Shelomentsev, M.A. (2017). Metaphoric Models in the Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly for 2016 as a Method to Present the Reality. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 1–11.
The object of our research is the metaphoric models that can be found in the political discourse. The subject of our research is not only general but also specific peculiarities and patterns that are used by Vladimir Putin to describe the reality in his Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly for 2016. The author of the present article examines such aspects of the topic as peculiarities of metaphorization in the political discourse. Special attention is paid to the role of the Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly in creating the metaphoric reality. The methodology of the present research is based on George Lakoff's and Mark Johnson's idea about the conceptual metaphor based on the cognitive discourse paradigm. The main conclusion of the research is that the great variety and particularities of metaphoric models allow not only to change the contents and methods of presenting messages and the meaning of Vladimir Putin's political discourse but also make his speech more expressive and convincing. Thus, metaphoric models allow to demonstrate the variety of means to present the reality in the political discourse.
conceptual metaphor, military metaphor, political discourse, discourse, target sphere, source sphere, Presidential Address, metaphoric model, metaphor, cognitive science
Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P.S. (2017). Ontopoetics. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 12–17.
The article is devoted to a new conceptual term of literary studies, ontological poetics. Being a unique phenomenon of historical poetics, ontopoetics plays an important role in the process of analyzing historical and contemporary processes of artistic creativity. Ontopoetics can be also viewed as a special method of hermeneutical text analysis. Being related to the material world, ontological poetics is not limited to the analysis of reality. On the contrary, it tries ot connect the personal existence of a writer to the overall cosmic existence. These are spiritual contacts and ontological intuitions that help researchers to define the plot and image structure of a writing and understand specific symbols and metaphors of a writing. The author uses the principle of historicism demonstrating the development of ontological poetics in researches by L. Karasev and N. Shogentsukova. The author pays special attention to hermeneutics of artistic writings. The author tries to demonstrate what makes ontological poetics be of such high demand today. Ontological searches of poetry always address to philosophy. In its turn, philosophers have interest in poetry, too. Contemporary philosophers take a deep poetical image as a universal concept of existence. When concepts are helpless or insufficient, philosophers such as Martin Heidegger addresses to a poetical image, and Word acquires a deep ontological meaning.
historical poetics, inomorphic, meaning, ontological melancholy, image-structure, hermeneutics, metaphor, symbol, ontological poetics, poetics, theory of poetry
Literary criticism
Kara-Murza, A.A. (2017). 'Hoorah! To Dijon', or Five Days in Burgundy (About the Short Trip of Ivan Turgenev and Lev Tolstoy in Spring of 1857). Philology: scientific researches, 1, 18–27.
The matter of the author's research is the circumstances of the travel conducted by Ivan Turgenev and Lev Tolstoy from Paris to a French provincial town Dijon in March 1857. 'Dijon's episode' was an inspiring trip for both writers. In the capital of Burgundy Tolstoy completed his novel 'The Lost Man' (or 'Albert' in the final version), the novel he had been working on for several months. Turgenev also finished one of his 'hunters' stories' ('The Second Day') from his series 'trips to Polesye' in which he outlined contours of a fundamentally different approach to describing crisis phenomena in the Russian village life. The research method used by the author was the 'philosophical and literary local studies' studying intellectual writings in terms of the cultural, geographical and extralinguistic environments of the authors. In this research Kara-Murza presents new materials about the staying of Turgenev and Tolstoy in Dijon and friendship of those two great figures in the Russian literature. According to the author of the article, the trip to Dijon was a direct prologue of Turgenev's 'escape' from Paris to the Lake of Geneva, the homeland of Russo, in April 1857 as well as Turgenev's trips to England, Germany and Italy which in their turn defined a new stage of his creative writing.
travel, Academy of Dijon, Russo, Russian literature, Dijon, France, Lev Tolstoy, Turgenev, philosophy, literary studies
Varfolomeeva, Y.N. (2017). Typology of Descriptive Texts (Comparative Characteristics of Visual Description and Feature Description). Philology: scientific researches, 1, 28–39.
