Question at hand
Pyrkov, I.V. (2017). 'The Light Noise of Nature'. On the Question about the Artistic Function of Microdetails in Ivan Goncharov's Novel 'Oblomov'. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 1–8.
The subject of the research is the microdetails used by Ivan Goncharov in his novel 'Oblomov' and their artistic function in the text. The author of the article pays special attention to the dialectical contradiction between the 'shadow' image of the dust on which the key word 'oblomovschina' is written and which defines the internal dynamics of the novel and the solar essence of the main hero himself. The author of the article analyzes the microdetails of the novel 'Oblomov' in close relation to the macrolevels of the novel and interpreting the phenomenon of scale in the artistic world created by Ivan Goncharov. The methodological basis of the research involves analysis of particular aspects of the linguistic microstructure of the novel that are systemically important in Ivan Goncharov's novel. The method of 'reading after the author' combined with cognitive commentary allows to analyze very little, even individual graphemes, artistic components that nevertheless have a metastatus in Goncharov's text. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that attempts to combine the 'higher' and the 'lower' artristic structures in Goncharov's studies that have been made by researchers earlier are now being viewed in a completelty different analytical light. For the first time in the literature the author of the article describes the dialectical contradiction between the image of the dust on which the key word 'oblomovschina' is written and which defines the internal dynamics of the novel and the solar essence of the main hero himself
interdisciplinary links, Universe, dust, metagrapheme, life cycle, scale, Oblomov, artistic detail, microdetails, Goncharov
Petrova, N.E., Devdariani, N.V. (2017). Phonological System of the Modern Russian Language: Communicative Pragmatic Aspect of Emotional Prosody. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 9–18.
The subject of the research is the emotional prosody of an utterance and its influence on the semantics of thereof. Even when sentences have the same lexicogrammatical structure, their intonation may express different emotional semes from zero to affect. Intonational system of the Russian language includes seven intonational constructions in the 'neutral' status, each of which can be viewed as a communicatory pragmatic type offering great potentials for expressing emotions. While the basic primary, or neutral, use of intonational constructions do not have any pragmatic information, their 'secondary' or modal expressions provide their pragmatic nature. In their research the authors have used a set of methods such as analysis and generalisation of theoretical material from various spheres of language studies, philosophy, psychology, didactics and methodologies for the purpose of further determination of the methodological research strategy; monitoring over educational activity of non-native speaker learners in the process of developing their communication and pragmatic competence in the Russian language. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that emotional prosody of the modern Russian language is considered to be the phonetic-phonological basis which allows to fulfill intentions and transfer of intonational statuses of a speaker in the process of his or her speech activity. Moreover, the authors also offer a set of terms that relate to the process of developing skills of phonetic-intonational speech formulation. These terms should be later introduced into the active vocabulary of terms of learners. Thus, the authors of the article touch upon topical issues of pragmalinguistics related to the phenomena of intention and intentionality.
phonetic-intentional speech formulation, intonational constructions, phonetic-intonational measures of language, emotional-modal values, pragmatic information, semantic-pragmatic capability of utterance, speech intent, speech act, intentions, relevant features.
Zolotareva, L., Nguen, A. (2017). Phraseological Syntax Construction 'What kind of...' in Publicistic Writing. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 19–27.
The subject of the research is the sentences constructed according to the phraseological scheme that has the component 'what kind of...'. This phraseological construction has an expressive meaning, serves to express both positive and negative estimation and is charañterized by a great pragmatic potential. The construction can be used not only in informal conversation and literary texts but also in publicistic writing. According to the authors, the way this construction is used in newspaper texts depends on whether this is a question-like or exclamation-like construction as well as on the lexical content of a variable component. In their research the authors have used the methods of context and communication analysis (cases of using this syntax construction in publicistic writing) and component analysis (description of the lexical content of variable components in the construction). The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors define particularities of using this conversational phraseological construction in newspaper texts (based on the analysis of the texts of the National Corpus of the Russian Language). The main functions of phraseological sentences with 'what kind of...' is to introduce the topic, focus on journalistic investigation, present the main problems of the article, attract the readers' attention, and express the author's or the reader's opinion. The authors of the article also underline that the construciton mostly presents the negative estimation in publicistic writing.
function, rhetorical question, positive estimation, negative estimation, phraseological constructions, syntax, journalism, interview, marked vocabulary, idiom
Literary criticism
Akmatova, V.S. (2017). Chinghiz Aitmatov's Thoughts on the Great Epos. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 28–31.
