Migranova, I.K. (2017). The Problem of Discovering Gender Differences in Ways of Perceiving Academic Texts. Philology: scientific researches, 2, 1–12.
The subject of this article is the analysis of experimental research aimed at discovering gender differences in ways of perceiving scientific (academic) texts. The author of the article analyzes particularities of the male and female authorship of scientific texts, describes differences in how verbal stereotypes are perceived and examines such terms as masculinity and femininity that are often associated with easy or difficult understanding of texts. In her research Migranova has raised a question about the extent of impact of gender expectations on how information is perceived in academic texts and the degree with which these expectations influence the process of understanding academic texts. The research is based on a number of research methods including 1) observation as the method of collecting initial empirical information and 2) questionnaire surveys. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the research opens up new prospects for researching the influence of gender on the perception of scientific texts and provides grounds for including a gender component into contemporary models of understanding written information. The results of the research prove that female and male writings have gender stereotypes of femininity and masculinity which allows to talk about so called gender-dialect as an actual social phenomenon.
man, recipient, experiment, academic text, scientific text, gender stereotype, gender, woman, perception of the text, communicative personality
Pyrkov, I.V. (2017). Pyotr Polevoy as the Commentator of Ivan Goncharov. Philology: scientific researches, 2, 13–19.
The article is devoted to the reception of Ivan Goncharov's creative writing by Pyotr Polevoy whose three-volume edition 'The History of Russian Language Arts' has become a rare book nowadays and therefore is very seldom viewed by modern commentators. The author of the article focuses on those thoughts and conclusions of Pyotr Polevoy who personally knew the author of Oblomov that allows to see the figure of Ivan Goncharov in a new light and to understand the most sophisticated aspects of a creative portrait of the great novelist, in a word to better understand Goncharov's creative legacy. The methodological basis of the present research is the analysis of little-known literature sources, in particular, The History of Russian Language Arts written by Pyotr Polevoy. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author brings forth unknown interpretations and remarks made by Pyotr Beisov, the researcher of Ivan Goncharov's life and creative writing in Pyotr Polevoy's edition of The History of Russian Language Arts held by the famous researcher of Goncharov in his personal library in Ulianovsk. The author of the present article proves that many private remarks made by Pyotr Polevoy regarding the narrative method of the author of Oblomov are of great importance and value for modern studies of Goncharov's life and creative writing.
memory, original manuscript, Oblomov, interpretation, Pyotr Beisov, creative writing process, academic traditions, Ivan Goncharov, Pyotr Polevoy, history of Russian language arts
Literary criticism
Pyrkov, I.V. (2017). Between the Column and Pedestal. On the Question about Metamorphoses of Manor Symbols in Anton Chekhov's Drama 'Three Sisters'. Philology: scientific researches, 2, 20–28.
In his article Pyrkov studies the process of changing traditional attributes and symbols of a Russian manor in Chekhov's dramaturgical world based on the example of Anton Chekhov's drama 'Three Sisters'. Particular attention is paid to the comparison of a symbolic 'elated' image of columns described by Chekhov in the first remarks to the 'lower' image of the pedestal that appeared in the song sang by one of the heroes. The researcher tries to understand the message that Anton Chekhov wanted to give us through transformation of the 'high' into the 'low'. The researcher also tries to define social and historical grounds for that process. The research is based on the reaccentuation of a classical text and attempt to make a new dimension of reading of the play as a result of multidimensionality of a literary text containing parameanings that play an important role for the text's analysis. By referring to the literary context of that epoch, the author analyzes the dynamics of the development of Chekhov as a playwright. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author draws a parallel between the column and pedestal which leads to quite an unexpected interpretation of Chekhov's play as well as offers a hypothesis that transformation of the manor symbols directly relates to constructing a fundamentally new model of space and time in the artistic world of Anton Chekhov.
symbols, anti-space, anti-time, gallery, column and pedestal, spiritual vertical, manor markers, end of century, Three Sisters, Chekhov
Literary criticism
Stikhina, I.A. (2017). Realization of the Ironic Modus of Artistry in the Novel 'Im Kongo' Written by the German-Speaking Swiss Author Urs Widmer. Philology: scientific researches, 2, 29–38.
