Question at hand
Karaban', N.A., Dikareva, A.V. (2018). Verbal Aggression in Internet Communication. Philology: scientific researches, 2, 1–8.
The object of the research is Internet communication as a new sphere of language functioning. The subject of the research is the methods of expressing verbal aggression on the Internet. The authors of the article pay special attention to new forms of verbal behavior that are specific for virtual communication, these are flame, flood and trolling. Based on the example of two genres of Internet communication, forum and commentaries, the authors of the article analyze specific expressions of verbal aggression in virtual environment, describe what causes users' aggression and offer ways to prevent it. The source of the reserach is non-specialized forums and newspaper websites deoted to various topics and nettlesome issues the majority of citizens concern about. By using the method of continuous sampling, the authors have chosen over 500 polylogue discussions of a conflict nature. Verbal aggression is a complex phenomenon that still remains understudied despite a great number of researches in various branches of knowledge. On the Internet verbal aggression is not only frequently met but has also acquired new forms of expression. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors describe new verbal phenomena that needs to be further studied and systematized.
Internet forum, speech manipulation, elfing, flood, flaming, trolling, Internet communication, verbal aggression, Internet comment, speech conflict
Question at hand
Ayusheeva, L.V., Makarova, O.G. (2018). Comparative Analysis of Buryat and Russian Vocabularies. Philology: scientific researches, 2, 9–14.
The subject of the research is the comparative typological analysis of Buryat and Russian vocabularies. The rationale of the research is caused by the fact that this is a rather understudied issue in the Buryat language studies. The purpose of the research was to provide a brief description of the structural typological differences and similarities in lexical and semantic systems of the Buryat and Russian languages based on current studies by Buryat and Russian language researchers, and to carry out a comparative analysis of lexical units of the aforesaid languages and functions they perform. The main research method used by the authors was the synchronous descriptive method that implied a structural semantic analysis of speech constructs. The material for the research involved dictionaries and examples of the verbal speech of Buryat speakers. All examples are translated into Russian. The theoretical importance of the research is caused by the fact that the results of the research can be used to compare lexical systems of the Buryat and Russian languages. The results can be also used in teaching the Buryat language at schools and universities and writing school and university study books.
synonyms, semantics, lexical meaning, comparative analysis, Buryat language, Russian language, word, homonyms, antonyms, omoforms
Korolev, I.O. (2018). Term-Building Paradigmatic in Computer and Games Discourse. Philology: scientific researches, 2, 15–22.
This article is devoted to the research of word-building paradigmatic in computer and games discourse. Korolev analyzes pragmatic based on the analysis of term elements and term fields of the glossaries of three social games projects. The author focuses on definition of features attributable to the concept of 'term' and analyzes the main features of the term and why elements under research may act as terms. The author pays special attention to syntactical, lexical and semantic patterns of term building. The author analyzes frequency of using these or those means of terminologisation. The research involved glossaries of three social games projects with the audience over 250 million players. Terminological units (500 word forms) were selected by the continuous sampling method. In his research Korolev tries to prove that word forms of this discourse have specific features and properties of term elements constituting an individual term system within their semantic fields. Nationalwide words tend to be terminologised within this or that term system while terms themselves are created through syntactical, lexical or semantical patterns. The most frequently used syntactical pattern of term building is the creation of word combinations. Lexical pattern of term building creates terms using loanwords or calquing from other languages. Semantic pattern implies review of existing Russian words on English cognitive basis.
Process of terminologisation, Term classification, Discourse analysis, Computer and games discourse, Term-building, Paradigm, Linguistic classification, Word-building, Term system, Term element
Literary criticism
Svitenko, N., Yin, L. (2018). The Image of Revolution in Dostoevsky's and Mao Dun's Novels. Philology: scientific researches, 2, 23–32.
