Russian regions (cadastres, land registers, birchbark manuscripts, statistical compilations, geographical maps, and metrics). The sources are analyzed from the point of view of their chronological order from the written artifacts of the Ancient Rus to today's printed and field materials. To analyze documents of different kinds, Gordova has applied the method of textual analysis that allows to define onomastic texts (i.e. the texts in which proper names prevail). The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that Gordova analyzes and summarizes information about the sources that are used by researchers coming from different Russian regions. Noteworthy that the author defines sources that are general for the most of the regions (for example, cadastres of the XVIth century, statistical compilations of the XIXth century, topographic maps, field compilations) and sources that are specific for each individual region (for example, the Polish Camp documents are specific for Smolensk, and Korniliev drawing for Siberia). The author underlines that it is important to include proper names from different sources in specialized onomastic catalogues. This will allow to develop a valid source base of regional researches.
scribe books, statistical documents, onomastic catalogue, field gathering materials, geographical maps, sources of material, toponymy of Russia, regional onomastics, onomastic text, historical onomastics
Bayartueva, E.Z., Dashieva, S.T. (2018). Stylistic Peculiarities of a Chinese Advertising Text in Insurance. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 58–65.
Modern linguistic studies lack researches of the genre specifics of Chinese advertising texts, and the linguistic singularity of messages they convey. The rationale of the research is caused by the authors' intent to define stylistic principles of Chinese insurance advertising texts and to explain their features and functions represented by linguistic advertising units. The object of the research is advertising insurance texts in China (life insurance, tourism, savings services, etc.) that influence the mind of a recipient and make him or her want to use insurance services. The subject of the research is the specific features of stylistic linguistic means used in Chinese advertising texts. In the course of the research the authors have used the method of direct translation while keeping the genre specifics of an advertising text, its lexical, grammatical and rhythmic features. The article presents the results of the research is speech tactics and stylistic methods (worldplay, lexical contrast, reiteration, and denial) that are used in Chinese advertising texts for more expression and emphasis. These features of Chinese advertising texts have never been studied by Russian researchers before.
wordplay, stylistics techniques, speech tactics, insurance, advertising text, stylistics, the Chinese language, lexical contrast, reiteration, denial
Question at hand
Demiral, H. (2018). Estrangement and Loneliness of the Man of Culture as the Matter of Artistic Introspection in Vladimir Makanin's Novel 'She-One and He-One'. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 66–71.
This article is devoted to the estrangement of a modern representative of intelligentsia in Vladimir Makanin's novel 'She-One and He-One'. Demiral talks about the process of estrangement of an intelligent from the society under the influence of modern circumstances, and his changed relations and attitudes to others as a result. This research implies psychological and social analysis of the image of a member of the intelligentsia. Demiral focuses on the philosophical message of loneliness of a member of the intelligentsia in a modern society. In his research Demiral discusses the principle of Makanin's narration which is the principle of the mirror of composition elements. As a result of his analysis, the researcher comes to an interesting conslusion that culture and life, literature and reality in Vladimir Makanin's novel 'She-One and He-One' swap places. The writer who describes the lives of his prototypes and thinks about loneliness comes to the conclusion that he is lonely, too.
art culture, society, loneliness, estrangement, intelligentsia, One and one, Vladimir Makanin, literature, crisis of culture, reflection
Zyryanova, E.V., Lui, W. (2018). Associative Field of the New Year Concept in the Russian Language. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 72–81.
New Year is an important socio-cultural phenomenon, thus it is important to define its essential cognitive features that reflect the Russian sense of national identity. The subject of the research is the associative field of the New Year concept as a fragment of the Russian linguistic world view. The aim of this research is to create an associative field of the New Year concept as well as to describe association reactions that convey the structural and semantic contents of this concept. The research material includes the results of the associative experiment that involved students of Ulan Ude universities. The main research methods included the descriptive method that involved observation, comparison and generalisation, field method, statistical processing of linguistic material, and conceptual analysis to define and interpret the main features of the concept. As a result of the research, the researchers describe the main conceptual groups of responses, interpret and systematize obtained data, present the associative field of the New Year concept by defining conceptual, imaginative and value-based associations; and provide a description of the association field, its core, nearest and farthest peripheries, the most typical responses that constitute the core of the concept, and unique association reactions that reflect the personal perception of recipients. Associations, in their turn, include responses that reflect regional features of the aforesaid concept. The authors of the article focus on the linguocultural interpretation of the New Year concept as a fragment of the Russian linguistic world view.
concept structure, reaction associations, evaluative associations, figurative associations, conceptual associations, cocept New year, associative field, associative experiment, language picture of the world, russian language
Literary criticism
Rakhmatova, A.M. (2018). Fragmentarily Depicted Body and the Plot of Non-Classical Lyrics. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 82–90.
The object of this research is the images of body in non-classical lyrics (late XIX - XX centuries). The subject of the research is the phenomenon of bodily fragmentation as an element of a creative product structure in the lyrics of that period. Rakhmanova focuses on the relationship between bodily fragmentation demonstrated from the view of a lyrical subject (hero) and lyrical plot. The researcher also analyzes the narration methods related to the images of bodily fragmentation used by I. Brodsky, M. Voloshina and Z. Perver. The main research methods used by the author include immanent analysis of the imaginative narration structure to define semantics of particular images, and comparison to describe similarities in poetics of that period. The novelty of the research is caused by the facts that, firstly, literary features of bodily fragmentation in non-classical lyrics are an understudied issue, and secondly, the relationship between the images of bodily fragmentation and lyrical plot is still unclear for that period. As a result of the research, Rakhmanova makes the following conclusion: in the literary works covered by the research, fragments of the body (lyrical subject and/or lyrical hero) are becoming conceptual corner stones of a lyrical plot. Fragments of the body presented through the self-reflection act as conceptual points where lyrical emotions of a hero unfold striving for his or her personal integrity.
historical poetics, character, tendency to integrity, the theme of non-integrity, lyric plot, images of bodily fragmentation, lyric subject, non-classical lyrics, artistic image, author
Question at hand
Gerasimova, E. (2018). Stylistic Potentials of the Expressive Means Used to Express the Category of Multiplicity in the Yakut Heroic Epos 'Olonkho' (the Analysis of the Olonkho Epos 'Female Warrior Dzhyrybyna Dzhyrylyatta') . Philology: scientific researches, 4, 91–97.