The object of this research is the ironic modus of artistry in diachronic and comparative aspects. The subject of the research is the realization of the ironic modus of artistry in the novel 'Im Kongo' written by the German-speaking Swiss author Urs Widmer. The methodological approach is based on the V. I. Tjupa’s theoretical concept of modus of artistry and includes elements of linguistic, intertextual and interpretative analysis of a literary text. In terms of the conducted research it was concluded that the ironic discourse in the novel serves the purpose of demythologization as well as construction of a new postmodern mythological discourse through the irony, grotesque and game with trivial myths. The novelty of the research is confirmed by the choice of the literary textual material: though Urs Widmer’s novel 'Im Kongo' is popular with foreign researchers it isn’t well-known in Russia and as far as we know it hasn’t been ever translated into Russian. The results of the research could be used for preparing a course on German-speaking Swiss literature as well as on German-speaking literature as a whole.
intertextuality, trivial myths, mythology, demythologization, Urs Widmer, ironic modus of artistry, rhizoma, postmodernism, grotesque, ironic discourse
Borunov, A.B. (2017). Methods of Text Perception and Processing Used to Create Author's Dictionaries (Based on the Example of the Author's Dictionary 'Harry Potter Lexicon Encyclopedia' Devoted to the Harry Potter Series of Novels). Philology: scientific researches, 2, 39–46.
In his research Borunov examines methods and techniques of text processing used to create author's dictionaries, the latter being the subject of the research. The object of the research is the author's dictionary devoted to a series of novels about Harry Potter. The author analyzes the methods used to select words for the author's dictionary. The main purpose of the article is to define methods of text processing and use of these methods in the process of creating the author's dictionary. Borunov provides a theoretical review of the main text processing methods. The article also contains English-language examples to illustrate theoretical provisions. The research methods include the method of manual selection, analysis and synthesis of data, and description based on a particular text under analysis. The main conclusions of the research is the ideas about the important role of such diligent lexicographic research. The author's contribution to the topic is a detailed description of the stages of work on creating the author's dictionary by an English-speaking author. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author describes the method of stage-by-stage manual processing of the material completed with computer processing.
Harry Potter Lexicon Encyclopedia, stages of work, manual selection of data, text processing, methods of text processing, author’s dictionaries, linguistic analysis, applied lexicography, structure of the dictionary, modern English
Imagination and its fruits
Nilogov, A.S., Borisov, V.I. (2017). Philosophy of Science Fiction or Science Fiction of Philosophy? (The Conversation Between Aleksey Nilogov and Vladimir Borisov) . Philology: scientific researches, 2, 47–57.
The conversation with an Abakan bibliographer, literary critic and translator Vladimir Borisov (born in 1951) is devoted to the modern state of Russian science fiction. Having planned a series of interviews with Russian literary critics, social commentators and philosophers, Nilogov has set a goal to critically evaluate the current intellectual environment of Russia which textocentricism has almost gone beyond the borders of the readers' control. Based on the analysis of Russian science fiction phenomenon, the author examines the problems connected with the futurological tendencies, artificial intelligence, technological development, and philosophy of science fiction. In his conversation Nilogov uses such methods as analytical, hermeneutical analysis, interview, critical, literary, synthetic, comparative, philosophical and heuristic analysis. According to Vladimir Borisov, today's Russian science fiction follows two tendencies, 'science fantasy' and 'portal travels'. However, the majority of such literary works have a low literary level: primitive language, simplified psychological descriptions of the main characters, absence of new ideas and standard plots.
nano sapiens, philosophy of science fiction, artificial intelligence, Strugatsky brothers, fantasy, 'portal travel', Lem, futurology, Borisov, science fiction
Gasilin, A.V. (2017). The Image of Sexually Abusing Fathers in Sartre's and de Sade's Works. Philology: scientific researches, 2, 58–69.