The article is devoted to the sociocultural aspects of a creative dialogue between Russian and Chinese classiñ authors, Dostoevsky and Mao Dun, in the historical and cultural context, i.e. artistic image of the revolution phenomenon. Analysis of the reception of the Russian literary and philosophical tradition allows to define ideological and psychological particularities of the revolution phenomenon in Chinese literature. In relation thereto, the authors analyze particularities of individual author interpretations of images of the revolution, political adventurists, bureaucrats, intelligentsia, and representatives from the nation. The authors also focus on Mao Dun's anticipation of Trotsky's concept of The Revolution Betrayed. To analyze means of interpretation and communication of the Russian writer's philosophical views in Chinese literature, the authors have used the methodological tools of comparative studies and reception aesthetics. Cultural and historical difficulties of artistic reception are being viewed on the basis of the material that has never been the matter of literary analysis in this regard before. This causes the novelty of the present research. Transformation and literary interpretation of the revolution image in Dostoevsky's and Mao Dun's prose are determined by the difference in political and religious views of the writers who revealed national specifics of Russian and Chinese revolutions with a maximum force. However, ideological differences of the authors only underline their solidarity in describing the main problem of the revolution, humanism, which implies constant overall self-improvement that makes personality out of an individual, and enables achievement of the brotherhood when all contraditions between freedom and equality are eliminated.
national outlook, ideology, nihilism, political adventurism, The Revolution Betrayed, revolution, cross-cultural dialogue, Mao Dun, Dostoevsky, reception
Minova, M.V. (2018). Lexical and Semantic Integration of English Borrowings in the Modern French Language. Philology: scientific researches, 2, 33–42.
This article is devoted to the analysis of particularities of English borrowings in the modern French language. The author of the article provides a detailed analysis of the main means of the lexical and semantic integration of anglicisms in the French language. Minova pays special attention to the role of anglicisms in enrichment of vocabulary of the modern French language and their use in active vocabulary of the French society. The rationale of the research theme is caused by the fact that recently English borrowings have been of great interest for modern researchers as one of stable trends in language transformations. The use of anglicisms in other languages has been becoming a global tendency lately. The research is based on lexicographical, descriptive, comparative methods as well as methods of cognitive and lexical and semantic analysis. The results of the research demonstrate that the lexical and semantic criterion is one of the most important indicators of how fully anglicisms are adopted by the French language and successful integration of English borrowings does not only contribute to differentiation between semantic shades and enrich the modern French language but also economize linguistic means.
Semantics, Foreign Borrowings, Lexical and Semantic Integration, English Language, French Language, Franglish, Franglais, Anglicisms, English Borrowings, Globalization
Shchekochikhina, M.A. (2018). Spelling Problems in French Scientists' Researches of the 16th - 17th Centuries. Philology: scientific researches, 2, 43–51.
The subject of the research is the views on the language and spelling presented by French scientists of the 16th - 17th centuries, in particular, Geoffroy Tory (1480-1533), Jacques Dubois (1478—1555), Pierre Ramée (1515-1572), Luis Maigret (1510-1558), Antoine Arnauld (1612-1694) and Claude Lancelot (1615-1695) who published The Port-Royal Grammar, and Bernard Lamy (1640-1715). The object of the research is the works of these authors written in the French language. In her research Schekochikhina focuses on the relationship between the philosophy of those times and linguistic concepts of these researchers. She analyzes works of French researchers of the 16th - 17th centures on the language and spelling and describes linguistic concepts of these researchers and how their views on the language have been changing in the 16th - 17th centuries. The concept of the language that was quite common for rational grammers of the 17th century appeared as a result of debates on the French spelling of the precedent century. By the 16th century the French spelling had a lot of contradictions between a graphic image of a word and a new way to pronounce a word. However, the researchers had to solve a number of theoretical issues before creating general principles of writing. The practical aim to improve the spelling made the researchers raise a question about ideal graphic images of words and spelling, and solve a number of theoretical issues (for example, the question about the relationship between the speech sound and grapheme. While the 16th century saw discussions about spelling rules of the French language, the 17th century gave a start to creation of principles of the graphic (written) language in general.
Latin, French language, language norm, the philosophy of rationalism, the grammar of port-Royal, French spelling, history of linguistic doctrines, phoneme, speech, history of language
Khakimova, G. (2018). On the Question about Synonymy of Terms in Veterinary Vocabulary (the Case Study of the German Language). Philology: scientific researches, 2, 52–60.