The aim of this research is to define and describe expressive means used to express the category of multiplicity in the Yakut heroic epos Olonkho (the analysis of the Olonkho epos 'Female Warrior Dzhyrybyna Dzhyrylyatta'). The subject of the research is the lexico-grammatical category of multiplicity in the Yakut language. The object of the research is the use of the multiplicity category in Yakut poetry. In her research Gerasimova examines stylistic peculiarities of using morphological and syntactic expressive means of multiplicity in Yakut creative writing. To achieve the goal of this research, the author has applied semantic-stylistic, comparative and descriptive research methods. The analysis of stylistic peculiarities of the multiplicity category in the Yakut heroic epos Olonkho allowed to discover a great variety of morphological and syntactic expressive means of this category in the Yakut language. In Olonkho morphological means of the multiplicity category represented by nouns, adjectives, and verbs with intensifying and expressive meanings are used to define category diversity, dispersion of individual units, and to create hyperbolic portraits of the heroes, etc. Syntactic expressive means of the multiplicity category represented by combinations of numerals, singular and plural nouns, plural numbers, adverbs in reduplicated form are used to denote multiplicity and intensity of actions, reproduction of the epic time, space and hyperbolization in the texts of the Yakut heroic epos Olonkho. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that for the first time in the Yakut language studies the author makes an attempt to carry out an advanced study of expressive means of multiplicity in the Yakut heroic epos Olonkho.
art style, style, syntactic method, morphological method, multiplicity, category, Yakut language, functional style, epic, olonkho
Dashieva, S., Alsaeva, V.F. (2018). Thematic Diversity and National and Cultural Specifics of Chinese Benevolences. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 98–102.
The subject of the research is the thematic variety and linguistic and cultural connotation of Chinese benevolences. The object of the research is Chinese benevolences. The rationale of the analysis of Chinese benevolences is caused by the growing interest towards folklore genres including benevolences as a set of cosmological representations and some kind of a myth-and-ritual act of a word's magic influence. The authors of this research set a goal to study the thematic variety of Chinese benevolences, their linguistic and cultural components that reflect the national mentality, and cross-cultural features of Chinese people. To achieve the research targets, the authors have used descriptive and structural methods, generalisation, linguistic and cultural analysis, and creative translation. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors analyze thematic diversity and national and cultural specifics of Chinese benevolences. As a result of the research the authors discover the Chinese benevolences contain reality words that have a vivid national nature and convey cultural information. Being a marker of national identity, phraseological units often act as benevolences, too.
linguistic and cultural connotation, national and cultural specifics, phraseologism, small genre, good wishes, folklore, symbolic, structure of benevolence, subject, worldview
Razduyev, A.V., Lazko, A.Y. (2018). Substitution of Nanotechnological Terms in Texts and Discourses (the Case Study of Modern English and Spanish) . Philology: scientific researches, 4, 103–118.
The article is devoted to the phenomenon of substitution of terminological units based on the case study of nanotechnological terms in modern English and Spanish languages. The authors have chosen to study this topic as a result of a growing role of nanotechnology and a need in an adequate terminological layer and linguistic research. In the course of their research the authors analyze whether it is possible to present a specialized nanotechnological term both by terminological and common means, i.e. substitute terms in texts and discourses. The research is based on English and Spanish nanotechnological terms (2000 lexical units, 1000 lexical unit per each language). The terms were selected from nanotechnological research articles, journals, books, and Internet resources using the continuous sampling method and so were 1000 discursive fragments where selected terms had been used. The research methodology included the continuous sampling method that was used to select terminological units and discursive fragments, methods of discursive, contextual and content analysis, methods of component and definition analysis that allowed to anayze the phenomenon of the substitution of terminological units in texts and discourses. The authors conclude that in nanotechnology terms are substituted mainly on the terminological basis, i.e. terms are replaced by similar terms with a different morphological-syntactic structure or, more rarely, semantics. Within the framework of the analysis of English and Spanish nanotechnological terms, the authors define particular types of term substitution, formal-semantic and formal, the latter with the prevailing number of structural, morphological-syntactic, syntactic and hyper-hypernomic substitutes. They also define key reasons of the substitution of terms in texts and discourses.
substitution, terminological system, teminology, terminological unit, discourse, nanotechnologies, referent sphere, text, morphological-syntactic structure, replacement
Gukosyants, O. (2018). Some Prototypical Models of the Relationship Between Instrument Terms (Artificial Objects) and Complementary Terminological Units (As Part of Nanotechnologist Terminology). Philology: scientific researches, 4, 119–129.
The process of structuring scientific knowledge of a particular domain in the form of a system with a relevant data base based on terminological networks implies normalization of relations between database elements, i.e. elements of terminological networks. In order to create a universal terminological network for the terms of one category, the author of the article has analyzed systemic features of the following nanotechnologist terms: nanofibre, nanowhisker, nanofilm, quantum dot, and nanowire that are attributable to the Instrument category. At the first stage of the research the author has used the analysis of definitions and research extracts which has allowed to define a corpus of complementary terms and types of systemic relations between those that create the basis for prototypical models of knowledge organization. Within the framework of the research, universal (prototypical) relations of the Instrument terms mean subsumption relations to other objects of the natural environment and objects of artificial origin, the presence of species and related objects, the possession of characteristics and the presence of components, variety of processes used to create artificial objects and their application as components of complex mechanisms. At the end of the research the author provides a fragment of the terminological network of the Instrument category that demonstrates discovered prototypical models of the relations between terms which can be extended and amended in the course of further research.
systemacity, terminological network, prototypical model, system relation, category, concept, term, scientific knowledge, data-base, expert system
Onishchenko, Y.V. (2018). Sociophonetic and Phonostylistic Aspects of Allophonic Variation of the Alveolar Occlusive-Plosive Phoneme [t] in a British Standard Pronunciation Based on the Analysis of Speeches Made by Telecinematic Discourse Participants in the Great Britain. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 130–140.