The article is devoted to the crucial role of a great Kyrgyz writer Chinghiz Aitmatov's thoughts on the great epos 'Manas' in epic researches. The subject of the research is Chinghiz Aitmatov's articles and speeches about ideological and genre features of the epos 'Manas'. The object of the research is Chinghiz Aitmatov's thoughts about the epos 'Manas' and the influence of the epos 'Manas' on Chinghiz Aitmatov's creative writing. The author of the article examines such aspects of the topic as tragism on Chinghiz Aitmatov's novels that originated from the epos 'Manas'. Tragism is deeply interwined with the ideological message of the epos. The author pays special attention to the question why Chinghiz Aitmatov's heroes had such a sad fate in the era of 'happy socialism'. The research involved analysis of speeches, interviews, articles of Chinghiz Aitmatov and what researchers had to say about them. The main conclusion of the research is that Chinghiz Aitmatov encouraged new researches and studies of the epos 'Manas. In her article Akmatova studied the thoughts of the great writer that were completely different from those typical for the Soviet ideology. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that Akmatova reveals the intellectual philosophical concept of Chinghiz Aitmatov regarding the epos 'Manas'.
Gukosyants, O., Latu, M. (2017). Some Ways of Studying and Modeling Scientific Knowledge Representation. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 32–49.
The given article is devoted to some most popular modern forms of knowledge structuring (semantic field, grafosemantic modeling, frame, matrix, semantic network, ontology, expert system). The authors of the article analyse the variety of their constructions and the opportunities they give. The analyzed models have some common and different features in their main tasks. The basic methods of the research include methods of generalization and interpretation of obtained data, comparison and definitional analysis which determined the advantages and the disadvantages of the analyzed models. Comparative analysis and deductive approach provided insight into one of the most successful models of scientific knowledge structuring - terminological network – that ensures the study of system link between the terms. This conclusion and the offered evidence demonstrate why the authors regularly use the terminological network as the model of scientific knowledge representation in their research.
matrix, frame, grafosemantic modeling, semantic field, knowledge representation model, scientific knowledge, term, semantic network, ontology, expert system
Iskhakova, Z.Z., Maiorov, K.A. (2017). Lexical Features of the Internet Meme in Computer-Mediated Communication. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 50–56.
The article is devoted to the phenomenon of the Internet meme in computer-mediated communication, its lexical features and the place and role of the meme for the Internet. The authors also carry out a linguistic analysis of the Internet meme that demonstrates what should be expected from a typical meme and what aspects of a meme are subject to change. Internet memes that contain linguistic elements provide a unique opportunity to trace back changes that have been happening in the language over short periods of time but unfortunately, researchers only start to analyze the phenomenon of the Internet meme. The research involved analysis of different variants of Internet memes that were found on the Russian Internet by using the continuous sampling method. Internet communication researches are at their early stage of development now and Internet memes provide a great basis for such researches. Moreover, memes are a humurous genre and provoke interesting debates in which the language changes and evolves. Analysis of constructs that are created through such debates is essential for understanding the communication process.
lexical features of the internet meme, memetics, communication, internet communication, diachronic linguistics, meme, internet meme, computer-mediated communication, meme pool, constructive approach
Razduyev, A.V. (2017). Lexical Co-occurrence of Terminological Elements "Nanosize(d)" / "Nanoscale(d)" in the Modern Russian Language. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 57–66.
The article is devoted to the analysis of peculiarities of the lexical co-occurrence of classifying terminological elements "nanosize(d)" / "nanoscale(d)" in the modern Russian language. The author of the article considers the functioning of these terminological elements – synonymic adjectives in the Russian-language scientific-technical texts, points out different categories of notions of the corresponding terminological units. Multicomponent nanotechnology terminological units of the total amount of 230 lexical units with the obligatory components-classifying terminological elements in question and chosen by the method of continuous selection from nanotechnology scientific articles, books, Internet sites have served as the material of the research. The methods of the research include the above-mentioned method of continuous selection of terms, methods of discursive, contextual, distributive and content-analysis, method of reconstruction of terminological derivation models, methods of component, etymological and definitional analysis, which allow to study the co-occurrence of terminological units in the text and discourse. The author comes to the conclusion that the terminological elements “nanosize(d)” and “nanoscale(d)” under study are characterized by quite wide co-occurrence. The cases have been revealed when the same main terminological element is used with both classifying terminological elements “nanosize(d)” and “nanoscale(d)” and each one separately. It has been determined that the terminological element "nanosize(d)" is 1,3 times more frequently used than the terminological element "nanosñale(d)" due to its more universal character. The prevailing categories of notions of multicomponent terminological units include nanotechnology processes, nanotechnology mechanisms, nanotechnology substances, nanotechnology ideal phenomena.
common lexis, nanotechnology, classifying terminological element, main terminological element, term, co-occurrence, nanosize(d), nanoscale(d), terminology, terminological element
Matunova, G.A. (2017). Linguistic Means Used to Create the Image of a Working Woman in the English Printing Media of the 20th Century. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 67–71.
