Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich P.S. (2015). Vladimir Kantor as a Prose Writer and Philosopher. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 4–11. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66417
The article presents an analysis of prose writing of a famous author and philosopher Vladimir Kantor. In a sense, his numerous works reflect the history of the Soviet society through unique images of the main characters. Of course, Vladimir Kantor does not see himself as a story writer of previous decades. He describes the everyday life and personalities of his heroes based on his own memories ad impressions. The writer himself tells us about it. He says it does not make any sense to retell his biography because his life is all shown in his creative work. However, it is not his own life Vladimir Kantor focuses on. He describes existential experience of several generations. Vladimir Kantor's vision of the events described in his books can be associated with European and world philosophy and amazes with its profound generality and insight into human nature. In his analysis of Kantor's creative work, Gurevich applies the methods of literary research and comparative analysis. Gurevich also tries to provide a general description of Kantor's prose writing. In fact, Kantor's works have never been analyzed as an independent research subject. Kantor's books usually had brief reviews or prefaces but there is a very limited number of articles or researches devoted to Kantor. Meanwhile, the reading audience is showing more and more interest towards Kantor's books with every year passing by. This is why in his article Gurevich does not only review particular novels or stories written by Kantor but also tries to describe the writer's prose writing activity in general. Kantor's works and activity have been so versatile that they deserve to be the subject of an independent monographic research but not just an article.
literature, prose, philosophy, images, tragism, biography, developed mind, intelligentsia, love, death
Flerov O.V. (2015). Eskimo Languages from Social, Economical and Geopolitical Points of View. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 12–18. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66418
The object of research in this article is Eskimo languages. The subject of research is their place, status and prospects in the context of Russian Arctic coasts exploration. The author distinguishes linguistic and socio-linguistic peculiarities of Eskimo languages. Particular attention is paid to the status and prospects of Eskimo languages in the context of looking for a compromise between Russian Arctic exploration and preserving culture of native North peoples. The method of research in this article is linguistic, social, economical and geopolitical analysis of the present state and prospects of Eskimo languages as minor peoples’ dialects. The main author’s conclusions come down to the following. Preservation of minor cultures in the epoch of technical progress, innovations and modernization is impossible without sustaining and raising their language status. In Russia Eskimo languages are on the verge of extinction unlike in North America and Greenland. One of the ways of supporting Eskimo languages may be raising interest for their learning as foreign languages, especially taking into account the fact that exotic languages are on certain demand today. The novelty of the article is caused by the fact that the author views Eskimo languages not only in terms of linguistics and culture but also in terms of social, economic and geopolitical studies.
preservation, economy, politics, society, the Arctic Region, culture, the Eskimos, language, Polar North, minor peoples
Korolev S.A. (2015). “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” as a Road Movie. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 19–26. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66419
The author examines the novel by Mark Twain “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” as a landmark work that reflects the basic principles of the road movie genre. In this case, the concept of road movie is interpreted broadly, i.e. not only as a specific genre of cinema but as a specific literary genre. The author also examines a number of problems typical for road movie as a genre that implicitly describes the individual moving towards freedom: the problem of choice, overcoming of stereotypes, observation and comprehension of reality. A comparative analysis of literary works that describe the motion of individuals within space and related films was carried out as well as works created as a road movie in Russia / USSR / Russia were compared with the classic works in this genre. The author shows that “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” laid the basic principles of the genre in the conventional sense of the term (a specific genre of cinema) as well as in the relevant literary genre. The author also notes the differences between the traditional genre of road movie and its Russian modifications that are characterized by significantly different attitude to the movement as an approximation to freedom.
