Khakimova, G. (2018). On the Latest Changes in the Official Rules of German Spelling. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 1–7.
The article is devoted to the activities undertaken by the Council for German spelling to adapt the officially published Rules of German Spelling to the standards of the written communication in the German-speaking community. The subject of the research is the changes in the official rules of German spelling presented during the IIIth speech of the Council for German spelling in 2016. Without downplaying the importance of the German spelling reform as one of the most major language reforms of the latest century, the author of the article analyzes minuses of the reform, in particular, the fact that the reform did not fully fulfill its purpose to simplify the rules and reduce exceptions but made writing in German even more difficult. In her research Khakimova uses general research methods such as analysis, generalisation and systematisation of academic information and facts (legislative acts, researches, and mass media). Despite a great number of researches devoted to the German spelling reform, there haven't been many articles on the latest changes in the German spelling rules lately. The novelty of this research is caused by the fact that the author analyses these changes in particular. The practical importance of the research is caused by the fact that the author reviews the latest edition of German spelling rules which is undoubtedly an interesting issue for both teachers and wide audience participating in the written communication in German and being interested in German culture. The author concludes that by analysing the experience in spelling reforming of the German community we may develop sociocultural technologies of managing the language policy under the conditions of language reforms that can be used in all languages and communities.
experience in spelling reforming, variable spelling of words, writing with uppercase letter, fused writing, letter-sound matching, case of the German language, development of written communications, adaptation of spelling rules, Council for German spelling, German spelling reform
Question at hand
Melezhik, K.A. (2018). Marked Articulation of English Consonants in Pronunciation of Russian-Speaking Students. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 8–13.
The subject of the research is identification of deviations made by Russian-speaking students in articulation of English consonants. The object of the research is English lingua franca of representatives of the main Russian socio-demographic sector, Russian students who comprise the University community. The author examines such aspects of the topic as functioning of the English language as international contact language, English lingua franca of communication where participants, firstly, represent different initial languages and, secondly, one of them is used as the second language. The author focuses on analysing deviations in articulation of English consonants and explanation of of some regular particularities of Russian students' pronunciation. The research is based on the hypothesis of Ekman's differential markedness that relates pronunciation difficulties to the most marked structures. The main conclusions of the research are the following: 1) results of the analysis define nuclear markers of pronuncing consonants in speech activity of students that include devocalisation of final sonorous, dentalisation of alveolates, palatalisation, velar shift and reinforcement of /h/ spirant; 2)the author proves that informants transform English consonants into contiguous less marked structures based on similar articulation in the Russian language. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that for the first time in the academic literature the author deffines dependence between the range of semantic markers transformation of sociophonetic variables and skills in the English language of Russian students studying at V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University.
problem of the first language interference, interference, marked structures, Eckman's hypothesis, consonant articulation, English pronunciation, Crimean federal university, English consonants, international contact language, phonetic norm
Lalova, T., Lagutina, A. (2018). Pre-Election TV Debates as an Object of Psycholinguistic and NLP Research. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 14–21.
This article is devoted to the concepts of psycholinguistics, neurolinguistic programming, speech influence on the audience and implementatino of psycholinguistic and NLP methods and strategies in political debates. The authors of the article describe a range of extralinguistic means that can at the intersection of psycholinguistics and neurolinguistic programming and aimed at affecting the audience and making a certain communicative effect. The authors have carried out a psycholinguistic analysis of texts as well as created a psychological portrait of a speaker using the results of language unit analysis. In particular, the authors present the results of the psycholinguistic and NLP analysis of Marine Le Pen's remark said by her durign the French president election campaign in 2017. The results of the authors' analysis of that part of political TV debates allow to conclude that a great variety of not only linguistic but also extralinguistic means are used to make a certain communicative effect on the electorate during election campaign and these are the means that are used in psycholinguistics and neurolinguistic programming.
impact on the audience, communicative effect, NLP methods, speech influence, debate, psycholinguistics, neurolinguistic programming, extralinguistic means, pre-election speeches, means of manipulating
Question at hand
Khachatryan, L.E. (2018). Etymological Description of Russian Terms in Teaching Foreign Languages. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 22–30.