The subject of this research is the sociophonetic and phonostystic aspects of allophonic variation of the alveolar occlusive-plosive phoneme [t] in the English language, in particular, British standard pronunciation. The researcher focuses on the patterns of the allphonic variation in the situation-and-stylistic continuum based on the analysis of the authentic speech of telecinematic discourse participants in the Great Britain. Onischenko presents and analyzes statistical data about the share of [t] phoneme variants depending on different kinds of communicative situations within telecinematic discourse as well as depending on gender and age of speakers. To analyze the corpus of data, the author has used auditive, auditor and electric audibility methods. To process quantitative data, the author has used statistical analysis methods. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the researcher discovers patterns of allophonic variations of the alveolar occlusive-plosive phoneme [t] in different phonostylistic registers of a British standard pronunciation of mass media such as television and cinematography. The results of the research demonstrate that the greater variability of the alveolar occlusive-plosive phoneme [t] (in particular, the substitution of [t] with [Ɂ] and [Ø] allophones) can be found in texts of a lesser formal content. Moreover, the author also discovers partial inverse relation between the glottal stop [Ɂ] and elysium [Ø]. The research data can be used to develop practical recommendations for those who study the English language, in particular, students who want to learn a British standard pronunciation.
language innovations, allophonic variation, distribution of variables, social salience, glottal stop, phonostylistics, telecinematic discourse, communicative situation, British standard pronunciation, standard language
Varlamova, A.V., Sobakina, I.V. (2018). Yakut-Russian Translation Matches of Complex Sentences (the Case Study of E. Neymokhova's Novel). Philology: scientific researches, 4, 141–149.
The object of this research is the syntactic aspect of the Yakut-Russian translation. The subject of the research is the complex sentences in the Yakut and Russian languages. The language of literature, the language of the national literature classics, the best prosaists are the best source of the analysis of the literature language. Successful translation is based on a firm linguistic base, thus translation matches are a nettlesome issue today. The authors of this article analyze translation matches of complex sentences in the Yakut and Russian languages based on the analysis of E. Neymokhova's novel 'Alampa'. The methodological basis of this research includes the following analysis tools: structured word-forming, comparison and description. For the first time in the Yakut language studies the authors of the article discover translation matches of complex sentences in the process of interlinear translation and their role in literary translation. The results of the analysis made it possible to make the following conclusions: contents of Russian complex sentences correspond to those in the Yakut language while their structures differ a lot. In the process of interlinear translation and literary translation complex sentences in the Yakut language usually preserve their structure in the Russian language.
complex sentence, literary translation, syntax, Yakut language, interlinear translation, Yakut-Russian translation, Yakut literature, translation, translation matches, equivalent translation
Question at hand
Sekova, J.A. (2018). From the History of Studying the Yakut Phonetics and Morphology. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 150–157.
In her article Sekova analyzes the history and current research of phonetics and morphology in Yakut philology and gives a brief review of the stages of the Yakut language development in these fields. She also examines the history of the development of morphonology in Turk languages, prospects for the development of morphonology as a new branch of modern Yakut language studies. The methodological and theoretical basis of the research includes researches of O. Betling, N. Poppe, P. Barashkov, L. Kharitonov, N. Dyachkovsky, and others. The research method used by the author is the method of description and comparative-historical method. The research is devoted to the issues of phonetics, morphology and morphonology of the Yakut language. The results of morphonological research based on the anlaysis of different languages prove the importance and viability of this section of linguistic studies and create the need in detailed analysis of the morphonological system of the Yakut language. The development of mophonology and analysis of morphonological processes of the Yakut language give opportunities for further development of the corpus-based analyzer of the Yakut language, Yakut-Russian electronic translator, etc.
inflection, derivation, morphemes, allomorphs, affixes, phonemes, morphonology, morphology, phonetics, Yakut language
Question at hand
Vlasova, Y., Vavichkina, T. (2018). The Range of Problems Raised by Khani Nakshabandi in His Novel 'Confession of an Arab Woman'. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 158–168.
The subject of the research is the range of problems raised by a Saudi writer Nakshabandi in his new social novel 'Confession of an Arab Woman' (2007). Nakshabandi analyzes the gender topic and problems that arise between men and women in the West and East. The writer describes and compares their mentalities and raises the problem of inequal rights of men and women in Saudia Arabia. The writer discusses the free choice as an issue, casts light on the home violence experienced by Arab women, and brings forth the topic of women's loneliness. Using the methods of the historical analysis and systems analysis, the researchers prove that the problems raised by the writer are important and nettlesome for the Arabian society. As the main conclusion of the research, the authors of the article emphasize the need to change the patriarchal society of Saudi Arabia. Nakshabandi blames zealous muslims for being hypocritical and misrepresenting their ignorance as demonstrated religiosity. It is concluded that the main hero of the novel, Sarah, is a typical woman of the Arabic East who suffers from severe Shariat laws. Before death she sends off her biography to a journalist Khisham who becomes a critic of the Saudi Arabian society.
East and West, problem of violence, problem of loneliness, freedom of choice, Arab women, modern Arabic literature, Confessions of an Arab woman, Saudi writer Nakshabandi, modernization the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, The Islamic society
Kletckaya, S. (2018). Concerning the Grammar Status of Incorporated Direct Speech (the Case Study of S. Petrushevskaya's Works). Philology: scientific researches, 4, 169–177.
Based on the analysis of L. Petrushevskaya's creative writing, Kletskaya examines the grammar status of incorporated direct speech, a special kind of presentation of someone else's speech when a hero's remark is transmitted through the author's speech using an asyndeton. Quite often incorporated direct speech is not marked with punctuation marks and is never accompanied with an introduction remark of an author. This makes a hero's remark to look as an element of an object-and-event narration. Incorporated speech is one of the most interesting speech techniques used by L. Petrushevskaya in her prose. In the process of her research Kletskaya applies such methods as observation, induction and deduction, description, taxonomic description and opposition analysis. Incorporated direct speech is close to direct speech and opposes to indirect and improperly direct speech, first of all, because it does not look as a special syntax construction, and, secondly, because of its expressivity. All these facts altogether allow to make a statement that incorporated direct speech is a special syntactic phenomenon which cannot be identified with any form of someone else's speech communication described by modern linguistic studies.
syntax, unionless offer, expressive syntax, author's speech, character speech, improperly direct speech, direct speech, someone else's speech, sintax fenomena, speech plans
Literary criticism
Kadyrova, U.R. (2018). The Literary Archetype of 'Liver' in the Love Discourse of the Crimean Tatar Poet Ashyk Umer. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 178–190.