The subject of the research is the integral and differential properties of two types of descriptive texts, visual and feature descriptions. The object of the research is the descriptive texts of artistic and scientific styles. The research material included untranslatable literature of classical and contemporary authors in the Russian language. In some cases when there was a need to present the material in a more illustrative way, the author applied the method of constructing text fragments according to the model. In her research Varfolomeeva has analyzed the principles that allow to define a number of semiotic features for the two types of descriptive texts. In the course of her research she has applied the methods of linguistic observation and description of language facts, the method of language analysis, comparative method, the method f modelling examples according to the sample. Functional semantic types of speech is still of great interest for scientists even though they have already become the matter of many researches. In particular, it is important to define subtypes within each type of speech as well as to clarify their differentiation criteria. The main criteria for differentiating between visual description and feature description include the function of a speaker's substitute, principles of temporality or regularity of features of an object being described; observability or non-observability of features attributable to the object; localization or non-localization of described features in time. In addition, to differentiate between visual description and feature description, it is also necesary to carry out an analysis of substantives, adjectives, lexical-semantic groups of verbs, space or time indicators as well as syntax features of sentences constituting a descriptive text.
absolute value of the verbs, situational value of the verbs, evaluative adjectives, relative adjectives, empirical adjectives, lexical-semantic group, feature description, visual description, text of descriptive type, functional-semantic types of speech
Eternal symbols
Mankovskaya, N.B. (2017). Painting and Poetry: the Problem of Priorities. The Dispute Between Josephin Peladan and Leonardo da Vinci. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 40–49.
The subject of the research is the fundamental aesthetic problem of arts classification. Mankovskaya pays special attention to disputes around the relationship between painting and poetry held by Josephin Peladan, an outstanding representative of the mysticism branch of French symbolism, and Leondardo da Vinci. In her research Mankovskaya covers such overarching issues as art and science, art and nature, aesthetic contemplation, mimesis, synthesis of art, artist, creativity, gift, genius, canon, beautiful, sublime, ugly, aesthetic perception that Peladan used to fundamentally oppose to the main idea of Leondardo's 'A Treatise on Painting'. Peladan defended the primacy of poetry and literature in general over fine arts. To prove his point of view, Peladan successively dissaproved of Leonardo's main theses. Considering that the present research has many aspects, the researcher has applied a number of methodological approaches such as philosophical-aesthetical approach, art history analysis, comparative and interdisciplinary methods. The main conclusion of the research is the author's statement that Peladan's concept of art life is marked with his belief in metaphysical essence of art and his anagogic mission defining mystic symbolic hermeneutics as the method of art history studies. As for the dispute about the relationship between arts and principles of their classification, it is an important issue even today and still far from being completed. There are new arts being created such as technical arts (photography, cinematograph, video art, virtual art, etc.) and their list is still to be continued. What is the relationship between them and how are they related to classical arts taking into account contemporary interest in art genres and branches mix? This is the problem that is worthy of further analysis. The author's special contribution to the topic is that Mankovskaya performs her research based on original material. She introduces aspects of French symbolism that have never been studied before. Josephin Peladan's views on aesthetics and metaphysics of art are studied in Russian science for the first time.
beauty, artist, nature, science, painting, poetry, aesthetics, art, talent, aesthetic contemplation
Suvorova, N.N. (2017). Phonetic, Syntactic and Lexical Expressive Means Based on Linguistic Creativity in Modern Advertising. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 50–57.
The subject of the research is the linguistic means that create verbal creativity in modern advertising. The object of the research is slogans and headers of advertising texts which are based on phonetic, syntactic, lexical and figurative means of the Russian language for attracting and retaining the attention of potential consumers. Advertising material collected from print and outdoor advertising of the city of Omsk clearly illustrates the possibilities of the Russian language in terms of creating art. Special attention is paid to the linguistic techniques that are aimed at achieving advertising goals. The main method used by the author was the collection of material and analysis of linguistic means of the Russian language. The theoretical basis is the work of renowned linguists (Rosenthal, Peshkovskoye, Valginae) and researchers in the field of advertising language (Bernadskiy, Blinkyou-Miller). The novelty of this study is caused by the fact that the author reviews advertising materials from the point of view of linguistic creativity. A variety of verbal expression techniques and strengthening of expressiveness typical for phonetic phenomena, trails, expressive syntax is shown in the selection of more capacious in the lexical, phonetic and syntactic relation to the words and phrases create vivid verbal images of advertising, the originality and memorability of slogans and headers of advertising texts. For the first time in the academic literature the Omsk advertising is used as the material for linguistic research.
rhyme, segmentation, parceling, figurative meaning, metaphor, syntax, phonetics, advertising text, lexical means, linguistic creativity
Goncharuk, E.Y. (2017). Silenсe and its Impact on Effectiveness of Communication in the Russian Everyday Interaction. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 58–63.