The subject of this research is the analysis of sources and process of developing Russian language terms in relation to the methods of teaching foreign languages. The object of the research is the Russian terms in relation to the methods of teachign foreign languages. The author of the article examines such aspects of the topic as particularities of term formation. Khachatryan pays special attention to one of the most discussed terminological issues today which is distinction between terms and commonly used words. This is a topical issue and thus is studied in this research because one of the most important tasks faced by the researcher is to select terms to be used in teaching foreign languages. At the present time there is a growing interest in etymology and diachronic research as a result of researchers' attempts to trace back the development of human mind. This has been reflected in semantic changes of words, too. Modern etymology researchers emphasize the need and immenince to define the relationship between the form of the word and the meaning of it throughout the history of the language and historical sequence and historical correspondence of each stage of the word history. The methodological basis of the research involves classification of studied terminological units based on the 'term formation' scheme. The main conclusions of the research is that 54% of studied terms are formed semantically. Large part of lexical units is a group of terms that were formed as a result of expansion of their initial meaning. Other terms include a group of words formed through metonymic transfer.
ellipsis, semantic change, metaphorization, native words, terminology, term, etymological analysis, etymology, conversion, shortening
Karaban', N.A., Dikareva, A.V. (2018). Netiquette, or Rules of Verbal Behavior on the Internet. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 31–37.
The aim of the article is to define particular features of the speech etiquette in the virtual environment. The object of the research is the netiquette as the rules that regulate verbal and nonverbal behavior of users in the process of the Internet communication. The authors of the article examine such aspects of the topic as the role of the modern Russian language and development of verbal behavior standards in the Internet communication. The authors examine language and speech means and methods of exercising etiquette intentions. The authors focus on differences between netiquette and traditional etiquette. The research involved various official and unofficial genres of the Internet communication (e-mails, forums, chats, blogs, commentaries, etc.). Based on the authors, the netiquette semantics are start starting to be developed and thus need an integral analysis, description and systematization. These factors cause the scientific novelty and rationale of the research. The authors define netiquette functions caused by particularities of a new communication channel, first of all, anonymity, absence of physical presentation, freedom of expression, etc. As a result of their research, the authors conclude that despite the fact that netiquette is based on universal moral principles and values of speech behavior and traditional etiquette, netiquette has prominent features.
net communication genres, virtual communication, etiquette speech act, rules of verbal behavior, politeness, netiquette, speech etiquette, Internet communication, etiquette unit, functions of speech etiquette
Literary criticism
Faritov, V.T. (2018). Creativity of Life in Alexander Pushkin's Poem 'Autumn'. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 38–44.
The subject of this research is Alexander Pushkin's canonical poem 'Autumn'. The object of the research is the phenomenon of 'creativity of life' as it is revealed in the analyzed text. The article is devoted to the explication of the aesthetic and philosophical moments of creativity in "Autumn" by Alexander Pushkin. The author of the article relies on the conceptual design of Yu.M. Lotman and S.N. Breitman and simultaneously reveals the parallels of the text under consideration with the philosophical ideas of F. Nietzsche as well as M. Heidegger. Special attention is paid in the article to the idea of eternal return. In his research Faritov uses methods of contextual and intertextual analysis of the poetic text and methods of comparative literary studies. The main conclusion of the conducted research is the substantiation of the provision that in his poem 'Autumn' Alexander Pushkin affirms the active, miraculous position of the lyric hero. The novelty of this research is caused by the fact that the author reveals the connection between the phenomenon of creativity and the phenomenon of time and with the idea of eternal return proposed by F. Nietzsche.
Nietzsche, eternal resurrection, time, сreativity of life, Autumn, Pushkin, moment, context, Intertext, border
Voronko, E.P. (2018). The Alps Concept as the Key to Understanding Particularities of the Swiss Culture (the Case Study of the Lexical Representation of the Concept in the Swiss dialect of the German Language in Switzerland). Philology: scientific researches, 1, 45–52.