The subject of the research is the representation peculiarities of the literary archetype of 'liver' in the poetry of a Crimean representative of the ashyk lyric poetry of the XVIIth century, Ashyk Umer. The object of the research is the love discourse of Ashyk Umer. The variety and the depth of the poet's creative style make his lyric poetry interesting for contemporary readers. The aim of this research is to study the literary archetype of 'liver' and to analyze what literary means Ashyk Umer uses to express this archetype in the love discourse. In her article Kadyrova analyzes the use of the archetype in different cultures and provides a linguistic analysis of the 'liver' lexeme as well as discusses examples from somatic phraseological units and folk songs of the Crimean Tatars. The researcher analyzes three examples of Ashyk Umer using the archetype of 'liver' in his poetry: description of liver as a suffering organ; explication of state of the liver that has suffered from his love mater's actions; and description of the stae of liver suffering from wine. The research methodology is based on the structural and functional approach that also implied such methods as analysis, generalisation and synthesis. The rationale of the research is caused by frequent researches on the manifestations of unconscious in the modern world (in the general and particular meanings, such as archetypes, national consciousness of the peoples and ethnic groups) and, consequently, the need to study them by the means of linguistics and literary studies (including Crimean Tatar literature). The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author defines peculiarities of the representation of the archetype 'liver' in Ashyk Umer's love poetry and makes a conclusion that in the Crimean Tatar culture, folklore and literature liver is synonymously linked to 'soul' and the use of this literary archetype demonstrates that the poet both related to folklore and had the hidden sufism symbols at the same time.
assonanse, alliteration, sufism, in love, beloved, love discourse, ashyk, archetype, ashyk lyric poetry, Ashyk Umer
Surovtseva, S.I., Salimova, I.M. (2018). Concerning the Component Analysis of Temporal Phraseological Prepositions. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 191–196.
The subject of the research is the phraseological prepositions of temporal semantics. The aim of this research is to carry out a component analysis and comparison of phraseological prepositions in the Russian and French languages. Within the framework of this research, the author has studied components of adverbs and verbal adverbs. The empirical basis of the research is the original card catatologue of phraseological prepositions of temporal semantics. The cases of how these prepositions are used were taken from the National Corpus of the Russian Language and National Corpus of the French Language. Based on the results of the practical research, the authors conclude that adverb components are quite often used in the Russian language. In the course of their research the authors have used the following methods: component analysis, descriptive method including elements of analysis, comparison and generalisation. The main conclusion of the research is that adverb components are frequently used in Russian while more rarely used in French. The authors describe semantic features of phraseological prepositions with adverb and verbal adverb components in Russian and adverb component of infinitives in French.
comparative aspect, phraseopreposition, verbal adverb, adverb, component, temporal semantics, phraseological preposition, two-component, three-component, lexical unit
Question at hand
Yakhno, M.D. (2018). The Role of Evaluative Vocabulary in Outdoor Advertising Text. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 197–206.
Advertising text is now part of everyone's life and great source for research. The influence of advertising on a customer or client requires in-depth theoretical and practical research that would give answers to the questions about efficient influence on human using linguistic means, in particular, evaluative vocabulary. The rationale of the topic is caused by the fact that there are still understudied issues left in science that relate to the role of evaluative vocabulary in advertising text. The subject of the research is the evaluative vocabulary as part of regional advertising text. The aim of the research is to select and describe evaluative vocabulary units and to define functions of evaluative vocabulary in texts under research. The research material included lexical units with evaluative components, these units have been selected by the author from regional printed advertising texts using the continuous sampling method. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author defines the role of linguistic means, particularly evaluative vocabulary, in advertising text. This is the topic that has never been covered by linguistic studies before. The practical importance of the research is defined by the opportunity to use the results of the research to write texts of different styles and genres.
linguistics, outdoor advertising, language impact, language tools, regional advertising, advertising text, evaluative vocabulary, advertising, evaluation vocabulary functions, journalistic style of language
World literature
Babieva, Z.R. (2018). The Image of France and French People in Bayram at-Tunisi's Writings. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 207–211.
The subject of the research is the creative writing of an Egyptian writer Bayram at-Tunisi including his 'Remembering the Exile', the novel in which he described the years spent in Tunisia and France. Babieva focuses on the image of The Other in at-Tunisi's novel and his description of France and European life in general. The author examines such aspects of the topic as the description and acceptance of new realities, analysis of the history of his native country, and self-identification under different conditions. The methodological basis of the research is based on the integrated analysis of the novel written in the Egyptian dialect of Arabian. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that at-Tunisi's writings have never been studied by Russian researchers before. The main conclusions of the research are the following: at-Tunisi perceives the West as The Other, something that is different from himself and his countrymen, and different for better. At the same time, the Egyptical writer emphasizes the negative sides of French mentality and suggests that Egyptians should adopt only positive but decline negative features, thus continuing the rihla tradition of Arabic literature.
arabic studies, travel, rihla, Bayram at-Tunisi, travelogue, Modern Arabic Literature, Arabic literature, Egyptian colloquial Arabic, the image of the beuty, Self and the other
Abliametova, S.M. (2018). Inter-Dialect Synonymy in the Crimean Tatar Language. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 212–219.
The subject of the research is the synonymy of names of clothing in literary lexemes and dialecticisms. Just as different synonymous nominations may be used to denote the same kind of clothing, dialecticisms may be used as a literary name of the same clothing. One of the most topical issues in modern language studies is the analysis of thematic lexical layers. Dialect vocabulary is of special interest. This is explained by the fact that in the process of the semantic analysis of a language picture of the world, a dialect-speaker demonstrates description of phenomena and items in his or her vocabulary. Thus, by studying lexemes of particular dialects, it is possible to understand national and cultural features of speakers, how they perceive and understand the world. In the course of writing her article Ablyametova has used the methods of description and distributive analysis to study the inter-dialect synonymy. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the researcher analyzes names of clothing in Crimean Tatar dialects and describes their peculiarities. Based on the analysis of clothing names, the researcher describes synonymic rows in Crimean Tatar dialects and defines its lexical features. Dialects differ from other variants of national language as well as literary language.
inter-dialect synonymy, synonyms, literary language, language, dialect, Crimean Tatar language, names of clothing, synonymic series, semantics, etymology
Lyamzina, S.A., Kolmogorova, A.V. (2018). Personality in the Mirror of Language and Speech Biography. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 220–228.
