Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich, P. S. (2012). As if. Philology: scientific researches, 2, 3–4. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59596
Annenkova, I. V. (2012). The Place of Rhetoric in Foreign and Russian Philology. Philology: scientific researches, 2, 5–24. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59597
The article is devoted to the patterns of rhetoric revival or so called ‘rhetoric renaissance’ of the 20th century.
Foreign and Russian philologists and philosophers finally paid attention at this almost forgotten science which long
time ago gave birth to many other disciplines such as stylistics, pragmatics, cognitive science and others. It has
turned out that rhetoric can synthesize all the achievements in its ‘affiliate’ sciences and offer not only social reflexion
on the social improvement (or, better to say, improvement of social communication) but also scientific reflexion which
enables to understand the mental and discourse processes in different national cultures.
philology, rhetoric, neorhetoric, axiology, paideia, rhetoric renaissance, linguistic philosophy, theory of argumentation, rhetoric ideal, communicative nature of culture.
Popov, E. A. (2012). Alogisms in Newspapers: Research Issues. Philology: scientific researches, 2, 25–30. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59598
The article is devoted to the problems of studying alogisms in newspapers. As it is known, development of
printing mass media causes appearance of new linguistic mistakes due to production of all kinds of logic errors. On the
one hand, it makes it difficult to understand the written text and creates different interpretation of the information
received. But on the other hand, alogisms are quite often used in newspapers on purpose. In such a case alogisms raise
stylistic expression. The present article is devoted to the problem of differentiation between these levels of production
of alogisms.
philology, alogism, speech, text, newspaper, mistake, failure, problem, issue, language, style.
Author's view
Korolev, S. A. (2012). Poetry of Power: Versification as a Socio-Cultural Code. Philology: scientific researches, 2, 31–42. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59599
The article is devoted to the unique phenomenon of the ‘poetry of power’ in Russia/USSR, or, in other words,
causes, forms and consequences of the government officers’ commitment to poetry and versification. The author of
the article touches upon Stalin’s poems, Trotsky’s love for poetry, the role of versification in the intellectual segment
of the party elite and among consultants and speech writers of the first persons of the Communist Party of the Soviet
Union and Soviet Government. The author also discusses creative works of a number of major public officials during
the Soviet time from Eugene Primakov and Eugene Saburov to Anatoly Lukianov. The author pays special attention
at the ‘Lukianov’s Case’ underlying that Lukianov was a rather successful and professional poet. The article also
considers the evolution of versification as a socio-cultural code from Pushkin and Decembrists to late USSR and
present times of so-called glamour and glamorization of culture. In conclusion the author makes a statement that the
government of modern Russia is able to do without poetry and so it does.
philology, poetry, power, socio-cultural code, commoners, neurotization, Stalin, Trotsky, Andropov, Lukianov.
Rozin, V. M. (2012). Marina Tsvetaeva’s Personality and Tragedy. Philology: scientific researches, 2, 43–52. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59600
The author starts his article from the Internet discussion during which some people accused Marina
Tsvetaeva of her bad behavior towards her daughters and others supported her saying that she was a great poet.
The author of this article discusses all the ‘pro’ and ‘contra’ argument represented on the forum. The author himself
makes a hypothesis that Tsvetaeva had a very versatile personality. One part of her was an esoteric poet and the
other part of her was marginal. The author uses this hypothesis to explain Tsvetaeva’s strange behavior as well as her
maniac passion for diaries. At the end of the article the author touches upon the issue of interpretation of creative
writing in a situation when various reconstructions of the poet’s life and personality are being created.
philology, personality, consciousness, duality, text, diary, interpretation, understanding, illness, splitting apart.
Oreshkin, A. S. (2012). Quixotism as a Passion for Irrationality. Philology: scientific researches, 2, 53–58. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59601
The article discusses Miguel de Unamuno’s interpretation of Miguel de Cervantes’ ‘Don Quixote’. Unamuno
viewed Don Quixote as the key to the philosophy of the person and the heroes of the novel were given the status of
mythological archetypes conveying the spirit of the nation.
philosophy, philology, Don Quixote, Unamuno, insanity, truth, existentialism, human, personality, interpretation.
Panaiotidi, E. G. (2012). The Crisis of Poesis and Problems of Praxeological Esthetics. Philology: scientific researches, 2, 59–74. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59602
Followers of praxeological esthetics define a music composition as a form of intentional, contextually
determined activity and opposes their approach to the classical esthetics viewing music as the esthetical phenomenon,
on the one hand, and its interpretation of the concept of music composition, on the other. The author of the article
criticizes and analyzes arguments which lay in the basis of the modal and ontological opposition. Firstly, the author
concludes the opposition of the esthetics against ontology does not have as many grounds and rather farfetched.
Secondly, the conclusion part of the article shows that interpretation of Aristotle’s distinction between practice and
poesis as a strong opposition is not that correct. This is why the author of the article offers his own alternative
philology, praxeological esthetics, music composition, activity, poesis, esthetical concept of music, musical perception/performance, Aristotle, ontological status of a goal, Elliott.
Boretsky, R. A. (2012). The Swing. True Life Story of the Childhood During War. Philology: scientific researches, 2, 75–88. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59603
This is the extract from Rudolf Boretsky’s book ‘The Swing. True Life Story of the Childhood during War’. The
extract covers the chapters 16-21 of the book.
philology, swing, childhood, war, child, personality.
Aleynikov, S. V. (2012). The Fifth Evening. Philology: scientific researches, 2, 89–96. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59604
Life is fading away. Every minute. There is no medicine which can help you with that. But we still continue to
search for this medicine… Do you think you are talented and creative? Don’t think too much about yourself – all this
will not last for long. You suddenly realize that your life is coming to the end. And here you see the door… You feel hope
and run to the door. You open the door by pulling the old copper handle… and your heart takes a pause. The door is
not always the way out. Sometimes it is the mirror. The mirror which can talk.
philology, crisis, the past, unconsciousness, depression, LSD, defense, fate.