The subject of the research is the picture of the world of the Swiss presented through the analysis of their language and based on the cultural concept 'The Alps'. Voronko in detail describes the key terms of The Alps concept formed from different points of view of Swiss cultural ideas and views. The author pays special attention to the analysis of Alpine Switzerland because The Alps is a certain object that presents a cultural concept of the Swiss. The Swiss lives depend on the Alps a lot, from their everyday life to the economic status of the country. Alpines, singularities of their everyday life and cuisine have their traditional names that are typical only for Swiss mountain regions. In this research Voronko followed the structure of the frame that involved names of Alpine region citizens, their everyday life and cuisine, traditions, festivals of the Alpine region, folk music, national sports, tourism, and precedent names. The author of the article applied the method of component analysis. In the course of the component analysis the author has used the vocabulary and definitions from the definition dictionaries of the Swiss German and COSMAS II corpus. The main conclusion of the research is that Alpine Swiss have their own bright culture, traditions, festivals, national cusine and folklore, developing tourism and famous people. The results of the research also demonstrate that the cultural component of the concept is so bright as a result of the conceptual features thereof, in particular, certain names used to denote inhabitants of the Alpine region, their everyday life, cuisine, traditions and festivals, folk music, tourism and precedent names.
cultural mentality, cultural values, conceptual dimension, lexical representation, the Alps, culture of Switzerland, realia, linguocultural concept, cultural linguistics, precedent name
Lyulina, A.V. (2018). Foreword to the Election Manifesto as a Special Manipulative Text Type. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 53–58.
The propaganda discourse contains a lot of text types with the dominating manipulative intention. The author suggests to consider foreword to the election manifesto as an independent text type of the propaganda discourse. Forewords to the election manifesto have their specific structural and intentional particularities. Based on the analysis of election manifestos of the three leading parties of the Great Britain, Lyulina describes particularities of a text type 'foreword to election manifesto' for the first time in the academic literature. This makes the object of the research. The subject of the research is the structural and intentional peculiarity of this text type. In her research Lyulina uses her own recipient oriented approach to intentional analysis as the main research method. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that for the first time in the academic literature the author discovers, describes and analyzes a special manipulative text type 'foreword to the election manifesto of a political party'. The main results of the research are the following: the text type under review has a special intentional content (manipulative intention, attractive intention, declarative intention) and is characterised by the first-person perspective, signature of the party leader and certain length of a message. Frequent actualization of the socio-evolutionary target of the audience manipulation 'binary thinking and evaluation', frequent actualization of the target of the audience manipulation 'basic emotions', frequent use of abductive speech acts, and often use of reiterative speech acts are also typical for this type of text.
recipient oriented approach, abductive speech act, reiterative speech act, binary thinking, mass recipient, speech intention, propaganda discourse, manipulative text type, foreword, intentional analysis
Dashieva, S. (2018). Animalistic Phraseological Units of the Russian, Buryat and Chinese Languages in Terms of Culture. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 59–65.
The subject of the research is the linguocultural interpretation of phraseological units with the zoocomponent of three genetically unrelated languages, nations and cultures which close connection has been conditioned by the territorial and historical factors. Being the subject of the research, phraseological units with the zoocomponent is viewed by the author in wide sense which allows to use proverbs, sayings and eloquent expressions. Animalistic phraseological units constitute a major layer that reflects centuries-long connection between human and animal world. This connection has formed a certain system based on metaphorization where human is the core of this system. The research is based on lexicographical, descriptive, comparative methods as well as methods of cognitive and linguocultural analysis. The methodological basis of the research is the semiotic presentation of the interaction between language and culture described by Veronika Telia who viewed this interaction from the point of view of the cognitive content of mental procedures that result in mental structures expressed in culture and language. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that for the first time in the academic literature the author views animalistic phraseological units of the Russian, Buryat and Chinese languages taking into account unique and universal cultural codes. The comparative analysis of phraseological units of the Buryat, Russian and Chinese languages is especially important under the conditions of Buryatia as a multi-national republic where aforesaid nations, languages and cultures are intensively mixed. In the course of the research the author has also discovered that despite the universality of animalistic symbols, there are significant differences in interpreting fragments of the language picture of the world. This is explained by the particularity of the worldview, national mentality and subjective interpretation of the picture of the world.
national cultural identity, linguocultural aspect, the Chinese language, the Buryat language, the Russian language, proverb, animalistic phraseological units, linguistic view of the world, universality, uniqueness
Vodyasova, L.P. (2018). Semantics and Functional and Syntactical Properties of Pronouns in the Modern Erzya Language. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 66–76.