In their article the authors analyze and clarify definitions of language and speech personality biography. As the analysis of research literary demonstrates, these terms are still developing and acquiring essential features within the framework of anthropocentric linguistic studies. The aim of the article is to prove relative independence of terms 'language biography' and 'speech biography' and to clarify definitions thereof. Very often these terms are used as synonyms while they are presented as individual terms in some sociolinguistic and linguopersonality researches. Having reviewed theoretical literature and analyzed a number of empirical examples, the authors of the article have come to the discussion of aspects that are important for the interpretation of these terms. Thus, language biography is the hsitory of the development of the language personality from the origin of individua life till the end of life including the process of acquiring, development and evolution of cognitive experience, world view, and system of values. Speech biography is the history of changes of speech habits of human under the influence of social and professional factors throughout his or her active consious experience. Detailed differentiation between these terms is necessary because it determines the choice of linguistic instruments to study specific features of speech activity of an individual depending on cognitive and social events of his or her personal history.
social affiliation, speech behavior, speech, language, language personality, speech biography, language biography, professional affiliation, gender, age
Asanova, Z. (2018). Word-Formation Types of Adjectives with -Ly/-Li Affixes. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 229–234.
The subject of the research is the word-formation types of adjectives with -ly/-li affixes. The object of the research is the word-formation process in the Crimean Tatar language studies. The form-formation language system is defined a combination of word-formation types. Word-formation type determines derivation potential and peculiar semantics of a derivative word in the word-formation language system. This is the scheme of word formation in which word semantics and its word-formation structure are closely related. Word-formation types of the Crimean Tatar language are still left understudied, consequently, needs to be analyzed. In the course of writing her article Asanova has applied the description method as the main method of linguistic research and the component analysis method. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author has carried out a complex analysis of word-formation types of adjectives with -ly/-li affixes in modern Crimean Tar language. As a result of her research, Asanova has defined a number of word-formation types of adjectives with -ly/-li affixes that are used today in the Crimean Tatr language system.
word-formation structure, word-formation meaning, derivative adjectives, method of word formation, word-formation type, word-formation, adjective, compound word, affix, Crimean Tatar language
Question at hand
Bilyalova, S.S. (2018). Semantic Derivation of Names of Kitchenware in the Crimean Tatar Language. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 235–240.
In recent years the seamtncis of word or particularly lexico-semantic groups have been the matter of research more often than usual. In this article Bilyalova analyzes the process of the new meaning formation in a lexico-semantic group 'kitchenware' in the Crimean Tatar language and carris out an etimological analysis of lexemes. The aim of this research is to analyze the semantic structure of polysemantic lexemes of this thematic group and to define the main semantic peculiarities as well as methods of formation of lexico-semantic variants and the main types of links. Through component analysis, the author has studied the semantic structure of polysemic lexemes and has discovered the method of formation of new lexico-semantic versions. The rationale of the research is caused by the fact that this is an understudied topic in Crimean Tatar linguistic studies. As a result of the analysis, the researcher discovers that each name of kitchenware is polysemantic which is determined by the association links between items and formed by metonymic transfer of meaning.
metaphorization, metaphor, lexico-semantic version, lexico-semantic group, semantic structure, polysemy, semantics, metonymy, metonimization, Crimean Tatar language
Question at hand
Otsomieva, Z.M. (2018). Spelonims in the Toponymic System of the Avars. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 241–245.
The subject of this research is the review of the main types of spelonims and phonetic variants of the nohjo appelative 'cave' common in the territory inhabited by the Avars, this appelative being a component of their toponymic picture of the world. It is important to study the names of oronomic units as the most ancient lexical layers in order to define their potential to objectify environmental conditions of the Avars ethnos, types and peculiarities of their economic activity, specific features of their beliefs, the history of the language, etc. This provides a better insight into their history, dispersion borders, outlines the territory where their language was spread. The research methods include the descriptive method, comparative history method and the method of contextual analysis of terms, as well as analysis and generalisation of theoretical and practical data. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that as the object of linguistic studies, spelonims have never been studied closely despite their diversity and variety. The author of the article brings forth important issues for Avar toponymy: spelonim names describe real or metaphoric features of an object. The results of the research also allow to define specific features of spelonims.
spelonim, microtoponym, oronim, geographic feature, toponymic microsystem, regional toponymy, toponym, subclasses spelonims, semantics, appellative
Question at hand
Kulayeva, E.E. (2018). Means of Expressing the Language Meaning of 'Object Feature' in Sergey Sergeev-Tsensky's Individual Style. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 246–253.
The article is composed of such sections as the problem statement, literature analysis, interpretation and conclusion. The subject of the research is the onomastic aspect of language researches of the second half of the XXth century from the point of view of the language category 'object feature'. In her article Kulaeva provides a review of concepts offered by T. Kalugina, E. Sidorenko and E. Kasyanova about the language meaning of 'object feature' and relevant expressive means using dissected name units such as prepositional-nominal forms, lexias and phrasal nominations. In the course of her research Kulaeva has applied the general research methods (observation, experiment, classification and modelling). The article provides numerous examples of how 'object features' are expressed in Sergeev-Tsensky's individual style and detailed description of the results of the analysis in accordance with research targets. The author concludes that prepositional-nominal forms and lexias are one of the most famous means that express object features in Sergeev-Tsensky's individual style. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that attention of linguistic studies to connotation categories relates to the shift in the academic paradigm as a result of analysing systemic language links of different degrees. Onomasiological approach to language studies allows to define system essences, units, and links, i.e. as due to its generalising nature, the form of a category determines scientific interpretation of the language.
means of expression, onomasiology, adjective, the language meaning, aspect, language categories, Sergeyev-Tsensky, expression, category, meaning
Question at hand
Dvoeglazov, V.V. (2018). The 'Righteous' Conception of Existence in Nikolay Gogol's Works. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 254–264.