The subject of the research is the phenomenon of silence in verbal communication. The object of the research is the verbal communication of a Russian language speaker in a situation of everyday communication. The author pays special attention to the effect of silence on efficient communication in the Russian everyday interaction. As the material for analysis, the author has chosen to study recordings of spoken language and dialogues from contemporary movies. For the first time in the academic literature the phenomenon of silence is described from the point of view of its influence on efficient communication in everyday interaction. The research was carried out using the the method of the integral (communication-pragmatic and linguistic) analysis of language materials as well as the method of description. The main result of the research is the author's discovering the main types of silence represented in everyday life communication: unwillingness to give information to a partner, ignoring a communicative partner, and a lack of etiquette reaction. Silence has a negative effect on communication and lowers its efficiency because silence provokes negative emotions and creates a negative atmosphere for communication.
speaking, Russian social interaction, social interaction, silence, effective communication, communication, communicative act, nonverbal communication, communication rate, etiquette rate
Avakova, O.V. (2017). Tests as a Means of Monitoring the Level of Educational and Professional Competences in the Process of Teaching a Foreign Language to Law Students at a Non-Linguistic University. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 64–75.
The author raises the problem of using tests to control the level of educational and professional competences of law students during practical classes at a non-linguistic university. The subject of the research is the theoretical basis and practical implementation of a set of tests for monitoring the level of knowledge of students majoring in law. The aim of this paper is to examine the monitoring process in teaching and acquisition of knowledge from the point of view of testing technology. The author substantiates the hypothesis that the use of linguo-didactic tests in the classroom is an efficient instrument to stimulate learning activity of students and a resulting means of teaching and control improving students' motivation towards acquiring communication skills as part of their professional competence. Research methods used in this work include the following: -general research methods such as summary of Russia's experience in efficient use of linguo-didactic tests; and -empirical methods, in particular, observation and questionnaire survey. The novelty of the research is determined by the author's choice of objectives and the matter of research itself. The author also reviewed and extended the list of structural and conceptual characteristics of the concept "linguo-didactic testing" as applied to legal professions taking into account changes in today's educational standards. The author specifies training and controlling forms of testing that purposefully increase the success of learning and actualize the positive motivation of the students.
educational process, control, students, consolidation, tests, test, foreign language, method, activity, motivation
Babkina, V.A. (2017). Stereotypical Modelling of the Image of Russia in Modern German Mass Media Taking into Account the Aggravation of Russian-German Relations. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 76–85.
The article is devoted to the image of Russia in the minds of German people and bases on studying conceptual metaphors that can be found in jouranlistic texts and represent numerous stereotypes that have been formed in the minds of German people through many centuries of state-to-state relations. The conceptual metaphor represented in modern cognitive linguistics as a mental operation and way to get to know and explain the world is one of the language means that provoke adoption and representation of stereotypes. The author of the present article analyzes conceptual metaphors that develop the image of Russia in German mass media taking into account the aggravation of Russian-German relations. The author used the continuous sampling method to define metaphors used by journalists of German newspapers and journals in 2014 - 2015 and then classified those metaphors according to the following stereotype spheres: geographical location, foreign policy relations, domestic policy relations, soc io-economic environment, culture. The author concludes that German stereotypes that have been existing in the minds of German people for many centuries are still actual and working. German journalists actively use metaphors to actualise these stereotypes of Russia. Taking into account the aggravation of international relations between these two countries as a result of the Ukranian conflict, journalists have started to use more metaphors that create a negative image of Russia.
metaphor, metaphoric modelling, Ukraine, stereotypical representation, Russian-German relations, German mass media, image of Russia, conceptual metaphor, stereotype sphere, stereotype
Myth and mythemes
Shligel'-Mil'kh, M.A. (2017). Hermeneutics of the Myth Structure in Terms of the Discourse Analysis of Hermann Hesse's Novel 'A Child's
Soul' (Continuation of the Article 'Myth Structure as the Principle of Textual Arrangement Using the Example of Hermann Hesse's Novel 'A Child's Soul'' Published in 'Philology: Scientific Researches' Issue 2 (22) 2016. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 86–99.