The subject of the research is the pronouns. The purpose of the research is to describe their semantics and functional and syntactical properties based on the analysis of one of Mordovian languages, the Erzya language. The research objectives include the following: 1) to describe the main kinds of pronouns depending on their functional and semantic properties; 2) to define their role in the language and speech (or text). The theoretical and methodological basis of the research includes researches devoted to the grammar of Finno-Ugric languages, in particular, Mordovian languages. The main research method used by the author is the descriptive method. The author used it to analyze semantics of pronouns and functions they perform in a particular context. The author selected literary texts written by Mordovian writers as research material. Based on her analysis, Vodyasova came to the conclusion that there are the following kinds of pronouns in the Erzya language depending on their semantics and functional and syntactical properties: personal pronouns, emphatic pronouns, сcount pronouns, reciprocal pronouns, demonstrative pronouns, interrogative pronouns, defining pronouns, reflexive pronouns, indefinite pronouns, and negative pronouns. These parts of speech acquire their particular meanings only during connected speech because they are used as the means of encouraging communication in the first place. The theoretical and practical importance of the research is caused by the fact that the author creates prerequisites for further analysis of parts of speech. The material offered by the author can be of use to linguists as well as PhD and Master Degree students majoring in philology. It would be useful to use the results of the research for basic and integrative courses and research projects.
substantivization, concrete definition, change of cases, discharge of pronouns, functional and syntactical properties, semantics, a special class of words, pronoun, erzya language, role in the speech
Ovchinnikova, O., Rezunova, M. (2018). Analysis of the Vocabulary as the Way to Understand the World View Reflected in the French Argot and English Slang. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 77–83.
Based on the analysis of the French and English nonstandard vocabularies, the authors of the article analyze the relationship between language patterns and world outlook. As a result of their research, the authors define the most significant semantic spheres and fields that are typical for the French argot and English slang. Through analysing empirical material selected from specialized sources of uncodified speech, the authors have defined world view particularities of the French and Englishmen in various spheres of life. For example, the authors have discovered that both the French argot and English slang are more everyday life languages and rich in bright images. Noteworthy, that the French use metaphors more frequently while the English slang has a greater share of metonymies. The results of the research demonstrate that nonstandard language patterns create a miniature copy of the national world view reflected in the French argot and English slang. Analysis of the empirical material carried out by the authors allows to define world view particularities of the French and Englishmen, in particular, the authors describe cultural features of these nations in both everyday life and business. The research gives an opportunity to look at the society from the point of view of nonstandard language patterns that, in this case, create a reduced copy of the national world view and allow to discover the main lexical and semantic tendencies at the same time.
mentality, world outlook, linguistic view of the world, slang, argot, nonstandard, semantic sphere, semantic field, metaphor, metonymy
Tarelkina, T.I. (2018). Using Interjections as Modal Words. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 84–88.
The article is devoted to using emotional interjections and phraseological interjections as modal words. The object of the research is the interjection as a part of speech. The subject of the research is the functional interjection used as other parts of speech, in particular, modal words. The author of the article analyzes gramatical features of interjections and demonstrate how they are similar to modal words. The author pays special attention to transformational modification of interjection constructs aimed at defining cases when interjections are used as modal words, and determination of semantic constraints when interjections are replaced with modal words. In the course of the research the author has used the following methods: comparative, transformational, contextual and semantic analysis. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author discovers, analyses and interprets situations when interjections function as modal words. As a result of the research, the author makes the following conclusions: interjections can be used as modal words and this is the way the modality of interjections reveals itself; emotional interjections and phraseological interjections are used as modal words; interjections that replace modal words express both an emotional response of a speaker to the world and the shape of his or her thought ingratiating to the meaning of relevant modal words.
emotional interjection, parts of speech, function, modality, modal word, interjection, phraseological interjection, usage, functioning, semantics
Orlova, E.L., Darmaeva, S.N. (2018). The Theatre Metaphor in German Mass Media Political Discourse. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 89–95.