The subject of this research article is the linguistic representation of the image of a working woman in newspaper articles that had been published in The Times since 1909 till 1914. The author of the article appeals to that period because it was the time when British society experienced the change in the public opinion on working women which was reflected in the language, too. The author analyzes The Times articles because it was the newspaper that played an important role in presenting events that happened in the Great Britain of the early 20th century. The author of the article uses the method of binar opposition to analyze gender stereotypes about working women presented in the English priting media before that period. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author analyzes changes in lexical means from the point of view of their dynamics. Having analyzed The Times articles published in the early 20th century using the method of binar opposition, the author concludes that stereotypes about working women were actually changed and that was reflected in the language, too.
Fedotova, K.S. (2017). Onym lexicon in Writer’s Language Dictionaries: Revisited History of Poetonymography Becoming. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 72–81.
This paper highlights proper names as a subject of author’s lexicography. The ways of onym lexicon description in Russian writer’s dictionaries have been shown. Fifteen author’s dictionaries have been reviewed. Basic difficulties connected with the process of proper names lexicography has been shown. Some theoretical principles of poetonym’s description has been considered. The author of the paper attempted to show that occurring of such new research areas of author’s lexicography as onymography and poetonymography is determined by the general trends of the development of this scientific field. Comparative and taxonomic methods have been used in the paper. Language entries in different dictionaries have been compared, their components have been described, methods of onym lexicon description have been collated. Methods of onym lexicon description depend on conception of author’s dictionary and special features of poetics and style of literary works which is analyzed. The general trend of contemporary author’s lexicography is to describe discrete components of writer’s language. Proper names are one of these components. That’s why it seems to be important to begin to create the theoretic foundation of poetonymography. This foundation should be based on the experience of proper names lexicography.
dictionary of the writer's language, proper name, poetonymography, poetonym (proper name in literary works), onym lexicon, author's lexicography, language entry, variant of poetonym, onymography, poetics
Otsomieva, Z.M. (2017). Ways of Forming Toponymic Construction in the Avar Language. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 82–87.
The aim of this research was to review the main types and world-building models used to form geographical names on the territory of the Gergebilsky District of Dagestan Toponymic constructions are formed using different ways such as descriptive names, possessive names, event-related names, transfer of the initial name to a number of adjoining objects. Toponyms are presented through verbal, adjective, post-positional names, toponynic conversions and ellipse toponyms. Only toponymic conversions and ellipse toponyms may consist of one word. Verbal construction toponyms are usually structured as complete sentences. In the course of her research the author of the article has used methods of analysis and generalisation of theoretical and practical data. According to the author, toponymic names are formed as a result of a desire to define an object and later differentiate it from other objects. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that orientation names are always composite, these can be word-combinations or complete sentences. Thus, the author of the article touches upon very imoprtant issues for the Avar toponomy. Microtoponymic names form composite complexes with a core word and these analytical forms are accompanied with the transfer of their grammatical meaning into lexical.
analytical toponyms, method of formation, toponymic constructions, microtoponymy, Avar toponymy, toponymy, Avar language, classes of toponymy, number of components, word-building of place names
Kletckaya, S. (2017). The System of Character Names in L. Petrushevskaya's Series 'Wild Animal Tales'. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 88–98.
The subject of the research is the system of characters in L. Petrushevskaya's series 'Wild Animal Tales' analyzed from the point of view of their names (nomiations). The aim of the research is to define systemic organisation of character names in 'Wild Animal Tales'. The author of the article focuses on the main principle of the writer's structuring these names although there are a lot deviations from this principle in Tales when names have both animal-like and human-like parts. In the course of her research Kletskaya has used such methods as observation and description, inductive method, opposition method (differential analysis), and style analysis method. As a result, the author defines the main principle of structuring character nomations, the structural scheme 'animal feature + human feature'. The character nomation does not only differentiate a character from other heroes but also performs a descriptive and connecting functions. The scentific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the principle of how character names are structured in 'Wild Animal Tales' is closely connected with specific images of the novel that is based on the dual nature of animal-human characters with the overall insignificance of the world described there. Deviations from this principle are singled out and thus only draw our attention to the dominating principle of names structuring.
Moskovskaya, A.S. (2017). Hannah Arendt's Concept of Banality of Evil in Modern Arts. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 99–105.