The article is devoted to Gogol's concept of true human existence, i.e. existence according to the highest or ontological rightness, as well as the search therefor. Taking into account that the highest 'truth' is the category of conscious and sphere of individual experience of existence in the first place, the author of the article focuses on Gogol's system of characters as being mostly related to the writer's image-based understading of life constants in general. The object of the research that reveals essential features of 'righteous' existence is the mature writings of the writer, the ones that are recognized as 'classical' by critics and literature experts. In order to describe the writer's 'righteous' concept, Dvoeglazov discovers moral problems raised by Gogol in his novels and analyzes means that were used by the author to express his ethical and philosophical views. The researcher also analyzes the relation between the conscious and intuitive in the image of characters. In his novels Gogol demonstrates interest towards the ontological order of life. Existential issues are accompanied with Gogol's description of objective reality and everyday life. Out of this interaction between romantic 'spirituality' and realistic descriptions, Gogol creates his world with characters who express the writer's view on the highest 'truth' and 'rightness'. The highest 'truth' or 'rightness' is the Christian moral standards that teach responsiveness, love, kindness both in terms of communication and individual life.
type of «righteous character», hero-type, «righteous» conception, ontological problems, everyday life and existence, author’s views, aesthetic problems, Moral problems, Gogol’s works, the ontological truth
Question at hand
Muratova, T.A. (2018). Axiology of an Easter Novel in L. Andreev's and I. Shmelev's Novels . Philology: scientific researches, 4, 265–271.
The object of the research is a set of spiritual values of an Easter novel, its narration criteria and embodiment of Christian ideals and peculiarities of Orthodox consciousness represented through Russial classical literary tradition. Examples illustrating the genre of Easter novel include 'In Saburov' of Leonid Andreev and 'God's Summer' of Ivan Shmelev that have never been compared from the point of view of their Orthodox messages before. Muratova focuses on the role of a Christian Resurrection idea in the development of the main heroes' novels. The research methodology includes literary analysis combined with analysis methods that are used in other disciplines including Orthodox anthropoplogy, axiology and philosophy. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author discovers and interprets the axiology of Easter novel in Andreev's and I. Shmelev's writings as the system of values typical for both writers and the genre in general. The author of the article also describes similar views that the writers shared on creative writing and world.
Moral reference point, Evil, Spirituality, Ideal, Christianity, Verity, Orthodox consciousness, Resurrection, Existence, Axiology
Literary criticism
Kladova, N.A. (2018). The Role of the Artistic Details in the Novel of Fedor Dostoevsky "Crime and punishment". Philology: scientific researches, 4, 272–285.
The article is devoted to analysis of the artistic details in the novel of Fedor Dostoevsky "Crime and punishment". As examples, Kladova discusses such details as the staircase, almost always in the dark; the closet of the main character similar to a coffin but associated with the number "fourteen"; water, blood, clean linen, also having ambivalent meaning; the number "four", "eleven", encompassing sustainable biblical connotations; stone; deceptive objects, phenomena, events (brass bell with a tin sound, the pledge of Raskolnikov, an ax, deceptive plot moves). These elements are analyzed from the point of view of the narrative structure of the novel and the structure of the world created in the novel, particularly its unique chronotope,containing two plans of life, real and must-be. The function of the embodiment of this duality is performed by sybmolic details that arefilled with deep philosophical content accumulating the internal drama of the story, and interweaving individual episodes into a single story of the spiritual fall and the spiritual rebirth of man. The study of the role of artistic details in the novel "Crime and punishment" has allowed a deeper understanding of the message of the author and to reflect on features of the structure of the world created in the novel.
blood, ladder, Raskolnikov, chronotope, Crime and punishment, Dostoevsky, novel, artistic detail, fraudulent items, numeric symbolism
Literary criticism
Vinogradov, A.A. (2018). Concerning the Historical Sources of Alexander Ostrovsky's Chronicle 'Kozma Zakharych Minin, The Withered Arm'. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 286–295.
Over ten years Alexander Ostrovsky had been searching for the ideal artistic form for his historical novel 'Kozma Zakharych Minin, The Withered Arm'. The historical novel 'Kozma Minin Elected by the Russian Land' contained extracts from different compiled chronicles and was written at the time when Alexander Ostrovsky was just starting his work in this direction. Researches often mention the aforesaid writing of Ostrovsky but have never studied it in detail. In his research Vinogradov provides a detailed description of Ostrovsky's writing and compares it to a chronicle in terms of style, composition and structure. The author comes to the conclusion that at the stage of historical material search and processing Ostrovsky suggests to unfold a bigger artistic scene covering all the milestones of the Time of Troubles. Later Ostrovsky used those extracts to write his chronicle 'Kozma Zakharych Minin, The Withered Arm' as well as other historical novels (Vasilisa Melentieva, Tushino, The False Demetrius and Vasily Shuysky).
Vague time, Ostrovsky, author, text, chronicle, drama, manuscript, Minin, style, fragment
Literary criticism
Cherevko, G.V. (2018). Functions of Internal Dialogue in Vladimir Navokov's Novel 'Perfection'. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 296–301.
The article is devoted to the classification of internal dialogues. The aim of the research is to describe verbal means that are used by the heroes in Vladimir Nabokov's shoft novels including that at the emotive level, dialogue. The subject of the research is the internal speech of characters , forms of speech interacvtion and generalisation s a literary category. The researcher also tries to describe modern literary approaches to this situation and to express means of depicting the communication process. In particular, the researcher focuses on such terms as internal dialogue and monologue and replication. The author has applied structure, comparative and formal research methods. Structuralism as a method allows you to make new discoveries in the structure of the story. The formal method helps to reveal the prosaic form and style. This set is relevant, valid, promising. The importance of studying inner speech is determined by both functional and aesthetic principles. The author has analyzed important details of Ivanov’s personal qualities and came to the conclusion that the hero who have a bigger language personality has unique individual qualities and thus transmits the message of the author. The poetics of “words” and “silence” and intermediate forms within these oppositions in the artistic system of V. Nabokov are not sufficiently revealed in the narrative and metaphysical sense. Identification of the techniques and interaction of the forms of external and internal speech in the story "Perfection" allows for a concrete example to consider the problem of the isolation of the world and the magic of the word, the process of communication and understanding of the characters.
thought process, personal communication, consciousness stream, author-narrator, hidden internal dialogue, obvious internal dialogue, personal internal dialogue, replitsirovaniye, internal monologue, internal speech
Skvortsova, E.B., Bochkarev, A.I., Pepelyaeva, M.A. (2018). Statistical Analysis of English Apology Speech Formulas Using the SVM-Classifier. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 302–307.