The subject of the research is the particularities of the theatre metaphor in political texts of German mass media. The material for the research is the corpus consisting of 1388 texts that have been published since early October 2017 till late January 2018. The authors of the article describe the framework-slot structure of the theatre model, mechanisms that influence recipients, and correspondence of in-depth meanings brought up by particular metaphors to the German linguocultural community. The authors describe target spheres of the metaphorical expansion of the theatre model, define the most frequent submodels and prove the variability of the model for the aforesaid period of time. In the course of their research the authors have used the methods of continuous and special sampling, framework analysis, component analysis, contextual analysis, conceptual analysis, and content analysis. The methodological basis of the research is the theory of the metaphorical modelling and the theory of discourse. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors offer a theoretical interpretation of metaphors that are based on the theatre in German mass media political discourse. As a result of their research, the authors make a conclusion that the theatre metaphor has a system and archetypical nature in German mass media political discourse and it also plays a dominating role in mass media texts devoted to the policy of Donald Trump and election strategy of Vladimir Putin since there are the political leaders that haven been elected during the period since early October 2017 till late January 2018.
archetypal metaphor, metaphorical model, conceptual metaphor, conceptosphere, concept, political discourse, political metaphor, variability, German mass media, German
Skvortsova, E.L. (2018). Aesthetics and Positive Philosophy in Japanese Philosopher Nishi Amane's Outlook. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 96–107.
The paper proposes a brief analysis of aesthetical and philosophical views of an eminent Japanese enlightener of the Meiji period, Nishi Amane (1829-1897). The subject of the research is a theme of aesthetical views of this beurocrat-scientist, who made the first successful attempt to translate into Japanese the main philosophical concepts and their meanings. He managed to transfer the sense of Western philosophy and sociology to the Japanese. In fact, Nishi’s system of philosophy was aimed at the improvement of Neoconfucian metaphysics with the aid of Western knowledge: positive philosophy, and, partly, Utilitarianism. The author applied the methodology of correct describing and interpretation of concrete works by Nishi (empiric, hermeneutic methods), also dialectic method together with the principle of complementarity. Scientific novelty: for the first time in our country’s history of philosophy the original works on aesthetics by Nishi Amane had been translated and analyzed. The author concludes, that the Japanese enlightener strove for the adjustment of Western science to the traditional values of his native land. Combining ideas of Confucian moral thought with Western philosophical modernity, Nishi together with his colleagues created the basement of contemporary Japanese aesthetical and philosophical thought.
classification of Sciences, Buddhism, neoconficianism, utilitarianism, positive philosophy, Meiji period, Japanese philosophy, Japanese aesthetics, Nishi Amane, Japanese enlightenment
Mankovskaya, N.B. (2018). Transformations of Verbal and Visual Existential Portraits in the Art of the 20th - 21st Centuries. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 108–121.