The article is devoted to the phenomenon of synonymy of terms in German veterinary vocabulary. The object of the research is the German veterinary term system and the subject of the reserach is the particular terms used in German veterinary. The aim of this research is to define synonymy of terms in German veterinary vocabulary and to describe the most productive sources of terminological doublets in German veterinary vocabulary. In her research Khakimova analyzes different groups of terminological doublets, in particular, word-formative (suffixal, compound words, abbreviations), synonymous terms derived from other languages; calque terms and eponyms. The author also describes sources of synonymy in German veterinary vocabulary. A detailed analysis of actual material has allowed to select the following research methods: linguistic observation and description, comparison and structure analysis. The rationale of the research is caused by the fact that the rapid development of science including veterinary medicine requires a constant work on professional competence from those who work in this sphere. Apart from professional skills and knowledge, this also requires knowing foreign languages for written and spoken cross-cultural communication. The author of the article concludes that the main reasons of synonymy of terms in German veterinary vocabulary is that there are borrowed terms used along with native German names, great variety of types of synonyms and a great number of eponyms.
composites, terminology synonyms, word-formative duplicate, terminological duplicate, word formation, types of synonyms, veterinary terminology, synonymy of terms, calque, eponyms
Zenkevich, I.V. (2018). Promotion of the Russian Language in the USA after the Perestroika: Achievements and Challenges. Philology: scientific researches, 2, 61–68.
The object of the research is the role of the Russian language in the USA during the period since late 1980s till 2000s. The subject of the research is the means of promotion of the Russian language as an academic discipline in American schools and universities. The author of the article analyzes the processes in the American society of those times in terms of their influence on the status of the Russian language in the American system of education. Zenkevich also studies the relation between political events and popularity of the Russian language in the USA as well as historical reasons of the Russian language being an unpopular academic discipline that have been overcome neither during the Perestroika, nor after it. In his research Zenkevich uses empirical research methods, in particular, accumulation and selection of particular factors, comparison and estimation of the relationship between them. The author comes to the conslusion that despite the popularity of Russia and Slavic languages during the Perestroika, the Russian language did not take an important place among other foreign languages taught in the USA. Describing the reasons for such unpopularity of the Russian language, the author offers certain measures that may be undertaken to promote the Russian language as a foreign language in the American system of education.
extra-curriculum activities, Russian communities, magnet schools, national standards, critical language, less commonly taught language, national security, perestoika, saturday schools, exchange programs
Pelevina, N.N., Cheblukova, A.A. (2018). Textual Realization of the Conceptual Thematic Strategies of Courage Education in German Childhood Reading. Philology: scientific researches, 2, 69–74.
The authors of thsi article focus on the linguistic analysis of German childhood reading. They examine conceptual thematic strategies used by German authors to create an imaginary world where a child and his or her problems take the first place. The novelty of this research is caused by the fact that the authors describe peculiarities of the conceptual thematic strategies used by an author of childhood reading. The authors discover and describe linguistic and compositional means of realization of the conceptual thematic strategy of courage education in German childhood reading. The research methodology implies a combination of linguistic research methods including comparison, functional semantic, and conceptual interpretative analysis. The main conclusion of the research is that the problem of overcoming one's fear is very popular with young readers who seek answers to the questions raised by the real life. At the same time, it also serves adults' moral education targets and teaches children to deal with both life and psychological difficulties.
textual realization, character, strategies, compositional means, linguistic means, conceptual thematic strategies, courage education, fear, emotion, childhood reading
Demidova, M.M. (2018). Specific Features of the Representation of the Concept of 'Man of God' in the English Language. Philology: scientific researches, 2, 75–82.
The subject of the research is the process of verbalization of similar terms in different languages. In particular, Demidova analyzes the meaning of the term 'Man of God' in the Russian and English languages. As a rule, the language representation of the term implies a set of lexical means that are used to express a thought. The author of the article analyzes a set of means that are used to nominate the concept of 'Man of God' in the English language using rich illustrative material (Russian and English translations of the Bible). Demidova focuses on the semantic features of representatives. The main research methods include comparison that allowed to define the means of language representation of the term in the English language, and lexiographical analysis that enabled to discover differences and similarities of the semantic contents of representatives. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that for the first time in the academic literature the author selects language nominees of the term 'Man of God' in the English and Russian languages as the subject of research. As a result, the author concludes that the term 'Man of God' is more developed in the Russian culture so there are all grounds to assert that this term is one of the most important cultural constant in the Russian language.
english language, russian language, religious scripture, substantivation, comparative analysis, concept, semantic content, nominee, meaning, representation
Eternal symbols
Komkov, A.V. (2018). World as the Will and World as the Beauty. Reception of Ontological Elements of Arthur Schopenhauer's Philosophical Picture of the World in Afanasy Fet's Writings. Philology: scientific researches, 2, 83–87.