The article is devoted to the development of one of the most discussed concepts in Hannah Arendt's creative work, her concept of the banality of evil. To trace back how the concept changed, the author of the aticle suggests that we shoud refer to modern arts. Based on the analysis of three art works by modern artists (Adolf Eichmann, Marlen Duma and Meggs Yeo) who had a dialogue with the concept of banality of evil, the author of the article describes the main transformations that have been happening to both the definition of the concept itself and the way it is perceived. The methodological basis of the research has been defined by research aims and targets. The methodoloogy was based on comparative analysis. The concept of banality of evil has been verified using artwork analysis. The author of the article demonstrates how artists expanded and deepened the concept of banality of evil. At the end of the article the author concludes that despite critics of this term, it is still a very important one and even acquires additional meanings today.
philosophy, Adolf Eichmann, thinking, Banksy, the banality of the banality of evil, Marlen Duma, contemporary art, banality of evil, Hannah Arendt, Meggs Yeo
Bezrukov, A.N. (2017). «Moscow – Petushki» by Venedikt Erofeev as Synthesis of Intermedia Codes. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 106–115.
The article presents a content analysis of Venedikt Erofeev's poem «Moscow – Petushki» from the standpoint of intermedia poetics. Postmodern construct has a large number of musical inclusions (reminiscences, allusions, inkling, paraphrases, quotations) that create multiple versions of readings and interpretations. Relevance the topic is caused by the fact that the author provides a synthesis of the aesthetic categories that shape a text array. The combination of the poem's Ven. Erofeev with a number of classical music defines the originality of the research. The methodology of work is based on principles of comparative, structural analysis, comparative studies and receptive aesthetics. Functions of intermediality in the «Moscow – Petushki» is focused on the stabilization of the narrative and the variance of signification. The multiplicity reality of the text is achieved by accretion of allusions, reminiscences, paraphrases from the music context. «Moscow – Petushki» by Venedikt Erofeev is a significant phenomenon, which will realize the birth of new principles of perception reality. Consequently, aesthetics of the poem literally in synthesis of linguistic, literary and discourse-intermedia.
author, literary discourse, intermediality, poem, Moscow-Petushki, Venedikt Erofeev, reader, style, reception of the text, cultural code
Startseva, S.M. (2017). Religious Realities in English Detective Novels by Robert Hans van Gulik and Their Translations in the Chinese and Russian Languages. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 116–123.
This article is devoted to the analysis of Chinese religious reliaties in English detective novels The Chinese Maze Murders, The Chinese Bell Murders, The Chinese Lake Murders and The Chinese Gold Murders by Robert Hans van Gulik and their translations in the Russian and Chinese languages. In her article Startseva analyzes religious realities that reflect the national cultural particularities of the Celestial World and describes the main patterns and translation techniques that are used to adequately transmit the meaning of the text. The methodology of the research implies comparative method, in particular, analysis of English, Chinese and Russian lexemes that trasmit the religious code of Chinese peoples, and analysis of differences and similarities of translation of these realities. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that for the first time in the academic literature the author makes an attempt to analyze religious realities in Robert Hans van Gulik's novels and define the main patterns used during translating them. As a result of the research, the author discovers the brightest examples of religious realities and analyzes how these realities are transmitted in the Chinese and Russian languages.
Arkhangelskaya, I.B. (2017). The Canon of 'Plantation' Tradition in John Pendleton Kennedy's Novel 'Swallow Barn'. Philology: scientific researches, 4, 124–136.
The aim of the research was to define distinctive features and the main stages of the literary development of so-called 'plantation' tradition as well as to analyze John Pendleton's novel 'Swallow Barn, or a Sojourn in the Old Dominion' (1932) which was a momentous event in the pre-war South literature and became an example for many writers of the American South. The subject of the research is the corpus of 'Southern' novels of the 19th - first half of the 20th centuries with a focus on John Pendleton Kennedy's novel 'Swallow Barn'. Using biographial, historical function and textual research methods, the author of the article analyzes how the 'plantation' tradition developed in the literature of the American South in the first half of the 20th century. The author examines genre specifics, the system of images, and interpretation of 'Southern' conflicts in Kennedy's novel. For the first time in the philological literature the novel 'Swallow Barn' is defined as an 'architext' that formed the canon of the 'plantation' tradition, 'Southern' way of thinking and played an important war between American South and North. The 'imaginary world' of John Pendleton Kennedy's presents all necessary elements of the Southern myth that was continued by other Southern writers of the 19th and 20th centuries, from J. Cook to M. Mitchell, W. Faulkner and C. McCullers.
literary canon, architext, Swallow Barn, John Pendleton Kennedy, Southern novel, Literature of the plantation tradition, American Literature, the US literature, novel, Southern tradition