stereotype, slavery, freedom, movement, space, road movie, Mark Twain, choice, observation, Russia
Eternal symbols
Lazarev V.V. (2015). Stages of Schelling's Creative Ascention. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 27–35. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66420
The article is devoted to the aesthetic development of Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling and his successive change of the methods of acquiring new principles in comparison to his famous predecessors in Germany. Schelling's philosophy of nature, full of romanticism and spirit, has been called 'the poetry of nature' with good reason. Inellectual intuition and aesthetic intuition played the main role in the development of the new approaches of his easthetic philosophy. His philosophy is most of all represented in his work 'The Philosophy of Art' where Schelling offered the original classification of art based on their historical analysis from ancient to new European times (from 'naive' art to 'sentimental' or 'romantic' art). Schelling's became very popular with Russian philosophers who heard his lectures and knew him in person. In the methodological meaning, the present article is aimed at describing Schelling's views from the point of view of their dialectic development, from unconscious creative activity to a rational concept created as a result of intuitive insights. The scientific novelty of the present article is that the researcher provides a full description of creative searches and findings of the philosopher and unoconscious activity of a creative personaity which still remains an important topic for theoretical researches. Russian aesthetics, historiosophy and philosophy of the all-encompassing unity ('vseedinstvo') with the central idea of theantropism developed under the impression and influence of Schelling's teaching.
aesthetic contemplation, antithesis, art genius, creative work, Romanticism, philosophy of art, philosophy of nature, Absolute, mythology, construction
Imagination and its fruits
Glinchikova E.V. (2015). Kenotic Rift of Subjectivity. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 36–45. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66421
The subject of research is the rift (or gap) in human existence between subject and subjectivity. The object of research involves works of Friedrich Nietzsche, German philosopher, who was one of the first to speak of the fictitious subject. The author especially emphasizes the problem of " the death of God" and ‘the death of man" as the effects or the evidence of the rift. Also, speaking of the essence of this phenomenon, the author calls it kenotic rift. He studies the movement of subjectivity as a movement to the devastation or the movement of liberation from the power of the subject. The author uses the method of introspection and analysis. The author tries to understand the thoughts of Nietzsche not as logical reality but as intuitive knowledge, the understanding of which is based on the intuitive images. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author attempts to analyze the gap in the human existence in terms of the subjectivity and its movements. The idea of a gap between the subject and subjectivity was expressed by proffesor Girenok. But a detailed analysis of the causes and consequences of this gap has not been made. The author tries to involve the problem of the "death of man" and "the death of God" into the research also.
depth, surface, Nietzsche, existence, rift, subject, kenosis, subjectivity, consciousness, who
Rybakova N.A. (2015). The Main Principles of Training Non-linguist students for professional cross-cultural communication. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 46–53. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66422
The object of the research in this article is the training of non-linguist students for professional cross-cultural communication. The subject of the research is the main principles of this process and its specificity. The author analyses linguodidactic principles and those of teaching foreign languages to non-linguists as ensuing them. Particular attention is paid to the importance of training for professional cross-cultural communication in terms of global tendencies and changes taking place in our country. The method of the research in this article is the didactic analysis and empiric data obtained from long observations in the process of working at non-linguistic institutes. The main author’s conclusions are the following. For linguistic support of cross-cultural communication translators and interpreters are not enough. Necessity of knowing foreign languages for all professionals increases and their language training must be proved theoretically and have a systematic and planned order. The novelty of the article is caused by the fact that the author reveals and proves principles of training non-linguistic students for professional cross-cultural communication considering pedagogical specificity of this process.
professional communication, methodology, theory of education, principle, motivation, cross-cultural communication, foreign language, higher school, globalization, training
Lyashenko V.V. (2015). Love: From Word Etymology to Psychological Conception. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 54–65. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66423
The article presents a semantic analysis of the concept "love". The well-known Saussurean model of the linguistic sign, on which modern semiotics is based, recognizes a word as an integral structure formed by a ‘signifier’ and ‘signified’. In other words, the 'signified' is meaningless without the ‘signifier’ and does not exist apart from it. Benveniste defines 'signifier' as 'the phonic translation of a concept' and thus argues that the sound image of the word is neither accidental nor arbitrary. Following the systems approach, the author has used the following methods in his research: hypothetico-deductive method and analysis of lexicological sources. The novelty of the author's approach is caused by the fact that for the first time in the academic literature the psychological phenomenon is viewed from the point of view of its relation to the denoting term which plays a very important role for the development of intersubject communications and extends the methodologies of psychology. Using the principle of inseparable connection between the ‘signifier’ and ‘signified’, the author analyzes semantic parallels of the word 'love' in Indo-European languages. The article argues that love is active, creative, and connective by nature.