In his article Komkov analyzes the influence of Arthur Schopenhauer's irrational philosophy on Afanasy Fet's poetry. To define Afanasy Fet's attitude to Arthur Schopenhauer's teaching, the author of the article studies the correspondence of the Russian poet with Yakov Poklonsky and Lev Tolstoy. Based on the analysis of the poem 'Among Stars', the author analyzes the creative interpretation of Arthur Schopenhauer's ideas by Afanasy Fet. The researcher focuses on the comparitive description of ontological paradigms of the Russian poet and German philosopher. As a conclusion, the author emphasizes the correlation of the World as the Will and the World as the Beauty in Afanasy Fet's world view. The methodological basis of the research implies the use of possibilities offered by the systems approach, historical cultural, comparative historical and receptive aesthetic analysis. In his poetry Afanasy Fet used a lot of elements of the German philosopher's concept and picture of the world. Nevertheless, Afanasy Fet was an independent philosopher who maintained his ontological position in the face of the blind will that was viewed as the highest force in Schopenhauer's philosophy. Fet's poem presents an ontological paradigm in which he goes beyond Schopenhauer and views beauty as the idea of harmony that enables the fair fight with the universal loneliness and evil will.
intercultural dialogue, irrational philosophy, German philosophy, Schopenhauer, philosophical lyrics, poetry, Fet, XIX century, ontology, voluntarism
World literature
Aleksandrova, T. (2018). The Norm and Deviances in the Poetic Language of Empress Eudocia's Poem 'Martyrdom of saint Cyprian'. Philology: scientific researches, 2, 88–95.
The subject of the research is the concept of grammatical norm in the poem Martyrdom of saint Cyprian written by the empress Eudocia (the 5h century AD). In her article Alexandrova analyzes examples of deviations from the morphological norm. Earlier researches (by A. Cameron, etc.) on Eudocia only express reproaches of Eudocia being too free with the poetic language rules and Homeric dialect. The purpose of this research was to find out whether those approaches actually corresponded to the facts. In her research Alexandrova uses the corpus search system TLG, analyzes examples that were independently discovered by the author, and applies the method of integral analysis. The author of the article finds out examples of similar deviations of earlier poets (Euripides, Apollonius of Rhodes, Gregory of Nazianzus) Eudocia was most likely to have read. In each particular case the author of the article proves that reproaches of Eudocia had nt grounds. She knew the classical tradition very well but was inclined toawrds a freerer norm of Christian poetry offered by Gregory of Nazianzus. Deviations in Eudocia's poem were mostly caused by the need to maintain the metric order. However, she did not follow classical rules of prosody, either. As a result, the author concludes that earlier evaluations of Eudocia's creative writing were hyper critical. Generally, Eudocia's poem is an example of a middle-level poetry and received positive approve of many Byzantine authors such as Photios I of Constantinople.
late ancient literature, Christian poetry, deviations, morphological rule, Homeric dialect, poetic language, Homer, Martyrdom of saint Cyprian, empress Eudocia, Byzantine literature
Nasibullaeva, E.R. (2018). The Structure of the Lexico-Semantic Field of 'Educator' in the English Language. Philology: scientific researches, 2, 96–101.
The article is devoted to the analysis of a lexico-semantic field with the core 'EDUCATOR' in the English language. The author of the article focuses on the semantic organisation of the language lexical system and gives a definition of 'semantic field'. The object of the research is the basic vocabulary that consists of lexical units meaning 'educator', i.e. units united based on the semantic principle. In the course of the analysis the author discovers lexical units that have the semes meaning 'person' and 'teaching'. The author used the method of the component analysis that allowed the application of the quantitative analysis principle and the method of definition analysis to study vocabulary definitions of educator as a lexico-semantic unit. The results of analyzing constituents of the lexico-semantic field 'educator' in contemporary English demonstrate that all these words have a similar semantic meaning (archiseme) of 'sharing one's knowledge, skills or experience with others'. The author of the article also defines peculiarities of this lexico-semantic field structure and describes lexical units that comprise the core and the near and the far periphery. The author also states that in the English language the core lexeme creates a complex system with open borders.
far periphery, constituent, core, educator, semantic field, lexico-semantic system, field, near periphery, seme, archiseme
Selemeneva, O.A. (2018). The Structural Scheme of Sentences with the 'Frost' Semantics in the Russian Language (the Case Study of Literary Texts of the XXth Century). Philology: scientific researches, 2, 102–111.