The subject of the present research is Hermann Hesse's novel 'A Child's Soul' revealing the internal conflict of moral standards and natural desires of the main hero. The principle of textual arrangement is the Fall from Grace myth described in the third chapter of Genesis. Within the framework of the present research the myth is defined as a cognitive structure and interpretation of godly Logos using human language aimed at interpreting the surrounding realities in accordance with the mythological picture of the human world. The Biblical story about the Fall from Grace is viewed as a primary sacral text that was then desacralized in the course of its creative revision during creation of a literary work resembling the structure of the primary text. The method of the myth structure hermeneutics implies defining the in-depth meaning of a mythological event, explaining the process of desacralization of its initial content in the proces sof creative writing and discovering implicative connections between its elements, i.e. concepts. Implicative connections between concepts constituting the myth represent a mental reflection of a whole/part relationship, i.e. the relationship between metaphysical and earlthy correlates. The myth structure includes two levels, paradigmatic and syntagmatic, as well as the basic concepts presented as a triad. The two-level structure gives a form to the myth while traid provides contents of the myth confined to a hermeneutical circle allowing to understand one fragment of the myth through another. Such process of interpretation going from one peak to another will never be over, thus the truth of the myth will never come to the end.
concept of God, discourse, triada, myth structure, hermeneutics, logos, myth, mythology, concept of time, concept of human being
Liashenko, T. (2017). Linguistic Means of Creating a Mother's Archetype in Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin's Novel 'The Golovlyov Family'. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 100–112.
The article is devoted to linguistic means that are used to create archetypes in Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin's novel 'The Golovlyov Family'. This novel is expressively recognized as the one with a very deep meaning, however, its psychological contents have never been fully studied. In this research Lyashenko raises a question about the role of archetypes the novel refers to. In particular, the researcher focuses on the mother's image represented by Arina Golovlyova. Analysis of that image from the point of view of the mythopoetic approach allows to better understand the message and ideological content of the novel. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research involves the ideas of Yu. Lotman, E. Meletinsky, and S. Agranovich regarding mythopoetical bases of novels written by different authors. Lyashenko also bases his research on the theory of archetypes introduced by Carl Jung and developed further by Erich Neumann. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that for the first time in the academic literature the reseracher views the image of Arina Golovlyova in terms of mythopoetical elements constituting the imag. The researcher concludes that by using linguistic means to create archetypes Saltykov-Shchedrin managed to provide a psychologically ideal image of the Golovlyov family relations. The writer described the Golovlyov mother not as a human being with her own merits and drawbacks but an exclusive figure 'programming' her children's fates.
mythology, realism, linguistic means, literary image, psychologism, lexeme, archetype, folklore, novel, Russian literature
The stream of books
Gurevich, P.S. (2017). Encyclopedist and Analyst. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 113–123.
The article is devoted to a great Russian scientist Alexander Veselovsky. The great value of his researches are doubtless. His encyclopedic knowledge and academic thoroughness stand to reason. However, not always great cultural achievements are timely and objectively evaluated. Historical breakages, 'time gaps' destroy academically successive expertise. As a result, the name of Alexander Veselovsky has been forgotten for quite a long time. Recently Andrey Veselovsky's works have been finally published thanks to Svetlana Levit's selfless labour and other specialists. In his research Gurevich applied the principle of historicism that allowed not only to preserve the process of origin of Alexander Veselovsky's research thought but also to reveal the value of such approach to analyzing the priceless heritage of that scientist. For the first time in the academic literature the author of the article provides evaluation of scientific discoveries of Alexander Veselovsky presented in his researches in 2006 - 2016 as part of the Russian Propulsion project. The author underlines the value and perfect structure of the edition, accurate division into chapters and volumes, rigorous recording of thematic criteria and academic preciseness of individual and general appraisals. The publishers tried to preserve the accuracy of details and statements that prove Alexander Veselovsky's conclusions. The edition also contains certain commentaries that provide a better insight into the great heritage of the great Russian scientist.
Renaissance, historical poetics, love, personality, epos, novel, mythology, folklore, science, culture