The aim of the research is the development of a relevant and accurate instrument to analyse statistical characteristics of speech acts of different kinds. The object of the research is English apology speech formulas. The subject of the research is the statistical characteristics of the aforesaid formulas. The authors have analyzed English apology speech formulas and formalized an apology cluster, as a result, they have discovered the basic formulas apologies can be built on. In this article the authors are focusing on the development of accurate instruments that is so needed in modern linguistic studies. In the course of their research the authors have used both linguistic and mathematical methods. To recognize apologies, the authors apply a classifier that is based on reference vectors. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that valid instruments to define particular speech acts in texts have not been yet created. As a result, the authors achieve 94% of the accuracy of their classification which is a good indicator. The results received can be used for statistical analysis of other speech formulas besides apologies. In the future the authors suggest to extend groups of respondents in order to increase accuracy of classification.
support vector machine, Scikit-learn, Python, apology speech formulas, speech acts, mathematical linguistics, corpus linguistics, formalization, attribute vector, binary classification
Skvortsova, E.B. (2018). Linguosemiotic Characteristics of 'I/We Regret' Apology Speech Formulas . Philology: scientific researches, 4, 308–315.
The object of the research is the 'I/We regret' apology speech formula. The subject of the research is the linguosemiotic characteristics thereof. The aim of the research is to define peculiarities of this speech formula, for this it is necessary to view it from the point of view of three approaches offered by liguosemiotics: semantics, syntax and pragmatics. In addition, the author has analyzed statistical characteristics of this apology formula which allows to define the basic and additional combinations. The author has applied the descriptive and component methods of linguistic analysis. First of all, the author studies vocabulary definitions, then she defines pragmatic and syntax characteristics thereof. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the I/We regret apology formula has never been studied taking into account its linguosemiotic characteristics. The data obtained can be used as the ground for further mathematical linguistics research, in particular, to formalize speech formulas combined with apology speech formulas using the method of mathematical statistics.
intensifier, linguistic corpus, statistical characteristics, syntax, pragmatics, semantics, speech act, expressive, prospective apology, function of utterance
Terentieva, E.D., Khimich, G.A., Karpova, Y.A. (2018). Concerning the Development of Spanish Literary Standard at the Beginning of the XXIth Century. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 316–325.
The subject of the research is the functioning of single Spanish literary standard and practical experience of the Spanish Language Academy Associations in imposing a particular language standard. The research targets included analysis of the main activities of the Spanish Language Acvademy, theoretical grounds of their language policy, definition of standard, usage and variability of modern Spanish. The researchers intend not only to analyse the theoretical grounds of Spanish academic science but also to develop criteria that can be used to write study books for Russian universities as wll as to make it easier for a student or lecturer to choose a vocabulary or studybook. The main research methods are analysis, systematization and classification of theoretical utterances contained in introductions and forewords published by the Academy, and all kinds of presentations and speeches published on the websites of the aforesaid institutes. For the first time in the academic literature the researchers carry out an integral analysis of theoretical provisions of the main publications made by the Spanish Language Academy Assotiations at the beginning of the XXIth century. All publications have been divided into two groups, those that discuss the variety of Spanish dialects and those that are devoted to Spanish literary standard. The analysis of the foresaid publications has made it possible to conclude that the Spanish Language Academy intends to develop single Spanish language standard for all Spanish-speakers at all levels including school education.
grammar, language usage, language norm, language variability, Spanish Language Academy, Spanish literary standard, orthography, dictionaries, Spain, Latin America
Lyulina, A.V. (2018). Intentional Analysis of May's Speech 'Renewing the British Dream': Socio-Evoluational Aspect. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 326–333.
The object of the research is the linguistic actualisators of manipulation targets at the socio-evolutional level that can be discovered through the intentional analysis of political speeches. The subject of the research is the peculiarities of how these actualizators function in manipulative political messages as well as the relationship between 'socio-evolutional manupulation target and language actualisator of this target'. The rationale of the research is explained by the fact that the structure of manipulative intention as a multi-component phenomenon is still an understudied issue in certain kinds of discourse (including political discourse) and there is no single opinion of linguists on the classification of verbal means of manipulative intention. Noteworthy that the researcher describes such efficient manipulation means of political speech as nominating words, abductive speech acts, promissive speech acts, repetition and simple syntactic construction that actualise basic features of mass consciousness acting as manipulation targets of a mass recipient (availability treshold, expectation of social ideal, binarism of thinking and evaluation). The main research method is the intentional analysis of political speech based on a so-called 'recipient-centered' approach that allows to discover the basic manipulation means while viewing the main characteristics of a mass recipient as manipulation targets. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the researcher has applied this approach to the analysis of manipulation means that can be used in political speech, the latter also allowered to create a more accurate classification thereof. The high frequency of socio-evolutional actualisators discovered proves that these are efficient means in the process of speech manipulation.
political speech, recipient oriented approach, promissive speech act, abductive speech act, nominating word, mass recipient, speech producer, speech manipulation, manipulation target, intentional analysis
Aiusheeva, E.B. (2018). Buddhist Character and Transformation of Motive in Buryat Geseriada. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 334–340.
The subject of the research is the motive about transformation of Geseriada into animals who discover these transformations as a result of Buddhist character being embodied into them. Based on the analysis of several variants of Buryat Geseriada, the researcher analyzes the mechanisms of replacement of characters and completing the episode motive with Buddhist additions. As a result of the spread of Buddhism throughout the territory of ethnic Buryatia, buddhist images are interweaved with Buryat epos which causes transformation of motives and changes of the semantic contents of individual motives. In her research Ayusheeva analyzes transformation of motives based on the example of the analysis of one episode that is a combination of motives. The researcher has applied the comparative classifidation analysis to find similar episodes in epic texts in order to define their typological features. The results of the research has allowed the author to conclude that the ingression of Buddhist images and motives into an epic piece, as a rule, results in the transformation of traditional motives and gives the sound of Buddhism to Buryat uliger.
lama, bowl, uliger, Abay Geser, buddhist characters, buddhism, motive, buryat Geseriada, epos, transformation
Eternal symbols
Liashenko, T. (2018). Language Means that Form the Motif of Female Initiation in Fedor Dostoevsky's Novel 'Crime and Punishment'. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 341–351.