The object of this research is simple sentences that describe the state of frost in literary texts of Russian writers of the XXth century. The subject of the research is the structural scheme of such sentences in writing. The rationale of the research is caused by the fact that the problems of structural and semantic schemes of simple sentences viewed from the point of view of the situation approach is an understued topic in Russian grammar and so is the question about classification and systematization of stative sentences in the russian language. The other cause is the fact that there is no systematic description of the fragment of the national world picture that records human concept of different states of nature. Specific features of the factual language material have made the author to apply the descriptive analytical method, method of contextual analysis and distributive method in her research. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author analyzes simple sentences that mean the state of frost from the point of view of the assymetry of their semantic cognitive nature and formal syntactical schemes. The research results have allowed to define six structural schemes that make the basis of simple sentences that mean the state of frost, to differentiate the aforesaid schemes depending on their component structure (two- and three-component sentences) and their specificity or non-specificity for the description of the state of nature (specialized or non-specialized). They have also allowed to systematize lexical and formal grammatical expressiveness of obligatory component schemes and to describe peculiarities of their speech realisation. The results of the research can be used during teaching contemporary Russian literary language, cognitive linguistics, teaching Russian as a second language.
grammatical modification, speech modifications, predicative, subjective, component structure, structural scheme of the sentence, typical proposition, meaning, structural-semantic modification, positional scheme of utterance
Vishlenkova, S.G. (2018). About Specific Features of the Presentation of Mikhail Bakhtin's Conceptual Apparatus at the Beginning of the 2000s (Terminological Aspect). Philology: scientific researches, 2, 112–119.
The article is devoted to the analysis of special features of perception and presentation of the conceptual apparatus of a famous Russian philosopher Mikhail Bakhtin (1895–1975) in Russian academic society of the 2000s. The subject of the research is the terminological description of the main terms and definitions of Mikhail Bakhtin's academic language presented in 'Literary Encyclopedia of Terms and Definitions' (2001). In the course of her analysis of Bakhtin's works that are mostly related to the matter, the author of the article focuses on the means used by Bakhtin to understand and present his conceptual apparatus. The present research was based on the methods and traditions of Russian historical and sociological poetics as well as modern academic literary studies. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author defines several levels of interpretation of Mikhail Bakhtin's conceptual framework described in 'Literary Encyclopedia of Terms and Definitions'. Approaches offered in this article can be used in modern philological research to study particular Bakhtin's terms as well as his terminological apparatus in general.
terminological description, terminological features, interpretation, perception, Bakhtin studies, Russian literary criticism, heritage of Bakhtin, terminology, dialogicality, conceptual apparatus
Dubrovskaia, S. (2018). Reaccentuation of the Laugher Word in Osip Senkovsky's Prose of the 1830s. Philology: scientific researches, 2, 120–129.
The object of the research is the creative writing of Osip Senkevsky. The subject of the research is the means of transformation of the laughter word in the literary consciousness of the 1830s. The aim of the research is to analyze peculiarities of the narrative strategy used by Senkovsky, and his intention to create the parodic game world. Dubrovskaya focuseds on the analysis of the laughter word in his words that he wrote under the name of Baron Brombeus. Dubrovskaya demonstrates that the creative experience of Brombeus relates to both the polemic attacks of the writer against the established laughter word in writings of his contemporaries (Alexander Pushkin and Nikolay Gogol) as well as his orientation at parodic comic discoveries of the European literature (starting since the French enlightenment and Laurence Sterne and till the late period of German romanticism). The methodological basis of the research implies the concept of the laughter word offered by M. Bakhtin. In his researches M. Bakhtin, in fact, created the theory of the laughter word that later became an important tool for reserch of the comic discourse of the Russian and foreign literature. Senkovsky-Brombeus' laughter word is of satiric, epigrammatic nature and, on the one hand, serves as the means of polemics, satire and paradoy, and, on the other hand, aimed at entertaining the reading audience. The results of the research demonstrate that there is a shift in accents in a comic writing as well as an entertaining laughter register of the discourse. The research results also allow to describe the process of transformation of the laughter word in the literary consciousness of that period.
carnival tradition, transformation, Pushkin, Bakhtin, literary consciousness, Baron Brombeus, Senkovsky, laughter discourse, laughter, entertaining laugher register of the discourse
Voronko, E.P. (2018). Lexical Representatino of the Concept of Freedom in a Swiss Dialect of German. Philology: scientific researches, 2, 130–136.