The present research is devoted to studying the phenomenon of sadism from the point of view of philosophical anthropology based on works written by Marquis de Sade and Jean-Paul Sartre. The subject of the research is one of the key archetypes of sadistic culture represented in the image of sexually abusing father. The main purpose of the research is to analyze the internal structure of this sadistic image and typical representations of this mage in interpersonal communication, sexual practices and cognitive strategies. The additional purpose of the research is to define the internal relationship between philosophical and artistic worldviews of Sartre and de Sade. The research is based on the method of deductive regression from the concept of violance as it is to the analysis of a particular sadistic image of sexually abusing fathers in Sartre's and de Sade's works through viewing the phenomenon of sadism as the form of violence typical mostly for humans. The analysis involves the image of Achille-Clephas from Satre's biographical novel 'The Family Idiot', on the one hand, and the image of a surgeon Rodin from de Sade's novel 'Justine, or Misfortunes of the Virtue'. In the course of his research Gasilin has conducted a comparative analysis of both representations of the sadistic image of sexually abusing father in terms of the worldviews and writing strategies of the aforesaid authors. The main results of the research are the following: 1) the author has discovered the system unity between the sadistic method of interpersonal communication and analytical cognitive strategy developed in the science of the Modern Period; 2) he has also described the internal connection between the image of sexually abusing father and the concept of human mind as Nothing parasitic on continuous Existence; 3) and he has discovered a particular cultural tradition that is based on the negative interpretation of consciousness - so-called neurotic literature.
sadism, violence, decadence, biographical method, psychoanalysis, psychology, literature, philosophy, archetype, rationality
Avatkov, V.A. (2017). Foreign Policy Discourse Between Turkey and Russia: from 2015 to 2016. Philology: scientific researches, 2, 70–76.
The object of the research is the foreign policy discourse of the Turkish establishment in relation to Russia, first of all, during the turning period of 2015 and 2016. The author of the article focuses on individual lexical preferences of the Turkish leader Erdogan. Avatkov examines forms and methods used by the Turkish leader to express his thoughts both from the philological and politological points of view. Special emphasis is made on introduction of this or that text in a certain political context that deines lexical and phraseological preferences of the speaker taking into account particular features of the audience. The article is based on the discourse analysis that involves both philological and politological methods to study politicians' speeches. The main conclusion made by the author is that there has been a growth in the number of negative connotations in the Turkish political establishment in relation to Russia throughout 2015 starting from the events when Crimea joined Russia and geopolitical disagreements between the two countries appeared. This fact has had a certain impact on the overal radicalization of foreign policy and rhetorics by the Turkish leadership.
arabism, islamization, Turkish, foreign policy, Russia, Erdogan, Turkey, discourse, political discourse, semantics
Author's Mask
Galatenko, Y.N. (2017). Women's Fiction as the 'Gender Mask'. On the Question about Constructing a Creative Subject. Philology: scientific researches, 2, 77–90.
The subject of the research is such aspect of 'gender researches' as the construction of the 'gender mask'. Galatenko describes several methods of creating the male 'self' by female authors such as: creation of a pseudandry, male first-person narrative, selection of typical male literary topics (historical theme, for example). The author defines the type of literature that does not have a marked gender as 'out-of-gender' literature and analyzes names of female authors that do not speak of gender attribution such as Gippius (Zinaida) and Rowling (Joan). The author also describes a special group of female authors who do not want to mask themselves as males but frankly speak of their female gender and create specific women's fiction that has specific themes, style and genres (E. Morante, A. Banty, N. Ginzburg, V. Woolf, etc.). The author of the research article gives an insight into discussions of the term 'women's literature' in order to highlight drawbacks of existing definitions and offer her own definition of the term. The rationale of the article is caused by the fact that gender researches is one of the most nettlesome forms of modern researches. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the phenomenon of construction of a male 'self' in female literature and female 'self' in male literature is quite an understudied topic today. The author of the research article makes the following conclusion: considering that the society had a negative attitude to a creative woman, it was quite a solution for a female author to mask herself as a man. However, female writers kept their 'woman's intonation' that was seen in certain specific features of the 'feminine text'.
creative work, intonation, genre, literary mystification, Wirginia Woolf, construction, gender mask, feminine literature, pseudonym, gender studies