the function of the Soul, love, desire, thirst, sacrifice, existence, expectance, loneliness, existence together, establishment of relations
Myth and mythemes
Plyutto P.A. (2015). On Nature and Classification of Socio-Cultural Illusions. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 66–76. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66424
The article is devoted to the research of the reality of socio-cultural illusions undestood by the author as the 'reality of the virtual world'. The given analysis of the eality of the socio-cultural virtual world is based on the differentiation between a gnoseological definition of socio-cultural illusions viewed as usual misconceptions and their ontological status, i.e. the status of the human reality. Thus, the research subject is the illusions existing at the level of society and culture which the author distinguishes from individual psychological illusions that haven't become socially or culturall important. The methodological basis of research can be outlined as the synthesis of different achievements in the field of philosophical research of social and cultural illusions. The novelty of the article is caused by the fact that the author provides a clear definition of socio-cultural illusions in terms of their ontological status and tries to offer a substantiated classification of socio-cultural illusions.
The conclusions of research involve performance conditions and stage-by-stage destruction of the reality of socio-cultural illusions, in other words, in fact, the conditions for socio-cultural illusions losing their ontological status.
socio-cultural illusions, individual psychological illusions, reality of the virtual world, modified form, utopia, ideology, classification of socio-cultural illusions, ontological status, gnoseological status, rationalisation
The stream of books
Gurevich P.S. (2015). The Holiness and Spirituality of Language and Literature. Philology: scientific researches, 1, 85–93. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66425
The cultural process, as is known, does not develop linearly, openly, with customary acknowledgement of all achievements of this process. There might be cut-outs, losses, censor directives of official consciousness. Sometimes, productive creation of a researcher is cut by imprisonment. Other poets are undeservedly chased by oblivion. But great achievements of spiritual culture do not disappear without a trace. «A day comes, and an hour comes», as the saying goes, and the passionless spirit wins. It would be naive to believe that all this happens by itself, due to the logic of the cultural process. No, restoration of history requires selfless devotion, spiritual will that removes injustice. The mentioned books have been published thanks to incessant educational work of Svetlana Ya. Levit. For many years, she has been engaged in search for forgotten names, works and traditions. After each publication the general perspective of the cultural-historical process changes radically. The book by G.M. Pomerants is not just a research work, it demonstrates the mind of genius of our contemporary, it is a real encyclopaedia of the poetics of spirituality. Speaking nowadays about the spiritual dispute of civilizations we pay little attention to the Latin American region. And now the published book by V.B. Zemskoy opens the secrets of this civilization. Research methods are related to historicism. It is interpreted as ideological basis, cultural memory of art, essential condition of spirituality, the thread between generations. Historicism is a quality of the human soul, "universal responsiveness" (according to F.M. Dostoyevsky). The material uses also the method of hermeneutic analysis.The novelty of the article is conditioned by an attempt to bring to the readers the huge spiritual experience of literature creation, found in these books. Search for spirituality is always inspired by passion. In this sense, it might suffer one-sidedness. This individual involvement is balanced, harmonized by the passionless spirit. The reviewed books deal with literatures of Russia, Europe, Latin America. They are united by the poetics of spirituality. It makes various themes, continents and epochs closer. And taken together, these publications immeasurably widen the horizon of research work.
conquista, discovery, otherness, civilization, literature, poetry, passion, spirit, inter-civilizational communication, vestnichestvo