The subject of the research is the fundamental philosophical and aesthetical problem of existentialism concepts in the art of the 20th - 21st centuries and their verbal and visual expression. The author of the article pays special attention to transformations happening in existentialism, the theatre of the absurd, the theatre of cruelty, body-art, kinetic art, auteurism, theatre performances, happenings, and art-practices. Mankovskaya analyzes particular features of existential portraits based on the examples from Russian and foreign literature, dramaturgy, painting, cinematography, theatre, and actual art. The author of the article has selected art movements, personalities and artwork that represent the 20th - 21st centuries most of all. The fact that this research covers many aspects, the author had to apply a number of methodological approaches: philosophical-aesthetical approach, art analysis, comparative approach and interdisciplinary methods of research. The main conclusion of the research is that over the last century modifications of existential portrait took artistic shapes that corresponded to the philosophical and aesthetical content thereof, from myths, symbols, artistic image in modernism to post-modernism simulacrums and further to neomythologies and performance sketches of art-practices. Existential portrait still remains an important topic today because the Internet virual reality allows to create an existential portrait and self-portrait (profile picture). The author's special contribution to the topic is that she carried out her analysis based on original material. In her article Mankovskaya conducts a comparative analysis of verbal and visual existential portraits that can be found in all kinds of artistic types and genres. This is the first research of this kind in the academic literature. portrait, existentialism, absurdism, simulacrum, neomythology, art-practicies, kinetic art, body-art, performance, virtual reality
performance, body-art, kinetic art, art-practicies, neomythology, simulacrum, absurdism, existentialism, virtual reality, portrait
Morkina, Y. (2018). Society and Poetry: Ephemerality and Eternity . Philology: scientific researches, 1, 122–135.
The subject of the research is the poetry from the piont of view of its dependence and independence from social factors. A poetical composition is a complex ideal system of meanings that exist in the minds of both a writer and reader. Yury Lotman already wrote about a poetical composition being a complex system. Morkina takes up the position that this is a complex ideal system of meanings that is formed in the mind of a writer writing poetry and that of a reader reading it. The way the system is perceived depends on two kinds of meanings: internal (aesthetical)and external social meanings predetermined by the society. In her article Morkina applies phenomenological methods of research. She uses the metaphor of stream of consciousness that was offered for the first time by William Jameson and Henri Bergson and later used by Edmund Husserl, the founder of the phenomenological branch of philosophy. Consciousness is viewed by the author as an authopoetical flow of meanings that create and transform intentional objects as complex ideal systems. For the first time in the academic literature the author analyzes poems of M. Tsvetaeva and A. Debabov from the phenomenological point of view. The author of the article demonstrates that at the moment of being written, poetical compositions assimilate a lot of meanings from the current political and social environment. Presenting 'models of the world', poems perform a cognitive function acting as models and giving a reader an insight into the social situation in the country and realities of one's internal life. As the social situation changes, the poem starts to bear a different meaning for the reader who is now able to understand 'eternal' messages of the poetic composition such as human existence at any time and in an society.
model of world, meaning, society, creativity, artwork, poetry, phenomenology, philosophy, reflection, system
Semenova, E.M. (2018). Semantic Coherence Classification Feature of the LIGHT Concept and Methods of Metaphorical Representation Thereof in the Political Discourse of the USA. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 136–146.
The article presents analysis of the archetypical concept LIGHT represented by the means of metaphorical projection as part of the contemporary modern discourse of the USA featured by mass media. In the course of creating an ideal cognitive model of the aforesaid concept, the author has defined several classification features that allow to create an integral image of the methods of metaphorical actualization of this concept in the political discourse. One of such features is the semantic coherence described by Semenova in this article. Within the framework of the aforesaid discourse, this feature is analyzed from the point of view of four cognitive features, attractive, explanatory, imperative and emotive. The methodology of the research is based on the cognitive-discursive approach and includes the following methods: interpretration, semantic analysis, contextual analysis, conceptual analysis, and discourse analysis. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that this research is the first attempt to create an ideal cognitive model of the archetypical concept based on the analysis of the political discourse having combined the 'eternal' topic of archetype to a relatively new linguo-cognitive approach that has found applicatino in Russian language studies just recently. The results of the research demonstrate that in metaphorical contexts the semantic coherence classification feature of the LIGHT concept is actualized through such cognitive features as attractiveness (attraction of attention to the topic), explanatory nature (clarification in a situation of communication), imperativeness (encouragement for active efforts), and affectability (description of emotional response of discourse participants). Noteworthy, that semantic coherence is presented through actualization of the conceptual components of the LIGHT concept in terms of their metaphoric representation by discourse participants.
cognitive link, semantic coherence, cognitive feature, classific feature, political discourse, archetype, cognitive-discursive approach, metaphorical representation, ideal cognitive model, concept
Holod, Y.S. (2018). Linguoconceptology: Independent Science or Synonym to Linguoculturology? . Philology: scientific researches, 1, 147–151.