The article is devoted to the concept of freedom in a Swiss dialect of the German language as a specific phenomenon of Swiss culture. The subject of the research is the lexical representation of this cultural concept in the linguistic world image of Switzeland that points out at the main cultural values and mentality of the Swiss. Analysis of lexical representations allows to define specific conceptual features that represent a specific world picture of the Swiss, in other words, world image. The world image is developed as a result of various contacts with the surrounding world. In this research Voronko has used the component analysis and analysis of dictionary definitions. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author presents lexical representations of the concept of freedom in a Swiss dialect of the German language that reflect peculiarities of the Swiss national culture and world view. Based on the analysis, the author concludes that this is a bright concept for the Swiss culture and it has specific conceptual features such as the desciption of the political order, economic institutions as well as traditions and customs of the Swiss.
Swiss Standard German, Switzerland, mentality, freedom, culture, language, cultural concept, concept, lexical representation, conceptual features
Loskutnikova, M.A. (2018). Semantics of Opposition as the Means of Explication of the Bipolar World Perception in Chinese Political Discourse in the English Language. Philology: scientific researches, 2, 137–145.
The article is devoted to the analysis of binary oppositions in Chinese political discourse in the English language. According to the author of the article, the opposition category reflects Chinese way of thinking and mentality which proves the fact that opposition is a culturally conditioned phenomenon in the Chinese language. In her research Loskutnikova analyzes the semantics of opposition at the lexical level that reflects the nature of Chinese rhetoric in politics. This is demonstrated by Chinese values and culture rooted in the historical and national memory of the nation. The author of the article analyzes linguistic representations of binary oppositions that reflect the Chinese picture of the world. The main research methods used in the article include the method of semantic analysis, discursive method, and linguocultural method. The novelty of this research is caused by the fact that semantics of opposition in Chinese discourse in the English language is an understudied topic. In addition, the novelty of the research is defined by the fact that when Chinese political discourse is translated into the English language, it loses the specifity typical for Chinese mentality, i.e. a text in English is conveyed with a Chinese metamessage. As a result of the research, the author concludes that binary oppositions create a bipolar world that is reflected in the Chinse discourse. Semantics of opposition is verbalized by using linguistic means at the lexical level.
connotation, lexical level, cognitive level, discource, antinomy, oposition, binarity, semantics of opposition, mentality, verbal level
Bayramova, L.A. (2018). Poetic Features of Kishwary's Persian Rubaiyats in the Persian Language. Philology: scientific researches, 2, 146–155.
The subject of this research is the Persian rubaiyats of Kishwary, an Azerbaijan poet who lived in the XVth century in Tabriz. The analysis is carried out on the basis of the copies of Kishwary's two manuscripts in Persian. The research gives a better understanding of the poetic mastership of Kishwary and a fuller evaluation of his creative writing and place in the literary environment of those times. Bayramova analyzes such aspects of the topic as rhymes and radifs. Particular attention is paid to creative means of expression and depiction. In her research Bayramova applies the method of text analysis from the point of view of theoretical laws of the Oriental poetry in the Middle Ages and bases her conclusions on the inductive method. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that Kishwary's Persian rubaiyats become a research subject for the first time in the academic literature. This research is a step towards studies of Azerbaijan literature in Persian, the results of the research can be used to teach Azerbaijan literature at universities. The conclusions of the research are as follows: 1. Four of Kishwary's Persian rubaiyats are rhymed according to the a, a, a, a scheme (rubai-ye tarane), the other ten are rhymed as a, a, b, a. 2. The following means of expression and depiction can be found in his rubaiyats: metaphor (tashbikh-i mufassal - adverbal conformation, tashbikh-i mudjmal - brief conformation, tashbikh-i balig - eloquent conformation, allegory, opposition, madzhaz-i mursal - synecdoche, personification, and etc. 3. Themes that had been touched upon in rubaiyats include: a) love and desire to unite with a loved one; b) description of a beloved woman; c) depiction of nature and love; d) religious message.