The article deals with language (lexical) means with the help of which a motive of female initiation is formed in a literary work. As a material for the study, texts of Russian folk tales and works of Russian writers of the XIX century are used. The author’s focus is on the motive of female initiation in the novel Crime and Punishment by F.M. Dostoevsky. The study of linguistic means of creating the motive of female initiation in this novel, first carried out in scientific literature, opens up possibilities for a deeper understanding of the ideological content of the work. The methodological basis of the research is the ideas of Yu.M. Lotman and S.Z. Agranovich on the study of the mythopoetic foundations of literary text. Analyzing the lexical means of various thematic groups, the author comes to the conclusion that the motive of initiation in the artistic text goes back to the mythopoetic views of the people, reflects the basic collective ideas about the position of women in society. One of the most important functions of this motive in the works of F.M. Dostoevsky - the formation of the psychological credibility of the plot, which is the basis of realistic prose.
literary image, folklore, magic fairy tale, Russian literature, initiation, motif, lexical means, language means, realism, psychologism
Mironenko, V.V. (2018). Positive and Negative Connotation of Phraseological Units with a Colour Component (the Case Study of the English Language). Philology: scientific researches, 4, 352–358.
The subject of the research is the semantics and structure of phraseological units which reveal the concept of ‘colour’ in the English language in terms of their universality and ethnic identity, as well as cognitive processes underlying the formation of phraseological values and their functioning in modern English. The phraseological units presented in the article, containing in their composition colour names and various images in the linguistic picture of the world, are the most expressive elements of the phraseological fund of the English language. The methodological basis is formed by the lexical analysis of phraseological units; a complex methodology is applied, based on lexical-semantic and descriptive research methods involving linguocultural analysis. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time the phraseological units of the modern English language containing the component ‘color’ are analyzed from the point of view of identifying cognitive mechanisms with the help of which concepts are rethought. The social and emotional evaluation marking of phraseological units through stylistic analysis is revealed for the first time.
characteristics, analysis, vocabulary, semantics, evaluation, component, colour, phraseological units, culture, language
Gorina, M.M. (2018). Views of Protestants and Catholics on the Codification of Ludovit Stur's Slovak Literary Language. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 359–365.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the sources of modern Slovak literary language. The basis for the codification of Slovak literary langauge is Ludovit Stur's Book 'Slovak Literary Standard' (1844). The book was generally accepted by the academic society, however, Catholics and the younger generation of Protestants had serious objections to some of Stur's provisions. Michal Godza represented the views of Protestants while Martin Hatalla represented the views of Catholics. In her research Gorina examines similarities and differences between their approaches to the codification of the language as well as analyzes phonetics, morphology and spelling of Catholic and Protestant variants of Slovak literary language. The researcher has applied comparative and functional methods to analyze particular language phenomena in order to define similarities and differences between views of Catholics and Protestants on necessary transformations of Stur's condification. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that transformation of Stur's codification has never been studied before in Slovak language studies, neither have the ideas of Godze or Hatalla been referred to either Catholics or Protestants even though their concepts were included in The Brief Grammar of the Slovak Language that created the grounds for modern Slovak language. The main conclusion of the research is that Hatalla naturally combined phonematic and etimological spelling principles offered by Stur and Godza and eliminated the most controversial phonetic and morphological elements of the codified language.
codification, Slovak literary language, grammar, spelling, etymological principle, phonematic principle, morphology, phonetics, rhythmic law, reform
Pushkareva, Y.G., Shcherbakova, A.A. (2018). Nomenclature Names of Winds: Universals and Particulars (the Case Study of English Anemonyms). Philology: scientific researches, 4, 366–373.
Today there is a growing interest of modern linguistic studies towards peculiarities of how humans perceive the reality and how their mental activity works. The subject of this research is anemonyms in the English language and culture. The aim of the research is to define universal and specific features of the names of winds, to differentiate between a term and nomenclature name. The authors offer a general classification of nomenclature names of anemonyms (depending on the force, consistency and direction of wind) and describe specific features of natinal dialects of English and their pronunciation variants. The main research methods used by the author include description, etymological method and quantitative analysis. The researcher also analyzes transcription of the English combination of vowels 'th' in the Russian language as it is described in the dictionary of L. Prokha. The author concludes that English names of winds reflect historical events and were created as a result of interaction and interdependence of native dialects and conquerer languages.
names of winds, nomen, opposition, special features, universals, typology, English language, anemonyms, borrowings, transcription
Ilova, E.V. (2018). Acteme as a Unit of Theatre Communication: Differentiation Principle, Linguistic Status and Linguosemiotoc Classification. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 374–386.
The subject of the research is the acteme as the basic unit of theatre communication. Acteme is a complex sign of triad nature. Ilova provides a detailed description of the structure and system of theatre communication and defines two schemes of theatre communication, simplified and complicated. The basic principle of aceme segmentation is the linguosemiotic principle, the basic function thereof is to transfer and fix an aceme in the mind of the audience as a target of cognitive influence of concept and image representation created in the minds of cognitive influence actors. The researcher offers her own classification of actemes with a detailed description of each type of aceme. In the process of her research she has applied the descriptive method that also implies observation, generalisation, interpretation and classification. The use of the structured method has allowed to analyze the structure of theatre communication and the constructive method was used to develop models of theatre communication. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the researcher introduced the term 'acteme' and offers her classification of actemes. The author defines acteme as a linguosemiotic combination that consists of concepts and images of the real or imaginatory world created and cognitively processed by a group of actors (playwright, stage director, art director, composer and actor) and then transmitted to another actor (audience) in order to influence the latter in the course of theatre communication. Classification of actemes has three hypertypes, nonverbal, verbal and mixed. Each hypertype is divided into subtypes: nonverbal actemes can be visual, audial, and semiotic; verbal actemes can be dialogical, monological and polylogical, and mixed actemes can be symbolic, static and dynamic.
verbal-non-verbal, impact, theatre, semiotics, communication, discourse, sign, acteme, coded interaction, communication model