The object of the research is a number of interrelated terms: culture, concept, linguoculturology and linguoconceptology. The subject of the research is the explanation of aforesaid terms by academic sources. The purpose of the research is to define the relationship between the terms 'linguoculturology' and 'linguoconceptology' in modern language studies. The main sources include lexicographical editions and research articles written by linguists at various periods of time. The author of the article pays special attention to the comparative analysis of such lexical units as 'culture' and 'concept' in terms of definition and etymology as well as in relation to approaches offered by linguists to interpreting the terms 'concept', 'linguoconceptology' and 'linguoculturology'. By applying the method of continuous sampling, the author has analyzed lexicographical articles from different vocabularies. Then the data was analyzed using the method of explanation of the terms 'culture' and 'concept'. As a result of the research, the author has described the relationship between linguoculturology and linguoconceptology in modern anthropocentric paradigm. The results of the research can be used in linguoconceptual, linguocultural and lexicographical discourses.
definitions, lexicography, etymology, linguoculturology, linguoconceptology, culture, concept, semantic field, cognitive linguistics, semantic parameters
Agakishieva, U.D. (2018). Regional and National Features of Eremey Aipin's Language Personality Structure. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 152–157.
The subject of the research. The article is devoted to analyzing the language personality of a Russian-speaking Khanty writer Eremey Aipin from the point of view of regional and national components of the language personality structure. In her research Agakishieva analyzes various levels of the writer's language personality (verbal-semantic, linguocognitive, pragmatic motivation, connonative levels) and defines nationally and regionally marked language means at each level. This includes ethnographisms, exoticisms, author's use of capital letters, etc. (verbal-semantic level), particularities of such concepts as 'family', 'home', 'faith', 'culture', 'nature', etc. (linguocultural level), poeticization and aestheticization narration (pragmatic motivation level), combination of emotionally neutral and expressive elements (connotative level). The research methods and methodology. The authors have used a combination of methods aimed at analysis of a literary novel: description, continuous sampling, observation, analysis and synthesis. The novelty of the research and conclusions. Eremey Aipin's novel intends to transmit the author's message and purpose, that are to preserve national identity of the Khanty, and give us an insight into their mentality, conceptosphere, attitude to life and world that are typical for the ethnic group. The writer describes the everyday life of the Khanty, imitates their slow pace of talking, and demonstrate their ability to experience deep emotions hidden by their behavior.
ethnographisms, conceptosphere, culture of the Khanty, poeticization, national characteristics, regional features, language personality, exoticisms, euphemisms, Eremey Aipin
Maslova, E.G., Minasyan, E.T. (2018). Literary Works and Language as a Source to Develop and Enhance ESP Courses for Economic Universities. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 158–164.
The subject of the research is the modes of teaching business English through literature pieces specifically related to a typical business environment, word stock and terminology. The purpose of this article is to describe the role of literary arts aimed at improving students’ language competences by providing them with the opportunity to acquire language and business skills through exploring fictional situations and future profession-related topics. The research methods include analysis and generalization of learner-centered teaching approaches, observation, questionnaire survey and empirical studies based on the complex interconnection of culture and literature. This article presents results of the research that involved 120 learners of the 3rd year of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics. The research involved a survey based on the authors' tailored literary extracts focusing on economic insights and linguistic features which proof the utmost importance and novelty of the theme under study. The results of the research demonstrate positive effect of reading and analyzing literature items which enhance language skills, develop critical and analytical thinking abilities to perceive economic thoughts of diverse generations and cultures. The authors conclude that learners, who have achieved a particular level in their professional sphere and master business English, find it encouraging not only to get acquainted with the literary heritage, but also share increased level of commitment in studying humanities.
social and political context, business fiction, rethorical speech, business English, Ayn Rand, economics, literary works, economic issues, free market, capitalism