Azerbaijan Literature, Tabriz, poetic figures and tropes, radif, rhyme, Kishwary's Persian rubaiyat, Persian divan, manuscripts in Persian, poet of the 15th century, literary heritage
Kuzina, N.V., Kuzina, L.B., Sulimov, K.T. (2018). The Concept of 'Enemy' in Mass Media, News Aggregators and Internet Search User Requests. Philology: scientific researches, 2, 156–170.
In their research the authors analyze the process of developing the concept of 'enemy' in modern virtual and information space from the point of view of semantics and frequency of occurrence (rank) as well as overall context of wording including the contents of search requests made by users of Yandex and Google, responses of Yandex and Google news aggregators, compatiblity and content of materials that pop out when the request for lexeme 'enemy' is made in the First Federal TV channel (1999 - 2017), Federal Newspaper 'Izvestia' and 'Russian Newspaper' (spring - autumn of 2017). The authors have applied the continuous sampling method that covered the period of time about half a year (for the newspaper) and the period of Internet resource of the First TV Channel existence, as well as the first 10 pages that were offered by Yandex and Google news aggregators for user requests; classification method, method of elementary statistics (in absolute numbers), composition of rank-based dictionaries (prose and spontaneous speech) the authors specialize in, lexical-semantic method (determination of word using meaning based on the context and compatibility). The results of the research demonstrate the increasing social tension, on the one hand, and prevention or transfer of conflict areas used by federal mass media. Along with the politization of this concept (external policy), there is also an ongoing process of user conscious gamerization and interpretation of this term into terms of cinematographic culture and art artefacts.
televisual, Internet Newspapers, search aggregators, lexical semantics, psycholinguistics, extremist activity, the social unconscious, information space, news texts, conflictology
Otsomieva, Z.M. (2018). Gender Reference in Avar Toponym Names. Philology: scientific researches, 2, 171–182.
The subject of the present article is the toponymy of the Avar region in the Republic of Dagestan studied as the system of microtoponymic classes, each class comprising a microtoponym and its binary gender reference. The object of the research is the toponymic names that contain zoonyms viewed from the gender approach. To carry out an analysis, the author uses field research data she has been collecting for several years. For each unit, the author gives a detailed description of gender reference, feminine or masculine. The researcher focuses on zoonyms in different languages spoken in the territory of Dagestan.The research methods include theoretical analysis of gender research sources in linguistics or linguistic gender studies, systems analysis, comparative historical method and contextual analysis of terms. The main conclusions of the research are the following: description of factors essential for the development of the national cultural component of gender units, and toponym classes depending on human behavior; based on the example of gender differences in microtoponyms of different Dagestan regions, the author describes a peculiar picture of the world. The author's special contribution to the topic is that she introduces new linguistic materials that has never been mentioned in the academic literature before. For the first time in the academic literature the author studies gender aspects of Avar toponyms (or gender relations in microtoponomy) in comparison with the toponomy of other Dagestan regions.
feminine reference, masculine referenc, gender reference, gender, zoonim, a class of names of women, a class of names of men, toponym classes, microtoponymy, Avar toponym
Author's Mask
Holod, Y.S. (2018). Corpus Analysis of the Conceptual Term 'The World' in Viktor Pelevin's Novel 'The Love for Three Zuckerbrins'. Philology: scientific researches, 2, 183–187.
The object of the research is the concept 'THE WORLD'. The subject of the research is the explication of THE WORLD concept in an individual discourse of a postmodernist Viktor Pelevin. The purpose of the research is to define peculiarities of Pelevin's individual conceptualization of THE WORLD term in his novel 'The Love for Three Zuckerbrins'. The main source the research is based on is the National Corpus of the Russian Language. The author focuses on the analysis of the extracts with THE WORLD lexeme from the novel 'The Love for Three Zuckerbrins'. Applying the continuous sampling method, the author analyzes the extracts from 'The Love for Three Zuckerbrins' presented in the National Corpus of the Russian Language. The obtained data were analyzed with the use of the conceptual corpus approach. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author analyzes Viktor Pelevin's novel 'The Love for Three Zuckerbrins' from the point of view of cognitive studies and corpus linguistics. As a result of the research, Kholod describes Pelevin's individual interepretation of THE WORLD concept. The results of the research can be used in linguoconceptual, corpus-linguistic and literary discourses.
contexts, postmodernism, corpus analysis, National Corpus, corpus, lexeme, Pelevin, conceptualization, concept, novel